Searchers scan area 1,500 miles off Australia for Flight 370

This is a rush transcript from "The Five," March 20, 2014. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

ANDREA TANTAROS, CO-HOST: Hello, everyone. I'm Andrea Tantaros and this is a Fox News alert.

The world waits to learn whether items spotted by satellite in the Indian Ocean is wreckage from Flight 370, but the air search is on hold for a few more hours until it's daylight overseas.

The United States, Australia and New Zealand have been using some of the most advanced aircraft to look for the debris.

Rick Reichmuth will join us in just a moment with the details on weather and water conditions in the area where they are looking but we begin with national security correspondent Jennifer Griffin with the very latest on the search -- Jennifer.


Well, the best lead in the search for Flight 370 has come from a private commercial satellite company, Digital Globe, based in Longmont, Colorado, a private U.S. firm, not from the NSA or from any nation's classified satellites.

The U.S. military has only two planes involved in the search, a fraction of its fleet. A single P3 Orion surveillance craft flying over the Bay of Bengal that has been blocked and delayed by the Indonesians we're told, and a single state of the art P8 Poseidon aircraft searching west of Australia. The Navy has 23 P8s alone within its arsenal.

The Pentagon suggests they are using some assets we cannot see.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I wouldn't get into the specifics of each and every one of those tools because some of those tools we don't talk about.


GRIFFIN: The P8 spent about four hours over the debris field today. U.S. officials tell us the P8 Poseidon will take off again at 10:00 p.m. Eastern. Remember, this alleged debris field is halfway between Australia and Antarctica, the closest U.S. naval assets are days away, and those haven't been ordered to move yet, Andrea.

TANTAROS: Jennifer, how surprising that a private company, not a government, comes across this equipment?


TANTAROS: I know that you talk to your sources constantly. Is there any surprise that the United States isn't committing more resources to this?

GRIFFIN: Well, there's a degree of surprise, but what's really surprising is how much suspicion there is between the countries involved in this search. Remember, China said very early on that it had repositioned, reconfigured 21 satellites to help with the search. We talked to experts today who said they are doubtful that China even has 21 satellites. And if so, they're not that easy to reposition, and no information has come from those satellites as of yet. The Chinese are not sharing their information.

The way Digital Globe works is it's a private conditions as I mentioned, in Colorado, and they basically share their information with governments. They at the same time, they provided the U.S., Australia and New Zealand these images, and then what we're told is basically those countries use their intel services to use super computers to go through the imagery and that that is how they might have actually honed in on this image.

BOB BECKEL, CO-HOST: Jennifer, this is Bob Beckel. Let me ask you.

The notion that this pilot or the two pilots decided to commit suicide and that they were just flying until, you know, until they crashed themselves into the ocean. Why in the world you take five hours to kill yourself? I mean, why not take the thing and go down after you get up? I mean, does that begin to raise questions whether that's a serious possibility, that they would fly that far up, unless they're going to business (ph) somehow that we don't know about? But --

GRIFFIN: Look, Bob, there's so many unanswered questions and so many speculative theories that have been espoused over the last 10 days, and this is what happens when you have such a long period of time when people are searching, but I think some of the evidence doesn't totally add up at this point in time. Right now, it's really noteworthy that today most people are looking at this spot off the coast of Australia, and there's been very little talk today about the terrorism theories that we've been hearing so much about in the last 10 days.

ERIC BOLLING, CO-HOST: Jennifer, so, you know, I've seen video of drones that can literally read a license plate from several thousand feet in the air. I'm wondering these images that were sent by this company, Digital Globe, is there a way to kind -- has anyone taken and zoomed in on them and find out that there's a lot of speculation that it could be a container if it fell off the ship. However, if you look at it looks like the shape that could be the tail section of an airplane?

Do they have this information and they are holding off? Why aren't we hearing about it?

GRIFFIN: Well, U.S. officials tell us that they feel that this was a credible lead. That is why they repositioned the P8 Poseidon. So they do believe this is the best lead they've had yet.

You're right, drones can hone in, exactly, as you said, a license plate number, into, you know, you can see very great detail with drones. The problem is, this is 1,500 miles off the coast of Australia. Drones require fuel, and they wouldn't be able to get out that far certainly, and that is why they are relying on the P8 Poseidon, which is basically a 737 Boeing plane that's been reconfigured.

But in terms of satellites getting closer to the imagery, you can assume that those intelligence agencies were able to make those images a little more clear. I don't think they could make them as clear as a drone picture, but the other problem is a lot of these intelligence services aren't sharing publicly all that they know at this point in time, but we're told that U.S. officials felt that this was a credible lead. That's why they moved the assets into place.

