Student: Wanted Professor Was 'A Little Off'

This is a rush transcript from "On the Record ," April 27, 2009. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

GRETA VAN SUSTEREN, FOX NEWS HOST: A manhunt is under way right now for this missing University of Georgia professor. He is the top suspect in the broad daylight shooting of his wife and two other men. He's now on the run.

For the latest, we go to Allison Floyd, metro editor for The Athens Banner-Herald. Allison, what's the latest on this hunt for this man?

ALLISON FLOYD, ATHENS BANNER-HERALD: Today, federal authorities charged him with fleeing. I believe it was so that if he is found in another country that capture will be easier. It really broadens the scope of where they're looking for him.

VAN SUSTEREN: Why do they think he might be in another country?

FLOYD: We -- he owns a home in the Netherlands and teaches there part-time. His primary teaching position is at the University of Georgia, but he's taught in Amsterdam at least since 1990 -- I'm sorry, 2007.

VAN SUSTEREN: One of the victims, I understand, is, or was, his wife. What's the motive? Is this a domestic quarrel that went very bad?

FLOYD: It is his wife. There were some reports that they were divorced, but we have not found any evidence of that. Neither one of them filed for divorce in this county, and the neighbors said they were still married, their friends said they were still married.

There has been lots of speculation that it was a domestic. The police say, and the witnesses, that he specifically targeted the three people whom he shot.

VAN SUSTEREN: What happened? And where were his children?

FLOYD: It was very dramatic and horrific. There was a reunion of a theater troupe that has been in Athens for decades.

And he apparently either arrived with his children or arrived alone to pick them up from this reunion, where the mother was involved in the troupe, argued with the mother, perhaps some other people there, took the children to the car, returned with two handguns, fired eight bullets, and then returned to the car and drove off with his children.

VAN SUSTEREN: How old are the children?

FLOYD: They are eight and ten. And they are safe now. They are with their family in another town.

VAN SUSTEREN: What can you tell me about the wife? Is she well known in the community?

FLOYD: Marie Bruce is an attorney. She wasn't originally an attorney when she moved here. She actually went to the University of Georgia Law School, got a degree within a well-respected practice here in Athens.

But theater was her love. I looked back at old stories, and we featured her in stories several times here at the "Athens Banner-Herald." She was active in the structure of the theatre, too, on their board directors, and with their children in their school activities.

VAN SUSTEREN: Well, I take it that the police are on the lookout for his car. Can you tell me a little bit about his car, or whether it has been spotted at the airport in Atlanta, or any sightings?

FLOYD: A 2005 red Jeep Liberty, which wouldn't be terribly unusual in this college town, but it's not been spotted anywhere.

Police have mentioned that, and we've asked for an interpretation of what that means, if it means they suspect he is somewhere still with the car, since the car has not been found abandoned anywhere.

And I'm not really sure that they interpret it yet. They just know no one has spotted the car.

VAN SUSTEREN: And, of course, we just put a picture of the car on the screen. If anybody has seen this professor, call the police. We suspect he is armed and dangerous, and the police want information. Don't approach him.

Allison, thank you. Josh Gurley is a student of the fugitive professor's. He joins us live. Josh, welcome to the program. And what is your professor like? Tell me about him.

JOSH GURLEY, STUDENT OF WANTED PROFESSOR: Thanks for having me. Professor Zinkhan was always one, you could tell he had a very nice demeanor underneath it all, but he was kind of awkward. Something was just a little bit off, you could always tell. Some of the students and I have talked about it several times. And it wasn't that it was a malicious weirdness that he about him, but it was just kind of something that made him a little more distant and a little unapproachable, just because he seemed a little different.

VAN SUSTEREN: What did he teach you? What class?

GURLEY: I am currently enrolled in his class that's Marketing 4000. It's on consumer buying behavior. And from what I understand, that is what he has separated himself as and distinguished himself as a professor internationally.

VAN SUSTEREN: When you say he is a little bit off, what does that mean? Was he just quirky, or unresponsive? What was it that made you and your classmates even talk about him?

GURLEY: It is kind of hard to be specific about it. It was just really his general demeanor. He was kind of mundane, very monotone with what he did.

But he was, he never really seemed to make the connection that a lot of professor here at the University of Georgia do make with their students.

He was just a kind of unique individual, and some kind of classified him and joked early in the semester that he kind of seemed like a stoner, just very laid-back, but something was weird. It is really hard to pinpoint.

VAN SUSTEREN: Did you ever see his family, or did he ever talk about his family?

GURLEY: That was another weird thing about him. You never really heard about his family. I never really heard anything about Amsterdam, didn't even know he was a professor over there.

That would seem like something is significant that you speak about with your classmates. We have been with him since the first of the year, and we have never heard about that, or anything about his family.

And a lot of professors that I have had, and especially the ones that I have had personal contact with outside of the classroom, I felt like they would self-disclose about their families a little bit more, just to kind of open you up to the inside of who they are and to be more comfortable with them. And he never really made any attempt to do so.

VAN SUSTEREN: I take it the university notified the students right away and sent out one of those alerts to all the students?

GURLEY: Yes, ma'am. That was very effective.

The system was put in place right after the Virginia-Tech shootings. We get a phone call with a voicemail if we didn't answer. We also got an email and we got a text message alert if we subscribed to the program, notifying us all just minutes after the shooting -- a description of Professor Zinkhan, his name, and a lot of different things about him just so you could be weary(ph).

Which is very important. This weekend we had the twilight bike races going on in downtown Athens, and it really helped to get the word out. If he was wandering around a downtown, somebody would have seen him.

He did not attempt, from what I understand, to do any further damage, but I think it definitely prohibited him from doing so. If he would made that attempt, people would have been able to recognize him.

VAN SUSTEREN: And right now, the authorities don't know if he is in Holland, if he is out of the country, or whether he is even still around your university. This is an active manhunt. The police are looking for this college professor wanted for triple murder.

Josh, thank you, and good luck.

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