The 'Skeletons' of Justice

This is a rush transcript from "On the Record," June 19, 2009. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

GRETA VAN SUSTEREN, FOX NEWS HOST: Anyone who watches "On the Record" at 10:00 p.m. know forensic pathologist Dr. Michael Baden and most likely remembers his wife Linda Kenny Baden, a lawyer working right now on Casey's Anthony's defense team.

The busy couple also just co-wrote their second novel, "Skeleton Justice."

Bullets ago, they went "On the Record" about the new book and today's big news, the release of little Caylee Anthony's autopsy report.


VAN SUSTEREN: Linda and Dr. Baden, it's nice to see both of you.



VAN SUSTEREN: So this is fun, a novel. Number two novel?

LINDA BADEN: Number tow. And were married after two of them, which is a most amazing feat.

VAN SUSTEREN: You know, it's interesting about the book, it seems like -- I know it's a novel, but it seem a little bit like I am hearing about the two of you in the book. It seems like it is a knockoff of real life, a little bit.

LINDA BADEN: Well, except that the protagonist there is a size two about six feet tall. I think it is what we would like to be. How about you, honey?

DR. BADEN: Yes, but it is a female attorney who is rather smart, aggressive, and shops well.

VAN SUSTEREN: Shops well?

DR. BADEN: Yes, a shopaholic. She is amazing. And a medical examiner, a forensic pathologist. And between them, in the first book, they sort of meet, and they start getting together. And then this is a continuation of their forensic and legal abilities to understand what case is developing before them.

VAN SUSTEREN: The book is intriguing, because this is a novel, and I do not want to give away and I want the viewers to read it, but I am sort curious how you write it. Do you past paperback and forth between the two of you, do you sit over coffee and think about it? What are the mechanics of this?

LINDA BADEN: For us, you have to remember we met over an autopsy. So there is a certain little meshing the goes along.

But Michael comes up with the plot, usually. I then right the first draft, give it to him. He then he fills in all the fragments, fill in forensics here.

It comes back to me, and then we go back and forth like this. And sometimes, you know, we do a little research, like my fingernail is in his neck. But I say that lovingly, because it is a process, and you do get possessive over what you do with it.

VAN SUSTEREN: But you are forensics expert in your own right. I mean, you practice law, and that is why think of you as sort of your area of the law is forensics. So how much do you tell Dr. Baden, and how much does he tell you?

LINDA BADEN: In the book, he does most of the forensics. I come up with the ideas for the forensics and stable this work, will that work. But he then goes to the third level of the forensics, which is what you would need an export for or if you have a trial. I can do the first level, but he -- I can't go as far down as he can.

VAN SUSTEREN: This is fun for your right, though, wasn't it?

DR. BADEN: Yes, it's fun, but it took -- we have been married for a while now, and I didn't realized how possessive Linda was of words. No, possessive of words, where if I went to change some words that she has put on paper, she will fight like crazy for her own words.

LINDA BADEN: It's a legal thing.

DR. BADEN: It's amazing. It really is a --

VAN SUSTEREN: That is a nice way to put it, "possessive." I am now so sure my husband would, if I was telling him what to do, that I have such a nice, possessive way of doing things.

I think my husband would tend to say I am glossing.

DR. BADEN: Your husband is a lawyer, too. So we are both married to lawyers.

VAN SUSTEREN: That's right.


VAN SUSTEREN: All right, big news today. I have to switch gears Caylee Anthony's autopsy report is out. So you are here in this so I have to ask you,


VAN SUSTEREN: What do you think, I mean, the fact that it is out now?

LINDA BADEN: We didn't fight for the autopsy report to be sealed. We are concerned about it affecting the jury pool, obviously, but we didn't buy Ford be sealed because we think we have an innocent client, and all of this should be flushed out in court.

But, you know, it is still emotional, because when you read it, as the judge said, it is so terrible, as the judge said, that this is somebody's daughter, granddaughter, it's a child. When you read any autopsy report, you have to feel for the person, obviously.

VAN SUSTEREN: Is it interesting for you to read it? I mean, I know that you have this Chinese wall between the two of you.

DR. BADEN: We just got it today, and we really have not been talking about it.

LINDA BADEN: You're just getting it today.

DR. BADEN: On the first page, cause of death undetermined. It is interesting how after all of these months, and with the death penalty on the line, that the cause of death is undetermined. So that is kind of unusual in homicide cases.

VAN SUSTEREN: What is interesting to me is that we came here to talk about "Skeleton Justice," your brand new novel, and it's very exciting. And as exciting as I'm sure it was for you, you want to see the autopsy report that we already had. It's like you are -- still, fundamentally, you're interested in the science.

DR. BADEN: Yes, and to see --

VAN SUSTEREN: That's what you want to see. You want to see right away.

DR. BADEN: And the toxicology report came back here. It said that there are no drugs and no poisons present, which is interesting, because we were all concerned about chloroform being in the trunk of the car. And so if they don't find chloroform, it would tend to rule out chloroform poisoning, which is an issues, but which was not concluded by the medical examiner anyway.

VAN SUSTEREN: And can you all predicted a trial date and location?

LINDA BADEN: I do not know about the location. I think the judge is concerned about the jury pool. Trial date probably not until June next year.

VAN SUSTEREN: What is she like, Casey Anthony? What is like to work with her? Do you like her?

LINDA BADEN: I like her a lot. I don't like all my clients, but I do like her a lot. She is a young girl, and so maybe you feel very protective of her, because I could be her mother.

VAN SUSTEREN: I have been a defense lawyer in your chair, but from my perspective, she has a lot of explaining to do with the child missing with that whole out getting a tattoo and out partying.


LINDA BADEN: Amanda Knox in Italy, which we are regaling the Italian press for doing that. So we'll see.

VAN SUSTEREN: And, indeed, we will see.

But In the meantime, "Skeleton Justice," brand new book. Get it for Father's Day and the Fourth of July, and every day.


LINDA BADEN: Thank you, Greta, for having us.

VAN SUSTEREN: Thank you both very much.

DR. BADEN: Thank you very much, Greta.

VAN SUSTEREN: And the book is a fun read, and I look forward to all of the stuff we do together.

DR. BADEN: Thank you, Greta.

LINDA BADEN: Thank you.


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