Somali community leader says Ilhan Omar married her brother

This is a rush transcript from "Tucker Carlson Tonight," February 21, 2020. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

HARRIS FAULKNER, FOX NEWS HOST: As always, "The Story" continues. I'll see you again on Monday at noon Eastern with "Outnumbered" and then at 1:00 p.m. Eastern for "Outnumbered Overtime." Have a great weekend.


The story of American decline is the story of an incompetent ruling class. You'll hear many self-serving explanations for it. But the truth is, it's that simple.

The people in charge inherited an industrial superpower with unchallenged military dominance. In a little more than a generation, they squandered all of it.

In exchange for short term profits, bigger vacation homes, cheaper household help, they wrecked what they did not build.

They outsourced entire sectors of our economy to China. They imported a serf class to drive down wages, and they crippled the middle class while doing it.

They went up trillions in unpayable debt. They turned the finest universities in the world into a joke. They watch from their decadent little bubbles of affluence as families, faith and public decency died in this country and they laughed because they didn't care.

How people this awful wound up in charge of a nation as great as ours is a question historians will have to answer and they will someday.

But at this point, it's clear the population has grown tired of it. Donald Trump's election is one clear sign of that. The rise of Bernie Sanders is another.

The ruling class in other words, is losing its grip on power and they can feel it. They could smell it. It terrifies them.

Their first response was denial. It always is. They retreated into fantasy.

What can't we be just like Joe Biden and make it 2009 again? Well, that didn't work and when it didn't, they reverted to their governing instinct, which is authoritarianism.

They stopped trying to convince the public of anything and instead decided to scare them. Fearful people are easier to control.

You saw it on the front page of their newspaper this morning, "The New York Times." Lawmakers are warning that Russia is meddling to reelect Trump, read the headline. Inside the story. There was nothing, no evidence, no detail, not even a coherent set of accusations. But it was enough to alert the morons on cable news, it was time to do their job, which is now and always, to run interference for the people in charge.

Now remember, as you watch the following clip that most of the people on television have no idea what they're saying, even as they're saying it.

They're just reading the scripts that were written for them by some 23- year-old Women's Studies Major from Wesleyan, somebody who knows even less than they do.

So as you watch, try not to judge them too harshly.


CHRIS MATTHEWS, MSNBC HOST: It's official. Russia has endorsed the re- election of President Donald Trump, who is trying desperately right now to keep that matter secret.

JEREMEY BASH, FORMER C.I.A. CHIEF OF STAFF: If the Russians are attacking our election processes, and they're doing so to benefit Donald Trump, I think frankly, the President welcomes it. He wants it.

DON LEMON, CNN HOST: So as bad as, it is that the Russians are back at it. Trying to help Trump get reelected. It's far worse that the President of the United States is -- he is trying to cover it up.

LAWRENCE O'DONNELL, MSNBC HOST: The President is a Russian operative. That sounds like the description of a bad Hollywood screenplay, but it is real. And it is Vladimir Putin's greatest achievement.

This is one of those shocking news days if you retain the capacity to be shocked in the Trump era by the Trump regime, which might be better labeled the Trump-Putin regime.


CARLSON: The President of the United States has colluded with Vladimir Putin to steal an election. No, not the last one, that one, but the next one, too. Be afraid, says Don Lemon, be very afraid.

Yet the public doesn't seem especially afraid. Maybe they've heard it before somewhere. Their lack of panic is deeply distressing to the Democratic Party, which is counting on another Red Scare sometime between now and November.

So Brian Williams -- trustee Brian Williams stepped in to scold America for not being more terrified.


BRIAN WILLIAMS, MSNBC HOST: We begin tonight with sad word that funeral services are pending this evening after the death of outrage earlier today -- outrage officially died of exhaustion though buoyed at the very end by the one bright spot, the realization that its close relative, apathy survives and is thriving.


CARLSON: Got that? Screw you, America. You ought to be falling for it a second time. How dare you? You can see the frustration on their faces.

On the other hand, you think they might take the time to come up with a new hoax occasionally. Why can't they invent Argentine sappers once in a while or saboteurs from Malawi? Something new and interesting.

But no, like a robot vacuum cleaner stuck carving circles under a chair, they are going to keep doing the same thing over and over and over until the batteries run out.

And now they're trying it on Bernie.


PETER BAKER, MSNBC ANALYST: Now you might ask the question as some people have, would they want Trump over Bernie Sanders? Sanders, of course, a Democratic socialist is you know, more ideologically in tune with the old Russia anyway and remember, of course, the Russians did favor Bernie Sanders in the primary in 2016 over Hillary Clinton.


CARLSON: Wait. Bernie Sanders? He is a Putin Stooge, too? We thought he was a Brezhnev stooge, whatever. He's colluding with the Russians. He's got to be because he's not with the program.

