Prosecutor: Co-pilot deliberately crashed Germanwings jet in French Alps

This is a rush transcript from "The Five," March 26, 2015. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

GREG GUTFELD, CO-HOST: Hello, everyone. I'm Greg Gutfeld along with Kimberly Guilfoyle, Julie Roginsky, Eric Bolling and she trampolines on a pin cushion, Dana Perino, "The Five."

So, was the devil their co-pilot? It seems so according to the French:


BRICE ROBIN, CHIEF MARSEILLE PROSECUTOR (THROUGH TRANSLATOR): The most probable interpretation is that the co-pilot, due to a voluntary abstention, a voluntary abstention, refused to open the cabin door to the pilot. He refused to open the cockpit door and actioned the button which starts the descent procedure. He actioned this button for a reason, which we still don't know why but which we can only deduct that it destroyed this plane.


GUTFELD: It's pretty horrible stuff, but at least we know something. A co-pilot deliberately crashing a jet, killing everyone on board. Was it planned? Spur of the moment? Part of a bigger plot? That isn't known yet. But here's what we do know: That secured door, the unbreakable separation between pilot and passenger, it was a product of 9/11.


ROBIN (THROUGH TRANSLATOR): International legislation since 9/11 imposed a double system on the cockpit door, so that no one could just enter the cockpit in order to take over the controls of the airplane, and the mechanism is in fact, only inside the cockpit. It's a code, an identification code, like a camera where you're recognized and you have to press the button in order to open the door.


GUTFELD: So you see, that door was one appropriate adjustment which reduced one risk while enabling perhaps another: a rogue pilot. See evil is like water, find the unblocked path and never stopping in its quest to penetrate. Evil waits at the feet of the susceptible. The less vulnerable you are, the smaller the chance evil can win. And so evil, oddly, has a purpose not in simply reducing us to tears, but of correcting flaws in the system.

If there is any comfort in this horrible event, those people died hopefully, so far greater numbers, do not. The 9/11 deaths were never in vain for they spurred into action changes that saved many, many more thousands.

There is no question: Humans will solve the flaw that allowed this latest murderous attack to happen. But then, no doubt, another vulnerability will reveal itself. For as we work 9 to 5, evil is open 24 hours, seven days a week.

So, Kimberly --


GUTFELD: The prosecutor, which is very clear. This is unique, at least in
my experience, and it was a relief, I guess -- maybe it's not a relief to
the victims' families, but at least they know what happened.

GUILFOYLE: Meaning to be able to get some information.


GUILFOYLE: And clarity.


GUILFOYLE: And perhaps to begin to get closure from the victims' families
where as you have the flight from Malaysia, where people saying, where is
the plane?


GUILFOYLE: What happened? What was the cause, and yes, this was a bi-
product of 9/11 at least the decision, you know, which respect to the
cockpit and the security measures. But also in the United States, we
differentiate in that you have to have two people at all times in the
cockpit, one of the crew members. So if the pilot has to go to the
restroom, that's gonna they are means and place. And now they are going to
do that in Europe as well, which is the takeaway from this. It's -- for
short tragedy (ph) that is chose, that we are all interconnected in this
web. And when something happens here like 9/11 happened in the United
States, the rippled effect permeated internationally, affecting how all
airlines in countries, see passengers safety and airlines safety, and this
is a by-product of it.

GUTFELD: Julie, this is -- it's a horrifying thing to even ponder this,
because apparently, his breathing was normal as he descended, taking his
time. Do you think that this was something that was planned or spur of the
moment because, what if the pilot had never gone to the bathroom?

JULIE ROGINSKY, GUEST CO-HOST: I can't imagine it was a spur
of the moment, because he descended for 8 to 10 minutes.


ROGINSKY: I mean, so you have 8 to 10 minutes where you're thinking, I'm
going to crash this plane and at any point, he could obviously, not done
that. You know, I just want to take a minute --

GUILFOYLE: But he's saying, because the pilot, well, he didn't know when
the pilot would leave to go to the bathroom, but he would probably use the
restroom during sometime of that flight.


GUILFOYLE: And then he sees the opportunity.

ROGINSKY: I do -- I do want acknowledge the retriever of the data. I want
to read out their names because, I think it's important. Yvonne Selke, Booz
Allen Hamilton contractor, Emily Selke and Robert Oliver who's a married
father of two and I cannot even begin to imagine what their families are
going through, what the families of the other people are going through. It
just, you know, bring (inaudible) you're never safe, I hate to live that
way. It's a horrible way to live. But you think, you know, anybody can do
this. I mean, this man --


ROGINSKY: Dana and I are talking about this earlier, this man is -- if this
in fact is what happened, I don't want to prejudge, but he -- this is evil
personified right here.


ROGINSKY: It's unbelievable.

GUTFELD: Yeah, I mean the point that it can happen anywhere. I mean, Eric,
this could happen with a bus driver -- you know, anywhere. So you -- can
you ever eliminate this kind of vulnerability?

ERIC BOLLING, CO-HOST: No, and especially when you put -- as
you point out that 9/11 door that's not gonna allow anyone in, not only the
bad guys or maybe someone who wanted to help out a good guy. Couple of --
can I speculate a little.

GUTFELD: Yeah. Sure.

BOLLING: Too early? So they said, 48 hours after the crash, the officials
said, there is no ties to extremism. How do we know? 48 hours they're going
to know there is absolutely no tie -- I don't know. Plus, hope I'm wrong,
but we just seem too strange for a 28-year-old to decide to spend eight
minutes locking his pilot out and bearing the plane into the Alps.

