Psy gets a pass

This is a rush transcript from "The Five," December 10, 2012. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

GREG GUTFELD, CO-HOST: So, Korean pop star Psy performed at "Christmas in Washington" last night. Joe Biden took a picture with him probably thinking he was Obama.

To recap, Psy is the guy behind "Gangnam Style" who had just been exposed for a song called "Dear American", which had him rapping, "kill those bleeping Yankees who had been torturing Iraqi captives/Kill those bleeping Yankees who ordered them to torture/Kill their daughters, mothers, daughters-in-law and fathers/Kill them all slowly and painfully."

Of course, he's now saying he's -- quote -- "Deeply sorry for how these lyrics could be interpreted."

So there is more than one way to interpret "kill them all"?

Anyway, Psy would be rapping a different tune about our military if the North Koreans storm the DMZ. He'd be doing that silly horse trot screaming "Save me America" while being prodded by a commie's bayonet.

But I don't really care. If I got upset every time a singer bashed America, I'd suffer from upset paralysis.

But what this is really about is identity and the death of ours. If you ever placed Yankees with any cooler identity based on sex -- skin color or sexual orientation, Psy would have been tossed faster than Beckel at a Tea Party.

But American is no longer an exceptional identity that unites us all, who cares? Patriotism is like ribbon candy. Only granny has it.

But, hey, it's not like it's hard to get in the White House these days. The current administration proved that.

So, K.G., he said he was sorry. Is that enough?

KIMBERLY GUILFOYLE, CO-HOST: I guess so. It doesn't matter what you say, he wasn't being held accountable, right? I mean, no, I don't think it's OK. But he got to shake hands with the president and get all kinds of adulation from people for what? You know, some freaky horse trot dance?


ERIC BOLLING, CO-HOST: Disagreeing. This is bad. It's really bad. Forty thousand or so Americans died in the Korean War. There are tens of thousands who are protecting the South Koreans right now from the North Koreans. Kim Jong-un who smokes cigarettes like his dad did, would love to take South Korea but we protect him from that.

This guy should never have been there, number one. There's more than -- I think there was about two days when they realized that he had done this in 2002 and 2004.

Apologies don't matter. I mean, it's not like he apologized about calling someone fat or something. He said we want American troops, their families, their wives, and their kids to die and die a painful death.

Don't apologize for that. You're a bad person. Get him out of the White House.

GUILFOYLE: But the point is I'm making, yes, what he did was wrong. But it doesn't seem to matter because look where he is. He's in a photo op, two people away from the president.

BOB BECKEL, CO-HOST: Yes. Let's keep in mind what this is to raise money for kids and the guy did apologize. And, yes, there were a lot of people who thought the Iraq war, including me, was an illegal war.

GUTFELD: Yes, but he didn't really care about the Iraq war. He was just a guy trying to get attention, right?

BECKEL: OK, he was trying -- maybe that's what it is. You hold something he said against a rap song against him for rest of his life?

BOLLING: No. Just don't show up next to my president. That's all I'm asking. Too much to ask?

BECKEL: Oh, I see. Get to your president. Greg said in his monologue, this current administration and the White House. Yes, they got elected. It's how they get in the White House.

GUTFELD: I know.

BECKEL: You guys got beat.

GUTFELD: I know.

BECKEL: OK? Just accept it. You got to learn to live with it.

GTUFELD: I accept it. I just think it's sad that you get like kind of a joke in there. I honestly don't really give a damn. It makes -- it diminishes the White House, I think. I don't know.

DANA PERINO, CO-HOST: I can't stand the song. It drives me insane. It didn't know what it meant. I couldn't understand it. Then I would keep reading about the "Gangnam Style". It put two to two together.

What he was talking about in 2002 and 2003 was a deeply horrified South Korean public about one of their aid workers in Iraq who had been taken hostage and was seeking freedom. They were holding that hostage. South Koreans were helpful to the Americans and the Iraq war.

I believe in his right to express himself but I don't anybody at the White House would have gone back and look at any of the things that he said in 2002, 2003, because only thing people care about is that thing he is doing there.


BOLLING: Actually, there was a petition on the White House Web site. I guess you are allowed to petition to White House website. But they pulled that down the day before. They pulled the petition down.

PERINO: Most transparent administration in history.

BECKEL: Another conspiracy.

BOLLING: An opportunity to remove Psy from the show. The show still would have gone on, raised money for the kids and not offended, you know, 50 percent of America.

BECKEL: It's an epic conspiracy right there. I think we should get to the bottom of it.

GUTFELD: It's nothing compared to Jane Fonda. Let's face it. Jane Fonda was an American who was a traitor to America.

This is Korean guy who's trying to like make his name for himself saying stupid things. Now, he got famous. The big bully he hated is now making him famous.

PERINO: But he wasn't trying to get famous in America. He was trying to get famous in South Korea which at the time what he was saying -- was speaking exactly to how they felt at the time.

BECKEL: What about the rappers in United States who talk about shooting cops?

PERINO: What about that?

BECKEL: Why should we have --


PERINO: I agree, I agree.

BOLLING: Personally, I hope they are not hanging out at the White House.

PERINO: They are. That guy Common went there.



PERINO: I don't even know what he sings.

GUTFELD: By the way, who keeps going to the White House? Al Sharpton. I mean, he is the Tawana Brawley hoax, the Gavin Cato riots. C'mon.

BECKEL: By the way, my ear, nose and throat guy went to Stones concert in New Jersey the other night and he said it was all bunch of baby boomers smoking dope.


GUILFOYLE: OK, thanks for that update, Bob.

BECKEL: That's breaking news.

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