Secretary Pompeo: Susan Rice has a history of going on Sunday shows and lying

This is a rush transcript from "The Ingraham Angle," July 6, 2020. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

LAURA INGRAHAM, HOST: All right. I'm Laura Ingraham. This is "The Ingraham Angle." Back in Washington tonight.

Now, Susan Rice really wants to be Joe Biden's number two and a shameless appearance. I don't know if any of you guys saw, I hope you didn't, but I was on Meet the Press and she told this story about, well, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo. Well, guess what? Mike Pompeo is here with exclusive reaction to her charges against the administration. And a reminder to Americans about what her ascension would bring.

Also, tonight, what do COVID deaths really mean today when they continue to plummet as the number of cases rise? Of course, we don't want anyone to die of COVID. It's a horrible thing and a tragedy. But what do these numbers really tell us? And why are the experts avoiding that truth?

My medicine cabinet is here on that. And, of course, the incredible news about hydroxychloroquine and the media spent the weekend lying about Trump's Mount Rushmore speech. Not at all surprising. Raymond Arroyo will tell us how it relates to Joe Biden's latest union event in Seen and Unseen. But first, why the Left lies? That's the focus of tonight's ANGLE.

All right, Democrats have reached, I think the obvious conclusion that their only path, sure path to victory is the burn it all down approach of the neo Bolsheviks on the streets. Joe Biden's team has formed common cause with those who not only seek the destruction of the nuclear family. If you don't believe me, check out BLM's website.

They've actually decided that promoting racial hatred is the only way they can win. They know that Trump's policies, it's obvious have delivered results for working people of all races, while theirs have largely failed. Now, the Left hopes that by inflaming a racial division and hiding their candidate, they could avoid a real debate on the issues.

So, over the weekend, the President responded with two powerful speeches to celebrate our independence and identify the domestic forces now threatening it. His remarks at Mount Rushmore reaffirmed America's identity and inspired millions of Americans who've basically been living in despair because of the one two punch of the virus and the continuing riots.


PRESIDENT DONALD TRUMP: These radicals would tear down the very heritage for which men gave their lives to win the Civil War. They would tear down the principles that propelled the abolition of slavery and ultimately around the world, ending an evil institution that had plagued humanity for thousands and thousands of years. Our opponents would tear apart the very documents that Martin Luther King used to express his dream.

They would tear down the beliefs, culture and identity that have made America the most vibrant and tolerant society in the history of the Earth. We will proclaim the ideals of the Declaration of Independence, and we will never surrender the spirit and the courage and the cause of July 4th, 1776.

Upon this ground, we will stand firm and unwavering. In the face of lies meant to divide us, demoralize us, and diminishes.


INGRAHAM: Now, you can always tell how effective one of the President's speeches is by how frenzy the reaction from liberals.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I actually thought it was some fantasy. He's just desperate.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: There was a lot about history, about God and our great country. Much of it very ominous.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: There was no attempt here to unify the country. It was a divisive message.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: The President threw down the cultural wall. Got it. In defense of dead white men.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Inflammatory, hateful, watching it. You realize how disturbing, how disturbing this President really is.


INGRAHAM: You notice, I describe liberals and Kasich and Jennifer Rubin are among them. You bet. Now, if lying was an Olympic sport, these folks would be draped in gold medals. In moments of rare candor, they know that Trump beats Biden hands down on jobs and wages for African Americans. Trump beats Biden on education. He favors liberation for parents and students who are stuck in bad schools.

Trump beat Biden on prison reform. Obama and Biden both talked a good game. They didn't get it done. And, of course, Trump has done something that Biden never did. He has actually hired and promoted African Americans and other minorities across as many businesses.

Now, where Biden and Democrats are content to patronize African Americans with these meaningless symbolic gestures, conservatives actually believe that minorities want what all people want, a fair chance at prosperity and to pursue their happiness in freedom and safety. Trump knows this is only possible with a vibrant, growing economy where all criminals are prosecuted.

Meanwhile, Biden thinks he can surf to victory on racial anger stoked by mobs, many of whom are white, who would rather see every city in America burn than a second Trump term.

Now, this requires a massive effort to lie and defame one that an honest press would have exposed long ago. Now, as I've said before, instead of covering the Democrats, the media cover for them, their tactics, and their toxic associations, I'm talking about.

