Technical glitches expose US vulnerability to cyberattacks

This is a rush transcript from "The Five," July 8, 2015. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

DANA PERINO, CO-HOST: Hello, everyone. I'm Dana Perino along with Kimberly Guilfoyle, Juan Williams, Eric Bolling and Brian Kilmeade. Its 5 o'clock in New York City and this is "The Five."

A bizarre string of technical problems rocked the New York Stock Exchange, United Airlines and the Wall Street Journal, all today. No indications of any cyber attacks, but the events raise serious concerns about the vulnerability of our computer systems in the digital age. Trading resumed at the New York Stock Exchange this afternoon after a nearly four-hour outage over a technical glitch that happened this morning. Here's what the White House had to say about it.


JOSH EARNEST, WHITE HOUSE PRESS SECRETARY: At this point, there's no indication that (inaudible) were involved in this technology issues. The administration is keenly aware of the risks that exist in cyber space right now. There are a number of steps this administration has taken to improve communication between the private sector and the federal government when it comes to safeguarding cyberspace.


PERINO: Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson commented earlier as well.


JEH JOHNSON, HOMELAND SECURITY SECRETARY: Our federal cyber security is not where it needs to be. But we have taken and are taking accelerated and aggressive action to get there. We cannot detect and stop every single intrusion. That is not news.


PERINO: The website for the Wall Street Journal also went dark this morning and United Airlines was forced to ground all planes after experiencing what the carrier describes as a network connectivity issue. So Eric, we got to go to you first because you understand that world down there New York Stock Exchange, like that is a really big deal. ERIC BOLLING, CO-HOST: Well, OK, so.

PERINO: When it stops.

BOLLING: Yeah. So what happened was they had a technical glitch and everyone was waiting to find out if it was a hack, if there was some you know, major meltdown going on in the stock market. And then the Wall Street Journal website went down. It kind of was reminiscent of when an airplane attacked the World Trade Center, couple hours later, another one hit the Pentagon. Is this gonna be a coordinate attack. But it turns out what actually happened the truth of the matter is they literally had a technical data meltdown at the New York Stock Exchange, only the trading floor itself. Stocks were still being traded globally. It didn't really affect the price of stock, didn't really affect the market. And because people were dying to find out what the price of their stocks were because they heard of this glitch, they went to the Wall Street Journal website and they inundated the Wall Street Journal website. So one only fed into the other which explains those two. The United Airlines thing sounded big at first then it turned out to be just a router situation, their routers weren't upgraded. It's very expensive to upgrade routers system-wide and one of them went down. So, looks like three separate things that didn't really amount to a lot, but certainly when they happen one after the other the conspiracy theory, you know me. I love these conspiracy theories.


BOLLING: I can't even apply.


BOLLING: I know. I was trying all day to try and.

PERINO: There's a tweet yesterday from anonymous.

BOLLING: Anonymous.

PERINO: OK, that said, that sort of warns about this. But I guess one thing I want to ask you is at the New York Stock Exchange, unlike the government where OPM had the big hack and wasn't able to correct it. The New York Stock Exchange has a system in place and they have protocols, so that if there's a glitch they were able to actually implement their plan and everything remains pretty calm.

BOLLING: You have to understand that the New York Stock Exchange as well as the commodity exchanges all has backup plans. They have backup floors, they have backup sites, so if you know, God forbid there was something an explosive that happened on the exchange, they could immediately flip over - - flip a switch over. I believe one of them is in New Jersey City. So they have contingency plans. This seems to be literally just a glitch. Can I point something out? If you noticed all the pictures of the trading floor today, there are no human beings on the trading floor. So everyone is worried about the New York Stock Exchange. I will tell you, I spent 18 years on trading floors this, with this happened all the time, trading continued. It was seamless. There was never an instance where you had to shut down and say no more. But they decided because human beings were more expensive, computers were cheaper. They're literally moving all the human beings off trading floors. By the way, the stock market in a really quirky sense, it kind of worked against anonymous. The Chinese market, no one's really talking about this, has been melting down.

KIMBERLY GUILFOYLE, CO-HOST: That's what I was talking about.



BOLLING: Dramatically, and what this did was.

JUAN WILLIAMS, CO-HOST: That's the problem.

BOLLING: It put a four-hour window where it was a breather. It's like take a break. Let's see what's going on. And for our stock exchange only to be down, our stock index is only be down 260 points on a day where China just got slaughtered, may have actually been a blessing in disguise.

GUILFOYLE: Interesting. PERINO: What do you think about Secretary Johnson's comments, Juan? It seems like the hackers or I'm not saying there was a hack, but technically, the robots are in charge like at the New York Stock Exchange where you have it computers.


PERINO: Are in charge. And it's like the government is using an abacus. And the administration seems to feel like that there's no responsibility for the pays of which they are trying to get the government up speed.

WILLIAMS: I'm not getting, you mean, that the government -- I think the New York Stock Exchange and the government, actually work pretty well together that's why they back up their system.

PERINO: I know. I'm talking bigger picture about our vulnerability on a technical issue. Like, I -- for -- I think that the -- a hack against the government for -- with OPM.


PERINO: Is 30 million.


PERINO: Personal information that is now out there with the supposedly the Chinese have it. The administration seems to think that it doesn't want to accept any blame, but it doesn't seem to be driving forward any solutions.

WILLIAMS: Well, I think they are driving forward. They're trying to find out a way to prevent this kind of hacking. The difficulty is that, you know, just like these foreign governments come in and hack somebody like target or Walmart or whoever, you could also hack even the White House. Remember the White House got hacked recently. So --

BOLLING: Pentagon, too.

WILLIAMS: Yes. So it's not as if people are indifferent to it. It's just that it's really difficult to stop it. And I think that's what part of what, you know, to me it wasn't just that money bags Boeing was calling to ask about his stock prices today and people say, I loved the hype today.

