'The Five's State of the Union preview

This is a rush transcript from "The Five," January 20, 2015. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

GREG GUTFELD, CO-HOST: Who knows anymore? Hello, everyone. I'm G.G. along with K.G., B.B., E.B. A.T., this is "The Five."

So, ladies, when a relationship ends it's important to move on. However, there's always one ex who won't let go and does everything he can to weasel his way back into your life. He'll show up at work with flowers or call just to tell you about his new yoga mat. The only thing you can do is brush him off.

And that's the advice I give to America, as we face the State of the Union.

The president, in that persistent drone of his, will talk big and offer sweeping defiant proposals. For his strategy is simple: to rile. If you take the bait, he wins. His goal: to unleash conflict which then becomes the media's meat. He's kicking a hornet's nest, hoping we sting ourselves. So it's best just to smile and say, thanks dude, but we're good, then move on.

For America is on the market, looking for someone new, someone strong, sensible, loyal, dreamy. This guy you've been with for six years, he just wasn't into you, more enamored by the hippie types who feel and not think. You were Main Street. He was Occupy Wall Street.

His new aggressiveness speaks of his desperation. Tonight's speech is just a political version of a bitter ex contacting you on Facebook, thinking he can worm himself back into the spotlight by defiantly bringing up the past.

The establishment media loves this stuff, but not you. Sometimes you've got to say, we've moved on Mr. President, so should you. And if he doesn't, give him a fake phone number.

That's what you do, Andrea.

ANDREA TANTAROS, CO-HOST: I was gonna say or, you could fake your own death.

GUTFELD: Oh there --

TANTAROS: Which is a good tease for my, One More Thing.

GUTFELD: Oh, really?


GUTFELD: That's really desperate. Now, this is my feeling. President Obama does this, he kind of wins by simply kicking up some dirt, introducing things that nobody likes, but as long as it raises dialogue -- TANTAROS: Yes.

GUTFELD: See. (ph)

TANTRAOS: And I have so many thoughts about your monologue on relationships, but I'm gonna try and keep this on the president.


TANTAROS: So I think what you're trying to say is this is his boil your bunny moment. He's naked in a trench coat on our fire escape tonight, is that what you're trying to say?

GUTFELD: Well, not really.

TANTAROS: Peering through our window saying, pay attention to me, I'm relevant.


TANTAROS: Is that what you're trying to say?

GUTFELD: Maybe you went a little further than I would have.

TANTAROS: Sorry. I'm sorry.

GUTFELD: The trench coat thing, that's more Clinton. But --

TANTAROS: My gosh.

GUTFELD: Eric --

ERIC BOLLING, CO-HOST: Who does gonna -- right now.


GUTFELD: The strategy is to introduce a volatile idea. Like $320 billion in taxes. Everyone takes the bait, talks about it, and then he goes and plays golf.

BOLLING: And here's exactly what exactly what happens. He's done it before. By the way, one of the media groups put these things together. They have 112 times that the president didn't follow through on one of the State of the Union promises over the last six years. So here's what he does, he's gonna recommend raising corporate tax rates. Corporations are going to say well, screw that, we're gonna go look for better tax environments elsewhere. They gonna leave Pfizer, (inaudible) and a whole host of others have looked up to other countries. They're gonna move their businesses, they bring jobs with them. And then the president turns around and says, "You're not being patriotic corporations" and he said, by the way, in all those jobs that you're losing, the people are leaving -- the way we got you covered. We got employment insurance, we got food stamps, we can take care of us. Here's the quote, but let me just -- bear with me for one more minute. I'm gonna tell you who said it at the end. Lower rates -- lower rates of taxation will stimulation economic activity, raise levels of personal and corporate income and yield an increased flow of revenue to the federal government. Want to take a shot at who said that?

BOB BECKEL, CO-HOST: John F. Kennedy.

BOLLING: John F. Kennedy, he said it and he said 16 different times in a year and a half in 1962 and 1963. So, I'm not sure how the Democrats got away from real true economics and job creation and realizing that keeping more of your own money, you'll spend more.

GUTFELD: Yeah, it's a good point, Bob. You know, you deal with people who have substance abuse issues, and you're very passionate about that. Our government took in more than $3 trillion in taxes, and now we want more. Doesn't that signify that perhaps we have a problem in addiction?

BECKEL: I know we have --

GUTFELD: To taxes?

BECKEL: We have -- we have a difference. But here's the thing I think you expect tonight. If he is gonna -- he is gonna push hard his successes in the economy, you can argue about it all you want around and people aren't in the job market, blah, blah, blah. The fact is the American people are beginning to recognize we're in a good economy, one. Two, he will draw the distinction because this is about 2016. It is not about anything else but that. He wants to put that marker down. Divide -- making decisions with Democrats, Republicans very clear in people's minds, and then follow- through on that as the months come ahead come before us in the next, say, five months, you will see. One or two things maybe pass outside of that door, there will be distinctions. And that's what it's going to be all about, getting ready for that election.

GUTFELD: So the only way he can count the economy is to ignore the labor force participation?

BECKEL: No, no, it's not --

GUTFELD: In all-time low at 62.7 percent.

BECKEL: You all quickly ignored gas prices and you couldn't ignore unemployment going down. You couldn't ignore, in fact the houses are up, the instructions up, in fact the manufactures up, go on down on the list.

