Third debate make-or-break for GOP candidates?

This is a rush transcript from "The Five," October 28, 2015. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

GREG GUTFELD, CO-HOST: Our thoughts and prayers are with the Blimp. I'm Greg Gutfeld, along with Kimberly Guilfoyle, Juan Williams, Eric Bolling, and she eats lady bugs on toast, Dana Perino. "The Five. "

Tonight's debate: the economy. Meaning stuff the left wants you to know nothing about. That way they can demand minimum wage hikes without saying where the cash comes from or that people only take jobs if they're worth it, or that entry level is called entry level so you don't camp there.

It's also so people keep thinking that free stuff is free. Sorry, Bernie.  If education is free, why not the goodies gained from it? Nothing free is ever good. You see the AARP magazine? You get what you pay for, it's crap.

It's also so hacks can yak about inequality. But rich jerks save more which gets invested, leading to cash for lending, that builds bars, offering jobs to the young who then make less money for now.

And that's the other lie. That the one percent began there at one percent. No, it takes years to make it and you can. Studies show that more workers in the bottom 20 percent of income over time end up in the top 20 percent. People at the bottom have the highest rate of income increase, folks at the top the lowest.

But let's demonize the rich and banks. But without both, you cannot borrow. So there's no path to a better life. And let's stop with the gender gap lie. Says the Census Bureau: single women who never had a child earn more than single men.

But none of this means squat if we're killed by terrorists. It's true, the leading economic indicator is your survival.

So there you go, a really boring monologue. But it's the boring stuff that kills you -- that and tofu.

But it's up to the candidates to make boring persuasive. Which reminds me, have you bought my book yet?

All right. Eric, I got to ask -- let's get the sports question out of the way. We've got the World Series tonight. Is that going to affect how the candidates answer questions? Do you think they'll have to get more moments?

ERIC BOLLING, CO-HOST: No, so that -- they'll likely not even mention the World Series, people will be like -- oh wait, let me click over to the other channel, 97 days to the Iowa Caucus, jobs are what really matter, and what should matter. Not the other stuff they keep trying to bring up. The debt. I was listening to CNBC this morning. Apparently, Carl Quintanilla is one of the moderators. He could not believe that none of the candidates have ever been asked about the debt, how would you handle that, what's your plan for the debt. So I think you're going to see a lot of the wonky stuff tonight.

You want to know something? I want to hear it, too. I want to hear how they're going to solve it. Everyone has a great plan to give away a lot of stuff. Keep more of your own money intact, but how do you make sure the debt doesn't explode? Tax reform is the other one that I think you're going to see every single one of them answer because frankly, they all have a different idea on how our taxes are going to go forward. And really, that's why you vote for the candidate, that's going to let you keep most of your money. I would think.

GUTFELD: So, Juan, let's talk about your dear friend Ben Carson. Eric says it's going to be wonky, economic stuff. Ben Carson is used to cutting up people, not cutting taxes.


GUTFELD: Sorry about that.

GUILFOYLE: A cutter is a cutter.

GUTFELD: Do you think he's going to face the biggest hurdle?

JUAN WILLIAMS, CO-HOST: I don't think he knows much about economics. And that's what this.


GUTFELD: But he could be prepped. He's smart. He's a genius.

WILLIAMS: That's what he was doing all weekend. He was prepping. But I must say this is about -- this debate is not, I don't think, your money, your vote, or whatever that they are headlining it. It's Trump versus Carson. Trump's got to come out and really start taking some shots at Carson. I want to know exactly how the shots come. He can you say he's sleepy, he can say that you know really he doesn't know what he's talking about. Let's see what he says. Let's see how Carson responds. Carson said very clearly he doesn't want to get in the pit, the mud. Whatever, right? So, OK, so what does Ben do? I don't think Ben is just going to stand there and let this guy take shots at him. And does Jeb, who has fallen off the table -- does Jeb then jump in to defend Carson? Very interesting.

GUTFELD: It's like a soap opera.

GUILFOYLE: "The Days of Our Lives."


GUTFELD: It's a senior citizens' soap opera, Kimberly.


GUILFOYLE: You'll never know.

GUTFELD: In your dreams, Kimberly. Clearly, you have issues with Ben Carson. What did the candidates need to do to become persuasive?

GUILFOYLE: Yeah, listen. This is really a make-or-break moment I think.  Obviously, for some of the reasons that Juan has said, but I don't think Trump needs to attack Ben Carson. He needs to come forward with his strong ideas about the economy, about business, about how to make money, and being a free market guy, and understanding capitalism from the inside-out.  That's what you lead with. This isn't the night when you try to leg-sweep or personal attack or say he is like sleep or needs to be shot (ph). I would stay away from that. And then also, this is a moment for Jeb to step up because he is a person of considerable experience with major qualifications to be President of the United States, based on being governor in Florida and his record there. Talk to us about it. Tell us why we should choose you. This is your moment. That I think is important.  Carly also can come forward with strong ideas about the economy. But then she is vulnerable on the flank from attacks about her record at her time at HP. So look for a little bit of that.