PERINO: Really? He would call you?

WILLIAMS: Oh, yeah.

PERINO: I don't think he does it.

WILLIAMS: I don't think -- that was a joke. But I'm just saying.

BOLLING: I'm pretty sure he didn't call you.

WILLIAMS: Yeah, exactly.


WILLIAMS: Exactly. But I must say that I'm shocked, you know, I was listening to the news today. And people are like, should we pull our 401(k)? I'm thinking wow, how quickly people -- the paranoia.

GUILFOYLE: How they overreact.

WILLIAMS: They overreact, they go crazy. I mean, there was no basis for it.

BOLLING: But what it does, it shows the vulnerability. People are scared because they -- who knows, if the next hack is gonna be your personal information, your credit card. God forbid the power grid -- I mean, we talk about this a lot, but if any one of these hackers wanted to really, really put, you know, a wrench in the American economy, you bring the power grid down. How long before everything.


PERINO: You go to the ATM today and pull out a bunch of cash?

BRIAN KILMEADE, GUEST CO-HOST: No. I pulled out -- I went to Eric and I got a lot of cash in his office.


KILMEADE: And Juan was right ahead of me.


KILMEADE: But you.

GUILFOYLE: Did you carry a lot of cash?

KILMEADE: The one thing about.

(LAUGHTER) KILMEADE: It's true. Yeah, in fact in the break changed me a 20.


KILMEADE: My feeling is this. The president is so in with Silicon Valley. He was up there about three months ago and they worship him. And there are some very patriotic, successful people on this planet. On Madison Avenue, to out social media, ISIS, and there are some geniuses to get our cyber army up and running. They would dedicate their time and energy if called upon. They have more money than they'll ever be able to spend. They only wear jeans, shirts and their shirts usually out with cuffs and sneakers. They are not spending it on clothes or material goods. We got to get the smartest minds building up our defenses. China's army looks like ours with different decals.

PERINO: I actually.

KILMEADE: Along with their royal air force.

PERINO: I disagree. I want to bring Kimberly in on this because I want to read a statement from Dianne Feinstein, the senator from California in charge of the Intel committee. She's echoing something that the FBI Director James Comey said earlier this week. And it's about the Silicon Valley companies and what they perceive on Capitol Hill as a lack of cooperation. She said, "Twitter, Facebook and YouTube, all as I understand it remove content on their sites. It comes to their attention if it violates their terms of service, including terrorism. The companies do not proactively monitor their sites to identify such content, nor do they inform the FBI when they identify and remove their content." And I believe they should.

GUILFOYLE: Well, there seems to be definitely a lack of connectivity for them to be able to communicate effectively, efficiently, especially in times of crisis like this. But I don't even think we should be at this point. I think there should have been preventative measures in place. We should have had already some of the best and brightest working. Shame on us, we certainly have the means and the ability and the talent in this country.

KILMEADE: We don't pay enough.

GUILFOYLE: But guess what? I bet you this some good citizens out there that would volunteer to help and work in an advisory capacity. When you think about it and change the business model sort of approach to politics, the one that would be more like the private sector or the free market. Who would you go and hire? The Roto-Rooter guy to fix your computer? Or would you go and get the best and brightest in technology to come in and go and do it? That's what I would do.

KILMEADE: Yeah, but the problem.

GUILFOYLE: I would approach it that way. But hey, do you want to help out your country?


GUILFOYLE: Do you love America?

WILLIAMS: We all do.

GUILFOYLE: Have you made a lot of money here? Help me out. WILLIAMS: Yeah, But I'm telling you, I'm surprised this is coming from you, a good conservative because the civil liberties issues, people don't trust the government. So the folks out in Silicon Valley --

PERINO: You really don't know her.


PERINO: You don't know her very well.

WILLIAMS: OK. I'll stop.

PERINO: That's exactly consistent with.


PERINO: Her position -- law enforcement.

GUILFOYLE: It is. And maybe if we do a round of like speed dating, you'll get to know me.

WILLIAMS: Yeah, but I'm saying.

KILMEADE: Yeah, absolutely.

WILLIAMS: But here's my point. People who say, I don't trust the government out in Silicon Valley, whether that's Kimberly or not, would say, why are we here working with the government? Remember, the Chinese government wants to know what you're thinking, Brian.


WILLIAMS: They want to snoop and do all the things. And they put pressure on the Silicon Valley companies to cooperate with the government. They're saying no, we're not the government and we're not going to violate the privacy terms of our users.

BOLLING: Unless, the government subpoenas.


BOLLING: Or just takes it indiscriminately like the NSA. And that's the -- that's what the issue that you have.

WILLIAMS: That's the problem.

BOLLING: Where on one hand the government says we will take Google, Facebook --


BOLLING: Verizon. We're gonna take all your data and we're going to hold it over here.

WILLIAMS: Well, that's the issue.

BOLLING: So they technically, they already know. So for Feinstein to say, well, they don't communicate with the government, they already have the information.

PERINO: I just -- that's not what the FBI director is saying. In fact, yesterday he said that the government's ability to see an individual's stuff when it goes away, it does affect public safety and the tension specifically illustrated by the current ISIS threat, but he says ISIL.

KILMEADE: Right, we have -- or dash (ph) whatever. We should name our enemy next time we have a chance. We were so good, we had axis powers. Everybody knew who we were fighting. But I see -- I don't think this is about privacy or Kimberly, where you not knowing Kimberly, who does somebody, can handle on the breaks. I think.


KILMEADE: I think this is about the knowledge. We want the knowledge and the minds. I want the smartest guy or woman in my class.

PERINO: My point.


KILMEADE: To be working to protect us.

PERINO: Whose gonna pay us.

BOLLING: Yeah, Dana is right.

