Tata: Presidential briefer told CENTCOM to alter ISIS intel

This is a rush transcript from "The Five," August 15, 2016. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

KIMBERLY GUILFOYLE, CO-HOST: Hello, everyone. I'm Kimberly Guilfoyle along with Juan Williams, Jesse Watters, Dana Perino and Greg Gutfeld. It's 5 o'clock in New York City, and this is "The Five."

Donald Trump lays out his plan to take down ISIS in his latest major foreign policy speech. This afternoon, the GOP nominee unveiled the strategy to fight and defeat Islamic terror.


DONALD TRUMP, REPUBLICAN PRESIDENTIAL NOMINEE: A new approach which must be shared by both parties in America, by our allies overseas and by our friends in the Middle East, must be to halt the spread of radical Islam.

As president, I will call for an international conference focused on this goal. A new immigration policy is needed immediately and as well.

We should only admit it to this country those who share our values and respect our people. One of my first acts as president will be to establish a commission on radical Islam. The goal of the commission will be to identify and explain to the American public the core convictions and beliefs of radical Islam.


GUILFOYLE: In one of the more controversial parts of his anti-terror plan, Trump vows to institute a new screening process for immigrants to protect our nation from radical Islamists.


TRUMP: Time is overdue to develop a new screening test. We must also screen out any of hostile attitudes toward our country or its principals, or who believe that Sharia law should supplant American law.

Only those who we expect to flourish in our country and to embrace a tolerant American society should be issued visas.

To put these new procedures in place, we will have to temporarily suspend immigration from some of the most dangerous and volatile regions of the world that have a history of exporting terrorism.


GUILFOYLE: All right. So, Jesse, any surprises here or do you think he was able to connect with supporters or others who might be moved by his foreign policy ISIS approach and strategy?

JESSE WATTERS, CO-HOST: I was happily surprised that he was on teleprompter. And I think a lot of people were very thrilled he was on teleprompter. I kind of miss the days when Trump would say, you know what my plan is for ISIS? I'm not going to tell you because I want to be unpredictable.



WATTERS: Because those were the good old days. I don't think he can get away with that anymore. I think Trump saying what he wouldn't do is a good thing. I would say Trump should be saying I'm not going to spend $500 million training eight Syrian rebels. I'm not going to fight ISIS with love like Obama. I'm not going to try to give ISIS jobs. I'm not going to say climate change is more of a threat than ISIS. I'm not going to draw a fake red line and then have let the enemy come right through it. Those are the things I will be focusing on. I would say I'm not going to call ISIS, ISIL because that's just really annoying.


WATTERS: Yes, whatever that is. But good speech, good speech.




DANA PERINO, CO-HOST: You would totally rewrite it.



GUILFOYLE: Dana, what are you thinking? Would it be able from a communications perspective to connect the dots to accomplish what he needs to at this point of the game?

PERINO: I don't know. I think that there's so much that the Trump campaign needs to do. I would say a foreign policy speech is a good thing to do. Obviously, it's something that we should all be concerned about. There's a lot of speculation by both candidates right now about what they would do as president because, for example, in 2000 neither Al Gore nor George W. Bush were asked about al-Qaeda during the entire campaign. Never once asked about it. So you are asked now about the threats that you know about. So we know about ISIS. But what is the next one? What I think he did well is to talk about the ideological problem. But we know that's a problem. I actually think that Jesse's formulation would have been very good, which is to say, I don't know exactly what I'll do when I get in, and I'll be able to tell you that when I'm there. I will tell you what I won't do. That's actually very effective.

WATTERS: Thank you.

PERINO: The other thing is not be nation building. That's a popular thing. George W. Bush ran on that in 2000. I loved it. And what he writes about in his book is that in 2001, after September 11th, it was clear that what happens overseas does affect our own national security. I'm not saying everything was done perfectly, by all means, it was not. But I do think that at this point, so much of it is speculation and circumstances change. And Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton, neither of them have started getting their classified briefings yet. All of this again is just speculation. So it's good to know where his mindset is, to like in general how would you handle problems. There were some other problems with the speech such as the oil -- you know, taking all the oil without occupying, I'm not sure how that's going to work. But I think Greg had more on that.

GUILFOYLE: Kind of similar to build a wall and Mexico's going to pay for it. He's looking for the specifics. Greg, you want to comment? And I'm going to get you on this also.

GREG GUTFELD, CO-HOST: I thought -- you know, when he introduced this new part about immigration policies, to me, it made sense. I mean, let's say, you're renting a room or an apartment to someone, what do you do? You check their references.