GREG GUTFELD, CO-HOST: Well, that's what I was going to ask. I mean, we've been getting more bad tips than a lousy waitress, and I'm wondering in the context of all of these leads that we're getting, how do you feel about this? What's the -- do people think that this is actually a strong lead, or is this just another thing we're following until the next thing?

GRIFFIN: Well, it's very difficult to say. I mean, we've all gone round and round for the last 10 days or more on this. It's really hard to say, Greg.

I think that, you know, no one wants to say that this is for certain, but, as I said, U.S. officials feel it's the best lead that they have had as of yet. But there's -- nobody knows for sure. If they did, they would have found the plane.


KIMBERLY GUILFOYLE, CO-HOST: Jennifer, the U.S. has the capability to use robotic submersibles to be able to go to those depths and get actually the images and find out exactly what's going on if there is anything down there. So at least we can start to rule out some of the plausible theories, especially in the area that's been designated before it continues with the passage of time, stopping the investigation at nightfall, to kind of narrow in, box in that area, because as you said, this is the strongest lead.

Can we use this as some leverage with the Malaysian government to try to let us take greater control in this investigation so we can actually get some answers?

GRIFFIN: Well, it's really difficult. From my understanding is no, the Malaysian government is still in the lead, and they will remain in the lead, even if they identify this craft -- this debris, this alleged debris as being part of the aircraft.

Remember, this is way out in the middle, halfway between Australia and Antarctica. So, it is so far out there that even those ships that you're talking about, we understand that the closest U.S. Navy vessels are days away and they haven't even been ordered to get moving.


GRIFFIN: So it is -- it's very difficult for the U.S. to take the lead on this. These are all the sensitivities that they are dealing with terms of the diplomacy involved, but it's very frustrating, of course, for the FBI and others who want to contribute more.

BECKEL: Jennifer, can we bring the satellite picture back up here for a second. That's a huge area of water down there as you've pointed out. Those two pieces of debris team to me to be so far apart, that even with the plane as big as that, to have something that far apart, must be hundreds and hundreds of miles apart.

GRIFFIN: That is possible, Bob. It's really hard to deal I tell for the naked eye to even look at these satellite images. I'm not convinced that these are -- this is the imagery that they replaced publicly, but it's very difficult to tell what you're even looking at with these images released today.

TANTAROS: Jennifer, very quickly. You mentioned a lack of coordination by all of these countries. Why do you think that is? Why can't they work together with all of their resources and technology?

GRIFFIN: Well, there's so much suspicion. You're dealing with -- I mean, the Thais wouldn't tell the Malays that the radar picked up the planes. The Indonesians wouldn't let us fly our P3 over their territory.

There's just so much suspicion and then, of course, you have the Chinese involved and they are all suspicious of the Chinese. And so, the amount of sharing, I mean, we're just lucky that Digital Globe was able to share these images with Australia, New Zealand, and the U.S. And we're also lucky frankly that the search is off of the coast of Australia, where there is cooperation with the Australians right now.

GUTFELD: These aren't countries, these are mean girls. Seriously, it's like a high school cliques. That's why America needs to take charge of this. Ridiculous. Sorry.

TANTAROS: All right. Jennifer Griffin, thanks so much.

Let's turn now to Rick Reichmuth who has the latest on the weather conditions at the search area -- Rick.

RICK REICHMUTH, FOX NEWS CHIEF METEOROLOGIST: Yes. You know, we had the storm that moved through yesterday so when they were out there yesterday searching, they had a lot of cloud cover and rain. That's that storm right there moving through.

Now they've got actually some pretty decent conditions and as they get up over the next couple of hours, high pressure is controlling it and things are looking OK. Still big waves. This is a really unforgiving and treacherous ocean and that never changes. It isn't that we go through more mild patterns of weather where it gets better. Things are just kind of always bad there.

But we do have another storm right here, guys. That moves in by the time we get in towards Sunday morning, that Sunday morning hour time. So, we've got about two days before the next storm goes through and another one develops right behind. So, we're looking at about 48 hours after that of really, really treacherous weather. So, I think this next 48 hours probably is their best chance that they're going to be able to get in and find any of that debris that they spotted possibly.

TANTAROS: And after 48 hours, Rick, what -- it disappears, it sinks, and then we're all back to square one?

REICHMUTH: It continues to move. We're assuming that the wing -- if it's a wing, that it is floating, and it's going to stay on the surface. But the general ocean current is this counterclockwise motion, and that's the entire Indian Ocean basin. That's controlled by the rotation of the earth and that's consistent.

So, the general underwater current would continue to pull whatever debris potentially a little bit closer to Australia, that at least you're getting closer to land, that's good. But within that, the weather above the surface causes all kinds of small eddies to develop and sometimes that debris on the surface can get stuck in one of those and it wouldn't move in the same direction. So, you potentially have, maybe if there is a plane that is below the surface, this ocean right there is between 8,000 and 12,000 feet deep, that not going in the same direction that you could see the stuff on the surface.

