Rep. Scalise on how to grow economy after dismal jobs report; Sanders supporters to bring havoc to Democratic convention?

This is a rush transcript from "Sunday Morning Futures," June 5, 2016. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

MARIA BARTIROMO, FOX NEWS ANCHOR:  Donald Trump trying to mend fences with a potential candidate for vice president.

Good morning, everyone.  I'm Maria Bartiromo.  Welcome to "Sunday Morning Futures."

The presumptive GOP presidential nominee set to meet with New Mexico's governor, following harsh attacks from both sides.

House Majority Whip Steve Scalise on that coming up.

And the impact of Paul Ryan's endorsement of Trump in moments.

Plus, California up for grabs this Tuesday.  Bernie Sanders looking to spoil Hillary Clinton's attempt to lock up the Democratic national nomination this Tuesday.  A party spokesperson sets the stage for us coming up.

And travelers concerned about terrorism.  They're canceling trips to Europe, the Zika virus and frustration over long lines at the airport. We'll talk to the CEO of the United Airlines coming up, addressing those issues with me exclusively, plus his choice words for the TSA.

We're looking ahead right now on "Sunday Morning Futures."


BARTIROMO:  Good morning.

The state of the economy reflected in the latest jobs report released on Friday.  The report showing only 38,000 jobs were created in the month of May.  That was the weakest performance in 2010.  Economists were looking for as many as 164,000 jobs added to the economy.  This was a horrible report.  They also predicted that the unemployment rate would fall to 4.9 percent.  It came in slightly lower at 4.7 percent.

The report prompting these comments from presumptive Republican nominee, Donald Trump.


DONALD TRUMP, R-PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE:  It was like a bombshell.  They were expecting 150,000, maybe 200,000 jobs.  It turns out to be 38,000. They're bad jobs, folks.  You know, everybody, even the other side says, we don't have good jobs anymore.  Our good jobs are moving to Mexico, along with the companies that are moving there.  They're moving to China, where China is making all of our products.  They keep devaluing their currency.


BARTIROMO:  Louisiana congressman and House majority whip, Steve Scalise, joins me right now.

Congressman, good to see you.  Thanks so much for joining us.

REP. STEVE SCALISE, R-LA., HOUSE MAJORITY WHIP:  Good morning, Maria.  Good to be with you.

BARTIROMO:  So, let me kick it off with the economy because we know this was just a day after the president basically did a victory lap about how great things are going.  How would you characterize things right now and where do you find common ground with Donald Trump in terms of the fix for economic growth?

SCALISE:  Well, clearly, you can look -- we've had anemic growth throughout the history of President Obama's tenure.  It's been directly related to his policies, whether it's Obamacare or the Dodd/Frank bill, or you look at all the regulations coming out of every federal agency that are just crushing jobs in America.  And so, we should have well above 2 percent growth, maybe 4 percent growth.  And instead the president celebrates when we have maybe 1.5 percent.

Clearly, they don't understand that the economy has been slowed down throughout this administration and it's holding our country back.  You look at what Donald Trump's talked about.  It's making America great again, getting our country and economy back on track.  We sat down and talked with them about real ways of how to do that, how to lower taxes so we can be competitive as a nation again so companies don't leave this country and go to other countries like Ireland because their tax rates are lower.

So, let's figure out how to get the budget balanced again, how to get our economy moving, and bringing a middle class back into the United States.

BARTIROMO:  So, has anything changed in terms of the common ground between the house leadership and Donald Trump?  For example, now that Paul Ryan has come around and said he's supporting Donald Trump last week?

SCALISE:  Yes.  I read Paul's op-ed.  I thought it was a really good description of what we talked about with Donald Trump.

We've got an agenda.  We've laid out a lot of plans and we're going to get more detailed about how to get our economy moving again, how to get regulations under control so they don't crush jobs in America.

Frankly, all the things we talked about, Donald Trump said he would be signing those bills.  Bills to get the budget balanced, bills to get the economy moving again and lower tax rates.  So, we talked about a lot of specifics.  There were areas where he seemed to be a part from us.

So, we've got a real strong agenda.  We're going to move through the rest of this year and show the country not just what we're against, but what we're for that will get jobs created again, get the economy moving again.

BARTIROMO:  So, for example, you think we'll get tax reform then in year one, if it is President Trump's administration?

SCALISE:  Absolutely.


SCALISE:  You know, Donald Trump's made it clear he wants to lower tax rates.  We want to lower tax rates.  Let's bring those jobs back to America.  There's no reason that major manufacturers in America should be getting bought up and moved out of the United States.

Those are really good jobs we're losing.  We want to bring them back. Clearly, President Obama stood in the way and Hillary Clinton will keep it going with the socialist talk that he -- she and Bernie Sanders are fighting over who's the furthest left socialist.


SCALISE:  We're not a socialist nation.  Let's get our economy moving again.