ROGINSKY: Unless he was so miserable and hated life so much.

BOLLING: Which -- which bring me to point two. How about this, and no one
does it. We don't do it here in the U.S., no one does it internationally,
psychological testing for pilots every once in a while. Find out if --

GUTFELD: How do they do that?

BOLLING: If -- they, no -- they do --

GUILFOYLE: They do a background check.

BOLLING: Until you become a pilot.

GUILFOYLE: A physical requirement --

BOLLING: Once you become a pilot for Lufthansa, they're done with it. We
don't do -- what I mean sporadically. Five years down the road, has
anything changed in your life? (inaudible) into an interview, have -- just
sit down and talk to someone, maybe --

GUILFOYLE: Maybe you should talk to family members though which as part of
a background check on.

BOLLING: That -- that too.

GUILFOYLE: Complete assessment announced (ph).

BOLLING: I mean is that, is that a violation of personal freedoms? I'm not
sure if someone is so important in keeping us safe in the air.


BOLLING: It doesn't seem like a bad idea.

GUTFELD: They check out -- if they check it on me in here at Fox, I have --
I'm not important at all. Are you OK, Greg?

ROGINSKY: And you still have a job.

GUTFELD: And I know. It's hard to believe. Dana, I kept thinking, we talked
about this today, about whether this could have been a seizure, and that if
somebody passes out they fall on the controls. But, the descent was so
specific. It was pre-programmed. So it had to be there, this was a
deliberate act.

DANA PERINO, CO-HOST: I think that they -- what the
prosecutor was saying today in that chilling statement, was one that -- we
all are on earth are trying to -- that are not of the evil source, are
figure out what could possibly have happened? What was he thinking? What
happened to him? And we want to believe the best, right. So initially, we
all thought sad, mechanical, unfortunate tragedy. And where still even
today, we're some like -- well, does he have a problem? Should we'd be able
to call it? Should we have them (ph)? There actually and suddenly seems
there just might not be an explanation that we could ever be reasonable to
any of us. I also agree with you, that there is no way for any of us to 100
percent protect ourselves from people who are determined to carry out an
evil deed, and it sounds to me like -- I guess what the pleading doesn't
makes sense to me to think if he was that calm knowing, because the saddest
thing is, one of the reasons we are all -- when this happened on Tuesday,
we were saying, hopefully, it happened so quickly that nobody knew what was


PERINO: That the passengers didn't know. But yet, you find out that on the
cockpit recorder you can hear passengers screaming in the background, so
they knew.

GUILFOYLE: Look out the window and they see about to space plant (ph) into

PERINO: Well, that they have the pilot banging --

BOLLING: But they see a pilot banging on the cockpit door.

GUTFELD: And the pilot banging, the pilot are trying to get in. The pilot
trying to enter the code, and this guy, deliberately, manually locking,
blocking the access code.

PERINO: Right.

GUILFOYLE: From the inside.

BOLLING: So that's (inaudible). That's a (inaudible).

GUILFOYLE: That's why you have to have someone else on the inside of the

BOLLING: Not only, not only did he program in, as Greg points out. It
descent into the ground, he programmed that.

GUILFOYLE: Yeah, I know, to descent.

BOLLING: He also overrode the unlocking mechanism from the outside.

GUILFOYLE: On purpose. To keep them out, right.

BOLLING: I mean, and so, so, it's either a bigger plot or someone who just
was gonna commit suicide?

PERINO: Well, and there already -- as you said, humans try to figure out
that, how can we reduce our vulnerability, and already major airlines like
in Germany and in Canada have announced that from now on, their rules is
that there has to be two crew members.

GUILFOYLE: Yeah, (inaudible).

PERINO: In the cockpit, regardless.


PERINO: And that's another way that we learned to try to protect ourselves.

GUTFELD: You know, a lot -- we'll be talking about the mental -- Julie, the
mental state. Is that necessarily helpful in the sense that, we talk about
depression, but there are 350 million people who are depressed around the


GUTFELD: And they don't kill.

ROGINSKY: That's --

GUTFELD: Hundreds of people.

ROGINSKY: That's the problem. How -- what is fit? What is fit to fly a


ROGINSKY: What is fit to drive a bus? Did it point out - I mean, you could
be - you could take somebody out with a truck, you could take somebody out
with a car in the middle of midtown. If I wanted to plow into 10 people on
the sidewalk, I easily could with my car. So the question is, you know, if
this person suffered depression and there are some reports that people say,
he may have gone through depression. But look, a lot of people go through
depression. You don't think about taking out 100 to 150 other, I don't know
how many fact numbers of people there were. They don't take out multitudes
of other people, because you -- look, if you want to kill yourself, you
should kill yourself. But don't inflict your pain and your desire to end
your life on other people. That's the part that doesn't make sense to me. I
understand people may want to end their life, I don't judge them for it. I
do judge people who want to end other people's lives, that asking them
about that.

GUTFELD: Yeah. I mean, it pays to point out that even though, there seems
like there are more crashes, because this is -- I think the third or fourth
major one in the past like 14 months. They are steadily declining, but it's
just that the planes are larger, so there are more people that are killed.

PERINO: Well -- and there are civilians being taken out. So this is -- this
is obviously -- this is not a war zone, but you think what happened in --
when Russia shut down that passenger jet and pretty much Putin gets off --
gets away with it. That is also, I think, it's an evil madness where there
is actually no even -- not even any remorse.


PERINO: On his part.