So long as the end game of any activist or politician is to rid America of Trump, the press will excuse all manner of falsehoods, hypocrisy and even criminality. So, to stoke racial tension, the Biden campaign requires a massive effort to lie and defame one that, of course, would have already been exposed long ago.

Now, when you think back - when you think about how this whole thing went down, how did it go down? It went down after this long shutdown. People had a lot of time on their hands. Again, if we continue to allow these lies and this ongoing slander and defamation to continue, well, what happens? People will continue to lose faith in the system of laws and even an equal protection.


GYASI ROSS, AUTHOR: You know, people - looters got a bad name during the George Floyd protests, but thank goodness for the looters, man. You have a place called Target. You have a store called Target. You're going to be a target. You know, these places have absolutely contributed to the oppression.


INGRAHAM: Now, the Left is even trying to get the Broadway sensation Hamilton canceled. If you think that's wacky, it is. That's right. There is a Cancel Hamilton hashtag out there now.

Now, never mind that all the key roles, including those of Alexander Hamilton and George Washington are played by people of color in the musical. Critics say it glosses over key facts. They claim Hamilton was not an abolitionist and traded slaves for his in-laws. The mere fact that it celebrates the founding era in any positive way to good music is ample reason for the Left to call for its cancellation.

Now, the only thing at this point that's sacred to them is the notion that if you're a leftist, you cannot be questioned or prosecuted for crimes. Yes. The ends justify the means, you bet they do. Past grievances may never have to say you're sorry. The media will give you a pass for anything. At the same time, they spy racism around every corner.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Smollett says he was assaulted by two masked men who yelled out racial and homophobic slurs. Police are investigating the incident as a possible hate crime.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: A horrifying racist incident.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Heinous, heinous.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Crude and cowardly way.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: NASCAR is investigating a horrible incident.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: A noose was found in the garage stall of Bubba Wallace.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Much as NASCAR may try to distance itself from that, it's a living, breathing part of their sport.


INGRAHAM: And then when Trump calls them on it, I'll be via in artfully worded tweet, he becomes the target.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Do you believe the President sees racism as a potential path to re-election?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Look, there is no doubt that and I've said this before, this President, his political calculus is all about division, not addition.


INGRAHAM: And why does the Left do all this? Well, simple to deflect from the Democrats own horrific record on race, the economy and crime.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: This is now a third week in a row where we have seen children shot and killed here. It's part of a weekend where we saw more than 60 people shot and over a dozen people killed. So, it is point blank what is happening right now.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: The ecosystem, a public safety that isn't just law enforcement, but is local community base. They, too, have really been hit hard by COVID and are now just kind of coming back online and getting their footing.


INGRAHAM: What? Did you just hear that? Chicago seen a tragic level of violence since the Black Lives Matter marches started. And it's claiming African American lives and costing the black community dearly. The bad guys here aren't the folks going to Mount Rushmore. They're criminals murdering children on the streets of our nation's third largest city. 80 people were shot and 17 killed in Chicago last week. We can alone and at least 13 of those were African American. And it gets even more tragic, including among the dead is a seven-year-old, Natalia Wallace. She was shot in the head.

She was visiting her grandmother for the Fourth of July. And sadly, she wasn't the only child killed. In Southeast D.C., 11-year-old Davon McNeal shot and killed at a Fourth of July cookout with his family. Armed thugs in Atlanta murdered eight-year-old Secoria Turner near the Wendy's where Rayshard Brooks died at the hands of police. Now, this is senseless and awful killing, and it's obviously left her parents heartbroken, shattered and asking why.


SECORIYA WILLIAMSON, FATHER OF SLAIN 8-YEAR-OLD GIRL: They say Black Lives Matter, killed their own. Just because of barrier. They killed my baby because she crossed the barrier and made - you killed a child. She didn't do nothing to nobody.


INGRAHAM: Now every single one of these cities is run by Democrats. And rather than addressing violent crime, drugs, and fatherlessness plaguing so many communities, they just make excuses. They throw out phrases like systemic racism, unconscious bias or white privilege and minimizing the importance of personal responsibility, love of one's neighbor and the value of every human life. So, rather than insisting on law and order, safety in every community, including African American communities, this is the best they can offer.