BARTIROMO:  Has anything changed in terms of where Trump stands on trade and immigration versus Paul Ryan and the leadership stand?

SCALISE:  I think those are all areas we'll continue to talk about.  When you talk about the basics of getting the economy moving again, and creating jobs in this country, not the slow growth the president seems to celebrate, but actually rebuilding a middle class we've lost over the last 6 1/2 years.  There's not much separation on the things it's going to take to do. When we get those bills to president Trump's desk, he'll sign them, as opposed to Barack Obama who opposes on them and issues veto threats, and Hillary Clinton who will keep the same failed policies going.

BARTIROMO:  What would the best ticket look like?  Who does the House leadership to want see as Donald Trump's running mate?  We know he's meeting with New Mexico's governor, Martinez.  What is that meeting all about?

SCALISE:  I think it's good the two of them are sitting down.  Clearly, she's been a talented governor.

There are talented people he's got to pick from.  It's not our decision to make.  It's Donald Trump's to make.  He fought hard and won and earned the Republican nomination through a tough process.  And he gets to choose the vice president.  I would like him to pick somebody that would actually help the ticket and help him achieve his agenda.  Not just through the election in November but then to carry it out.

Those first 100 days could be so successful at getting our economy moving again, bring investment back to the country that's been lost because of the president's radical approach that's failed.  Let's reverse that and start creating jobs quickly.  The strongest team can do that.  So, I'm glad he's going to be looking at a lot of talented people to pick from as his vice president.

BARTIROMO:  Meanwhile, it looks like the president is ramping up his agenda before he leaves office.  It's going to be a busy six months for President Obama.  Last week, he said he wants to expand Social Security benefits.  We also know that the Department of Homeland Security has been letting in illegals at an alarming rate.  What's your take on some of these new developments from the current administration?

SCALISE:  You know, the president seems to be just bent on trying to write his own laws.  It's not worked.  We successfully beat him in the courts on a lot of things.  We had a big Supreme Court decision against some of his failed attempts at executive overreach.

There are a number of cases pending in the courts so we've won in the courts.  The bottom line is, Social Security and Medicare are programs that are going bankrupt.  Seniors don't want them to go bankrupt and neither do we.

We actually laid out a plan to save Medicare from bankruptcy.  The president opposes it.  He wants it to go bust.  He continues to want -- to encourage illegal action.

We want to work with the president who's willing to work with Congress, to get problems fixed, to get the economy moving again.  I think that's what this presidential race is going to be about.  That's what people are looking for in this country.

BARTIROMO:  How worried are you about losing seats in the Senate and the House in the next contest coming up there?  And was it critical in that regard for Paul Ryan to get behind Trump?

SCALISE:  You know, what Paul Ryan's been focused on is making sure we can get as close on the same page with our agenda we want to move through the House so that we know we're going to have somebody who's willing to sign those bills into law that will get the economy moving again.

But when you look at in terms of keeping the House, we're very focused on making sure we don't lose the house majority that's been so important.  Not only to stopping bad things from happening, but also at moving forward a positive agenda that can get the country back on track.  We know the Senate is going to be tight, no matter who the nominee is, no matter what the match-up is going to be.

But it's going to be a very interesting presidential election.  I think if you look at the map right now playing out, it favors Donald Trump having a real chance to win in states we've never won before because he is bringing a lot of new people into the fold.  People that don't like Hillary Clinton's direction, that don't trust Hillary Clinton as a leader.  And, frankly, have watched the job she did as secretary of state.  We have one of the most failed foreign policies in our country's history.

If you look at where we are, our friends don't even trust us around the world and our enemies are running roughshod, whether it's Iran, Putin, and Russia.  ISIS is still on the march.  This is a dangerous world and the current plan has not worked.

BARTIROMO:  And that certainly going to resonate with people going into Tuesday.

Any takeaways you're expecting on Tuesday, at the important primaries of California, and New Jersey, for example, among other, South Dakota, North Dakota caucus?

SCALISE:  I think you'll see an increased turnout.  A lot of people are energized about this race.  The fact Hillary Clinton cannot put away Bernie Sanders is I think an embarrassment.  A fact that she hasn't been able to put together the kind of campaign that can close the deal because people on both sides -- this isn't just a Republican issue.  Democrats don't trust Hillary Clinton and that's why she hasn't been able to put away Bernie Sanders.

So, I think you're going to see that play out, the distrust for her and the fact that Donald Trump continues to pull people in who are looking at him, and they're not listening to the media rhetoric.  They're looking at what he's talking about to get the country moving again and the policies that are going to be there and we're going to continue to move a pro-growth agenda to balance budget and get our country back.

BARTIROMO:  Congressman, we'll be watching.  So good to have you on the program this morning.  Thanks so much.

SCALISE:  Great being with you, Maria.

BARTIROMO:  Representative Steve Scalise there.