So that is one of the other things that makes it difficult for them.

BOLLING: Hey, Rick, a lot of the -- a lot of things we're finding is via satellite. I've got to assume over the next couple of days when the weather clears, we'll have a better clear -- a more clear shot of maybe finding some of this debris with the existing satellites, right?

REICHMUTH: Yes, possibility. Think about if you had a dirty rug that you were cleaning and you were running that vacuum over the rug, that is where you would see the clean spot, and that's what a satellite does. It just gets that one spot because it gets back across the other side of the earth. So, there's all different satellites that are orbiting around the earth at different paces. It's very difficult to piece all of those together and in a spot down like this down here where they aren't focusing on, generally.

They can turn some of the satellites to get a focus on that area, but again, that is going to take some more time.

BECKEL: Hey, Rick, that -- I've been over in that area of the world before when I was in the Peace Corps and in Australia, I remember people talking about that area in the Indian Ocean. That's not a shipping lane down there, right? I mean, you're going to have -- that's probably not a cargo -- piece of cargo coming off there because nobody in their right mind puts a ship down there?

REICHMUTH: For one thing, not a lot of land you'll be shipping it to. So the Indian ocean, there isn't any shipping really that's going on here. But you're absolutely right, these waters with treacherous all the time.

The storms moving through, that doesn't ever change. This is a consistent pattern that you have of storms there and the seas are always bad there. It doesn't ever calm down.

GUILFOYLE: All right. So, Rick, what kind of implication do you think this has long term, maybe 48-hour, 72-hour delay because the objects could sink even deeper? They can spread the currents out and then we're going to lose even more time.

And then we heard from Jennifer that our U.S. naval shapes that could be employed haven't even been engaged. There's like in stand down mode until they are told that we can participate. So, even more time it seems like it's going to be lost compounded by the weather.

REICHMUTH: Yes, the satellite imagery it's important to get as a possible guideline to where to start searching. But I will tell you that the satellite from the sky. That's harder to get. A radar is what you need where you can get a closer image at the ground. That's got to come from the ground, though.

So, you've got to get some sort of an asset based out here, so you can get some helicopters out there and searching. At this point, I think it's going to be a visual cue that they get instead of another satellite scan of this. I mean, that satellite image we're going off of is already four days old. So, it's got to be visual cues and what you need is clear skies so those planes go through and get a clear visual. They've got 48 hours before the next storm comes in and makes it rough for `em.

GUTFELD: Hey, Rick, real quick, I was a little confused. How far apart are the two wreckage elements?

REICHMUTH: Yes. You know what? My understanding on this, and somebody can possibly correct me, but my understanding is that those are 14 miles apart right there.


REICHMUTH: And without any image of land to give a sense of scale, it's difficult to tell, but what I had heard earlier today is that it's 14 miles.

GUTFELD: Why four days, is that normal? Takes that long?

REICHMUTH: That is a great -- no, it does not take that long. I mean, this is somebody who was scanning that -- if you look at the satellite image, you can see a lot of white dots on that. Some of those could be wave tops that are topping over or creating waves where you have really unsettled seas, some of them could be clouds as well, some high clouds in the atmosphere.

So, you know, possibly it took somebody that amount of time to decipher it. Possibly, there's some other reasons that somebody didn't release that information, who knows?

TANTAROS: All right. Rick, I'd love to ask you when it's going to get warm here in New York City but we're out of time.

REICHMUTH: Yes, say two weeks maybe.

TANTAROS: All right.


TANTAROS: Hope that answer is right.

Thanks, Rick.

Much more to come on the search for the missing plane, including reaction from the family members to news that possible wreckage may have been found.

But up next, President Obama sits down for another hard-hitting interview, this time with Ellen, talking about selfies and shopping with some Obamacare mix in between. We'll show you the highlights when THE FIVE returns.


GUTFELD: Today, two of the most adorable people ever converged. President Obama appeared on Ellen DeGeneres, no doubt, to talk foreign policy. I kid, (INAUDIBLE) Obamacare, the greatest pyramid scheme since the real ones in Egypt.

I wonder if we've got about two weeks left until March 31st for people to sign up.


BARACK OBAMA, PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: We've got about two weeks left until March 31st for people to sign up. If you don't have health insurance right now, you should go on, and especially all the moms out there who may have young people, 26, 27, don't have health insurance, but they think they are invincible and nothing is ever going to happen to `em.


GUTFELD: Anyway, of course, Ellen snapped.


ELLEN DEGENERES, TV HOST: You've got 5 million people that have signed up so far which is an enormous amount of people that have signed up. So, it's successful.

I think everyone is very grateful that you did this, and I think it is important for people to sign up and to -- it's just better to be covered.


