Starr: Trump impeachment trial in 'violation of due process'

This is a rush transcript from "The Ingraham Angle" February 8, 2021. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

LAURA INGRAHAM, FOX NEWS HOST: I have a mug, do you want it - can I tell
you what's on the mug?

HANNITY: Tell me what's on the mug because I can't see it. I can't see you

INGRAHAM: Oh, great. That's not a bad thing. All right. I'm not arguing,
I'm just explaining why I'm right. I don't know why; this always ends up
next to me on set. I have no idea.

HANNITY: I can see it now on delay, hold on.

INGRAHAM: Yes, it's really--

HANNITY: I like it.

INGRAHAM: Yes. Right. So, this is perfect, but I don't know why, and I just
noticed tonight, why do I always have the same mug. Well maybe it's because
I do the show the way I do it. This is going to be a total circus.

HANNITY: I like my Yeti cup. Have you ever tried a Yeti cup because it
keeps your ice cold forever? And it keeps your coffee hot forever. It's

INGRAHAM: Yes, it's fascinating. I think the gin that you have on there -
in there made the show a lot better tonight.

HANNITY: See, it's a clear liquid, I can pour a little.


HANNITY: It could be vodka, but it's not.

INGRAHAM: I see the alignment there. Hannity, awesome show. And we'll be
watching tomorrow.

HANNITY: All right, Laura, have a great show.

INGRAHAM: Thanks so much. I'm Laura Ingraham. This is THE INGRAHAM ANGLE
from Washington tonight. Now for the American Left, tomorrow, as Sean was
talking about, is the real Super Bowl. But why are there still so many
outstanding questions regarding the events of January 6th? We'll lay them

Also, tonight, will you need a vaccine certificate to get on an airplane? I
warned you about this last March, believe it or not. A former airline CEO
says this will be a total disaster if Biden pushes it. And how politics
pushed a billionaire musician into becoming a fake cowboy? Raymond Arroyo
breaks that all down and more is Seen and Unseen. But first, Biden's
insurrection. That's the focus of tonight's ANGLE.

All right. Let's face it. The Democrats and the media that serve them,
they're like addicts looking for their next fix, and their drug of choice
over the past five years has been Donald J. Trump. They just cannot quit
him. And this week they'll snort, inhale and smoke Trump 24/7, as they try
to suck you into their downward spiral.

If you're conservative and you voted for Trump, they want you demoralized
by the impeachment proceedings and the January 6th riot. And they want for
you to believe that things were never going to get better.

If you're a Democrat voter, they want you possessed by Trump hatred and
obsessed with punishing anyone who ever supported him. Now why? Because if
you really keep your eye on what's really happening out there, you're going
to realize that Biden isn't running anything. He's barely awake.


may endure for a night but joy cometh in the morning.


INGRAHAM: And if you don't fall for their shiny objects stick, you're also
going to see that his team is populated by snotty, entitled, overeducated,
underperforming goof balls. They're slowly but surely dismantling our
economy, attacking our prosperity, and opening the door to an endless
stream of illegal aliens, drug dealers and gang members.

The New York Times and Washington Post shockingly admitted over the weekend
that Biden's presidency is about to get slammed by thousands upon thousands
of families and unaccompanied minors, all illegal immigrants at the
southern border.

Now, if we had a Congress that was focused on protecting American jobs,
safety, health care and education, they would immediately tighten asylum
laws. Remember, Trump's common-sense policy required that applicants from
Central America who want to seek asylum in our country, they had to pass
through Mexico on the way. They had to declare they're not after illegally
crossing our border. But last week, Biden did away with that and that's not
the only thing he's going to effectively dismantle our entire immigration


PETER DOOCY, FOX NEWS CORRESPONDENT: So, there's some new reporting that
ICE is going to get some new guidance to no longer focus on deporting
illegal immigrants who have been convicted of DUI, simple assault,
solicitation, drug-based crimes. And I'm curious how that is in the
interest of public safety.

assault are acceptable behavior and those arrested for such activity should
be tried and sentenced as appropriate by local law enforcement. But we're
talking about the prioritization of who is going to be deported from the


INGRAHAM: Yes, they're just inconvenience. Let the local law enforcement
deal with it, keep it welcoming more. Now think about this at a time when
we're seeing more crime, fewer jobs and millions of kids stuck in Zoom hell
and not in school, Biden's team focuses on shielding illegals from
deportation because he doesn't want to put them through too much stress.