Other people that I think that needs to stand up and get noticed is Chris Christie, who has done well in some of the smaller like Town Halls, done well in New Hampshire, the people that have seen him come up on the stump to talk to them. Very agreeable personal specific ideas. He has a specific plan about entitlement. So they all have to work that in. You've got to make your moment. And Rubio, I think is the one that everybody is a little bit most worried about in the room, actually. Because he's definitely got some of that momentum going for him, he's kind of the one to watch. He's like the other you know choice. I can't believe it's not butter, but it tastes like it.

GUTFELD: Interesting analysis from KG.


BOLLING: Butter equals Bush?


GUILFOYLE: Well -- yes, butter equals Bush. Right. I don't believe it's not butter, but it tastes really good.


WILLIAMS: Oh, I thought you mean it would be more establishment and that Bush has failed to energize the establishment. Rubio.


GUILFOYLE: I don't think I said that Juan and I don't believe I stuttered.


WILLIAMS: No, no. I was.

GUTFELD: Dana, I have so many questions to ask you.


GUTFELD: Economics and when conservatives and Republicans talk about economic theory, it comes off as cold and mean.

DANA PERINO, CO-HOST: Not with everyone.

GUTFELD: Well, what about the moderators? Like why aren't you spending more money on climate change, things like that.

PERINO: They might get climate change in there, actually. Interesting though, top of mind at the table where we are talking about candidates is somebody -- is not somebody who actually arguably has some of the best federal experience in terms of cutting taxes and balancing the budget, and that's Governor John Kasich of Ohio.

He does -- this is a governor who has a huge amount of experience. And was a leader both on Capitol Hill in the private sector and then he goes to Ohio and turns the economy around in a swing state. So I think that actually he might be able to talk to -- the way he talks to people about the economy annoys a lot of people on the right. But the way he does it is I think very persuasive. He probably read your book. Can I just mention one other thing?


PERINO: An AP poll just out today says that 54 percent of people say the economy is poor, 6 in 10 women, 60 percent of women describe the economy that way. And only 36 percent in the country see the country moving in a positive direction, 80 percent said the economy is in extremely or very important issue. So I think the debate coming on a night of a World Series game, people are going to have divided attention, but it's a very important one for the election.

WILLIAMS: Well, here's another way to think of the debate. You know, we've been talking about economic policy, tax reform, but the other way to look at it is they're going to have to deal with entitlements, which are a huge issue right now in Washington in terms of the budget that is being debated. Will conservatives accept the budget that's being put forth by Speaker Boehner before he hits the door? Even over the weekend on Chris Wallace's show, you saw Carson on the defensive for his plans for -- initially, he said he was going to get rid of Medicare. Then he said no, I'm going to do something else that's even better. And then guess what Donald Trump comes back and says oh, Ben wants to hurt you old folks.  Remember this goes back to the Paul Ryan budget and grandma over the cliff.  So I think that in terms of entitlement spending and how would you cut and how would you reduce the deficit, I think that may be another way that this debate becomes compelling and separates out people.

PERINO: And watch this, there will be a lot of follow-up questions tonight as you are saying today, Eric, on CNBC this morning. They're forecasting they know a lot about it. So they're going to ask the candidates to be very specific. None of the Democrats in their debate were ever asked how would you pay for that? How would you pay for that?


GUTFELD: No one asked Bernie Sanders, how -- how do you manage free education? How do you do that?


GUILFOYLE: No. They thought it was dreamy that he said it.

PERINO: OK, great, next question.

GUTFELD: Eric, do you know much about John Harwood? Do you follow him at all?

BOLLING: I do. I do.

GUTFELD: What do you think?

GUILFOYLE: Tell him.

BOLLING: I honestly don't think he should be moderating the debate. He's had -- he's been known to lean far left and he has no problems taking shots.

GUILFOYLE: Shades of pink.

BOLLING: Part of the problem is the CNBC guys, they do this all day long, top to bottom. They do 12 hours of programming inside wonky, technical, you know, how are you going to pay for the debt, what about credit default swaps? Harwood can actually make someone look good or bad depending on how he asks the question.

GUILFOYLE: What about Kudlow?


BOLLING: I think he wants to run for Senate.


BOLLING: Why? So you ask why, why Harwood? Well, CNBC, you know, take out the first letter, Cable NBC, you get it? It's still an NBC brand. It is still part of the NBC, MSNBC, CNBC brand.

GUILFOYLE: You say it's a media bias.


BOLLING: Why Colorado? I watched all day, I watched the last couple of days, they're going to -- they're going to highlight Colorado. They want Colorado. The Democrats want Colorado.


GUILFOYLE: No, the republicans.

BOLLING: Right. And it's also a very liberal campus as well, Boulder, Colorado.

PERINO: There are a lot of places you could go in Colorado.


PERINO: For example, one of the things that Hillary Clinton did in her announcement speech, she said she's going to go after Wall Street in carried interest. No one follows up and says what do you mean by that?  How do you explain carried interest? Tonight, I think that the moderators are going to force the Republicans to try to get boring.


PERINO: But yet, you still are trying to appeal to a broader audience.

GUTFELD: Speaking of something that isn't boring.


GUTFELD: Kimberly. The huge scandal over the green rooms, have you been following this?

GUILFOYLE: Yes. I'm still leading our own green room scandals.