GUTFELD: You look up their online profile. I do this when I'm hiring interns. It's disturbing.


WATTERS: More disturbing than likely they want to work for you?


GUTFELD: They're in, believe me. It's not just for you, the landlord, it's for the other tenants. So the idea that you're extreme vetting, which sounds like an Olympic event, is actually not about Trump, it's about everybody else. I think his speech in a bigger sense is about priorities. Who are the enemies to this country? Is it white privilege or is it ISIS? You know, is it climate change or is Islamism? If you compare what he said today to what Hillary said today, she said she was taking ground troops off the table. I am sick of having leaders who take things off the table. The whole point of a table is to put things on the table and then somebody comes there and then maybe you take it off. But you don't sit down and go, by the way, this isn't going to be on the table. It's like a picture at a baseball game saying, by the way, I'm not throwing any fastballs.


GUTFELD: No curve, maybe a knuckleball. You don't tell people that stuff.


GUTFELD: I like the fact that he tells people what he will do, which is destroy you. But he won't say, oh, I'm not going to do this.


GUTFELD: It's not bad that somebody might be a little crazy in this regard.


GUILFOYLE: How about John Kerry a little crazy with the air conditioning. Air conditioning, the greatest evil in the world?

GUTFELD: Exactly.

GUILFOYLE: Juan, can I get you to further comment on this. Trump also said that leaving Iraq and leaving the oil was a mistake. Listen to this bit.


TRUMP: I said keep the oil, keep the oil, keep the oil. Don't let somebody else get it.

In the old days, when we won a war, to the victor belonged the spoils. Instead, all we got from Iraq and our adventures in the Middle East was death, destruction, and tremendous financial loss.


GUILFOYLE: To the victor, the spoils, Juan. What do you think? Sounds like pirates.

JUAN WILLIAMS, CO-HOST: Sounds un-American to me. One of the great glories of our country is you know we go and fight wars for right and just causes. We don't go in there and take over and grab the women and the...

GUILFOYLE: To plunder.

WILLIAMS: Yeah. It's not us.

WATTERS: We don't want the women, Juan.


GUILFOYLE: Oh, my gosh.

WILLIAMS: I'm just saying that's not us. We don't play that game. And I'm struck, I mean, even Jesse had to say he would have rewritten the whole thing.


WATTERS: Dana said that.


WILLIAMS: The whole thing was so vague. The two big ideas, oh, let's have a task force.


WILLIAMS: A task force? They already have a task force. Let's have a commission. We already have a commission. My gosh, this is so...

GUILFOYLE: We made fun of Obama for that thing.


GUILFOYLE: We made fun of Obama.


WILLIAMS: Well, I'm saying, so Trump today was expected to have the pivot.


WILLIAMS: He was going to get fierce. This is why you're talking about the teleprompter.


WILLIAMS: He didn't get serious. All he did was kind of bloviate to quote one of your pals saying...


GUILFOYLE: Someone should buy Juan a vowel.


WILLIAMS: He had no idea about how to fight ISIS, no idea, not idea one.


WILLIAMS: No, let me finish. The big news out of this was...

GUILFOYLE: This is a monologue.


WILLIAMS: Hillary Clinton is not mentally or physically capable of fighting ISIS. Oh, gee, why do you say that, Mr. Trump? I must have missed something. But that's what he said. Then he says, guess what, he would really make Russia a bigger friend. Oh, gee, that's interesting given that today we learned that Paul Manafort, Mr. Trump's top guy, his top aide-de-camp was making 12-plus million bucks from the Russian-backed leader of the Ukraine. I mean, wow, that makes me say, what's going on here? These are financial ties. Dana says Trump is about to get briefings from the top intelligence agencies in the United States. Let me see, Paul Manafort, Carter Pace, all these guys working for Trump have financial interests with the Russians.

GUTFELD: But, Juan -- Juan, remember President Obama whispering to the president of Russia that things will be different if he is elected or the uranium transfer from Hillary?

WILLIAMS: It didn't happen.


GUTFELD: They tried. We still don't know, Juan. It's all conspiracy. I will say this. There is a weird thing going on. You can't say nation building is bad and then say leaving a vacuum is bad, correct?


GUTFELD: That's the hypocrisy that I have an issue with. If we left, ISIS flourished. If we stayed, we're nation building. You can't have it both ways.

WATTERS: And I just would like to respond to a few things Juan said. And I'm going to keep it simple for you, Juan.


WATTERS: I think the message of the speech was if Hillary is the risk, Hillary is the one who this sleeps through the 3:00 a.m. phone call, Hillary is the neocon, regime changer, warrior princess who is naive to the threat.