Yes, they have to tell the truth on government forms, but if they lie, no
problem. The new ruling from USCIS essentially locks in President Biden's
wishes to end the deportation of illegals, even if they are caught lying
about their applications for U.S. taxpayer funded services, a green card or

Now, if that's not enough to make your blood boil, The Washington Post adds
that ICE agents seeking to arrest fugitives outside of jails and prisons
will need prior approval from the agency's director in Washington. Gang
tattoos or records showing loose affiliation with gang activity would also
not meet the narrow criteria.

Folks, this is one big bienvenidos MS-13, a billboard flashing might as
well be across Central America and beyond. Biden's open borders zealots
have what they want, big business. They get their slave labor and the
social justice warriors, the Far-Left squad types, they have their new
population that can be molded and formed into Socialist Party faithful.

Eventually, they hope to swamp the voting power of all of you Americans out
there who still know the country's traditions, constitution, and history.
And heck, you may not have stayed in a hotel in the past year, but illegals
arriving since Biden's inauguration, they get to stay free of charge.

San Diego arranged housing for hundreds of arriving migrants in a downtown
high-rise hotel where they're being quarantined before being allowed to
join family or friends in the interior of the United States. It sounds so
pleasant. Can you believe that at a time when our own people are suffering?

Now, that takes us back to tomorrow's Barnum and Bailey revival in the
Senate. Democrats are arguing that Trump welcomed and incited a violent
incursion into the Capitol. When it is, they who are enticing illegals to
bust through our borders, exploit our resources and commit crimes, and
we're not talking about a few hundred, we're talking hundreds of thousands,
eventually millions if the Democrats have their way.

There is an insurrection taking place against America all right. It's been
going on for years in the deepest depth of the D.C. swamp, and now its
figurehead resides at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. This insurrection seeks to
overthrow everything we love about America by defaming it, silencing it,
and even prosecuting it. This is an organized mob funded by billionaires.
It's supported by celebrities, and it's aided and abetted by propagandistic
news organizations every single step of the way.

These insurrectionists have stormed our schools with BLM indoctrinators.
They shuttered our classrooms by empowering union heavies. They've
overwhelmed small businesses with idiotic, stupid lockdowns. They've robbed
Americans of good paying oil and gas jobs with obscene climate change
dictates. They've ripped down historical markers from Washington to
Lincoln. They've terrorized patriotic Americans who are now afraid to just
speak their minds. They burn police precincts, they've taken over entire
city blocks, and not just for a few hours, by the way, but for weeks, and
as in Portland, months.

So, as they dangle their shimmery impeachment bauble in front of you this
week, we will methodically and relentlessly expose their real aims and
also, we'll expose those providing aid and comfort.

Soon, America will see who the real threat to democracy is, and how the
good guys once again can prevail. And that's THE ANGLE.

Joining me now is Ken Cuccinelli, former Acting DHS Deputy Secretary. Ken,
this is more than just a difference of opinion on immigration, tweaking
this or that policy. This is endangering American lives tonight.

without concern for endangering those lives, I mean, when you see them blow
off DUIs, I wonder if the Mothers Against Drunk Driving were supporting Joe
Biden knowing he was going to turn down drunk drivers loose, leave him in
this country who we were deporting.

And to Jim Psaki's comment about, well, it's just about priorities. No, no,
they are funneling down the number of deportations dramatically by these
limitations. They're trying to basically say, if he didn't provably murder
or rape somebody, you don't get deported.

Well, that doesn't leave ICE a lot to do and yet we have 11 million, maybe
tens of millions of illegals here and they're inviting hundreds of
thousands more who are rushing our border, creating, as we said they would,
a humanitarian crisis at the border and soon in the border communities.

INGRAHAM: This is from ICE's fiscal year 2020 report. They conducted a
185,000, 884 removals during FY2020. The vast majority, 92 percent had
criminal convictions or pending criminal charges.


