President Trump: US gets back control of its borders

This is a rush transcript from "The Five," January 25, 2017. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

DANA PERINO, CO-HOST: Hello, everyone. I am Dana Perino along with Kimberly Guilfoyle, Bob Beckel, Eric Bolling and Greg Gutfeld. It's 5 o'clock in New York City. We almost missed the top of the show, and this is "The Five."

Just having a little button (ph) there. President Trump takes action to curb illegal immigration today, signing two more executive orders. One boosts border security jump starting a wall on our border with Mexico that was his signature campaign promise. The other strips spending for sanctuary cities which won't arrest or detain immigrants living in the U.S. illegally. The president says his actions will save thousands of lives, millions of jobs, and billions of dollars. He signed the orders at the Department of Homeland Security and delivered remarks afterward.


PRESIDENT DONALD TRUMP: We are in the middle of a crisis on our southern border. The unprecedented surge of illegal migrants from Central America is harming both Mexico and the United States, and I believe the steps we will take, starting right now, will improve the safety in both of our countries. It's going to be very, very good for Mexico. A nation without borders is not a nation. Beginning today, the United States of America gets back control of its borders, gets back its borders.



PERINO: All right. And just as we went to air, Eric, apparently the statement from the government of Mexico says that President Nieto is rethinking his trip next week. Last week they announced that he would be coming to meet with Donald Trump. Now, apparently this just coming across that he is considering canceling. I imagine that he won't cancel it and that he will come.

I remember during the campaign you said that was the one thing he was going to have to do right away, is announce something about the wall. So he's making good on the campaign promise today.

ERIC BOLLING, CO-HOST: Making good on that. And you know, my talking point going into the show was that it's very interesting because Pena ieto is coming January 31st and they will have a joint press conference afterwards and someone is going to have to also who's going to pay for this wall you two, we have you both there. So someone is going to have to say, well, he won or he won.

My guess and there is a great out for Trump in this and he can say, you know, one of his other campaign promises was to either renegotiate NAFTA or kill it completely so, he may be able to find a way to renegotiate NAFTA, stay in NAFTA and have Mexico pay for the wall and come out and say look, I did both of these. I promised both of these. And Mexico may want to do that because we have a massive trade imbalance with Mexico. They benefit from us being probably their biggest trading partner and their biggest customer so there's probably some leeway in that.

PERINO: And in fact there was something yesterday that said that Mexico was thinking about a preemptive strike and that they would leave NAFTA first.

BOB BECKEL, CO-HOST: How is he going to go out of NAFTA to say --


BOLLING: You go like this, you go we're out of NAFTA.

BECKEL: It doesn't work that way. Eric, let me say something to you --


BECKEL: It's not like with the things he's done, the low-hanging fruit that he's been having fun with all week. Now he's got to talk about -- he can get out of the Pacific Trade Agreement because we're not in it yet. It hasn't pass Congress. NAFTA has a treaty that's been approved by the United States senate so, he can't just say we're not going to have NAFTA. I mean the day this treaty --

PERINO: But Bob, what about the -- talk about the wall.

BECKEL: The wall? Well the wall -- as usual with the wall, the Mexicans have about as much chance of paying for that wall as Greg does of not having a glass of wine. I mean it's -- it's not going to happen and what's not going to happen is the American taxpayers are paying for Trump's wall which is a ridiculous concept anyway. And it's not even appropriate really. He's taking money out of parts of the budget to start building something.

PERINO: But the wall come in 2006, there was language passed in legislation that said that a wall could be built and there were certain sections of it and that some of it has been done. It was already -- some of it single track. I think that Donald Trump would want dual track, but this is a day that his supporters really wanted. Remember they would chant build the wall.

GREG GUTFELD, CO-HOST: He should have combined all of the actions into one thing. He should get the Syrian refugees to build a wall around Chicago. Just do it all. Chicago is a sanctuary city so is Pompei.

Look, you hear that old line about building a wall. If you build a 20-foot wall, there will be 21-foot ladders being built. So what?

BECKEL: That's my line.

GUTFELD: Yes, build the ladders. Trump just created more jobs in Mexico. The ladder building industry will take off.

BECKEL: And the tunnel industry.

GUTFELD: And the tunnel industry. So he's actually -- he's making Mexico great again.

PERINO: He said that he was (inaudible). He said it was going to be good for Mexico.

GUTFELD: I just wanted to say that I think a lot of these things seem like an imposition because there are so many of them. But if you look at them, you know, increasing ICE for border patrol is not an imposition on anybody. Getting rid of sanctuary cities is not an imposition on anybody. Victims advocacy (ph) (INAUDIBLE) ending the asylum fraud (ph). These are not things that cause people heartache.

