Prosecutors: Plot exposed to bring ISIS to US through Mexico; Firms that paid for Clinton speeches had gov't interests

This is a rush transcript from "Hannity," April 22, 2016. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

TUCKER CARLSON, GUEST HOST:  Welcome to "Hannity."  We're just four days away from five vital primary contests.

I'm Tucker Carlson, in tonight for Sean.

The candidates pounding the campaign trail tonight ahead of Tuesday's key races in the states of Connecticut, Delaware, Maryland, Pennsylvania and Rhode Island.

Earlier today, Senator Ted Cruz launched a new attack against Republican front-runner Donald Trump.  Here's part of what he said.


SEN. TED CRUZ, R-TEXAS, PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE:  Donald's campaign is now run by a Washington lobbyist who has been a lobbyist for 40 years.  They brought in an army of lobbyists who are running the entire campaign.

Yesterday, they were down in Florida meeting with party leaders, and they were saying -- these are their words -- that all of this is just a show, that he doesn't believe anything he's saying, he's just trying to fool gullible voters and he's not going to do any of it.  He's not going to build a wall.  He's not going to deport anyone.  He is telling us he is lying to us!


CARLSON:  Well, as for Donald Trump, he was also out campaigning today.  Here's a look.


DONALD TRUMP, R-PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE:  I really want to run against crooked Hillary, right?  Don't we want to run against crooked Hillary?


TRUMP:  OK.  (INAUDIBLE) You know, all the polls say that if it's Donald Trump against crooked Hillary Clinton, it will be -- seriously, it will be the greatest turnout of voters in the history of the United States.  I believe that.  No, believe it.


TRUMP:  I mean, think of this, Trump against Clinton.  How about this, lyin' Ted Cruz.  No, it doesn't work.  Doesn't.  First of all, she would beat him so badly, he'd lose so many states.  He has no chance.  Look at what happened to him this weekend.  Look at what happened to him just this week.  He got -- he lost to Kasich!  Cruz came in third!  And he's so embarrassed!


CARLSON:  And while the candidates continue to take shots at each other, down in Florida at the RNC spring meeting, party chairman Reince Priebus said Republicans need to unite in order to win in November.


REINCE PRIEBUS, RNC CHAIRMAN:  It is essential to victory in November that we all support our candidate.  This goes for everyone, whether you're a county party chairman, an RNC member or a presidential candidate.  Politics is a team sport, and we can't win unless we rally around whoever becomes our nominee.


CARLSON:  Here now with their passionate and yet informed reaction, Salem Radio and CRN talk show host Larry Elder, from The Washington Times, our friend, Charlie Hurt, and the author of "We the People: The Modern-Day Figures Who Have Reshaped and Affirmed the Founding Fathers' Vision of America," a brand-new book, co-host of "The Five" Juan Williams.  Welcome to you all.

Larry Elder, I can't resist starting with you.  You heard Ted Cruz say that Donald Trump is an -- is an insider.  He's allied himself with Washington insiders.  On its face, it's sort of a weird attack coming from a sitting United States senator against a man who's never been elected to anything, no?

LARRY ELDER, RADIO TALK SHOW HOST:  Well, it is a weird attack, and what it shows you is that when Donald Trump stomped him in the New York primary, it-- he regained that momentum.

And coming in to next Tuesday with those five contests, I think Ted Cruz knows the only way he can win is to persuade a whole bunch of people that Donald Trump is unelectable, is a liar, on the second or third ballot.

Did I dream this, or did hell just freeze over, Tucker?  Did Krauthammer say that he was wrong about Donald Trump and that Donald Trump can win the nomination and might even pose a real battle against Hillary?  Did I -- did I hear that?

CARLSON:  You know what?  I'm going to take a pass on that because I would never even seek to assess anything Charles says.  It's too smart for me, truly.


CARLSON:  Charlie Hurt, I just went through the numbers in some of the upcoming states, Pennsylvania on Tuesday, but then beyond that, Indiana and California -- Donald Trump is just screeching across the state of California in flago (ph).  It looks like he might get to a majority before the convention.  Is that your take?

CHARLES HURT, WASHINGTON TIMES:  I think it's absolutely within the realm of possibility.  I think it -- obviously, a lot more was in the realm of possibility today than it was before New York because he -- that performance that he pulled off in New York was -- I mean, he -- he did better than even he was predicting he would do in New York, which is a very good thing.

But what I think is kind of interesting about Ted Cruz is, of course, you know, if you look back at, you know, a month ago, when he was in Utah, he was telling John Kasich that he needed to get out of the race.  And the reason he needed to get out of the race is because John -- he was saying that John Kasich didn't have a path to the nomination.  Well, now Ted Cruz doesn't have path to the nomination.