KILMEADE: Unless they want to know what's on their iPhone.

PERINO: Pay after.

BOLLING: Pay after shut up. Why would guy to work for the government for 50 or 60 or $70,000 when I could make $4 million in Silicon Valley.

GUILFOYLE: No, to keep your day job.

KILMEADE: Exactly. Do the advisory capacity and you ever hear of this thing called resume builder? Hey, I.

PERINO: Are you gonna do us and give this for free. BOLLING: Are you serious?

GUILFOYLE: He is serious.

BOLLING: Do you understand how coveted and sought after these young people are who have computer skills and have the skills that you think.


BOLLING: That they should be giving to the government?


BOLLING: That's value, my man.

GUILFOYLE: They think it's hot if they can say they helped the government.

BOLLING: You think so?

GUILFOYLE: Like working on a secret spy program to get on with China.

BOLLING: I think you guys are living in a movie theater.

WILLIAMS: No, no, no. Remember those guys -- those guys helped Obama, big time.

KILMEADE: Absolutely. And you remember Steve Jobs called President Obama his first year and said, let me help you out. Let me tell you what big business needs.


KILMEADE: And let me tell you how to turn the economy around.

BOLLING: They should know what they're doing instead, Brian?

KILMEADE: And do you know what the president did?

BOLLING: They're developing the software and selling it to the government.

KILMEADE: Right. But you know what the president -- which is OK. I have no problem with that. I'll take my tax dollars to get the smartest and best software to keep us safe as a country. But I would say this, when Steve Jobs called up the president to ask him, he basically put him in front in sort of a panel. And said here, get your think tank going and he said, if I'm not meeting with you, I'm not coming down to Washington.


GUILFOYLE: Well, see that.

KILMEADE: So that was an opportunity.

PERINO: All right. We gonna run.

GUILFOYLE: Yeah, and now what happened?

PERINO: But I'm impressed.




WILLIAMS: Oh my, God.

GUILFOYLE: You get my point? This is.

WILLIAMS: Wow. He died.

BOLLING: Conspiracy theory.

GUILFOYLE: Opportunity -- no, I'm not.

BOLLING: Steve Jobs didn't help out Obama and he died.



PERINO: I know.

WILLIAMS: Well, this is taking to a new level.

PERINO: That's not what Kimberly meant.


WILLIAMS: I really don't know you. I don't know you.

GUILFOYLE: My point is you can't pass up opportunities like that.


BOLLING: I'm on this.

KILMEADE: Yeah, that was a great point. But I'm sorry I brought it up, be a little more depressed.


GUILFOYLE: It's sad.

PERINO: I guess we got to get out of here. Next, it took nearly four months for Hillary Clinton. She did her first national TV interview as a 2016 candidate. But she blames republicans for the trust issues that voters have with her. We have a lot to discuss, so stay tuned.


BOLLING: More than three months after entering the presidential race, democrat frontrunner Hillary Clinton decided she would finally be so kind as to grant her first national one-on-one TV interview. Among the first questions asked was not about her private server or Benghazi, instead CNN's Brianna Keilar decided on Donald Trump and his comments on immigration. Hillary took the opportunity to slam the entire GOP.


HILLARY CLINTON, 2016 GOP PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: Very disappointed with him and with the Republican Party for not responding immediately and saying, enough, stop it. But they are all in the, you know, same general area on immigration. You know, they don't want to provide a path to citizenship. They range across a spectrum of being either grudgingly welcome or hostile toward immigrants.


BOLLING: One of Hillary's most ardent critics on the right called out the former secretary of state on her divisive tactics. Here is Carly Fiorina.


CARLY FIORINA, 2016 GOP PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: I think its vintage Clinton that she would equate, not supporting a pathway to citizenship for those who have come here and stayed here illegally. That serves her political narrative, which is to continue the democrat playbook of identity politics. Lump Americans into various identity groups. Make them victims. Pit one identity group against another.


BOLLING: Can we start with Hillary's comments on the entire GOP, basically calling them anti-immigration -- anti-immigrant really.

PERINO: Got to say, if I was -- if I were on her team and I was prepping her for that interview, I would have said the exact same thing, but stronger because that's actually her point. It plays exactly to the message she's trying to drive. And Carly Fiorina is an effective response. But again, if I were advising Hillary Clinton on how to answer that question, I would have done the exact same thing, it's a great tactic.

BOLLING: Even though we had a Ted Cruz and a Marco Rubio.

PERINO: It doesn't matter at this point.

BOLLING: And a Jeb Bush who's married to a Mexican -- immigrant.

WILLIAMS: It doesn't have to do with immigration policy?

BOLLING: No, she basically calls --

KILMEADE: She still not illegal.


KILMEADE: I mean that's what it is.

BOLLING: She was calling out the entire GOP as the anti.

PERINO: She did -- I'm just.


PERINO: It's not politics. You know, it's hard.


PERINO: And it's tough. And I actually think that in some ways, she kind of bubble wrapped her comments around. She could have actually been even tougher. Because what price does she have to pay, none because the media is not going to push her on it. And then you've got, 16, 17 people now on the republican side all trying to duke it out on that side. So I would have done the exact same thing.

KILMEADE: Dana, what I don't think you're taking into account is I think there's an American sentiment that's not democratic or republican that is extremely upset about border security.

PERINO: I agree with that.


PERINO: I'm just saying if I were advising her.


PERINO: In that interview, that was the right thing for her to do.

KILMEADE: But I think that you're turning off a certain constituency that saying, hey, I need somebody who's going to be a president. Who is going to be a democrat or republican, that's going to understand the threat at our border?

PERINO: At this point, it doesn't matter.

KILMEADE: Because she's going for the nomination.

PERINO: Because most people actually don't pay attention to the actual election until September of the next year.