INGRAHAM: Those removed included 4276 known or suspected gang members and
31 known or suspected terrorists. Ken, 185,000. Looking at the Biden
criteria now, it seems like most of those people, with the exception of
maybe the terrorists and even who knows about those, would be able to stay

CUCCINELLI: Yes, I strongly suspect that you will see them attempt to cut
that number by more than half. And by the way, Laura, when Biden was vice
president, they deported over 400,000 people in one year. So, Joe Biden is
not - this is a political shift. We could deport far more if Congress would
cooperate and the courts wouldn't stand in the way, creating hurdles all
over the place as they did during the Trump administration. This is the
direction they want to go.

INGRAHAM: Well, people have to understand is because I was down there, and
I witnessed this happening firsthand. And at Eagle Pass Station through Del
Rio. So, people come across the border, they float the Rio Grande, and some
parts of the Rio Grande are very shallow and it's still dangerous. It's
very dangerous. They walk them across on a pool float or a raft, then
they're rescued by the Border Patrol. Then their names are taken. They're
processed briefly. And then a lot of those people, while all those people
now are just going to be released in society.

There's no returning people to Mexico, there's no requirement that you
apply for asylum while in your home country. Biden has gutted all of that.
So, this is a big welcome sign at the border. Come and you'll be able to
stay. That's the insurrection. That is a major insurrection.

CUCCINELLI: Right. Well, and that's the message they've sent, and they have
exploded, exploded the daily illegal crossing numbers. You remember the
Trump effect four years ago, the lowest drop there in illegal crossings in
a long, long time. Now we have the Biden effect, and it is exactly the
opposite, it's an explosion of crossings while tying the hands of officers
from dealing with it.

INGRAHAM: Well, the great thing is, they'll all be able to get vaccinated
when elderly people I know in California still can't get their vaccines,
but at least the illegal immigrants will get vaccine. Yes, fantastic. Ken,
thanks so much. Great to see you.

And what's the real reason the Democrats and their media pals are hyping
impeachment or a congressman's committee assignments? Because, again, it
distracts you from what their real plans are, the ongoing insurrection
against our Constitution and everything we love about this country. They'd
rather you focus on this impeachment issue, even though that's going

Joining us now, I'm delighted they're with us. And this is Victor Davis
Hanson, Hoover Institution Senior Fellow, Dinesh D'Souza, conservative
commentator, filmmaker, host of The Dinesh D'Souza Podcast.

Dinesh, how does the regular person out there who's been really demoralized
since the election, how do they go forward knowing that this is going to
turn around, given what's happening before their eyes?

honest and recognize that things are likely to get worse before they get
better, if they get better at all.

In other words, we had warned before the election that these people were
going to do a lot of damage that the American dream to some degree hung in
the balance, that this was a very important election and American
exceptionalism was on the ballot.

Now, we can't turn around now and say, oh, gee, we were exaggerating. We
were kidding. No. A lot of the bad things that Biden stood for; he is going
to carry out. And that means that we're going to see with dismay things
happen to our country that we perhaps never thought possible in our

But what that also means is that Americans who are on the fence, who may be
voting for Biden can look around and go, wow, is this what I really voted
for? Or do I want to see the dismantling of what makes America unique? And
those people perhaps will have a second thought vote for the midterm
election two years from now and then for the presidential election in 2024.

INGRAHAM: Victor, just going back to the point of illegal immigrants
crossing our border during the COVID pandemic, when most Americans are
being told not to travel, still, they're being put up in hotels. Americans,
most of them haven't been to a hotel for ages and then they're just being
released into society. I think that one fact infuriates most people, even
people who didn't vote for Trump. I don't think it sits well with them.

destructive because the government is destroying the sanctity of their own
edicts, so people say to themselves, I don't think I really need a
vaccination, or I don't really understand why I can't do this, or I should
wear this or I should quarantine this. When you're letting literally
thousands of people come in with a standard that you don't apply to them,
but you do to your own citizens as if citizenship is a disadvantage.