And my question is, is he going to heed his own advice?  Obviously, he's not because he's not getting out of the race.  But Ted Cruz at this moment does not have path to the nomination.  So I don't really know why -- I don't know what his argument for continuing on is, except to, you know, keep the party fractured and lay as many punches on Donald Trump as he can between now and the convention.

CARLSON:  Well, it does seem personal.  Juan, to you.  As someone who's not a faithful, lifelong Republican voter...


CARLSON:  ... i mean, you've got a clearer view of it.  Are these breaches unbridgeable at this point, because as Charlie just said, the other two guys don't have a mathematical path to the nomination?

JUAN WILLIAMS, "THE FIVE" CO-HOST:  I wanted to -- I wanted to respond to Larry and Charlie.  First to Larry.  Larry, how can you cover over your eyes and whistle past the graveyard when, in fact, it was Trump's own people who said, We've been making stuff up.  We're going to change now.  
We're going to become more presidential.  That to me was alarming!

ELDER:  That's not what they said.

WILLIAMS:  If I'm a Republican, I'm saying, This guy is lying.  Ted Cruz didn't make that up.  It wasn't lyin' Ted that said it.  It actually was a Trump official.

And Charlie, hold on a second.  There still is a chance -- I think, in fact, Trump will still have to get more than 50 percent of the remaining delegates.  He's on fire, as you said, in flago (ph).  The idea is for Cruz...

CARLSON:  Thanks for translating, by the way.

WILLIAMS:  I'm sorry?

CARLSON:  Thanks for translating.

WILLIAMS:  Yes.  But the idea for Cruz is that he simply stops Trump from getting 1,237 and then has the open convention.  And he has amassed a number of those uncommitted delegates who would vote for him on a second round.  That's a real path to the nomination.

CARLSON:  OK, so two interesting questions.  Larry, first to you.  What do you make of Paul Manafort's line to Republican officials that we're going to pivot on a dime and become a different person?  Did that rattle (ph) you at all?

ELDER:  I make as much of it as I make of when Hillary said to an audience she's a moderate and then she said she's a progressive and then she went back to being a moderate and then she went to being a progressive.

This is politics, guys.  They're trying to make Donald Trump appeal more to the base.  They're trying to make Donald Trump appear -- appeal more in the general election.  That's called politics.  I wouldn't take it all that seriously.

CARLSON:  I'm sorry, Charlie, I would ask you a sober political question, but I just checked, and we've gone several minutes without talking about bathroom politics, so I have to, by law, get to that.


CARLSON:  We have this big, obviously, drama in North Carolina over access to transgendered people, not defined, by the way, what exactly that is, but into bathrooms of the sex to which they were not assigned at birth.  Donald Trump kind of weighed in on this and said, yes, status quo is totally fine, I think disappointing some social conservatives by saying that.

Was that a good call or no?

HURT:  I mean, once again, Tucker, it -- Donald Trump is the only guy that understands the game that's being played here.  He's exactly -- and I don't know if he's right about the -- on the particulars on the policy, but every minute Republicans are talking about what bathroom Bruce Jenner uses, they're not talking about jobs, the economy.  They're not talking about terrorism.  They're losing.

And this is a loser right, and Donald Trump understands.  The guy is a master marketer.  And he understands that you don't -- you don't take your party -- you don't take the politics and put it in the bathroom because you know what?  People really don't like that.  That's not very appealing.



CARLSON:  Well, so Juan, then why is this left pushing this?  I mean, is this the hill they want to die on?


CARLSON:  I mean, seriously, was a -- was there massive problem with people being barred from bathrooms they wanted to enter?  And B, does this improve the life of the average person?


CARLSON:  Then why are they talking about...


WILLIAMS:  I was surprised because Charlie, I think you're right.  But I do think it would antagonize some of the social conservative evangelical voters.  I think that's why the governor of North Carolina is doing what he's doing.  But I -- I agree with you.  I just think if Trump is a master marketer, he's making the right move.  But if he's trying to appeal to the base of the party, I'm not so sure.

CARLSON:  Well, Larry Elder, isn't one of the things we've learned over the past six months is the base of the party has very different views from what they thought they -- we thought their views were?

ELDER:  Well, that's right.  And frankly, the country is not a center-right country, as many Republicans like to say.  It's a center-left country.  And Obama -- and Donald Trump is not a conservative, not a fiscal conservative. He's a populist.  And like it or not, that is where the country is.  Much of the country feels they're being shafted in trade.  Much of the country feels that the system is rigged.

Donald Trump's even talked about raising taxes on rich people, for crying out loud.  This is where the center of the people is.  And if you want to beat Hillary, unfortunately, you need a combination of views like that to appeal to the center.  And Donald Trump has them.

