Sen. Ron Johnson: 'Vast web' of corporate connections between Biden family, Chinese nationals

This is a rush transcript from “Hannity" September 23, 2020. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

SEAN HANNITY, FOX NEWS HOST: We do have breaking news tonight. Welcome to HANNITY. We are in the swamp

Washington, D.C.

We're reporting now, according to our affiliate, and that is WDRB, one

police officer confirmed shot in downtown Louisville.

And, by the way, tonight's ongoing protest. We're going to take you to the

scene. We have video coming in as we speak.

It is 9:00 p.m. in Kentucky, in Louisville, where a citywide curfew is now

in effect right now at this hour.

Businesses, local residents are bracing for a long night of unrest after a

grand jury indicted one now fired Louisville police officer with three

counts of first-degree wanton endangerment related to a raid that ended

with the shooting death of Breonna Taylor. Two other officers involved were

not indicted. As Tucker was just explaining, nine out of 12 grand jurors

need to agree on the indictment.

Now, the Kentucky attorney general, the investigation there, those two

officers actions, they are saying tonight it's justified. Again, we'll take

you live to this developing story on the ground throughout the night


At around 4:00 p.m., after several violent clashes, police did declare an

unlawful assembly in parts of the city. And they began making arrests.

Before that, "Townhall" reporter Julio Rosas posted this video to Twitter

where he witnessed a U-Haul truck pull up, distributing anarchist and other

antipolice signs and other, quote, "gear" to so-called demonstrators. We'll

have more details on the organization involved in all of this.

But, first, some background on Breonna Taylor and her tragic death.

By all accounts, Breonna Taylor was a kind, lovable, goal-oriented person.

She had two jobs. She worked as a life-saving EMT.

It was her passion, her calling in life. She worked at two different area


She had dreams of becoming a registered nurse. In other words, she embodied

everything great about "We, the American people".

Great American's doing great work every day for their fellow Americans. Her

calling, her passion was saving lives.

On March 12th, police obtained search warrants for five different locations

connected to a suspected crack dealer. That person's name is Jamarcus

Glover. One of the locations was Breonna Taylor's apartment.

Now, Taylor previously had dated Jamarcus Glover. And as of February 20th,

Glover allegedly, well, was listing her apartment as his home address which

was not. Detectives also witnessed Glover entering Taylor's apartment in

January to retrieve a package and deliver to a suspected drug house.

The warrant obtained for Ms. Taylor's apartment was something what they

call a no-knock warrant. That means the police, they were permitted, as

part of law enforcement strategy and techniques, to forcibly enter the home

without knocking. However, police reported that they did still knock and

identify themselves for a period of time before ramming the front door open

and according to the Kentucky attorney general, one witness, a neighbor,

heard in fact the officers identified themselves as police officers.

Now, at the time, shortly after midnight on March 13th, Breonna Taylor was

in the bedroom with her boyfriend, Kenneth Walker. Not her ex-boyfriend,

the suspected drug dealer. Walker claims police did not identify themselves

when asked.

When they broke down the door, he fired and he had a legally owned firearm.

He did injure one police officer. A gun battle ensued. Police proceed to

return fire and that killed Breonna Taylor in a hail of bullets. Eight

shots in total hit her.

No drugs were found in Taylor's apartment. The only officer charged today

by the grand jury was a detective by the name of Brett Hankinson who was

fired after his own department accused him of blindly firing ten rounds

into Taylor's apartment.

Keep in mind these are the rules. This is the system of justice they have

in Louisville. A grand jury is comprised of 12 individuals. To get an

indictment, nine of which have to vote to indict in order for someone to be

charged. The evidence in grand jury's is secret. And the defense is not

permitted to mount any case. This is just for an indictment. It wouldn't be

a guilty verdict.

The grand jury allegedly were briefed on all possible charges, everything

from capital murder to manslaughter to where we ended up for one police

officer wanton endangerment which is what Hankinson was ultimately charged


Now, tonight, of course, people all across the country morning the horrific

death of Breonna Taylor. We hope the protests tonight in honor of her life,

a peaceful life and save lives, that some and all don't have ulterior


In this country, we have a system of justice. We are guarded by laws. Is it

perfect? Nope. Can I think of a better system? Is there a better system?

Not that I have heard.

Judges, juries, grand juries, trials. We believe the presumption of

innocence. We believe all the facts should come in. We believe we shouldn't

rush to judgment. Now, within this system, we can and should always make

improvements, pursue a more perfect union as we attempt to make this

country a more perfect place for everybody. Mob rule, anarchy, violence,

arson, vandalism, shooting police officers, hurling rocks and bricks and

Molotov cocktails and frozen water bottles, using hockey sticks, canes,

knives and guns against cops, that has to end, because that will lead to

nothing about more heartache and more suffering, burning down, well, fellow

citizens' businesses, putting innocent people in harm's way, kids getting

shot from the ages of 1 to 7 to 8 to 19 in every age in between.

In a scathing email to colleagues, the officer who was shot during the

Taylor incident accused city leaders of not caring about police at all, or

their families at all. He spoke out against violent protests had encouraged

his fellow police officers to do what they need to do to go home to their

families. That sounds a lot like, well, I should make a left turn into my

job I think I'm going to go right because I don't think anyone's going to

have my back. Anyway you look at all of this, it's a tragedy.