GUILFOYLE: I don't believe this guy did this as a spontaneous act. I think
he planned it. I think he knew that he was going to do this. He waited for
the opportunity. And this -- the captain was very seasoned, you know,
tremendous amount of experience flying 6,000-plus hours. He waited until
you were at legally and the safest part of the flight to be able to leave
to go to use the restroom, when they had reached that cruising altitude,
right? So when that happened, then he got up, excused himself to use the
restroom. That's when this guy seized the opportunity to be able to
manually lock him out and then begin his descent.

BOLLING: There are a lot of industries that do occasional time off. You
need to it, ex (ph) amount of time per year or every three years, and then
the company goes and does whatever due diligence they do. It wouldn't be a
bad idea for our pilots if we just have that.

PERINO: But he was only 28.



PERINO: So, are we --

GUTFELD: And he did say - they said he had some sort of burnout at 28.

PERINO: Oh, please.

GUTFELD: He took some months off because of that and that's -- burnout at

GUILFOYLE: You don't (inaudible) but barely even - you know, for a year.
But think about it, if it's was a private company and you want to work for
them, you can agree or disagree.


GUILFOYLE: To be able to do drug testing.


GUILFOYLE: To be able to do any. They have every right to ask and to say
listen, you want to come fly a plane for us, Julie? I want you to do drug
testing. I want you to do this and that. We have invested interest in the
safety of our passengers and the contract that we have with them when they
give us money, to be able to get on our planes and arrive safely at their
destination. Well as we gonna speak to some of your family members. I want
to find out what's going on your life, just to be (inaudible), this is a
protection for you, for us to make sure because we invest in our employees,
sound good?

ROGINSKY: Sounds great, but by all accounts, this guy seemed normal to
everybody and that's what so scary to me, yeah.

GUILFOYLE: Somebody had to know something.


GUILFOYLE: It's always a sign.

BOLLING: You know, you touched on something that --

PERINO: You found guilty when they find something.

GUILFOYLE: 100 percent, 100 percent.

BOLLING: You pretend something that no one has really talked about. Were -
was there drugs involved? Did he take something that --

GUILFOYLE: They're gonna let for DNA, forensic recovery of the scene.

BOLLING: He will pass out. Is breathing with -- probably stay the same --

GUILFOYLE: Fantastic.

BOLLING: Right. Dana.

GUILFOYLE: To see that because it was pulverized the - you know, the plane
and some of the remains, and see what they can get. They're also going to
check for his personal belongings, backpack. See if there were any pills,
medication, narcotics, anything that was not prescribed.

BOLLING: Prescriptions.

GUILFOYLE: You know --

BOLLING: Doctors receipts.

GUILFOYLE: Prohibited from airline pilots for having.

GUTFELD: Every -- every time a bad thing happens, they always say the
person seemed normal. It makes you think you should hang around weird


GUILFOYLE: We do every day, look at this table.

GUTFELD: I walked into that.


GUTFELD: Coming up, now that Bowe Bergdahl had been charged with desertion,
does the administration regret swapping him with five Taliban commanders.
Its answer when The Five returns.


GUILFOYLE: When President Obama faces an onslaught of criticism for trading
five terrorists for one soldier, rumored to have deserted his post, he
still staunchly defended his position to make that swap.


principle. We do not leave anybody wearing the American uniform behind. I
make absolutely no apologies for making sure that we get back a young man
to his parents and that the American people understand that, this is
somebody's child and that, we don't condition whether or not we make the
efforts to try to get them back.


PERINO: And now that the army has charged Bowe Bergdahl with desertion,
along with misbehavior before the enemy, the White House is not changing
its position. Here's what incoming White House Communications Director Jen
Psaki said last night.


have a commitment to our men and women serving over sea -- serving in our
military, defending our national security every day that we're going to do
everything to bring them home if we can, and that's what we did in this


PERINO: Kimberly, I'm just gonna have to turn the floor over to you
because, that -- you weren't happy with that.

GUILFOYLE: No, I said it needs to be Friday soon, because I - I really need
a break from them. I need a break from these people, from the nonsense that
they spew for it. It rolls right out of their tongues like little candy
peppermint drops.


ROGINSKY: I'm coming over this weekend, just to give you --

GUILFOYLE: You're coming here to torture me?

ROGINSKY: Just to give you a little taste of this weekend.

GUILFOYLE: Torture me? And why --

PERINO: I don't even think he would have that. I mean the tone, Julie,
that's the thing that I get.

GUILFOYLE: It's terrible.

PERINO: It's like, absolutely.


PERINO: You bet. Why not just say, this is unfortunate. We are sad for the
family, like there are a hundred other things that they could have said to
still uphold the president's position and not make it sound like,
absolutely, we're fine.

GUILFOYLE: Look, you didn't tell everyone the report like that.


PERINO: She can't even do it.

ROGINSKY: I can do it. Tone aside, tone aside. What other alternative was
there? I mean, we told the truth.

GUILFOYLE: Yes. We can --


PERINO: Wait a second. We wish that we had exercised a little bit more
caution in our statement, before we said that he served with honor and

ROGINSKY: That I agree with you but, with respect to whether you leave them
there or not, I agree you cannot leave somebody in an American military
uniform as a prisoner of the Taliban. We just can't. We bring him here and
he has to face American justice. But don't believe to say his Taliban --

GUILFOYLE: He tried to join them.

ROGINSKY: It doesn't matter --

GUILFOYLE: Even they didn't want him.


PERINO: I don't think there are many people that are disagreeing that we
should have tried to get him back somehow. I think they're questioning the
swap, I mean, in terms of the terms of the deal, and also in particular,
Eric, they're questioning the rose garden ceremony. Don't you think they
wish they had a do-over on that?