CARLSON:  Boy, no one ever says that out loud.  That sounds right to me.

ELDER:  No, they don't.

CARLSON:  Charlie, what do you make of that?

HURT:  No, I think Larry's exactly right.  And I think that -- you know, and I think that Donald Trump realizes that, you know, the -- the -- he doesn't let people draw him into fights that he doesn't want to have.  And he's very good at that.

And -- and every time he does get drawn into a fight, I guarantee you, it was a fight he wanted to have.  And -- and -- and the left wants to draw them into this kind of argument, and he says, No, I'm going to -- we're going to talk about these other things.  We're going to talk about illegal immigration, unfair trade and jobs.  And you know what?  He's winning.


CARLSON:  Unfortunately, we're out of time.  We're going to...

WILLIAMS:  I just want to say this.  Will (ph) Republicans claim betrayal?

CARLSON:  We're going to have to debate bathrooms...

HURT:  I don't think so.

CARLSON:  ... in the commercial break.

WILLIAMS:  All right.  All right.

CARLSON:  Be right back.  Thank you, gentlemen.  You're excellent.

Coming up right here on "Hannity" next...


TRUMP:  The point is it's a very -- the whole system is rigged.  It's a phony, crooked system, where people are allowed to buy delegates and...


CARLSON:  A phony, crooked system.  Donald J. Trump is not impressed by the Republican delegate process.

And later -- an American arrested for trying to join ISIS says he was hoping to help the terror group infiltrate through the U.S.-Mexico border. Lieutenant Colonel Ralph Peters joins us to react to that scary story new from the FBI.

Plus, a new report raises serious questions about dozens of Hillary Clinton's expensive speeches.  We'll explain the latest scandal swirling around her.  More reason to stay with us as "Hannity" continues.




TRUMP:  The point is, it's a very -- the whole system is rigged.  It's a phony, crooked system where people are allowed to buy delegates.  They're allowed to buy hotel rooms for them and take them out to dinner and do whatever they have to do to get their vote.  
That's not democracy.


CARLSON:  That was Donald Trump here last night on "Hannity" talking the issue of the Republican delegate process, a process he's not impressed by. Here with reaction are Washington Examiner contributor, the president and founder of High Noon Strategies Lisa Boothe and the director of the University of Virginia Center for Politics, the great Larry Sabato. Welcome to you both.

Lisa, first...


CARLSON:  ... to you.  So these are the rules.  They've been the rules for a long time.  Anyone with a computer would know that.  The question is, should Republicans be defending the rules?  This is not a defense of Trump (INAUDIBLE) should have known what the rules are.  But the rules are not democratic.  They're designed to thwart the will of the voters.  And so why are Republican officials defending them?

BOOTHE:  Well, and he should have known the rules.  And look what's happening here, Tucker.  For the first time in a very long time, Republicans -- and the first time in 40 (ph) years could potentially be facing a contested convention.  So now there has been a heightened emphasis and a focus on the rules to the degree that there just hasn't been in previous election cycles.

And the reason that Donald Trump has been so successful in driving the narrative that the system is rigged is because of the complexity of all of it.  I mean, you look at Pennsylvania, which is next week, and voters are going to be selecting the 54 uncommitted delegates that are going to be sent to the convention, but they have no clue who those delegates -- which candidate that -- those delegates support.

Or you look at West Virginia, for instance, which is on May 10th, Tucker. And a former West Virginia Republican chairman said that even Einstein couldn't navigate the process.

CARLSON:  Right.  Well, and of course, that's on purpose, Larry Sabato. You've made a lifetime of studying this stuff.  Delegates don't have to represent the will of the voters who send them to the conventions, and that is inherently undemocratic.

And by the way, again, I'm not defending the Trump campaign, which should have known this.  They entered the contest like everybody else, knowing what the rules were.  But it's not a democratic process, is it?

LARRY SABATO, UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA CENTER FOR POLITICS:  No, it isn't. And of course, we have a republic, not a pure democracy.  We have that in government, not just in politics.  But my goodness, the presidential selection process proves the point better than anything else.

All that's true, and I certainly have been an advocate in saying you don't change the rules in the middle of the game.

But the second half of that is you maybe should reform some of the rules going forward for future elections and future presidential contests because, Tucker, some of these rules make no sense.

CARLSON:  Right.

SABATO:  Pennsylvania and West Virginia have just been mentioned, and I second that wholeheartedly.  But I know you will agree with me on this. We've discovered -- and I never knew this.  We've discovered that is possible to virtually bribe delegates who are not in public office.