Bernie Sanders says he's going all the way to the convention meanwhile despite the insurmountable delegate map.  So, is Bernie Sanders hurting Hillary Clinton and the party by staying in this race?  We will talk with the spokesperson for the DNC, next.

Follow me on Twitter @mariabartiromo.  What do you want to hear from Luis Miranda, coming up, @sundayfutures is our handle on Twitter.

Stay with us.  We're looking ahead right now on "Sunday Morning Futures."


BARTIROMO:  Welcome back.  Bernie Sanders effectively chipping away at Hillary Clinton's double-digit lead in California.  The two are now locked in a virtual tie in California.  Hillary Clinton and her husband, the former president, are blitzing the state in an effort to hold him off. Four hundred seventy-five pledged delegates are up for grabs in the Golden State, the most of any primary yet.

Bernie Sanders telling a crowd there, Clinton's nomination may not be a sure thing, just yet.


SEN. BERNIE SANDERS, I-VT., DEMOCRATIC PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE:  That's just between you and me.  You tell Hillary, she's going to get very nervous. She was supposed to be -- see, the media decided the campaign was over. She was supposed to be campaigning in New Jersey, but suddenly she and Bill got on a plane and here they are in California.


BARTIROMO:  And joining me right now is Luis Miranda, communications director for the Democratic National Committee.

Luis, it's good to see you again.  Thanks for joining us.


BARTIROMO:  Look, we should point out that we're right now in the middle of Puerto Rico, in the Virgin Islands, in terms of the contest going on there. What do you see happening so far?  Do you have an early read on how voters are responding this weekend?

MIRANDA:  In the Virgin Islands, yes, it looked like Hillary Clinton has won there.  We're waiting for results in Puerto Rico that will end at 3:00 p.m. today.  And so, voters are still going there.  Voters are going out in Jersey, California on Tuesday.  We're not going to prejudge any of that.

From our perspective, we're glad that the primaries have extended.  I've talked to you about how it's good for us, in terms of the excitement of the voters and more than 70 percent of our voters have said they're excited about our primary.  A majority support either candidate.  We think we'll come out of this in a really good position and looking towards the general election in a way that benefits Democrats, and especially after the week Donald Trump had, having to defend the fraud of Trump University that was bilking seniors, veterans, families out of their savings.  I think we're set up for a pretty good contrast.

BARTIROMO:  But it's not all rainbows and puppy dogs, we know that, Luis, because Bernie Sanders is upset and his supporters are upset.  They are promising havoc at the July convention.

Now, if you put the superdelegates to the side, it's only a 200-so gap between Sanders and Hillary.  And back in April, I have this quote that you said.  You said back in April, the superdelegates should not be included in any count or primary or caucus night.  The superdelegates because they can actually change their mind on the convention, right, and they can move from Hillary to Sanders.

MIRANDA:  It's a really good question and it's important to clarify.  The point that I was making in that interview was that you need to count them separately, because what was happening at the time is that media organizations were conflating delegates that were pledged delegates, and unpledged delegates, as they were reporting the results in a particular state, and that could wrongly have the effect of suggesting delegate totals aren't matching the percentage of vote totals in a state.

So, we wanted to be clear that you have to count those separately.  That was really the point of that.  And so --

BARTIROMO:  The broader point is people are looking at this -- like Bernie Sanders at a rally the other night said, it's just incredible that Hillary Clinton had 400 delegates, even before the first vote was passed.

So, are you going to make changes to this system after this election because so many people call it rigged?

MIRANDA:  There are always changes to the system and there's always improvements.  After 2008, because of concerns about superdelegates, they were actually reduced from 20 percent of the total delegates to the convention to just 15 percent of the delegates.  So, you know, we're constantly evaluating and looking at how we can make the system better.

At the end of the day, 85 percent of the delegates at the convention are people who are delegates because of the results of how people voted, whether it was at a primary or how they participated at a caucus.  So, that's really going to be the single biggest factor, is how people voted. And we think we're going to have an inclusive convention.

Just this week, we're going to kick off a series of meetings, public meetings, with our platform drafting committee here in Washington, D.C. that are very inclusive of all of the campaigns already.  We want to make sure the voices that have helped shape this primary participate, and that the public also gets a chance to participate.

So, you're going to see public meetings of the platform drafting committee that engage members from the Sanders campaign, members from the Clinton campaign and that give the general public a chance to also submit testimony and their voices and that we think that's a good process, that helps us build towards a united convention.

BARTIROMO:  You know, we've been talking all about this chaos that some of the protesters want to create at the convention.  And a couple weeks ago, Harry Reid said this is going to be a test of Bernie Sanders' leadership.

And so, what should Bernie Sanders do to tell the supporters not to create havoc?  Yes, protesting is okay if it's done calmly and it doesn't hurt anybody else.  But how much, for example, responsibility will you take? How much accountability should there be on the leadership of the Democratic Party to tell the Sanders supporters not to be violent at the convention?