GUTFELD: Donald trump has the best one, right? It's a huge -- I think Marco Rubio has almost like a film, has a theater -- home theater. Carly has a Jacuzzi. That's not a lie.

GUILFOYLE: I want that one.

GUTFELD: But the point is there are 10 candidates, but not enough room.  So they kept putting them in places. I think Rand Paul and Christie are essentially in bathrooms.

GUILFOYLE: I think it's, like port-a-potties.

GUTFELD: Yes. Exactly.


GUILFOYLE: I would immediately go with like the roomy system. Like bunk up with the person with the best digs.


WILLIAMS: You know what's another thing that could come up tonight?


WILLIAMS: Hillary made news actually last night on a comedy show on Colbert.

GUTFELD: I know. I think we're doing that in the Fastest 7.


GUTFELD: Shouldn't home security be an economics issue. Like every story about the economy will go off the newspaper when there's an attack.

PERINO: You can't have good national security without a good economy, in my opinion.

GUTFELD: Yes. And vice-versa.

PERINO: OK. Well that's true.

BOLLING: Can I pray I don't hear this question? What are you going to do about income inequality?


PERINO: You know you will.

BOLLING: That will make me go to watch the World Series.

WILLIAMS: You don't think it's an issue in America?

BOLLING: I think it's an issue that the left cares about, far greater than the right cares about. Right now, I'm looking at the GOP candidates.

WILLIAMS: I think you have short-term looking there.

GUTFELD: All right. Don't move because Campaign Carl, you know him, joins us live from the debate site in Boulder, Colorado.

GUILFOYLE: Did we break up with Election Ed?


PERINO: All right. We're back with more on tonight's GOP debate. Let's check in with Campaign Carl now. He's in boulder, Colorado at the Coors Event Center where the third showdown begins in just a few hours. Carl, I have to ask you, now with all the new recreational things that can you buy, in Colorado, do you see any evidence that any of the candidates are getting ready for that big debate?

CARL CAMERON, CHIEF POLITICAL CORRESPONDENT: No. But I think that they're probably will be a question about that tonight. Obviously, the cannabis industry in Colorado is a big economic issue. And it's been a revenue matter for the state government. And so, Rand Paul will probably get a question about that. He is obviously in favor of legalization of marijuana for both medicinal and adult use. So that's a states right issue. And if in fact that comes up and he says it, sitting right next to him will be -- standing right next to him, excuse me, will be the New Jersey Governor Chris Christie who is adamantly opposed to legalization of marijuana. He says if he becomes president as a former U.S. attorney and governor of New Jersey he said he'll shut it down immediately. Expect the college kids here to applaud Rand Paul and probably boo Chris Christie.

PERINO: I love did that I came up with a joke and you took it seriously and delivered a very solid answer. So thank you for that.

GUTFELD: Rand Paul should be yes, we cannabis.

PERINO: That will be good.


PERINO: Let's take it around the table here. Eric Bolling?

BOLLING: So, Carl, money is an issue. Obviously, it is an issue in the debate because it is a money debate. But also, after the debate, who is really on the bubble here? Who's about to run out of money. If they don't have a good showing tonight, we could see them fall and pull themselves out of the race?

CAMERON: Well, the idea that there's going to be withdrawals in the next couple of weeks is contradicted on some level by the idea that we're moving into the holiday section. There's going to be another debate in just a few weeks. There are things that provide them an opportunity to not plead poverty and kind of watch the clock tick as we get to the actual election year next year. But having said that, Rick Santorum has already suggested may not even be - he can't guarantee he'll be at the next debate. There have been questions about whether folks like Mike Huckabee, who has a very small campaign and hasn't really been reliant on a lot of cash can continue into next year and compete well in Iowa. Because he won in 2008.

Having said that, there is some very, very real tension going on here tonight. Obviously, between Donald Trump and Ben Carson. Obviously, between Jeb Bush and Marco Rubio who are sparring right up until the very beginning of this. And the guy to watch really, don't look for a great breakout performance tonight. But just sort of again, the slow and steady ascent is Ted Cruz, the Senator from Texas. He has been basically running against Marco Rubio for third in the low teens and high single digits, with the rest of the pack generally behind him. Cruz, tonight, if he stays on message, he keeps on sort of courting those tea party conservatives that have been with limb from the beginning in the Senate, the social conservatives that he made a serious effort for, as well as the libertarians, the Rand Paul type of voters, he could emerge in the next couple of weeks, as the next guy with a lot of momentum.


GUILFOYLE: So there's a little bit of chatter back and forth about potentially a rift between Rubio's camp and Jeb Bush, sparring back and forth. And also Bush's team just also released some things about Rubio's record. Missing votes, et cetera. Do you think we're going to see some of that back and forth tonight and are you hearing anything from their camps on the ground?