PERINO: So at this point, the way she's showing up her base. She wants to make sure that she's got everyone behind her and all the money coming in. She doesn't.

GUILFOYLE: Do you think she's.

PERINO: She would pay a consequence for that?

GUILFOYLE: Do you think she does gonna.

PERINO: I know, I thought the interview was atrocious.


PERINO: But I thought that answer was good.

GUILFOYLE: Particular answer.

BOLLING: And on that one, did you not find that offensive that she painted the entire GOP with one brush?

GUILFOYLE: Well, of course. But this is what she's actually consistently done the whole time.

PERINO: Right.

GUILFOYLE: She demonizes the GOP. She does a broad stroke across the whole you know, cast of characters and says they're all the same. And then she is very effective at just constantly blaming them for her numbers, her polling and says right-wing conspiracy. You know, but she does have a real problem which she has to get her trust numbers up. And the recent Fox News poll like 54 percent, you know don't trust her.

BOLLING: 57 percent of them, if I'm not mistaken.

WILLIAMS: Right, but here's the thing.

BOLLING: CNN poll, (inaudible) including in the battle ground states.


WILLIAMS: OK. But let me -- here's the thing, she told the truth.


WILLIAMS: About the Republican Party -- Dana is right.


WILLIAMS: Because -- let me just explain.

BOLLING: She said the whole entire Republican Party.

WILLIAMS: No. OK, here's what he said. Here's.

BOLLING: He's wrong.

WILLIAMS: Wait a second. Wait a second.

GUILFOYLE: There goes Juan, being Juan again.

WILLIAMS: I said that she wouldn't in this interview. I think she was evasive in large part. In fact, I have a piece up on


WILLIAMS: That talks about --


WILLIAMS: No, no, seriously.

BOLLING: This is all (inaudible).

WILLIAMS: No, no, it's not. I said in the piece. I think Hillary.

GUILFOYLE: There it is.

WILLIAMS: Hillary's biggest enemy is Hillary Clinton, you know why? It's because she's tone deaf on so many issues, her foundation e-mails. But on immigration, she said, the spectrum of republicans.


WILLIAMS: At best is Jeb Bush and he is not for a legal pathway to citizenship. She did say that.

BOLLING: She didn't. She pulled out all the republicans that they're tone deaf on immigrants.

GUILFOYLE: Notice that thing.

WILLIAMS: They are.


WILLIAMS: They are. They're playing to a base.

BOLLING: Let's do this.

WILLIAMS: They're not tone deaf. They're playing to a republican base.

BOLLING: I have a lot more. When she was asked about her honesty issues, which Kimberly points out, Clinton was eager to place blame on pretty much everyone but herself, for the public's skepticism.


BRIANNA KEILAR, CNN SENIOR POLITICAL CORRESPONDENT: The nearly 6 in 10 Americans say they don't believe that you're honest and trustworthy. Do you understand why they feel that way?

H. CLINTON: Well, I think we knew our subjected to the kind of constant barrage of attacks that are largely fomented by and coming from the right and.

KEILAR: But do you bear any responsibility?

H. CLINTON: Well, you know, I can only tell you that I was elected twice in New York against the same kind of onslaught. This has been a theme that has been used against me and my husband for many, many years.


BOLLING: All right, K.G.

GUILFOYLE: Yeah, I mean, look. So this is what they've always said. This is like Clinton playbook. And she's consistent on it, fine. What else is she going to say? I thought, I'm dishonest, I lie, I steal, but I'm still going to be commander in chief. That's not gonna go over so well. So she has that least blame it on somebody else and like directed outside to say, OK, what's -- because they are painting me in a way that inconsistent with my true character. I actually am an honest and trustworthy person. And by the way, if you don't believe me, ask my husband because one time he said it, too.

BOLLING: So you know.

KILMEADE: That's right.

BOLLING: What funny about that.

GUILFOYLE: How's that?

BOLLING: Claiming that people trust her and that she's honest. Wall Street Journal fact checked that 18-1/2 minute interview. We found five, they found five that were at the very best questionable.


BOLLING: Three of them could be outright lies.

KILMEADE: Number one, the 55,000 e-mails that she turned over or didn't turn over, the private e-mail server that she never told us that she had. And right away, the House select committee on Benghazi today said, we subpoenaed her. She has to turn this over. She still hasn't turned it all over and it was inaccurate when she claimed she had not been subpoenaed and they corrected the record there. I think another thing to point out, too, that she comes back to all the time that Bush 41 was listed as more trustworthy, but yet Bill Clinton won the election. So she's like, she couldn't, she was being totally transparent and honest. She would have said, hey, it doesn't matter that I don't -- I'm not trusted as much. I can win anyway. That would have been the truth serum.

WILLIAMS: Because it's true. Because if you look at the polls, despite the trust numbers, in fact, she's winning the election.

KILMEADE: But have we changed as a people? Are we now demanding people, be honest with us? Is that why we're embracing.

BOLLING: It doesn't matter.

KILMEADE: Some of the blunt straight talk.

BOLLING: Democrats don't seem to matter if they are being lied to or not. There -- as Juan points out, she still has a massive lead. One, she said, I didn't have to -- this is her quote, "I didn't have to turn over anything." Well, that's wrong. She did have to turn over everything.

WILLIAMS: Well, you know what she was saying.

BOLLING: You know, as a public servant, Mrs. Clinton is a Wall Street Journal. Mrs. Clinton had a duty.


BOLLING: To ensure that all her work records were.


BOLLING: In government custody.

WILLIAMS: Right. You know, it makes me want to laugh.


WILLIAMS: Remember what Al Gore said, there's no legal authority or no governing -- yeah, yeah, no controlling legal authority. Thanks, Dana. So you know this -- that her statement reminded me of that because in fact, she broke no law according to the public records at.

BOLLING: She broke.

WILLIAMS: But she was in violation of the Obama administration's own policy guidelines.