Just this afternoon, "The Washington Post" reported that, "Bernie Sanders was briefed by U.S. officials (Intel officials) that Russia is trying to help his presidential campaign."

Now that happened weeks ago, he learned about it weeks ago, but the Sanders campaign never leaked the story. Now, on the eve of the Nevada Caucuses, someone in the so-called Intelligence Community did leak it, just as they repeatedly leaked selective information in the first Russia hoax in an effort of course, to derail Donald Trump, whose policies they disagreed with.

You see what's going on here? Yes, you do. Our democratic system is in fact under attack. That much is true. But it's not the Russians who are attacking it. It's not even the Chinese. It's being attacked by our own ruling class. They're undermining democracy because they have no choice.

If they left it up to voters to decide where to go next, they'd be out of a job tomorrow, because they've been terrible stewards of this country. Some of them would be in jail.

So they've got to subvert our system. Their livelihoods depend on it.

Aaron Mate is a journalist for "The Grayzone." He joins us tonight. Aaron, it seems almost a parody at this point. The Russia collusion story resurrected and now applied to Bernie Sanders. Trump and Bernie Sanders -- the two people who pose at least a credible threat to the way things are, are being tarred by the so-called Intel Community with Russia collusion, am I connecting dots that shouldn't be connected?

AARON MATE, JOURNALIST, THE GRAYZONE: No, I think it's fair. We know now why Trump was targeted with this whole Russia scam.

When he came into office, he was campaigning on having better relations with Russia and scaling back foreign wars that have destroyed foreign countries like Iraq, Syria and Libya and helping the working class at home.

Whatever Trump's intentions were, one impact of accusing him constantly of being a puppet of Putin is that his policies in reality have been incredibly hawkish.

The one thing I agree with Trump on is when he says that he's been tougher on Russia than almost anybody else. He has torn up nuclear treaties. He has increased war games on Russia's borders. He's trying to overthrow Russia's ally in Venezuela and imposing murderous sanctions in the process.

So in that respect, the national security state has gotten what it wanted out of Trump on that. Of course, it failed to bring him down because the collusion thing was such a scam.

It's no surprise to see that same playbook being deployed now against Bernie Sanders because Bernie Sanders is also talking about scaling back foreign wars and helping the working class.

I think one big difference is that Bernie Sanders has an actual record of doing it, of challenging foreign wars and being a champion for the average person.

And he also has unlike Trump, who relies on billionaires like Sheldon Adelson and Robert Mercer, Bernie Sanders has a working class movement behind him, a working class movement talking about, challenging foreign wars and spending money on healthcare for everybody and increasing wages at home, things that people actually need.

And having a mobilized working class movement is a huge threat to the establishment that has relied to this date on donor -- on big donors and lobbyists.

CARLSON: Well, let me just ask you one thing, if Trump is no threat to the national security state, then why are they resurrecting the Russia hoax?

MATE: Well, I think this Russia scam thing has been a great way to keep him in line. I mean, he did talk about having better relations with Russia and whatever his intentions were, that has been totally undermined.

Right now, the U.S. and Russia are in a whole new nuclear arms race. So for them to do this is a good way to keep him in check. They obviously don't see him as a suitable steward of the war machine.

He has occasionally erratically called it out and talked about a military industrial complex. They don't want someone who actually identifies this by name. They want someone who can carry out the U.S. Empire quietly and bomb countries with less braggadocio that I suppose Trump does.

CARLSON: Yes, I mean, the truth is Russia is not a threat to us, and that's why they're telling us it is a threat. There are countries who are, that's not one of them. Aaron Mate, thank you for that.

MATE: Thanks for having me.

CARLSON: So as America's failing establishment loses its grip on power, they aren't simply pushing conspiracy theories, though they are. They're also trying to clamp down on your ability to say what you think is true.

After Michael Bloomberg disastrous debate on Tuesday, his campaign team did what campaign teams do. They tried to put a gloss on it.

They put together a video that told the story from their perspective. Here it is.


MICHAEL BLOOMBERG (D), PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: I'm the only one here I think that has ever started the business. Is that fair?



CARLSON: That's kind of amusing. Is that what actually happened in real time in the debate stage? Obviously not. It was kind of a parody.

It is also a perfectly ordinary form of political expression, the kind that we used to tolerate in this country without a thought -- it was a joke.

But today, the press was outraged by how they said Bloomberg was pushing a doctored video.

By the way, we're not here to defend Michael Bloomberg whose campaign is an insult to the idea of democracy. But the truth is, free speech is more important than any election. And what they're trying to do is squelch free speech. And so they called that misinformation.

Some called it a deep fake, a term that actually refers to completely fabricated videos made using advanced technology. Is the press really that stupid? Well, yes, probably. Not all of them though.