KEISHA LANCE BOTTOMS, ATLANTA MAYOR: We talk about systemic racism and the trauma and anxiety and you think about the leadership or the lack thereof that we have coming from the highest office in the land. I think that you are seeing so many emotions play out. And so too often it's playing out in violence in our streets.


INGRAHAM: Emotions are playing out? I think some folks are still trying to pretend that all of this mayhem will stop if we just let the Democrats have the White House. Well, we have the Democrats in power in Atlanta and Chicago, in New York, in Baltimore and beyond and beyond. What's happened? So, this thinking is foolish and naive. The Democrats have shown they're utterly unwilling to restrain the hard left from seizing property and committing violence.

And as for the culture wars, why would the radical stop when they think they're winning? So, ignore the folks who say that it just gets better when we let the Democrats have more power. The only way this situation gets better is for Democrats to lose and lose so often that they're forced to apologize for their relentless slandering of our nation's history and by extension, the majority of our citizens who still unapologetically love this country and still believe that it's worth celebrating. And that's THE ANGLE.

Joining me now is Craig Shirley, Presidential Historian and Ronald Reagan biographer. And Craig, look, people like to say this feels like the 1960s, 1968. But what are we seeing here? You heard those sound bites I've just played from those ineffective mayors. What are we seeing from the Left here that's different this time?

CRAIG SHIRLEY, PRESIDENTIAL HISTORIAN: I think there's more of a mindlessness, irresponsible ability today than there was in 1960s. At least those protests against the Vietnam War. But, you know, in some ways it was worse than because we had something on the order of 20, 30 GIs dying in Southeast Asia every year. Parts of America were actually like, for instance, Lake Erie were catching on fire. Pollution was out of control. Corporate pollution was out of control.

So, in some ways, the country was worse off. Economic deprivation was far worse in 1968 than it is today. On the other hand, too is that there was good reason to oppose on the part of many people. The war in Vietnam. But some people did it peacefully. Other people didn't do it peacefully. But there seems to be today kind of a recklessness. And with the actions (ph) of much of the establishment of much of law enforcement and much of Republican leaders who aren't even standing up.

You know, I listened to Trump's speech on Saturday. I said myself, I said thank God, finally, somebody is articulating American exceptionalism, American standards, because we're not getting it from any other elected Republican official.

INGRAHAM: Craig, are you surprised or maybe we're not even surprised? You and I have been around Washington for so many years that there are so many feckless Republicans and ineffective think tanks, if I hear the word - phrase think tanks one more time. They love to quote the founders in their big fat dinners, they sponsor and raise money for themselves. But when push comes to shove, where are they in defending the founders? Where are they?

SHIRLEY: They're nowhere to be seen. You know, the diver towers (ph) for a reason that they don't get their hands dirty. They don't get out and they don't stuff envelopes. They don't work the phones; they don't run for office. They're all about offering suggestions and bromides and pearls of wisdom, things like that.

But when it comes - when push comes to shove, they're nowhere to be found. I've been in many, many political fights over my years. You know, I worked on many, many campaigns and these people who professed of the movement conservatives and fighters for the right, things like that. I've never seen any of the political camp or even in a political movement or a fight with Congress.

INGRAHAM: Craig, I want to get your reaction to a quote unquote fact check from USA Today with this headline, Democratic Party did not find the KKK, did not start the Civil War. However, the article goes on to admit this. Historians agree that although factions of the Democratic Party did majorly contribute to the civil war start in the KKK founding, it's inaccurate to say the party is responsible for either. Craig, I know you're champing at the bit to get at this one.

SHIRLEY: Nathan Bedford Forrest was a civil war general. The Library of Congress says he was a Democrat. He was the founder of the KKK Democrat. The KKK was, for all intents and purposes, the shock troops, the terrorist arm of the Democratic Party in the posts of war area right up to the 1920s, right up to the 1950's, even into the 1960's.

They were the ANTIFA of their era. The Democratic Party started the Civil War because the Republican Abraham Lincoln was elected in 1860. And 1861, Fort Sumter was fired on by Southern Democrats. The fort held by union troops. And that was what kicked off the Civil War, it was the attack by Southern Democrats on northern troops in Fort Sumter, in Charleston Harbor in South Carolina.