MIRANDA:  Well, look, I don't think that this is a widespread problem.  Any incidents that we've seen of violence have been a few individuals, most people who protested, whether it's at our state conventions have done so peacefully.

But we've been clear from the party that there's no excuse and no reason for violence of any sort.  We made that very clear this week with the protests that happened in California.  You know, towards the Trump rally and the aggression that was directed even to Trump supporters.  That's unacceptable.

Hillary Clinton spoke very strongly about it.  We've spoken out very strongly about it.  There's no room for violence in our democracy, whether it's coming from the podium, from Donald Trump himself at a rally where he's encouraging some of that violence at his own events or whether it's outside.  We don't think there's a place for it.

And, look, and I'm not going to cheapen that, does this mean it benefits one side or the other politically?  It doesn't matter.  This is about right and wrong.  Any type of violence is wrong and we don't want to see it in this process.

BARTIROMO:  Understood.  Luis, good to talk with you again.  Thanks so much.

MIRANDA:  Good to talk with you, too.  Thank you.

BARTIROMO:  Luis Miranda, joining us there.

President Obama touts his economic agenda this last week, two days before the dismal May jobs report drops.  What's working for our economy and what isn't?  What's causing employers to hold the breaks on hiring?

We're looking ahead to the economy next on "Sunday Morning Futures."


BARTIROMO:  Welcome back.

President Obama taking a victory lap last week on the economy during a speech in Indiana, arguing that his administration's policies brought us back from the recession of 2008.


BARACK OBAMA, PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES:  By almost every economic measure, America is better off than when I came here at the beginning of my presidency.  Over the six years, our businesses have created more than 14 million new jobs.  That's the longest stretch of consecutive private sector job growth in our history.  We've seen the first sustained manufacturing growth since the 1990s.  We cut unemployment in half.


BARTIROMO:  But just two days after that speech, we get a very disappointing jobs report.  Just 38,000 new jobs were created last month, the fewest in more than five years.  Analysts were forecasting four times as many new jobs to have been created.

Let's put this into perspective with Congressman Luke Messer, chairman of the House Republican Policy Committee from Indiana.

Sir, good to see you.  Thanks so much for joining us.


BARTIROMO:  First, take the pulse of the people while President Obama was speaking last week.  How do you think the populace was feeling?

MESSER:  Yes, I can tell you, I think the president seems to ignore that what has spurred the popularity of Bernie Sanders and Donald Trump and it's the fact this economy is not working for working Americans.  The president misses the most important stat and that's frozen paychecks.

The bottom 80 percent of wage earners have seen a real dollar wage decrease in the last decade.  That's not working for working people.  That's why people are angry and upset.

BARTIROMO:  I mean, look, you're in Indiana.  I mean, the headlines after the president's speech was, look, today employment is so robust in Elkhart that some companies are struggling to hire because there are so few candidates available, and then two days later, we get those jobs number. This is a real disconnect.

MESSER:  Yes, that's right.  I mean, of course, we're happy for Elkhart's success and we're happy to have the president in town.  Indiana does have growth rate that's not 4 percent, which is exciting obviously for our home state.  But that's the reality for much of America.  You see that in the voters.  That's why Bernie Sanders is seeing his surge in popularity and Donald Trump as well.

BARTIROMO:  All right.  So, what do you think are the policies that are keeping hiring down and what do you think are the policies that have actually been positive?  I know that the president did not mention the Federal Reserve and I know rock bottom --

MESSER:  I'm not having any sound.

BARTIROMO:  In terms of the policies that have actually moved things forward, sir.

MESSER:  Maria, I lost sound there for a second.

BARTIROMO:  All right, Congressman.  Are you back with us now?

MESSER:  I am, yes.  I'm sorry.

BARTIROMO:  OK, great.

So, can you go through some of the policies you can point to that have actually moved the needle in Indiana?  What are the policies you think that are actually keeping hiring down?

MESSER:  Well, we've had great -- we've had great infrastructure investment in Indiana through the major moves proposal that president -- I mean, Governor Daniels put forward.  When I talk to job creators in our state, the biggest challenge they see is the regulatory overreach of this administration, everything from their attack on coal to clean water. Initiatives hurting farmers to, of course, the impacts with Obamacare and the -- and the impact of Dodd/Frank on getting appropriate financing for small businesses.

Everywhere you turn, this administration is bringing more regulation to small businesses, which is hurting job growth and hurting wages as well.

BARTIROMO:  So, what do you want to see in terms of the most important policies with a new president that will actually move the needle on economic growth and job creation for the rest of the country?  What's the most --


MESSER:  Yes, that's why I'm excited by the agenda that we're going to roll out with Speaker Paul Ryan in the next few days.  I mean, the number one thing we have to do is get a tax code that works for job creators.  And we need to get after this regulatory regime.

