The politics of 'House of Cards'

This is a rush transcript from "The Five," February 17, 2014. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

GREG GUTFELD, CO-HOST: Hello, everyone. I'm Greg Gutfeld, along with Andrea Tantaros, Bob Beckel, Eric Bolling, and snow angels make replicas of her, it's Dana Perino.

This is "The Five."


GUTFELD: The show "House of Cards," aka, the Olympics for homely people, premiered this weekend. Power corrupts but so does attention and Hollywood knows there's nothing that makes the media more pliable than when you include them in the fun, which is why Kevin Spacey showed up on "This Week" saying this:


GEORGE STEPHANOPOULOS, ABC NEWS: Is Washington more exciting than Hollywood?

KEVIN SPACEY, ACTOR: Look, for me, it's like performance art.


You know, I sometimes watch and actually we can get done shooting in a day and I'll come home and turn on the news and I'll think, you know, our storylines are not that crazy. They're really not.


GUTFELD: Well, maybe so, but with one exception: When it comes to the right, they get it all wrong. But so does all of TV.

By applying a lefty aesthetic to the right, the Hollywood version of conservatism becomes as real as Spacey's hair.

The right doesn't act the way the left thinks, but the writers don't know that, because they don't know righties. In "House of Cards," you have angry right wingers protesting a politician's wife's abortion. And in another show, "Nashville," a singer cancels concerts due to Christians who are mad that she broke up a marriage.

This is all B.S.

Right wingers' first instinct is never to protest but to go to work. It's the left that would rather picket than produce. Can you remember the last protest over personal behavior by the right? Did they even bother with Bill Clinton?

This is why hate crime hoaxes are so obvious. Nooses on doorknobs, slurs on diner receipts, it's always blamed on the right. But only the libs are that dramatic.

It was lefties who stormed the Texas legislature. It's Code Pink who heckles. Conservatives don't wake you up to discuss pipelines at your door step. They don't write stuff on walls. They don't scream at passing cars. In fact, the worst thing they do, sadly, is nothing.

So, Andrea, you haven't watched the show because you're very busy. Or is it because it reminds you of your old job?

ANDREA TANTAROS, CO-HOST: It does a little bit. Sometimes when it's too close to home, I think Dana said it was like doctors might not watch medical shows because it reminds them too much of maybe their past life or their past job. But it is a pretty predictable plotline to go after conservatives. I do watch "The Following" on FOX with Kevin Bacon.

And, for example, of course, the crazy cult couldn't just be a crazy cult. It had to be a militia that was obsessed with guns. So, I think it would be really refreshing if these shows for once didn't take a shot at conservatives and took a shot at liberals, or maybe portrayed things accurately. That would be refreshing and that would be different.

But the thing is we watch anyway, even conservatives anyway. And I think --

GUTFELD: Because we're used to it.

TANTAROS: Yes, we're used to it, and we can see through the B.S., and I do think it's probably the toughest reason conservatism can't break through, is because culturally, we're just being bomb parted with these messages everywhere from TV to music. It's not just Washington, D.C.


Bob, the show is based on the idea there's this vice president who is actually pulling all the strings and the president is ineffectual. Could this be true with Joe Biden and Barack Obama?


BOB BECKEL, CO-HOST: I certainly hope not.

GUTFELD: Who knows? Joe Biden could be an Oscar-winning actor pretending to be a bumbling idiot.

BECKEL: Well, he's not a bumbling idiot. We edit him that way. But I think Joe's had his distinguished career.

But I'll tell you this about "House of Cards." I thought that the first -- I didn't watch it until Dana forced me to do it. So, I sat and I start to watch it and watched the whole first season.

As somebody who has been in Washington 30 years, it was a pretty accurate portrayal of at least the legislative process. I won't say that too about some of the -- this one guy getting killed in a garage. But the rest of it, I thought, was pretty much on the money. And I'll tell you a story -- well, let Dana go because I'll follow it up and tell you why the second episode turns out to be true.

GUTFELD: Let me go to Eric. I know you don't watch the show because there are no zombies in it. If the president was a zombie, would you watch it?

ERIC BOLLING, CO-HOST: Can I be honest? I pushed back. Dana said, you have to see it, you have to watch it. So, when we're doing the segment, they sent me two episodes. I believe it's the last episode of season one and the first episode of season two. Fantastic.

TANTAROS: I know you'd love it.

BOLLING: I didn't want to like it. I'm absolutely hooked on it. I love it because of the interaction.

Now, as for it being accurate, I mean, the vice president was involved in a -- he actually killed one of his enemies, maybe it's not as accurate as we're saying, but Kevin Spacey's hair is fake?

GUTFELD: I'm pretty certain it is. I'm assuming it is.

BOLLING: Can I be honest? The interaction between Spacey and his chief of staff is just phenomenal. I love the show now.

DANA PERINO, CO-HOST: That's what I loved about it at first, too.