GUTFELD: But you know, when things get really, really low, sometimes they can't get any lower, right? And they have to come back up.

BECKEL: Well that's that's the point Greg, I should think. But, and one -- one last point here, who's he beneficiary of this distinction?

BOLLING: Can I just throw something out here Bob? You also talk -- you talk about all the fantastic things going on in the economy, some of them are good. There are some jobs that being -- are being created. Gasoline prices are coming down, but they've been elevated for six years. But prices of everything else, well food, milk, everything you eat, everything you drive, everything you heat your home with, prices are going up and wages are stagnant and flat and labor participation, but --

BECKEL: So there's --

BOLLING: But jobs --

BECKEL: Did I miss the obligations?

BOLLING: Yeah -- no, no. You guys, you did, because you don't count food and energy for some stupid reason.

BECKEL: I see.

KIMBERLY GUILFOYLE, CO-HOST: No, but I was gonna answer to Bob was, so the president's going to argue that yes, the economy is doing so much better, therefore the rich are able to sustain an additional burden in the form of increased taxes. But this president has in fact, been the beneficiary of falling oil and gas prices, right? Because of the increased supply in the United States, so because of that, then because a price of barrel of oil is cheaper, gas prices are lower, therefore more disposable income. So he wants to take the credit for all of that. But that's just what's been happening in the market. It's not directly tied in or related to the president or any of his specific policies, because in fact he's been quite punitive in disparaging in his comments about to give and receive (ph) and not wanting to export an increased oil and gas production in this country.

Beckel: Do not underestimate our ability to take credit for it.

GUILFOYLE: Thank you very much, Bob. I think we should leave it there.

TANTAROS: You know, he's gonna take off a lot of positives, which -- he really can't take credit for because, he looked at premiums have gone up median household incomes have gone down. So he can tax millionaires an extra 10 percent or propose that. Ultimately, that's gonna squeeze the middle class, and if you're under President Obama's administration, he basically redistributes all that money. So you point out all that revenue in taxes has just gone to spending.


TANTAROS: That's the addiction problem. So I think he's gonna have a tough time and I also appointed the new Fox News poll, that talks about how people feel. So he can kick off facts tonight, all these different statics, but the one that jumped out at me Greg, was over 60 percent of respondents said they feel we're still in a recession. So people don't feel all of this good news that he's gonna try and drop in our lap.


TANTAROS: And take credit for.

GUTFELD: Do you think people are even gonna watch, Eric? I mean, his viewership keeps dropping.

BOLLING: I think all six years, the viewership has going down and they're expecting it to go down even further, because he can't do anything. One of the things we need to point out is, he can say a bunch of things. He can add to the 122 things that he hasn't fulfilled in the last six years. He can add another 20 that he hopes to get done, but he's not gonna get them. If he does things like -- talks about things like raising taxes on the top 1 percent, raising corporate taxes, doing some of the things that he wants to do. Trying to get that through both sides House and Congress, it ain't gonna happen.


BOLLING: So again you're right, this is more about politics than actual policy changes that we're gonna see.

BECKEL: There consistency out there for the top 1 percent -- and on there on --


TANTAROS: They take donation to his campaign.

BECKEL: Serious.

GUTFELD: It's called America, Bob.

BECKEL: America.

GUTFELD: You know, according to Representative Gwen Moore. The president will invoke the victims of the Paris shooting and lawmakers are gonna hold up yellow pencils, as a symbolic gesture. Do you think he's going to elaborate on any kind of coherent terror policy at all?

BECKEL: What are yellow pencils for?

GUTFELD: Well, the cartoon in solidarity with the cartoonist.

BECKEL: Oh, sorry.

GUTFELD: So, I mean, in terms - is that coherence -- I mean, is that enough? Don't we need some kind of coherence?

BECKEL: I think he needs to -- I've been saying this for a long time. I think he needs to get out in front of this. Why he won't say Islamic terrorist? He's got to have an explanation for why that is, and not just not say it. And that's what I think he may, just may, say it tonight.

BOLLING: There's no way.

GUTFELD: Yeah, I don't like.


GUILFOYLE: I really hope we have that no way.



BOLLING: As Obama says --

BECKEL: We can dream and dream and dream.


GUILFOYLE: I wish someone would just get in and edit the teleprompter. Wouldn't that be amazing?

BOLLING: If you can self-edit that on the fly.

GUILFOYLE: Will that be?

TANTAROS: No way. He wouldn't say it.

GUTFELD: What's his name? Pfeiffer. What's his first name, Dan?


GUTFELD: Dan. So Obama is gonna have some cards up his sleeve, Kimberly. What could those cards be?

GUILFOYLE: Oh, (inaudible)

GUTFELD: Go fish? Old maid?

GUILFOYLE: Yeah, go fish. So like -- so he's actually have been practicing with David Blaine. He's gonna do some magic tricks.

GUTFELD: He will levitate.

GUILFOYLE: Maybe people will watch, because no one wants to hear that he's going to be raising capital gains, and all these taxes. That's the problem. People already know where he's going with this. He has been consistent in his politics and ideology, but people aren't buying it. Look at the polls, look at the jobs dissatisfaction, I mean, this is not a guy who's coming in with a strong A-game or backing of the American people.

