Seeking Justice: Army Captain's Murder Unsolved Four Years Later

This is a rush transcript from "On the Record ," June 5, 2008. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

GRETA VAN SUSTEREN, HOST: An army captain, a West Point graduate, is dead, murdered, and his murder, unsolved. So who killed Captain Scott Corwin?

The West Point grad shot on the streets of Savannah, Georgia, in the early morning hours of May 29, 2004. Captain Corwin and his girlfriend were walking home after a night out. At about 4 a.m. residents in the area heard screaming, and two shots rang out. Captain Corwin was shot and killed.

There have been no arrests. You will hear from a witness to the crime shortly, but, first, Michael Atkins, reporter for "The Savannah Morning News," joins us live. Michael, was this a robbery gone bad?

Watch Greta's interview

MICHAEL ATKINS, REPORTER, "SAVANNAH MORNING NEWS": No, that's not-- robbery has never been called a motive in this case by police, at least not publicly. So there's no indication that it was believed to be a robbery, and, in fact, the wallet was still there after police arrived. So it's not my understanding this is a robbery gone bad, no.

VAN SUSTEREN: Michael, he was with his girlfriend. Has she been able to help the police in describing the killer or killers?

ATKINS: No. She was too traumatized. And we've reported on it before that the family has tried hypnosis, to no avail. She was quite hysterical at the time, according to witnesses, and she's not been able to identify what happened immediately before Captain Corwin was shot.

VAN SUSTEREN: Michael, thanks. It sounds like you need a little more investigation on this.

Let's go to Captain Corwin's father, Greg Corwin. He joins us live from Pittsburgh. Greg, as always, I'm never sure quite what to say to a parent in these circumstances, although we're hoping that we can shed some light on this and maybe someone can call in with a tip.

Is this being aggressively investigated from your viewpoint, sir?

GREG CORWIN, FATHER OF MURDERED SOLDIER: Absolutely not, Greta. This has been four years. Dealing with the Savannah police has been very difficult. They've called me twice in four years. I've called them several times. I just honestly don't think they're putting the best foot forward to find Scotty's killer.

VAN SUSTEREN: Why? Is it that they are incompetent, unable, or they just don't want to give you details, and they are aggressively investigating? What do you think?

CORWIN: I don't think they're aggressively investigating. I sure to use the word "incompetent," but I don't know if the effort's not there, I don't know if they've made mistakes and they're worried about that. We've made it clear to them that if mistakes have been made then we'll overlook those so we can find justice for Scotty.

VAN SUSTEREN: Scotty, a West Point cadet. Yes, maybe you die in war because that's what they sign up for, to protect our country. But we don't expect it on the streets of our country.

CORWIN: when Scotty bought into this business, we bought in to military families. That's always in the back of your mind, you buy into the risk that this is what he wants to do, that he loves his country. But never did we dream that he'd be gunned down in the streets of America.

VAN SUSTEREN: You've actually hired and worked with a private investigator, and the Savannah police don't want to work with him?

CORWIN: That's correct. He is Dan Barber, who's been on the case for three years now. He recently, per my request, Chief Berkow (ph) had Dan Barber down there April 3. And he gave a lengthy presentation about his findings on the case in this past three years. And they virtually told him they didn't want his help.

VAN SUSTEREN: Greg, I'm sorry to cut you so short. We have had breaking news tonight.

CORWIN: I understand.

VAN SUSTEREN: We certainly hope that we can come back and help you and do what we can.

CORWIN: Thank you, Greta. I appreciate it.

VAN SUSTEREN: Thank you, Greg.

Anthony Hernandez was one of the first to arrive on the scene on the fateful night Captain Corwin was gunned down in the street of the United States. Anthony joins us live from Orlando. Anthony, what did you see?

ANTHONY HERNANDEZ, WITNESS: Basically, the crime had occurred between 3:30, 4:30 in the morning, from what I remember. I heard some yelling prior to a gunshot. I immediately went to my fire-escape on my apartment, which is right on the corner of 1 East Gordon Street, which is where I was. And that's where I saw Mr. Corwin shot and his girlfriend.

VAN SUSTEREN: Did you see anyone leave the scene?


VAN SUSTEREN: Did you go down to the scene after that?

HERNANDEZ: Yes, immediately.

VAN SUSTEREN: Did you see a weapon on the scene? Did you see--like did the police pick up a weapon, or does it look like the killer took it with them?

HERNANDEZ: No, there was no weapon.

VAN SUSTEREN: What's the neighborhood like? Is it a high-crime area? Describe it to us.

HERNANDEZ: I'm not good with adjectives, but it's fairly posh, actually. It's a fairly nice neighborhood. It's definitely one of the key squares in Savannah, Georgia, and the historic district.

VAN SUSTEREN: Obviously, the first effort was to try to save his life, which was unsuccessful. But the police, we're they asking questions, canvassing the area, and trying to see if anyone knew anything or saw anything?

HERNANDEZ: From what I recall, originally, two police officers in one car showed up at the crime, and they did not seem entirely all together. I mean, it was a pretty shocking scene and so forth.

VAN SUSTEREN: Have you been contacted since that night? I take it you gave them--let me ask you. Did you give them your name that night?

HERNANDEZ: Yes, absolutely. I called 911.

VAN SUSTEREN: Have they contacted you since to sort of poke around in your memory to see if you might know something or remember something that might be helpful?

HERNANDEZ: Not once. They haven't called me at all. No--in fact, I've called them, left messages, and they've never returned.

VAN SUSTEREN: Wow. Anthony, thank you. Maybe we can put a little pressure on them, because this man needs justice and his family needs answers and justice. Anthony, thank you.

HERNANDEZ: No problem.

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