WILLIAMS: I've heard all the putdowns.

WATTERS: And Trump is the actual realist non-ideologue in the race. And he's going to keep you safe.

WILLIAMS: Let me say I'm not a Trump fan, so don't anyone confuse that in your mind. But I thought that today he was going to get serious. He didn't do that.

GUILFOYLE: All right. Dana, did he accomplish anything with this today based on what we're talking about here?

PERINO: Well, I think if you were looking for a different approach to immigration, he started to lay one out. If you were looking for a consistency in position, you didn't get that today. But, again, I'm OK with that because you're not in the office yet. You don't have the briefings. Except for economics, you can basically say with the math, like I would do this with the corporate tax rate, I would do X and Y and give you a tax credit on your children. OK. All of that actually makes sense. But when it comes to this, I think all you can do as a candidate right now is explain your view of right versus wrong, good versus evil, and your willingness to up hold the Constitution of the United States, and to protect our national security which is the number one responsibility, if you became president. Other than that, anything they say they're going to do is probably just whistling in the wind.

GUILFOYLE: Right. Those are the goals. You heard it here first.

Coming up, a Five exclusive big news on the bombshell report saying top Pentagon officials may have been cooking the books on ISIS. It's brand-new information you will only hear on this program.

But first, we'll have the latest developments on the violent riots in Milwaukee. Don't go away. Stay with us.


GUTFELD: In Milwaukee, a riot unfolds allegedly prompted by a shooting. But as the facts come out, we find that it's garbage. The riot was based on nothing more than the chance to riot. The suspect was armed, the cop was black. Still, rioters targeted whites.

Some will say that such violence is an apt response to structural racism, which allows for all behavior, including not just riots, but also blacks attacking blacks. You could offer stats on that, but the cry will always be: It's the system's fault. This exempts an entire group from mechanisms for resolving disputes. Anything less than violence is seen as a sign of weakness. Hence, the chaos.

It wasn't always like this. On a smaller scale, the dispute mechanism for family squabbles was the kitchen table. Punishments were set, curfews arranged. City council meetings did the same thing. They rarely led to violence, just new street signs. Church was where we had to be nice to our neighbors once a week and resolve not to hate them the rest of the time. Community and family settled disputes. Absent such mechanisms, the stand-in is now aggression among drug gangs, in prisons, in war-torn villages. So as elites conclude that civility can't be expected from certain people and that violence is a just response to an unjust world, this leaves one ugly road left and the battle begins. How odd that the left-wing apologist agrees with the right-wing racist? These folks just can't help themselves.

Juan, we have seen the ongoing narrative of police brutality which kind of sets the table for a lot of this activity. And then we find out as you look at each case separately, the truth is not what it seems. You have a black officer attacking -- attacking, I'm sorry, shooting an unarmed suspect. So you realize the narrative is false.

WILLIAMS: Right. Well, I don't know if the narrative is false because I don't know if they knew the officer was black. But I would say that the reality is as the mayor and the police chief pointed out, the man had a gun pointed at the police officer.


WILLIAMS: And they have pictures of it. There's no dispute here.


WILLIAMS: So the reality is that even if it was a white officer, why are you tearing up the community, then you have arguments about the degree of poverty, unemployment.


WILLIAMS: I think if you look at the Milwaukee stats, it's extreme and a very extreme and poor city and something that concerns me greatly. I was looking at some of the numbers in there, education. And, Greg, they have the biggest achievement gap between black and white in the nation.


WILLIAMS: They are last in terms of black children being able to read at the fourth grade level throughout all of their public schools. You know, this is a school system or it's a population that's not getting educated. And there are no more kind of hardworking, strong back jobs that used to build the industrial Midwest.


GUTFELD: I mean, that could also be linked to the fact that 70 percent of black births are to unmarried women.


WILLIAMS: In your comments, what struck me was there's no dad at home.

GUILFOYLE: Yeah. This is also your specialty here, Juan, and we've got it coming up.

GUTFELD: Yes, in the next block.

GUILFOYLE: A very interesting discussion. I agree, from a prosecutor's perspective of dealing with this as well.

GUTFELD: Maybe, there's -- how many people do you think are involved in this kind of behavior, 200, maybe 600 or maybe 600 protesters and 100 looters? I mean, is this something that we have to be careful with responding to with the right amount of anger?

GUILFOYLE: With the right measure.