And so, while all this is going on, Laura, there's a lot of things that
we're not talking about. We're $28 trillion in debt. We're going to borrow
another trillion. 2 trillion. Are we going to inflate our way out of it or
are we going to have stagflation, are we going to have permanent zero
interest rates? We're really changing the way we do business in government.
We never had one party say to the other party, that fringe candidate or
that fringe member can't be in a committee or we've never had a situation
where we're impeaching somebody out of office and the chief justice won't
be presiding over - these are radical, radical ideas.

And then the reason this is the freest, most secure, and most prosperous
country is individual creativity and freedom of speech. The reason, the
Islamic world stagnated was mullahs were over everybody's shoulders and
saying, don't do that because it impinges on the sanctity of Islam. Or I
don't read research in my field in the 1950's from Eastern Europe or the
Soviet Union, because I know it's contaminated with common course saying,
direct your research this way. That's what's happening.

We're spending billions of dollars and hundreds of billions of people's
hours in what, I don't know what we call equity czars, inclusion, and
diversity work.

INGRAHAM: It's all a distraction.

HANSON: And it's very unproductive. Yes, but it's really harming

INGRAHAM: I've got to get in another question to Dinesh here.

HANSON: Everybody's paranoid that if they say something--

INGRAHAM: They're afraid.

HANSON: Their distant past will come out and they're altering their
research or their--

INGRAHAM: But Dinesh, I think everyone has got to get off their heels and
get on the offensive here, in a thoughtful, smart way. They're the real
racists. They're the ones giving people benefits based on race or taking
them away based on race. And it has to be called out. We cannot be back on
our heels. These people are the biggest frauds ever. They use their private
jets. They fly around the world. Then they lecture everyone else about
their green agenda as they're destroying lives, including the oil pipeline
workers. And those are really great Americans who had great jobs. And
again, I don't think this sits well with people. I don't think this is what
people thought they were going to get.

HANSON: Well, and also, they - these are people who suddenly claim to be
shocked about the violence on January 6th and so on, where they've been
encouraging violence, egging it on, putting up bail money, saying that the
rioting should continue and will continue. That's Kamala Harris. So, I
think that Trump has an opportunity here and the opportunity is not to make
a narrow constitutional defense and basically say, in effect, that
procedurally he should win the day, but defend himself on the charge of
incitement by showing all the incitement on the other side.

So, the violence of the Left is put on full display for the American people
to see. In some ways Trump's radioactivity, the fact that he's been so much
the focus of attention has diverted people from seeing what the Left is
doing. It's important for us to now bring their activity to center stage.

INGRAHAM: And Victor, I have to get to this question about Liz Cheney, who
is the gift that keeps on giving to the Democrats and the mainstream media.
She comes out over the weekend and basically says Donald Trump has no role
in the future of the party, in her own party, in her own state, basically
voted to censure her. So, why do we have gatekeepers in the Republican
Party telling most of the party, sorry, this guy that you like can't have
any role.

I'm not saying he's going to have a role or even should have a role. I'm
just saying how did we get to that point? Like one person said, oh, no, you
have no voice.

HANSON: I think she's caught up in the frenzy of the moment and she hasn't
reflected that the agenda that Trump inaugurated is very popular and that's
the future of the Republican Party. And on your other point, it's innate to
human nature. Laura, deterrence. Have you noticed that the conversation has
changed on the impeachment, the last week? Because the House members
finally said, Maxine Waters said this, get in your face. Joe Biden said he
was going to take the President of the United States and beat him up.
Kamala Harris wanted to bail out and all of a sudden, they're defensive and
they're saying this isn't fair. You can't do this.

And I hate to say it, but without deterrence, human nature being what it
is, people will become aggressive. And when you deter them and say, if you
go there, this is what we're going to do, tit-for-tat, then people behave.
And I think that's what the Republicans, unfortunately, they're going to
have to do that. If they play defense and they're passive, they're going to
lose all deterrence and they're going to erode in their nothingness.

INGRAHAM: Gentlemen, great to see both of you.

HANSON: I've got to say, for every committee member--

INGRAHAM: Yes, we've got to roll. As the constitutionally challenge
impeachment trial does begin tomorrow, there's still unanswered questions
about the January 6th riots that sparked this effort. We're going to tell
you what they are in moments.