CAMERON: Oh, it's very real. There's no question about it. The Jeb and Rubio campaigns believe that eventually, the outsider candidates will fail and they'll will then be in a position to be center stage in a real competition. So in advance of that, in preparation for that, they are.  The campaigns themselves and in some cases the candidates, the candidates are more gentle about it. The campaigns are going at it hammer and tong.  Rubio is quote the GOP Obama according to the Bush campaign. And Jeb Bush doesn't represent the necessary generational change that Marco Rubio says he wants and the government needs. So, yes, that's very real and it speaks to the assertion that maybe Ben Carson and Donald Trump will destroy one another at the top. And then maybe Jeb Bush and Marco Rubio will then ascend and then, destroy one another. And the rest of the field can compete. The idea of process elimination and each other candidate can rise when the others screw up. If success depends on the mistakes of others, there's something wrong with your presidential campaign.

PERINO: All right. Gutfield.

GUTFELD: Carl, nice tie-shirt combination as always. As people know, I'm a collector of strays. And so, my thoughts go to the kitty table. Do you think anybody at this point is going to break out from this table anymore?  If not, is it time to fold up the card table and put it in the garage?

CAMERON: It's very difficult for them to get any attention and obviously, they only occasionally do when something sort of extravagant happens in the so-called undercard. The RNC has been talking about winnowing the field through this process for quite some dime. And it is entirely likely that in the next few debates, there will be a great discussion about whether there will be an undercard or whether some of those people got cut. Don't forget, the former Virginia Governor Jim Gilmore was dropped off the second-tier table two debates ago. He's still out there campaigning. He hasn't dropped out.


GUTFELD: He's got the stool in the kitchen. The kitty table and the real table, Gilmore's in the kitchen sitting on a little stool.

BOLLING: With Lincoln Chafee.


CAMERON: He can't even complain about a green room, he ain't got one.

PERINO: Juan Williams.

WILLIAMS: Hey, Carl. I know you have cooler things to do than paraphrase Jeb Bush. But I wonder if you could tell us about the rules. I'm really interested. I know there was negotiation does keep this from being three hours down to two hours. Are there opening/closing statements? No opening/closing? And what about the exchanges? Are there rules about exchange? That's going to be the heart and soul of what happens tonight.

CAMERON: The moderators have said they're going to be much more rigorous about maintaining the clock. That's what the moderator said in the last two debates, too.


CAMERON: The candidates are prepared for this not to go in any way in which it was described to them. And there is something odd about the way in which the campaigns have been complaining about the green rooms in the facilities here and worried about the time and worried about the lights, the red, yellow, green lights and everything else. They're trying to run the country and they're worried about debate procedure, process versus policy. And horse race versus honest-to-God politics. It will be interesting to see which we get tonight.

For the last couple of weeks, last few debates, the debates have had some substance, but the aftermath has always been about who was the glitziest, who took the biggest punch in the face, that sort of stuff.


PERINO: All right. Carl, I think that's more of a reflection on the media than it is the candidates. I mean, the green room story e erupts because the media decided to make it the biggest news.

CAMERON: That's sort of which came first, the chicken or the egg. But the truth of the matter is, this is a discussion not between the candidates and the press. It's the discussion between the candidates and the voters and they're talking to them, not us, at these debates. So when they take shots, whether the question keys them up or not, any candidate can say I'm sorry, I disagree with the premise of your question, I'm not going to call my colleague a name. Nobody says that.

PERINO: Can I ask this one last question? How come John Kasich is never top of mind? Like when people are talking about all the possible candidates and what could happen tonight, John kasich, who has a great record, actually seems he can't actually even get on somebody's radar screen.

CAMERON: Well, he's spending a tremendous amount of time in New Hampshire and a good portion of the race is taking place in Iowa and South Carolina and other states. He can be very prickly. And that gets in his way. He sometimes can get a little bit Kurt with some of the people in his Town Hall meetings. But arguably, he has one of the best resumes in the race, governor of Ohio, and absolutely important state. Last one to balance the budget, only one to balance the budget in the last seven years at the federal level. And he was on foreign relations and the defense committees.  So he's been around. And he worked on Wall Street as well. He's got all of these things going for him. What he seems to lack is what happens when you start late. He was one of the last candidates to get in. If you're not in early in the early states often, it's hard to get traction.

PERINO: All right. Thanks, Carl. Tonight, catch the best post-debate analysis anywhere on TV here on the fox news channel beginning with Hannity, that's live at 10:00 p.m. Eastern.

And ahead, who would Hillary Clinton rather go up against if she wins the nomination? Ben Carson or Donald Trump? We've got her answer, coming up.


GUILFOYLE: Last week, our country tragically lost another remarkable hero.  Master Sergeant Joshua Wheeler was a 20-year veteran of the army who served 14 combat deployments and earned 11 bronze stars. He was the first U.S. service member killed in combat against ISIS. Now, a lot of Americans want to know if we're back in a ground war in Iraq. Last year, the president made this declaration.


PRESIDENT BARACK OBAMA: I want to be clear. The American forces that have been deployed to Iraq do not and will not have a combat mission. As your commander-in-chief, I will not commit you and the rest of our armed forces to fighting another ground war in Iraq.


GUILFOYLE: But yesterday, his defense secretary said we will be launching more ground operations.


ASH CARTER, U.S. DEFENSE SECRETARY: We won't hold back from supporting capable partners in opportunistic attacks against ISIL or conducting such missions directly, whether by strikes from the air or direct action on the ground.


GUILFOYLE: All right. So which is it? This military analyst has an answer: the White House isn't being straight with us.