GUILFOYLE: It has to match, you know, the level of outrage must match actually the fact pattern, and specifically, what's occurring in these communities and these neighborhoods. And of course, you want to be sensitive to the way that people feel because their life experience is very different from the life experience of those at this table. So there has to be some semblance of understanding, willingness to listen, and to learn, because we don't live and we have not grown up in those communities. Nevertheless, a very strong message has to be sent that violence will not be condoned. It's immaterial, the color and race of the officer. Because as Juan pointed out, the fact pattern shows and the evidence, which is compelling and persuasive and conclusive, that in fact, the officer was African-American, in fact, the officer had every right to use deadly force to protect himself and his partner against an armed shooter in that neighborhood. That's what you would want to do. You wouldn't want to tie the officer's hands behind his back and tell him he can't use his weapon. If you go into the forensics of it, actually, the suspect, Smith, out- armed.


GUILFOYLE: In terms of bullets and capacity to, you know, wreak havoc and to kill. The officer was out-gunned in many respects. These are all important and salient facts that you have to look at. When you go out to these crime scenes to prosecute and determine if it was a good shooting or not or justifiable homicide, that's what you have to look at.

GUTFELD: You know, Jesse, when someone says generally it's always in the regressive left that acts of violence are justified or looting is justified. Isn't that equally as bigoted because you assume there's a segment of the population who cannot respond in a civil fashion?

WATTERS: Yeah, you're not treating these people like adults.


WATTERS: They should be held accountable for their behavior. I always feel a little awkward as a white guy who is doing pretty well in this country.

GUTFELD: You should.

WATTERS: You sit...


WATTERS: You sit and cast judgment on these black rioters. But in this case, these rioters are either dumb or racist, or maybe both, because there were no whites involved in this confrontation. And I get a Rodney King riot, I can understand the rationale for that. But there are no facts to back this up. It reminds you when there's a mass shooting in this country, everybody on the internet saying it's probably the NRA, probably some crazy white guy, Fox News made him do it. And the next thing you know it's some radical Muslim immigrant who bought the gun legally. It is the same thing with Ferguson. This was hands-up, don't shoot deal until they found out this was based on a lie. And the media has teed up this to a boiling point, we have de Blasio, President Obama.

GUILFOYLE: They focused on law enforcement as well.

WATTERS: Exactly.

GUILFOYLE: But not just a racial issue in terms of how you identify as white or black or Asian or Hispanic, but a law enforcement issue that's been proffered by Black Lives Matter to say that law enforcement and officers in general are killing African-Americans.

WILLIAMS: Wait a second. I happen to agree with so much of what you said. But I just want to raise this point.

WATTERS: Thank you, Juan.

WILLIAMS: If you look at what the justice department said just last week about the Baltimore police force, if you look at what they found out about the Ferguson police force, there was a system of, in fact, disenfranchising and treating black people differently than white people.

WATTERS: That is true, although I don't believe everything...


WILLIAMS: OK. I'm just saying. I'm just saying.


GUTFELD: Dana, can you just end this with something incredibly profound?

PERINO: Yes. I think that the media has a responsibility, obviously, to report as things are happening. But if you look even at the New York Times' report, it was almost as if they jumped to a conclusion. And then you find out -- and it's hard then to do a correction.


PERINO: Because the initial story is what sticks in everybody's mind initially.


GUTFELD: And that creates this -- they take every disparate incident of perceived brutality and real brutality because there is real brutality but there's perceived brutality, and they put it under an umbrella and we go we have a national phenomenon. This is happening everywhere. Riots are justified. There is a link to all this, I think.


GUTFELD: OK. Up next, Sheriff David Clarke unloads on the policies of the left for fueling the riots in Milwaukee and his community.

And the father of the man killed opens up about who really is to blame for his son's death when we return.


WILLIAMS: Milwaukee rocked by two straight nights of riots after an armed black man was shot and killed by a black police officer. Sheriff David Clarke suggests that societal problems, not the police, that eventually led to the mayhem in his town.


DAVID CLARKE, MILWAUKEE COUNTY SHERIFF: Police using force serves as an igniter, there's no doubt, but to an already volatile situation, a volatile mix of urban pathologists, failed urban policy that exacerbates inescapable poverty, failing public schools, inadequate parenting, father-absent homes. We all know when fathers are not around to shape the behavior of young boys. They oftentimes grow up to be unmanageable misfits that the police have to deal with in an aggressive fashion.


WILLIAMS: Meanwhile, the father of 23-year-old Sylville Smith who was killed by police blames himself. The dad blames himself for his son's death.


PATRICK SMITH, FATHER OF SYLVILLE SMITH: I just got out of jail probably two months ago. But I've been going back and forth in jail. And they see these things. So I like to apologize to my kids because this is a role model. They look up to me. When they see the wrong role model, this is what you get.