They are not an imposition. They are actually reasonable. It just probably seems overwhelming to liberals that they are happening one after the other and they are going oh, my god, make it stop. But if you look at them separately, they're OK.

BECKEL: (INAUDIBLE) it's like a free target zone. Are you kidding me? This guy has given me more material into days that I had in four years having to defend Obama.

PERINO: Kimberly, there is actually over 200 --

GUILFOYLE: No wonder you're still happy.

PERINO: -- there is over 200 sanctuary cities --

BECKEL: No, I love this guy.

PERINO: -- and you used to actually be a prosecutor in one of the -- what can the federal government do to try to stop that?

GUILFOYLE: Well, see, this is the problem because they're not in actual compliance with the federal law and so if it was my decision and I was in one of these place, I'd say wait a second, don't give the funding to the cities that are refusing to obey federal law. It's a little bit complicated but there's ways to get around it to try to do it because they're going to try and make a political point, right, because of their constituents in that area and set an example. And you've seen a number of the places of our largest cities signing on to say they will not abide by this and they do not agree with President Trump's policy. But nevertheless, they don't get to pick and choose which laws they want to follow and to adhere to. And if they are not going to be in compliance then there has to be some kind of penalty for that.

BECKEL: What money is he going to take away from the sanctuary cities?

BOLLING: There's border --


BOLLING: -- that every -- almost every city, every one of these sanctuary cities gets. It's enforcement money that he can pull back. It's not a whole heck of a lot of money but you can -- there are ways that you can tie other money to it too.

BECKEL: I'm willing to wager every sanctuary city in this country will continue to be a sanctuary city and it'll probably going to add --

PERINO: I don't know. I don't know about that. Let's listen to him though. Let's go to a couple of sound bite number two when he talks about, he says get the bad ones out fast.

BECKEL: So we get more Trump?

PERINO: Yes, we do.


TRUMP: We are going to get the bad ones out, the criminals and the drug dealers and gangs and gang members and cartel leaders. The day is over when they can stay in our country and wreak havoc. We are going to get them out and were going to get them out fast and John Kelly is going to lead that way.


PERINO: Kimberly, yesterday Sean Spicer, the press secretary was asked about the dreamers. They're the children brought to America illegally by their parents but President Obama said to Donald Trump, please when you become president consider that these are innocent people. And so the priority apparently is going to be on the criminals and trying to get them out first.

GUILFOYLE: Well, of course, and that's very consistent with what he said all along. He's not trying to, you know, deport and send away people out of this country that are law-abiding. Of course they're going to prioritize and you're going to say, OK, in terms of this triage, what are we going to do. We're going to stop and start right away with the people that are the criminal recidivists. They come back in like a revolving door into this country, violate the laws, commit felonies, commit murders like we saw with the (INAUDIBLE) family case. That's got to stop. Why would anybody be against taking out criminals, Bob, like gang members and murderers and rapists and people who commit horrible acts of violence? Why should they be allowed to stay here? Why is that a bad thing?

BECKEL: -- some of my best friends but listen, the idea here --

PERINO: So you're saying they're all --

BECKEL: -- Trump always makes it sound like nothing's been done but I'm here now and today we're going to start doing this. You know, they've been deporting criminals out of this country for the last 15, 20 years.

BOLLING: Sixty thousand --

PERINO: No, they haven't.

BOLLING: -- out of the 2 million criminal illegals here currently, last year they deported 60,000. BECKEL: Yes, that's a lot of people.

BOLLING: Sixty thousand?

BECKEL: Yes, and how is Trump going to get the other 1.9 million?

BOLLING: Wait, wait, wait, there are 2 million -- there are 14 million illegals, 2 million have criminal records and 60,000 we got rid of.

BECKEL: How's he going to get rid of the other ones?

BOLLING: Well, when they are caught, then you send them back.

BECKEL: Well that's usually what happens, you send them back. When Bush was president --

BOLLING: No, no, no, President Obama didn't do that. That's the whole point. He didn't do that. He let them stay against their deportation order.

BECKEL: You're done with Obama. You're done with Obama. You're on to Trump.

BOLLING: Well, I'm just saying. The law is set up --

GUILFOYLE: He's the gift that keeps on giving.

BOLLING: -- to deport criminal aliens. The law is set up to do it. You just have to have a president and a border security and then ICE --

GUILFOYLE: And there has to be enforcement at local levels as well.

BOLLING: -- and you have guard (ph) and enforce it. You have to uphold the law. That's how you do it.

BECKEL: What do you think -- do you think Obama said don't let that papers go by (ph).

BOLLING: Yes, that's exactly what he said.

BECKEL: All right.

BOLLING: He said we're not going to deport them. It doesn't matter if they have criminal --

BECKEL: You've been listening to Trump too long.

