Scandalous Video Rocks San Francisco's Football Team

This is a partial transcript from "The O'Reilly Factor," June 1, 2005, that has been edited for clarity.

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BILL O'REILLY, HOST: In the "Impact" segment tonight, apparently The San Francisco 49ers football team has much in common with the Animal House crew. A video made by team PR guy Kirk Reynolds features topless ladies, we can't obviously show you that, a spoof of gay marriage, that's what's going on there, and some off color racial jokes, that's what's going on there.

The video was supposed to introduce new players to the diversity of the city by the Bay. It was supposed to be funny. But now nobody's laughing because the press is pulverizing the 49ers. And Reynolds has been fired.

Joining us now from Oakland is Brian Murphy, a sports radio guy at KNBR.

First of all, what is this video? I mean, why would they even make a video like this?

BRIAN MURPHY, SPORTS RADIO TALK SHOW HOST: Yes, a couple important points, Bill. One, it was an in-house training video. Actually, it's kind of a misconception that it was a diversity video. What happens every summer, the NFL has their PR directors give a media training course to the players, to tell them how to deal with reporters.

So Kirk Reynolds has been their PR guy for years and years. And he's actually one of the most respected PR guys in the National Football League. And I've known him for a long, long time to be one of the best. I covered the team for years.

He decided he's been doing it for years. And he said guys have been falling asleep in the things. So in the lecture. So he went to some veteran players and he asked them, hey, how can I make this more interesting?

And they said why don't you make fun of things? Why don't you have some fun? So the last two years, he's been making videos. This year's video happened to be what you see.

Now it was entirely intended for in-house distribution.

O'REILLY: OK, but I'm not getting the point.

MURPHY: They loved it.

O'REILLY: They show these videos...

MURPHY: And then what happened was it got leaked in...

O'REILLY: Yes, I mean, somebody leaked - somebody got a hold of it and leaked it to The San Francisco Chronicle. And...

MURPHY: That's a whole other story, actually.

O'REILLY: Right, yes. Of course.

But they make a video so new players will come in and understand what? What are they trying to get across?

MURPHY: They understand how to do -- if you watch the video, and it's available on the web, it's on, The Chronicle's Web site, Kirk punctuates every segment with a lecture about say how to handle if you're in trouble with the law enforcement. And then he just ends the segment with a joke where a player gets thrown into a jail cell.

He does a segment on embracing the diversity. And that's the racy segment where you see him marrying two women who are -- happen to be strippers.

He does a segment on what it takes to be aware of what you say. And then it ends with these strippers. See, so what he does is he tries to punctuate serious points about how to handle themselves...

O'REILLY: I got it. So how to...

MURPHY: And then he tries to punctuate it with humor.

O'REILLY: Right. When these kids come into the NFL...

MURPHY: Racy...

O'REILLY: ...they've got to know how handle themselves. But I don't think this is the video that's going to show them.

Now does every team do this? Is this like every team has their little introductory video?

MURPHY: Not every -- as I understand it, Bill, not every team does a video. They have guys, as Kirk has done for years, stand up at training camp...


MURPHY: ...and give a lecture.

O'REILLY: So this is an option that they...

MURPHY: So this was his way of -- he was trying to be creative, yes.

O'REILLY: All right. Now you know, when you -- I'm not going to say this because it's just offensive, but he makes fun of a Chinese guy. And he makes fun of the way the Chinese talk.

And San Francisco's big Chinese town. So even though it wasn't intended to get out, I mean, this is almost self-destructive, because you got in the back of your mind be thinking, hey, somebody's going to say something about this.

MURPHY: Yes. The key thing we have to say, because as I say Kirk's actually a very good guy, he enlisted a martial arts instructor who's hired by the team. His name's George Chung, to play the role...

O'REILLY: It doesn't matter. You know, the stuff is so offensive.

MURPHY: And George -- but no. But George Chung did all that stuff on his own.

Now what Kirk is guilty is signing off on it.


MURPHY: He just told George -- the point was he was trying to make to players was we read everything written about you guys, whether it's in The San Francisco Chronicle, The San Jose Mercury, or in a Chinese newspaper.

And he says like this. And he had George Chung ad lib the offense. And then George Chung...

O'REILLY: Yes, but Mr., come on...

MURPHY: ...and did the ad libbing.

O'REILLY: ...this is so far...

MURPHY: I'm just explaining it.

O'REILLY: It's so far - yes, but what I can't understand is you say this guy is a good PR guy, is a savvy guy.

MURPHY: Very good, yes.

O'REILLY: A seventh grader would know if you put something like this on videotape, it's that egregious. OK. If you do that, some day you're going to pay a price.

MURPHY: That's true.

O'REILLY: A 10-year-old would know that. That's how over-the-top it is.

MURPHY: That's sort of the lesson we've learned from all of this, because we talked to Kirk Reynolds at length this morning on our radio show. And he said it was all intended in-house.

And what he's learned now is that anything that goes on video in the year 2005, it's going to get out.


MURPHY: So if there's a moral to the story, you don't put anything on video.

O'REILLY: Well, if there's a moral to the story...

MURPHY: Even if it's intended for family and friends.

O'REILLY: ...if you're a professional public relations guy, or a football player, or anybody in the public eye, you can't be doing this stuff. Not even in jest, not even at a party. You just can't. Not...

MURPHY: As was made - yes, painfully evident by this scenario.

O'REILLY: Not in America today.

MURPHY: Right.

O'REILLY: Because people are just looking for this.

MURPHY: Right.

O'REILLY: I feel bad the guy got fired, but he had to get fired. They couldn't keep him.

MURPHY: As it turns out, the video was -- he alleges that the video was released by the former general manager of the team, Terry Donahue...

O'REILLY: Doesn't matter.

MURPHY: ...who - I know -- which make it's very interesting, doesn't it?

O'REILLY: Right.

MURPHY: Kind of the intrigue...

O'REILLY: Doesn't matter who put it out there.

MURPHY: Just don't put it on video. You'll get caught.

O'REILLY: Right.


O'REILLY: Mr. Murphy, thanks very much. We appreciate it.

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