INGRAHAM: Yes, the USA--

SHIRLEY: I read that piece, and I just shook my head. I'm thinking this is the perfect example of why the Left is so dangerous because they will lie about anything to achieve power.

INGRAHAM: And that's perfectly in line with the Angle's title. Why they lie? This is the only way they can get power by distorting history and toppling statues. I guess they think that's the future. Craig, we're going to have you back real soon. There's a lot, lot, we have to go through with you. Thank you so much.

And what I'm about to show you is one of the more shocking videos we've seen throughout the past few weeks. A small army of supposed militia members converged on the Stone Mountain monument in Georgia yesterday. Now, watch what happened when some of them confronted a white driver.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: We ain't no Black Lives Matter, we ain't none of that bullshit. Scoot on. We're black militia, your worst nightmare. We're the black militia bro.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I just told you what I was. Everywhere you go, you want to rape, rob, and kill us.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: And you steal people's culture and have an attitude about it. Where's our reparations? Thank you.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: What did I do to you?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: It's not what you did, it's what your ancestor did.


INGRAHAM: Joining me now is Dr. Wilfred Reilly, Assistant Professor of Political Science at Kentucky State University. Dr. Wilfred, this moment strikes me as a dangerous tipping point. Your thoughts?

DR. WILFRED REILLY, PROFESSOR KENTUCKY STATE UNIVERSITY: I have a great deal of faith in the United States of America. And I don't think we're going to tip into any kind of actual race war or class war. But I think I mean; this is an election year. I don't think that's a coincidence. And I think you're seeing a lot of the worst instincts people have politically being very intentionally ramped up right now. And that's never good.

INGRAHAM: Well, you have members of a so-called militia. They all appear to be black. Going car, window to car window. And, you know, a lot of people online were saying, what if the races were reversed? The media would be going crazy about. I hardly saw it covered at all over the weekend except online. And it certainly seemed different from what we've seen with protest or even tearing down statues?

REILLY: Well, I do think there is an element of truth to that. I mean, in my most recent book, Taboo, I look at a lot of these cultural questions in American society. And I mean, one of the things I find that other researchers have found many times before is that the large 75 to 80 percent majority of those killed by police in a typical year, for example, are Caucasian or Hispanic individuals.

And those cases received less than 20 percent of the media coverage of police violence. You can look at interracial crime the same way. There's fairly little interracial crime. A 93 percent of black murder victims. 85 percent of white murder victims are killed by people of the same race. The person most likely to kill you is your ex-wife or current husband.

But when you look at interracial crime, that in general slants say 80 percent black on white. Among those two races, media coverage slants in the exact opposite direction. And we do have to ask why that is. I mean, what are the biases in the media that caused that slant?


REILLY: I think you might suspect what some of those are.

INGRAHAM: Yes. Dr. Reilly, really quickly, this horrific violence that we've seen as this effort to defund the police has really accelerated. You say and about 30 seconds, sir. You say that this is one of the great failings and revelations about Black Lives Matter. Explain.

REILLY: I think that everyone who is not a virulent racist agrees with the statement that black lives matter. But I think a great many black taxpayers and non-racist white Americans are wondering if they agree with the policy goals of the group named after that slogan. And yes, Black Lives Matter right now, if you look at their website, focuses almost entirely on police on black violence and white on black violence.

And as I just said, I would love to see much more focus brought to the real problem in black communities, which very often is black on black violence. There are 15,000 murders a year. Half of those victims happen to be black, just like white murder victims. They're almost all killed by someone of the same race.

INGRAHAM: OK. Dr. Reilly, thank you for your perspective tonight. It's really important. Coming up, my exclusive interview with Secretary of State Mike Pompeo. You don't want to miss it.


INGRAHAM: Given all her recent media appearances, it's pretty clear that Obama's former National Security Adviser, Susan Rice, is seriously gunning to be Joe Biden's number two. Now, yesterday on Meet the Press, she revealed the cheapness of her political ambitions. Well, she did so when she commented on what has largely turned out to be a very murky story concerning Russian bounties on American soldiers in Afghanistan.


SUSAN RICE, FORMER NATIONAL SECURITY ADVISER: This is not the time to be handing Putin an olive branch. We have a President who is doing our arch adversaries bidding, it would seem, and he's surrounded by sycophants and weaklings who aren't doing their jobs, who don't have the confidence in themselves and the mission that they are to carry out to bring the President the tough messages he needs to hear.


