Some Liberals Put President Obama on the Naughty List

Now some fresh pickings from the Political Grapevine:

Promises, Promises

This Christmas some liberals are putting President Obama on the naughty list, saying he has gone back on two important promises he made on health care.

On Monday, December 21 the president told The Washington Post that he did not campaign on the concept of government-provided health insurance. But a TV ad put out by one progressive group plays clips of President Obama saying in July that any plan he signs must include the public option, which the Senate bill leaves out, and candidate Obama mocking an insurance mandate, which the bill includes.

A statement by Adam Green from the Progressive Change Campaign Committee accompanying the ad reads: "President Obama should frankly feel ashamed that he promised Americans a public option, got people to believe real change was possible, and then never truly fought for it — instead, pushing an insurance mandate that he specifically campaigned against."


If you have kids, you likely know what Build-a-Bear is. Well, the Build-a-Bear Workshop is in damage control mode after coming under fire for some videos on its Web site that told children Christmas could be canceled because of global warming:


Polar Bear: The ice is melting!

Santa: Yes, my dear, we know, the climate is changing. There's bound to be a little melting.

Polar Bear: It's worse than that, Santa, a lot worse! At the rate it's melting, the North Pole will be gone by Christmas!

Santa: My, my ... all of this gone by next Christmas? I don't think so.

Polar Bear: No sir, not next Christmas, this Christmas! The day after tomorrow!


One climate change skeptic, climate scientist Roy Spencer at the University of Alabama in Huntsville, called it "pop science propaganda."

Build-a-Bear founder Maxine Clark posted an open letter on the Web site saying the videos will no longer be available and that: "We did not intend to politicize the topic of global climate change or offend anyone in any way."

North Pole Diplomacy

During Tuesday's State Department briefing, spokesman P.J. Crowley told reporters about Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's holiday schedule. He said she stopped off at the North Pole for an important bilateral meeting with a well-known international figure.

During the meeting (allegedly with Santa), Clinton supposedly outlined her aspirations for the new year, sung to the tune of "The 12 Days of Christmas."

Crowley said they include: "Middle East negotiations … empowerment of women, fewer nuclear weapons, respect for human rights… six-party talks, dialogue with Iran, enough food for people of the world to eat, climate change legislation and, lastly, a championship for the Boston Red Sox."

Crowley admits the last one wasn't actually Clinton's. But following the list a reporter said: "It's gotten that bad, huh? She's got to go ask Santa for this stuff. That's a pretty damning statement."

Crowley laughed heartily and admitted, "Whatever it takes."

Fox News Channel's Lanna Britt contributed to this report.