WILLIAMS: This is a tragedy. I think both Chief Clarke and the father are telling the truth about black family breakdowns and what's happened with this young man. So let me turn to the prosecutor. What do you say?

GUILFOYLE: Yeah, I think that I saw this all too often working and prosecuting gang cases in Los Angeles, coming out of Compton and East L.A. and Inglewood and Hawthorne, and just really challenged areas. Some of them, some of the most dangerous cities in America, Hawthorne alone was ranked at the time I was there the 11th most dangerous and just per capita, the enormous amount of crime in a community, the lack of safety and certainty and stability for these children growing up. And then when you couple that with an absence of positive role models, positive figures to be able help you know affect positive change in young people's lives. And, Juan, the subject you're an expert on, education, lack of opportunity, and lack of good schools. And by the way, lack of willingness, unfortunately, because of safety concerns for some great educators to go into those communities and just sort of the despair and frustration they feel when they're unable to be in a place that supports quality education. This is all just a confluence of events that produces catastrophic results.

WILLIAMS: You heard, Jesse, Sheriff Clarke say you know it's not just the police. And I just want to point out to you the highest black male incarceration rate as represented by the dad we saw, any state, Wisconsin and largely, out of that city, Milwaukee.

WATTERS: Yet, Democrats have controlled Milwaukee for decades, Juan, and blacks are really suffering there. Like you said, huge achievement gap, you have high poverty rate, high jobless rate, a lot of single parents. It's a mess there. And blacks need to step up to the plate, but governments can do stuff, too. You know, you can reform entitlements that focus on family units instead of single mothers. You can enforce the immigration law so you don't have cheap labor and this cheap jobs coming in. You can do a lot of things, hold teachers accountable. There're a lot of things that can be done that Democrats have been blocking. And it's just a shame that a lot of these urban situations are the victims of Democratic policies. And it's constant, just sad.

WILLIAMS: Well, I think the pathology is what strikes me, Dana. I'm particularly taken by the idea that they have had school choice there, but it doesn't seem to have done much good.

PERINO: Well, it's interesting. I read this weekend that the NAACP actually has now, as part of its platform, they're against all charter schools.

WILLIAMS: Unbelievable.

GUILFOYLE: I don't get that.

PERINO: And there is a policy choice that is being made by people. And well, at the same time, Democrats who are in charge of these most large municipalities will say "The conservatives and republicans are your biggest enemy to these groups."

That is not true. But here's the other thing. Government, as I learned this from George W. Bush, so I'm not going to say it's my own words. But one of the things I liked about his faith-based initiative is that government can't heal a heart.

We're talking about things here that this is not something that policies or government is not going to deal with. Family values became mired in anti- gay marriage language. And I think that bringing back family values through faith-based initiatives in the church is not entirely out of bounds at this point because I don't see how the government actually fixes this.

WILLIAMS: Hey, Greg, what is it with people tearing up their own neighborhood?

GUTFELD: Well, if you look at who tears up their neighborhoods and who causes the most destruction, it's almost entirely young men, whether you want to look at gangs or if you want to look at prison gangs or if you want to look at ISIS, there used to be a method of turning boys into men, whether it was through occupations or school or military service and role models through the male parent. With that gone, you have a lot of loose men, and it's also spreading to women as well.

WILLIAMS: Loose women?

GUTFELD: No, I mean there are women out there now. I mean that I didn't mean that. But there are women out there now acting as violent as men. What I find troubling is that when I look at Sheriff Clarke, I see somebody who I call a moral warrior. He's a fearless guy. But by me complimenting him, I wonder if that doesn't help him. Because I call this idea contamination, that nobody in Milwaukee is going to listen to me. They're not going to listen to a white guy in his 50s at Fox News, they're going to listen to him.

The idea that me talking about black family breakdown is just another guy wagging his finger.


GUTFELD: It's important that sometimes you just don't -- you find the Sheriff Clarkes and you let them do what they do, but you don't contaminate their idea by perhaps turning it into a talking point. Did that makes any sense?

WILLIAMS: Yeah, it makes sense to me. In fact, you know, once George W. Bush, your former boss, he said to me he read a book of mine but he wasn't going to say a word about it because it might hurt me.

GUTFELD: Exactly, exactly.

WILLIAMS: Directly ahead, a five exclusive brand-new information on the ISIS report which may have been altered by top pentagon officials. It's an update you won't see anywhere else. So please stay with us.