The reaction really had a more menacing purpose, to justify an ever intensifying push for tech censorship, which they want.


STEPHANIE RUHLE, MSNBC HOST: The campaign has said it was tongue in cheek. But when somebody sends you that clip from the debate; that looks really good for the mayor and it looks really bad for everyone else. And it's not true.


RUHLE: Would content like that get flagged as misinformation?

BEN COLLINS, MSNBC REPORTER: We actually reached out to Twitter about this specific thing, and they said, yes, this is a good example. This is something that you know, we would flag as not real.

And that's the thing. It is like that clip, there was about like a second or two of silence, not 20 seconds of silence or whatever. That's the sort of thing without the crickets, people might take seriously and that's how disinformation sort of steamrolls and if nobody is going to stop it, it could -- it could change narratives. It could change the outcome of an election. We've been there before.

ALI VELSHI, MSNBC HOST: Now, I'll you what. My boss is standing here just off set so I can't use the word that I want to use for that.

But in Canada, for short form, we call it BS. Twitter is considerably -- is considering reporting that video, labeling it as manipulated which it should because it obviously is.


CARLSON: Did you see that? So the first guy, not the bald guy, but the guy with the hair gel, calling himself a journalist looking right into the camera and saying someone needs to stop it. If someone doesn't stop it, in other words, prevent a campaign from putting out a video that somehow the election results will turn out the way he wants. That's a journalist calling for censorship.

That didn't used to happen. And by the way, if that's how they treat Michael Bloomberg when he tries to disseminate his views, how do you think you're going to treat you?

Buck Sexton hosts "The Buck Sexton Show." He joins us tonight. So Buck, I've just got a super quick theory on this. Why is the media for censorship? Because they've lost control of the storyline. They're no longer the gatekeepers. They're challenged by the internet which is hard to corral and control.

And so they want to clamp down on it so they can regain their cartel, their monopoly over information. That's my theory.

BUCK SEXTON, HOST, THE BUCK SEXTON SHOW: That's definitely part of it, and there's also a desperation right now, among those in the media, who I view as mostly as activists, people that want a certain outcome, they want a Democrat to win. They're not sure which one necessarily yet, probably not Bernie Sanders, but they don't want it to be Donald Trump.

And that desperation leads to seeing a bit more of the totalitarian impulse that they're willing to display sometimes, especially when it comes to the tech platforms.

This is an area where we know there's an advantage on the left. There has been for a long time. We keep seeing these terms of service violations where only conservatives get banned, or there will be some new regulation that comes in and you mentioned effectively a social credit system on YouTube now, where people will be able to mark whether something is truthful or not.

Hillary Clinton, the former Secretary of State and Democratic presidential nominee called Trump Putin's puppet today on Twitter. Is that accurate? Do we get to flag that? It's absurd.

CARLSON: Does it strike you that there are kind of chilling resemblances between what social media companies are proposing are what China already has, which is a system of keeping speech and thought under the thumb of a centralized control? Or else the people who stray will be punished. I mean, this is happening there. They want it here.

SEXTON: Well, this is also the result of organizations like CNN, for example, pretending that they are just presenting facts and that people who disagree with their clearly partisan Democratic narrative are at issue with the facts and that that's the only reason why anybody would ever criticize them.

So the tech companies are now being called on to do what as you pointed out, the mainstream media no longer really can do which is direct the conversation, control the bounds of what's acceptable.

I mean, satire is very effective and there are some great satire out there now from conservatives, Babylon Bee is doing fantastic stuff, there are others, and they don't want that because if you look at the Democratic field right now, it is ripe for satire, and people will see how absurd it is to have, you know, the socialist with three houses. I mean, Bernie -- you know, Bloomberg brought that up.

The conservatives have been mentioning that. I've been talking about that for years. This isn't new, but once the memes get going and it becomes sticky, people see this. It stays in their consciousness, it can have an effect.

So they want to shut that stuff down and they also want to make sure this journalist in particular that the social media companies snap to attention when the left, when the Democrats say so.

They still view it as essentially a province of the left and of progressives, and it's a huge advantage going to the election.

CARLSON: Exactly. Well, yes, like, where are the elected officials who are charged with protecting the First Amendment? Protecting our First Amendment rights? Where are they? And for one thing, why aren't they doing something to protect us? They are not.

SEXTON: Well, the tech companies also do this whole we're neutral. They do this neutrality dance, which everybody knows is preposterous.

I mean, we all know about the people that have been banned. I have friends who have been banned and suspended. They keep doing this.

And you know, I mean, I have a podcast for a syndicated radio show. I have Bloomberg ads on there, because I have to, because the regulations say if you're taking political ads, you have to take them from both sides.

