Star Parker on N.C. Congressman's Violent Altercation Caught on Camera

This is a rush transcript from "Your World With Neil Cavuto," June 14, 2010. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Do you fully support the Obama agenda?

REP. BOB ETHERIDGE D-N.C.: Who are you? Who are you?


ETHERIDGE: Who are you?


ETHERIDGE: Who are you?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I'm here for a project, sir.

ETHERIDGE: Tell me who you are.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: We're just here for a project, sir.

ETHERIDGE: Tell me who you are.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: We're just here for a project.


ETHERIDGE: Tell me who you are.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I'm just a student, sir.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: We're just students. That's all we are.

ETHERIDGE: I have a right to know who you are.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: All we are is students.


ETHERIDGE: So am I. Who are you? Who are you?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Please let go of my arm, sir.


ETHERIDGE: Who are you?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Sir, sir, sir, please...

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Congressman, please let go of me.


NEIL CAVUTO, ANCHOR : You know, I get the same reaction when I walk the Upper West Side here in New York, but enough about me.

That went pretty well, Democratic Congressman Bob Etheridge just apologizing for that incident, but, so far, nobody calling for him to step down, nobody calling him radical. But Tea Partiers complain about spending, and they are labeled a crazy, angry mob, or worse.

Reaction now from Republican California congressional candidate Star Parker. We have invited her opponent, Laura Richardson, on to the show, to little avail.

Star, I can appreciate the dilemma, and the pickle the congressman is in. There are just better ways of handling it. And I think of the way Tea Partiers are described when they get even remotely agitated. Very different.

STAR PARKER R-CALIF. CONGRESSIONAL CANDIDATE: It is very different. And you're talking about a sitting congressman. We should be respectful for anyone that we would meet.

But, that said, there's a lot of tension on the air — in the air. The government is totally out of control, and the American people are concerned.

CAVUTO: Yes, but you know what's weird about this case? I know the congressman later took to the air today to apologize for this incident.

People will look at that and maybe with a forgiving eye. And maybe they should. I don't know. But then I just say be consistent and apply the same to Tea Partiers, who don't get nearly so physical. On that, we don't see...

PARKER: Well, that's exactly. You're absolutely right.

In fact, the hostility from the left is far more abusive than anything that we would see from the right. Now, that said, I can appreciate that, as a sitting congressman, he may be alarmed that someone would come in his face with a camera.

But there are better ways to handle these things. The Tea Partiers, on the other hand, were exercising their constitutional right to protest. When you start having a government who decides that they're going to bypass the — the conversation from the American people that say they do not want something, there was some tension there.

But you're absolutely right. The — the double standard is what has to be discussed.

CAVUTO: What I find a little weird is that the congressman had sort of like a bad moment. Tea Partiers, even in the eye of the president, are a continuous bad moment. This is from the president.


CAVUTO: OK. This is — I'm sorry. It's a quote from the president referring to the Tea Partiers, in which he — what are — is this the quote here? OK.

"Some of the same folks who have been hollering and saying do something are the same folks who just, two or three months ago, were suggesting the government needs to stop doing so much."

He's referring, of course, to largely Tea Partiers who have been critical of how he has been handling the Gulf mess. What do you make of that?

PARKER: Well, what I make of it is that he's not understanding what they are saying, to do something. They are saying to do something like remove the barriers, so that we can live free again in this country.

When you talk about the Gulf, as your last guest pointed out, he's now going to shut down a lot of employment in a very, very difficult environment, a very, very difficult economic environment. The Tea Partiers are Americans who are saying we want government to get back in its proper role, its proper role, to protect our interests, not to exploit them.

CAVUTO: All right.

In the meantime, this is the same president who’s talking about $50 billion in additional spending. He calls it all emergency spending, providing needed funding to keep teachers on the job, firemen on the job.

It's always teachers and fireman and that sort of thing. But what do you make of that and whether, emergency or no, heartfelt or no, there's no money in the till for it?

PARKER: There are only two ways to stimulate the economy and create jobs, the types of jobs that we need in the private sector: Reduce taxes and reduce the regulation against small businesses.

Unfortunately, the — this — this administration pits the public against the private. And now here we have a situation to where the public sector are supposed to be servants. And we're finding out that they make twice what people make in the private sector.

And it's very, very difficult, because, when you don't have money in the grassroots, and people spending that type of money because of government out of control in many instances, the collapse of Fannie and Freddie, what we're beginning to see are people judge these state workers, these employee — these — the employees of the government, to say, wait a minute, there's no more money for us to send to you.

So, the bailout is the last thing we want to do. The government, all of the states, the local governments are going to have to do like the rest of the American people, start cutting back.

CAVUTO: Well, you can keep wishing there, Star.

PARKER: Well, we have to.


CAVUTO: But, maybe if you get in there, maybe that will change.


CAVUTO: My concern, though, Star, is that we don't see that change, and, if anything, I get a sense — and I could be totally wrong. You're a lot more astute on this stuff than I will ever be, but I do get a sense that it's like those in power right now, the prevailing gang, is saying, look, we’ve got to get the spending done while the spending's good, because we don't know, after November, if we will be in a position to do that.

PARKER: That's right. Well, that's...


CAVUTO: So, far from reading the political tea leaves to try to, you know, tone that down, quite the opposite.

PARKER: Well, they're having trouble with their own Democrat coalition right now, especially on this additional spending.

Let's face it. We're looking at record deficits. And the type of spending that's been going on for the last 18 months, many Democrats are concerned about this. And when you talk about teachers and trying to save their jobs, they have a dilemma. It's summer. The teachers aren't working so this summer in any way. So, this might be a good time to reassess.

Are we overspending in places that we should not? Everyone has to tighten their belt. But, as I said already, the best way to really stimulate the economy and start jobs, production, again is to reduce taxes and regulation over small businesses.

CAVUTO: All right.

Star, thank you very much.

A reminder: Of course, we did call her Democratic opponent, as we always do, the other side.

PARKER: Laura Richardson?

CAVUTO: All right.


CAVUTO: Well, don't — don't start getting political...


PARKER: Yes. I will call her out for a debate.


CAVUTO: I know. I know. I know. We will debate any time you want.

Here's our deal.

Thank you, Star.

CAVUTO: I want to explain something to a lot of viewers who ask, well, why do you just have one side on? We call the other side. The alternative, is you don't hear any side. We will — we will raise the other side's point. But the alternative is, you're looking at family slides of me, likely at a beach. Think long and hard. Do you want that? I didn't think so.

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