Teen at Center of School Bus Brawl Goes 'On the Record'

This is a rush transcript from "On the Record ," February 28, 2008. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

GRETA VAN SUSTEREN, HOST: We have news for your tonight about that unbelievable school bus scuffle—the all female school bus brawl caught on tape on February 15th in Arizona. One female bus driver and three female students, including her daughter, duke it out after a student tries to get off the bus.

Video: Watch the shocking footage


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: You are not allowed to touch me lady.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I am not getting off of the bus.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Mom, the bus driver is touching me. Do not touch me again, lady. Stop touching me. Stop touching me.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: No one cares! Do you understand? I don't care. I do not care. I want to get off of this bus.

If you touch me again, I will sue you. Do you understand? Do you not know?

I am not touching you! You're touching me. Oh, my god, you are crazy, you are crazy. You should not be allowed to drive this bus.

Are you kidding me? I swear to god.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Get the off my mom. Get off my mom.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Help her! Get off. Get off! I am calling my mom. Get the [beep] off me! Stop hitting me. Get off me!

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: We have an emergency.


VAN SUSTEREN: The bus driver, 54-year-old Kim Sullivan, is back to work, but has been reassigned.

And now hear what the bus driver's 16-year-old's daughter Erin Sullivan has to say about standing up for her mother:


ERIN SULLIVAN, BUS DRIVER'S DAUGHTER: I think it's what anybody would do for their mom. It's just stressful with all the reporters, and stuff.

It's really about my mom. I appreciate the fact that people are supporting her.


VAN SUSTEREN: Samantha Taylor, the student at the center of it all, joins us live in Phoenix along with her lawyer, Michael Urbano. Welcome to both of you.

Samantha, how did this happen?

SAMANTHA TAYLOR, WAS IN SCHOOL BUS BRAWL: Well, when we were on the bus, the bus driver got irritated that I was on the cellphone because I was distracting her while I was talking, even though the two girls behind her directly behind her were both on their cellphones and they weren't distracting her, but I was.

And then she pulled the bus over, asked me if I needed, while I was on the bus, and if I needed a different ride of transportation. And I got up and I told her I needed to get off, I wanted to get off the bus.

And I knew that I wasn't allowed off the bus without parent consent to get off at an authorized stop. So I called my mom, and that's when the whole argument happened, when I handed the bus driver my phone.

VAN SUSTEREN: Samantha, is it against the rules to use the cellphone on the bus or not?

TAYLOR: No, it's not.

VAN SUSTEREN: Michael, who has been charged or who is going to be charged in connection with t his.

MICHAEL URBANO, ATTORNEY FOR STUDENT: My understanding is that the bus driver has been charged with aggravated assault, which is a felony in Arizona, as well as misdemeanor disorderly conduct.

I also understand that Samantha is going to be charged as well with felony aggravated assault and misdemeanor disorderly conduct, along with the bus driver's daughter, who is going to be charged with disorderly conduct, and, I believe, one other student.

VAN SUSTEREN: Michael, will Samantha be charged as a juvenile or as an adult?

URBANO: My understanding is that she will be charged as a juvenile, even though it is a felony offense.

VAN SUSTEREN: Samantha, did you know the bus driver before this and have any run-ins with her?

TAYLOR: No, I didn't.

VAN SUSTEREN: Are all the students scandalized by this? Is this something that got way out of line by everybody, and everybody needs to step back and take a deep breath?

I realize that everybody's behavior locks pretty bad, but this seems to now have gotten to be serious. Felonies are on the line.

TAYLOR: Yes. We should have just all calmed down and talk about it reasonably.

URBANO: Greta, if I may answer that question.

At least in my professional opinion, I don't believe that this bus driver has any business being around children. I have viewed this tape from beginning to end, and Samantha was basically sitting there on this bus, behaving like a normal 15-year-old girl—talking, not yelling, not getting out of control, just talking with her friends, talking on her cellphone.

This bus driver, for whatever reason, has had, upon information, I belief, multiple altercations with various other students, including Samantha, and went as far as implement rules or regulations on this bus such as no talking, no turning around, assigning seats to the students by name.

And these, with my understanding, at least, there is no school policy with regard to no talking, no talking on your cellphone, or no written policy with regard to—that they have to sit in assigned seats. It's only on this bus.

VAN SUSTEREN: Michael, watching this tape, it's a fascinating tape, and it's looks like everyone is behaving poorly for whatever reason.

But this is one of those instances where it could get a life of its own. We spend a lot of money in the court system, and it's one of those things that if everyone took a step back and took a deep breath, it probably could be resolved another way if people were smart about it at this point, like the prosecutor is smart about it.

Felonies are serious, felonies are serious.

URBANO: Yes. I can't speak for the prosecution, what they intend to do. However, I can speak as a defense attorney in regard with Samantha's behavior. I, personally, believe after viewing this tape she exercised extremely well self-control and discipline.

VAN SUSTEREN: Let me ask her. Samantha, are you proud of your behavior on that tape?

TAYLOR: Not necessarily.

VAN SUSTEREN: What did you do wrong?

TAYLOR: I probably could have not back-talked as much and showed a little more respect towards the bus driver.

URBANO: And, with that, talking back is not against the law. What this bus driver did by attacking Samantha is against the law.

VAN SUSTEREN: Well, I would love to hear from the bus driver, but when I watch this tape, it's like we all watch, and, look a lot of our behavior in our history, especially when we were younger, probably could be questionable.

And I don't know what the bus driver is thinking, but this is the kind of case that is going to get a life of its own, and people are going to get a record when you could get everyone to sit down and talk and resolve it. Maybe a few apologies being passed around might not be a bad idea.

URBANO: Well, right now it's—I think all that can is hindsight. What we need to do is focus on, at least my perspective, I need to focus on the legal defense of Samantha, and not only to the legal system—

VAN SUSTEREN: Or you could put the first hand up to shake with the prosecutor and say get everybody in the same room. Let's end this. Everyone acted stupid.

I can go through this tape, and there is a lot of bad behavior. Samantha has graciously stepped up and said some of her behavior was not great.

But, why ruin everybody's life? Why get legal fees? Why blow this up? You have given us great fodder, this tape to watch, but it's time to end it. Samantha has probably an exciting life ahead of her. She doesn't need to deal with this. And neither does the bus driver.

URBANO: Well, ideally, from my perspective of defending Samantha, I would absolutely pursue with the state that they do not pursue charges against her. That is my goal.

However, I have no control over that. Samantha has no control over whether state chooses to prosecute her or not. And it's with regard—

VAN SUSTEREN: We have got to go. Maybe the prosecutor is watching.

Samantha, good luck in your life, and a quick apology all the way around, including the bus driver to you and you to the bus driver, might be a good idea to do. But that's just me.

Anyway, Samantha, good luck. Michael, thank you.

TAYLOR: Thank you.

URBANO: Thank you.

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