We have regulations on radio. We have regulations on TV, but social media companies always want to say, no, no, we'll do this the right way, and the right way seems to be going against conservatives and in an election year that can really make a big difference and they know this.

CARLSON: Yes. I'd like to find some Republican senators who maybe could stand up for their voters.

Buck Sexton. Great to see you tonight.

SEXTON: Thanks, Tucker.

CARLSON: Happy weekend.

So if you watched television last night or two nights ago, you may have seen Mistress Elizabeth Warren delivering a vigorous spanking to Michael Bloomberg, the former Mayor. How is his campaign fairing now? Exhausted? We will tell you after the break.


CARLSON: We're much closer tonight to finding out whether fallen studio mogul, Harvey Weinstein will be spending time in prison. The trial is wrapping up. Chief breaking news correspondent, Trace Gallagher has the very latest on that. Hey, Trace.

TRACE GALLAGHER, FOX NEWS CHIEF BREAKING NEWS CORRESPONDENT: Hey, Tucker. Harvey Weinstein is facing five separate charges involving the alleged rape of two women.

Today, the jury notified the court that it had reached a verdict on three of the five charges, which if he is found guilty would put him in prison for several years.

But the jury could not reach a decision on the two most serious charges of predatory sexual assault, which could put him in prison for life.

Defense attorneys told the judge they were fine with the partial verdict, but prosecutors said they wanted the jury to keep deliberating so Judge James Burke sent them back to the jury room for a short time and then excused them for the weekend.

Now, before reaching a partial verdict, the jury asked to revisit the testimony of Annabella Sciorra. She's "The Sopranos" actress who claims that Weinstein raped her in the mid-90s.

Now because her allegation is 25 years old, it was not included in this trial. But her testimony is still critical because to prove the more serious charge of predatory assault, prosecutors have to show a pattern meaning that Harvey Weinstein had a prior history of rape -- Tucker.

CARLSON: Trace Gallagher, thanks so much for that. Well, you probably saw a Mayor Michael Bloomberg had a very rough time on Wednesday night courtesy of Mistress Elizabeth Warren.

She invited him into her shame dungeon. This is what happened next.


SEN. ELIZABETH WARREN (D-MA), PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: I'd like to talk about who were running against, a billionaire who calls women fat broads and horse faced lesbians. And no, I'm not talking about Donald Trump. I'm talking about Mayor Bloomberg.

Democrats are not going to win if we have a nominee who has a history of hiding his tax returns, of harassing women and supporting racist policies.

Democrats take a huge risk if we just substitute one arrogant billionaire for another.


CARLSON: He paid $460 million for that spanking. Did he enjoy it? We can't say. It was a little weird to see it play it on television strangely intimate.

For a normal candidate though, in political terms, it would have been enough to end his presidential campaign. But Bloomberg is not a normal candidate. He's a billionaire with $60 billion in the bank.

Yesterday, he picked up three more congressional endorsements. We're going repeat that. In the wake of what you just saw, a disaster on stage, three more members of Congress endorsed Michael Bloomberg, which suggests that in the end, Bloomberg's performance, his ideas, his history -- all irrelevant -- because it's all about the money.

Is that the lesson of his campaign? Sean Davis, co-founded "The Federalist," a very smart man. He joins us tonight. Sean, thanks a lot for coming on.

So this is the theory. I don't know if it's true, but it seems like it may be that Bloomberg isn't running the kind of campaign that anyone's ever run. It's a campaign in which what he says, what he thinks, what he plans to do are all irrelevant. All that matters is his money. Do you think that's what we're watching?

SEAN DAVIS, CO-FOUNDER, "THE FEDERALIST": Right, we're getting to see in real time whether a candidate with no charisma, no real rationale for running, no base of support can actually buy a nomination. And I've got to say, I was kind of amazed.

I think that might have been the first time in television history that we saw a guy pay half a billion dollars to get scalped by a fake Indian.

CARLSON: I am stealing that. It's too good. But you're absolutely right. I mean, it's either kind of a species of masochism, or you're watching something that's so cynical, that it puts chills through your body.

I mean, this is a guy who doesn't believe in democracy at all, who thinks the system is ridiculous that he can just walk in and flood the zone with cash and we will obey. You think that's what he thinks?

DAVIS: I don't know. I think maybe he thought he could just go into that debate and throw the other candidates up against the wall and they'd give up because that's kind of been what he has generally done with his opponents in government previously.

But I think it's interesting, if you look back at 2016, the Democratic establishment decided that they were going to make sure that Bernie Sanders wasn't going to win the nomination, so they rigged it.

And at least then they had enough shame and good sense to kind of hide it, and I think here in 2020, what we're seeing is whether the Democratic establishment is going to use a billion dollars of someone else's money, namely Mike Bloomberg's, to steal the nomination from Bernie Sanders.