COL. JACK JACOBS, MILITARY ANALYST: Anybody in combat is boots on the ground. The White House has been trying to play politics here and try to convince everybody that Special Operations forces are not boots on the ground.


GUILFOYLE: All right. And this just in: at the Pentagon briefing today, Colonel Steve Warren, the DOD spokesperson for Operation Inherent Resolve, speaking from Baghdad, said in no uncertain terms, the U.S. forces in Iraq are in combat.

So there you have it. A number of different communication, messages going out there. But, you know, warfare is constantly evolving.

PERINO: So this is not just a fight about vocabulary and what words they want to use. I actually talked to some folks today in the military who said that they feel that there are not clear objectives. That's a problem, if you don't know what the clear objective is.

They feel like there's not enough commitment of resources and a leadership focus. And that there's not a strategy for a political outcome, which means that they also understand that if they go and they do the hard work like that raid the other night, that there has to be some sort of diplomatic or political solution that comes up behind it, as well.

So today -- you start hearing stories every day that the White House is sort of inching towards something, inching towards something. In the meantime, ISIS is not inching. You know, they're gaining and gaining influence. And so we have to have some sort of an understanding from the president of the United States.

What is the objective? What is the commitment? And what is the political strategy to fix it?

GUILFOYLE: And Bolling, what are the answers to those questions?

BOLLING: It's not about a word, but for some reason, the White House is afraid of using the word. Because a time ago, President Obama said, "We won't be in a combat mission."

If people are dying, if Americans are dying, it's a combat mission. If they're at risk of dying, it's a combat mission. I don't know why they're worried about a war. Just call it what it is; call it whatever you want.  But they're -- we're risking lives.

Some of the other important news that came out today, Iran is now going to be at the negotiating table with Syria over how to fix that situation. I think that is a massive mistake.

If you have any question whether or not this is a combat mission, Vice News embedded a reporter with ISIS. It's one of the most compelling, I don't know, 15- or 20-minute pieces you're going to see. They're in combat with us, so we better at least acknowledge that we are in combat with them, or they're going to kick our butt.

So the sooner the better. This leading behind isn't working. And the good news is, the Defense Department, not the White House, the Defense Department knows we're in combat.

GUILFOYLE: Yes. That guy, I hope he slept with one eye open. Can you imagine? In bed with ISIS?

BOLLING: Crazy. Crazy.

GUILFOYLE: So why does the administration have semantic phobia?

GUTFELD: I think it's because they're looking at this, not from a moral perspective, but a political one. And I think because of what Obama has said in the past.

The problem I see is that our leaders are telling our enemies we can't commit.


GUTFELD: We're actually more than subliminally telling them to keep going.

You can't stick your toe in the pool when you're fighting evil. You're either in or you're out. And especially when you're dealing with ISIS, which is probably the most disgusting threat since the Nazis. There is no in-between-ies. You can't sit on your fence when there is a battle, an existential battle between good and evil.

If President Obama made up his mind, the country has to back him. If he says, if we're going to do this...

PERINO: Because the...

GUTFELD: ... he would have the country behind him. And warriors exist to wage war. This -- they would much rather kill ISIS than play war games in the Las Vegas desert.

WILLIAMS: Let me just say very quickly.


WILLIAMS: When Jeb was asked, "Why did your brother go into Iraq," remember? Couldn't -- I mean, just stone silence. Couldn't figure it out.  And on the Democratic side, people are still whacking Hillary for her vote in support of Bush going into Iraq.

GUTFELD: Yes. Political.

WILLIAMS: The political landscape in the United States is not in support of additional troops on the ground in combat. And so what our political leaders have to do is try to figure out a situation where the United States is not held responsible for the events in the Middle East. Constantly, yes, we're the biggest power. But you've got to get some of these countries to do the work. So...

GUTFELD: They are.

PERINO: Oh, my God.

GUILFOYLE: But that was a complete non-sequitur in bringing up Jeb.

WILLIAMS: ... if we can partner with the Kurds, if we can partner with -- with the rebels in Syria, then let's get it done. But to say, "Oh, yes, just pour more U.S. troops in," that's...

PERINO: Wow. I agree -- I disagree so strongly. And we don't have time to talk about it.

GUTFELD: Go! You go.

PERINO: Here's the thing: I do think that President Obama would be supported if he went out and he made the case and said, "Look, we're going to have to change our tactics here. We're -- it's not going to be exactly like 2003. Here's exactly what we're going to do. These are the resources I'm committing to it."

WILLIAMS: To what end, Dana?

PERINO: To what end?

GUILFOYLE: To whatever end necessary. War doesn't happen in a vacuum.  Dear God.

PERINO: The president said -- the president said we're going to degrade and destroy ISIS.


PERINO: We are 14 months into this, and we're not doing that.

WILLIAMS: We need -- but you just said we need a political solution.

GUILFOYLE: They're tickling ISIS.

WILLIAMS: Something that will last. And we don't have -- we don't have hard...

PERINO: And whose fault is that? That is not George W. Bush's fault.

WILLIAMS: This is what Eric was saying. Why do you invite the Iranians to the table? Well, we -- Iran has been a principal sponsor of the...