INGRAHAM: Now, one of the targets of that smear, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo joins me exclusively now. Mr. Secretary, great to see you. Now, I know you feel that Rice's remarks show a lack of restraint that our country can't afford to have back in the White House. Explain all that.

MIKE POMPEO, SECRETARY OF STATE: Laura, thanks for having me on to hear Ambassador Rice talk that way is just crazy. You know, she has a history of going on Sunday shows and lying. You all remember that back in 2012, she went on five Sunday shows and Ambassador Chris Stevens, Sean Smith, Glen Doherty, and Tyrone Woods had all perished under her administration's watch in Benghazi, Libya.

She went on and made up a story about a video and a protest when she knew full well that this was a terror attack. She did so because it was politically convenient to say that. It's the worst kind of behavior from a national security leader. And as for her comments about Russia, it was on the Obama watch, under the Susan Rice watch, under Vice President Biden's watch that Ukraine had one-fifth of its real estate taken by Vladimir Putin with virtually no response.

It was under her watch that Syria was handed over to the Russians as a result of a red line that Obama had drawn in the sand, but then refused to enforce. And you'll recall too, when it comes to having American soldiers taking care of what she suggests this administration didn't do but does always. It was her administration that was underwriting the Iranian regime while it was killing American soldiers in the Middle East.

That was an administration that didn't care about our soldiers, sailors, airmen, and marines and certainly didn't act away that was securing the American national interest.

INGRAHAM: Now, Mr. Secretary, we don't have to play the sound bite, but John Bolton essentially in his never-ending media tour for his book. He said, it's inconceivable that the President wouldn't have been briefed on this report about Russia. Your response to his continued push against the administration on these matters of national security?

POMPEO: Yes, I don't want to go back and forth with John Bolton, other than to say much of what we had in his book and the number of the things he had said in the aftermath that haven't proven to be true. He was there. He saw that this administration worked hard to make sure the President have all the information, he needed to make good sound national security decisions.

And with respect to this particular issue in Afghanistan, I can assure every one of your viewers that this administration acted in a way to protect every American who was serving in Afghanistan. We have fought the Taliban harder than the previous administers never dreamed about fighting them, and now President Trump is going to protect our soldiers by working to get a peace and reconciliation deal that allows them to come home.

INGRAHAM: Mr. Secretary, your thoughts on these former Bush staffers. This is kind of what they did when Trump was running in 2016. But all these former Bush staffers coming and saying we're going to support Joe Biden, what about that? And what does that reveal about their alliances, the alliances they will make in order to defeat Donald Trump?

POMPEO: It's sad. This is an administration that has executed its national security function in a way that every American can be proud of, whether it was striking Qasem Soleimani or the remarkable work we did take down the entire caliphate in Syria, terrorism, the work we've done to put pressure on Iran. To watch these former officials now suggest that somehow former Vice President Biden is going to be the right outcome to protect Americans is just silly.

INGRAHAM: What will their China policy look like? From what you know now with what Biden believes is the real threat to the United States and the culture wars, what can we expect as Americans as a policy toward China if that likelihood would come to pass?

POMPEO: Laura, I think we know because we have eight years of history with President Obama and Vice President Biden's China policy. They did nothing. Whether it was on the important issues we are facing today on human rights, whether that's in Tibet or Hong Kong or in the western part where Uighurs are being forced to conduct abortions and forced sterilizations, they did nothing. Whether it was in Taiwan where they refused to do the right thing, or even protecting Americans from predatory economic activity, costing Americans thousands and hundreds of thousands of jobs here in the United States. We know what the Obama-Biden administration did with respect to China. It kowtowed, it appeased, turned the other cheek, and it left America in a weaker position as a direct result of that failure to lead.

INGRAHAM: Speaking of which, I know you have probably seen this, but China is eradicating freedom in Hong Kong. You warned of this for years, and "The Wall Street Journal" reports that Chinese law now requires Hong Kong authorities to strengthen regulation of the media and the Internet and empowers Beijing to deploy state security agencies to establish a bureau overseeing national security in Hong Kong. And now they are not ruling out, Mr. Secretary, China is not, blocking Hong Kong citizens from leaving for the U.K., because the U.K. says you want to come back and live here, come here. So what's our response going to be? Would we welcome the Hong Kong- ers into the United States if China continues along this path, which they most certainly will?