WILLIAMS: No -- this is why I say.

PERINO: But there was more.

WILLIAMS: I think she's her biggest enemy is Hillary Clinton. I don't think -- yes.


WILLIAMS: The GOP is hammering her and there's a barrage coming from the right that wants to malign her, but she never --

GUILFOYLE: But perhaps.

WILLIAMS: Why it doesn't she do good interview?

GUILFOYLE: But perhaps, there's a good reason.

WILLIAMS: Why doesn't she talk about it?

(CROSSTALK) GUILFOYLE: That's the problem.

KILMEADE: Do you think there's a good interview in her, that she would let out which she is not capable.

WILLIAMS: But she's so.


WILLIAMS: And you know what really bothers me about -- really bother me about this interview?


WILLIAMS: They asked her. So like, if you're elected president, would you close the Clinton Foundation? She says no, it's doing wonderful work. Are you crazy? You're going to be president of the United States and take contributions? Talk about influence peddling.

BOLLING: Hang in there, hang in there.

WILLIAMS: Is that crazy?

BOLLING: We weighed on this that she also said several things that were -- that could be construed as lies.

PERINO: Yeah, like one of them being, that she said, I only used one device.


PERINO: We actually know that's not true. We have -- there's photographic evidence. She's using other devices. We know she had an iPad, she had a Blackberry, I don't know -- like multiple devices, so.


PERINO: I don't know what -- if there is brazenness to the way that she is doing this. The other thing is, I can't believe they didn't ask her about Sidney Blumenthal because this is the character that was advising her outside the government was not supposed to be a part of it.

GUILFOYLE: The Wizard of Oz.

PERINO: That actually is the key to a lot of this.

BOLLING: Really want to get to this, you guys and Brian already kind of alluded to this one. CNN finally decided to get around to the issue of Hillary's e-mails, she deflected just as she always has, claiming she did nothing wrong. Listen.


H. CLINTON: Everything I did was permitted. There was no law. There was no regulation. There was nothing that did not give me the full authority to decide how I was going to communicate. Previous secretaries of state have said they did the same thing.

KEILAR: But you said that they did the same thing, that they used a personal server.

H. CLINTON: E-mail?


H. CLINTON: Well, a personal e-mail. KEILAR: Facing a subpoena, deleted e-mails from them?

H. CLINTON: You know you're starting with so many assumptions. I've never had a subpoena.


BOLLING: I've never had a subpoena, just one problem. Today, the House -- Benghazi committee released a subpoena they issued Mrs. Clinton back in March of this year. Juan, she's busted.


WILLIAMS: No, no, no. In fact what she said --

GUILFOYLE: Oh my, God.

WILLIAMS: What her campaign said was that was for Benghazi not for the entire -- that's the way she interpreted it. Well, you know that's what she said.

GUILFOYLE: Did you saw (inaudible) today?


KILMEADE: I got the perfect analogy that will close this out and I know you don't like sports analysis, but here it is. When you get the Street and Smith's guide when I used to get it and look at your team, you used to think before the season it looks great. And then when they started playing, you remember how bad they actually were and how flawed the guys you look up to are.


KILMEADE: When you see her doing an interview, you remember, I think I got this great candidate. Then you watch (inaudible), oh, I remembered, she's not that good.


WILLIAMS: But even.

KILMEADE: That's the fun of it. She might be.

WILLIAMS: Said afterwards -- Keilar?


WILLIAMS: That said she thought Mrs. Clinton was not open or transparent.

KILMEADE: Just said it to her.


KILMEADE: Just said to her, in front of her. Don't tell an anchor -- to network that the person you just interviewed isn't honest.


BOLLING: And guess what, you guys. If you get one of these big whoppers like Hillary Clinton, I wasn't subpoena or I did everything I was supposed to do, I was under no regulation. You ask the follow up question. You say yes, you were. We never got that. We got this one question.

GUILFOYLE: Yeah, but what did you expect coming out of this interview? The whole thing was a disaster. I didn't like her outfit at all.



GUILFOYLE: It was terrible. The blazer didn't fit. Only Fox News could have saved her. So that's was horrible. The best thing about this whole interview, Hillary's haircut made her look.

KILMEADE: Look at.

GUILFOYLE: Like young.

BOLLING: Wrap it up.

PERINO: OK, here I'll wrap it up. Every six weeks, the media is teased with a story planted by the Clinton campaign that says campaign is turning a corner. Now she's going to be more transparent. She's going to be more approachable. You're going to see more of her and we're going to do this big interview and every one of us falls for it.


PERINO: Every time.


PERINO: And then we seat interview and think, oh, no, it's actually not changed at all. It's the same thing.

GUILFOYLE: It's the Groundhog Day.

PERINO: The next time they do this, we should just keep that in mind.

BOLLING: Very good well. Way to way sums it up, Dana. Big old softball, CNN tossed her.

All right, next. Will the Obama administration cracks down on sanctuary cities like San Francisco? That let an illegal immigrant free to murder an American -- when The Five, returns.


GUILFOYLE: San Francisco wouldn't honor a federal request to keep an illegal immigrant deported five times in custody. Now Francisco Sanchez is accused of murdering a 32-year-old American woman. Even Democrats like Dianne Feinstein and Hillary Clinton are blaming the sanctuary city.


HILLARY CLINTON (D), PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: I think the city made a mistake. The city made a mistake not to deport someone that the federal government strongly felt should be deported. So I have absolutely no support for a city that ignores the strong evidence that should be acted on.


GUILFOYLE: Concerning: there are more than 300 state and local jurisdictions with policies just like San Francisco's. Where is president Obama's leadership on this issue -- Eric.

BOLLING: So they released this rap sheet. We knew about the seven felonies. But I mean, there are so many -- the rap sheet reads like -- it's like four pages long.