GUTFELD: What? No butterfly kisses?

It's always creepy in grim times to see someone plug a product. But as I say in my new book "Not Cool", available now everywhere, that to get Americans to do dumb things, you need the cool to apply peer pressure, so celebrities who act so rebellious turn into obedient propagandists. But if Obama had forced them to enroll in what they're pushing, they'd scram. It's like asking a heroine dealer to inject his own bad stash.

Now, who can blame Obama for asking up celebrities? As I say in my new book "Not Cool", now available everywhere, cool means detached and the world's coolest leader only cares about the cool stuff.

But it's not cool we're actually seeing, it's obsession. To him, salvaging his namesake Obamacare takes priority over world crisis. He's now Ahab, Obamacare is the harpoon and America is the poor whale. If Obama got more fixated, he'd need a restraining order.

Maybe someone should remind him that the world needs America to keep the peace, simply by keeping a present. Some guy once said that 80 percent of life is showing up. Maybe one day Obama will, or at least buy my book. It's available everywhere.

Kimberly, what's next? QVC, I bet he could sell it on QVC or perhaps "The Shark Tank."

GUILFOYLE: I think you could sell some of your books on QVC.


GUILFOYLE: Three's a charm.

Listen, I'm actually agreeing. Andrea and I were talking earlier, if he spends less time actually working on it, maybe we won't have so many messed up problems, but now because he has such a stinker with this Obamacare he's calling on his friends, calling on Ellen and everybody else, an act of desperation and trying to do the whole perception is reality, if he says it's cool and awesome enough, so many times, if people actually might believe it.

But really what irritates me is now he's going after the mothers.


GUILFOYLE: Couldn't he leave -- haven't we been through enough?

GUTFELD: That's an interesting point, though, Andrea. It's like he does less damage if he focuses on this disaster and it localizes it.

TANTAROS: Yes. I've said I want him in the Oval Office watching "House of Cards," lock the door. Just leave him there, Beyonce videos and all.

I think this is pretty insulting to women, honestly. That's assuming that mothers don't know what their deductibles are, can't see premiums going up. They don't know what the cost of health care was. That's assuming that all these women that he's talking to, none of them have had their plans cancelled or changed.

So I think a lot of women watch the president went you again. What I don't understand is why somebody like Ellen would put her brand on the line. I know he's the president, and it's a big get for an interview, but it's one thing to have him on the show, another for her to say sign up.

And your point, which is the most genius of all, Ellen is not signed up to Obamacare. That would be the real test


All right. Eric, can I play a SOT for you?

BOLLING: Please?

GUTFELD: This is Ellen asking Obama about some very important things. Roll.


DEGENERES: I know you're busy and it's the end of the day and you've got to walk the dogs and do the laundry, but before we go, I have -- do you watch "House of Cards?" Do you watch "Scandal?" What are your thoughts on those shows?

OBAMA: You know, I watch "House of Cards." I haven't seen "Scandal", but Michelle has watched "Scandal."

I have to tell you life in Washington is a little more boring than displayed on the screen.




GUTFELD: Please.


BOLLING: So, Ellen asked him if he likes "House of Cards" and "Scandal". Whoopi, remember when he said down with the ladies of "The View", Whoopi said, what's your favorite color?

I mean, that's what he does, because he doesn't get the tough questions, he doesn't get the question, Mr. President, how come only 5 million have signed up? Mr. President, if 5 million signed up, how many have actually paid?

Mr. President, are you going to tell me with 25 percent of people who signed up are young people? That means one and a quarter million people are young, not sure how of those have paid. One and a quarter million people are going to support 30 million new people because everybody else who is signing up is taking on the system. You need the young people to support it.

Those are the tough questions. You're certainly not going to get that.

GUIFOYLE: I think he might be bad (INAUDIBLE)

BOLLING: Maybe if he sat here he would get one.

GUILFOYLE: That's the problem.

GUTFELD: So, Bob, Russia --

GUILFOYLE: Bob's got a migraine, Obamacare will cure it.

BECKEL: No, it's just, I'm listening to you people --

GUTFELD: We're all wrong, I know. But can I ask you a question?


GUTFELD: President Obama announces, you know, these penalties and costs against Russia. So, Russia retaliates after Obama announces this with their own little banning of U.S. officials, including Harry Reid, stroke of genius on their part.

That's a Russian sense of humor. They were actually mocking the president going -- oh, so, so you're blocking six guys that we don't care about. Harry Reid is no longer allowed in St. Petersburg.

GUILFOYLE: It's pretty funny actually.

BECKEL: I know you're married to one, but I've yet to meet a Russian who has a sense of humor about anything, but can I please for a second --


GUTFELD: Smirnoff?

BECKEL: Isn't he from there, though?