And tonight, we pray this horrible situation is not exacerbated any


Here with a full report live on the ground in Louisville is our very own

Jeff Paul.

Jeff, let's get an update.

JEFF PAUL, FOX NEWS CORRESPONDENT:  Yeah, Sean, right around 8:30, we kind

of started to hear people talking about the officer who was shot about a

mile or so away from where we are here in Jefferson Park here in downtown

Louisville, and again, local affiliates reporting that an officer has been

shot about a mile away from here. What we don't know is if this was at all

related to the protests or things happening downtown, because of course

these officers still have a job to do no matter if there's protests are


However, this is what the scene is at the moment as we go into about our

six or seven, minute six or seven of the curfew that was put in place

around 9:00 a.m. you see some state police out here kind of standing here

waiting is the was going to happen. There's still a few people who've been

protesting out here standing around, not exact sure what they'll be doing

next. As you go a little further to your left, you'll see what we have been

kind of thing happening out here -- some garbage cans that have been set on

fire. In fact, that particular one when we were doing our live report about

an hour ago exploded right in front of us.

I think there was some sort of aerosol or something like that in it. But

for the most part of the day during the day several hours in the marches

that happen throughout downtown, it was fairly peaceful. When it started

getting dark and when the protesters started getting closer to the mayor's

house, that's when things started to get violent between police and

protesters -- Sean.

HANNITY:  Jeff, I want to ask you, I saw earlier, once the grand jury had

made their decision, I saw people with long rifles walking through the

streets. What are the laws there? And at this hour, do people seem to be --

well, listening to and following the curfew that's been put in place?

PAUL:  Yeah, I noticed that when I got here. It is open carry here. Our

security guy with the said hey, this is Kentucky. Didn't see anybody into

the evening out here with any sort of rifle or anything like that.

As you can see, it's fairly quiet here in downtown. There are some protests

and people marching throughout the downtown area. Where we are, it's been

sort of ground zero for the protests for Breonna Taylor, it started to

really quiet down as we get into the night.

HANNITY:  All right, Jeff Paul on the ground for us tonight. We'll go back

to you throughout the evening and continue to monitor the developing


Our thoughts and prayers with the family of this officer just shot. We'll

have more details coming up. Apparently we have a video incoming.

Also breaking tonight, we turn to a bombshell new development that you to

mutely disqualify Joe Biden from being the president of the United States.

A brutal new U.S. Senate report is now revealing shocking and new details

about the illicit and corrupt activities of Joe Biden's adult son, Hunter,

and how he profited while his father was in charge of Ukrainian policy and

other countries as well.

We have long reported these findings confirm zero experienced Hunter,

remember he said to ABC, any experience in oil? Nope. Gas? No. Energy?

Nope. Ukraine? No.

Why do you think you got millions of dollars? I don't know. Maybe because

your father was in charge of Ukrainian money and policies? Probably.

Anyway, he did get millions from a corrupt gas and oil company called

Burisma Holdings. Now, Hunter had zero experience in all of this. Still,

Hunter was rewarded with this lucrative position because his father, the

vice president, Joe Biden, was in fact in charge of America's Ukraine

policies on tape bragging about what he did.

As you probably remember, then-Vice President Biden leveraged a billion

U.S. tax dollars to get a Ukrainian prosecutor fired. You're going to fire

this guy who's investigating my zero experienced son being -- well, paid

millions for corruption and other parts of the investigation, or you're not

getting the money.

And you have six hours. Son of a B, they did it. Remember all that, that

the media mob and Democrats ignored? Well, there's a lot more to the story.

It turns out this is only the tip of the iceberg. In fact, according to the

Senate's findings, Hunter Biden and his family received millions of dollars

from foreign nationals with questionable backgrounds. According to the

report, Hunter actually raked in a whopping $3.5 million from the wife of

the former mayor of Moscow, as in Russia, via a wire transfer. Hunter also

opened a joint bank account with a Chinese national in order to fund a

$100,000 shopping spree for members of his family.

And that's not all. Joe Biden's experience, which was zero, also scored

lucrative multi-million-dollar business deals with foreign nationals

associated with, you got it, China's communist party and China's military.

And when you think it couldn't get any worse, think again. By the way,

maybe that expands why Joe Biden refused to support the travel ban had was

more concerned about how China felt about America than he did about keeping

Americans safe when Donald Trump put it in place ten days after the first

identified case of coronavirus.

Hunter Biden was allegedly using some of his money to hire apparently

prostitutes from Russia and other Eastern European countries who are the

victims of a sex trafficking ring. That is in the report. The report

determine that all of these are problematic activities, problematic

business dealings. It creates serious counterintelligence and extortion


In fact, Joe Biden, John Kerry, other high-ranking Obama administration

officials, they were specifically briefed on the serious concerns

surrounding Hunter Biden and the compromised position of Joe Biden.

According to the report, the Obama administration, quote, knew that Hunter

Biden's position on Burisma's board was problematic and did interfere with

the efficient execution of policy with respect to Ukraine.

But despite getting briefed about his son's illicit activities, Joe Biden

claimed, I've never spoken to my son about his overseas business deals.

Well, Joe, it looks like you might be caught in the big fat lie tonight.

Why did you allow your son to use your position as vice president as

leverage to make millions of dollars from sketchy oligarchs. Russia, China,

Ukraine, all over the world.

