The Greatest Generation Strikes Again

Let me see if I've got this straight.

An 87-year-old guy decides to buy more General Motors stock and now he's got the 50-something whippersnappers running the place running into walls?

I say, touché.

The greatest generation strikes again.

Now, I know billionaire Kirk Kerkorian ain't your typical 80-something. But like his generation, he certainly is something.

Still moving. Still shaking. Still scaring.

Still, pardon my English, "mattering."

Because lest you think hitting 65 means you hit the pasture, hit on these facts:

The guy who runs Viacom is 82 years old. His name's Sumner Redstone, and likens retiring, to dying.

Ditto his downright youthful-by-comparison 74-year-old colleague Rupert Murdoch at my parent company, Newscorp. He's still very much in charge and still very much planning to stay in charge.

John Bogle's well into his 70s and keeping mutual fund managers generations younger honest.

This new pope is 78 and apparently got the job because his sixty-something challengers were considered pups.

Ronald Reagan once said, "Age is a state of mind."

I know young people who act way too old.

And old people who seem way too young.

I'd much rather opt for the latter and live.

Than to be counted out as useless — and just die.

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