Because that's certainly what it looks like from the outside. This guy has the most votes, somehow doesn't have the most delegates, and he is obviously the front runner, and no matter what he does, he can't catch a break.

And even in Nevada, where Mike Bloomberg isn't on the ballot, somehow the D.N.C. decided that he got to be up there on that stage.

CARLSON: Well, it's turning to be a mistake probably, so give me the 20- second answer to this. Can he -- if Bernie Sanders winds up with more delegates, not a majority, but a plurality after Super Tuesday, 10 days from now, can Bloomberg actually become the nominee at that point, do you think?

DAVIS: He could. I'll be surprised, but I checked ahead of your show, and I think there's not technically any Federal log in spying delegates. So if you're going to buy social media support and idiotic billboards on your way on to the debate stand, why not go ahead and buy some delegates during a second ballot.

CARLSON: Right. I want to just reveal that it's all fake. It's, it's a kind of nihilism, actually and it's scary. We shouldn't have this in our system, I think. Sean, thank you.

DAVIS: Thank you, Tucker.

CARLSON: Scalped by a fake Indian. It's too good. Well, one of the President's top advisers doesn't like the President, he said so and he doesn't like the President's agenda, so why is he in a position of great authority in the White House? We will ask that question next?

Plus, a fanatical cult could be helping to spread the coronavirus. Is that threat becoming higher than ever? We've got details on that.


CARLSON: Over the last 40 years, America has become a far richer country than it's ever been. But not everyone has enjoyed the benefits of that.

Many Americans, in fact, have fallen backward. From 1979 to 2013, real wages for low skilled workers dropped by give percent. Meanwhile, in a single year, 2016, private jet travel increased by more than eight percent. This is an ominous trend.

Economically stratified countries are unstable countries. But recently, there have been signs of hope. Wages for low skilled workers are growing at the fastest rate in memory right now, nearly five percent a year. For those in the very bottom of the labor pool, those without high school diplomas, wages went up a full 10 percent last year.

This is something that all of us should celebrate. It makes America stronger and less prone to the kind of radicalism we're now seeing on the horizon.

Why are things suddenly getting better? It's simple. We're enjoying a tight labor market right now. Immigration to our country is down. Employment is up. That means there are fewer available workers. Therefore employers must pay higher wages to those workers.

It's called supply and demand. It's the most basic principle in economics. It's also the healthiest and most efficient way to share the wealth. It does what socialism claims to do, but without hurting people.

Tightening the labor market is something that Donald Trump ran on in 2016. The numbers show he has delivered on that promise. It may be his single greatest accomplishment.

But now, bizarrely, one of his closest aides seems determined to ruin the President's achievement.

Over this week, acting White House Chief of Staff, Mick Mulvaney complained to a private audience at a speech in the U.K. that the Trump administration's immigration slowdown has been a disaster.

According to Mulvaney, America is " ... desperate -- desperate for more people. We are running out of people to fuel the economic growth that we've had in our nation over the last four years. We need more immigrants."

Now everything about that statement is dishonest and stupid. For one thing, Americans don't want more immigration. There's a lot of polling on it.

For example, a 2018 Harvard Harris poll found that 81 percent of American voters support curbing immigration levels.

In a democracy, public opinion should matter. But even more basically, America isn't running out of people, far from it. Ask anyone who tries to drive to work in one of our major cities.

In many ways, America is a crowded country, and that is bad. That's why rent is so high for example, nor is our official employment rate tell an accurate story about our labor markets.

As of tonight, for example, there are 40 million American men over the age of 16 who are out of work. Two and a half million of them say they want a job, but can't find one.

More than seven million of them have left the labor force despite being in their prime working years, 25 to 54. Some of them are just discouraged. Others are addicted to drugs or video games or to welfare checks posing as disability payments.

Now, you can judge these people if you want. But keep in mind they are our fellow Americans. They built this country literally.

We have an obligation to do everything in our power to help them flourish. But a ruling class which has betrayed them would rather pretend they didn't exist.

These people are dying in huge numbers. No one in Washington cares, least of all, Mick Mulvaney. He'd rather replace our American working class with grateful foreigners who will work for less. That way wages stay low and profits stay high. Donors are happy again.

This is once again the opposite of what Donald Trump ran on. It's what he railed against in speech after speech. So why is Mick Mulvaney who passionately disagrees with Donald Trump running Donald Trump's White House?

It's almost like Mulvaney is trying to undermine his boss's agenda. That shouldn't surprise you. Mulvaney despises Donald Trump, he said so on camera.


MICK MULVANEY, WHITE HOUSE CHIEF OF STAFF: Yes, I'm supporting Donald Trump, I am doing so as enthusiastically as I can, given the fact I think he is a terrible human being. But the choice is on the other side is just as bad.


