Teachers Fight for Viagra

Wait and See

North Carolina Democratic Senate candidate Elaine Marshall punted when she was asked on "The Bill Press Radio Show" Friday morning whether she wants President Obama to campaign for her.


ELAINE MARSHALL, D-N.C., SENATE CANDIDATE: Well there are no plans. There are discussions going on a bit now and we will see...

BILL PRESS: Do you want the president to come to North Carolina?

MARSHALL: We want Robert Gibbs to come to North Carolina -- he's a North Carolina boy!


Marshall's indecision may have something to do with the fact that Obama's approval rating in her state has dropped seven points since last year, to 48 percent.

Last week Pennsylvania's Democratic Senate candidate Joe Sestak also wavered when asked about a presidential visit.

Up in Arms

A Milwaukee teachers’ union that is protesting hundreds of layoff notices to teachers for the coming school year is also fighting to get taxpayer-funded Viagra back on insurance plans.

The union has gone to court, arguing the school board's policy of excluding such drugs discriminates against male employees.

A consultant for the board has estimated reinstating the Viagra drug benefit would cost $786,000 per year -- enough to pay for about a dozen first-year teachers.

Sour Patch

One little girl's lemonade stand in Portland, Oregon turned sour after health inspectors forced her to close up shop, because she lacked a temporary restaurant license.

Seven-year-old Julie Murphy and her mom were even threatened with a $500 fine. But in the end, Julie got an okay -- and an apology -- from a county official who said running a lemonade stand is a "classic" American kid thing to do.