Tenth Tells Different Story

And now the most absorbing two minutes in television, the latest from the political grapevine:

Tenth Tells Different Story

Democratic Presidential Candidate John Kerry claims the support of those he calls his Band of Brothers, nine men who served under him in Vietnam who praise Kerry's service and leadership.

But Kerry's tenth crewmate on swift boat PCF-44 has only just stepped forward, and tells a much different story.

In an interview with Douglas Brinkley for Time Magazine's online edition, former Gunner's Mate Stephen M. Gardner calls Kerry a -- "opportunist" who ran from the enemy in Vietnam merely to -- "save his lily-white ass." Gardner admits to being a staunch supporter of President Bush who got the idea to speak up after listening to Rush Limbaugh.

Sending a Message?

Democrats urged voters to flock to the polls in yesterday's Florida primary, hoping to send a message to President Bush in the state they say he stole from them four years ago, but Florida election officials said turnout was low.

This as a new report by the Committee for the Study of the American Electorate says voter turnout in the Democratic primary has been unusually low nationwide, despite what Democrats say is a newly energized voting base and what was, until recently, a lively race.

Excluding the hotly contested New Hampshire primary, but still including a record turnout in Iowa, the report says the 2004 Democratic primary has had the third lowest voter turnout ever recorded.

Political Atheists

Atheist groups have announced the creation of a new political action committee, the Godless Americans, or GAMPAC. The group anticipates that exerting influence will be difficult, however, since they expect politicians to ask GAMPAC not to endorse them.

Ellen Johnson, the president of American Atheists, says if a lawmaker doesn't want their support, -- "we can talk about what we can get in terms of promises from that candidate to help us out in return for not endorsing him." The group also says it plans to use contributions to further its causes, but has so far received one donation of $1,000 dollars.

Berkeley vs. Bush

The City Council of Berkeley, California, is considering a resolution to urge an impeachment investigation of President Bush. The resolution says the president deceived the American people by claiming to have -- "evidence of an imminent attack by Iraq against the United States," and - "proof that the Iraqi government had purchased processed uranium ore from Nigeria."

But the president said that Iraq was not an imminent threat, and specifically cited British intelligence as the source of reports that Iraq had tried to buy uranium from an unspecified African country, which turned out to be Niger, not Nigeria.

FOX News' Michael Levine contributed to this report