There's nothing, apparently, in the corrupt practices rules in our laws that would prohibit candidates from offering all kinds of things to delegates who are not senators and congressmen and governors, where prosecutors probably would go after them.  They're not going to go after the average delegate.

CARLSON:  Well, exactly!  Doesn't this who system cry out for reform, Lisa? I mean, there are plenty of things you can do and you shouldn't do.  I mean, you can take advantage of bankruptcy laws, for example, as Donald Trump has.   A lot of his critics -- in my view, rightly -- said that's disgusting.  But it's legal.  You can have an affair with your neighbor's wife.  You're not going to go to jail for it.  But you shouldn't.

So why shouldn't the party in the aftermath of all this try to make the system a little more democratic?  It's what voters expect.  Why not respond to them?

BOOTHE:  Well, and I think you might see some of those changes because you have to look at the opinion of voters here because perception matters.  And that's why you're seeing Donald Trump push the narrative that it's rigged to the extent that he is.

And it's working with voters because if you look at -- The Wall Street Journal had a poll not too long ago, and 62 percent of Republican voters believe that the candidate with the most votes should be the nominee. Also, 71 percent believe that whoever the nominee is has to be someone inside the system.

And you look at just what happened this week at the RNC spring meeting and the fact that the RNC committee -- or the RNC committee members decided to not move forward with any recommendation for rules changes.

CARLSON:  Right.

BOOTHE:  So you're seeing the narrative that Donald Trump has been driving has been successful in both changing voter opinion and also swaying and putting the delegates and the RNC members under a microscope.

CARLSON:  Well, clearly.  But even under the microscope, we still don't know much about them, Larry.  And you noted (INAUDIBLE) this is a republic, not a pure democracy.  And the supposition behind that is a smaller group of impressive, enlightening people will help moderate the public will and make good decisions.

But we know nothing about these delegates.  Are they super- impressive people that are just much wiser than you and me or than the average voter? Are they?

SABATO:  Are you asking me?



SABATO:  Well, Tucker, some are and some aren't.  I'm not going to get in a fight with thousands of delegates to the Republican national convention. But I'll tell you this much.  Remember after the loss in 2012, what did the Republican National Committee do?  It authorized an autopsy report.


SABATO:  Well, let me tell you something.  Based on what we've learned this time around, they're going to have to hire a fleet of medical examiners, all right?


SABATO:  This is going to be an autopsy report to end all autopsy reports.

CARLSON:  Well, so Lisa, it -- finally, it seems the casualty, the main one in all of this is people's faith in the system itself.  And a democracy, like currency, like everything else in our world (INAUDIBLE) credit cards, it's all based on faith.  It works because you think it does.

If people suddenly realize the system is rigged, and I think we all agree it is, that's bad.  I mean, that's long-term ramifications, does it not?

BOOTHE:  Well, and I think you're seeing that Republicans -- or not even just Republicans, voters in general, Americans, do not have a lot of faith in government at this moment.  I mean, they just do not believe in the process, do not believe in government.

I think that's why you're seeing someone like Donald Trump succeed on the right and someone like Bernie Sanders -- to the degree of the success that he has, it's because people believe that the system is broken and they're looking for change and they're looking for disruption.

CARLSON:  Yes.  Well, clearly -- clearly, they are.  And finally, really quickly, Larry, do you think it's going to get to a contested convention? I mean, it seems like Trump is amassing potentially a lot of delegates.  Do you think it'll come to that?

SABATO:  I think it's going to be resolved if not on June 7th, in the six weeks between June 7th and the gaveling of the convention on July 18th. That's the one break Republicans I think will get.  Maybe they'll have a week to bring it together and to paper over, oh, a third or so of the disputes they're having.

CARLSON:  I agree with that.  Chaos is not in anyone's interest.  I totally agree with that.  No one's saying it, but I think you're right.  Thanks a lot for joining us, both of you.  Appreciate it.

BOOTHE:  Thank you, Tucker.

SABATO:  Thanks, Tucker.

CARLSON:  Coming up -- an American arrested for trying to join the Islamic State said he was hoping to discover a route through Mexico for ISIS militants to enter this country.  We've got details on that.  Lieutenant Colonel Ralph Peters joins us to weigh in.

Plus, new questions being raised about Hillary Clinton's paid speeches. She made a ton of money.  A new report by the Associated Press reveals that a large portion of that money came from firms with business before government.  Does it sound like corruption?  We'll have more coming up.


CARLSON:  Welcome back to "Hannity."  Four Minnesota residents from a local Somalia community outside Minneapolis will be on trial next month for conspiring with ISIS, plotting to carry out possible attacks here in the U.S.  According to federal prosecutors, one of those accused terrorists, Galid Ali Omar (ph), even conceived a plan to route foreign fighters across the U.S.-Mexican border.