BECKEL: Can I go back to this for a second. You're scraping the bottom of the barrel looking at the Obamacare thing, because here's the bottom line. It just occurred.

First of all, the answer to the question is 80 percent have paid, according to the insurance industry. They've added it together, and 80 percent have paid.

BOLLING: You think so?

BECKEL: Well, that's what the insurance company said.

GUTFELD: But you hate --


BOLLING: The first I've heard of that and I will almost put my last dollar that it's going to be wrong.

BECKEL: And the other thing is they are going to make their 6 million by March 31st. Forget all that --

BOLLING: It was 7 million.

BECKEL: By the time you're able to change this thing, even if you win the Senate, you're going to have to wait if you get a Republican president, this is now done. It's finished. It's over. Obamacare is the law of the land. It's never going to be changed.

TANTAROS: Wait a minute. You can change it at the edges, said the Democrat whose party change it had how many times, 27, 37 times?

BECKEL: I'm talking about by the time you get to 2017 when a new Republican president would be sworn in, by the time they can move a bill, there'd be millions and millions of people involved in this Obamacare.

TANTAROS: Oh, that's right. Only President Obama can change it.

BECKEL: Argue all you want, all I'm saying, it's a done deal. You lost. You might as we'll get used to it.


GUTFELD: -- you can do something about it.

BOLLING: And not only that, it's not a done deal yet. Bob, you're right. It is the law. It can be repealed with --

BECKEL: You're going to repeal that for 20 million people on it.

BOLLING: But don't say it's a done deal. It can be repealed.

But, however, you know what's not a done deal? The cost.


BOLLING: The cost of Obamacare is going to skyrocket. You guys are going -- keep talking Obamacare, Bob, because you're going to lose 2014, and you're going to lose 2016. As long as Obamacare is around, you're going to continue to lose.

BECKEL: You'll never change Obamacare.

GUTFELD: They will, though.

TANTAROS: Bob, the employer mandate -- the employer mandate, that tidal wave, you will not be able to escape it.

BECKEL: You're not going to change Obamacare.

TANTAROS: No delay will save you.

GUTFELD: President Obama will keep changing Obamacare.

BECKEL: You're right, but you'll never be able to change that.

Now the insurance is there in the country and will be that way for decades to come. Get used to it.

GUILFOYLE: We'll see.

GUTFELD: Putin is playing chess.

BECKEL: Stop whining about it so much.

GUTFELD: Putin is playing chess and Obama is playing foosball.

Up next, a principal loses her job after banning students from speaking Spanish at her school, but did she deserve to?

And later, a "Wheel of Fortune" contestant win with two letters on the board, surprises even Pat Sajak. Who's Pat Sajak? Could you solve this problem? We'll see how one wordsmith did, ahead.



I love Spanish, I love the language, I love the culture, and I use my limited Espanol whenever possible.

That said, a Texas middle school principal is in agua caliente for telling her students to stop --


BOLLING: It's hot water.

BECKEL: Hot water.

BOLLING: To stop speaking Spanish on campus.

Principal Amy Lacey announced her restriction over the school intercom. She was promptly put on paid leave.

And this just in -- the school district is now saying they will not renew Lacey's contract. By the way, more than half the students in the school district, wait for it, Hispanic.

K.G., your thoughts on this. This is a tough one.


BOLLING: She tells the kids don't speak Spanish on campus at all.

GUILFOYLE: Yes, I mean, I think she went a little too far. In the legal world, we call that overbroad, strike it down. But if she could specifically tailor it to say, we would like to speak English in the classrooms because we believe we have a vested interest as an education school to give you the best skills to succeed going forward to get an actual job where you can't bring your U.N. interpreter to understand, you know, pass me the Big Mac.

What are you going to do? How are you going to get a job if you can't speak the language? Be excited to be here and try to learn it, right? Just like we all take electives to learn another language as well, and that's coming from a (SPEAKING SPANISH)

GUTFELD: You're absolutely right. We're in a sad world where common sense advice is seen as mean.


GUTFELD: This woman is actually saying, look, you've got to do this in order to succeed because there's going to be another kid that's going to learn English better than you and will take that job.

I had a Spanish class in high school, the teacher said you have to speak Spanish all the time in the class, or you won't get a good grade. He's right. I got a lousy grade. That's the problem.

The people that say that you shouldn't ask people to speak English are -- are the actual bigots because they believe these kids aren't capable of learning the language. It's insulting to them to think they can't do this. They should want to learn it and get ahead in life. It's important.

BOLLING: The other side of that coin is a lot of people feel like -- that English is the official language of the United States of America, and I believe 31 says the it's actually mandated the official language and people get offended when they hear something that's not English.

TANTAROS: Yes. You know, I don't think this principal should have been fired, and I don't think that should be a national let's call the DOJ and let's have an investigation. I just personally don't think other languages should be banned in schools. I know that she probably meant well.