BOLLING: I'm sure they wish they had a do-over. Who thought that was a good
idea? Who thought Susan Rice should say he served with honor and
distinction, knowing that they -- they were downloading -- they were
downloading stuff from Bowe Bergdahl from minute one, right? And so they
had to send her out to say that after having probably a good idea that he
deserted. Look, you don't even need to download Bowe Bergdahl after he got
here. Before he even deserted, he e-mailed his parents saying.

PERINO: Right.

BOLLING: I'm out of here. I'm going. I don't even like being an American.
They had a pretty darn good idea. He was going to end up being a deserter.
In fact, Colonel Shaffer on O'Reilly, he had an idea. He was gonna be
charge of desertion. Yet, they send Susan Rice out there and said, he
served with honor and distinction. Did they ever --

PERINO: Not only that Eric, but --


PERINO: Not only that, but they sent American soldiers.


PERINO: His platoon mates to search for him and six of them.

BOLLING: They've died.


PERINO: Greg -- died. And I wonder, if you think that even the people on
the left that gave the White House the benefit of the doubt, do you think
they feel a little disappointed with the White House today?

GUTFELD: I don't think so, because the take-home message here is that, do
they really think that what he did, Bergdahl did, was irrational? If they
believe it was an unjust war, his behavior was unjust.

GUILFOYLE: It's an objection.


GUILFOYLE: Conscience objective (ph).

GUTFELD: But yeah, exactly. Which is why, you will see a fan club of sorts,
a campus-borne, media-driven clamor for a pardon. You will see a movie, you
have Matt Damon played Bowe Bergdahl, you have Sean--

GUILFOYLE: Rolling Stone again.

GUTFELD: You have Sean Penn played as his father. This ceremony.

GUILFOYLE: Oh, my God.

GUTFELD: Was supposed to be a big fat gift for Obama, and it turned out to
be all Bowe and no present. And it is all born from GITMOwidus (ph) which
it has been all driven by a bitterness for America that is a combination of
retribution and watching too many reruns of Mash.

PERINO: I have to think from there were policy implications, Kimberly, that
one, -- I do think that the president thought, this is good way for me to
start emptying out GITMO.

GUILFOYLE: Yeah, but emptying the five words --

PERINO: But that's, that's backfire.

GUILFOYLE: It's like the one problem, it's like you never can't close GITMO
with them five. And we just get rid of them, the rest will be easy.

PERINO: That's right. And it was supposed to be all through the way to try
to get out of Afghanistan and say that we are, we are through with this.
But then even the president this week had to backtrack on that, and I'm
glad he did.

GUTFELD: And if you - if you can't make a decent deal over a deserter, how
in the hell can we expect you to talk nu nukes with Iran? I mean, think
about it, because their values, their metrics of success are different than
ours. President Obama will come back one day and say, great news, Iran does
not have nukes. Oh, and by the way, we are now the United States of Iran.

GUILFOYLE: Oh yeah, Iran doesn't have a news, oh, sorry, Israel doesn't
exist anymore. But nevertheless, my -- you know negotiations with respect
for the news, were amazing.

PERINO: Absolutely.


PERINO: Absolutely.

GUTFELD: That's a nuke (ph).

PERINO: I have to say that tonight, on the O'Reilly factor, Eric and I are
gonna battle around the spokespeople positioning and one of us defends the
spokespeople and one of us does not.

GUTFELD: Fair balance.

PERINO: We were about to see who would it be.


PERINO: Really? Oh, no.


PERINO: Alright, next. That the U.S.A just caved in big time to the
Iranians. A stunning new field developments, next.


GUILFOYLE: The Obama administration may be about to grant a major
concession to Iran in order to get them to agree to a deal, more on that in
a moment, but first, to another escalating foreign policy concern, the
crisis in Yemen. As that country implodes, the White House is stunningly
still hailing it as a counterterrorism success story.


JONATHAN KARL, ABC NEWS: But now that we have -- you know, essentially
complete chaos in Yemen, does the White House still believe that Yemen is
the model for counterterrorism strategy?

continue to believe, that a successful counterterrorism strategy is one
that will build up the capacity of the central government, to have local
fighters on the ground take the fight to extremists in their own country.

KARL: Stunningly, you're saying that you still see Yemen as, as the model?

EARNEST: Yes John, what the United States considers to be our strategy,
when confronting the effort to try to mitigate the threat that is posed by
extremists is to prevent them from establishing a safe haven.


GUILFOYLE: Well, General Jack Keane warns the administration's missteps
have repercussions beyond just Yemen.


GEN. JACK KEANE, FOX NEWS MILITARY ANALYST: Strategically, the balance of
power and the political order as we know it in the Middle East is shifting,
and it's shifting obviously, in favor of Iran. These are Iranian back
movement, the Houthis, taking over a country. There is an Iranian-backed
movement to Shiite Militias gaining influence rather significantly in Iraq.
This is a serious security issue for the United States and the American
people. We have now lost our capability to influence that.



GUTFELD: You have to hand it to the Obama administration. They're trying to
turn Yemen into Yemenade (ph). Obama has the strategy --

ROGINSKY: That's, that's what are you begging to -- for the whole Time?

GUTFELD: We give support -- so we're giving support to those who against
those who we're helping. The strategy is that whoever wins, Obama is the
winner. It's like putting a bunch of bets on a craps table - a craps table
just so, you know, you might win something. But the problem, the bigger
problem is that everybody on the planet has an agenda. Iran has an agenda,
ISIS has an agenda, Russia has an agenda, but what is the America's agenda?
Can you say for certain, what is the American agenda? You know what Obama's
agenda is, but you don't know America's agenda. You need a president where
both agendas come together. Right now, he's elevating himself by
admonishing and correcting the nation that he represents. What's wrong with

GUILFOYLE: No, nothing, I'm just pondering what you're saying. So, Dana,
what kind of concessions do you think that we have to make?