GUTFELD: Yes. Your impressions have changed, Dana?


GUTFELD: You're now moving away from the show.

PERINO: I had very high expectations and they have been dashed. I was a big fan early on. One of the things that is accurate about it, the set design. Some of the lighting -- I think that in the Oval Office, it looks just like, at least before president and Mrs. Obama redid the current Oval Office, it looks like the one during President Bush's time. Same couches, same chairs.

I like some of the legislative action, too. I think that the way a bill becomes a law, look, it's kind of boring, so you have to do it quick if you're going to do it in a 45-minute episode.

What I didn't like in this season compared to last season is last year, I felt like it was the first show I watched where the Democrats weren't portrayed as complete angels. Everybody looked bad but you could work together to get something done. That actually happens here on an important issue, entitlement reform, expect there's so much portraying of a Tea Party candidate or congressman, as a doofus.


PERINO: And it's also so thinly veiled, all the little messages about how Democrats are better than Republicans. I was really disappointed in the show. But I'm going to watch it, but I was disappointed.

BECKEL: Without giving anything away about that, when they did the vote and they didn't have a majority, the quorum, they sent out a word to sergeant and arms to haul people in handcuffs to the floor. You know, that's actually happened.

In 1988, Bob Packwood was hiding, he didn't want come for a quorum call, he was hiding in the Senate, hidden office underneath the bowels of Capitol Hill, these little offices, and they had to break down his door.
They brought him in, feet first, onto the floor of the Senate, and he became the quorum. And then they could go ahead and vote what they want to get through.

And the other thing is was they brought a guy, Bellman (ph), who was dying of cancer, I remember this. We need his vote desperately on the Panama Canal treaties and they brought him in on a stretcher. And someone said, "How do you vote?" And somebody put his arm up and said, aye, we got to vote.

TANTAROS: Like weekend at Bernie's.


TANTAROS: Real quick. It seems like they learned from the mistakes of the "West Wing," Dana, to your point about lighting, because remember how dark it was on the "West Wing"? It was like that show "Felicity," there was no lights -- I mean, no one could see anything.

But it sounds like they're playing into suspicions. People suspected or trying to say that Dick Cheney was running the presidency, and people have said, oh, yes, the Clintons have killed people. So I think they start to play into these suspicions with the show.

PERINO: It's the same with "Nashville" -- you mentioned in your monologue, one of the characters, this big iconic star, she has an affair with a married man. That marriage breaks up and all of a sudden, her country concerts are canceled all over the nation, and there's crazy protesters whenever she goes. I don't remember the last time somebody protested about infidelity, and it's all right winger, Bible thumpers that are characterized in a show called "Nashville," about country music. It's their fans. It kind of soured me on that show a little bit, too.

GUTFELD: You're falling apart --

PERINO: It looks like I have been crying, but I actually have a cold.

GUTFELD: Well, Eric, let me ask you this -- President Obama tweeted about the fact he was going to watch a bunch of shows this weekend. He said, please, no spoilers.

So, what is the philosophy behind --

PERINO: Because he's checking Twitter all the time? Give me a break.

GUTFELD: What is the -- what is the rules with spoilers now that things are being released all at once? A season is released, is it up to you not to tell people? Is that your responsibility?

BOLLING: No, there's a spoiler alert app you can get on Twitter. You put the word in, and anytime it appears, it won't show up on your Twitter feed. But maybe that's what happened with Benghazi, the IRS, Fast and Furious. Don't tell --

PERINO: Don't tell me how it ends.

BOLLING: Yes, I'll find out later.

Can I point out something about "Walking Dead" my favorite show, they took another anchor, host from another network, and put him on talking dead afterwards last night. I was crushed. I was absolutely floored. There couldn't have been a more positive influence for "Walking Dead" than this one right here. It killed me --


PERINO: I kept on you to watch "House of Cards," and you finally did it today. I'm going to commit to you. I will watch an episode of "Walking Dead."

BOLLING: You do "Walking Dead," I'll do "House of Cards."

PERINO: All right. Let's check it out.

GUTFELD: There's some German art films I would like to introduce --


TANTAROS: I tried to watch those, but I was moved to tears.

GUTFELD: I can't watch them because they remind me of certain things in my past.

TANTAROS: That was you in the film, right?

BECKEL: You probably did a lot of German films.

GUTFELD: It's hard to tell it's me with all the latex.


GUTFELD: Yes, I'm going to throw to one more. This is the SOT of -- sound on tape -- of Stephanopoulos, is that his name? The guy with hair.
Stephanopoulos, stephenvelope (ph), whatever. Talking to Spacey about the pace of government versus what President Obama can do, I guess.


STEPHANOPOULOS: It does seem like even President Obama has a little bit of Frank Underwood envy, the ruthlessly efficient Frank Underwood.

SPACEY: I can imagine he would. It must be really interesting not just for an American public, but people around the world to view a very effective Congress that gets things done. So, I can imagine he must feel, gosh, I wish we could move that quickly.