POMPEO: Yes, Laura, it's almost certain they are going to continue on this path. To your point, a few weeks back now President Trump made clear that Hong Kong was no longer autonomous. I certified the same. And we can see this is going to end up just being another communist run city. It's unfortunate. Hong Kong was such a special place where there were all the freedoms that the people of Hong Kong were promised by the Chinese Communist Party. It's much like the promise they made to tell us the truth but where the coronavirus came from. We know it started in Wuhan. We know it came from China, and yet they covered it up for an awfully long time.

It's these same kinds of broken promises that will lead the United States to take the right response with respect to Hong Kong's new national security law. We have already begun the process of revoking visas for people who made these decisions. And there will be a series of actions that the administration will take. We'd love to preserve the freedom in Hong Kong, but if we can't, we are going to hold the Chinese Communist Party accountable.

INGRAHAM: And finally, Mr. Secretary, the huge Chinese app TikTok has about 30 million users in the United States, but it has been banned now by India, and Australia is considering the same action, saying that TikTok was full of mass surveillance and propaganda, and also that the app had the ability to feed information straight to Beijing. So kind of obvious question, if all that's that case, shouldn't we be considering right now tonight a ban on Chinese social media apps, especially TikTok?

POMPEO: Laura, your viewers should know we're taking this very seriously. We're certainly looking at it. We have worked on this very issue for a long time, whether it was the problems of having Huawei technology in your infrastructure. We've gone all over the world and we're making real progress getting that out. We declared ZTE a danger to American national security. We have done all of these things. With respect to Chinese apps on people's cell phones, I can assure you the United States will get this one right, too, Laura. I don't want to get out in front of the president, but it's something we're looking at.

INGRAHAM: Would you recommend that people download that app on their phones tonight, tomorrow, any time currently?

POMPEO: Only if you want your private information in the hands of the Chinese Communist Party.

INGRAHAM: Mr. Secretary, it's great to see you, as always tonight. Thanks so much.

POMPEO: Thank you, Laura.

INGRAHAM: What's behind the lies that we heard about Trump's mush -- mush - - Mount Rushmore speech? See, you take a few days off and anything can happen. And how are they directly tied to Biden's latest union event and your kids' education? Raymond Arroyo has a can't-miss "Seen and Unseen" in moments.


INGRAHAM: It's time for our "Seen and Unseen" segment where we reveal the stories behind the headlines. Joining us with all the details, Raymond Arroyo, FOX News contributor. Raymond, great job filling in last week, by the way, awesome numbers.


INGRAHAM: The media reaction to the president's Mount Rushmore speech was completely negative. So what gives?

ARROYO: Probably politics, Laura. "The New York Times" called it "a dark and divisive speech." "The Washington Post" wrote it was also a dark speech meant to exploit the nation's racial and social divisions. And Senator Tammy Duckworth went a step further. She is running, by the way, for Biden's running mate. She put it this way.


SEN. TAMMY DUCKWORTH, (D-IL): Were really struck me about the speech that the president gave at Mount Rushmore was that he spent more time worried about honoring dead confederates than he did talking about the lives of our 130,000 Americans lost their lives to COVID-19.


ARROYO: Laura, it just wasn't true. We covered the Mount Rushmore speech live on this show. The president delivered what some thought was one of the best speeches of his presidency. It was sober. He spoke to the moment. He said absolutely nothing about confederates, but he did say this. Listen.


TRUMP: They enshrined a divine truth that changed the world forever when they said to "all men are created equal." These immortal words set in motion the unstoppable march of freedom.

This leftwing cultural revolution is designed to overthrow the American Revolution. Our children are taught in school to heat their own country.


INGRAHAM: I think this was frankly one of the best speeches he's given. It was very sober. I always like it when he is smiling and joking, but this is a series moment when the country's gone through a lot of pain. And I think he said that. And by the way, Duckworth also said it's worth considering whether Washington should come down as well, right? That's where they are going with this. We predicted this.

ARROYO: We should have a dialogue about it, she said. The president already has had that dialogue, and he talked about that march to freedom. You have to respect it and embrace it. Everybody is part of the American story.