BECKEL: He's got big banking but American people say that for a long time. But, he does know it's gonna passed -- anybody think it's gonna get passed, it won't, right?

GUTFELD: That's the point. He's just here to create the debate. Correct? Yeah?

BECKEL: Exactly -- no to divide.

GUTFELD: Divide --

GUILFOYLE: It's divide --

GUTFELD: And then conquer.

TANTAROS: And remind people that --

GUILFOYLE: Politics.

GUTFELD: Yeah. TANTAROS: Which what they were saying, because it is about his legacy. And he's also gonna talk about community colleges, which is a big thing. But, he's throwing money at a problem. I looked this up, right now, half of community college students, the one that he wants to help, placed into remedial classes. So what that tells me is they're not getting good education in junior high and high school. So he's proposing throwing more money that we don't have that's not going to help these kids. I mean if you really break down the speech, I think you're gonna see a lot of pretty flimsy proposals that are going to make problems worse.

GUILFOYLE: But that's what he does, right? About trade schools instead, do something people gonna have jobs --

BECKEL: Those are good. And I agree with that. I think that's a wise place to go --

TANTAROS: Charter schools, charter schools. Why are progressives so against charter schools?

BECKEL: I still think that the trade school is an important, important thing to do and there's a way to fund them. So taxes in Obama and people will do that if the president would have funded it.

GUTFELD: I think charm schools. Have you seen these kids lately?

TANTAROS: Have we sent to you? (ph)

GUTFELD: We got to bring back charm school.

GUILFOYLE: You were so --


GUTFELD: Charm school.

TANTAROS: This ended the day when (inaudible) sent you. Oh you like, (inaudible)

BECKEL: You just (inaudible) of that play.

GUTFELD: It is time for charm schools. Teach you how to wear your pants. Stop saying like -- I don't know.


GUTFELD: Alright, we're done here. Wait, wait, one last question, Joni Ernst, what do you think she's going to do? Good choice?

BOLLING: Great choice.


BOLLING: I hope -- I hope she somehow works in her --


GUTFELD: Oh yes.

GUILFOYLE: Some pigs, pigs and crops?

BOLLING: Castrate the --

TANTAROS: Can they just do me a favor and the Republican Party? I think it would be good instead of having Joni Ernst come out and have that so bouquet's backdrop and the -- diocese -- whatever, the podium. Why don't they put her in an arena? With middle class families and have her have a similar type of environment and audience.

GUILFOYLE: In the town hall --

TANTAROS: Because it's so tough to deliver the response.

BECKEL: And --

TANTAROS: After a president gives a speech and he has the applause and he has all these people. I mean the degree of difficulty to go in.

GUILFOYLE: And they are always looking.

TANTAROS: And just be one-on-one with the camera. They should put her in a big stadium with a bunch of middle class families.


BECKEL: They should have thought about that for about they didn't delegate (ph) history, remember that? That was --


BECKEL: That was (inaudible)

GUILFOYLE: Well, that's a problem.

BOLLING: The delivery's gonna be huge, too --

GUILFOYLE: Yeah, but how about looking into the right direction of the camera. That every year that's a problem, they're like looking over here in the camera.

TANTAROS: Every year.


GUTFELD: Alright, alright. I predict that his speech will be interrupted by applause 62 times.

BOLLING: That's the number?

GUTFELD: Yeah, it's the number. So, we'll think -- check that tomorrow. Alright, so, for more of our thoughts on the State of the Union, The Five will be live tweeting -- yes, live tweeting throughout the night. So join us using #foxnewsCHAT. That's #foxnewsCHAT. Next, new disturbing developments.


GUTFELD: On the ISIS front. There's a surprise, more bad stuff on the way.


GUILFOYLE: ISIS has been stepping up the PR campaign by releasing more terror images to the world. It's just put out another hostage video, this time showing Japanese reporters alongside the masked executioner who's demanding $200 million for their release. The terror threat is a top concern back at home. For the first time in five years, Americans ranked combating terror as the number one priority for the U.S. OK, Andrea, this is obviously something that has gotten attention internationally. You are now seeing cooperation between the European Economic Union, the United States, all in an alliance to combat terror. Like a wake-up call has happened.

TANTAROS: Finally. But tonight, according to sources at the White House, they've said that the president's going to focus more on domestic issues and not speak about terrorism, even though as you quoted, it's on Americans' minds. Bob brings up a great point. He should get into it and I think he should outline his strategy for defeating ISIS. The problem I think is, he's already said that ISIS is J.V. and when he was asked about that press conference if he had a plan remember he stepped up and said, we don't have a plan. And the department of defense was like wait a minute, we have plenty of plans to defeat ISIS. Kimberly, I think we could have defeated ISIS a long time ago. I still think we can. And whether you agree on the strategy or not, I just don't think the president wants to deal with this, because I think dealing with it means that he has to go back and admit that he was wrong, talked about it in the first place. He thought he could give that speech in 2009 in Cairo and solve the problem. And everything that he said up to this point has proved to be false. So there's no way he's gonna up and say, I've been wrong. OK, let me rectify it.

BECKEL: You don't know whether the Japanese have agreed to pay the $200 million. Because I've heard they were willing pay. Anybody else hear that?