All this comes as FBI Director James Comey warned of a possible Brussels- style attack in America within the next two years.  Watch this.


JAMES COMEY, FBI DIRECTOR:  We stare at what happened in Brussels and imagine it as our future that we have to work against, that it could be that the threat they're facing on the continent, and increasingly here in the U.K., is the threat that we could face two years from now.  And we talk a lot and plan a lot and work lot against that possibility.


CARLSON:  It's an ominous warning.  And joining us now with his reaction is Fox News strategic analyst Lieutenant Colonel Ralph Peters.  Colonel, great to see you tonight.


CARLSON:  Minneapolis yet again the site of an FBI investigation into terrorism.  Something has changed about Minneapolis.  Whatever happened to Minneapolis nice or Minnesota nice?  It didn't use to be the locus of terror plots.  Why is it now?

PETERS:  Well, among other things, our immigration policy is so utterly screwed up.  We not only brought in Somalis in very large numbers, we allowed -- we ghettoized them.  We allowed them to congregate in one area where they don't have to learn English, they don't have to learn American values.  They're subject to hate preachers, the most radical forms of Islam.  And it's a little Somalia within the United States.

CARLSON:  Yes, but...

PETERS:  And...

CARLSON:  Wait.  Hold on, Colonel.  But for years, we brought Scandinavians into Minneapolis and they congregated together and lives in their own neighborhoods and spoke Swedish and Danish, and they didn't plot any terror attacks.  What's the difference?

PETERS:  Well, they did clog our arteries with a lot of cheese.  But very seriously, it really comes down to culture.  The Scandinavians (INAUDIBLE) from European culture.  Traditionally, European culture has been out culture, its American derivative.

And to be fair, most Muslims -- most have done a fair job of integrating.  Some Iranian-Americans have done a great job.  But the Somalis were undereducated, or uneducated, practiced a very I'd say primitive form of Islam.  And again, they didn't get dispersed.  They didn't have to integrate.  And that's a fundamental problem.

But Tucker, back to the basic thrust of this story, that terrorists are going to be coming across the Mexican border.  Well, they're certainly going to try and they're going to keep trying to come through airports.  They'll keep trying to come across the Canadian border because the terrorists desperately want to hit us.

I like to say that in the terrorist Olympics, you create a bloodbath in Israel, you get a bronze.  Bloodbath in Europe, you get the silver.  But if you want to win the terrorist Olympic gold, you've to kill Americans on American soil.  And they will not stop until they do it.

CARLSON:  Well, that's clearly the case, though I wonder about the threat posed by back door immigration when so many of the people who appear to pose threats to the United States came in right through the front door as refugees or on visas or as legal immigrants.

PETERS:  Yes, or as jailbird converts.  Actually, you know, most American Muslims want to be good Americans, or at least just get on with their lives.  But we bear culpability in hindering their efforts to do so because we allow the Saudis and Gulf Arabs to fund radical mosques and hate mosques to terrorize our Muslim communities with Wahhabi -- the Wahhabi cult of Islam.

So it's not a block (ph) thing that, you know, someone, all Muslims are bad or all Muslim immigrants are bad.  But we make it harder for them, for the Somalis by letting them all congregate.  But above all, the biggest problem we have, to me, with Muslim immigration, apart from the screwed-up immigration system, is that we allow the Saudis and others to fund the worst kind of proselytizing, the Wahhabi cult within Islam, rather than...

CARLSON:  But we have no counter-proselytizing.  I mean, wouldn't it make sense -- and by the way, there are a lot of great Muslims in this country, and I'm glad they're here.

PETERS:  Sure.

CARLSON:  But if people come over and bring with them values that are antithetical to Western values -- people don't allow their women out of doors, to drive cars, perform horrifying and unnecessary surgeries on them for cultural reasons, nobody says anything.  Whereas the Saudis have a really clear idea of what they want to inculcate in people.  They have a vision of their culture, and they want to pass it on.  We don't.  Why is that?

PETERS:  Well, it's because we've lived high off the hog for so long.  We live in such safety, despite the threat of terrorism.  We live in such wealth, despite whining about poverty, that we -- we -- we don't appreciate how hard a place the world is.

And so political correctness -- we can afford political correctness. That's why political correctness works, or fails to work.  And so in the name of religious tolerance, an utterly perverse version of religious tolerance, we allow the Saudis to proselytize here, but there's no reciprocity.


PETERS:  We can't fund mosques or synagogues in Saudi Arabia because there aren't any and there aren't going to be any.  And the fact that our Congress will not stop foreign individuals who do not reciprocate, who do not practice tolerance at home, and allow those foreign individuals and states to fund the most hateful versions of any religion here is beyond my ken!