PERINO: Well, on the Iran piece, I think that this act -- the fact that
this is happening in Yemen today, could actually be what helps prevent the
administration from signing a bad deal about Iranian nukes. Because, on the
one hand, we are helping the Iranians fight with ISIS and Iraq, and on the
other hand, we are helping -- maybe covertly, but in some people think that
it should be marked overtly. Helping the Saudis to push back the Houthis,
but the Iranians don't want that. So I think in some ways, the timing of
this could end up working in the long run in America's favor. I agree with
Greg, but the question about what is America's leverage at the moment? If
the leverage is that the Iranians, the big cave-in is that they would now -
- it leads out to the talks today, that the America is going to allow Iran
to have a nuclear enrichment underground, where it would be absolutely
undetectable. And that to me, there's no civilian need for nuclear fuel in
Iran, so I don't understand why we would cave on that, but it sounds like
we are.

GUILFOYLE: Oh, my goodness. We're like a sieve. Any time we have some
blood (ph), like let it.

PERINO: It's like the person that goes to the car lot and says, "I'm going
to buy this car, no matter what. Now let's negotiate."

GUILFOYLE: Yes. Or, like, here's a brand-new Mercedes -- like, "No, no, I
want to pay the same price as I would for the new Mercedes. Give me the
recalled Pinto. Please. Please."

All right. So what should our position be? What is our foreign policy
stance here?

BOLLING: I don't know. In what? In Yemen, with al Qaeda, with ISIS?

GUILFOYLE: It's all over the place.

BOLLING: With the Iranians? With the Iranians, she's right. They're
going to walk away, probably on Sunday, with some sort of deal that's going
to be terrible. The Iranians are going to want, as Dana points out, some
hidden centrifuges, which is stupid. They want more than we should give
them. We shouldn't give them any.


BOLLING: I've said this a hundred times. They produce 2.3 million barrels
of oil per day at about $4 per barrel.


BOLLING: They don't need nukes. It's a joke. We're doing this so
President Obama can have some foreign policy -- I don't know, achievement.
Right. So he can put it on his resume. It's going to be a disaster,

You know what? Israel, if Israel were smart, they'd let this thing happen,
and then they'd go and fix it themselves. And they should do it with...
PERINO: I don't think we should have to put them in that position.

BOLLING: But you know what, though?

PERINO: They might be in that position by themselves anyway, but...

BOLLING: If you're Israel, you go, "OK, U.S. just allowed them to enrich

GUILFOYLE: And just a bomb (ph) will be underground capacity they've got.

BOLLING: Who would blame them for doing it again?

ROGINSKY: But they did it before with a reactor that was built by the

BOLLING: Who cares?

ROGINSKY: I'll tell you who cares. This reactor is being built by the
Iranians. That means you bomb it, and they have the brain power to rebuild

PERINO: Oh, well. You slow them down.

BOLLING: No -- yes, you do. You push them back.

ROGINSKY: A year or two?

GUILFOYLE: And then you bug their computer...


BOLLING: When the Israelis bombed, they put them back a decade.

ROGINSKY: Wait a second. Because the French wouldn't come in and rebuild
that reactor, Eric. Know your history.

BOLLING: No, no, no, no, no. Just stop with the "know your history."
I'll tell you the history. Here's the deal. When you blow them up, and
you destroy the enriched uranium, they have to spend the time, get -- build
the centrifuges again and then enrich the uranium again.

ROGINSKY: They have to go back to France and say, "Hey, France, can you
help me rebuild this reactor?" Which France would not do.

PERINO: So now France is the stronger one in the negotiations.

ROGINSKY: And the problem here...

GUILFOYLE: The leverage...

GUTFELD: You know the best metaphor? When I was a kid on the beach, and
I'd see a guy putting a really nice sand castle? You kick it over. So
they've got to rebuild it. That simple. But you guys have got to kick it

ROGINSKY: We're going to keep doing this every couple of years? Is that
what you're talking about?

GUTFELD: Why not?

GUILFOYLE: You don't get tired! You keep doing it till you get it done.
You don't go, "I'm tired. I'm feeling a little exhausted. I'm going to
grease (ph) it up." You want six-pack abs, do like a hundred.

ROGINSKY: Great. I can't wait for a six-pack ab war with Iran.

GUILFOYLE: Feel the burn.

ROGINSKY: And potentially with Iraq, potentially Syria, maybe now Yemen.

GUILFOYLE: All right.

ROGINSKY: Who knows? Great.

GUILFOYLE: No move. Hopefully, you're afraid.

BOLLING: All I know is the Israelis would like -- would like nothing more
than us to fix this so they don't have to. And I'm shocked -- I'm shocked
that pro-Israel people wouldn't see it that way.

GUILFOYLE: People, are you with me?

PERINO: With you.

GUILFOYLE: Don't move.

GUTFELD: Let's keep talking about this.

GUILFOYLE: "Fastest Seven" is up next. Stay with us. Do some sit-ups, ab


BOLLING: Welcome back. Time for...



GRAPHIC: Fastest 7


BOLLING: ... the fastest seven and a half minutes on television. Three
magnificent stories, seven memorable minutes, one much maligned on this
show host.