You will see, I think in the next few days, us list an entire list of regulations that we would end and roll back immediately with a new Republican president.  That would be a start in getting this economy going in a direction where we can get better-paying jobs.

That's what people really want.  They don't just want a job.  They want a job that can help them raise a family and have a successful life.

BARTIROMO:  Yes, Congressman, good to have you on the program.  We'll be watching.  Thanks so much.

MESSER:  Yes, great.  Thanks.

BARTIROMO:  Congressman Messer there.

Terrorism, the Zika virus, frustration with long lines at the airport, all affecting summer air travel.  The CEO of United Airlines is with me today on what it's doing to get business back and his performance of the TSA and why so many are canceling their vacations to Europe.

We're looking ahead on "Sunday Morning Futures" this morning.  Back in a moment.


BARTIROMO:  Welcome back.

Fears of terrorism have many people changing their plans for the summer, their travel plans.  European travel, for example, is down.  The State Department issuing a warning on traveling to the region this summer and it is not just terrorism.  There are worries over the long lines and the TSA, the Zika virus also weighing on Americans.

Joining me right now is United Airlines CEO and president, Oscar Munoz.

Oscar, good to see you.


BARTIROMO:  Thank you so much for joining us.

Can you characterize what you're seeing right now in terms of people wanting to travel?

MUNOZ:  Well, the bookings are down slightly below our normal, but all our seasonal flights that we fly every year all are ready to go and we're booking people on there.  So, there's a little bit of a downturn.

But, you know, the terrorism aspect has dissipated to -- concerns have dissipated a bit.  That's certainly contributed to some of the softness.

BARTIROMO:  I guess after the Brussels attack it ramped up the nervousness there.  We just got an employment number out on Friday.  And we see really weak job growth.  You're seeing an economy that's really at a crawl.

MUNOZ:  There's no question.  As you know, GDP has shrunk almost by half at the start of the year.  And so, those are all the monitors we closely watch.  But, again, we're still a little optimistic by starting our seasonal flights.  Still will be a good degree of leisure travel this summer.

BARTIROMO:  Have you seen an impact from the Zika virus and worries over that?  That's just one more thing to layer in there, isn't it?

MUNOZ:  Listen, we're big sponsors of the U.S. Olympic team.  We fly them down there.  So, we're very close to the team, the members and the people that run it.  It's a huge concern to a lot of the athletes and their families, to folks like us that want to visit down there.  So, it is a big concern.

BARTIROMO:  There's a lot of uncertainty around it.  Obviously, you're not afraid.  You're flying the Olympic teams back and forth.

MUNOZ:  Absolutely.

BARTIROMO:  But there have been athletes who said, look, we're not going.

MUNOZ:  Right, right, we heard that earlier.  You know, that's their prerogative from that respect.  As we talked to the government in Brazil and they gave you -- while they're concerned, there are certain mitigating factors, the concerns that people have.

BARTIROMO:  Meanwhile, you're ramping up a new long-haul business class service.  You're calling it Polaris.  Tell me about this, because when you look at long haul, you're in there going to Asia as well, and that part of the world is doing quite well.

MUNOZ:  Absolutely.  Well, again, the global economy as a whole is always cyclical.  So, you always had issues.  But, yes, Asia has been a great market for us.  Over the years, we continue to expand in secondary markets, China, for instance.

And so, our new product is absolutely designed for the international business class traveler.  It's to make that flight, that experience from lounge, when you first arrive, to landing one of extreme comfort, especially specifically to promote sleep.

BARTIROMO:  So, the longer the flight, the better experience.

MUNOZ:  Certainly, of course.

BARTIROMO:  You're promoting sleep.

MUNOZ:  The issue between let's say here and New York to London, it's a relatively short flight.  So, even if you slept the entire time, it's not necessarily enough restorative sleep.

BARTIROMO:  Right, six hours.

MUNOZ:  But on the longer flights it's going to be an amazing product for you as a business person, to truly get your sleep, to seize your day when you arrive.

BARTIROMO:  Are you seeing performance in the business side of things better than leisure or is it the same?

MUNOZ:  I mean business versus leisure?

BARTIROMO:  Yes, domestic and international.

MUNOZ:  Business is always a very strong market.  It's one we watch closely.

The leisure is, again, tied to the overall economy.  The jobs market will weigh in on that.  And so, that's probably the softer part.

BARTIROMO:  I've got to get to the TSA issues.  We've been talking about this the last couple weeks where there's incredibly long lines.  Look, weapons have gotten through in the security of TSA.  What is going on there, do you think?

MUNOZ:  Well, a lot of things.  For instance, there's a lot of concern with why it's happening.  Because last summer we had the same amount of travelers.  The baggage fees were in place.  All the concerns and issues that people have raised have been in place.

