Radio Czarina Laura Ingraham on Rudy, Rosie and Robertson

This is a rush transcript from "The O'Reilly Factor," November 8, 2007. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

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BILL O'REILLY, CO-HOST: In the "Week in Review" segment tonight, FOX News analyst and radio talk show czarina, Laura Ingraham has a number things on her mind. I spoke with her last night.


O'REILLY: So, from the Ingraham angle, Laura, were you surprised Pat Robertson came out and endorsed Rudy Giuliani?

LAURA INGRAHAM, FOX NEWS ANALYST: Well, a little bit surprised. But I think, Bill, when you — when you look at all of these endorsements as they're coming down the pike, they're separating out. Right? Some are going to be for Rudy. Some are going to be for Romney, you've got a few for Huckabee. And you have Brownback for McCain.

But I think it is interesting that some of the folks out there in the elite media who laugh at Pat Robertson behind closed doors were — were to themselves, "Wow, this is really significant for Rudy Giuliani. Wow, this is really an amazing endorsement."

But, you know, I don't know how much of a following anymore that Pat Robertson really has.

O'REILLY: How much is alot of people, though? There's mailing lists, and — there's some pretty powerful...

INGRAHAM: Right. Right, I agree with you but his followers are, obviously, extremely pro-life, pro-family. They're social conservatives. They're Christian conservatives. And I heard from a lot of them on my radio show the other day, and they're not happy.

O'REILLY: Well, I think Pat Robertson explained it in the sense that he believes that Giuliani will appoint judges that will uphold the values of life.

INGRAHAM: Right. Well, that's quite a bet.

O'REILLY: Now, a couple of movies opening up today. The Robert Redford, Tom Cruise movie, you know, more of a chat fest than anything else. We talked about it at the top of the program with Meryl Streep. Very interesting.

But next week, a vile anti-military movie by Mark Cuban, who financed it, the Dallas billionaire. And my question to you is, Robert Redford, very far left guy. Makes no secret of the fact that he detests the Bush administration in all of this.


O'REILLY: And then Cuban with this antimilitary movie. Will Americans hold it against these two individuals, do you think?

INGRAHAM: I think it's what people have come to, sadly, expect from Hollywood, which, you know, back in World War II we had actor after actor after actor enlisting to help America, standing up for freedom, standing up for what we were trying to accomplish in World War II.

And now there's a handful of celebrities, Bill, that you can name that are regular fixtures on the USO circuit.

O'REILLY: Yes, Gary Sinise.

INGRAHAM: And I think it's pretty amusing that most of these movies look like they're not going to do very well.

O'REILLY: No, they're not.

INGRAHAM: And they're not going to be able to cover, most of them, their catering bills for the film's production schedule. And Americans don't want to pay to see movies that bash America.

O'REILLY: I think Redford — I think Redford has hurt himself. I think Mark Cuban is now going to be — down as a villain. I think when he shows up at his basketball games, now he'll be booed, because you can't be attacking the military, as Mark Cuban is.

And though Cuban gives money to military families to put out a piece of garbage like this, that's seen all over the world, that will incite people to attack Americans. It absolutely will, this movie.

INGRAHAM: And what — and what I think what they're banking on, Bill — and Cuban is smart — they're banking on big foreign DVD sales. That's where they're making all their money now in Hollywood, on DVDs.

O'REILLY: He lives in — he lives in Dallas. He lives in the United States. And I don't think this guy can go to the 7-Eleven anymore with somebody just, you know, looking at him.

INGRAHAM: Why pay — why pay $10 to see someone bash the Bush Administration when you can just pick up the New York Times and read an editorial?

O'REILLY: Yes, or see the network news do it every night.

INGRAHAM: Yes, why not?

O'REILLY: What do you — and talking about that topic, what do you think of the axis of chaos: NBC News and Rosie O'Donnell, the little flirtation they had?

INGRAHAM: Well, I was so upset, Bill. I mean, I had a candle lit in my house. I was doing my candlelight vigil hoping, hoping, please, Rosie, please work it out with NBC.

O'REILLY: NBC wanted her very badly to prop that ridiculous place up. And I think it would have stigmatized NBC News. And I do hear that Tom Brokaw who we, you know, who we got on the radio yesterday was angry. Because he knew that this was going to be a big stain on the brand over there.

INGRAHAM: Well, I am actually a person, Bill, who was on for the first three hours of MSNBC's launch in July 15, 1996. I was on as a contributor the first three hours of the network. And I remember thinking at the time, this is either going to work or it's going to be a total disaster. And it's gone through several incarnations, and now they're the Bush bashing network. I don't know what they'll do post-Bush, though. They're going to have to figure that out also.

O'REILLY: The network is Bush bashing and women in prison.

The final question there is a crazy columnist in Miami, Miami Herald, who says that the Hispanics are going to rise up. And you were, on your radio program, a little angry about that?

INGRAHAM: Yes. Mr. Oppenheimer, who wrote this column that was quite hocking and essentially saying that this anti-immigrant fervor, 77 percent of Americans who don't want driver's licenses for illegals. They're all anti-immigrant.

The anti-immigrant fervor after the comprehensive bill went down in flames. And now it looks like all these ordinances are passing all over the country. He said, "Look, don't be surprised if all of these hard- working illegal immigrants turn to violence in the streets."

And he was intimating something akin, Bill, to a race war. And I thought to myself, what a way for the illegal immigrants to hurt their cause more and unite the country against them than to — than to even have someone out there saying these things. It's insane.

O'REILLY: Well, No. 1, that will never happen. Most illegal immigrants are good people and nonviolent. And No. 2, he's a nut. He's a nut, this guy.

INGRAHAM: I know. I think he is a nut, Bill, but I think you're misleading yourself if you don't think that there is a crazy far-left anarchist wing of this anti — I mean — immigration.

O'REILLY: I believe that. I believe that. I mean, the Seattle Post- Intelligencer and the San Francisco loons.


O'REILLY: MSNBC, as you mentioned, they're all nuts. I mean...

INGRAHAM: Yes, there's a reconquista element to all of this, where basically they think, "Look, this is our land. You're in our land. You stole our land. And we have a right to be here, and we're not leaving."

And that column, the fact that it was published in the Miami Herald. Imagine if Christians decided they were going — they were going to become violent every time the Supreme Court handed down a decision that was against, you know, free exercise rights or someone wrote a column like that. They'd be fired if it was published. It's outrageous.

O'REILLY: It is outrageous.

Laura Ingraham, everybody. "Week in Review" from the Ingraham angle. And buy her book, excellent book.

And we'll see you next week.

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