WATTERS: We are learning new details after the bombshell report on altered intelligence regarding ISIS, which top pentagon officials may have been cooking the books to make it seem as if the terror group was less of a threat. Joining us now with some exclusive information on the scandal is retired Brigadier General Tony Tata.

So, can I call you Tony?



TATA: Can I call you Jesse?

WATTERS: You can call me whatever you want. "Watters' World" actually.

So, what we know is after President Obama retreated from Iraq, and we saw the Arab Spring, we saw genocide, we saw the president say that this was the J.V. team and him constantly downplaying the ISIS threat. You're saying that there's a reason why the president was so detached from the reality on the ground with ISIS.

TATA: Yeah. So there's chaos all over the Middle East. You've got the Syrian Civil War happening. You've got President Obama's timeline, you know, he campaigned on getting out of Iraq. So, he didn't want anything to counter that narrative.

And what you have is mostly good hard working people, majors, lieutenant colonels, civilians and Central Command saying, "Houston, we have a problem." This is not how it's being portrayed right now, so there was this meeting. And one of my sources tells me that this individual was told by the president's briefer to not provide product of record, as it's called in the intelligence community, that is countered to the narrative that the president is putting out there, that everything is great, we're out of Iraq, high five, let's move on.

And meanwhile, it's pretty obvious to the casual observer, you've got the Arab Spring, you've got the Syrian Civil War. And so now, what happens is they're told by the president's briefer who works in the office of, you know, the director of national intelligence and that individual then is telling CENTCOM, "Don't give me anything on the record. Make a phone call, secure phone call, which is not traceable, which has no record if you have any bad news for me that counter to this narrative."

And so we actually turned the other way because of that and then two years later, we have a problem, a real problem. ISIS has grown. They're a formidable force. And that two years allowed ISIS to take root. So, that's the real issue here that are really is stemming out from these whistle blowers in Central Command that really more worried about their country than their efficiency reports.

WATTERS: Yeah, they don't treat whistle blowers very well in this administration. Greg, any question?

GUTFELD: Can I call you general?

TATA: You can call me whatever you would like, Greg.

GUTFELD: Basically, this is reversed delusion. And I mean, the thing is it -- isn't this is what everybody is going to be doing now? And you're -- instead of destroying and damaging evidence after the fact, you prevent the damaging evidence from ever occurring. I think that this is what people are going to do in the age of leaks and everything like this.

In the coverage, it's not illegal. It's just what people do.

TATA: Well, it's highly irresponsible ...


TATA: ... for a senior official like this ...

GUTFELD: It's a lie.

TATA: ... to say, "Look, do not give me anything that's bad news."


TATA: Because we're trying to portray that this exit from Iraq is the right thing to do in the face of chaos going on over there. And now we've got a real valid national security threat that was borne out of this directive to Central Command. And the people that are there, that are being work there, that are whistle blowing are being reprised against there.

GUTFELD: Are people dying from this?

TATA: Yeah, absolutely. The people burned in cages ...


TATA: ... are dying from this. And meanwhile, you have good American soldier, sailor, airmen, marines and civilians that were in the Central Command intelligence that are being isolated and targeted by people that are in the J2 and CENTCOM and previous folks that were there as well.

PERINO: Do you think any of them have been prevented from getting a promotion?

TATA: I think they've been run out of the service. One young lady spent $140,000 on legal bills, who's got that kind of money to defend herself against this kind of thing. She ultimately won, which is, you know, a story that nobody's talking about either. So she'll recoup that money but her career is shot.

And so the reason you're not hearing a lot of people come out is because, you know, they have families, they have careers and these people in the CENTCOM J2 are hammering and targeting.

The good news is General Jo Votel who is the central command commander as of march this year has brought in Major General David Quantock, a high quality classy individual that's going to right this ship and Jo was given -- they mandate to fix this mess.

WILLIAMS: So, I think democrats on the house intelligence committee -- I'm thinking here of Congressman Adam Schiff instead -- that was an insular environment that led to this. Now, the news here that you're ringing is there's some connection that would lead you towards the White House. And that's where I have a question for you. Because it's clear from the description of events as you portray it that the white house was getting the information that there was some negativity. If there is negativity, tell us, but they didn't want it on the record. So, that's a distinction I wanted to emphasize and see what you thought.

TATA: Yeah, Juan, so you can imagine how that's going if you're the president's briefer and the president is saying, "Wait a minute you just told me, you know, we just left Iraq and now you're telling me things are bad?" And so it could have been the president saying don't tell me this or it could have been the briefer going back after, you know, a rough meeting saying, "Hey, look, don't give me any more this stuff. I don't want to bring it to the president." So -- and, you know, I'm not in that but my source was that the next guy to get the word, and that is, you know, legitimate what happened there?