GUTFELD: Andrea, what do you think of that?

TANTAROS: That was another dig, I think, at Republicans, wishing he could get something done quicker. The Founding Fathers didn't set up the government so things could fly through. They wanted the gridlock, they wanted things to be debated, they want the push-pull, and the tug of war.
And I'm sure President Obama does think that he is a shrewd, savvy character.

The reality is, it was really Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid who pushed through that agenda, who got ObamaCare through. President Obama is not shrewd and does not know how to navigate.

BECKEL: Well, I wouldn't say he's not shrewd. Anyone who gets elected to president of the United States is probably shrewd.

TANTAROS: To the political process.

BECKEL: What you're saying about President Obama, if he could be Frank Underwood, sure, he would be. But to be a Frank Underwood, the last time the Congress was run like that is when Lyndon Johnson was majority leader and Sam Rayburn was speaker of the House, both from Texas.

And those guys would come together and decide how the government is going to run, and it got done.

PERINO: Don't you think Gingrich was like that too, though?

BECKEL: I don't think he has much power as Rayburn did, no.

GUTFELD: Rayburn was a match game, right?


GUTFELD: I don't.

BECKEL: You don't remember Sam Rayburn, do you?

GUTFELD: I watched the entire season, and I don't -- it makes me feel awful that you sit and you watch 13 episodes in a row in your underwear.

PERINO: How do you purge yourself after binging on television?

GUTFELD: There are photos.

PERINO: You got to go for a run.

GUTFELD: Candy Crowley is on, though, and starts asking really tough questions. I thought, how refreshing to see her -- yes, she's on. I won't say what she's talking about because then that's a spoiler alert.

All right. Ahead, how to defeat Hillary Clinton if she runs again in 2016? Mitt Romney and Karl Rove have some ideas.

Plus, our picks for the greatest U.S. president of all time on this Presidents' Day.

Back in a moment.


PERINO: If Hillary Clinton runs for the White House again and clinches the nomination, what's the best strategy for Republicans to defeat her? Senator Rand Paul thinks her husband's infidelity scandal should be revisited, but Mitt Romney doesn't agree.


MITT ROMNEY (R), FORMER PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: I think Hillary Clinton, if she becomes the nominee, will have plenty to discuss about her own record. I don't imagine that Bill Clinton is going to be a big part of it. On the other hand, he embarrassed the nation. He breached his responsibility, I think, as an adult and as a leader in his relationship.
And I think that's very unfortunately, but I don't think that's Hillary Clinton's to explain.


PERINO: Karl Rove also has some thoughts on how to defeat her.


KARL ROVE, FOX NEWS CONTRIBUTOR: Anybody who is going to take on Hillary Clinton in 2016 if she is the Democratic candidate or if she does run, Democratic or Republican, had better focus on what they're for in a way that allows them to contrast implicitly with Mrs. Clinton. For Democratic or Republican, easier to say what you're against, harder to say what you're for, and more important to say what you're for.


PERINO: OK. So, let's start with Eric.

Everyone is saying don't talk about the elephant in the room. Right, the media is saying Republicans, we're warning you. Don't know there.
Don't talk about it.

GUTFELD: Why do you have to talk about her weight? That's so offensive. Apologize immediately, Dana.

PERINO: It's a saying. It's a phrase -- the elephant in the room.

GUTFELD: Oh, I didn't know.

PERINO: Now, I'm totally thrown off. Anyway, my question is, is it legitimate to bring it up?

BOLLING: I'm not sure it's legitimate to bring out Bill -- if you're talking about her response to Bill's dalliances or whatever was going on --

PERINO: Or the fact that he'd be back in the White House.

BOLLING: I don't know that's reliable.

BECKEL: Dalliance?

PERINO: It's a delicate word.

BOLLING: OK. All right. So, his affairs that he was having, you know, whatever, but it's relevant to look at Hillary Clinton to see how she reacted then in the papers that were released about a month ago or a couple weeks ago.

We found out that she knew about them and she kind of excused them because they called her ruthless because she was really focused on Bill Clinton's presidency and maybe her own going down the road. You have to decide, is that the kind of person you want? Someone so driven and so focused that they'll look the other way on some of the things that maybe important to other people.

I think it's relevant in those terms. I don't think it's relevant that Bill Clinton slept with a bunch of women while he was in the White House.

PERINO: The report you're talking about was in the "Washington Free Beacon," Andrea, and it was a reporter, Alana Goodman, who went after the papers. Finally, they were released by the Clinton Library.

But then the media, instead of talking about the substance of the documents, decided to attack the "Washington Free Beacon" as being an illegitimate news source, even though she had gotten the scoop that all of them would have loved to have for themselves.

TANTAROS: And that's exactly what they'll do to anyone who tries to attack Hillary Clinton based on facts or based on the issues. They'll say, "You don't like women." They're going to try everything just to not keep this about her record when she was a senator in New York.