BOLLING: First up, Taco Bell has amped up the fast-food wars to a cold war
with McDonald's, calling on Mickey D's customers to defect and run for the


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Because happiness is eating the same breakfast.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: The same breakfast.



UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Where's the rest of them?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: They're coming.



BOLLING: We'll bring it around. You're a foodie, K.G. Good ad, bad ad?

GUILFOYLE: I think it's a cute ad, but I like both. I mean, I love Taco
Bell, and I love McDonald's, so...

PERINO: I love Egg McMuffin.

GUILFOYLE: Yes, the top half is McDonald's. And my bottom half is Taco

GUTFELD: Literally.


BOLLING: Communism...

GUILFOYLE: Red beans and rice didn't miss me.

BOLLING: What's the deal, capitalism through the Berlin Wall there? What
was that?

GUTFELD: OK. There's so many things wrong with TV. OK. They made a
three-minute video -- a three-minute video -- based on the assumption that
people will watch it. I looked at it. There were 313,000 views. Meaning
that there were people at home watching a three-minute video from Taco
Bell, which makes me so sad about this country that they'd do this.

GUILFOYLE: More now.

GUTFELD: But the reason why it's three minutes long is because that's how
long it takes for Taco Bell to go in your mouth to come out your butt.

BOLLING: Dana. Dana...

GUTFELD: It's true.

GUILFOYLE: That's yours.

BOLLING: ... do you like using politics to sell some taquitos?

PERINO: OK. I'm going to say, I'm not opposed to millennials learning
about how bad communism is.

GUTFELD: Good point.

PERINO: I'm not saying -- I'm not equating McDonald's with communism.

BOLLING: Communism.

PERINO: But it's not a bad thing for people to know, like, that's what
socialism/communism looks like. That's not terrible.

GUTFELD: But they ruined he Ramones. Don't put the Ramones there.

ROGINSKY: Hey, if communism looks like Egg McMuffins, I want to go back to
the Soviet Union, because...

GUILFOYLE: And they're really delicious.

ROGINSKY: They're the best.


ROGINSKY: My last meal, if I ever got the death penalty, I've always said
I want an Egg McMuffin and a double cheeseburger.

BOLLING: Not at Taco Bell?

GUTFELD: Go kill somebody.

ROGINSKY: I'm thinking about it.

BOLLING: Not a chalupa?

ROGINSKY: But one thing, is it sausage, bacon or ham? Sausage. Got to go

GUILFOYLE: Valid choice.

ROGINSKY: Thank you.

BOLLING: All right. Let's move on. Next up, Mitt Romney got some laughs
on "The Tonight Show" after -- last night after getting a pep talk from his
reflection, Jimmy Fallon. Watch.


going to ask me why I decided not to run for president. What should I say?

him you enjoy the freedom. You get to sit back and relax, golf all the
time, go on vacation whenever you want.

ROMNEY: A.k.a. be president.

FALLON: Ha, ha ha ha. Good one, me.

ROMNEY: You know me. I love to laugh. Ha, ha ha ha.


BOLLING: Thoughts?

ROGINSKY: If this side of Mitt Romney were out there on the campaign trail
-- you know, I feel like they really did a disservice dampening the
personal side of him and not letting people see this, especially Bob Dole.

GUTFELD: I'm going to explode.


GUTFELD: This side, as if the media ever even gave him an opportunity for
this side. This is what pisses me -- upsets me.

ROGINSKY: Have you ever seen...

GUTFELD: Everybody loves Mitt now that he's no longer a threat, now that
he's irrelevant. Yes. But you know what? Everybody painted him as
greedy, aloof, hates the poor. But now...

PERINO: He hates women.

GUTFELD: He hates women, remember the binder. But now -- oh, now that he
doesn't mean anything to anyone, we can put him on a show.

BOLLING: He's not a threat.

GUTFELD: He's not a threat.

BOLLING: That's human nature, though.

PERINO: There is a little bit to be said about the campaign, and maybe
even again that goes to the top of Mitt Romney holding back because he
thought it might not be acceptable for him to let loose a little bit.

GUILFOYLE: To be that rich..?


PERINO: The funny thing is actually what works is the authentic Mitt
Romney. Any candidate needs to be authentic. And they should just be
themselves, and that's how you can actually be more comfortable being in a
leadership role.

GUILFOYLE: I totally agree. But listen, I love Romney. As Roman says,
"Mommy, you just love Riminy." I'm like, "Yes, I do."

PERINO: Riminy?

GUILFOYLE: He calls him Riminy.

Look, I think, you know, people didn't get to know him as well because yes,
he probably wasn't comfortable putting his full self out there. It's
unfortunate. The country has suffered as a result of that, since we're
looking for, like, late show -- late night show comedians instead of
someone with experience, economic and foreign policy otherwise. It's too

BOLLING: Can we save time for this one? This one is really cool.


BOLLING: Would you marry someone you literally just met? Would you do
anything to be on reality TV? "Married at First Sight," season 2?


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Do you take Ryan to be your wedded husband?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I have a lot of doubts right now. I really do. And
that's just the truth. I'm not attracted to him at all.

Why did I do this? Why did I agree to marry a stranger?

I do. Oh, my God.


BOLLING: OK. Can I make a recommendation? Try it. Before you trash it,
just try the show. I'm telling you, there's something about it that's very
addicting. Dana, your thoughts on...

PERINO: I think the most disturbing thing from your intro is that this is
season 2.

BOLLING: Yes, it's -- it's craziness. I mean...


PERINO: Come on. Ladies, you got choices and options now. You don't have
to do this.

BOLLING: Wait a minute. Dudes, too.

