The Unlikely 'Craigslist Killer'?

This is a rush transcript from "On the Record ," April 21, 2009. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

GRETA VAN SUSTEREN, FOX NEWS HOST: We have stunning new information tonight about the accused Craigslist killer. Twenty-two-year-old Boston University medical student Philip Markoff appeared in court today, facing charges he shot and murdered in a fancy Boston hotel a young woman offering massage services on Craigslist. The Boston University medical student has a fiancee, and she is standing by her man.

Joe Dwinell joins us live, city editor for The Boston Herald. The Herald contacted Markoff's fiancee her by e-mail. What did she say, Joe?

JOE DWINELL, BOSTON HERALD: Well, she said she's standing by her man. Her name is Megan McAllister. She's the blond bookend in this story, and she is saying that the Boston police have the wrong guy.

VAN SUSTEREN: Why do the Boston police think they have the right guy?

DWINELL: Well, not only the police, the Secret Service, the FBI, the state police. They think they have the right guy. He was arraigned today. We're right outside the court. They say that Philip Markoff shot Julissa Brisman three times, and the fatal bullet was a shot right through her heart. It pierced her heart and killed her instantly. They say they've got the guy.

VAN SUSTEREN: Did they say, do they have the gun? Do they have any of the, like -- I know that there were some plastic ties involved. Did they find anything like that on him?

DWINELL: In his apartment in Quincy, they found a gun, a semi- automatic gun. They found those -- they're not calling them plastic ties. We've reported that's what they are. They're saying they found those binds. They're kind of keeping that a little quiet. They also found ammunition. They also found an IP address, they say, that leads right back to his address in Quincy. So they -- the evidence is building up and it all came out today.

VAN SUSTEREN: Joe, thank you. I know you're going to stay on top of this story. Thank you, Joe.

Now, James Kehoe joins us live. He is a friend of Philip Markoff. James, nice to see you. James, how do you know him?

JAMES KEHOE, FRIEND OF PHILIP MARKOFF: Well, me and Phil went to college together from at least the first two years of college, and he went to SUNY Albany with me. And we were pretty good friends through freshman year and a little bit of sophomore year.

VAN SUSTEREN: What's he like?

KEHOE: When I knew him, he was one of my closest friends in my dormitory, anyway, you know, a dormitory full of studious kids. I mean, we were the honors hall. He was one of the ones that I felt I got along with the most. He was one of the ones that seemed to have, you know, a life, at least to some extent, you know, outside of the books, but managed to compose himself and prioritize things, you know, well enough to succeed.

VAN SUSTEREN: Anything weird or unusual about him? Because I imagine you were pretty stunned to see the video of him in court today, facing a murder charge and more.

KEHOE: Oh, yes. I mean, there's -- well, there was actually nothing too unusual about him, which I guess was the weird thing, you know, now that all these charges are being brought about. He was, you know, pretty much an ideal student. He was a hard worker. He never partied too much. He, you know, always got his work done, you know, to my knowledge, you know, basically, on time. His grades were great. He was a friendly guy. He always had a smile on his face. He always seemed happy. I mean, he seemed like the perfect person, and that's what is -- that's what's strange about this whole thing.

VAN SUSTEREN: Did he ever say what kind of doctor he wanted to be?

KEHOE: You know, I guess I never really got into it. I know his father was a dentist or something along those lines. But I think he wanted to go more towards the medical end of things.

VAN SUSTEREN: Did he gamble? Did he have, you know, a drug habit, anything like that? I know you said he was a student living in honors -- living in an honors environment, but was there anything sort of a little bit on the side that was peculiar?

KEHOE: I mean, there were -- there were no -- you know, there was no heavy drug use. I'm not sure, you know, if he ever, you know, smoked marijuana or anything like that. But he never seemed to have any kind of drug habit. The only thing that happened that I could maybe comment on was he did like to play poker, but it was kind of a common thing among a lot of the kids in the honors hall, and you know, even kids throughout campus, they would get together and play poker, you know, basically, every night. And Phil was one of the regular players.

VAN SUSTEREN: James, thank you.

KEHOE: You're welcome.

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