I think the worse thing a Republican can do is talk about Bill and his affairs, especially most people in the United States knew he was an adulterous horn dog before he got elected and he won a majority of women.
So, women proved that they really don't care about that. And she will say, I'm a victim, if you bring it up.

What they should be doing now is asking her real questions -- what's your plan to create jobs? Are you for an employer mandate? Would you have delayed it? I mean, substantive questions about what she would do as president? Instead of just, she's a woman, rah-rah, it's her turn, we should vote for her, and we get Bill as well.

PERINO: Even in 1999 and 2000, when George W. Bush was running in the primary and then in the general election, Bob, they made a political decision or a communications decision or he just decided he wasn't going to talk about it, but would focus on an agenda. Do you think -- I mean, he ended up winning, a good strategy for 2014 and 2016?

BECKEL: Let me just look at this as a pure political analyst. I'm going to disagree with Mitt Romney. The idea that Bill Clinton will not be involved some way in the discussion about a Hillary candidacy is ludicrous.
It's going to happen.

I don't think -- I think he's exactly right, you don't want to go after them on the affairs. That's been gone over and over again. I don't think that's where they're going to go. They're going to use Clinton's success economically as part of the strategy.

The other thing is -- I agree with Rove. You can't go after Hillary Clinton, why didn't you do this, why didn't you do this?

Republicans have got to learn here. Sooner than later, that they're going to have to have a strategy that says here's what we're for and this is how we're going to do it and very explicit about. They've sort of talked about it, we have the strategy in the (INAUDIBLE) -- but you need to be able to put up a positive -- this is what you do, this is how I do it, instead of saying no, no, no.

TANTAROS: I agree with that, but don't you think they should ask her what she plans on doing instead of talking about what her husband did, instead of talking about her appearance, instead of talking about her weight? I mean, they should leave all of that and ask her, OK, here's what we're going to do, what are you going to do?

BECKEL: Well, listen, if ObamaCare goes as badly as you think it is, I don't think it is, but if does, they're going to raise that issue on her because of the health care reform debate began really with her heading up the health care reform panel at the White House.

But I think you're exactly right about this. You're going to have to force her to say, this is what I would do. But at the same time, she's going to have to force Republicans to say, OK, what is your answer? For the last four years, you've all said nothing, absolutely nothing.

GUTFELD: I just think that you should be able to ask Hillary what is she going to do, and ask Bill, who are you going to do? Sorry, go ahead.

PERINO: All those questions, five Ws and an H.

Unfair for Romney to say that Clinton embarrassed the nation or accurate?

GUTFELD: I guess it's fair. But I guess it doesn't matter at this point. How many people are voting right now that are going to vote --

PERINO: Many people are voting that had no idea it ever happened?

GUTFELD: Yes, what's her face (ph).

Miley Cyrus was in England and did a theatrical performance where she simulated a sex act with President Clinton. I don't think anybody in the audience even understood what was going on up there because they were 4 years old when it happened.

Going back to what you're saying, we're all in agreement that it's not about the negative approach to Hillary. It's the positive approach of the Republican Party.

The person cannot just be right about the issues. They have to be persuasively, meaning they have to be able to convince people, if you're not political, that you like this person, which President Obama was able to do. He convinced non-liberals, young people, to vote for him without really understanding what his ideology was.

BOLLING: Can I throw something in here, too? I agree with you, Bob, the Republicans have to say, this is what we're about, this is how we're going to fix the economy, this is how we don't like ObamaCare.

But if you want to go after her, look, there's no disputing that when those four bodies came back from Benghazi, I know everyone hates Benghazi, they're sitting in the hangar, and she mentioned the video at that point as part of the blame for why those guys are dead, those guys in the screen right there, and knowing very well at that moment in time it had absolutely nothing to do with the video.

If you want to do something, there's your negative attack ad right there.

PERINO: Are they going to have to address that, Bob? I mean, she sort of feels -- I think Hillary Clinton thought she has put it to bed, but do you think it comes back out to haunt them?

BECKEL: Well, I'm sure the right is going to bring that back up. But anybody who is going to vote against her on Benghazi is already voting against her. In other words, you've got hard core conservatives who think about Benghazi a lot are going to vote against her anyway. So, that's really not a workable issue as far as I'm concern.

PERINO: You don't think it's a matter of character and judgment?

BECKEL: Well, you could argue that, but listen, this is a woman who has persevered through an awful lot. She's been first lady, she's been an United States senator, she's been secretary of state. The people in the military like her.

But let's hear the other big obstacle for the Republicans. You've got a majority of voters in the country are women. There's going to be 4 percent or 5 percent of women who are going to vote, who would otherwise vote Republican, who will vote for a woman. So, that makes it that much bigger to climb.

GUTFELD: That's why they need -- I mean, I said they need an Obama.
They also need a Hillary. They need an Obam-illary, a black woman.