TANTROS: I haven't heard that.

BECKEL: I hope they don't.

BOLLING: No, I didn't hear that.

BECKEL: I hope they did not.

GUILFOYLE: No, they said they were gonna put their full attention to it.

BOLLING: Right. And they'll fix this.

GUILFOYLE: He's gonna lead --

BOLLING: I hope they wouldn't --

GUILFOYLE: Is this a problem that -- Eric? I mean, should he be mentioning and talking about ISIS and addressing this issue? Because the State of the Union --

BOLLING: President Obama?


BOLLING: Tonight? With two Japanese hostages being --

GUILFOYLE: Yeah, State of the Union. The world is listening.

BOLLING: I certainly wouldn't at this point. Here's what's going on with ISIS. ISIS now taking anyone they possibly can find and threatening and holding them as hostages, saying we're going to behead these people and you should pay as a ransom, because oil prices are crashing. So, ISIS was making $2 million or $3 million a day in oil revenues. There was -- stealing from Syria and Iraq.

GUILFOYLE; Well, it has been a lot.

BOLLING: And now it's -- it's down to like -- you know, less than half of that because oil prices have crashed so far. So they're gonna become more and more dangerous. They're going to become more and more prolific. Look at it this way. My dog freedom (ph) right? So he'll come up now, and he'll just go to my wife, and he'll sit there and he'll look at her and go -- and she'll get up and give him a bone. I tell her, don't do that, because what's going to happen tomorrow -- night at the exact same time. Tomorrow night at the same time, he does -- arf, arf, she gives him a bone. You can't negotiate with these terrorists. The French have done it, it's not working. You've got to stop negotiating. You've got to cut the head off and kill these people, wipe them out, stop playing games with them.

GUILFOYLE: Well, the problem is, if Japan gives them money, that money is gonna go directly back into funding terrorism and taking American lives throughout the Middle East.

BECKEL: Ruff, ruff?


GUILFOYLE: Alright, Bob.

BECKEL: I was just curious.

GUILFOYLE: OK. Do have something to offer?

BECKEL: No, not for (inaudible)

TANTAROS: Just -- you're just gonna bark this segment?

BECKEL: No, no, I'm not gonna bark this segment. I think -- look, I think the Japanese -- go back to this question for a second, about whether the president has got to -- not necessarily define a strategy. I think he's got a strategy for how you beat ISIS, I think there's a required and it was his special forces with bombing, but they don't yet have a strategy to define what this war is about, and why we're not using Islamic terror. If it is because, he doesn't want to upset a billion other Muslims, then say it, if that's what it is. But you've got to say something. You just can't sit out there and be criticized every day for not using a word. I mean, I don't get it.

GUTFELD: You know, you mentioned that there's been this wake-up call. But there's -- there's a large segment of society that is ignored that wake-up call and it's -- it is our media. Their priorities are diseased. As extremists -- you know, kill kids for playing soccer or throw gays off buildings. We have a western media establishment who is more concerned at mocking commentators than they are going after extremists. If we don't rediscover our will, our will, we deserve our fate and it will be a caliphate. ISIS is harnessed. The mindset of the spree killer, they're basically columbine in hijab. And spree --spree and terror share a similarity and that is -- sense of envy and -- that they're victims of lives unfairness. And as we continue to expand this notion of victimization in our own country, this doesn't get any better. Because we're saying, we're telling so many people they're victims.

BECKEL: You know that they killed those kids for watching --


BECKEL: Watching soccer.

GUTFELD: Yeah, yeah.

BECKEL: Watching.

TANTAROS: But, you know, Joe Biden will be sitting behind him this evening. Joe Biden had harsher words when he said I'll follow them to the gates of hell. I mean, if Obama would call up that language, I really think -- I think the public would be behind them, and he would be -- I mean, it really would be the point --

GUTFELD: It's not him, is it?

TANTAROS: But -- no, it makes me think Greg that it's not about popularity, because he would get popular if he did that.


TANTAROS: It's that something wrong for him to play. GUILFOYLE: It's his core. You're right.

BOLLING: Very quickly, I think we've only bomb -- we've only had 700 or 800 bombing missions in -- so something like 160 days or so, let's than five days. That's no way to defeat ISIS. It ain't working, you really need to --

GUILFOYLE: I thought this --

BOLLING: Step that up and bomb. A carpet bomb -- stop their expansion.

GUILFOYLE: Yeah. Well, you've got to put your heart and got to put your weapons into it. That's the problem. Still to come is America's largest Muslim civil rights group trying to smear American hero Chris Kyle? We'll report. You can decide when we come back. And don't forget, we're gonna be live tweeting during the State of the Union tonight. Please join us using #foxnewsCHAT. We are back in a moment.


BOLLING: Yesterday, we told you about Michael Moore and Seth Rogen's vicious attack on the American military, wow they're trying to backtrack -- will be getting to that in a second. But first, Americans' largest Muslim Civil Rights Group CAIR, the Council on American Islamic Relations is getting heat for tweeting out a Guardian newspaper article, yesterday on American Sniper Chris Kyle, where they called him a "hate-filled killer." Those were CAIR words, but it could leave the impression that they're sympathetic to that point of view. So we called CAIR and asked, do thaw think Chris Kyle is a hate-filled killer? CAIR and Ibrahim Doug Hooper flat-out refused to answer and dodged the question. So, we wanted to keep going right? Chris Kyle sadly can't speak for himself. Thankfully, those like him who fought to keep this country safe and allow Rogen and Moore the right to expose their ignorance are speaking up. Listen to Retired U.S. Army Ranger Sean Parnell and Retired U.S. Navy SEAL Jason Redman.