Did you make any money from these deals? Is this why you refused to stand

up to China and refused to support the travel ban and you'd rather attack

Donald Trump? Who wisely implement in the travel ban ten days after the

first identified case of corona. Was Joe Biden compromise?

Now, is it because maybe he wanted more deals for Hunter? Why? So the

family could get even more millions? Remember, you got the $1.5 billion

deal with the Bank of China. He had no experience there either, meaning

zero experience Hunter.

And will anyone in the mob and the media, will they ever ask Joe Biden

serious question about what is an earth shattering scandal?

Imagine if this was Donald Trump Jr. or Eric Trump or Ivanka Trump or

Barron Trump. Imagine the hysteria. Apparently -- or Tiffany Trump.

Imagine when your name is Hunter Biden and your dad is running as a

Democrat for president of the United States, let's see, taking money from

Russian oligarchs, Ukrainian oligarchs, meaning billion-dollar deals with

China, taking the entire family on shopping sprees, complements of the

Communist Party of China, sending money to foreign prostitutes were being

sex trafficked and no one in the media mob bats an eyelash?

Here with more is Senator Ron Johnson, the great state of Wisconsin. He led

this investigation. He's the chairman of the Senate Homeland Security


Senator, I don't get shocked very often. Joe always said no serious person

thought this was a big deal when he's on tape bragging about -- well,

you're not getting a billion dollars unless you fire a Ukrainian

prosecutor, it turned out who was investigating his son who had no

experience that was being paid millions. It's a lot deeper than that now.

SEN. RON JOHNSON (R-WI):  Hello, Sean.

My thoughts and prayers also go out to that Louisville police officer and

his family. This left-wing inspired rioting and anarchy has to end. We

simply can't allow America to go down this path.

But our report basically followed the money, and it is amazing just kind of

watching the mainstream media's coverage of this. They're just shrugging.

They're saying, oh, it's old news. It's not old news.

We've laid out, according to our report, on China, there exists a vast web

of corporate connections and financial transactions between and among the

Biden family and Chinese nationals. And some of these Chinese nationals

have connections to the current communist government and past affiliations

to the People's Liberation Army.

This is serious business here and let's face it, all these investigations

against the Trumps are always justified by the fact that can you imagine

President Trump if he has all these entanglements, the blackmail potential?

Well, take a look at the Bidens, the way they've been following the vice

president around hovering out cash all around the world, I would think that

represents pretty strong potential conflict of interest, extortion,

counterintelligence risks that we simply can't ignore.

HANNITY:  Well, now, there were numerous warnings -- one, by the way, came

from the guy George Kent who we remember from the case involving what was

going on in this ridiculous impeachment. You know, compared to, you know, a

phone call that was -- I didn't hear anything wrong on that phone call of

President Zelinsky. You're talking about major millions of dollars.

But this goes, what? To Russia. This goes to Ukraine. This goes to China.

This goes to other countries.

Did he have any experience, Hunter Biden, to do any of these deals paying

him millions?

JOHNSON:  Not that we're aware of. What's kind of odd, we also found out

from George Kent that seven months after Hunter Biden joined the board of

Burisma supposedly to consult on corporate governance and transparency, but

Burisma basically paid a $7 million bribe to end the investigations into

their owner, Zlochevsky.

So, Hunter Biden wasn't exactly doing a good job corporate governance and

transparency from that standpoint, was he?

HANNITY:  And they tried to warn numerous times about the compromised


Apparently, John Kerry had knowledge of Hunter's role in the Burisma board,

for example, but said flatly, oh, I had no knowledge when in fact, he did

have knowledge. Other people knew it as well.

There were numerous attempts to warn the administration. Everybody -- there

were pretty much everybody seemed to know it was problematic, is that true,


JOHNSON:  Well, there were certainly a lot of memos going around the State

Department. Everybody knew how bad a conflict of interest this was and how

it was going to frustrate their attempts to really carry out America's

policy to help rid Ukrainians of corruption.

But Amos Hochstein who is a special envoy into Ukraine, he's the only

individual that we know actually talk to the vice president about that, and

you mentioned earlier that the vice president basically denied ever talking

to Biden or Hunter about his overseas business traveling. First of all, I

never believe that. I mean, how can you spend an entire trip flying over to

China with your father in Air Force Two and not talk about what you're

going to do?

But Amos Hochstein now said that he talked to the vice president. The vice

president then apparently talked to Hunter who set up a meeting with Amos

Hochstein to talk about this conflict of interest.

So I think we've caught the vice president and I hate saying it, a lie.

HANNITY:  Let's talk about Hunter's business dealings with Russia. Let's

talk about his business dealings with China. Let's talk about the monies

that were being sent around to unsavory characters that potentially were

involved in, what, sex trafficking schemes. What did you find?

JOHNSON:  Well, in terms of sex trafficking, I'll just read from the report

because I want to get this right.

Hunter Biden paid non-resident women who were nationals of Russia or other

Eastern European countries who appear to be linked to a, quote, Eastern

European prostitution or human trafficking ring. Now, we've got a little

more detail in some of our footnotes.

But again, we were just following the money. We were looking at all these

financial transactions that should raise all kinds of concerns throughout

America and particularly the mainstream media.

So, the question really is, Sean, is the mainstream media going to start

asking and asking questions and demanding answers from the vice president?