TANTAROS: It's just -- the way of delivering that message over the intercom probably not the right way. And again --

GUTFELD: Banning is a strong thing.

TANTAROS: Yes. And we sit around the table a lot and we talk about freedom of speech, and I just think, and I'm not going to say, it that word, if it's banned, the slope (ph) -- I just don't think that that should be the issue.

I also think is there a benefit maybe to the other students learning Spanish? I hate to say it but let's be real, we're becoming more and more Hispanic by the day. So it wouldn't hurt to have English speakers speak Spanish. I had 10 years of Spanish myself. Not a bad thing.

So I can see both sides of this.

BOLLING: We just got a time cue in Spanish.

GUTFELD: I had two years.

BOLLING: Did I hear right, that you're going to say -- the liberal on the panel is going to say this -- this was a good call by the school district to fire her?

BECKEL: No, no, I was not going to say that. I have for a long time been suspicious about bilingual education after it goes on beyond the third grade. In other words, I think when you get kids in, they should have bilingual opportunities. But after that, every year you give them bilingual education is a year you're taking away from them integrating into the economics of the United States so I think that she did go too far.

GUILFOYLE: Assimilate, that's what you're saying.

BECKEL: Right, but I think there is something to be said about it for the first two or three grades but after that you ought to be immersed in English. I went down to Mexico to learn Spanish. I was -- six months I was immersed.


BECKEL: I couldn't come up with anything else but -- I don't want to say the words I learned, but --

GUTFELD: There are only questions that you learned.

BECKEL: Seriously, I do think we have to be careful that we don't essentially penalize these kids by not --

TANTAROS: What about on the recess ground? What about in the hallway? They're saying --

BECKEL: Of course. I think it's ridiculous.

GUILFOYLE: You agree with me, that's overbroad.

BECKEL: I mean, Muslims probably speak Muslims in the hallways.

BOLLING: I haven't heard about speaking Arabic in the hallways.


BOLLING: Side story, drafted by the Pirates -- Pirates minor league system, heavily Hispanic, taught all the baseball lessons in Spanish, kid you not.

Next, could the families of the people on board the missing plane finally be getting the answers they have been waiting for, for so long? You'll hear from them, next.


GUILFOYLE: Well, families and loved ones of those on board Flight 370 are anxiously awaiting to find out if debris spotted in the Indian Ocean is wreckage from the missing jet.

Here are some of their reactions to the news from the last 24 hours.


SARAH BAJC, PHILIP WOOD'S GIRLFRIEND: I don't think I've stopped shaking since. You know, we just finally settled in to a -- into a normal routine of waiting, unhappy waiting, with you at least, you know, we were going back to normal sleeping cycles and getting in, and I've continued to teach at work, and now this just throws it all, you know, all up in the air again.

FATHER OF MISSING PASSENGER: As a father, I still have to believe all the MH370 passengers are alive and well. I hope they're in good health.


GUILFOYLE: You know, tremendous uncertainty. Imagine if you're one of those family member and you know another country has the means and economic wherewithal to get this investigation going in the right direction, Andrea, where you can get some answers for these poor people, how frustrating. It's like having a cure for a disease and you just can't reach out and take it.

TANTAROS: I know. I mean, watching the footage and watching the footage of that Malaysian woman that was being played over and over last night, it's just so sad.

But think how long it took for them to get this kind of media attention. I mean, living in Malaysia, the government seemingly ignored these people. They didn't want their stories to get out. They weren't talking to them.

I mean, they were taking -- you see the cameras. They are saying no one has come to my house, no one has told me what has happened.

Bob, get ready, put these in your ears, feels like the families of Benghazi, just saying, and we're better than that.

GUILFOYLE: Very difficult.

Eric, your thoughts and reflections when you see something like this, it really tugs at your heart. It's tough.

BOLLING: It does. I think, look, obviously the family members are still holding out hope. Somewhere in the back of their mind, they are hoping that it landed somewhere, probably an unlikely scenario, but what it is doing is when you see the media frenzy going on like that it keeps it on the news, it keeps on the front page of the newspaper, it keeps on THE FIVE, it keeps on, you know, all the other major networks and it forces these different countries, Malaysia, Thailand, all in the area, to actually continue to focus the search and throw assets. Where if it were a quite story that no one was talking about it and they threw it under the rug and no one heard about, you know, they may not be as willing to spend that kind of money to find out what happened to this plane.


GUTFELD: Yes, I agree. Originally, I was like I just didn't see the intrusion of these cameras. But I'm thinking like, you know, you always hear about somebody who goes missing, and the family is trying to get press, like somebody doesn't come home from work one day, and she has to go to the press, and -- I mean, this actually -- it's perhaps the only way to get any progress happening.