SEAN PARNELL, FORMER U.S. ARMY RANGER: It is highly ironic that a guy like Michael Moore uses the freedom that he's been graciously gifted by the American soldiers and heroes like Chris Kyle, to then turn around and blame the American militaries for all the problems of the world. To me, that's the definition of irony and cowardice all the same time.

JASON REDMAN, FORMER U.S. NAVY SEAL: Chris Kyle was a hero. He went out there and he was willing to sacrifice himself -- to make a difference, and not only his brothers' lives, but in the lives of the American people. Even in the lives of somebody like Michael Moore and Seth Rogen who don't even - - you know, have no clue what we're out there fighting for.


BOLLING: Alright. So Bob, you want to take care, CAIR first.

BECKEL: Yeah. I don't take care, CAIR -- I was like to care CAIR in more ways than one. But, let me just put it this way. For CAIR to use the word "hate-filled" --

BOLLING: Well, let's be clear, Guardian wrote it, CAIR re-tweeted the article the Guardian wrote --

BECKEL: Well, I don't care. What they did the fact that they re-tweeted under their name, they are -- is in essence defending a group that is the most hate-filled of all the groups in the world. What CAIR needs to understand is that those who of you -- a group, who are Islamic terrorists -- yes, Islamic terrorists, we've got that right. They are hate-filled -- the most hate-filled people of the last two centuries.

BOLLING: Now, K.G. you heard a couple army rangers there.


BOLLING: Talking about what -- you know, you want to talk about Mike Moore calling them cowards. I'd say, call that to one of those two gentlemen's you have.

GUILFOYLE: Yeah, but no kidding. But in Michael Moore is just so full of -- and he is probably jealous because his movies are horrendous and he's jealous of the success of Clint Eastwood and this film that America has responded to. So, so he's just making a fool of himself -- you know, once again, but it -- it goes further than that, it's so disrespectful to the men and women that served in the U.S. armed forces and for people who lay it on the line. They aren't just randomly killing people. They are saving lives and fighting for freedom. That should matter and it should matter to him because it's the reason why he gets to open his mouth all the time and talk nonsense.

BOLLING: Hollywood to the rescue, when Moore Hollywood friends tried to help them, the damage control today. Here's Harvey Weinstein. Listen to this.


HARVEY WEINSTEIN, HOLYWOOD FILM PRODUCER: I think Michael Moore may have gotten misquoted, and I think that he and that team might get together. My inside sources tell me. So I think it's something about his family looks at snipers a certain way, and then that became a quote like snipers are cowardly. It wasn't a reaction I don't think to this movie.


BOLLING: Greg, I mean, it's the -- doesn't even he step up.

GUTFELD: I mean the -- what's hilarious. OK, a lot of this has to do with the success of this movie, , which represents a part of America that most of these people make fun of. The new controversy about this movie, believe it or not, among reviewers is that the baby that was used in the scenes looked fake.

So in a movie that covers PTSD, human courage, sacrifice, honor, war, death. There are bloggers and critics and wags focusing on a plastic baby. Makes you think that maybe some extremists are right. We do suck. We've created a nation of losers and wusses who mock heroism and obsess over trifles.

BOLLING: You know, Ands, at least they stick together, these Hollywood elite types, making a stupid comment and saying he didn't really mean. He was misunderstood.

TANTAROS: Well, it would be refreshing if, I guess the SAG Awards are on January 25. And then the Oscars are on February 22. I would like to see if anyone has the guts to stand in front of that crowd. I'd prefer Bradley Cooper to do it. But since he knows the wife of Chris Kyle. To actually stand up to this.

GUTFELD: Michael Moore should get a sag award.

TANTAROS: Well, he's got a lot of sag, all over his body.

But I want to bring up something. What Michael Moore said when he tried to clarify, Eric, he said, "Oh, I wasn't referring to 'American Sniper,' the movie." You know, because we're constantly talking about snipers here in the United States. He said, "No, I was talking about my family. Oh, and by the way, I meant snipers like the one that killed Martin Luther King. That's what I was referring to."

So he's going to put a man who killed Martin Luther King, a complete scumbag, on the same moral equivalency of an American hero and think that that's how he's going to clarify it? He made it even worse.

BOLLING: Sometimes it's always -- not "sometimes it's always." It's always better to say, "Look, I screwed up. I made a mistake. I apologize." It's not a bad idea.

Mike, Seth.

All right, coming up, a high school basketball coach is suspended in California. What did he do? He let his team win big. How the success police have come after him. Next on "The Five."


TANTAROS: So, what are we teaching kids when we punish success? A high school girls' basketball coach is back on the job after getting suspended for letting his players keep winning. Michael Anderson's team at Arroyo High School in Southern California clobbered the competition last week with a final score of 161-2. His high school district accused him of running up the score, then suspended him for two games, and then gave this explanation for the punishment.


