Shocking New Video of Illegal Immigrants Crossing the Border

This is a partial transcript from "Hannity & Colmes," November 11, 2005, that has been edited for clarity.

SEAN HANNITY, CO-HOST: Shocking new footage from a yet-to-be-released documentary exposes problems on our borders in a way we've never seen before. "'The Month of October' introduces us to Mexicans crossing the border, ranchers dealing with the immigration problem in their own back yard, the border patrol agents, who are trying their hardest to sort it all out.

The director of "The Month of October," Chris Burgard, and the head of security for the film, former Navy SEAL Jay T. Rockwell join us now.

Guys, what, you spent 10 weeks — tell us, Chris, because I was down there at three different locations, in Arizona, San Diego and then at that corner by El Paso with New Mexico and Mexico. Saw a lot of it up front. What did you guys find?

CHRIS BURGARD, "THE MONTH OF OCTOBER": Yes, Sir. We saw... there is basically a war — to quote the people that live down there. There's basically a war going on. They think the Americans are losing. We saw ourselves, armed paramilitaries coming over the border, platoon sized strength. Very — Jay T. can talk to you about how well disciplined they were, military-wise speaking. And it is surreal in how bad it is down there and how Americans are living in fear, Americans are dying. Americans are fortifying their houses...

HANNITY: You know, Jay.T. I was down and literally I was at the site where people were getting arrested. I mean, I watched it regularly. And it just so happened I got to interview some people as they were caught by border patrol. And sure enough, the border patrol identified them.

By the next day there were gang members. They had rap sheets and they were coming to American cities to hurt Americans. You can only imagine, based on their background and that history what we found. But yet, we don't have the will to solve this problem. Why do you think that is?

J. T. ROCKWELL, "THE MONTH OF OCTOBER": We were asking that same question, why don't they close the back door on terrorism? And they're worried about the front door and locking down little old ladies in airports. But our whole backdoor is wide open. We were sitting there with 35 people walking right by us with military gear, you know.

And we thought it was just illegals, but no, it's terrorists coming across here, and who knows what they have in those backpacks.

HANNITY: You found — you found actual terrorists, Jay T.? You're sure that they're terrorists?

ROCKWELL: Yes, from what I gathered, the way that they were moving with their military tactics. When they come up to us and the weapons that they had sludge over their shoulders in the backpacks, it's just a flash back to the military training.

COLMES: Hey, Chris, what got you involved in this? Why did you decide to do this project?

CHRIS: I had heard about the Minutemen back in April, and I saw hospitals around me — I've got a ranch in Southern California — losing. I wanted to go see for myself what was going on. And it was just so much more overwhelming a problem than anything I had seen in television or read in the newspapers.

COLMES: ...what do you find out about — go ahead.

ROCKWELL: Go ahead, sir.

COLMES: I was going to ask you, there has been a lot of controversy about whether this is something that should be done exclusively by governmental authorities or whether citizens like the Minutemen should get involved who may not have the training that authorities actually have. Do you have a take on that?

The Minutemen proved that there is a problem and now in New Mexico, they have been replaced with the fourth striker bringing aid.

COLMES: Jay T., do you think we could double border patrol and actually fund this issue, we could fully solve the problem?

BURGARD: Yes, sir, I do — I think that's a really good question. The Minutemen proved that there was a problem, and now in New Mexico they've been replaced with the Fourth Striker Brigade. The Armored Cav is down there.

COLMES: Jay T., do you have a sense if we could just double-board a patrol, maybe complete the fence is they started and actually fully fund this issue, we could solve the problem.

BURGARD: Most definitely.

COLMES: If they fence us in and protect the border, there's places that're wide open. There's barbed wire fence across there.

BURGARD: Alan, let me speak to you about the border patrol. If they would let these fellows do their job.

Like, the night when we were — we were in a dead zone. Most of the border patrol radios don't work there. Now in between these two groups, a fellow comes in there and talk about kijones grandes, he goes after these guys with a flashlight, a 9mm pistol and a radio that does or doesn't work depending on how high his hill is. I mean, there is the will, there is the way. We have some brave individuals on the border patrol. You've got to give them the right tools.

COLMES: What did you see, Chris, that actually shocked you?

BURGARD: Guys with automatic weapons guarding mule — drug-carrying mules, walking 22 and a half yards away from my feet.

COLMES: And what level of security — are they — kind of reaction are these people getting from the authorities? What are the authorities doing about these people?

BURGARD: Zero. Zero. They have been abandoned by the government. Zero. You've got ranchers that have had upwards of 2,500 of these people in one night coming across their ranch.

You've got people that are finding 10 dead bodies, you know, in a space of a few months or a few years. It's past believable.

HANNITY: We quadruple...

ROCKWELL: A dead body is...

HANNITY: We've got to quadruple the number of border agents. We've got to let them out of the infrastructure. They can solve the problem, but there's no political will yet. And the American people have to let their politicians know about it. But guys, good to see you. Thank you.

BURGARD: Why do you think there's no will?

HANNITY: Because it's politics at work, isn't it, guys? Thanks. Good to see you all. Appreciate it.

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