The problem with the press right now is that "may" is the new "is". It's like we don't have any facts, so this may be it, this maybe that, rather than this is that. So the debris field is in a way the information that keeps coming out over a period of weeks now, and these poor souls have to keep digesting this every day. I can't believe how that must be.

GUILFOYLE: Bob, how does it sit with you? How do you feel about it?

BECKEL: You know, I think frankly news of the debris field is probably the worst news that they would get.

GUILFOYLE: Right, because they wanted hope.

BECKEL: They want to hold out hope that somehow this plane has landed someone and now the potential for more debris. Remember, went through this once and it was a false alarm and now, you got it again. If I were sitting back there and I were a family member, I'd say, God, I hope that's not something else, I hope there's still a possibility.

Let me make one other point. The Malaysians have not obviously handled this as well as they could have, but as large as this body of water is, and everything that is involved in this, I'm not so sure that the United States of America would answer this question by now. I think it's too big, too much, even if they let the FBI in early. They may have come up with more ideas about what the pilots were about or if they could have found this plane -- I don't think you have more capability.

You got 24 (ph) countries at it --

TANTAROS: Now that we have the computers, we'll likely be the ones to solve it quicker.

GUTFELD: Nobody has still talked about the family of the pilot, like what happened to them?

GUILFOYLE: Where are they?

GUTFELD: Was that story false? Did they not really leave? Has anybody asked them? Did they -- where are they? Are they at Club Med?

BECKEL: If you were the family of those pilots, wouldn't you leave, too? Wouldn't you worry that some of these people --

GUILFOYLE: But that's very suspicious. They're disappearing before the flight.

BECKEL: Oh, the day before.

GUILFOYLE: That's what we're saying.

BOLLING: And that may be the best case for letting the United States take over the investigation. They can do the deep dive on every single human being, not on the plane but everyone associated with everyone. Maybe Malaysians and the others don't have the assets or the capability of doing that.

BECKEL: Well, we have a list of the people on the plane, so I'm sure the United States --

BOLLING: I'm not sure.

GUILFOYLE: All right.

The Chinese said all their passengers were cool.

BECKEL: That's what they said.

GUILFOYLE: That's what they said, but you can't trust them, just like we said doubtful about their 21 satellites or that they were looking at all. Trust but verify. Coming up, is America surrendering control of the Internet to other countries? That's next on THE FIVE. You don't want to miss it.


BECKEL: Did the U.S. give up control of the Internet? Last week the department (ph) of Congress decided to relinquish our last bit of oversight over the World Wide Web. The move made the international community happy, but business and techies (ph) in the U.S. warn the move will hurt our ability to regulate censorship. Voters agree. A new poll from Rasmussen shows 61 percent of likely U.S. voters oppose the move. I take it, Eric, you oppose the move. Right?

BOLLING: I mean, yes, yes. Why would we do that? What's the upside to doing that? The reason why we did do it is because other countries were worried that we were favoring the United States' customers more than -- than foreign customers, you know. There's finding domain names and keeping certain domain names here.

Look, if it started with -- with our group in Silicon Valley, it should stay with our group in Silicon Valley. Let's just go around the table.

TANTAROS: The United States, they say, hasn't been managing it properly, yet we can trust these other countries. Al Gore is probably very upset right now, giving oversight up. I don't know why we would do this. The United States and our service providers pay money to expand the networks. They pay to maintain these networks. I think that, again, it's the United States saying, "We feel bad that we're the big, bad bully, dominating the Internet, so let's share the wealth."

What troubles me the most: surrendering our oversight to countries that don't have freedom of speech. The most important thing about the Internet. And this Internet corporation for assigned names, ICANN, is a nonprofit. So if it goes to other countries, are we going to have new fees? Are we going to have increased costs? I mean, now our costs are pretty low, but if you give it to other countries, I don't think people know what's coming to hit their pocketbooks.

GUILFOYLE: U.S. surcharge.

GUTFELD: Well, I mean, if this is what they're going to do. They chose global feeling over American interests. They want -- again, it's another part of that "We want them to like us," but just pick this stuff that we -- if you're going to give away things, give away Vermont or the show "Glee" or...

TANTAROS: Or Harry Reid.

GUTFELD: Yes. Give away the Prius.

I would love to see Somalia -- Somalia's take on "Glee."

BECKEL: What do you think?

GUILFOYLE: I'm going to agree with all that. I concur. Please, I beg you, I'll put up cash if you take Harry Reid.

You know, but why? Why would we give up the Internet? This makes no sense to me, unless you deliberately want to undercut America, unless you're against this country. Why would you do this? There is no reason for it and a million reasons against it. And I think this is overall part of the problem, is we go on this, like, apology tour of the country. We're sorry for being awesome, and now we're going to give you the Internet, which is now going to...