HANNITY:  Yeah. Well, so Hunter had business with Russian oligarch. Hunter

was doing business deals making wire transfers with Russian citizens,

Ukrainian citizens. I mean -- it's pretty breathtaking. I'm sure the media

mob -- I mean, they protected Hunter and Joe you know all throughout the

impeachment and said, oh, there's no serious person believes anything wrong


Would this subject the vice president of the United States potentially to

blackmail, sir?

JOHNSON:  That's the concern -- you know, the extortion threat here. And

again, I'll repeat, all the justification for the investigations of Donald

Trump and his possible business dealings in Russia are always predicated on

the fact that if he has those entanglements, just think of the blackmail

that somebody could engage in against the president United States.

Well, take what they were alleging that Donald Trump did, all false

allegations, and then take that and look at the Biden family, and it's an

order magnitude worse -- many, many orders of magnitude worse. Again, the

entanglements just with -- just within China, you know, these individuals,

there's -- there's millions of dollars of cash flow going back and forth

between China and the U.S.

And there's a dual use auto parts company that Hunter helped a Chinese

company gain control over potentially for the benefit of the People's

Liberation Army. Again, there's just so much here. There's so much detail

that needs to be investigated.

And so, we're hoping is this report provides a lot of detail and people

start connecting more dots and hopefully, hopefully, the American -- the

mainstream media will actually start asking questions so the American

people are informed before this election.

HANNITY:  Senator, thank you for the good work you've done. The American

people need to fully, completely understand this before they start voting.

In 41 days, we have an election in this country. Some states voting early.

We look forward to further updates and we will stay on this completely when

the media has ignored it up to now. Thank you, sir.

Imagine the outrage in the media if this type of -- well, Senate report

came out about one of the kids of President Donald Trump, instead of Hunter


Here with -- author about this and the ongoing -- well, unrest that we see

going on tonight, Louisville, Kentucky is the author of "Liberal Privilege:

Joe Biden, The Democrats and Their Defense of the Indefensible".

OK, if I remember correctly, Donald Trump Jr., good to see you. Thank you

for being with us.

We're going to get back to breaking news in a second, but if I remember,

you were in one meeting or, apparently, you thought you were going to be

talking about one topic and they accused you of talking about another and

you felt it was a waste of time, ended it in pretty short order, everybody

confirmed that that was the case. Imagine if you did these things.


pretty. I'd be in jail right now.

The reality, I took a meeting with someone who had looked at a business

deal because, unlike Hunter, we were actually international business people

prior to getting into politics. Hunter, it seems was able to leverage his

father's vice presidency into multi -- hundreds of millions of dollars in

free fees.

But the one that's more scary to me since, you know, they're not worried

about China at all, according to Joe, it's not a threat. So, $1.5 billion

to Hunter from China which translates roughly to about $30 million a year

in fees in a typical fund model, $30 million a year to Hunter, that's no

big deal, but what about the $3.5 million from the wife of the former mayor

of Moscow?

Just so you know, the mayor of Moscow, this is like a known person tied to

Putin. This is not something that's ambiguous. This is not something that's

up in the air. This is a known direct link to Putin paying Hunter $3.5

million. If that's not Russia collusion, I don't know what is.

I took a 20-minute meeting, I did 30 hours plus of testimony between the

House and the Senate, not because I did anything wrong, but they were

hoping that you know what if I misspoke, if, Sean, if I said the meeting

happened at 12:01, no, no, it was 12:02, I'd be in jail right now.

The fact that they're not looking into it, the fact that some of these

monies are tied to human trafficking and prostitution is absolutely

disgusting and they're turning a blind eye to this. If I did one-one

hundredth of what Hunter has done and continues to do sitting on the boards

of these Chinese companies today, shipping jobs from places like Michigan

and Wisconsin, back over to China for the automotive company, et cetera, if

I did one-one hundredth of it, Sean, I'd be in jail and it'd be the biggest

news story of the decade.


TRUMP JR.:  We'd hear about it every day asking Donald Trump to drop out of

the race.

HANNITY:  Stay right there. We do have breaking news.

As we go on the ground, we now are getting reports that, in fact, two

police officers have been shot tonight in Louisville and transported to

university hospital.

Here with the very latest on the ground is Matt Finn.

Matt, we have metro police apparently confirming that another officer was

shot tonight?

MATT FINN, FOX NEWS CORRESPONDENT:  Yeah, Sean, we have a crew on the way

to that shooting scene right now and we will bring the latest from that


I just want to show you what's happening here really in the heart of

downtown Louisville. Police are -- people tried setting this facility on

fire earlier tonight and police came rushing out of there and protesters

threw objects at police they declared this an unlawful assembly there are

remnants of fires all around this area. In fact, there's still a smaller

fire still burning in this area.

But right now, we are past that curfew time so police are out here, you

know, warning people that this is an unlawful assembly. They told people

over and over again to clear this area, and there's still some people

hanging out, you know, screaming profanities at police, trying to agitate

them. But for now, this is a much calmer scene than just even a few hours

ago when there was hundreds and hundreds of people out here and police

declare this an unlawful assembly and they warn people that they would be


And just a short distance from here, our understanding is that two police

officers were shot here tonight in Louisville. We don't have any word on

their condition, but we will bring that to you soon as we get it, Sean.

HANNITY:  Matt, what do we know about apparently there's reports that

earlier that we had an eyewitness here, see a truck that had things that

they were distributing to anarchists which would indicate that they were

planning for trouble very early on in the day and that -- that, for

example, they were they were hooks (ph) I guess giving out to different

people that were there. I guess fellow anarchists, you know, all sorts of

water bottles and signs and other things distributed, we don't know for

sure everything that was given out.