CARLSON:  I'm laughing at the thought of trying to build a Presbyterian church in Riyadh, what would happen.  Colonel, that was a really insightful couple of minutes.  Thanks for joining us.

PETERS:  Thank you, Tucker.

CARLSON:  Coming up -- a damming new report for the Clinton campaign.  The Associated Press has conducted a review of Hillary's paid speeches for a two-year period and discovered that many of the groups she and her husband spoke to had interests before the U.S. government.  Hah!  We'll explain with details.

And later tonight...


HILLARY CLINTON, D-PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE:  So we're either going to have gangs that murder and rob and do the things that are so destructive to the gang members and to the community, or we're going to have positive gangs.


CARLSON:  Positive gangs.  That's the alternative, says Hillary Clinton. Well, Sheriff David Clarke and Eric Guster are here to weigh in next.

That and much more straight ahead on "Hannity."


PATRICIA STARK, FOX NEWS CORRESPONDENT:  Live from America's news headquarters, I'm Patricia Stark.

A massive search is underway in rural Ohio after eight family members were killed.  Authorities say they have interviewed more than 30 people as part of their investigation.  But they're still searching for at least one person, possibly more.  The killings left seven adults and a teenage boy dead in four separate hours.  Three children, including a newborn survived. Whoever is responsible is considered armed and extremely dangerous.

And the Brussels subway station where 16 people were killed is set to reopen on Monday, this according to local transit officials.  It's been one month since the March 22nd attack bombing which damaged the train station and it has been closed ever since.  Also on that day two suicide bombers killed 16 more people at the city's airport.

I'm Patricia Stark, and now back to "Hannity." For all your headlines, logon to

TUCKER CARLSON, FOX NEWS HOST:  Welcome back to the "Hannity" program. Hillary Clinton has some explaining to do after the Associated Press conducted a review of the 2016 Democratic frontrunner's paid speeches, the ones she gave between 2013 and 2015.  And the review discovered that more than one-third of the groups that paid Hillary Clinton had business before government.

The report went on to say, this is a quote, "Almost all the 82 corporations, trade associations, and other groups that paid for or sponsored Clinton speeches have actively sought to sway the government, lobbying, bidding for contracts, commenting on federal policies, and in some cases contacting State Department officials or Clinton herself during her tenure as secretary of state."

In due diligence we reached out to the Hillary Clinton campaign for comment on the report.  We haven't heard back yet.  We'll tell you if we do.

Joining us with reaction, author of "Clinton Cash," the president of the Government Accountability Institute, and senior editor at large at Breitbart, Peter Schweizer, and the president of Judicial Watch Tom Fitton. It's great to see you both.  First to you, Tom.  The average, about half of American wage earners make under 30,000 a year.  Here you had Hillary Clinton getting hundreds of thousands for an hour's work.  How great are her speeches?  I've never heard her say anything that wasn't banal, but her speeches must have been incredible to get that kind of payment, no?

TOM FITTON, PRESIDENT OF JUDICIAL WATCH:  She said she doesn't know why people were paying her that type of money like Goldman Sachs and other, and now we know that this was insurance by these companies that have business before the government, take care of the income and Clinton administration potentially so they're contracts are secure and they have a seat at the table or so they're not targeted by the Clinton administration.

On top of this, Tucker, she was also getting money from these very same entities while she was secretary of state through speaking fees to her husband which were going into their personal accounts.  So the corruption began during the State Department administration of Hillary Clinton, not just when she was supposedly a private person.

CARLSON:  So Peter, if a foreign leader were doing this, we would call it what it is, corruption.  If she was an African secretary of state we would say this is corruption obviously.  My question is, why did the Obama administration allow this?  She was secretary of state.  Her husband continued to travel the world getting money from foreign interests.  Why did they allow that?

PETER SCHWEIZER, "CLINTON CASH" AUTHOR:  That's a great question.  Look the Obama administration put very few restrictions on the Clintons.  The ones that they did put, it really wasn't a restriction.  It was transparency, that they had to disclose all the donations to the Clinton Foundation.  The Clintons didn't even comply with that.

This is the heart of the problem.  The heart of the problem with the Clintons is where they go money tends to follow.  And this is a pattern. Tom is quite right.  This has gone on for a very, very long time, and particularly as it relates to foreign entities.  If you are a foreign government or a foreign corporation or foreign financer and you want to have access to a leader, it's very difficult.  You can't contribute to their political campaign.  You maybe can't contribute to the super PAC, but you can pay either their spouse or themselves an overinflated speaking fee and that gives you access that no lobbyist could ever get you.