PERINO: Is that the strategy?

WILLIAMS: So part of it is, let's get the Russians, the Iranians, let's get everybody to the table and get some political solution.

BOLLING: What a mistake that is.

GUILFOYLE: Yes. What a joke.

BOLLING: What a mistake that is.


BOLLING: Because they keep lying to us. They keep telling you one thing and doing another thing.

WILLIAMS: And what do we have right now on the ground? Chaos.


GUILFOYLE: I don't know. But Juan wants to sit at the table with Lucifer and his son, Double Dummy. I'm not doing it.

BOLLING: I don't want to see another American life lost on the ground.

GUILFOYLE: Seriously.

WILLIAMS: There you go.

BOLLING: I don't. However...

WILLIAMS: You made the point.

BOLLING: ... if President Obama said...

GUILFOYLE: That's why they're being criticized for ineffective foreign policy.

BOLLING: ... this is the only way -- this is the only way we're going to win it, I would like to see it ended. And yes, maybe I could jump on board on something like that.

Personally, I think you should level Raqqah. You could do it from the air.  That's a good way to start. That's their headquarters. It's their training ground. They're all living there. That's not a bad place to start.

GUILFOYLE: If that wasn't enough, fasten your seat belts, because "The Fastest Seven," up next.


BOLLING: Welcome back. Time for...


GRAPHIC: The Fastest 7


BOLLING: ... the fastest six and a half minutes on television. Three dazzling stories, seven dynamic minutes, one dexterous host.

First up, Hillary is back at it again. You know, the humorous and heartfelt Hillary. Appearing on Tuesday's "Late Show with Stephen Colbert," she was asked, "Who would you rather run against, Trump or Carson?" Here's her really funny self (ph).


STEPHEN COLBERT, HOST, CBS'S "THE LATE SHOW WITH STEPHEN COLBERT": Who would you rather run against, Donald Trump or Ben Carson?

HILLARY CLINTON, D-PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: I'm going to leave that to the Republicans, you think? I -- I...

COLBERT: The likely choices, likely choices.

CLINTON: Yes. But if I say one or the other, it might influence some people; and I don't want to have any influence on it.

COLBERT: But you could picture either one of them in the office, right?

CLINTON: Well I can -- I can picture them in some office.


BOLLING: Does she have any humor? Did she handle it?

PERINO: I thought she was funny. I thought she handled that well. I did.  No, look, I thought that she handled it very, very well.

BOLLING: You do?

PERINO: Your job when you go on a show like that is not to be funny.  Maybe when you go on "SNL" it is.

BOLLING: It isn't?

PERINO: No. That's his job. You're supposed to answer in the best possible way. I thought she did a good job.

GUTFELD: So she could picture Donald and Ben in some office. America could picture her husband in some orifice.

GUILFOYLE: Oh, gosh.

GUTFELD: By the way, do prisons offer work-release program if the -- if the winning candidate is in jail?


BOLLING: I don't know. K.G.

GUILFOYLE: Oh, please. I mean, really?

Yes. That was -- that was super-boring. No, it just was.

BOLLING: I agree.

PERINO: That's good, though. Maybe she didn't want to make news on it.

GUILFOYLE: She's playing -- yes, but like, why are you so careful that you're just like uninteresting. Be compelling. Be -- like, show some range and some humor. The problem is she doesn't have it in her to be kind of funny and charming.

WILLIAMS: Let me just say before, at this table, everybody was on me.  "Oh, why are you bringing this up?" The news was in that interview with Colbert, she said that she would let the banks fail.


WILLIAMS: That she wouldn't intervene. And I think that will be a topic at tonight's debate.

PERINO: And I bet she would.

WILLIAMS: But the thing is talking to you guys, I don't know -- I don't know why I bother.

BOLLING: We've got to move on. Got to move on.


BOLLING: You know what I hate? Sports guys talking politics. Tony Kornheiser, one of the best in the business -- sports talk business, that is -- weighing in on is and the Tea Party with Howard Fineman on ESPN, no less.


HOWARD FINEMAN, GLOBAL EDITORIAL DIRECTOR, AOL HUFFINGTON POST MEDIA GROUP (via phone): Paul Ryan has enough conservative chops that he can sort of try to unify the whole party. But he's going to be spending all his time trying to deal with these Tea Party people. Kind of fight with them and defeat them or take away their power or go after them.

TONY KORNHEISER, ESPN: Are they like ISIS trying to establish a caliphate here?

FINEMAN: Yes, yes, they are -- that's a very good analogy. Without the violence, obviously. But they are, they, yes, they are a rejectionist front.



PERINO: Well, you know, Ben Carson is taking a lot of heat for using a lot of analogies and references to Nazis. And I think he -- I think that there's a legitimate criticism there. He should knock that off. But I also think you cannot compare any American to ISIS. That is just -- let's just take that all off the table.

BOLLING: Juan, Tony Kornheiser has been known to play a little golf with President Obama. Do you think that would influence what he's talking about?

WILLIAMS: Oh, yes. Sure. Kornheiser and Wilbon are -- you know, they're former Washington Post sports writers. They're friends of mine, in fact.