But apparently, this -- there was some planning involved in tonight's --

well, what happened tonight in a lot of different ways. What can you tell

us about it?

FINN:  Well, Sean, just a short while ago I saw several people throwing

objects at police, water bottles at police. You know, we saw people

lighting fires. On our air just a short while ago, someone threw what

appeared to be a firework into a lit fire causing that to explode. So there

was obviously some type of orchestration or planned gathering here tonight.

The police did come out in force though and they warn people over and over

again here, that this is an unlawful assembly and they warn people to go


And so, people -- the protesters did flee this area, they did kind of

respond to the police warnings. Now, you can see that the police are still

out here, the bobcats are out here. Police are out in full force keeping an

eye on the people who are still, you know, lingering in this area.

We know from recent protests that, unfortunately, in the late night hours,

bad actors often take advantage of this situation. So police are out here

in full force right now. There is lot order there is peace here but

unfortunately not far from here two police officers apparently shot tonight

so there is even more tragedy in this story, Sean.

HANNITY:  All right, Matt, we just got video in. We've not been able to

independently confirm it, but it seems like others in the media are.

Lex 18 News has now confirmed our reporting that two officers with the

Louisville Metro Police Department have been shot. Let's just roll it.

Apparently, it's sound of the events of one of the officers being shot.

Let's listen.


HANNITY:  I will go back to the scene in a moment.

Let's get some reaction, though. Don Jr. is still with us. "Liberal

Privilege", his new book that is out.

You know, I watch the chaos every single night and I see your dad has been

out there regularly, begging mayors in liberal cities, run by liberal

Democrats for decades to restore order and safety and security, rejected. I

see governors in blue states rejecting your father's attempts to help keep

people safe and secure.

They have to ask and invite him in. Otherwise, he'd have to literally use

the Insurrection Act of 1807, not something any president would ever want

to do lightly.

When he has gone in Don Jr., he has successfully restored order, Kenosha,

Wisconsin, Minneapolis, Washington, D.C., three quick examples. Your

reaction to these events tonight because it sounds like some of this

activity and assault on police where two are now shot and confirmed

tonight. By the way, we're awaiting a police press conference maybe


That that you have these groups that are planning violence and they

literally infiltrate themselves among some people that are genuine peaceful

protesters but it's happening in every big city run by liberal Democrats

for decades.

TRUMP JR.:  I mean, honestly, Sean, it seems like the first time in America

where if you're in these liberal cities with liberal leadership, you can

actually get into more trouble for opening up your business to feed your

family than you do for burning down someone else's.

You know, we all said what happened to Breonna Taylor was dead wrong. It

should not have happened. Everyone acknowledges that.

Rand Paul was the champion of the legislation with her name on it and he

was attacked leaving the White House with people screaming at him to say

his name.

When you combine that -- or say her name -- when you combine that with

trucks showing up with supplies, you start to realize that this isn't an

organic peaceful protest gone wrong. This is anarchy. There are peaceful

protesters doing the right thing and I think that's wonderful. That's very


But what's going on when police officers are shot, when Democrat mayors are

turning a blind eye, when they're more worried about protecting arsonists,

vandals, looters and outright criminals than they are about the citizens of

these towns, it's absolutely disgusting.

So, you know, I condemn in all ways shape and form what's going on to the

police officers who are just out there serving.

Again, as I spoke even in my RNC speech about what happened to George

Floyd, that should not happen. That was wrong. The only thing is everyone

in America acknowledged that was wrong.

Police officers mostly, importantly, they were the ones leading the charge

saying it's that that's wrong because they know when that happens, it makes

their job harder. Just because there's a bad apple doesn't mean that the

99.999 percent of police officers out there risking their lives for us

every day aren't incredible people, and we have to defend them.

But the silence from the media is deafening, that this has been going on

for four months in these Democrat cities with Democrat states, as you said,

Democrat city councils, Democrat rule for decades, and it took Chris Cuomo

and Don Lemon on CNN to say, hey, guys, this is starting to affect us in

the polls. Maybe we should actually come out against it.

I wonder if we're going to hear that from the media and the Democrats

because they're one of the same. I wonder if they're going to condemn it.


HANNITY:  We need to burn the system down, Don, didn't we hear from

Democrats this week that they'll eliminate the legislative filibuster,

didn't they hear the talk about stacking the courts, didn't we hear talk

about ending the Electoral College, didn't we hear the speaker of the House

talk about, you know, the Republicans are the enemy of democracy and they

can impeach the president any day of the week that they want.

So -- 

TRUMP JR.:  A hundred percent, Sean, that's the reality. They've been

talking about this stuff forever, like we, they pretend like, oh, because

you're doing this, now, we're going to -- you think Chuck Schumer wasn't

going to do that anyway. You think they weren't going to stack the courts


That's why I wrote "Liberal Privilege", because I get to hear a lot about

privilege these days, and God knows I am blessed.

But the liberals can do whatever they want. They don't have a check and

balance. There's no one in media that's not a left-wing activist anymore.

There's no pretense even at this point of objectivity. They can do and say

anything. They can create rules that they don't have to play by.