MARIA GARCIA, SAN BERNARDINO UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT: We are really emphasizing that we want them to pursue victory with honor. And that means playing the game with dignity.


TANTAROS: Well, here's one parent coming to the coach's defense.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I feel it's very wrong. I feel like what are you guys teaching the kids, to lose and not be rewarded? Are you teaching him to be a loser?


TANTAROS: Anderson says that he doesn't think his suspension was fair. He says that he teaches his girls to play one way, and that's hard.

All right, Eric, what do you think? I mean, take away this guy's livelihood, because he actually turned the team around? I looked at when he took over this job as coach. They had only won two games and lost all the other ones. They were in really bad shape.

BOLLING: So part of winning is winning and really winning, because next time you meet the team, you want them to remember the first time that they put a smack-down on you. That's just -- that's life in sports.

But listening to that academic sounds like, you know, victory with honor. I mean, they're not really going for the jugular. And it's probably the reason why ISIS is still moving throughout Iraq.

GUILFOYLE: How did you turn that in?

BOLLING: Why don't we go and just end it. Put them out of their misery. One hundred and sixty-one to two. If I were the coach, I'd say, how'd you let them score two points? I mean, come on. You're teaching kids to -- you know, the old everyone gets a trophy. It's not a winning attitude. Put that on the global stage for a minute. China, Russia, Iran, you want to play with them, too, the way you play with other kids?

TANTAROS: What do you think, Bob?

BECKEL: I get the geopolitical implications of this entire basketball school. Mideast and Russia, U.S.-China relations, Iran, geopolitics of the Middle East.

GUILFOYLE: The caliphate. Yes.

BECKEL: Now, listen. There is one thing about running up a score. It's another thing, the coaches do, for example, in professional football. They decide not to run the score up, because they don't want to, if they beat them again, have somebody get mad and run up the score against them. Why do you have to run up a score like that? What good would -- good would it do? Forget not saying that they shouldn't lose or you should shut the game down, but at least not be that big a margin. It's ridiculous.

TANTAROS: Maybe the issue is that this team that they played shouldn't even be in that league if they're going to get clobbered.

GUILFOYLE: Well, I think, No. 1, open up tryouts. Try and get some new recruits. Or get some kids from other schools. Maybe get a new coach. Because, you know, today's losing team is tomorrow's winning team if you've got the heart and you get the right people in place. I mean, that's how I -- I don't know.

I was coached hard and to win. And we didn't, like, injure anybody. But, you know, we did what it takes.

TANTAROS: I think Eric, though -- I think Eric makes a really good point, though, Greg. Because the kids that got spanked are the ones that are going to learn the lessons of losing more than the ones who won. So...

GUILFOYLE: Metaphorically speaking.

TANTAROS: Metaphorically, right. Basketball apocalypse then becomes divorce apocalypse and then career apocalypse when they get older.

BECKEL: And ISIS apocalypse.

TANTAROS: And then the world comes to another (UNINTELLIGIBLE).

GUILFOYLE: I mean, did they really have to use a full-court press? I mean, they were actually playing tennis, which is so metaphorically, basketball apocalypse.

And ISIS apocalypse.

I mean, did they really have to use a full court press? I mean, they were actually playing tennis, which is completely unfair.

Here's my theory on why the score was so high. By the way, in high school girls basketball, 161-2 is still considered close. No one was paying attention. It's a joke, it's a joke. I love girls' basketball. I watch it every day. But I don't think anybody was paying attention. I don't think the score was that important at that time. And it just kind of went out of control.

Either that, or those who are Harlem Globetrotters in drag, because how could you beat -- this is -- I don't understand how it can be so lopsided. How does that happen?

BECKEL: Exactly.

GUTFELD: That makes no sense to me.

BECKEL: I watch -- I watch women's beach volleyball every day, and I think that's -- that is where it's very close every day, and that's competitive.

TANTAROS: Because you're really keeping your eye on that scoreboard.

BECKEL: I certainly am.

GUILFOYLE: Oh, my gosh.

GUTFELD: I mean, how can it be that -- how can talent be that far apart?

TANTAROS: That's why I asked if they should be in the same league. This seems a little bit off.

GUILFOYLE: They usually will adjust something like that. Maybe the other team is getting a lot of three-point shots. But, you know, nevertheless, what are you supposed to do, make the other team feel bad, like you guys are losers, we're calling this at halftime?

BECKEL: I don't know. Maybe not the full court press. That would be the idea.

GUTFELD: I was the worst basketball player ever. And I'll tell you what, whenever we...

TANTAROS: No kidding! Why? You're so tall.

GUTFELD: I was the guy that they put in. OK, when you were ahead, like, 72-0, I was the guy you put in. So you ran up the score so people like me could play.

TANTAROS: Oh, to get the opportunity.

GUTFELD: Yes. And I still sucked. I would throw air balls that wouldn't make it to the net.

BOLLING: That's what the losing team did.


GUTFELD: That was me. I sympathize.

BECKEL: It had the trajectory of the nuclear weapons systems in North Korea.

BOLLING: Those kids are going to grow up to rule the world, too.

GUILFOYLE: That coach was thinking about the Greg Gutfelds.

TANTAROS: They were thinking about the Greg Gutfelds of the world.


