Remembering Stephanie Tubbs Jones

You've all heard the sad news on the passing of Ohio Democratic Congresswoman Stephanie Tubbs Jones; she had suffered a brain hemorrhage.

I had the congresswoman as a guest on my show many times and, agree or disagree with her, she was never disagreeable. And you know what else? She was never a phony, either.

Unlike scores of Democrats who turned tail on the Iraq war and swore on a stack of bibles they were never for it, Congresswoman Jones was railing against it from the beginning — from before the beginning!

Look, I don't care what your views on Iraq were or are, just that hers were consistent and, unlike some of her phony, re-inventing history smarmy colleagues, they were clear as a bell.

Let me take you back to January 15, 2003 when this nation debated taking down Saddam:


REP. STEPHANIE TUBBS JONES: These are all issues that I believe are important to the American public, and that ought to be addressed at the same time we're talking about spending billions, not millions, but billions of dollars going to war in Iraq.


NEIL CAVUTO: Congresswoman, would you grant, ma'am, that the threat from Saddam Hussein, especially if it is proven that he was through second and third channels funding a lot of these terrorist groups and their nefarious operations, that this is a bit more pressing concerns than some of things you just mentioned?

JONES: Oh, absolutely. If you go to the American public and you look at all of the polling that's been done, a lot of the American people are saying the threat of Saddam Hussein has diminished. I'm worried about the economics of this country.

CAVUTO: But how do you know it is diminished? How do you know it's diminished?

JONES: I mean, the polling has said so.

CAVUTO: No. I'm not talking about polls I'm talking about the very real threat that's out there, whether people are saying that or not.

JONES: Well, OK. I question whether it is very real threat or whether the administration has turned it into a threat.


CAVUTO: So you don't support going into Iraq?

JONES: I do not support going into Iraq.

CAVUTO: Do you think that there's justification for our building up our presence?

JONES: Perhaps building up a presence, but not going in...


That, my friends, from a politician who was saying something most of her Democratic colleagues were not, but insist today they were.

They weren't. She was.

They're still here.

She isn't.


Stephanie Tubbs Jones: Dead at age 58.

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