So, what has transpired from last summer's peak season to now that are causing these lines.  And there were some concerns with the weapons audit and things were tightened up from the security perspective.  Some of the optional or alternative methods of detecting folks were disbanded.  And so, we're urging the government to put the dogs back in, the behavioral folks in order to lessen those lines.

BARTIROMO:  I'm glad you mention the fees on bags, that's is one of the criticism.  People said, well, the airlines are implementing these fees for every bag you want to check, so I'm going to try to take more bags on the flight.

MUNOZ:  That is a common conventional wisdom that, unfortunately, is incorrect, since bag fees have been in place for many years now and is not an issue.  In fact, if there was a place within the TSA environment, from our perspective, as an industry, feel is probably the last place you want to put more stress on would be the baggage screeners and the bags, because people don't understand, they are baggage screeners behind the curtains and the bags have to go through there.

And if we just pile more bags in there, it's not going to make much of a difference.

BARTIROMO:  Should the TSA be privatized?

MUNOZ:  I think TSA will need to run better.  And however that happens, with our support and the government together in a collaborative fashion, that would be terrific.  And if privatization is a method we've worked before, I think the trick at the end of the day is we've got a lot of customers and a lot of humans trying to get to a place, A.  But, B, backing them up into an unsecured area also creates a level of safety -- a level of danger that I think we have to be concerned with.

BARTIROMO:  By the way, before you go, is there a best time to travel in terms of bargains?  I suspect it's not between Memorial Day and Labor Day. That's peak season, isn't it?

MUNOZ:  Yes.

BARTIROMO:  So prices may go up.

MUNOZ:  Yes, it's a capacity and demand issue, right?  Just think about the common aspect about the business traveler traveling on a Monday and a Friday sort of thing.  Those are not necessarily great times, off days. But, again, it's all demand and capacity driven.

BARTIROMO:  All right.  We'll leave it there.  Oscar, good to see you.

MUNOZ:  Thank you.

BARTIROMO:  Thanks so much.

Oscar Munoz is the CEO and president at United Airlines.

Let's get a check of what's coming up top of the hour, "MediaBuzz," check in with Howie Kurtz standing by.

Howie, good morning to you.

HOWARD KURTZ, "MEDIABUZZ" HOST:  Good morning, Maria.

We're all over Donald Trump escalating his attack at what he calls the sleazy press, as well s the coverage of Hillary Clinton's foreign policy speech mocking Trump.  Laura Ingraham is here to talk about the third party conservative bid involving an obscure writer from National Review.  We've got Katie Couric's deceptive gun control documentary and she finally is blatantly taking responsibility for that.  And, finally, a few words about Muhammad Ali, who is being hailed as the greatest, but was often vilified by the press in his early days when he stood up against the Vietnam draft.

BARTIROMO:  All right.  We'll see you in about 20 minutes, Howie.  Thank you.

Meanwhile, our panel is up next.  Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton continuing to circle around each other, seizing up each other's foreign policy savvy.  We will get into it.  The political panel will break down the latest back and forth on foreign policy between the two front-runners.

We're looking ahead right now on "Sunday Morning Futures." Back in a moment.


BARTIROMO:  Welcome back.

Hillary Clinton unleashing a scathing release of Trump's policy approach, calling him, quote, "temperamentally unfit to be the leader of the free world".  Trump fired back with his own blistering analysis of a possible Clinton presidency.


HILLARY CLINTON, D-PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE:  We are facing one of the biggest threats we have ever had to our liberty and justice for all.  We are facing a Republican nominee who wants to divide us.

TRUMP:  She doesn't have what it takes. You're going to go through four more years.  I call her Obama light.  I think it's going to be at least as bad and maybe worse.  You talk about composure.  You talk about temperament.  You talk about all these things. Who would be so stupid to do what she did with her e-mails?


BARTIROMO:  Let's bring in our panel on that.

Ed Rollins is former principal White House adviser to President Reagan. He's a Fox News political analyst.  He's also a chief strategist for a pro- Donald Trump super PAC.

Mary Kissel with us this morning, Wall Street Journal editorial board member. And joining us from Manchester, New Hampshire, Scott Brown, former Massachusetts senator and Donald Trump supporter.

Good to see you, everybody.  Thanks so much for joining us.

Foreign policy, I don't know if I heard a lot of foreign policy from Hillary Clinton that day, but it still works.




BARTIROMO:  Foreign policy, I don't know if I heard a lot of foreign policy from Hillary Clinton that day, but it still works.

ROLLINS:  This wasn't a foreign policy speech.  It was one of the better speeches she's given, but it was an attack speech and basically reinforced her base a little bit that she had the ability to stand up and take him on. The issues she took him on, though, I think he can come back on.

I think the bottom line of making our allies share some of the costs is a good defense.  And I think he can argue that.  He hasn't to date.  He's got to basically get a stronger foreign policy team around him and go right back in her face.

BARTIROMO:  Mary, what did you think of the speech?