Laura, regarding the point you heard the president made there about our children being taught, OK, to hate the country, while Trump was headed to Mount Rushmore, Joe Biden was pandering to the National Education Association, the teachers' union. He broadcast from his home where they found him wearing his mask. Does he wear it in the shower, I wonder? And why is it OK to take it off when he speaks? After unmasking, he explained his vision for education and reminded the union that Jill Biden is an NEA member.


JOE BIDEN, D-PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: This is going to be a teacher- oriented Department of Education. And it's not going to come from the top down. It's going to come from teachers up. You know, I -- I --

You don't just have a partner in the White House. You'll have an NEA member in the White House. And if not listening, I'm going to be sleeping alone in the Lincoln Bedroom.


ARROYO: Given the expected caretakers, he might have to sleep in the Lincoln Bedroom anyway. Notice, Biden's won't be a student-oriented Department of Education but a teacher-oriented department. Forget about students and parents. Biden promised to end charter schools, triple funding for Title I schools, and require increases in teachers' pay. As an example of the type of teacher Biden supports, this was the first member the teachers' union chosen to address Biden, Turquoise LeJeune Parker. Listen.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: My Durham public schools title is media coordinator. My self-given title is racial and social justice teacher.

Black Lives Matter, period.

It's my duty to structure a curriculum that talks through all kinds of conflicts, issues such as police brutality, how to fight it while staying safe, how to organize, and how they can come to terms with the possibility that they might be the next victim of white supremacy at absolutely no fault of their own.

Teaching in the resistance is incredibly hard work, but we have to do it because we need our kids to know that they are absolutely a part of this movement to smash white supremacy.


INGRAHAM: Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. OK --

ARROYO: There's a lot there, Laura.

INGRAHAM: That's his go to teacher? I love how she says my self-described title is. That kind of tells the story.

ARROYO: When you and I were in school, a media coordinator, Laura, was called a librarian. Now apparently, it's someone who foments protest, teaching kids that the summit of American history is agitation, not innovation, not love, not entrepreneurship, but just groupthink and racial division. We are much more than that.

INGRAHAM: What she said is she is part of the resistance. She's a member of the resistance.

ARROYO: Right. And you are paying her.

INGRAHAM: So we're teaching our young -- forget sentence diagramming. My kids are trying to get sentence diagramming down, OK. Forget all that, like math. We are going to teach to be organizers. The base of knowledge --

ARROYO: Laura, they have moved onto diagramming autonomous zones, OK.

INGRAHAM: Exactly.

ARROYO: Congratulations, by the way. You're the most-watched woman in cable and the second quarter. Congrats. Kudos.

INGRAHAM: I didn't even know that. You told me something I honestly didn't know.

ARROYO: Yes, just announced late last week.

INGRAHAM: Thanks so much, Raymond. And awesome job last week.

All right, I had a shocking admission from Dr. Fauci about a possible COVID vaccine. My medicine cabinet tells us what it all means. Stay there.


INGRAHAM: You've likely been hearing about the surge in positive coronavirus cases in recent weeks, but you haven't been told is that while there has been an explosion of new cases, especially in certain states, deaths continue to plummet. In fact, the number of daily COVID deaths is down 90 percent since peaking on April 15.

But that's not the only thing that caught our eye today. During an online Q&A, Dr. Fauci made a stunning admission about a COVID vaccine.


DR. ANTHONY FAUCI, NATIONAL INSTITUTES OF ALLERGY AND INFECTIOUS DISEASES: We are going to assume that there is a degree of protection, but we have to assume that it's going to be finite. It's not going to be like a measles vaccine. So there's going to be follow-up on those cases to see if we need a boost. We may need a boost to continue the protection. But right now we do not know how long it lasts.


INGRAHAM: OK, here with what all of this means, Dr. Ramin Oskoui, cardiologist and CEO of Foxhall Cardiology, and Dr. Stephen Smith, an infectious disease specialist who has treated so many COVID patients over the last three and four months. Dr. Oskoui, let me start with you. What is going on here with what Fauci just said?