TANTAROS: Yes, because you could imagine eight or nine white guys and it's going to be a coronation likely for her, and I think that's when the report came out in the "Free Beacon" saying that she was ambitious and people go, my God, she's ambitious -- I think that if that's the attack they use, they're going to say, they're going to rally women by saying what's wrong with a female being ambitious?

PERINO: Definitely.

TANTAROS: And they're going to pit women against men, and women are going to say, we want to see a woman in the White House. We want to be a part of history, the same way they want to be a history with Obama.

BECKEL: And ambitious, by the way, nobody gets to be president of the United States --


PERINO: It wasn't just ambition. The word was ruthless. I think that was the other word.

BECKEL: There's a lot of ruthlessness --

PERINO: I agree. I don't think that that's necessarily bad.

OK. Coming up, a warning from our secretary of state about a threat to the world that is greater than terrorism, but not everyone is buying it.
That's up next.


BOLLING: Folks, it's cold outside. In fact, last week, 49 of the 50 states -- or 57 if you're President Obama -- had snow on the ground.

Record snowfall and extreme temperatures in Japan, I can go on and on.
For the last 17 years, there is no, literally, no measurable warming of the globe.

But our Secretary of State John F. Kerry says the debate is over, the global is warming, climate change is happening, whatever.

Over the weekend, he said he's not going to debate it anymore and took a shot at anyone who disagrees. Listen.


JOHN F. KERRY, SECRETARY OF STATE: The science is unequivocal, and those who refuse to believe it are simply burying their heads in the sand.
The President and I -- Obama and I believe very deeply that we do not have time for a meeting anywhere of the flat earth society.


BOLLING: All right, Greg. So you pointed something out important.

GUTFELD: Well, yes, Jakarta has been often the target of terror attacks and listening to guy, I mean, one degree Celsius is somehow more damaging than Iranians getting a nuke?

This is not a secretary of state. He could be secretary of H&R Block.
You know why -- you can't make money off good news. You can only make money in the environmental movement if there's bad news.

While the climate has warm slightly, hurricanes and cyclones have fallen. But this is great fact from Matt Ridley, since the 1920s, the global annual death rate from weather-related diseases has declined by 99 percent, and hurricanes that hit Mexico, no death. But when they hit places like Burma, of equal power, they kill 200,000.

The answer is always going to be in prosperity and freedom. That's good news. He can't sell that.

By the way, none of those people were listening to him. They were like going, you're out of your mind, you strange man.

PERINO: They're wondering how much money can we get for that?


BOLLING: It's interesting -- the Senate Democrats late last week said this is the new thing. We're going to talk climate change now.

So, over the weekend, the talk shows went there and John Kerry goes there as well. This is like concerted, how does this thing -- how does this happen?

PERINO: I think that this is the influence of John Podesta, who recently left Citizens for American, what is it, CAP -- whatever it's called, and went to the White House. He's calling himself a strong environmentalist.

I would call myself a strong environmentalist.

Let's say on the science part they're right. I'm not saying that, but let's just say that they are. Their policy prescription is so weak that they never talk about it. So, what they have decided to do is fight on science grounds, and it's very unusual I think for the secretary of state to use language in a very undiplomatic way about flat earthers, people who might disagree with him.

GUTFELD: In a foreign country.

PERINO: And it was amazing if they had that much conviction about the people who are being killed in Syria. Just imagine if they would focus on the Geneva talks, rather than being in Indonesia talking about climate change. We were closer to an international agreement on climate change with the Asian Pacific region. Actually, there's no policy answer that John Kerry is offering right now.

BOLLING: Bob, how do you explain that? Of all the things in the world right now, John Kerry figures this is the best thing to spend his time on?

BECKEL: Let me say, we get in fights about this, so let me just say that there are those of us who agree with the National Academy of Science that says 99 percent of the published scientists in the world agree there's global warming --


BOLLING: I know --

BECKEL: Let's leave that aside. You don't agree with that. These guys see a cataclysmic situation developing if this continues. If it does, what Kerry is arguing about this being a weapon of mass destruction, if the oceans were to rise, just for the sake of argument, three or four inches, it would wipe out hundreds of millions of people.

PERINO: But would they have to have a policy prescription --

BECKEL: In Bangladesh alone.

GUTFELD: That's not true.

BECKEL: Why isn't it true?

GUTFELD: I'll tell you -- well, go ahead.

BOLLING: Well, I just wanted to throw out there, the study you're sighting over and over, again, is in fact debunked and we have it right here.

BECKEL: Debunked by who?

BOLLING: By "The Journal of Science and Education." They went back and looked at all this data and it turns out it wasn't 97 percent. It's less than half of 1 percent of the scientists.

BECKEL: That's ridiculous. Just ridiculous.

BOLLING: That the globe is warming because of manmade --

BECKEL: That is simply -- anybody who put that out is bunk. That's bunk.