The son of the vice president, the guy that wants to be president from the

Democrat side can be involved with sex trafficking, taking millions from

Russian oligarchs with ties to Vladimir Putin and it's nothing. But if I

take a 20-minute meeting, they want to put me in jail for treason. That's

liberal privilege.

That's what Americans have to see. That is the hatred and the bias that the

average American is getting their news from, when a grand jury in an

impartial process doesn't give them the answer they want, they can burn

down cities and states and then they threaten it congressmen and women out

there saying, hey, you know what, we should just burn it all down.

You think that if Joe Biden wins, you think that problem's going to go away

or you think it's going to embolden these criminals. I think it emboldens

them. The fact that prosecutors in California are saying, well, we'll see

if there was a need or a social justice reason for the looting and the

writing because nothing screams social justice, Sean, quite like stealing a

62-inch flat screen.

It's insanity. The left has lost control. They don't understand what's

right and wrong anymore, and they're pushing what's wrong.

HANNITY:  I've never heard these kind of threats ever before a temper

tantrum, 29 times in an election year Donald Trump Jr., there have been

Supreme Court vacancies all 29 times, presidents have appointed a nominee.

Thank you for being with us.

We're getting Bernie Kerik, former NYPD commissioner.

As I watch this video, I am appalled that the leadership in the state of

Kentucky -- I believe they have a Democratic governor. Anyway, they should

have had thousands of national guards standing by to respond.

My sources in the White House said that that help was offered tonight and

that calls were made. We have unconfirmed reports that the FBI apparently

is on the scene now in Louisville an unconfirmed report and we expect a

police press conference any moment now, where they may have suspects in

custody after two officers as we now have confirmed have been shot in

tonight's activities.

Earlier in the show, we reported in fact that a truck was identified as

having been -- well, pre-positioned, if you will, to give supplies to those

that were preparing for a night of anarchy.

Now, the effect the curfew went into effect 35 minutes ago at 9:00 p.m.

Eastern. Unfortunately, the mob and the media is using the case to fuel

more baseless smears against police and law enforcement officers.

Listen to what this one MSDNC, state-run TV, for all things radical

Democratic socialists said today about the Kentucky Attorney General Daniel

Cameron who happens to be an African-American. Listen to this.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE:  Well, listen, not only is he being intellectually

dishonest about that, you know, I find all of his remarks with regards to

this whole entire press conference offensive. And let me just speak to this

whole celebrity influencer thing while they can't speak for Kentuckians,

let me say this is a black woman. He does not speak for black folks. He's

skin folk but he is not kin folk. And so, just like he thinks they can't

speak for Kentucky because he's up there with a black face, he does not

speak for all of us.

This was not a tragedy. This was a murder. He should be ashamed of himself.


HANNITY:  You can disagree but the law is the law, that this grand jury,

you need nine out of 12, to indict no defense is presented. Every option,

including, yep, capital murder, were presented before the grand jury, and

of all the charges, this is what they came up with. If you don't like what

the grand jury did or said, well, take it up with them. I can't think of a

better system.

Remarks like that are repulsive. They're disgusting. They're despicable,

frankly deranged. But unfortunately, it's what we've come to expect from

the new extreme Democratic Party and the hate Trump media.

Matt Finn, he's on the ground still in Louisville. We can now confirm at

the Fox News Channel, it is true, two police officers have been shot and

there is a report there may be a suspect that is in custody. Any update on

that we expect to hear from the police department any moment now.

Matt Finn, a FOX News reporter on the ground reporting for us. What do you


Sean, we are anticipating perhaps a press conference in a short while where

we'll get much more information about these apparent two officers shot not

far from here in Louisville. Right now, we are in the heart the downtown of

Louisville, basically outside of city hall and some federal buildings.

And there are still people lingering. You know, some people shining

profanities at police. Police are protecting this area. They declared an

unlawful assembly here.

We saw people chuck objects at police, throw water bottles at police, try

to start fires at the base of a justice center here. There's still some

small lingering fires. And this area here for many weeks and months has

been ground zero for protests and demonstrations.

There is a memorial for Breonna Taylor, but unfortunately here, tonight,

there was you know perhaps some criminal activity as people were lighting

fires and chucking objects at police and there are still helicopters

hovering above. There is a very strong law enforcement presence here

tonight. Law enforcement from our angle did apparently gain some control

and establish some peace here after declaring that unlawful assembly.

But unfortunately, it is late at night. There are people still laying

around here. There are people yelling profanities at police so you could

see that law enforcement is still keeping their line pretty strong here.

And, Sean, we'll bring the latest on this tragedy of two officers shot here

in Louisville. Back to you.

HANNITY:  Any evidence of the National Guard on the scene, reports that the

FBI may now also be on the ground.

FINN:  The governor said he was writing -- willing to activate the National

Guard. I have not seen them personally, but we have seen dozens if not

hundreds of law enforcement in all types of crowd control gear here.

HANNITY:  We see this building, Matt, all day I was watching the FOX News

Channel -- 

FINN:  What's that?

HANNITY:  We saw this building. We saw -- I was watching on our channel --

I was watching people with long rifles marching through the streets and the

crowd growing by the minute that might have been an indication of the

governor maybe it's time. I know it was offered. Help was offered from the


All right. Thank you.

Here with reaction, FOX News contributor Dan Bongino, along with FOX News

correspondent at large Geraldo Rivera, civil rights attorney, Leo Terrell.