CARLSON: That was in 2016. Mulvaney isn't talking like that anymore, at least not on camera. But if you want to know what people really think, don't listen to what they say, watch what they do.

Well, the government of China claims it is bringing the deadly coronavirus under control. It's not clear that's true. This disease is now threatening to become a worldwide pandemic. There are now deaths in countries like Italy and run.

So far we haven't had them here. But despite the dangers, a cruise ship where more than a hundred passengers fell ill is being pressed back into service and will set sail again in just a few months. Hopefully that won't matter.

A Texas company says it is creating a promising new coronavirus vaccine that could be needed desperately because in Korea, a coronavirus cult is allegedly spreading the disease on purpose.

An amazing story that Harris Faulkner, host of "Outnumbered Overtime" at one Eastern has covered extensively. So we want to talk to her.

Harris, thanks so much for coming on tonight.

FAULKNER: Oh, absolutely.

CARLSON: This story sounds like it's not even real. What is this?

FAULKNER: All right. So when you hear the word cult, you want to drill down because people say oh, you better be right about that. It is a fringe religious group. A cult is what it is called.

It is Shincheonji, and why are they looking at it? Because in South Korea, we'll start with this part of the breaking news on this Friday -- in South Korea they have seen such a disturbing spiking cases just in the last 24 hours.

The Korea Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said just yesterday, Tucker that they had 53 additional patients who tested positive for coronavirus in addition to 20 from the day before.

They said, well, where is all of this coming from? They located this group, this Temple of the Tabernacle of Testimony, Shincheonji is the group and they found out that they have a situation that they're calling a super spreader situation where they weren't allowing people to wear masks. They did not allowed them to wear protective glasses.

They have them in these tight, tight groups of worshippers, and they were there for hours at a time.

Now, the group is denying that that's its policy, but because so many people left this one event and tested positive so quickly for coronavirus, they are saying it was a super spreader situation.

Let's take that and consider it is like lesson A. Let's go to the Diamond Princess ship now. You have that times 3,700 people and you now have a spreading situation above 600.

And the representative, Mr. Fauci from the National Institutes of Health today said that it failed what they tried to do off the coast of Japan on that ship. It could be a lot worse. Today, of course, we saw are two deaths from passengers on board there.

You had two super spreader like situations. Tucker, it seems so simple. You put people together. You don't protect them enough. You don't have a quarantine real tight situation. They were going to buffets early on, on the ship before the Captain made them go back to their rooms.

I mean, these are nightmare scenarios. Now fan out. You mentioned Iran and other countries. Turkey has been sending fast track kits trying to help them discover this virus to places like Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan.

I mean, countries all over the world now are dealing with the next phase of this. I don't want to freak you out on a Friday. But this is real.


FAULKNER: There are a couple of ways though, that America plays a part because you know, we always do. We've been offering help from the beginning.

We've got a bio containment unit that became famous under the Ebola outbreak a few years ago. That's in Nebraska. That's where some of these passengers were taken.

I interviewed one of them off that ship. They're there. They've got a great chance of survival. So that's great. They also can study the disease.

You mentioned Austin, Texas coming up with that vaccine. They're able to study this in real time. But you know what? It's still going to take 18 months they say for a vaccine.

That's a long haul. I hope that where they're seeing burgeoning numbers in South Korea, and now Japan. Japan, calling off a marathon for thousands of people to come in, cutting down on -- Honda cutting down on events with its leadership.

I hope that they can get a handle on the spread of this while we work on a vaccine.

CARLSON: The people I know who know the most about this and you'd be at the top of that list are the most concerned about it. So I think that that tells you an awful lot.

Harris, thank you for that update. I appreciate it. I hope you'll come back.

FAULKNER: Absolutely. Of course. You're my friend.

CARLSON: Thank you. Great to see you tonight. Happy weekend.

Well, now to a story that we have told you about for some years, and even as we've reported it, on one level it seemed too absurd to be true.

But now a Somali community Leader confirms that Ilhan Omar really did marry her brother. Is that true? Should we believe him?

Details on that amazing story, next.


CARLSON: Well, there's a new scam going on in this country. It's almost everywhere. And no, it's not some guy who claims his uncle's a Nigerian Prince. It's much bigger than that.

The scam is entrenched itself in just about every school, company, nonprofit in the United States. And it's very popular with the people in charge. It has been praised in Congress, even by many Republicans.

It goes by many names: Bias training, sensitivity training, diversity training. Nobody can criticize it because the name sounds so virtuous, it doesn't sound bad.

But if you've been through it, you know what it actually is. There a few patterns. You're herded into a cramped room where political radicals lecture you about how you're probably racist, sexist or anti-gay on the inside. Nothing you've said, but deep inside, where no one can see.