BOLLING: Can I please get Andrea in here?

TANTAROS: I'm just listening to you all talk. I think that Richard Lindzen, who we brought up before, MIT professor, has it right. And I think most people probably agree with him, which is, OK, a small amount has happened, but there's no need for alarm bells. There's no need to go crazy.

I do think it falls probably somewhere in the middle. What I find is so bizarre is that John Kerry also is overseeing the Keystone pipeline.
Why they would move that under the purview of the U.S. State Department.

And I agree with Greg, it's not just the Indonesians saying that are probably going, what the heck is this guy talking about, there are probably terrorists in caves laughing their asses off, going, this is what the secretary of state has made his number one priority? Great, we're glad this is what they're going to focus on to control the lives of Americans while we plot to kill them.

BOLLING: I have to do this. I'm sorry, Ands, to cut you off, I want to get this. This is something John Kerry also said in the speech. Listen to this.


KERRY: Climate change can now be considered another weapon of mass destruction, perhaps even the world's most fearsome weapon of mass destruction.


BOLLING: Go, Greg -- yes, go ahead.

PERINO: You know what? The farther you get away from September 11th, the closer you are to September 10th.

GUTFELD: Good point.

Here's the science, like you said, temperatures haven't risen over 17 years. While CO2 has been rising. That distinction and discrepancy is unusual.

But if there's a slight increase over the century in Celsius, that saves lives. A warmer climate allows you to grow more crops and more people die in cold weather. So they're actually arguing for more death.

BECKEL: Wait a minute. When I was in the Peace Corps in the Philippines, three or four inch rise in the South China Sea will kill tens of millions of Filipinos.


GUTFELD: I would love to see the science on that, Bob.


BOLLING: All right. We're going.

Ahead on "The Five," Team USA hockey hero T.J. Oshie reveals what he was thinking when he scored the winning shot to through the legs of the Russian goalie. That shot earned team USA a victory on Russian ice. You'll hear from him.

Plus, an NBC reporter pushed alpine skier Bode Miller to tears when she questioned him about his late brother moments after his win, did she go too far? I say no, but I'm definitely in the minority. You decide, next.


TANTAROS: Three decades after the miracle on ice, we witnessed another one this weekend when Team USA's hockey players defeated Russia in an Olympic nail-biting thriller. T.J. Oshie scored the winning goal in a shootout during overtime. He scored four times on six tries.

Today, Oshie spoke about the incredible moment and what he was thinking about right before it.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: What was going through your mind at that moment?

T.J. OSHIE, TEAM USA HOCKEY TEAM: What do I do next? There's a little panic in there. I saw the replay. It looks like I wasn't shaking, but I was underneath, and really happy the last one went in.


TANTAROS: Wow, that was an awesome game, wasn't it, Bob? You said you watched it.

BECKEL: It was amazing. But I tell you the thing about it -- you know, to think about, when they have penalty kicks in soccer, for example, you know, there's a big, hung net, and there's a goalie. And it's pretty easy to get a ball in. When you're trying to shoot into a hockey net, it's a very small area, and these guys are very, very good, these goaltenders.
These guy did four of 6, and the last one, he got in, he did it almost in slow motion -- he had the guy completely confused and boom, shot it right through his leg.

TANTAROS: Had to feel very good to beat the Russians on their own turf.

BOLLING: Yes, that's right. Maybe not be a miracle on ice, again, because that was amateurs playing against professionals. A little bit different.

But really interesting about Oshie. There was a picture that got sent around Twitter right after that, with some military people in Afghanistan jumping up, clapping when he scored the winning goal. And that was like it went everywhere.

And, Oshie, to this credit -- you know, people were saying you're a hero. He said, I'm not a hero. The people in camo are the real heroes.

He's a great kid. He's a young, upcoming hockey player for the St.
Louis Blues. But a great person on top of it.

TANTAROS: I know, Dana, you said you didn't watch the game, you were at yoga, but you have to admire what Eric said about what he said about men in Camo, which is so different than what Hollywood actors have been saying, which is my job is just as dangerous as men and women.

PERINO: Yes, I read about it, and my husband said the game was incredible. I do think it's interesting to listen to a lot of the interviews after these competitors come off the field or come off the ice, wherever it might be. They're very humble, and a lot of it seems very sincere to me.

Unlike in the NFL, where it seems like it's all talking points when they come off the field. We talked about the things they have said and maybe they shouldn't have said. But these guys at the Olympics to me seem completely genuine.

TANTAROS: Greg, you had your face painted, your entire body painted, in fact. Was it worth it?

GUTFELD: It wasn't for the game, Andrea. That was for something completely different.

Two things quickly -- Matt Lauer asks him, what is going through your mind? What's going through your mind? Just ask them what they're thinking. I'm so tired of hearing that.

Also, Olympic hockey reflects the exceptionalism of American life.
The players in the best teams all play in the NHL. Why? Because our system is better. There aren't players flocking to lot Latvia.