And yes, I think that they are both liberals, if that's what you're after.  And I think that that's what Tony believes. And Tony may have spoken a little bit off the cuff.

So we see the fire coming now from the right that says, "Hey, what happened to Curt Schilling?" Remember Curt Schilling?


WILLIAMS: Schilling got suspended.

BOLLING: So you know, he made a -- he tweeted a comment that was -- that was perceived as negative towards Muslims.


BOLLING: He compared Muslims to Nazis. And he got fired.

WILLIAMS: That's pretty strong. Nazis.

BOLLING: You don't think that was as strong as Tea Party guys?

WILLIAMS: Well, resistance, I mean, clearly, when you think about ISIS, you're thinking about murderers.

GUILFOYLE: Well, why wouldn't you? They light people on fire. They behead people. They crucify children. Come on.

WILLIAMS: I think he was talking about the politics of resistance.

GUILFOYLE: Tell your buddy to pipe down.

BOLLING: But this is a sports program.

Go ahead.


GUTFELD: He will not be punished, because he didn't attack a protected class. If he had -- if he had compared any group to ISIS, including ISIS, he would have been punished. But the Tea Party, that's open game.

It just shows you how media bias fries people's brains. I don't think Kornheiser is an idiot. It's just that he's so biased. He just compared normal decent people who want lower taxes to beheaders.

PERINO: Right.

BOLLING: There's nothing much I can say to introduce what happened on Twitter on Monday. Not sure why it happened, and I really don't know what to make of it. But here you go. Take a look.

First one...




GUILFOYLE: Oh, my gosh.

BOLLING: This is FiveFanPhotoshop who posted this. And as you can tell -- I don't know, can you figure it out, what it is?

OK. How about the next one?



BOLLING: We happen to have one more for you.

WILLIAMS: This is really something.




GUILFOYLE: Oh, my God!

BOLLING: Now Dana, you saw this on Twitter. And...

PERINO: Yes. So this is a very talented guy. His name is FiveFanPhotoshop. He's been following the show for a long time. He posts a lot of different, funny and very well-done Photoshops of us. He changes us all around for our own Halloween costumes. I actually have never seen myself as a brunette. So now I know.

GUTFELD: You know who you look like? If you look at -- if you look at the girls, so -- K.G. looks like Pam Anderson in her prime.


GUTFELD: And you look like Sandra Bullock in her prime.

BOLLING: Could you put those two girls up? Can you guys scroll back to that full screen? I'm trying to figure out what he did. He didn't take the whole head or the whole face. He took portions of the features and superimposed them on the other person -- even within the other person's face, right?

GUILFOYLE: I think I look amazing as a blonde.

BOLLING: You guys have seen Juan, Juan Geraldo.

WILLIAMS: I think you look like Madonna. The Madonna.




WILLIAMS: That is too much. I can't take it. I can't take it.

PERINO: Don Juan Geraldo.

BOLLING: All right.

GUILFOYLE: It's like Juan is more handsome than that.

GUTFELD: Ooh. A jab at Geraldo.



BOLLING: Geraldo, you put his head on something, it's naked Geraldo (ph).

PERINO: The only one not included was Jasper.

GUILFOYLE: Yes, Juan should have been, like, you know, naked from the waist up.

BOLLING: Some of our final predictions on tonight's third GOP debate will go. Stick around.


WILLIAMS: From cutting final thoughts on the upcoming debate, our predictions on who could be next. The next candidate to exit the race.

Well, I think a lot of eyes are going to be on Chris Christie. What do you think, Eric?

BOLLING: I think the two big fights, the heavyweight bout will be Trump versus Carson. I give it 3-1 Trump right now, because it is an economic debate. Trump has that -- the experience, and Ben has been flip-flopping a little bit.

Undercard, Bush versus Rubio, 3-2 Rubio. This should be really interesting. We talked about the back and forth.

GUILFOYLE: Yes, we did.

WILLIAMS: Who gets out?

BOLLING: Who leaves?

WILLIAMS: Yes. After this debate. Anybody?


BOLLING: Well, I mean, there are a couple of people on the bubble.

WILLIAMS: Well, go ahead.

BOLLING: I think Christie has to...

GUILFOYLE: Christie is not getting out. He has money.

BOLLING: ... hasn't been showing; Rand Paul hasn't been showing. I think...

WILLIAMS: Mike Huckabee?

BOLLING: I think he's got some money.

WILLIAMS: Yes, and I think he's got organizational. What do you think?

PERINO: I don't necessarily think we're going to see somebody drop out between this debate and the FOX News debate...


PERINO: ... which is November 10, Tuesday, November 10. But I think after that, before Thanksgiving, yes, you're going to see a couple of people decide. Maybe we'll just get -- have a nice holiday and not have to continue this.

I think Mike Huckabee has to have a great debate. He's not very visible.  And he's got to do something.

WILLIAMS: People say that he's got good money and ground operations in Iowa. And -- but the evangelical vote seems to be going to Carson. So Greg, I started off by saying I thought Christie...


WILLIAMS: ... who got kicked out of the quiet car in Amtrak the other day...

PERINO: That was unfair.

WILLIAMS: That was a fake story.

GUTFELD: Fake story. Didn't happen.