DR. RAMIN OSKOUI, CARDIOLOGIST: I think he's laying crepe for the fact that I think these MRNA vaccines simply won't work. Last week Moderna executives were reported in "The Washington Post" to have dumped $200 million worth of stock. They then the next day announced that they weren't going forward with a 30,000 patient phase three trial. It makes one wonder whether or not there are problems with their phase two trial, namely that the patients have had adverse effects. All of the major platforms are based on this new and unproven technology for vaccines, so it's going to be very interesting. I think he's preparing for us not to have a vaccine, frankly.

INGRAHAM: OK, so we needed a vaccine, correct, in order to get back to, quote, normalcy, Dr. Oskoui. That's what we keep hearing. Yes?

OSKOUI: The short answer is no, we don't, and no, we never did. What we need to do to get back to normalcy is to quarantine high risk individuals, and then we need to get back to our lives. Probably not locking down accelerated the so-called herd immunity which is not just our holy grail but which is what's going to get us out of this epidemic like it's gotten us out of prior epidemics over the millennia.

INGRAHAM: Speaking of which, we are trying to get Dr. Smith back on the line in a moment, but Dr. William Haseltine gave this dire assessment of our efforts to fight the pandemic. Watch.


DR. WILLIAM HASELTINE: Herd immunity is a fantasy. It does not exist for these viruses. It's a fantasy and a dangerous fantasy. Even at best, it meant perhaps millions of people died. Are we really that far back to the pre-antibiotic era?


INGRAHAM: Dr. Smith, I think we have you. What is he talking about? No herd immunity, it's worthless?


INGRAHAM: We have a lousy connection. Dr. Smith, hold on a second. We have a lousy connection with you. I don't know what is going on at your house. Maybe it's rain, maybe it's lightning. Dr. Oskoui, the trashing of herd immunity, even the president is kind of pooh-poohed a number of times, like, the herd. I love that little box. There he is on that --

OSKOUI: I think it's a mistake to trash it. The reality is that's the mechanism by which all vaccines work. It's the way we've gone through and conquered prior pandemics and epidemics. Herd immunity is real and it's already occurring as we speak. Since Memorial Day, we have seen people get out and about. We have seen a rise in positive tests. But as you've seen, people aren't getting as sick, and death rates continue to drop. This is what you see in herd immunity. It's virology 101, it's first, second year of medical school.

INGRAHAM: Dr. Oskoui, one of our mutual friends says that we are going to end up like Sweden. A lot of people don't understand, what does that mean? Because we didn't kind of let it roll. We didn't keep kids in school. Sweden did, at least younger kids. But how does that, what does it mean, we will end up like Sweden?

OSKOUI: I think what our friend is referring to is the fact that slowly and surely herd immunity has developed. The virus, as it attenuates and mutates becomes less and less problematic. Sweden was smart. They quarantined their most vulnerable, and they let their healthiest, least vulnerable individuals, namely children, continue their schooling. And that was much better for both the educational system and the health of their country and their economy. We are about three weeks behind.

INGRAHAM: Since you've treated so many patients over the last months, I want to get your reaction. I know you appeared with us last week, but I wasn't here. And the hydroxychloroquine study that dropped from the Henry Ford Clinic' health system there, the mortality rate for patients on hydroxy was basically cut in half.


INGRAHAM: It just basically smashed back at all the doubters, all the critics. And your point is that we should take the hydroxychloroquine we have in our stockpile and perhaps consider giving it prophylactically to health care workers. Explain that.

OSKOUI: Well, there are studies, and this is done in India routinely where hydroxychloroquine is given in low doses as prophylaxis to protect high- risk individuals, in India specifically the protocol is for health care workers. We now have a burst of infections in the southern states. A lot of this is due to people coming up from Mexico. And the way to protect first responders and other health care workers I think is very evident -- evidence-based, and it's to give them prophylaxis.

INGRAHAM: Dr. Oskoui, thank you so much. Great to see you.

When we come back, a literal last bite. You don't want to miss it.


INGRAHAM: It's time for the Last Bite, or maybe a nibble. OK, so family and friends hit the river in Jackson, Wyoming, on Friday for some fishing, and I didn't want to show off, so here's my award winner. Do you see the fish? So many punchlines, so little time. It's a tiny little thing. It's like a bait fish.

All right. Don't forget, always DVR "The Ingraham Angle," it's so bad. Shannon Bream and the "Fox News @ Night" team take it all from here.


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