INGRAHAM: What happened on January 6th in our nation's capital was
horrendous. We all know that. But given that it's the basis for the second
impeachment farce of the former president, why are there still so many
unanswered questions about that day?

For instance, what caused the death of Capitol Police Officer Brian
Sicknick? What's the status of the investigation into the shooting of
Ashley Babbitt? Will it be ruled justifiable, as media reports suggest, and
will we ever learn the name of the officer who actually pulled the trigger?
She was unarmed. My next guest has been trying to get answers to those
questions to no avail so far at least. Joining us now, Byron York,
Washington Examiner Chief Political Correspondent, Fox News Contributor,
author of Obsession.

Byron, I read your column about this, and it was very methodical. You
basically just laid out the questions. You went to the Capitol Police to
get answers and.

BYRON YORK, WASHINGTON EXAMINER: And no answers, about 10 days ago, I sent
the questions you just recited, plus several more, how many injuries were
there among Capitol Police officers? Did Capitol Police officers confiscate
any firearms from rioters? Did either Capitol Police officers or rioters
fire any weapons other than the killing of Ashley Babbitt? There are just
so many fundamental things that we don't know about this. I sent these
questions about 10 days ago, have followed up a few times and have not
received any answers on them.

INGRAHAM: Well, the death of Officer Sicknick, which was so tragic and
horrible, obviously his remains were lying in state and the Capitol, it was
extremely moving. But is it - we really don't know how he died, or do we
have any information on that?

YORK: Well, you remember, we all seem to hear from somewhere that Officer
Sicknick died as a result of being hit in the head with a fire
extinguisher. And it was plausible, I mean, so many things were being
thrown. It was just a very violent effort to break into the Capitol. There
were all sorts of clashes going on, but the days went by and we never heard
any follow-up on that.

And recently, we've had some reports, there was one in the media and then
the police chief of Washington, D.C., the Metropolitan Police gave a press
briefing a couple of days ago and suggested that there really wasn't any
evidence that Officer Sicknick had been hit with a fire extinguisher or
that there was any blunt force trauma, and that the medical examiner was
still searching for a cause of death, trying to determine a cause of death.
One of the questions I asked was, was there an autopsy report for Officer
Sicknick and would it be released? And that was not answered either, huh?

INGRAHAM: Very interesting. Yes, this is very strange. I mean, it sounds
like an incredible man, incredible life. And why don't we know the answers
to that? I mean, that's just why are they answering your question?

YORK: I don't want to suggest that there's any weird conspiracy or anything
going on here, but the Capitol Police seem to be darn secretive about so
many of these fundamental facts.

INGRAHAM: But why, why are they?

YORK: I don't know. As you said, this is a huge part of our political
debate today, not just the impeachment trial. And by the way, the House
Impeachment Managers trial memorandum says specifically that an
insurrectionist killed Officer Cygnet by hitting him in the head with a
fire extinguisher. It's right in there in the Democratic memo here. So,
this is a part of our political conversation and we need to know the facts.

INGRAHAM: And Ashley Babbitt dead. I mean, she was shot. And again, we
don't know much more about that. It's all horrendous.

YORK: Well, there have been some leaks. There have been some leaks to
suggest that was just - that investigators have decided it was justified.
But again, we don't know because the Capitol Police have not told us
anything publicly.

INGRAHAM: Yes. Byron, thank you so much. It's good to see you. And when it
comes to impeachment, there's this unanswered question. How is the
constitutional affair for the trial to be presided over by a Democrat
senator and not the Supreme Court chief justice? We all know that once it's
over, Senator Patrick Leahy is going to take off his robe and then just
immediately go vote to convict former President Trump.

Joining me now is Ken Starr, former independent counsel and FOX News
contributor. Ken, as a former appellate court judge in the D.C. circuit
yourself, should this be considered odd or a potential conflict, or is this
just the way it goes in that crazy place on Capitol Hill?