WILLIAMS: Tell me what happened.

GUTFELD: It was overblown.

GUILFOYLE: No. He just got, he got in the wrong -- he got in the wrong car, and that was it. And you know, problem solved.

WILLIAMS: But was he in the wrong car here?

GUTFELD: This is why -- this is why you still have 15 candidates, why it's important to have a best friend, because your best friend always tells you when to not -- when to stop doing something. It's like when you watch "America's Got Talent," and there are people up there that shouldn't be up there. It's because there was nobody close to them that said, "You're not a good singer."

So you have to have somebody that says, you know, "Stop running for president. Go home, start playing golf."

WILLIAMS: But they like -- they like the platform. Do you think somebody is going to say to Carly, "Ms. Fiorina..."

GUILFOYLE: I want to help you out here, you know, with the segment. But I'm just telling you, this isn't, like, a drop-out time. None of these people are going to drop, I'm telling you right now.

You're looking at the wrong -- yes, you're looking at the wrong table. The wrong set-up. Anybody there that's at the main event is not going to be dropping out. They've got the cash; they have the will. They have enough to stay in. Why bail out, pull the rip cord before the big event that matters? The FOX Debate.

WILLIAMS: So through February?

GUILFOYLE: No, I just said through the FOX debate.

GUTFELD: All the way to the end, Juan.

WILLIAMS: All the way to the end? "One More Thing" up next.

GUILFOYLE: You get a "stretch" thing from the control room?



GUTFELD: Time for "One More Thing" -- Dana.

PERINO: So Halloween is coming up.

GUTFELD: Really?

PERINO: The government can never just leave well enough alone.

GUTFELD: I hate the government.

PERINO: The Department of Energy actually has some Halloween ideas, costume ideas for you, so here's one. You could dress up as a solar panel girl.

GUILFOYLE: Terrible.

GUTFELD: That's hot.

PERINO: Solar panel girl. Or you could go as a wind turbine, which involves cutting out windmill blades out of foam and then wrapping yourself in a white sheet.

GUTFELD: That doesn't look like a turbine.

PERINO: I mean, this is why conservatives get annoyed. Why do they have to be involved in everything?

GUTFELD: I'm sorry!

GUILFOYLE: Don't say a word.

GUTFELD: I'm not saying nothing. I'll move on to Eric.

PERINO: I missed that.


BOLLING: Yes, you don't want to go there.

All right. So massive news. Brands are super, super important. You probably hear something about it tonight on the debate.

But check what -- check out what happened. Quarter three, 2015, FOX News was the top brand on Facebook for the whole quarter.


BOLLING: Beating out WWE...


BOLLING: ... Buzzfeed Video, MTV and Buzzfeed Food. That is some...

PERINO: Jasper is huge.

BOLLING: You can go check it out.

GUTFELD: It's food and Jasper.

BOLLING: You have the other one? Screen grab, there you go.

PERINO: Wow, that's great.

BOLLING: There's the FOXNews, or slash TheFiveFNC. Go check both of those out. Favorite those or like.

PERINO: They have a great social media team.

GUTFELD: We do. Top notch. A phrase I just coined.

It's time for...


GUTFELD: I Disappoint These People.


GUTFELD: Somebody at the book signing, I was taking pictures and Sara Segar (ph), I apologize for this picture. Take a look at this. I look like I have constipation after swallowing a live porcupine.

GUILFOYLE: That happened.

GUTFELD: She tweeted, "Wow, Greg Gutfeld, if I wanted a man to look that disappointed in a picture with me, I would have went to see my dad."

PERINO: Ow! Wow!

BOLLING: A great tweet.

GUTFELD: I feel bad.

GUILFOYLE: I love her. You should invite her to come see the show. She's my new best friend.

I have to say, those little weird Solyndra costumes, very different from mine. Yes, oh, yes! There might be a naughty nurse or two coming your way. Just saying.

All right. Anyway, in more royal news, a very handsome Prince Harry paid a visit today to some wounded warriors at the USO Warrior and Family Center at the Fort Belvoir military base in Fairfax County, Virginia.

So he was there with first lady Michelle Obama and Dr. Jill Biden. And he is promoting the Invictus Games, an international sporting competition that features injured army service personnel.

And he also visited with the president, President Obama, in the Oval Office for an informal chat.

GUTFELD: How nice.

GUILFOYLE: Chit-chat.

GUTFELD: So nice.

GUILFOYLE: And some tea. What a nice chap. Very dapper.

GUTFELD: Let's go to Mr. Williams.

WILLIAMS: You know, Wall Street Journal today, given that we have a debate tonight, there was an article about America's fascination with the height of the candidates as they stand on stage.

In fact, it was one of the top Google searches last time. Tallest Republican, George Pataki, 6'5". Trump, 6'3"; Carson, 5'11"; Carly Fiorina, 5'6". On the Democrats, Martin O'Malley is the tallest at 6'1"; Bernie Sanders, 6 foot. And Hillary, 5'7".

GUTFELD: All right. All right. Thank you.

PERINO: None as short as us, Greg.

GUTFELD: I know.

GUILFOYLE: Now with the chocolate thing. Chocolate.

GUTFELD: "Special Report" is next.

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