TANTAROS: All right. Ahead, we'll go to Washington live for new details on what to expect at tonight's State of the Union. Bret Baier had lunch with the president earlier, and he'll join us next.


BECKEL: Yo. The president will deliver his sixth and best State of the Union address in just a few hours from now. Our coverage begins at 8:55 p.m. Eastern with Bret Baier. The chief political anchor and anchor of "Special Report" is back with us again tonight ahead of the big speech. He had lunch with President Obama today, and it was off the record.

So, Bret, tell us everything you heard, will you?

BRET BAIER, FOX NEWS ANCHOR: Ah, yes, I knew that was going to come right off the bat.

Listen, two for two on "The Five," I think, is really something for me.


BAIER: But I can't tell you much about the lunch, what was said.

BECKEL: Oh, come on.

BAIER: Shepard had broken the menu, which is right here. He, I think, did his whole show at 3 p.m. on the menu.

But listen, I can give you a perspective about the administration. And they are -- and the president. They are emboldened by the economy. And I think that domestic issues and this plan that he has is going to take up a lot of this speech. And they're -- he's probably going to tick off a lot of the bullet points that this administration is touting.

You know, how much of this speech will be domestic versus foreign policy, I think will be interesting to see, because as you know, the hot spots around the world are only hotter today. Yemen, Libya, Iran signing a deal with Russia, a military deal. Syria, Afghanistan, Iraq. But as far as specifics, I can't get into that.

BECKEL: OK. Eric, you want to ask about ISIS?

BOLLING: Well, no, I want to ask, Bret, during that lunch -- I mean, look, I know we can't ask specifics, but look, everyone knows that most of whatever the president proposes tonight will never make it back to his desk to be signed into law. So is he -- did you get a sense that he realizes this and this is just going to be "Here's what I want. I'm laying it down right now. For the next two years, this is what we'd love to have in '16. Never going to get it now, but let's take a look forward"?

BAIER: Yes, listen. I think the administration has talked about this, too, in that it is a combination of a marker down to start a negotiation on some things. And also a look forward to 2016 and his party and the next person he hopes from his party who's in that -- that seat.

I think the negotiation part, when you go down and ask anyone in this administration where can they get something done, you know, they point to trade. They point to infrastructure. And, you know, the list starts trailing off soon after that. I think Republicans would say about the same thing.

GUILFOYLE: What can you say, Bret, to really encourage people to go with his policies again in 2016, to sort of lay the foundation, the fabric for the future for the Democratic Party?

BAIER: Well, I think that this whole thing about the top tier benefiting from a -- an economy that is on all cylinders, and that the middle class not feeling it, they are taking the approach that there needs to be some redistribution, if you will, and the taxes...

BOLLING: Some? Some?

BAIER: ... you know, and capital gains and on -- and on bank fees, to be able to give three times the child tax credit and $500 for a dual spouse working household.

BECKEL: I hate to ask you this, to tell you this, but Greg's up next.

GUTFELD: I'm just curious. You know...

BAIER: ... it's spicy.

GUTFELD: I don't understand the off-the-record lunch. I think it's exclusionary. I think it's mean. I have a few questions about it anyway I'm going to ask you.

GUILFOYLE: You weren't invited.

GUTFELD: I know. I was wondering if my name came up at all, because I know he's still upset about the pants.

BAIER: No, it didn't.

GUTFELD: And I have a question. Are you -- is it OK to take a doggie bag? Like, if you don't finish your meal, is that OK?

BAIER: I think it might be frowned upon.

GUTFELD: Really?

BECKEL: Andrea, how about you?

GUTFELD: All right, then.

TANTAROS: I don't know how to follow that one, Bret. But OK. Do you get the sense that President Obama is going to be using executive orders, and how much on some of the proposals that he's going to mention tonight?

And two, I'd imagine that the global community is going to be watching what he says this evening. I also would imagine -- he said it before in State of the Unions. He's going to mention closing Gitmo. Have you heard what this White House plans on doing if they close Gitmo? What they're going to be doing with these suspected terrorists?

BAIER: No. And I think that this -- you're hitting on one of the most contentious issues between this Congress and this administration. I think this administration's president has made clear that he wants to close Gitmo. Remember, it was the first thing he signed when he got into office the first time. And they are drawing down the number of people at Guantanamo Bay, slowly but surely putting them in other countries and getting rid of them. Now the question is whether they're being monitored in those countries.

This Congress is, I think, going to do everything it can to stop that. So that is really going to be one of the big -- big issues that they confront each other on. Go ahead, Bob.

BECKEL: Let me ask you this question. Strategically, they obviously are going to make one of two choices here. They've either decided they're going to put down markers where they know they can't get law, where it's going to be turned down, and therefore, they're going to show the divide between the two parties hasn't changed at all and set up 2016, as we've talked about. Or it really is the negotiating point.

The problem is that negotiations from where they're coming from, tax increases seems to me to be a non-starter even as a negotiating point.

BAIER: No, you're right. And I think that all this talk -- and that's why I didn't list it -- about corporate tax reform, I just don't think the Democrats on Capitol Hill would go for just the corporate tax reform without taking some of these plans that the president is talking about, about the middle class.

