Rep. King on U.N. Cease-Fire Resolution

This is a partial transcript from "Your World with Neil Cavuto," August 11, 2006, that was edited for clarity.

DAVID ASMAN, GUEST HOST: Well, if the U.S. approves a resolution Israel is not happy with, it will be the first time both nations have been on opposing sides since this conflict began.

Reaction now from Republican Congressman Peter King of New York. He's chairman of the House Homeland Security Committee.

So, what happens if Israel violates a U.N. agreement that the United States has signed off on?

REP. PETER KING, R-N.Y., HOMELAND SECURITY COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN: Well, David, let me first say, I agree with every word that my good friend Ed Koch said. And I don't believe Israel will violate it.

And we haven't seen, again, all of the resolution. My understanding is that the resolution is as good as the United States could have gotten, and that Israel is negotiating as hard as it can. That is one of the reason why I think Olmert moved the troops the way he did.

The fact is, for the first time, you are going to see Lebanon being required to put its troops down after Hezbollah. You're going to see a significant U.N. force...

ASMAN: But let me — let me — let me just interrupt.

KING: Yes.

ASMAN: Required by whom? I mean, that's one of the sticking points on this U.N. resolution. Is it going to be a — a bunch of blue helmets? Is it going to be NATO? Is it going to be the U.S.? Who is it?

KING: No, it's going to be a — a peacekeeping force, which is going to include — my understanding is — it's going to include some European countries, and it will have force. Now, that's what we have to see the final language on.

But I do know, the Israelis, while they are not overly pleased with this resolution, they do see it as a step forward.

There is going to be a 20-kilometer break along the border, which is going to push Hezbollah back. And, also, it's going to specifically put an embargo on weapons going to Hezbollah, which is a direct repudiation of Iran and Syria.

ASMAN: But, Congressman...

KING: And it is going to mention...


KING: Yes.

ASMAN: ... what about the reports that are coming from our Shepard Smith and other people on the border that — they are right there — they have got their eyes to report on this thing — that say that, look, troops are moving in. They don't like to use the word offensive...

KING: Right.

ASMAN: ... but, in fact, there is significant — significantly more troop movement now.

KING: David, we will have to wait and see. I will be very surprised if the Israeli troops go forward, after the resolution is adopted.

I think the relationship and the working relationship on Lebanon between the United States and Israel, between George Bush and Prime Minister Olmert, will be as strong tomorrow as it is today, and as it's going to be tonight.

I think that the resolution, while it's not perfect, I think Israel will be able to live with it, and there's going to be some significant steps forward in the resolution for Israel.

And, as Ed Koch said, we live in a very imperfect world. The U.N. has been taken over by very radical people. The president has stayed as long as he can, giving Israel a total free hand.

Having said that, I think that this resolution is going to be stronger than it looks on the first appearances. And you will — I will be very surprised if Israel intentionally violates that resolution.

ASMAN: Now, there are some things that Israel says it can't live with or without. One of those things is the Shebaa Farms. That's that one area in the north of Israel right next to — to Syria.

Could Israel live without the Shebaa Farms? Is it willing to give that up as a part of a compromise to get a deal?

KING: Obviously, I can't, you know, speak for the Israeli government.

I just think Israel is — right now, they're speaking with Condi Rice. They're talking, you know, with the administration. And this is all part of the final process.

And I think, when we see the final product, it is something where Israel is going to be better off now than it was last month. As Ed Koch said, there has been extremely devastating damage caused to Hezbollah. And you're going to have an international force with — with — which will have strength...

ASMAN: Gotcha.

KING: ... which will have some European agents in it.

ASMAN: Well, Congressman — Congressman.

KING: And — and, again, it's — yes.

ASMAN: We have got — we have got to leave it at that.

But I have got to ask you, we are going to see that resolution tonight?

KING: That's my understanding. It will be tonight, tomorrow. It's going to be very soon.


KING: And, again, it's not a perfect resolution at all, but it's not as bad as some might think.

ASMAN: Understood.

KING: And the relationship between Israel and the United States will remain as strong as it is right now.

ASMAN: All right, Congressman Peter King agreeing to just about everything Mayor Ed Koch had said — Democrat and Republican agreeing on this.

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