Before we get to the events, Leo Terrell, you are an attorney. You're a

civil rights attorney. You've also -- you've been in a lot of lawsuits

involving police.

Look at the case of Breonna Taylor. Look at what we learned today, look at

the grand jury's decision. I could understand people's disappointment.

This sounds like just a beautiful woman and just a tragedy on so many

levels. The attorney general, prosecutors, they presented every possible

option to the grand jury in terms of what they can charge, including

capital murder. This is their decision. You need nine out of 12 to get an


You don't hear from the defense when you're making a case for an

indictment. It's not like -- why do you think the grand jury came up with

this decision because it sounds to me if you can't get 9 out of 12 for the

for the charge of murder or the other charges, that that -- it would mean

you're never going to get a capital murder conviction where you need 12 out

of 12.

LEO TERRELL, CIVIL RIGHTS ATTORNEY:  You're 100 percent correct. And as a

civil rights attorney for 30 years, the grand jury got it right. Let me see

if I could capitalize it in a nutshell. Those officers were fired upon by

Breonna Taylor's boyfriend.

It was a tragic situation, don't get me wrong. But the officers -- 

HANNITY:  And no knock warrant.

TERRELL:  Yes, but the -- you know, the civilian upstairs who heard the

officers announced themselves and once those officers came in, they were

fired upon. Those officers have a legal right to defend himself and that's

why the grand jury did not come back with any form of murder charges. They

came back with the recklessness of the shooting of the third officer who in

my opinion is going to use the argument that he heard that this shot was

fired and they were justified in firing. He was a reckless shooter.

But let me be very clear, that tape that you showed of that woman talking

about race is ridiculous. She doesn't know about the composition of the

grand jury and for her to inject race in this and to attack the attorney

general, his color is irrelevant. The facts support the justification by

this grand jury and what I'm saying is, is that the Democrats and that

woman on MSNBC is playing the race card.

This was not a racially motivated shooting. It was a tragic shooting that

needs police reform.

HANNITY:  Let me go, apparently, the National Guard was in Louisville, and

to the governor's credit, I correct a report by one of our reporters

earlier is in Louisville. The governor authorized late this afternoon.

Geraldo, you've been -- you've been a street reporter all these years.

You've been in situations like this and some even worse. You see what's


You -- you're also a lawyer. Your reaction to the grand jury and your

reaction to the -- to the verdict of the grand jury, decision by the grand



warrant was legal, Sean, and the FBI is investigating that right now and I

have no reason to believe that that it was anything but legal, the warrant

those cops, bang, bang, bang, police smashing the door. The guy shoots a

cop, so he shoots the cop, he uses deadly force against the police. And

what are the cops supposed to do?

They -- you know, they're charged, they're worried one of them officer has

been shot. Of course, they fired back. It's -- it wasn't even a close call.

And I predicted it, it was -- it was always going to be this way because of

the hype of the people who are anti-cop into fermenting this hatred. This

is what happened. People are disappointed and they're outraged..

But I have to say this about the people, the sniper or snipers who shot

those cops. They have defiled the memory of Breonna Taylor. They have

defaced the memory of Breonna Taylor.

You, to your credit, Sean, portrayed her as she should have been, as an

emergency room technician, a hard-working person shot to death six times in

her bed. My goodness, of course, the -- there's enormous sympathy for her

as there should be. But to then have anarchists, the disgusting cop

shooters shoot from the -- you know, snipe at the night to try to kill

cops, it is absolutely counterproductive. It is in its own way so viciously

anti-American, Sean.

HANNITY:  By the way, we now got an update that the National Guard is

protecting the hospital where the wounded police are now being cared for.

Apparently, helicopters now with -- are now circling all throughout

Louisville. Police seem to now have a handle on the situation.

Dan Bongino, your years in law enforcement, a no-knock warrant, by the way,

and again, this was a different boyfriend of Breonna Taylor. We now have

the context of a former boyfriend involved in activity. There have been a

lot of surveillance that have been ongoing.

No knock warrant, police come in, legal firearm of Breonna Taylor's

boyfriend. He doesn't -- he didn't break any law, neither did Breonna

Taylor. There were no drugs found there. But after months of surveillance,

this is what had happened.

But they came in, they were fired upon, police in that situation are -- I

would think probably or as the attorney general laid out painfully, it just

seems like a tragedy on so many levels, but there is context, there is

texture, it is deeper than talking points of people that rush to judgment,

don't believe in due process that have celebrity status that create

expectations when maybe the facts will never get us to what they're where

they're saying it's going.

DAN BONGINO, FOX NEWS CONTRIBUTOR:  Yes, Sean, this has to stop. When I say

this, I mean, there are police use of force incidents in the country and

unfortunate that happened. Police are forced to deal with people at their

worst moments, not because they want to, because that's their job.

When people are robbed, they're burglarized or raped or assaulted, they

call the police. They don't call their parents. They call the police.

The police show up first when you dial 911. That's why they're there. That

creates a very dangerous situation. But law and order, we get the law part,

what's the order part? That's process and facts, Sean, and not every single

tragedy involves a police. It's a criminal act.

And by firing everybody up like that MSNBC anchor speaking to things she

doesn't even know, this is what you get, you get police officers shot

before our trials even happened.

HANNITY:  All right. I got to thank you all.