KISSEL:  Well, it was a very effective speech.  It's remarkable to see the spectacle of Hillary Clinton running to the right of the presumptive presidential nominee on the Republican Party.  It was an effective speech because she attacked his temperament.

I would disagree a little bit with Ed, she also attacked his policy stances.  She noted Trump said he would cooperative with Putin.  She attacked his stance on trade.  She said that we need alliances.  She reiterated our commitment to the nuclear umbrella and said we need our allies in North Asia.

Very effective attack and, importantly, Trump really didn't respond to it.

BARTIROMO:  Why is that, Scott Brown?  Why didn't we hear more push back from Trump about the reset with Russia having not worked?  The secret talks with Iran culminating in a deal with Iran that the administration then lied about the talks ongoing?

BROWN:  Well, first of all, I think you'll see a greater opportunity for Donald Trump against Hillary on these very important matters.  I mean, Hillary can run all around and reboot her stances and positions on these issues, but if you look at the facts, you've got obviously, Libya, you've got Syria, Ukraine, Crimea, Boko Haram, what's happening in Africa, Iraq. You could go on and on with her failures as tied to this president where our allies don't trust her, our foes don't fear us.

And, exactly, Maria, those things will be brought up very, very forcefully because we do not need a more apologies.  We don't need half-steps and missteps as Secretary Panetta said with regard to Hillary Clinton.  She's been involved in every single one of these failures.

And I think Donald Trump brings a couple of things.  He brings the fact that allies are going to trust us.  They're going to understand where we stand.  They may be a little nervous but they like the energy.  And our foes are definitely going to fear us.  That's important as well.

KISSEL:  Again, have I to take issue a little bit here.  Trump has effectively backed himself into a corner because he's agreed with a lot of the Obama agenda, leading from behind.  Trump says we want to put America first.  Obama said the Iraq war was a mistake.  Trump agrees with that. Trump said our allies are free-loaders.  President Obama said the same thing in an Atlantic interview about our Middle Eastern allies.

If anything, Hillary Clinton is staking out the position you would have heard Jeb Bush, with a couple of exceptions. Jeb wouldn't have talked about climate change, but effectively, Hillary is saying, we need to have strength abroad.  I believe in American exceptionalism and here are policy issues.

There's a lot to criticize her on but Trump didn't make that case.  He effectively threw a Twitter tantrum and denied quotes that were in his own words.  Nothing is more damning than having your own words thrown back at you --

ROLLINS:  One great strength --


BROWN:  Sorry --

ROLLINS:  Go ahead.

BROWN:  Sorry.  A little delay.  I'm sorry.

ROLLINS:  Go ahead, please.

BARTIROMO:  Go ahead, Senator.

BROWN:  Thank you.

With respect, Hillary Clinton can reboot her comments and statements and now, all of a sudden, she's going to be strong on foreign policy.  But the facts over the last eight years do not indicate that.

And with Trump, what you're going to get, certainly he's going to surround himself, as Ed is referencing, he needs to do more with foreign policy. Experts are going to give him that guidance.  We do not need another four to eight years of failures as we've seen, because ISIS, al Qaeda, they're laughing at us and it's time to stop that.

I'm sorry, Ed.

ROLLINS:  No, we're going to make the same point.

The one thing he has that she doesn't, he's a leader.  He's a guy who's made tough decisions, willing to make tough decisions.  Our military desperately wants somebody.  They take options to the president.  And I think to a certain extent, that's -- you put them side by side, she's going to be four more years of Obama or worse.  Obviously, he's not.

BARTIROMO:  But the point that Mary makes was actually Judy Miller has made.  She wrote a blog about this last week that Hillary is appearing to be more to the right when it comes to foreign policy than Trump.

KISSEL:  Well, also, Americans want sobriety and steadfastness in their commander in chief.  Trump doesn't bring.

When it comes to our alliances abroad, there's a lot of concern.  We've had heads of states from Asia come to the editorial page and express real fear here.  Trump doesn't seem to appreciate that countries like Japan spend $2 billion hosting American troops that it's worth the cost of us to put them under our nuclear umbrella so that we don't have nuclear proliferation.

These are serious problems with the Trump platform.  And after that Hillary attack, he really didn't respond to a lot of the points she made.

ROLLINS:  I think he will.

BROWN:  And that's the beauty of this.  Go ahead.  You go first.

ROLLINS:  I think, obviously, he's trying to build his campaign, his fund- raising apparatus, bring substantive people into the mix.

This thing is over for her this week.  She's going to end in a troubled final day.  She's going to limp in their convention.

I think Trump ought to take a European trip, my sense between now and the convention, it would be a great thing for him to go meet European leaders. I don't speak for the campaign, but I think he needs to go there and let them see him one-on-one, he's a very impressive man, one-on-one and that's what he needs to do.

BARTIROMO:  Have you told him this?