GUTFELD: I had to find some kind of political thing.


GUTFELD: But I didn't see the game.

BECKEL: Exactly.

TANTAROS: From a feel good moment to a not so feel good moment, a lot of people pretty outrages for a reporter from NBC, Christin Cooper, for pushing Bode Miller on the death of his brother before the Olympic Games.
He lost his brother to a seizure last year.

Here's the interview that's lighting up the internet.


CHRISTIN COOPER, NBC: Bode, you're showing so much emotion down here.
What's going through your mind?

BODE MILLER, OLYMPIAN: I mean, a lot. Just a tough year and --

COOPER: I know you wanted to be here with Chelone, really experiencing these games. How much does it mean to you to come up with a great performance for him?

MILLER: I wanted to come here and -- I don't know, I guess make myself proud.

COOPER: When you're looking up in the sky, we see you there, and it looks like you're talking to somebody. What's going on there?


TANTAROS: So, what do you think, Greg? Did the reporter go too far?

GUTFELD: I don't think so. I mean, I don't think she was being mean.
She was following up with a story. I get more annoyed by the fake outrage on Twitter, which to me is actually more obnoxious. People used to shout at the TV. Now they just go on Twitter, you know?

But I don't know -- I think she was doing her job. I think he was -- if he forgave her, what's the deal?

TANTAROS: That's what he did. He took to Twitter, Dana, and he said I forgive her. She was doing her job.

PERINO: Yes. It's compelling story.

BECKEL: Well, since I don't follow through this, so I don't know anything about what you're talking about.

I can tell you this, having seen that, I think everything was fine until the last question, when she said, "You're looking up into the sky."
What she obviously wanted him to say is -- yes, I'm talking to me dad brother -- just so superficial and plastic --


TANTAROS: You disagree, Eric?

BOLLING: I completely disagree. Because I think, if you watch those
-- those runs, you saw him doing it. You wondered what he was doing. I think she did her job. She pulled out of him the emotion.

By the way, you can't win the down -- you can't win these events without having a lot of emotion and having something to ski for or whatever for. I think she did her job.

By the way, there was a barrier between Bode Miller and Kristen Cooper. He could have clearly said, "Thank you very much. The interview's over," any time he wanted to. He stayed for all five of the questions.

PERINO: I think it's interviews like this and the future stories that NBC does this very well. Other networks do them well, too, but I think that's what draws you to watch the Olympics. And so if there hadn't been any personal stories and he went through a tragedy and he skied, and he's been in the American life -- public life for a long time, it would just be like watching any other competition. The Olympics, I think, are different.

BECKEL: Yes, but -- go.

TANTAROS: I was going to say, it humanized him. I don't think -- I agree with you. I don't think it was that bad.

Also, he started the interview, if you watch the full interview, talking about the emotion that he had. So he tipped it off. She didn't go there first.

BOLLING: That's right.

TANTAROS: So he went there first, and I don't think she saw him tearing. He just wiped his eye, and then the tears started to flow after the third question. So I don't -- I actually don't think it was that bad.

All right. Directly ahead, it's Presidents' Day, and we'll tell you which of the 44 are our faves. Can you guess? Next.



The only thing we have to fear is fear itself.

JOHN F. KENNEDY, FORMER PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: Ask not what your country can do for you. Ask what you can do for your country.


Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall.


BECKEL: Today is Presidents' Day, time to celebrate the people who had the honor to lead this great nation. There have been 44 so far, some of them better than others. All right, Andrea, who's your pick for the best president?

TANTAROS: I think it's George Washington. And I feel like he was just one of the greatest leaders that we've ever had. He knew that we needed to get away from a monarchy, and backed a republic instead of a democracy, which is fascinating if you read about him.

And he was just a leader in every sense of the word. He also was offered the position of king but turned it down. And that is so different from politicians these days that just want the power. I mean, he was totally devoted to this nation and making it great.

BECKEL: And didn't really want to be president.

Eric, let me guess. Let me guess. It's so obvious. Please, let me do it for you.

BOLLING: OK. Go ahead.

BECKEL: Ronald Reagan.

BOLLING: Yes. For two reasons. No. 1 -- two very obvious reasons.
No. 1, because he brought us out of what was malaise. Remember? Morning in America again? Here's what he did. He brought us -- he saved the economy. He saved the country through the economy.

And No. 2, probably more importantly, another thing he did, he won what would be the biggest, the -- by far the biggest war the planet has ever seen, the Cold War. He won the Cold War without firing one single shot.

BECKEL: No help from the Democrats at all either, right?


BECKEL: No help from the Democrats at all? Go ahead.

BOLLING: Is Gorbachev a Democrat?

BECKEL: That's funny.

PERINO: Well, Bob, this will shock you. You might not have heard, but I worked for President George W. Bush, so he is my choice.

TANTAROS: It would be weird if you didn't pick him.