GUTFELD: Well, you know, it's called, what, "Married at First Sight." It
discriminates against the blind, No. 1.

It's also a retread of "Married by America" which came out on in 2003 on

But I have a better reality show, which is the opposite, called "Divorced
at Long Last" or what I would call "Divorce Island." This is where you
take miserable couples to an island paradise, where they can divorce but on
the condition they marry another person who is there...

GUILFOYLE: Such a good idea.

GUTFELD: That's the point is you get all these people ready to get
divorced, but they can't get divorced unless they leave with somebody.
That's -- I'm out of here.

GUILFOYLE: Somebody is going to take that idea, I'm not kidding.


GUILFOYLE: That's such a good idea.

GUTFELD: Thank you.

BOLLING: No offense, but that's like half the clubs in Manhattan.

GUTFELD: That's true.

PERINO: They probably already want to.

ROGINSKY: There's some keys you throw in a bowl, right? And then...

GUILFOYLE: No, but it's true, because if you're someone who's not
commitment-phobic, you've been married or you've been in long-term
relationships, you're more inclined to be able to give it another shot.
Here you go.

ROGINSKY: But wait a second. Isn't this sort of what the world has
operated on for a millennium, if not more? Which is arranged marriages,
where you meet the bride and groom?

PERINO: You don't have to do that in America. And we should be fighting
against that very notion.

ROGINSKY: Dana, you haven't been single for a long time, my friend. You
don't know how hard it is out there.

BOLLING: Just try it. I could be wrong. Just give it a shot.

All right. Ahead, some very dangerous and outrageous rhetoric coming from
a lawmaker in Nebraska. Should this guy be kicked out of office? We
report, you decide, coming up.


ROGINSKY: A state senator in Nebraska is refusing to back down from his
extremely inflammatory remarks comparing police in America to ISIS. Here's
what Bernie Chambers said during a legislative hearing on Friday.


BERNIE CHAMBERS, NEBRASKA STATE SENATOR: If I was going to carry a weapon,
it wouldn't be against you. it wouldn't be against these people who come
here that I might have a dispute with. Mine would be for the police. And
if I carried a gun, I'd want to shoot him first and then ask questions
later. Nobody from ISIS ever terrorized us as a people as the police do


ROGINSKY: Oh, yikes. Those remarks have obviously set off a firestorm,
but he won't apologize, despite numerous calls for him to.

So you know, here's my -- here's my problem with this kind of rhetoric.
The guy is obviously trying to make a point about what he feels is police
brutality. But why do you have to go there? This is what I don't
understand about people when they start debating. And you see this all the
time, whether it's pundits on TV or it's politicians or anybody on the
street. They take it to an insane point where, instead of making your
case, you start comparing people to ISIS, Kimberly. I mean, what do you
think about it?

GUILFOYLE: It's just so insulting and so disrespectful. I mean, this kind
of rhetoric, why does this guy even have a job? I don't understand, like,
why people tolerate this kind of nonsense.

And he knows what he's saying is false, too, so he has no credibility, as
far as I'm concerned.

ROGINSKY: He backpedalled, right? He said, you know, quote, "I'm not
advocating that anybody, especially anybody in my community go out and
shoot people." Well, you kind of just did. Sorry, sir. But you kind of
just did, right?

BOLLING: Did we leave something out of those banners in that intro?
"Nebraska state senator, Democrat"? Did we forget to do that? Oh, they're
all -- they're telling me they're all independent. All right.


BOLLING: Well, let's put it this way, liberal.

ROGINSKY: How do you know?

BOLLING: Because that is the -- look at everyone who has trashed the cops.
Look at everyone -- it's coming from the left. It's coming from liberals.

ROGINSKY: But Eric, I mean, it's not like...

BOLLING: Look at De Blasio.

ROGINSKY: I'm sure this guy is a liberal, but it's not like conservatives
haven't done this kind of stuff, too. Not with respect to cops.

BOLLING: Compared cops to ISIS?

ROGINSKY: Not with respect to cops and ISIS, but I mean...

BOLLING: That's the issue, is it not?

ROGINSKY: But you have people of both stripes saying really insane things
when making their point. I don't understand what -- Dana.

PERINO: Well, because they can't use their words, right?


PERINO: That's what we try to teach people. Like, use your words, use
your reasoning and your logic, bring your facts, bring your statistics.
The thing is, reckless and irresponsible rhetoric like this could lead to
him needing protection. And guess who would provide that to him? The

ROGINSKY: Right. And that's, you know -- and again, I have to go back to
the fact that, yes, I understand there may be frustration with the way the
police have treated some people in his community. That may be his
frustration. I don't know what the situation in community is. But why go
there? Just make your point. I don't understand.

GUTFELD: The reason why he did it is, everybody knows that Al Sharpton is
leaving MSNBC. He's auditioning. That's clear and simple. He wants to
get that spot.

I guess we can get upset about this, but inflammatory rhetoric has been
around forever, and it will never go away. And I agree it's on the left,
it's on the right. There's always somebody comparing somebody to Hitler.
That will never go away. They'll say you're worse than Hitler. No matter
what, that's what they're going to say.

So you just kind of say, "Whatever." But this guy doesn't help his
community, because the obstacle to good policing is integration. More
minorities on the police force so you reflect the way your community is.
When you demonize your police force, you're demonizing a segment of your

ROGINSKY: That's actually a really good point, because...

GUILFOYLE: What's going on in Nebraska? That place is going to, like,
drop in the polls after this.

ROGINSKY: It's not just that.

GUILFOYLE: Definitely not retiring there.