And Republicans, in the meantime, are not going to raise revenue, raising capital gains to 28 percent. So I think that's another one of these issues that is going to, if it's a marker, they've got a long way to go between the two.

BECKEL: All right. Thanks, Bret. Thanks for your contribution, to be on "The Five" for the second time in a row.

Following the coverage tonight, Bret will be talking with -- questions on Facebook. So go to Facebook.com/BretBaier. "One More Thing" is up next.


GUTFELD: Time for "One More Thing." K.G...

GUILFOYLE: I know. What?

GUTFELD: ... get involved.

GUILFOYLE: I was trying to get the scoop on "Celebrity Apprentice." Geraldo's the star.

OK. I've got a really funny thing. Jimmy Kimmel -- everybody likes Jimmy Kimmel, right? I do. So he said this is the most disturbing edition ever of "Lie Witness News" where, unfortunately, some people claim to have seen Martin Luther King Jr. give a speech yesterday.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: How do you think his speech this morning compared to the one he gave in 1963? The same, better?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I wouldn't say it's the same or better. I would say it's very current for today.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: How did it feel seeing him speak in public this morning?


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: How did Martin Luther King look to you? Did he looked like he gained a little weight?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Yes, he did. (UNINTELLIGIBLE) his doctor. That's all I can say.


GUILFOYLE: Oh, my gosh. Can you imagine that? I mean, that -- what does it say?

BECKEL: That's because they were all watching "The Five," and they saw King give a speech last night.

TANTAROS: I like the guy who said, "Oh, yes, I haven't seen him in awhile."

GUILFOYLE: Haven't seen him in a while. Exactly.

GUTFELD: It depresses me.

GUILFOYLE: I know. Kind of sad.

GUTFELD: It just depresses me. All right. A.T.

TANTAROS: That they're stupid or they're liars?

GUTFELD: No. It's our society.

TANTAROS: OK. Well, speaking of liars, and this comes full circle to Greg's monologue. Women have faked a lot of things to get out of dates: illness, et cetera. This woman took it to the extreme when she faked her own death to get out of a man that she was dating online, to get out of dating him.

OK, so what happened, Ann Grace, she's 29 years old. She couldn't take it anymore. This guy was cyber stalking her, texting her, saying he was going to do all these unannounced visits to take her to dinner. So she enlisted the help of her sisters -- because sisters are awesome and amazing like that -- and she had her sisters say, "Hey, it's Ann Marie's sister. I'm sorry, but she was taken to the hospital. Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. I'll let you know if she comes around."

He responds and says, "Oh, OK. I'm outside the hospital now."


TANTAROS: "Can I come in? What hospital is it in?"

And she said, "I'm sorry to tell you, but we lost her last night."

GUILFOYLE: Oh, my gosh.

TANTAROS: Wow. No word if he kept stalking her after that.

GUILFOYLE: That's terrible.

TANTAROS: Can you believe that?

GUILFOYLE: I mean, that's not good to say that at all.

TANTAROS: Greg brought up that Olivia Newton-John's ex-boyfriend did the same thing.

BECKEL: That should -- you just gave the invitation to go look for her again. Going to go to cemeteries.


GUTFELD: All right. We've got to move on -- Eric.

BOLLING: So tonight's State of the Union, where the president and vice president and both chambers of commerce -- cabinet members, Supreme Court, are all in the same chamber. So did you know -- it's always good to have a refresher on the -- the chain of command. So take a look at it. We put it together.

The top, president, vice president, speaker of the house, president pro tempore of the Senate, secretary of state, on and on and on. But did you know, with all those people in one area, that there's something called a designated survivor. They take one person. They put it them in the basement -- I guess it's the basement of the White House, maybe?


BOLLING: Basement of the White House. He has massive security. In the event of catastrophe at the chamber, that man will be your president. Last year it was Ernest Moniz, the energy secretary, and the year before, it was Steven Chu, the energy secretary. Not sure who it's going to be this year.


GUTFELD: This year it's Lou Dobbs. Finally.


GUTFELD: Finally, Lou Dobbs.

GUILFOYLE: Finally, Lou's number came up. Yes.


BECKEL: You're all going to be seeing the State of the Union tonight. And as this one liberal, I can admit that, over all the years, I never gave the Republican president, when he was giving the State of the Union, a minute's notice. I would ask you to -- I was dumb during that. I would ask everybody to at least listen tonight. Give Obama a chance. Don't be dumb like I was. There is something to be said for listening and trying to begin, maybe at the grassroots, to get rid of this paralysis in Washington.

GUTFELD: That's nice. Nice comment.

GUILFOYLE: Kind of sweet.

GUTFELD: Because of the State of the Union let's do this.


GUTFELD: Greg's Medical Tips, with 45 percent more bacteria.


GUTFELD: All right. You know, we've been talking a lot about childhood obesity, it being an issue. I don't think it's a big deal. I happen to think fat kids are adorable.

Take this one. This is a male pygmy hippo. He was born in captive population in England, which is rare for a male hippo. He weighs about 50 pounds. You can't get anything cuter than that. That's at the Whipsnade Zoo in England. There he is, making a little hay.

I'll shut up now. All right. That's it for us. So important.

GUILFOYLE: That was a medical tip?

GUTFELD: That was a medical tip.


GUTFELD: Leave the little fat ones alone. "Special Report" is next.

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