GUILFOYLE: General, it sounds like there was a narrative in our protocol going forward that nothing would hit the president's desk, foreign or domestic, unless it was sort of vetted, cleared and no record of it to meet and match the president's expectations?

TATA: Kim, only if it met the president's narrative that things were great, the Iraq exit was the right thing to do. That kind of intelligence have product of record send that up, but if it's countered to that narrative, don't send it up, don't produce it, don't give me a chart, don't give me a memoranda, don't give me a linked diagram that shows things are bad and not consistent with what we're saying.

WILLIAMS: But things have cleared up now.

WATTERS: I wouldn't go that far, Juan.

WILLIAMS: I think that's what he said.

GUILFOYLE: Count the bodies. That sounds like that directly contravenes national security and America's interests and assets in the field, and it causes loss of life, casualties.

TATA: Well, today people are being reprised against. And Central Command and the whistle blowers are not having a good life even today.

WATTERS: Like you said, people have died from this. General, Thank you very much.

TATA: Thank you.

WATTERS: When we return, the all clear is given after a security scare at JFK for the last night. The surprising reasons behind would may have cause the evacuations. And it was not gunfire. Details next.


PERINO: It was a chaotic scene at JFK Airport here in New York last night when police evacuated two terminals after reports of shots being fired. After a preliminary investigation, cops now say there was no shooting. According to reports, one official says that clapping and banging by people watching the Olympics may have been misinterpreted as gunfire.

The report authority reportedly said the first calls came in around the time Usain Bolt finished winning his third-straight gold medal in the 100 meters.

So, Kimberly, that's not out of the realm of possibility that there would be a shooting at JFK Airport. So then, on Twitter, on social media, everybody was in a panic and the news media was trying to find out what's going. Officials at the airport were reluctant to say anything.

In the meantime, Usain Bolt is winning the gold.

GUILFOYLE: And then it's almost under the ways (ph), like maybe that might have been, you know, the T.V., it might have been, you know, shots fired actually because there's a relay race going off.

So, yes, and then it becomes like, "OK. Now, we got to figure it out." Now, it's embarrassing, we got to walk you back. But guess what, this is happening in the real-time day and age where there are shootings and there are bombs going off in airports across the world. So this is something that is in people's minds. It's right there and sort of like the frontal lobe percolating, like, "Woo, wait a second." Being extra careful, the heightened security, worrying about being attentive, and see something and say something. And then you hear this, until right away they jump the gun, literally.

PERINO: I mean, I was thinking of you about that because we all know that you love to go the airport.


GUILFOYLE: Oh, my God.


GUTFELD: I'd wear a long gown and I gave away flowers.

Clearly, the Usain Bolt needs to be arrested for inciting terror. It could have been the starter pistols. If there was like 100 T.V.s in an airport and the starter pistol go up ...

PERINO: Right.

GUTFELD: ... that could freak people out. But you know, when people used to yell fire in a theater, you were only dealing with 100 people that would freak out. But now, with Twitter, stop like it's like yelling fire to 120 million people and everybody is freaking out and all this wrong information is flying here and there. We have to learn how to deal with this.

WATTERS: I think you buried the lead. I think the lead here is that you can watch something besides CNN at the airport.


WATTERS: I can never see any fill-up. Who changed the channel at the airport?


WATTERS: I didn't know there was a remote. That's the only people who are watching CNN there at the airport.

So I mean usually when I see that this is like, yeah there is Carville (ph)

GUILFOYLE: I bet you, you complained when you're at the airport.

WATTERS: I'm like, "Can we get some five on here?"

WILLIAMS: Well, obviously they were watching the Olympics. But I'm surprised to hear you guys, who are all, "Oh, yeah, we've got to run. America is coming to an end because of the terrorists." While I say, "Hey, you guys, this is too much." We put the nation on edge and sometimes it's really not that bad.

PERINO: We should not end this segment without congratulating Usain Bolt.


PERINO: He's amazing athlete.


PERINO: All right. "One More Thing" is up next.

GUTFELD: Hussein Obama.


GUILFOYLE: Happy Monday. And it's time for "One More Thing."

GUTFIELD: Yeah, that's right.

GUILFOYLE: You're just trying to bogart my ...

GUTFIELD: I was first and then you bumped me.

PERINO: Feel sorry. Everybody wants to jump in.

GUILFOYLE: Back of the line, Gutfeld.

GUTFELD: Yeah, right. I don't mind being there.

GUILFOYLE: And you jumped D.P. (ph) over here.

PERINO: I'm trying something new.