PERINO: It would be weird. It would be weird. And actually, I believe it.

BECKEL: You do?

PERINO: Yes, I do.


GUTFELD: Well, my favorite president is Dwayne Elizondo Mountain Dew Herbert Camacho. He was the president in the film "Idiocracy." He managed the decline of America in style and with pets. An amazing leader. You didn't mess with him. Look at that hair. There he is.

BECKEL: All right. OK, Greg. Leave it to you on Presidents' Day.

All right. Mine is a fairly obvious choice for me, too, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, for several reasons. One, he brought us through and out of a depression. He brought a nation that was very reluctant to go to war into the Second World War, and if it hadn't been for him, we'd have been living under Hitler and Mussolini in the west. I think he brought us Social Security. He brought us so many things, it's hard even to begin to add them together. He was a great, great president, and it was more than just one war he dealt with.

TANTAROS: Can Lincoln get an honorable mention?

BECKEL: Yes. Lincoln should get an honorary mention. Absolutely.

"One More Thing" is up next.

GUTFELD: Calvin Coolidge.


GUTFELD: Time now for "One More Thing" -- Eric.

BOLLING: OK, Friday afternoon, Friday night, a huge labor decision went down in Tennessee. The UAW was trying to unionize a VW plant in Tennessee. An important part of this is VW actually allowed the UAW to come in and pitch their story, and the workers at the VW plant -- go ahead
-- rejected it. DOA.

Very important going forward because that's the south right to work state. And if they unionize there, it could have spread to other plants.
So it's good news.

BECKEL: It's a terrible story.

BOLLING: For the free market.

GUTFELD: It's a great story.

TANTAROS: Very interesting story.

GUTFELD: Yes. Andrea.

TANTAROS: This is a better story. Guess what turns 30 today?

GUTFELD: Pajama boy?


KEVIN BACON, ACTOR: This is a party. Let's dance!


TANTAROS: Yes, it's been 30 years since Kevin Bacon got on that tractor in that nail biter of a scene where he had to make the other guy jump off, and he did that very sexy performance in the factory. But it's turned 30, and I can't believe it's that old already. But what a great movie.

BECKEL: I never saw that movie.

TANTAROS: You never saw "Footloose"?


PERINO: You think in 30 years, that movie -- I was so excited to see that movie. In 30 years we've gone from "Footloose" to twerking. I mean, time goes by fast.

GUTFELD: That is progress, at least in my mind.

PERINO: Isn't it profound?

GUTFELD: Not a big fan of "Footloose."

PERINO: I loved it.

GUTFELD: I thought it was going to be about something else. Anyway, where am I? Dana.

PERINO: OK, I'm going to go quickly, because I have two things.

Everybody loves spring training. The Yankees are down in Tampa. Look who else loves spring training. This was caught at spring training today in Tampa. So that means that hopefully the weather is going to get better.

And then Bob and I want to hold up our new cups. And thank you so much to Rebecca Reith (ph) and Sally Tatum (ph) of Black Pug Pottery. They are educators and they just retired. And...

BOLLING: What's it say?

PERINO: It says -- I'm "Jasper's Mom," and Bob's says, "I love Jasper."

BECKEL: Now, you folks had that a little wrong, but thank you very much for the...

PERINO: No, they know that you actually really love him.

Thank you, guys.

BOLLING: Beautiful mugs.

PERINO: They did a nice job.


PERINO: Black Pug Pottery.

GUTFELD: All right. Oh, me? Banned phrase, "Zero sum." You hear this a lot these days. I'm not so sure the people using it understand what it means. It means if someone wins, someone loses. Like if you take a slice of cake, the bigger slice, the less somebody else gets. It's how liberals see the economy.

PERINO: Zero sum.

GUTFELD: Zero sum. They don't grow the cake. They only see that if I have a slice, I'm taking it from somebody else.

BECKEL: There you go.

TANTAROS: They ban a cake because there's too much sugar in it.

GUTFELD: Exactly.

BECKEL: All right. Can I move on to mine?


BECKEL: Thank you. Gabe Sonnier, who was a janitor at a school in Louisiana, started off as a janitor 30 years ago. The principal said, you
know, "I'd rather have you test -- score papers than pick them up."

He went back to school. He got his degree, a teacher's degree. He went on to become a teacher in the same school he was a janitor in.

TANTAROS: Oh, that's cool.

BECKEL: And very recently, he became principal of that school after getting a master's degree. Congratulations.

TANTAROS: Congratulations. That's great.

BECKEL: It's a great story.

TANTAROS: I love that story. How did you find that "One More Thing"?
Who found that for you, Bob?

BECKEL: I found it myself. I found it myself.

BOLLING: Nice private school?

BECKEL: No, it's not a private school, you jerk off.

PERINO: We were doing so well.

GUTFELD: Way to go. Almost made it to the end of the show.

Set your DVRs so you don't miss an episode of "The Five."

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