KEN STARR, FORMER INDEPENDENT COUNSEL:  It's even worse. It is a blatant
due process violation. Fundamental to our law since Magna Carta 800 years
ago is the English speaking world, but certainly the United States of
America, you get a fair trial by having a presiding officer, a judge, who
is unbiased. And that's the reason that the Constitution built in the
specific provision for the chief justice of the United States to preside.
But of course, the House managed to allow the president of the United
States to leave. They could have brought the articles over and then the
trial begun, and the chief justice would have presided. This is a violation
of due process.

INGRAHAM:  And Ken, Senator Ed Markey says that, well, impeachment is the
only option.


SEN. ED MARKEY, (D-MA):  We don't have a historic constitutional option not
to have this trial. We don't have a choice. Otherwise, future presidents,
future officeholders will feel as though they can act with impunity.

We do not have an opportunity to look away.


INGRAHAM:  Ken, what is he missing here? They are so obsessed with Trump. I
said that in the monologue. They can't quit Trump. They need Trump. He's
the oxygen for the Democrats. Otherwise, we have to talk about how
horrendous their policies are, Ken.

STARR:  They should do it in a constitutionally appropriate way, and they
could have. They are not following the Constitution. And I know there are
lots of scholars who say no, no, no. They can do this. We can have eternal
impeachment. Any time you want to impeach someone, go ahead and impeach,
because the key is, if they are unworthy of holding office, don't leave it
to the voters, don't leave it to the democratic process. And I view that as
unconstitutional as well.

Looking back to the Supreme Court's decision in the case called Powell
versus McCormack, you can't exclude a House member. You can kick the House
member out for misconduct once the House member has been admitted into --
but you can't rob the people of this country from the right to choose their
leaders. And now that's what's happening with someone who is a private

I also think for good measure, it is a bill of attainder, they are trying
to put a punishment to a private citizen, and that's wrong as well, on so
many points. But let's just begin with this where we started. You've got to
have an unbiased judge, and Pat Leahy, for all his experience is not
unbiased, and that's a due process violation.

INGRAHAM:  Ken, I might have missed this, but did John Roberts just not
answer their calls? How did that go down? I don't even know how it went --
I'm getting my hair done or my nails done, or whatever. What happened

STARR:  We don't know. This is like Byron York, we're not entirely sure. We
have a CNN report. That's not the way to run the government. There should
be a formal letter from the Senate, and then there should be a response
from the chief justice of the United States, not I'm busy, but excuse me,
but the president of the United States is not being tried and therefore it
would be unconstitutional for me to walk across the lawn, take the gavel.

INGRAHAM:  The chief didn't want to pronounce at all. He didn't want to
pronounce. Ken, great to see you. Thanks so much for being here.

And coming up, some bold comments that were less than super, and an echoe
during a presidential interview, did you hear it? Raymond Arroyo, "Seen and
Unseen," next.


INGRAHAM:  It's time for our "Seen and Unseen" segment, where we unpack the
cultural stories of the day. And for that we turn to FOX News contributor,
author of the forthcoming book "The Thief who Stole Heaven," Raymond
Arroyo. All right, Ray, the Super Bowl is always an indicator of where we
are as a nation, or at least where the media would like us to be. So what
did you see?


RAYMOND ARROYO, FOX NEWS CONTRIBUTOR:  For anyone who was watching the
fawning pregame CBS interview with the president, Laura, it's clear they
want us to know Biden is fine. At times it was like a game of telephone
where Norah O'Donnell said one thing, and Biden simply repeated it after
she reminded him of his job description. That interview is tonight's
"Marquis Malarkey."




NORAH O'DONNELL, CBS EVENING NEWS ANCHOR:  You're president of the United
States, commander-in-chief. Can you do something in terms of going to
Moderna, going to Pfizer, saying, we need more production?

JOE BIDEN, (D) PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES:  Yes, I think, because we've
already done it.

O'DONNELL:  There is a mental health crisis happening.

BIDEN:  There really is.

O'DONNELL:  Women are dropping out of the workforce. Is this a national

BIDEN:  It is a national emergency. It genuinely is a national emergency.

O'DONNELL:  Do you think it's time for schools to reopen?

BERMAN:  I think it's time for schools to reopen safely.