ROLLINS:  I have not.  I've told them now (ph).

BARTIROMO:  OK.  All right.  We'll take a short break.

When we -- Scott Brown, I want to talk about that, the European trip possibility.  We'll take a short break.  When we come back, will Golden State present a golden opportunity for Bernie Sanders.

We'll focus on Tuesday's upcoming primary in California as we look ahead with our panel on "Sunday Morning Futures," next.


BARTIROMO:  Welcome back.  In just 48 hours the Democratic battle begins in California for one of the biggest delegate prizes in the primary season yet.  It is looking like a close contest between Hillary Clinton and Senator Bernie Sanders, the latest poll showing Clinton with a slight edge. Both candidates making a final push in the Golden State this weekend trying to drum up support among Hispanics by focusing on immigration reform.

The panel is back.

Ed Rollins, your thoughts going into Tuesday?

ROLLINS:  He has the momentum.  Real Clear has a composite of several polls, but the last polls have him going up or at least dead even.  I think he has the momentum I would not be shocked if he won it.  Even though the establishment, the governor is on Hillary's side.

BARTIROMO:  How damaging would that be, Mary, if Bernie Sanders takes California?

KISSEL:  Well, I think it's damaging insofar as it affects Hillary Clinton's platform, it may affect her V.P. pick.

One of the issues that Sanders might have in California is, of course, turnout because he has a lot of support among the youth and among voters who have no party preference, but the youth voters, college kids, they may be gone for the summer so they may not show up.

Hillary Clinton better among older voters and Hispanics, she has done well in other states with large Hispanic populations.

BARTIROMO:  You know, Scott Brown, everybody says when asked what does Bernie Sanders want?  He wants a platform at the convention.  I mean, he wants to win, I guess, as well, but if he doesn't win, what's your take on Tuesday and what Bernie Sanders wants?

BROWN:  Well, it's too close to call and who would have thought a couple months ago that that would be the case.  Hillary Clinton was running away from it and now you have almost 72 percent of the eligible voters in California actually going to get out there and vote, a lot of enthusiasm.

I think -- I agree with Ed, momentum is in Bernie's favor.  What Bernie Sanders wants is single payer healthcare.  He wants to have a role at the convention basically writing the platform with Hillary Clinton just rubber stamping it.

And with respect to Bernie, I mean, I know him, I served with him.  That socialist agenda is not going to work for every day Americans.  It may work for certain pockets in certain parts of the country, but people want to be-- you know, they want capitalism, they want good jobs, they don't want to keep supporting others who aren't working.

KISSEL:  Well, I'd like to think so, too, but in the general election matchups, Bernie does better against Trump, beats him by a wider margin than Hillary Clinton beats him.

BROWN:  With respect to those --


KISSEL:  Sanders is already polling to the left --


ROLLINS:  I promise you if it ends up being a one on one -- I mean, once you focus on what Sanders -- it's the Venezuela plan.

BROWN:  Yes.


ROLLINS:  Even endorsed by the president of the Venezuela.  It's a failed socialist system.  And when you really focus of this campaign on the Democrat side has been about him, there is an enthusiasm, he has a movement going and Democrats may have a hard time bringing those young people back.

BARTIROMO:  How does Hillary get beyond the economy?  We saw those job numbers on Friday, 38,000 new jobs created, way below expectation. Obviously, the economic story is at a crawl in the United States right now. How does Hillary justify building on Obama's policies?  She wants to build on Obamacare.  She wants to build on Dodd-Frank.

KISSEL:  It's hard for her.  She's ten points behind when it comes to a matchup on Trump on managing the economy.  She's proposing another third term of Obama.  I think it's one of her major weaknesses if Donald has the wit to attack it.

BARTIROMO:  All right. Real quick, we are going to take a short break and get into the one thing to watch for the week ahead on "Sunday Morning Futures."

Back in a minute.


BARTIROMO:  Welcome back.  Back with the panel with what's most important.

Scott Brown, what are you looking at?

BROWN:  Obviously, Maria, looking at the campaign rhetoric to heat up. It's going to get white hot before we really get even going.  So you're going to see more and more and more criticisms of the left, the right, the middle.  I think Bernie Sanders obviously is going to win in California.  So we'll see what happens.

BARTIROMO:  Wow.  Ed Rollins, Bernie Sanders is going to win, Scott just said.

ROLLINS:  I think Trump has to have a big week, I think he has to catch Hillary coming out in a weakened position, whether she wins or not, she's going to be very weakened, and stick the next week, ten days to really get his --

BARTIROMO:  Mary Kissel?

KISSEL:  Like the rest of the country, I'm watching the Warriors and the Cavs.

BARTIROMO:  There you go.

All right.  That will do it for "Sunday Morning Futures." Thanks so much to our panel. I'll see you tomorrow morning on "Mornings with Maria" on Fox Business Network.  Thank you.

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