GUILFOYLE: Because there's police contacts.

BOLLING: Narcotics, heroin possession charges. Other convictions. Twenty-three months, four months, five months, 93 days, 11 months, 46 months. What's going on? How is a guy with this type of rap sheet, illegal or not, not in jail right now? It's baffling.

O'Reilly and Mayor Giuliani last night. Did you listen to that? They've got it. O'Reilly's got the case law, where if you go and come back -- you get deported, you come back, you face five years in prison.

Giuliani agreed with that. He said, "I'll take it one step further. Build the wall. Put 200 border agents every 50 miles along the wall."

WILLIAMS: All right.

BOLLING: It's 25,000. It's only 5,000 more than we currently have. And keep the wall. Keep the wall secure. And then do case law. You'll keep people out. People will stop coming.

KILMEADE: I think that's a good point, but we could make it easier. For this guy in particular, ICE grabs him. He's under arrest. He should be sent out. Don't even give him to the sheriff. He should be sent out of the country. The sheriff's explanation, "Well, he hasn't had a felony since 1997. He didn't seem dangerous. And I don't feel like calling you to tell you I'm sending him home and sending him out. It's not up -- I don't have to, so I'm not doing it."

GUILFOYLE: Yet they turned him over, but San Francisco wanted him back on a drug thing. And then San Francisco was like, "We're not going to notify ICE." And this -- I mean, a complete, disgusting failure. And that beautiful girl should be alive and enjoying time with her family. There is just no excuse for this. It was a fail by the city, by the sheriff's department, and by the federal government, that this administration that needs to actually do something and respect the laws on the books. Stop being so flagrant.

WILLIAMS: You know what -- know what this is about?


WILLIAMS: We're going back to Trump. Trump had said this horrible thing about all Mexican immigrants coming across the border they're all criminals.

BOLLING: I'm not sure he said all.

WILLIAMS: Oh, yes. Oh, my gosh. OK, OK. So, you know, you guys -- so you, Eric especially, has been saying to me, "Oh, but the numbers don't prove that immigrants are any less likely to commit a crime." But in fact...

BOLLING: More likely.

WILLIAMS: You said more; you said more likely. No. According to the Washington Post fact checker, no evidence that immigrants commit more crime than people born in this country -- first-generation immigrant, all kinds of immigrants. First-generation immigrants actually have a lower crime rate.

BOLLING: We're talking about illegal, Juan. You're calling...

WILLIAMS: All kinds, legal and illegal.


BOLLING: That's a false argument.

WILLIAMS: Let me just finish here. And as immigration has increased in this country since the 1990s, the crime rate has gone down. They gave Trump four out of five Pinocchios for making stuff up.

BOLLING: I give you -- I give you seven out of five Pinocchios for that stat.

WILLIAMS: Oh, yes.

BOLLING: Because that's not -- I said that's not what...

WILLIAMS: That is exactly what you said.

BOLLING: No, it's not. I said illegal immigrants have a substantially higher rate of violating the law.

KILMEADE: Well, they already violated the law by breaking in.

GUILFOYLE: The point is, yes, you're supposed to follow the laws on the book and not come into the country illegally. Let's start with that.


PERINO: Can I make a political point?


PERINO: What you just saw there was Hillary Clinton, the sound bite that you played in the intro...


PERINO: ... is actually possibly the first major departure between President Obama and Hillary Clinton.


PERINO: Because last night if you watched Megyn Kelly -- I think there's going to be more on that tonight -- Saldana, who is the person who runs ICE, she had initially given testimony saying, "Yes, please, Congress, please help me make sure that these cities are doing the right thing and turning these guys over to us."

The very next day, after someone supposedly gets to her and calls her, she changes her tune and says, "Well, you know, actually I think the laws on the books are fine. We're not going to change anything."

To me that means that the White House has made a calculation they're not going to change anything based on this one incident, this one murder. But Hillary Clinton just said. if she's actually going to stick with that, is a departure from that, and she'll have to defend it.

WILLIAMS: Yes, in fact, in 2012 Obama said that they -- his administration will not sue the city, these sanctuary cities for these to get...

PERINO: She was saying something different, and that might be a departure.

KILMEADE: And just to your original point from the introduction, I think the president did miss an opportunity to say, even though it's just one person, to say, "You know, I'm trying to get immigration reform. When something like this happens, a failure at every step of the way lets down the whole process, and it hurts my comprehensive push to get this done." Would have been a great example for him to step forward and try to bring people together. Nothing.

PERINO: You got it.

BOLLING: I want to do this.

GUILFOYLE: What do you want to do?

BOLLING: I'm going to bring all the crime stats.

WILLIAMS: You bring them.

BOLLING: Tomorrow we're going to bring all the crime stats.

WILLIAMS: You bring them, because you're going to look bad.

BOLLING: ... crime stats.

WILLIAMS: You're wrong. Bring them. You are wrong. You won't admit it.

GUILFOYLE: Bolling just went into a long tease.

Ahead, countdown.

WILLIAMS: I'm going to give you a hug afterwards. I hate this.

GUILFOYLE: Please not in front of me.

A former CNN anchor tells FOX News how she and her husband survived an armed robbery attempt. They were armed themselves. And they credit the Second Amendment with saving their lives next.


KILMEADE: Hey, glad you're still up. Anti-gun crowd, listen closely. A former CNN anchor says she and her husband are alive today because of the Second Amendment. Lynn Russell and her husband, Chuck De Caro, a former CNN reporter and Special Forces guy with the Air Force, survived an armed robbery attempt last week in new Mexico because they had their own guns. And legal ones, too. Listen to her describe what happened when a convicted felon forced their way in into her hotel room.


LYNN RUSSELL, FORMER CNN ANCHOR: I was able to slip one of the guns into my purse and hand it to him and say, "Do you see anything in here we can give the man?"

