Teen Web Outrage!

This is a partial transcript from "The O'Reilly Factor," August 9, 2006, that has been edited for clarity.

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BILL O'REILLY, HOST: "Back of the Book" segment tonight, a rather disturbing situation you should know about: A bunch of teen model Web sites — some call them soft core Web sites; I would put them in that category — feature pictures of American kids in a variety of questionable poses.

Now, the Web sites say anyone under 18 must have the picture submitted by parents. And there are tons of them on display. So what exactly is going on here?

With us now, Dr. Andrea Macari, who teaches psychology at Suffolk County Community College here in New York.

Look, there is no excuse for this. This Web site gets its money by subscriptions, which means people go in there, pay money to see these little girls, primarily little girls, but some boys, in these provocative poses.

Now, the Web sites may be lying and may be getting pictures from other sources. I don't know. But I do believe some people are sending pictures of their children to web sites so that pedophiles can look at the pictures. Am I wrong?

ANDREA MACARI, PSYCHOLOGY TEACHER, SUFFOLK COUNTY: Absolutely, Bill. You get a gold star for that observation. This is a case of stupidity coupled with poor judgment with a little bit of greed sprinkled on top.

O'REILLY: But why the greed? There's nothing in it for the parents. They don't get paid.

MACARI: Well, what I'm hearing is that they believe — well, some of these sites, they are making money off of them. They're charging $25 a month.

O'REILLY: But that goes to the web site provider, not to the parents.

MACARI: No. They're getting — the kid is getting a portion of that money. And the parents are claiming — they're rationalizing it by saying that this is part of the kid's college fund.

O'REILLY: The kid couldn't get a portion of the money because nobody — nobody would give them profit sharing. Maybe they could sell the picture of the kid and get it that way, but even so, even so, you're going to pimp your kid?

MACARI: Well, there are people doing crazy things, and we know that rationalization is a big part of it. Anytime somebody does something wrong or it doesn't feel right, they're able to intellectualize it by coming up with lousy excuses to sort of justify their behavior.

And the sad part is it's not just about endangering their own children. They're really endangering everybody's children.

It goes back to a concept called classical conditioning, which you might remember from Psych 101, Bill, where men — men are not naturally sexually aroused by children. It's a learned behavior. Just like Pavlov's dogs learn to salivate to the presence of a bell. These men, they look at images of children, become sexually aroused...

O'REILLY: You don't believe anybody is born a pedophile?

MACARI: No, absolutely not.

O'REILLY: They have to acquire it by looking at this kind of stuff?

MACARI: Absolutely.

O'REILLY: all right. This reminds me of the JonBenet Ramsey — Patsy Ramsey — do you remember that video? Now, she was tarted up, this what, 4-year- old girl was tarted up and taken out.

What is the psychology between stage mothers and fathers who do this to their children. What is the psychology behind this?

MACARI: Absolutely. Whether you're pigs, pigeons or people, Bill. We do what we do for the same two reasons: genetics and the re-enforcement we get from it. Well, we know that there might be attention that comes from these sites. This idea that they're fulfilling out their own dreams vicariously through their children, possible monetary rewards. Feeling like, "Oh, look how beautiful my child is. That's a reflection of my own beauty."

O'REILLY: So you believe that the parents who are doing it and allowing this to happen are somehow saying to themselves, these kids are stars so that I am a star?

MACARI: Absolutely.

O'REILLY: Is that how perverse it is?

MACARI: Absolutely. That...

O'REILLY: They call up their neighbors and say, "Go to that Web site and look at little Sally and look how cute she is"? Do you think they do that?

MACARI: Sure. I think this is a sick cycle that's going on here, but there's a whole buffet of pathology going on in these families. And this is just one — one example.

O'REILLY: How common is this? Do you know?

MACARI: Thankfully, not common at all, but with the — you know, with the increase of the Internet and with all the exposure that this is getting, we hope that parents, you know, will put a — you know, control it a little bit.

O'REILLY: Well, any parent who does this should be condemned by everybody.


O'REILLY: If that happened in our society, then I would put an end to it. Doctor, thanks for coming in. We appreciate it.

MACARI: Thank you, Bill.

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