Tell It Like It Is

A lot of reaction to my letting foreign critics of this country have it on my weekend show. My point wasn't to bash them, but to help them see them... themselves.

Let me be clear:

Germany, you get your own economy going before you judge ours.

France, don't even talk about our jobless rate until you address yours, nearly twice our own.

And this is to everyone in the European Commission bemoaning our deficits, first take a look at yours. As a percentage of your GDP, they're a lot higher and a lot more worrisome.

My point here is not to bash our friends across the Pond, but to remind them to stop acting like smarmy worms across the Pond.

Look, you don't have to love Microsoft, to see these guys going after Microsoft.

Don't be fooled. The issue isn't whether Microsoft abuses its power, it's about Europe protecting its own. It's why these guys panned General Electric getting together with Honeywell. And why European airlines don't buy from Boeing, when the pressure is much too strong to buy from their homegrown consortium, fully government-sponsored Airbus.

There's nothing intrinsically wrong with any of this, save this: They claim they don't coddle their own. Yet their economies are basket cases precisely because they do. No, they'd rather lecture us.

Well, hear this lecture: You might like coddling cradle to grave. I just didn't realize this meant you also lied, cradle to grave.

Watch Neil Cavuto's Common Sense weekdays at 4 p.m. ET on Your World with Cavuto.