ARROYO:  Laura, you are the host of THE INGRAHAM ANGLE, a mother. Wasn't
that a perceptive interview?

INGRAHAM:  That was a perceptive interview.

ARROYO:  Would you say it was groundbreaking?

INGRAHAM:  I would say it was groundbreaking.


ARROYO:  This was the most stilted -- all I have to say is --

INGRAHAM:  I don't even have words for it. At that point --

ARROYO:  -- the guy who cut this interview deserves his own government
check, Laura. My Lord, he must have been in there all day. It was

But Biden today was back at it without an editor, Laura. He did a virtual
tour of an Arizona vaccination site live with a registered nurse. Please
watch Kamala Harris in the lower part of your screen as the president gets
a little creepy.


JOE BIDEN, (D) PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES:  Are you a freshman at the



BIDEN:  You look like a freshman.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE:  Thank you. I'm a nurse. I'm an RN. I've been an RN
for about nine years now.


ARROYO:  That's a nice way of saying please don't smell my hair.


ARROYO:  Virtual visits, Laura, are sometimes a bless, unless you're Kamala
Harris. She looked like she was sweating there for a second.

INGRAHAM:  You can't get handsy virtual, not yet at least, so that was the
saving grace. But I like the best part, Raymond, is heh, heh, heh.


ARROYO:  He knew what he was doing. Thank goodness it was virtual.

INGRAHAM:  One of the most engaging moments of the Super Bowl was Bruce
Springsteen as a pitchman for unity in this, well, cornpone commercial.


BRUCE SPRINGSTEEN, SINGER/SONGWRITER:  There is a chapel in Kansas standing
on the exact center of the lower 48. We need the middle. We just have to
remember the very soil we stand on is common ground.


ARROYO:  Now we're talking about common ground, Laura. This guy, you would
never know he's from New Jersey. This is like Chris Christie or Bon Jovi
putting hat on and playing Longmire out in the plains of Kansas. This made
no sense, and I don't think anyone is buying this routine.

INGRAHAM:  I did like brilliant disguise, that was one of my favorite
Springsteen's later hits. But this is --

ARROYO:  Well, this is a less than brilliant disguise. By the way, that
place where he was in the middle of the country, Lebanon, Kansas, 82
percent of that county voted for Donald Trump. That's the middle of the

Before we go, Laura, my favorite messages during the Super and Puppy Bowls
were from the Bidens. They caught the spirit of fun. They really uplifted
America after a year of lockdowns.


JOE BIDEN, (D) PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES:  Wear a mask, stay socially
distanced, get tested, get vaccinated when it's your turn.

JILL BIDEN, JOE BIDEN'S WIFE:  Please keep wearing your mask, even when
you're out walking your dog.


ARROYO:  Even when you're walking the dog.

INGRAHAM:  Is she kidding me.

ARROYO:  Then when the healthcare workers, Laura, were recognized in the
stands in Tampa, not long after that first message was shown, things looked
a little awry. Watch closely.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE:  The 7,500 vaccinated healthcare heroes with us tonight,
along with those that crossed the country and throughout the world.



INGRAHAM:  What went awry? I missed it. What went awry?

ARROYO:  He was drinking his beer. The healthcare worker has his mask off
and getting a slug of the beer when they announced, there are our
healthcare workers. Then he quickly puts it back on. That was a laid back
crowd in Tampa.

INGRAHAM:  If anyone deserves to have a beer after this year, I'm going
with the healthcare workers. They have had to put up with a lot of

But did they have a vaccination site? I thought Biden was going to visit
that high rise hotel, Raymond, that the illegals are being housed in in San
Diego before they're released into the country. Biden should do a virtual
visit there. That would be fun.

ARROYO:  No, apparently he was at the Tara Reid commemorative vaccination
site considering how things went. We'll leave it there.

INGRAHAM:  We'll leave it there. I'm trying to repeat what you said back --
oh, God, Raymond, thank you.

ARROYO:  Repeat back at you.

INGRAHAM:  At you.

The Biden administration wants to make your airport experience even more
miserable, well, in the name of safety. We're going to tell you why it's
really about control next.