BOLLING: I want to know -- I want to know where his political
contributions went.

ROGINSKY: Why does it matter?

BOLLING: Because I have a hunch it's going to the left.

ROGINSKY: You're probably right. But again, it's not like Republicans and
conservatives haven't said equally stupid stuff. As a Democrat, I say this
guy is a Democrat, I'm scared.

PERINO: And lost Senate seats over it.

ROGINSKY: Yes. I agree. All right.

GUILFOYLE: That's what I'm saying. No job.

ROGINSKY: "One More Thing" is up next.


GUTFELD: "One More Thing," Kim.

GUILFOYLE: I've got the best one ever.

BOLLING: That's good.

GUILFOYLE: So listen, this is super cute. This is a guy, Nigel Hayes.
He's an NCAA basketball star. He's a sophomore for the Wisconsin Badgers,
and he participated in a press conference with two of his teammates.
Listen to what happened.


NIGEL HAYES, WISCONSIN BADGERS PLAYER: Gosh, she's beautiful. Did you
hear that?


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: All right. So we'll open it up to questions.


GUILFOYLE: So embarrassed. It's very cute.

So who are you? You know who you are out there, right? Identify yourself.

ROGINSKY: Who's he talking about?

PERINO: I want to know. I want to know if they went on a date.

GUTFELD: It was me. No, I don't go that way.

PERINO: "She's so beautiful"?

GUTFELD: Yes. Who uses gender pronouns anyway? Eric.

BOLLING: That guy was awesome.

OK. So I'm hosting "O'Reilly" tonight, and there's going to be a very
special guest, Dana Perino. What?

GUTFELD: The floating Dana head.

BOLLING: So can you all promise to DVR it or watch it live? It's going to
be great. Weigh in...

GUILFOYLE: What's going on? Did you break up Greg and Dana? So

BOLLING: She's cheating on you, brother.

GUTFELD: Devastating. Devastated.

GUILFOYLE: Watch "The Factor" tonight.

BOLLING: Caution.

GUTFELD: Caution, I'm pointing. Dana.

PERINO: OK. Do you remember a couple years ago...


PERINO: ... I went to Congo, and I went to visit Mercy Ships, which is the
charitable hospital ships. They do surgeries for the forgotten poor in

Well, they're in Madagascar right now, and we have an exclusive video that
they are giving to us first. And let me just take a short snippet of it.
You can watch it here.



GRAPHIC: I heard about Mercy Ships on the radio. There is

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: We took the tube out, and he woke up and was giving
us thumbs up, telling us he was OK. And then when he was awake enough, we
showed him his face in the mirror. And I remember him taking his hand and
reaching up to where the tumor used to be. It's like his stand stopped
right here.


GRAPHIC: Thank you so much for saving me.


ROGINSKY: That's amazing.

PERINO: So Mercy Ships is amazing. My husband and I can tell you that
they do not waste a single dollar. And for the upcoming book tour that I
have, for the next three days, if anyone preorders the book, I will donate
$2 each to, that total to Mercy Ships. And I'm telling you, you've got to
go to my Facebook page and watch that full video so you can see just the
amazing miracle that happened between when he arrived and never having
medical care to when he left. It's amazing.

GUILFOYLE: Very nice.

GUTFELD: All right.

GUILFOYLE: My brother made a donation to them in your honor.

PERINO: Yes, he did. Thank you.

GUILFOYLE: Make another one, Anthony.


GUTFELD: Greg's Fact.


PERINO: Oh, my God.

GUTFELD: Do you know how many calories were burned at this table today?

ROGINSKY: Mostly by me.

GUILFOYLE: Not enough.

BOLLING: A hundred -- 235.

GUTFELD: Close; 170 calories were burned.

PERINO: Total?

GUTFELD: Total. An average human being burns 34 calories an hour by
sitting and talking. So together, if you multiply by five, that's 170
calories, the equivalent of one low-fat cone from McDonald's. So we can
all share one after the show.

PERINO: That's just not enough.

GUILFOYLE: I don't want to lick it after you did.

GUTFELD: How many times have I heard that?


ROGINSKY: And speaking of -- and speaking of McDonald's -- thank you for
the segue. McDonald's, in addition to having delicious cones that Greg
licks and Egg McMuffins that I love...

GUILFOYLE: Shamrock Shakes.

ROGINSKY: ... is also coming out with a new fashion line. Those lovely...

BOLLING: Communists.

ROGINSKY: Those lovely thermals, as they call them, go for around 40
pounds, which is about 70 bucks, which is money incredibly well spent on
pajamas that look...

GUILFOYLE: What are those?

ROGINSKY: Little hamburgers.

GUILFOYLE: Hamburgers?

ROGINSKY: Yes. Little Big Macs.

GUILFOYLE: Oh, my gosh. The little Hamburgler.

ROGINSKY: And combined with the amazing Burger King cologne that we talked
about last week, I'm all for it.

GUTFELD: All right. All right. Before we go, a lot of you have been
asking about Bob, because you love him so much. So we wanted to give you
an update on how he's doing. Today, Bob finally had his major back surgery
in a New York area hospital. I've talked to his family. He seems to be
doing pretty good. We know you love him and send your best wishes, and we
do, too. So...

BOLLING: Absolutely. Can we all just chime in?


BOLLING: Bob, get better, Bob.

PERINO: Get better, Bob.

GUILFOYLE: Love you, Bob.

BOLLING: And miss you a lot.


PERINO: Everybody has been missing him.

GUTFELD: Yes. Remember, any prescription drugs that you have left over,
me. That's it for us. "Special Report" is next.

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