You're told there's nothing you can do about it. You're always going to be this way. You suffer from a form of original sin.

If this hasn't happened to you, you probably don't have a job because everybody goes through it. And then anytime there's some dumb controversy in America, whether it's some ill-advised tweet or offensive graffiti by a 12-year-old in the john somewhere, another fake hate crime.

The moment is always used to demand even more bias training. Thousands of people now earn a living selling this garbage to the country.

They study gender studies or racial studies or post-colonial theory or some other branch of grievance incorporated. This may be one of the only jobs you're actually qualified for.

It's annoying. It takes a lot of time and it's expensive, a half day bias training course for 50 people can cost six grand.

So multiply that times America's millions of millions of employees and you see that billions of dollars are spent on this.

This is a chunk -- this is a sector of our economy. We're not even accounting for lost productivity here.

But there's a question at the bottom of this, which is the key question that nobody ever asks. Is it useful? Does sensitivity training and diversity training -- does it actually do anything worth doing?

And it turns out, no, it doesn't. We know it because it's been studied extensively. For example, a 2015 paper in "The Journal of Applied Psychology," probably not a rightwing publication, took a close look at bias training and found that it's actually counterproductive. Not a surprise to anyone who is wise.

People who received bias training were actually more prone to racial and gender stereotyping, not less. It's just one of many studies to find that. Have ever heard this before? You may have sensed it, but this is true.

In 2018, a U.K. Government study found that bias training does nothing to change people's behavior. A study from 2000 show that people trained to avoid anti-elderly bias became even more biased against elderly job applicants.

We can find countless more examples, but we don't have to. This country has been drowning in sensitivity training for the past 30 years, making some of the dumbest and most loathsome people in America rich.

But what's the effect been? Is the country less racist or less sexist? No, obviously, it's not. It's getting more that way. We're more divided along those lines.

Identity politics is more entrenched. Why? Thanks to the people who push bias training on the rest of us. They're the ones most determined to divide us, to sort and judge us by our sex and our skin color, and other things we have no control over at all.

The push for bias training is just the latest case of the left projecting its flaws onto the country. They call you racist because they are -- as you know.

Well, here's the story. That's incredible -- so remarkable, so over the top you'd think we're making it up. We wish we were, but we're not.

A leader in Minnesota's Somali community now says in public that Ilhan Omar actually did marry her own brother, her biological brother.

Omar tonight is sticking to the same strategy she has used for years, she won't debunk the story. She just denies it. And of course attacks anyone who dares to investigate it as you guessed it, racist.

On Twitter yesterday, Omar called the story hate speech. In other words, she thinks this should be banned. You can't say bad things about me. I'm a member of Congress. And she claimed her Somali accuser was bribed to lie about her. She's the liar as you well know.

Scott Johnson is a Minnesota attorney. He writes at "Powerline" blog. He helped break the story five years ago, so we thought it'd be perfect to have him back on tonight.

Scott, it's got it's so good to see you. Thank you. Now, I just want to say before you explain what we now know that you are owed an apology by virtually every blue check on Twitter, everyone in the media who dismissed you as a conspiracy nut and a hater or whatever for this crazy story, which turns out it looks like tonight to be true. Tell us what we know.

SCOTT JOHNSON, POWERLINE BLOG: Don't get me going. Tucker, you're referring to a story published in "The Daily Mail" yesterday, "The Daily Mail" online.

"The Daily Mail" is the most widely read English language news site in the world. And a lot of its news is tabloid news and it has pursued the Ilhan Omar scandals in the tabloid format, but they sent a reporter to town last week for a week to look into Omar related stories and I met with him and sent him in the right direction.

And he published a story yesterday to the effect of what you just reported that Ilhan Omar in fact, married her brother in 2009. She didn't get around to divorcing him until 2017. The marriage was for fraudulent purposes.

I mean, it's kind of a joke. This is the story I've been telling for the past three and a half years to anybody who would listen. But now it's in "The Daily Mail" and it's had a huge impact in the Somali community in the Twin Cities which you know, is divided among clans and Ilhan's clan isn't too happy about the story and yet, Ilhan herself has taken to these wild -- you didn't mention her most recent tweet about this as an anti-Semitic diatribe against David Steinberg.

So what I wanted to say was this story has been told over the past three and a half years, really in two parts. One is through social media investigation by Priya Shyamsundar and David Steinberg and taking that path. They told this story about a fraudulent marriage for fraudulent purposes.

Among the documents that were turned up in that respect were the marriage certificate involving this fraudulent marriage is signed by a Christian minister and it really is bizarre.

CARLSON: Well, that's -- it's a religious Islamic marriage but --

JOHNSON: So there was that part of the story.

CARLSON: We're -- unfortunately, we're out of time --

JOHNSON: And then I have the story -- thank you.