INGRAHAM:  First you're breathing into a wet mask for hours on an airline.
Now your experience is going to get even more miserable if the Biden
administration gets its way.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE:  What do you think of requiring a COVID test before
someone flies even domestically?

conversation with the CDC right now. What I can tell you is it's going to
guided by data, by science, by medicine, and by the input of the people who
are actually going to have to carry this out.

But here's the thing. The safer we can make air travel in terms of
perception as well as reality, the more people are going to be ready to get
back in the air.


INGRAHAM:  Oh, yes. Joining me now is Ben Baldanza, former Spirit Airlines
CEO. Ben, wonderful to see you tonight. So Pete Buttigieg, Secretary of
Transportation, says this move will increase the number of people
traveling. Is that you how you see it?

with you, but I respectfully have to disagree with the new secretary. I
think this is going to devastate travel. Already people have a hard time
traveling because in many places they find it difficult as to where to go
because when they get there they may have to quarantine or things may not
be open. And by making it harder for people to travel, we're going to be
diverting resources from testing to go to people who may already be
vaccinated or who show no signs. Plus being on-board the airplane has
proven to be a very, very safe environment. Very few, only about 44
according to IATA, people have contracted the virus on an airplane, and
most of those were before the industry implemented its mask mandate. So
they would be talking about using limited testing resources to test people
to go into an area inside an airplane that's probably less safe than
walking into a grocery store, or almost any other place would you go
outside your house.

INGRAHAM:  Ben, I've flown a lot during the pandemic, and what I find so
sad is how people have been just -- they have just been made terrified. And
yet Buttigieg is like, oh, we're all about the science. You just stated
irrefutable data on air travel. The same with restaurants, by the way, very
little spread. Same with schools, very little spread. And yet they keep
repeating this and it's devastating, devastating American business, and

BALDANZA:  They have vilified air travel as this place that all these
viruses are spreading when that's just not the case.

Also, this is an administration that says they care about jobs, and yet
this is likely to threaten tens of thousands of jobs, many of which are
union jobs, Laura. And let me ask you, I could get in my car now and drive
from northern Virginia down to Raleigh. I could pick up some people along
the way I don't know, if I wanted to do that, and I could do that, I would
probably have to stop at a public restroom once or twice along the way, and
I would never have to be tested. But if I want to fly from here to Raleigh
I'd have to be tested. Does that make sense?

INGRAHAM:  No. By the way, the U.K. "Sunday Times" is reporting "In the
European Union, Greece has begun a drive to persuade member states to
develop a joint vaccination certificate allowing holders people to cross
borders freely." But the government is basically going to say you have to
be vaccinated. Your thoughts on a vaccination certificate, which I think a
lot of those folks demand?

BALDANZA:  Well, when I ultimately get vaccinated, and according to the
Walgreen's site I just went to, it said I'm not going to probably get
vaccinated until about April. I'm 59 and pretty healthy, so it should be
well in front of me in the line. But when I get vaccinated, I want proof
that that was done, but I don't know why I would have to show that, again,
to go into an environment like the airplane that is been proven by the CDC
to be pretty safe. I could see maybe in some places where I would want to
be able to show that, but to travel, which the Constitution allows freedom
of travel, to make that happen on domestic air travel, picking out that one
travel type, again, in a car you wouldn't be subject to these same things -

INGRAHAM:  Ben, we've got to go, but it's anti-science. Thank you so much.

And the same media who cheered Biden and his election celebrations are very
angry after last night. We'll tell you why.


INGRAHAM:  Unless you're rioting, ripping down statues, or celebrating
Biden's win, liberals just don't want you to have any fun.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE:  Throngs of mask-less football fans. As you can see,
nobody appears to socially distance, let alone wear a mask or take any
COVID precautions. It looks like it's 2018.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I thought, you know, Florida is going to kill all of
us. I really felt that way.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I spoke to the Tampa police and I asked him, what are
you doing about this? Because a lot of people were very concerned.
Apparently, the dance floors were full.


LAURA: Apparently, the dance floors were full. Call the National Guard.
Wait, I don't want to give them any ideas.

Shannon Bream and the "FOX NEWS @ NIGHT" team take it all from here.


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