And Chuck said, "Oh, yes, I do." And he put his hand on the gun. And one thing led to another. And the guy grabs one of our things, our possessions, briefcase, headed for the door. Turned around and opened fire on my husband. And he returned fire.


KILMEADE: He did. He got hit, but that person got shot. And that assailant or the suspect is now dead. Here's more from Russell.


RUSSELL: In my mind there's absolutely no doubt that we are alive today, and we just had our first anniversary on the Fourth of July, because of the Second Amendment, because of my husband, his focus and his dedication and the fact that we had that legal gun with us.

I think I'd like to kill him again. I lie in bed and fantasize about all the different ways I could do it.


KILMEADE: Yes. He would later die. They said, "What do you wish?" And she dreams about shooting him again, Kimberly. This is exactly...

GUILFOYLE: She probably wishes she was able to pull the trigger. I mean, imagine that. Her husband shot; he returns fire. She was so super smart to say hey, "Hey, listen, the purse, is there something there we can give him?" Yes, lead, bullets, kill him. Crime does not pay.

KILMEADE: True. She said she had -- Why are you telling me that? I pretty much know that, Kimberly.

But Juan, she said that, you know, she from the moment she was there, she said her gut told her that she was going to -- this guy was going to shoot her as soon as he got what he wanted. And sure enough, as soon as he got the briefcase, he turned around and shot at the husband.


KILMEADE: So what does that say about the Second Amendment? Does that make you revisit it and say, "Hey, I'm -- I think everyone should carry a gun"?

WILLIAMS: You know, you're funny guy. I mean, that's ridiculous. I mean, most people in this country...


WILLIAMS: ... who kill themselves suicide use guns. Most of the time people with guns are shooting each other.

GUILFOYLE: I wish it -- criminals, Juan. No.

WILLIAMS: In this situation, by the way, you know what I'm reminded of is the horrible death of that young woman out in San Francisco where a federal agent's gun is stolen, ends up under a park bench and that derelict picks it up and this young...

GUILFOYLE: The federal agent shouldn't have the gun that he's supposed to have.

WILLIAMS: So many guns in this country, so much easy access to the guns. Then a bad guy gets a gun and you say, "Oh, terrible."

BOLLING: A bad guy gets a gun?

WILLIAMS: That derelict.

BOLLING: Listen, the bad guys have the guns. For once a citizen who's armed themselves protected themselves.

That reminded you? You know what this all reminded me of? There's a friend of ours -- I think he used to work or still works at FOX -- whose wife was approached by someone with a gun and she said, "I wish I had a gun." Who is that? Do you remember this?

WILLIAMS: That's my wife.

BOLLING: Exactly.

WILLIAMS: And you know what? I wouldn't be sitting here if she had a gun. I would be a dead man.

GUILFOYLE: No, you'd be good.

KILMEADE: Dana, do you think this is an illustration for people who were saying if you take guns away from everyone, only bad guys are going to have guns?

BOLLING: It does make me think that -- about being a little bit more prepared, right? In places where -- I mean, obviously, you can't have a concealed weapon in New York state. There's different state laws.

But Juan, as your pro bono press secretary...

WILLIAMS: Thank you.

PERINO: ... if I could advise one thing. When you get a question like that about this scenario? Just say yes.

WILLIAMS: Go with it.

PERINO: There's no other answer.

KILMEADE: I like the cuckoo this way. If you get a gun, she -- her advice is get a gun, legal, make it legal, be responsible. And if you don't trust yourself, don't carry. And if you don't trust yourself, you don't carry, then for God's sake shut the "F" up about it. Because that's where your involvement should end.

PERINO: What does that stand for?

KILMEADE: I have no idea.

GUILFOYLE: But she's trying. You what she does in this case, that she used the Second Amendment early and often on this guy. Meaning right away I would shoot him before he turned around and shot me. I would shoot him in the you know what.

BOLLING: Some -- some news, I believe it was yesterday, maybe up Monday the governor of New Hampshire just vetoed a conceal carry law that was put on her desk that had passed, and she vetoed it.

PERINO: She's a Senate candidate, maybe.

KILMEADE: All right, coming up straight ahead. Some of the best things in life are free, right? What are the five simple pleasures that you have? You're going to find out what America thinks are simple pleasures. And then we're going to share our thoughts, and we'll find out how mine make sense and these guys are really off base.


WILLIAMS: Sometimes it's the simple things in life that can make you the very happiest. And guess what? They don't cost a thing. One Reddit user recently took a poll on simple pleasures. Here are some of the most popular answers.

Falling asleep while it's raining outside. Back or head scratching. A shower with good water pressure.

PERINO: I'm for that.

WILLIAMS: Getting goose bumps from a song.

So in the break, in the break -- in the break, guess what? Dana says, "I'm ready. I'm going to tell America about my simple pleasures."

KILMEADE: Guilty pleasures.

PERINO: I have pictures.

WILLIAMS: And I said...

PERINO: It won't surprise anybody my favorite thing is dogs. And I have Jasper -- of course, there's Jasper in the garden. This is not the pictures Kimberly was thinking. There's Jasper in bed, though. Pretty hot right there.

I just love being around dogs, especially my own.

GUILFOYLE: Yours and mine are very different.

PERINO: I have four dogs. Look at that.

WILLIAMS: All right, Kimberly.

KILMEADE: They're not so simple. Not such simple things.

WILLIAMS: What are your pleasures?

PERINO: You have pictures, Kimberly.

GUILFOYLE: I misunderstood the segment.

WILLIAMS: What are your pleasures? Simple.

By the way, one thing that surprised me, you know what they said in this list?


WILLIAMS: Taking off your bra.

PERINO: Absolutely. That's true, though.

GUILFOYLE: What's wrong with you?

PERINO: That is true.

