Racy PETA Ad Starring Pamela Anderson Too Hot for TV

This is a RUSH transcript from "The O'Reilly Factor," September 10, 2009. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

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BILL O'REILLY, HOST: In the "Culture Warrior" segment tonight: a viewer warning, some explicit tape in the segment. We've edited some of it out, but some might disturb some of you. CNN has rejected a PETA ad starring Pamela Anderson. It was supposed to run at the airports on a little CNN thing that nobody watches.

Click here to watch the edited version.

With us now, "Culture Warriors" Gretchen Carlson and Margaret Hoover. All right, now Hoover, I noticed Ms. Anderson has little gloves on, which I hope they're not leather. This ad, obviously, again, telling people not to buy clothing made out of animal skin. You say?

MARGARET HOOVER, FOX NEWS CONTRIBUTOR: How about this is supposed to be for the ethical treatment of animals?

O'REILLY: Correct.

HOOVER: Not ethical treatment of that man for instance. She was like whipping him and really pushing him around.

O'REILLY: Oh yeah? Do you think he objected to it?

HOOVER: Well, I don't know. I don't know.

O'REILLY: You don't know?

HOOVER: To be honest though, this is PETA's shtick, and I'm glad you're talking about this.

O'REILLY: Yes, it's what they...

HOOVER: This is not the first time they've used nudity. They have blogs, entire blogs online about all the nudity. They have a TV streaming online.

O'REILLY: This is what they do to get attention.

HOOVER: And then what they do is this feigned outrage. They knew this would never run in any airports. There are children running around. They know this — and then the outrage goes viral, and they get all this free marketing.

O'REILLY: So is that good or bad?

HOOVER: It's — I kind of wish we weren't talking about it because you know what's happening now? It's generating the viral outrage, and then they don't have to spend the money on advertising.

GRETCHEN CARLSON, CO-HOST, "FOX & FRIENDS": Exactly. Thank God somebody had a brain in their head to screen this first of all and say, hey, yes, there may be kids running around the airport seeing it. In this day and age, a lot of times this kind of thing would pass, and we wouldn't be that surprised by it, would we?

O'REILLY: Both of you say that the ad is intentionally driven, not to save animals, but just to get attention for the group. And maybe that...

CARLSON: Come on. That's a sex act position that she's in with that guy. It's overkill with two nude people right here.

O'REILLY: Right.

CARLSON: And, you know, and to say now...

O'REILLY: At least they don't have any weapons.

CARLSON: That's total bondage what she's doing.

O'REILLY: Whatever. OK. So you're both condemning the ad. Just got that.

HOOVER: Bondage.

O'REILLY: Hoover is about 30 seconds behind here. It's kind of like a tape delay with her.

OK. Now in Germany, there's something worse. There's something worse in Germany. There is an anti-AIDS campaign, and they have a public service announcement. Roll the tape.



GRAPHIC: AIDS is a mass murderer. Protect yourself!


O'REILLY: All right. That was Hitler, and if you don't know, in Germany any reference to Nazis or Hitler or anything like that is illegal. That's how strongly they feel about it. But the ad is powerful in the sense that it says unprotected sex can lead you to die.

HOOVER: Exactly.

O'REILLY: Is the message of the ad worth the shock value, Carlson?

CARLSON: I believe that in our society right now, the only thing that gets attention is shock value, especially with teens. And a new study just came out that said today, in 2009, only six percent of Americans believe that AIDS is an urgent health problem. Just 10 years ago 45 percent of us thought that it was urgent, which says to me as a parent with kids...

O'REILLY: So this ad...

CARLSON: They don't think it's serious anymore.

O'REILLY: So this ad, if it were playing in America, you would say was OK?

CARLSON: I would say during a certain time period of night.

O'REILLY: Right, with a viewer warning attached.

CARLSON: With a viewer warning. I mean, remember the ad that came out about texting and how graphic that was a few weeks ago?

O'REILLY: Yes, in Britain.

CARLSON: That was also overseas.

O'REILLY: Right.

CARLSON: But I feel like kids and parents would gain a lot from watching that ad.

O'REILLY: All right. What do you say, Hoover?

HOOVER: I think what's fascinating about this ad is that there are actually — Germans are using Hitler's imagery in order to make a point. This shows how far the Germans have come in the last 60 years.

O'REILLY: There's no more — there's no more shocking figure in Germany than this guy.

HOOVER: Yes. And that's exactly the point. The Germans have self-flagellated for decades about....

O'REILLY: Self-actuated? Is that what you said?

HOOVER: Flagellated.

O'REILLY: Oh, self-flagellated, with the whip. OK.

HOOVER: Yes, yes.

O'REILLY: OK, good.

HOOVER: For decades on their — how this happened to them, how a murderous dictator...


HOOVER: ...came to end it. Taken at lot of time. They've been very introspective, very thoughtful about it, to make sure it never happens again.

O'REILLY: But this ad, if it ran in America...

HOOVER: They never would have invoked his imagery before. They have gotten past a certain point of it.

O'REILLY: Yes or no, if this ad ran in America, you'd be OK with it?

HOOVER: No, but here's my — you know why?

O'REILLY: We've got to go.

HOOVER: They're equating victims of HIV with a murderous dictator who killed six million Jews. Not OK.

O'REILLY: All right, ladies. Thanks very much.

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