PERINO: The road trip postcard, a video postcard. Take a look at this.

GUTFELD: Oh, God, dogs.




PERINO: I challenge Juan Williams to a video road trip.

WILLIAMS: Oh right here we go.

GUILFOYLE: He's going to get on it much. OK, yeah for sure. Greg?

PERINO: Greg, it's you now.

GUTFELD: I have dog exposure disorder. It takes me a while to get over it. All right. If you want it, I have a piece out on foxnews.comforward/opinion. I never know how to that. It's about the riots in Milwaukee. And I urge you to take a look at it. But now, let's do this, please, or not, "Greg's Secrets to Happiness".

You know, when you're an athlete in the Olympics like I once was ...

GUILFOYLE: Yeah, right.

GUTFELD: The whole point is not winning or trying to achieve something great, it's to be able to eat a lot afterwards. That's the whole reason. Take a look at this. This is the Australian badminton player. He didn't win a medal but he won something else, he won the right to eat about 9,000 calories worth of McDonald's. If you look in front of him, he had more than 40 nuggets, six brownies, six portions of large fries. And he ate it all at once.

GUILFOYLE: What was your competition? The shorty robe high jump, like that?

WATTERS: That is true.

GUTFELD: Yeah. You know what I'm seeing, that I want to be in the front row.



PERINO: Gold medal. OK, Juan.

WILLIAMS: Oh, my goodness.

Anyway, so the last week I was on vacation, went down to the Outer Banks in North Carolina and we had a ...

GUILFOYLE: Do you have somebody else (ph)?

WILLIAMS: ... sweet time in part because we ate so much ice cream. So there's Pepper and Wesley, my granddaughters, have an ice cream. But we did it. We went to a lot of Dairy Queen, but he also went to Scammell's Corner Surf Shop and ice cream parlor, and here we are enjoying the ice cream. That's my son Tony, my grandson Eli and there I am with my daughter Rae-Rae. But great thing about this surf shop, my wife Elise and my son Raffi, but the great thing about this is that Scammell's, the guys sing as they serve you ice cream. It's like going back into another time in America. They're singing songs, you know, like old standards while they scoop out up the ice cream.

GUTFELD: Does it slow down the ice cream?

WILLIAMS: I guess it does. But ...

GUTFELD: Then I don't want it.

WILLIAMS: You don't want? You want fast ice cream?


WATTERS: Your granddaughter's have the whitest names ever, Juan, Pepper and Wesley.


WATTERS: The whitest names ever.

WILLIAMS: Guess what? Their father is ...


WATTERS: Oh my God. I can't believe that. What is happening here?

PERINO: I want it to be Jesse.

GUILFOYLE: Oh, my gosh.

WATTERS: I was doing so well.

WILLIAMS: The agreement, it's left.

GUILFOYLE: As a grateful and humble five, we apologize for "Watters' World". All right. OK. So ...

PERINO: Oh, my gosh.


I'll have a special guest maybe tomorrow for this next seat. It won't be Jesse.

All right. So, tomorrow night, if you're so inclined and you don't have anything else going on, I am going to attempt to do some kind of social media wonder. I will be hosting - I mean pray for me -- a live signing tomorrow night at 9:00 p.m. Eastern from my front room, from my living room, not the bedroom, yes. Thank you, Dana.

Dana is advising, I mean, the Dana Perino tutorial for this. So it's a virtual one-hour book signing of my book "Making the Case." And you can ask questions. In fact, about maybe making this semester your best ever. It's a great idea for back to school starting in the fall. You want to get some tips to make the case. That's very good for teenagers, high school, college, all of the above.

PERINO: Law students.

GUILFOYLE: Law students indeed.

GUTFELD: Students with heart.

GUILFOYLE: Yeah. If you want to ask questions, receive a phone call during it, get an autographed copy from me, livesigning.com/ -- any back slash correct?


GUILFOYLE: Kimberly.

PERINO: I think you seemed to say slash now.

GUILFOYLE: Yeah, yeah, yeah. I'm going to have a special guest.

WILLIAMS: Go, Jesse, go.


WATTERS: One of my toughest assignments is going to Martha's Vineyard every summer and badgering people about President Obama. Here's a sneak pick on the "O'Reilly Factor" tonight. What do you like about this president?


WATTERS: What do you like about this president?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Hope. Hope for a new president?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I like President Obama because he stops.


WATTERS: Okay. It was so good. We can only show you a little bit.


WATTERS: It was.


GUILFOYLE: You're influencing heart, minds and callers across the country. If you could please touch the DVR, then never miss an episode "The Five".

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