WILLIAMS: I'm telling you what it said. I don't take off a bra.

KILMEADE: That's true.

PERINO: At the end of a long day at work is what it says.

GUILFOYLE: Not if that's all you're taking off. Let's be honest.

WILLIAMS: Well, anyway, I was thinking -- I wanted you to explain.

GUILFOYLE: Oh, my God. Is this real? Is this a real segment?

KILMEADE: Kimberly, you are not committing to the segment.

GUILFOYLE: I have real answers.

KILMEADE: This is not fair to watch.

GUILFOYLE: Hold on. I have real answers. But everyone knows what they are. Name one of them.

BOLLING: Yours? It's control, water and food.


BOLLING: Salami.

WILLIAMS: Salami? I like salami.

GUILFOYLE: But actually, probably we'll reverse the order.

BOLLING: Control, water.

GUILFOYLE: Yes. I love it.

WILLIAMS: You know what else they said? Bread and butter. Laughter. What would be a simple pleasure for Eric?

BOLLING: Me? Honestly, a simple pleasure for me is just having the whole afternoon to just go do what I want to do. Work out, run...


BOLLING: ... do some lifting and some push-ups.

GUILFOYLE: I can't even focus now because of Juan.

KILMEADE: I'm like Kimberly. I took a real approach at Juan's segment, because I knew it would mean a lot to him.

PERINO: Mine was good.

KILMEADE: Thank you. If I hit five green lights in a row, that makes my day. That is 100 percent it.

The other thing is anything on my things to do list. It could be big; it could be small. If I get up and I find my shoes, and I can cross it off my list, that is my guilty pleasure.

PERINO: Then your list is not sitting very well.

BOLLING: The teleprompter's (UNINTELLIGIBLE). If I make it through a read without screwing it up.

KILMEADE: That's your pleasure.

WILLIAMS: You know what I like? You know what I like, is after exercise you just feel good.

KILMEADE: Only a good workout.

WILLIAMS: Yes, yes.

KILMEADE: A bad workout.

WILLIAMS: How about this? Snuggling with, well, for me a woman.

KILMEADE: Your wife.


KILMEADE: Juan, for you? Juan, for your wife.

WILLIAMS: Yes. A woman. That woman.

KILMEADE: That's not a time to be generic, Juan.


PERINO: Juan, you need a full-time press secretary.

GUILFOYLE: Honestly, it would take all of your energy and effort...

WILLIAMS: All right. "One More Thing" coming up next.

GUILFOYLE: ... to come up with three little things.


PERINO: It's time now for "One More Thing." And we're going to let Juan try to redeem himself here.

WILLIAMS: Yes, I'll ask my press secretary.

Anyway, big news for the FOX bureau in D.C., because Elizabeth Prann, one of our reporters, her husband, Darren O'Day, has just been selected for the American League all-star team. Darren is 32. This is his first time joining the all-star team. And guess what? Darren and Elizabeth have held barbecues out at Camden Yards to help injured soldiers, raising money for the USO. Just a lovely couple. Great people. Congratulations to Darren but especially to my pal, Elizabeth.

GUILFOYLE: She is so sweet and nice.

BOLLING: Good job.

See how she dropped that arm down?

PERINO: Way to close it, Juan.

Kimberly, you're next.

GUILFOYLE: OK. Hi. Who do I love? I love Condoleezza Rice. Everybody knows it. So she's so super-talented. And she can sing. Listen to a little bit of this, singing "Amazing Grace."




GUILFOYLE: OK. I thought you said she was singing, too.

KILMEADE: She wasn't singing.


KILMEADE: She was playing the piano.

KILMEADE: But she's playing the piano beautifully. She's done this before, as well, with Yo-Yo Ma back in 2008. This was for a great cause. She went on Facebook: "'Amazing Grace' has always held a special place in my heart. It seemed only appropriate to release the video in conjunction with the Fourth of July weekend." And she did this. All the proceeds to the Wounded Warrior Project.

Again, she should run for president of the United States.

KILMEADE: Yes. And download it on iTunes right now to help out.

PERINO: OK. So you know I said I like dogs in the "E" Block. Now in the "One More Thing," I'm going to tell you about a Vizsla. You know I love a Vizsla. There was a Vizsla who was stranded up on a ridge in Utah. And a firefighter named Tony Snow, they were called in to try to help this dog who had hurt her paw. She wasn't able to move. And he walked her back two miles, carrying her on his shoulders. She was reunited with her family. That's a great thing. But he said, "I miss her already. She was such a sweet dog and easy to carry." And he's happy that she's home, but he would have adopted her if she didn't have one.

GUILFOYLE: That's sweet.

WILLIAMS: That dog looks like Jasper.

PERINO: Exactly. Bingo, Juan.

GUILFOYLE: Juan, stop talking.

BOLLING: I have the most amazing video that we're going to try and get right to tomorrow and show it. But in the meantime -- Snapchat.

GUILFOYLE; Oh, God. Here we go again.

KILMEADE: A lot of stuff's happening tomorrow.

BOLLING: Here's K.G. and Juan and Dana. And I'm going to put this up on Snapchat, EB2016. Follow me there and Snapchat back and forth. It's a lot of fun.

GUILFOYLE: Somebody's got a lot of time on their hands.

KILMEADE: Should I go? OK. Good news for the next generation. They've taken a lot of abuse. They don't work hard; everything comes too easy. They don't put anything (ph) into the country.

Here's some good news. "Vanity Fair" did a study, and they commissioned a study. They said let's find out how people feel about bringing your work home with you after 6 p.m. And most people under 30 believe that work does not end. When you leave the office, you continue to work. The people that believe work ends when you leave work are the people under 30. The next generation does work hard. They'll check their e-mail. I salute you.

PERINO: OK. "Special Report" is next. It happens after 6. It's work.

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