Republicans' strategy on ObamaCare in focus

This is a rush transcript from "Your World," April 1, 2014. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

NEIL CAVUTO, HOST: All right, in the meantime, Republicans say that Democrats can crow all they want. Come this fall, they will be eating crow, because they say this health care plan wallops them in the midterms.

Well, don't be so sure of that. If you have a compliant media saying that this is a roaring success -- take a look at few of these headlines -- Will a lot of present doubts and concerns start to subside? And for a Republican Party that has pretty much hitched its wagon to health care driving Democrats wagging off a cliff, could that be a grand old mistake?

Let us ask Republican Senator Dan Coats from Indiana.

Senator, you and I have gotten into this before...


CAVUTO: ... that for Republicans who hang their hats on this health care law just evaporating support for Democrats, by November, that could change, couldn't it?

COATS: Well, it could, Neil, and the numbers that you were just talking about, clearly, we are not getting the numbers you really need to know in terms of finding out whether this policy works.

What really needs to be addressed and what will become very much a part, I think, of the fall election talk is how many -- how high have the premiums been raised, how many people have lost their doctor, what is the co-pay. The numbers that we don't have really will tell the story in terms of where we're going on all of this.

But, remember, what is said today is just a publicity rollout for the president. Those numbers -- well, first of all, it's April Fool's, so can we truly trust anything that is said today by anybody? But, nevertheless, we're far from finding out what the real policy is, and should we have upended this whole thing?

Now, going to what you said about the fall, Republicans do have responsibility, if they don't like this -- and we don't -- and the people don't like it -- and they don't -- how would we deal with it? And that's the next step Republicans have to take, and that is, put the alternative in place and give people a choice in November.

CAVUTO: All right. We're watching Kathleen Sebelius on the far here at the Rose Garden, where she is waiting for the president to detail this 7 million-plus figure we're getting.

I know it's a hunch, Senator, but do you have a guesstimate as to how much of those are net new enrollees, in other words, did not have insurance before and do now, because that's who we did this for?

COATS: Well, you know, we had the McKinsey report way back in February said it's only one in four that are new enrollees. And so what is the net here?

And we don't have those numbers. I think the reason we don't have those numbers is that the White House doesn't want to release them.

CAVUTO: So, you don't believe them that they don't know them? In other words, they know the aggregate, but they just don't have access to, I guess because insurance companies provide this information, they don't have that. You think they do and they're just not bragging about it?

COATS: Well, I think they would be bragging if they had good numbers.

So they either don't have them or the numbers they have are bad. Either way, we don't have the numbers necessary to make a good judgment as to whether this is working or not or whether going through this whole upturning of the entire health care system in the United States has been worth it to this date.

CAVUTO: All right, Senator, thank you.

COATS: Sure enough.

CAVUTO: It's always good seeing you.

COATS: It's great to see you.

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