CARLSON:  Tome, here's what I don't get is the motive behind all this.  How much money do you need?  They've made hundreds of millions of dollars doing this.  They only conclusion I can reach, I don't know what the other one is, is that they're greedy.  They're money worshippers.  Why else would you do this?

FITTON:  Personally they made $48 million while she was secretary of state from these speaking fees from the Chinese, the Saudis, the UAE, you name it.  And you have to wonder if political power was the means to just getting more money, or getting money was a means to political power.  I guess we can debate that until the cows come home, but it's part of a pattern.

The administration, we've looked at the documents.  We had to sue to get the documents.  We were stonewalled.  And 215 speeches approved, rubber stamped by the administration.  I think they said no later to maybe North Korea giving them money.  But virtually everyone who was asking to give the Clintons money, whether foreign governments or corporations like the banks, forget about the money she was getting while she was a private citizen. The corruption was the money they were getting directly into their personal accounts from foreign government and major corporations with business before the State Department of the United States government while she was secretary of state.  It went to their personal bank account.

CARLSON:  It's unbelievable.  And Bill Clinton actively considered taking payment from North Korea.  I don't know how they pay him, gold, or counterfeit cigarettes.  How does a country like that pay you?  But again, Peter, followed this for many years.  You know these people well.  I know a lot of Democrats who are gravely embarrassed about this.  Hillary's speeches to Goldman Sachs, for instance, that she will not release.  Do you think she is going to be able to continue stonewalling demands for their release all the way through into November.

SCHWEIZER:  I think she will.  Look, this has been the mode of operation for the Clintons.  They have resisted basic rules of transparency that they agreed to with President Obama.  Groups like Tom have really had to go through aggressively and get what information we do have.  No, I don't think there's any reason for the Clintons at this point to stop doing what they've been doing.  They haven't been held into account.  And they don't seem to be able to have to face any penalties for what they are doing.  So I expect them to continue to do what they are doing.  And Bill Clinton has already promised if Hillary Clinton becomes president he is going to continue to give paid speeches because in his words he, quote-unquote, "has to pay the bills."

CARLSON:  I think they are getting punished, Tom.  This cranky, elderly socialist from Vermont is hassling her from the left largely because of things like this.  And that's what's so baffling.  She knew she was running for president and giving $200,000 speeches to Goldman Sachs anyway.  That's like alcoholism.  She can't control herself.

FITTON:  There is some accountability, however indirect, for her conduct there.  But more information is going to come out.  We're still in court trying to get information from the speechifying from her years as secretary of state.  I'm convinced the e-mails she hasn't turned over contain information about the Foundation business and her personal moneys that she was raising for Bill's speeches.  So it's going to -- more information is going to come out, and it's going to come out soon.

And recall, the FBI, supposedly, according to Fox News, is investigating her conduct as secretary of state and whether there was criminal activity in response to the Foundation work and her personal money raising there as well.

CARLSON:  I hope so.  I think it's a bigger story than the e-mails because it just reveals so much about where they are coming from.

Gentlemen, thank you for providing so much information about this.  I hope you keep it up.  Thanks for joining us.

SCHWEIZER:  Thank you.

FITTON:  Thank you.

CARLSON:  Coming up next right here on "Hannity."


HILLARY CLINTON, D-PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE:  Joining a gang is like having a family.  It's feeling like you're part of something bigger than yourself.


CARLSON:  Hillary Clinton's dorm room sociologist, making statements like that and talking about gun control on the campaign trail.  Sheriff David Clarke and Eric Guster are here next to react.  That and much more.  Don't turn the channel.


CARLSON:  Welcome back to the "Hannity" program.  2016 Democratic frontrunner Hillary Clinton campaigning in Hartford, Connecticut, yesterday.  And while talking about gang violence in America, a problem in Hartford, she made this comment.


CLINTON:  Joining is gang is like having a family.  It's feeling like you're part of something bigger than yourself.  So we're either going to have gangs that murder and rob and do the things that are so destructive to the gang members and to the community, or we're going to have positive gangs.  We're going to have positive alternatives for young people.


CARLSON:  Joining us now with reaction is Milwaukee County Sheriff David Clarke and trail attorney and political commentator Eric Guster.  Welcome to you both.  Sheriff, I want to start with you.  You heard the former secretary of state's dorm room sociology there.  Joining a gang is like joining a family, as if she would know.  Is that why people join gangs?

SHERIFF DAVID CLARKE, MILWAUKEE COUNTY:  Tucker, I'm still trying to get my head around this.  Joining gang is like joining a family.  Mrs. Bill Clinton is totally disconnected from life in the black community.  She has such a misperception about our intelligence level.  She thinks we're some lower form of intelligence to think because we don't have family experience we should join a gang.  That is preposterous.