You know, 4,000 homicides in the city of Chicago alone in the eight years,

Joe Biden's vice president, Barack Obama's president, to almost 20,000

shot, I never heard a word -- basically I think we were the only show to

scroll the names of the people murdered, the names of the people shot.

And Joe Biden, police become the enemy -- of course, we're going to we're

going to redirect funds. And Kamala Harris, oh, I praised the LAPD, $150

million in cuts. In New York City, a billion dollar cut to the NYPD.


I've said and I can -- this is not going to end well. And then cops are

afraid to do their jobs.

When we come back, we'll monitor the breaking news. Two police officers

shot in Louisville, and as a result of the anarchy that has unfolded

tonight in the wake of the grand jury decision from earlier today. We're

awaiting a press conference from the police.

Please stay with the FOX News Channel for more breaking news.


HANNITY:  All right. Back to Louisville. Our own Jeff Paul on the scene

where two police officers were shot tonight in Louisville.

You know, I saw them lining up today and the crowd getting bigger and

bigger. People with their guns out. Hard to predict tonight could be an

awful night.

I do give the governor credit. We misreported earlier that he had not

brought in the guard. He apparently did bring in the National Guard --


PAUL:  Yeah, he deftly brought in the National Guard. In fact, we have seen

them out patrolling the streets throughout the afternoon and into the

evening. But you can see there's a huge police presence behind us here. We

believe this is a block or so away from where not one but two officers were

reportedly shot here just behind us.

And just outside of downtown Louisville now. This is on the heels of some

very fiery protests after the announcement was made regarding the Breonna

Taylor case. But we should be clear, it's unknown if this is in fact

related to the protesting, but you've got to think, Louisville is a big

city. There is still going to be police officers out here doing their job

in addition to monitoring what's happening with the protests.

So, we're hoping to get an update in the next hour to get more information.

We should also mention that this shooting happened just a block away from

the hospital. There is a hospital right behind where I am looking this way

off to the side of the lane. So, we don't know the condition of the

officers or what led up to it but we are hoping to get more information --


HANNITY:  Keep us in the loop. We're also awaiting a press conference from

the police. Karl Rove was with us, the architect.

We have a debate in six nights, Karl Rove. I would assume this would be a

big topic in that debate. Kamala Harris praising defunding the police.

Kamala Harris literally advertising a fund to get anarchists out with bail.

Joe Biden talking about redirecting money from the cops, and cops becoming

the enemy. How big of an issue?

KARL ROVE, FOX NEWS CONTRIBUTOR:  Well, every time we have one of these

incidents, it becomes an issue. Remember, we have two concurrent majorities

in America. People who believe that the right to protest, as Eric -- as

Donald Trump Jr. said earlier, it's American to go out and say we protest

this, and to do so peacefully.

There was an Ipsos Reid poll that showed that about 73 percent, three out

of every four Americans believed that protests like those that followed

George Floyd and then followed Breonna Taylor are justified and worthy of

support. Four out of 5 Americans, 70, nearly 80 percent, said any violence

connected to those protests violated the purpose of those protests and it

was inappropriate and should be prosecuted.

So, we have a concurrent majority here who says -- 


HANNITY:  What about the rhetoric -- what about the silence, Karl? The DNC

on violence in our cities? What about defunding the police?

ROVE:  Look, this is what -- yeah, look, this is why I don't get it because

there's a big majority in America who believes those two things and yet the

Democrats can't bring themselves to do anything except call everything a

peaceful protest, and cannot bring themselves except in a very rare moment

to gently chide the protesters.


HANNITY:  Biden is talking about redirecting funds and police be the enemy.

ROVE:  Oh, no, totally, totally.

HANNITY:  Kamala Harris is helping raise money to get people out of jail

and praising defunding.

ROVE:  Well, you forgot Bloomberg who's putting $16 million to pay the

fines of people who've been criminally indicted, criminally charged, found

guilty and obligated to make restitution to their victims. And he's -- and

rather than saying you are personally responsible for what you say and what

you do, he is stepping in and say, don't worry about it. I'm going to pick

up your fine so that you can vote.

HANNITY:  Let me add to this -- 29 times, 29 presidents nominated in an

election year. OK. Now are going to throw into end the legislative

filibuster. Now are going to threaten to stack the courts, eliminate the

Electoral College and impeach the president every day.

We have 20 seconds. Wow.

ROVE:  Wait a minute, wait a minute, wait a minute. You are referring to

Don Lemon, aren't you, when you talked about those things?

HANNITY:  No, I'm referring to the Democratic Party.

ROVE:  Well, no, no, Don Lemon. You have thought he said, we're going to

have to blow up the entire system. But listen to the tape, he really said,

we're going to have to blue up the entire system. You may not know this,

but the 2020 color of the year is blue. That's what Don Lemon said.

You may have thought, he said, we're going to have to get rid of the

Electoral College. But if you listen closely -- 

HANNITY:  I've got to run.

ROVE:  -- he said, you're going to have to get rid of the electoral

collagen. I mean, you are misquoting Don Lemon.

HANNITY:  He was misunderstood.

Thank you, Karl. Sorry we are racing out.

We'll continue.


HANNITY: All right. That's all the time we have left this evening.

Tomorrow, 40 days until you are the ultimate jury. We are praying for the

officers, their families and for peace for the people of Louisville and

around the country.

Stay with the FOX News Channel on continuing coverage.

Let not your heart be troubled.

Laura -- my heart is troubled, Laura.

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