CARLSON: Finish up for me if you would, Scott.

JOHNSON: I was going to say, and going down another path of Somali sources and the interesting thing about "The Daily Mail" source is he speaks in his own name. His name is Abdi Nur. He was my first source in August of 2016.

And Abdi has given me information which has all proved out and he sent me in the right direction for more of it which is the story I've been telling through that format for the past three and a half years.

CARLSON: Bravely telling, I would say in the face of a lot of opposition. Good for you for telling the truth.

JOHNSON: Thank you.

CARLSON: We'll talk to you when this is confirmed and she admits it. Great to see you tonight. Scott Johnson.

JOHNSON: Thank you.

CARLSON: President Trump is a fan of one of the most popular movies ever made in English. You know what that means. He is a bigot. We will break down why the press now hates "Gone with the Wind." Really? "Wizard of Oz" next?



UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Where shall I go, what shall I do?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn.


CARLSON: It's the highest grossing film in the history of American cinema. It's also one of the greatest, "Gone with the Wind," of course. You probably saw it when you were young and loved it, so did the President.

Last night the President lamented the latest Oscars where America's tops films were clipped by a film made in Korea.


DONALD TRUMP, PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: And the winner is a movie from South Korea. What the hell was that all about?

We've got enough problems with South Korea with trade, on top of it, they give them the Best Movie of the Year. Was it good? I don't know.

You know, I'm looking for like -- wait, wait. Let's get "Gone with the Wind." Can we get like "Gone with the Wind" back, please?


CARLSON: So there he is, a Republican rooting for the film industry because it's American. But that's not the way the press analyzed it. No, there must be a sinister second layer.

The President's love for "Gone with the Wind" is of course, you guessed it -- racist.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: "Gone with the Wind" is about subordinating black people to white folk. Let's just be real about it.

JOHN KING, CNN CHIEF NATIONAL CORRESPONDENT: "Gone with the Wind," racist. "Sunset Boulevard" about a celebrity who loses touch with reality.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Right. It's just another way of kind of reminding people of the sort of cultural themes that he really likes to talk about and like this is -- this is not the country that it should be. This is not the country that we want it to be and he brings up you know, whatever culture --

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: And it used to be great.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Wholesome, right. Make America great again.

JOY BEHAR, ABC HOST: The aspect of let's bring back "Gone with the Wind."

ANA NAVARRO, ABC HOST: Yes. Yes. Why don't we bring back "May Me" with a handkerchief on her head, let's bring back the Civil War. Let's bring back slavery. Why don't we do that?


CARLSON: The dumbest people in the world are on television -- literally. They are screen for dumbness.

Michael Loftus is not dumb. He's a comedian. You can watch his "Freedom to Laugh" comedy tour on Fox Nation. He joins us tonight. So when you watch -- I mean, do you feel guilty if like you by accident watch "Gone with the Wind."

MICHAEL LOFTUS, COMEDIAN: No, I love that movie. It's a great piece of American filmmaking. I feel bad for all these people who are at the height of Trump derangement syndrome.

That Michael Eric Dyson on "The View" today. They had to mute his comments. They had to mute him on "The View." That's when you know you've got a problem when Joy Behar is like whoa, that's too far out there even for me.

That's like Axl Rose telling you, you drink too much.

CARLSON: That guy is like the voice of the oppressed. I think -- I'm being serious, I think lives in my neighborhood. So to see him up there be like, oh yes --

LOFTUS: You can hear him in the morning eating dictionaries.

CARLSON: You know what I mean? Downtrodden. No, literally. But I mean, if you've concluded that "Gone with the Wind" is racist, I mean, what you're really saying is like anything that happened before last year in America is immoral. We want to remake the place completely. That's what they're saying, I think.

LOFTUS: Yes, it is. That's the end stage of Trump derangement syndrome. It's literally anything Trump mentions is racist.

At this point, blinking will be racist, smiling, using hand gestures is somehow racist. It's horrible. "Gone with the Wind" is a great piece of American cinema and the most successful film of all time.

I've got no problem with an American movie winning Best Picture. I loved "Parasite" but that's foreign language film. Let's bring the Oscars back home. That's not racist. That's pro-America.

CARLSON: Right. Finally, quickly, should there be some sort of -- I don't know test before you go on television as like a pundit that you should have something interesting to say and that you're not just parroting some talking point from "The New York Times," no?

LOFTUS: This is when a giant hook comes and gets me off the screen. I like to think for myself. I like to be in original, but just to watch all these other people, yes, we should bring back the old time like the Bugs Bunny hook, where you can just like hey, when people like Michael Eric Dyson, whose real name is Mike Dyson, can we just say that right now? He's Mike Dyson.

We should just bring back the old timely hook and you just get him off the stage.

CARLSON: That would be good.

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