Why didn't she say make better lifestyle choices?  If you want to join something, why don't you join a church?  Why don't you join the Boy Scouts or the Girl Scouts?  How about the boys clubs and girls clubs?  To sit up there and suggest that we -- that is dysfunctional culture, gang activity.  
For her to sit up there and embrace this as if it's something that's socially acceptable in the black community, this stuff ought to be rejected out of hand.  It ought to be shunned and shamed by the black community.

The reason why there's no family structure in the black community, she should offer an apology, is because of failed liberal urban policies, the war on poverty, that totally destroyed any structure or any family unit in the black community.  And she should have brought that up and said we've got to change policies so we can help the black community reconstruct that family experience so kids can make better lifestyle choices.

CARLSON:  Eric, I was struck by something she said at the very end.  She said this is a problem, these gangs.  We have an obligation to provide other opportunities for kids in areas with lots of gangs.  What about the parents of the kids?  What about the people who live near them?  What about the communities they arise from?  Why is it -- I've got four kids.  I've got kind of a lot to take care of.  Why is it also my responsibility to make sure that other people's kids don't join gangs?  I'm missing that.

ERIC GUSTER, FOX NEWS CONTRIBUTOR:  It's the responsibility of all of us to take care of everyone.  And what Clinton said is extremely powerful because-- I did not disturb you.  What Clinton said was extremely powerful.  What she was doing was encouraging young people to make better choices because just like you said, you have gangs that are bad and you have gangs that are positive.  The definition of a gang, Clarke is a group of people --

CLARKE:  Do you see where she gets it from?

GUSTER:  When I speak to children in high school as well as colleges, I tell them of the group of people you hang around the most are the ones you'll be like.  So if you make positive choices with the friends that you're around and the friends you spend time with, that is how --

CARLSON:  Hold on, wait a second.  There is never a nod from Hillary or anybody in her party to the responsibility of the parents of these kids. If your kids or my kids go crazy, someone says, hey, get your kids under control.  She never said that.  It's always your responsibility, my responsibility.  Why about the parents?  At least mention it.  She never does.  Why?

GUSTER:  The best thing about this, Tucker, is that she put the responsibility on the children.  She said you need to make choices.  You need to make better choices with the people you're around.  Instead of joining a gang that is destructive, get a group of friends who are positive.  And that's what she said.  And it's almost like the Twilight Zone for the right like Clarke, to say, oh, my gosh, shame on her for saying this.  This is her telling young people to make wise choices.

CARLSON:  I'll tell you what is the Twilight Zone, sheriff, the idea that a dopey PSA like "make good choices" is going to convince people not to join gangs.  Do we really think, we're only adults here talking, that that going to convince a single person?  You know I was going to join the Crips and have a kind of entertaining, lucrative life with interesting things to do. I'm not going to do it because that's not a good thing to do.  That's totally impotent and ineffective, no?

CLARKE:  It's totally disconnected.  And then we should turn gangs into a positive thing, maybe government funded, even.

But Eric, it's folks like you that give her license to talk like this and to think like this.  Look, there is cultural dysfunction in the black community.  It's not totally that everybody is involved in it because there are good, law abiding people that make proper lifestyle choices who do raise their kids properly.  And yet we sit up there and we condone this sort of thing and we talk about all of these things around it.

Like I said, why didn't she say, why don't you join a church?  You want a family experience, why don't you join some of the other things I mentioned, the Boy Scouts, the Girl Scouts.  No.  They have to join the Crips or the Bloods and then we're going to try to turn that into something positive. Again, that cultural dysfunction, and that's what it is, it's a subcultural behavior.  It needs to be shunned and rejected out of hand by members of the black community.

CARLSON:  We're almost out of time.  But Eric, I want to give you the last word.  That is a great question the sheriff raises.  Why not encourage them to go to church?  Or is that too anti-Islam?  Why wouldn't she say that? It seems an obvious solution.

GUSTER:  I don't know why she did not say that in that particular speech, but the definition of a gang is a group of people which you are around. That's what the definition is.  You talk about the negative impact of the gang violence of course, but what she's telling young people is make wise choices with the people you're around.  I don't see the problem with that.  That is one decent thing she actually said.

CLARKE:  One problem, too, you don't see a problem with it, Eric.  That is part of the problem.

CARLSON:  Gentlemen, appreciate you coming on.

GUSTER:  No, you're the problem, Clarke.

CARLSON:  Thank you.  You're very close to resolving this but sadly we're out of time.

Coming up, more "Hannity" right after the break, so don't go away.


CARLSON:  Welcome back to "Hannity."  Unfortunately that is all the time we have got left tonight.  Thanks a lot for being with us.  Sean will return on Monday.  In the meantime, have a great weekend.


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