BECKEL: I'm going to take a contrary view on this one part of this, and that is to say that, of the 3.5 billion people who use the Internet we represent a very small percentage part of those people. And the control of the names doesn't matter one way or the other. Who cares who controls the names?

What does matter is the interconnectivity of these different networks, which could be shut off. And the United States does keep...

GUTFELD: Cyber terrorism.

BECKEL: Yes, and that would -- that would be worrying (ph) when it comes to the Chinese...

GUILFOYLE: Luck (ph) for the Chinese, Bob.

BECKEL: ... who are, I get back to this, the second biggest threat the United States has ever seen.

"One More Thing" is up next.

TANTAROS: Can we give Al Gore away with it?


TANTAROS: In a lock box?


TANTAROS: It's time now for "One More Thing." Mr. Eric Bolling.

BOLLING: OK. So this happened last night on "The Tonight Show," hilarious. But I want to -- pay close attention, because I want to ask you something after, watch.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: You're forcing people to accept something that the majority of them don't even want.

JIMMY FALLON, HOST, NBC'S "THE TONIGHT SHOW WITH JIMMY FALLON": Yes, in Russia we have word for this, Obama care.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Ouch, ouch. Ouch. Now that hurt.

FALLON: Yes, does Obama care cover burns?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Ha, ha, ha. Ha, ha, very funny, and no.


BOLLING: So that was a great skit, but now we're having to debate whether or not Jimmy Fallon -- clearly he played Putin, but did he also play President Obama and if he didn't, I don't know, hit me up on Twitter or something, @EricBolling. Let me know who -- who was President Obama in that skit? What do you think?

TANTAROS: Very funny. I don't know. Let me think about it and get back to you -- Bob.

BECKEL: "Wheel of Fortune," Pat Sajak and, of course, the lovely Vanna White, take a look at what happened when they had the bonus round worth 45 grand. Take a look at what happened last night.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: New baby buggy, new baby -- new baby...




BECKEL: I'll tell you something. Sajak looked like he just swallowed a vat of acid. I mean, the -- the fact is that this guy got that whole thing done with just two letters out, and he hit it right for 45,000 bucks. I think that's amazing. Maybe he has a date with Vanna the night before or something. I don't know.

TANTAROS: Oh, wow. You'd love that.

BECKEL: I would.

TANTAROS: I'd like to buy a vowel.

All right. This is the saddest story. Well, not as sad as the missing airplane but close. Listen to this.

High school students now are not going to dances, including Eric Bolling's son, because they would rather stay home and text. So the staple of, I would say, my life, junior high, high school, people aren't going to anymore because they just want to sit around and, I don't know, be on Facebook. I think that's really, really sad. Very sad.

BECKEL: Are they still doing those...

GUILFOYLE: I loved prom and going to dances. I don't know why people...

TANTAROS: I would dance at Springhouse Senior High School, last song of every dance, Led Zeppelin, "Stairway to Heaven."

GUILFOYLE: "Stairway to Heaven." Yes, but you have to make sure you're with the right guy at that time, because that can be deadly.

GUTFELD: Tell me about it.

TANTAROS: Especially when it gets fast.

GUILFOYLE: OK. Enough of sharing over here.


GUILFOYLE: Odd individual.

GUTFELD: It's time for...


GUTFELD: I hate these people!


GUTFELD: Today -- today it's snide cashiers at book stores who pass judgment at books that you purchase because they don't match their assumptions or ideologies. I've got a few e-mails already from people buying my book, "Not Cool," which is available everywhere, who say that whenever they ask for it they have to go look for it, and the cashier is always like "FOX News," like they -- they smelled flatulence from a goat.

BECKEL: Hey, Greg, you know your book is available everywhere?

GUTFELD: Yes, it is.


GUTFELD: But I want to say next time -- next time somebody does that to you, you should lecture them and tell them, "Your job is to sell me a book, not to tell me that it's bad."

TANTAROS: They should say, "Oh, really? You don't like it? I'll take 50 copies."

GUTFELD: Yes. Oh, that's good.

BECKEL: Have Kimberly have a shot at you.

GUILFOYLE: Yes, we've got a good story here. Starbucks not only making great coffee but a big donation from the CEO, Howard Schultz donating $30 million to U.S. troops to help fund a study into PTSD for troops as they leave Afghanistan. Also making a pledge to hire at least 10,000 vets and their spouses. A step in the right direction.

GUTFELD: Now I like him again.


GUTFELD: Now I like him.

GUILFOYLE: Traumatic brain injury, such a big problem that returning veterans are facing.

GUTFELD: Yes. Now he's a good person.

GUILFOYLE: So good on you.

TANTAROS: All right. Don't forget to set your DVRs so you never, ever miss an episode of "The Five." We'll see you right back here tomorrow.

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