BOLLING: All right Bob --

PERINO: I don't know the numbers in terms of deportations but emptying (ph) things where he said this would be a good thing for the American people, right Greg?

GUTFELD: Yes. I think it would be a good thing --

PERINO: Thank you.

GUTFELD: -- and the recidivists, have them build the wall. Send them down, have them build a wall, like the old-fashioned chain gangs. You were for chain gangs. I think you are in one.

BECKEL: I was. It's the striped suits that you don't like.

GUTFELD: Exactly. Striped suits, chain gangs, it's like making America great again.

BECKEL: Why don't we go and talk about the ban on the people of --

BOLLING: The next segment.

PERINO: It's the next segment, in fact, maybe we should go to that.

GUILFOYLE: Take a look Bob.

BECKEL: I did. I think they already but the show --

BOLLING: Can I throw one thing at you Bobby?

BECKEL: Yes, sure, please.

BOLLING: People said he wasn't going to build a wall. People said he wasn't going to make Mexico pay for it. People said he wasn't going to end sanctuary cities. He's calling in day three or day four, he's going to do all these.

BECKEL: No, he's not. He's not going to build a wall. Mexico is not going to pay for it. Do you think that Mexican politicians are going to agree to pay for that wall?

BOLLING: I don't think they have a choice, Bob.

BECKEL: They don't have a choice?

BOLLING: There are a handful of ways of making Mexico pay for the wall even if they don't want to.

BECKEL: OK, so you want to change NAFTA which means you got to get legislation to the senate 67 votes and it's going to affect Canada.

GUTFELD: My solution is don't make it a wall. Don't call it the wall. Call it a Mexican-American friendship monument that it's actually historical. It's like Mount Rushmore. It's a horizontal Mount Rushmore.

PERINO: And let like all these starving artists. They could go down and make paint.

GUTFELD: Paint the graffiti. You can have a plaque on it.

BECKEL: I got it.

GUTFELD: Make it into kind of an artistic --

BECKEL: Build a bunch of Alamos, right, you know, really. So you give us your (INAUDIBLE) and get those 1.9 million people you said he's going to get.

PERINO: You know you come here for the solutions to all your problems.

GUTFELD: Could be the spring break version of Peace Corps.

BECKEL: There you go.

PERINO: All right, we're going to move on. The president could also act soon on another controversial campaign promise to stem the flow of Musli refugees into the U.S. The details and the backlash already in effect, next.


BOLLING: Welcome back. President Trump taking action today to keep one of his more vocal campaign promises to keep America safe with immigration orders, and the White House now saying we can expect more action coming this week.

It's being reported that the president will issue orders to dramatically restrict the number of refugees we're taking in from Muslim countries along with suspending visas from people from seven countries in the Middle East. The left is already going berserk.


COKIE ROBERTS, ABC NEWS: The idea that he is going to shut out refugees. I mean, this is the shutting out. There are 8 million children in the world right now who are refugees, 8 million. And if you shut out Syrian refugees at this moment it's like shutting the Jews out during World War II.


BOLLING: All right, Bob. Candidate Trump promised he was going to do something along these lines and (INAUDIBLE).

BECKEL: No. Listen, I'd say -- every day I get up and I keep saying to myself thank god we have President Trump. Let me just ask one question. The seven countries there -- you know who is not there? It's the country that underwrites all the money for terrorist, that's the Saudi's. Why don't we just cut Saudi out and while we're at it, how about the Pakistan because that's where they train, in Pakistan or Afghanistan. Why aren't they there? Well, the reason that we're not taking Saudi Arabia is because they give us too much money and we buy their oil.

GUTFELD: They gave a lot of money to Hillary too.

BECKEL: Well, of course. A lot of people did. Don't knock it unless you get it. I mean the point is, what he did, he picked the easiest countries he could possibly pick and the big ones who are really responsible for terrorism, he chickened out as usual and wouldn't it.

BOLLING: Well, Syria is 17,000 last year, Iraq, 15,000. You pick some countries that's in the -- by the way, did you know --

BECKEL: But he says Saudi Arabia --

BOLLING: Did you know that we had 116,000 refugees we took in last year, KG.

GUILFOYLE: Yes. But here's the problem so, Cokie Roberts is making a statement there, assuming that it's the United States obligation globally to take in all the refugees and making that statement about the Jews. There's absolutely unbelievable to me because the two are completely dissimilar. It's such an overstatement. It's exaggerating to make a point and then fails ultimately by doing so.

Why is it a problem to actually do again, what he promised as a candidate, to say that he is going to be a little bit measured and circumspect in terms of who we allow in this country? There's absolutely nothing wrong from a national security perspective to be able to actually determine who is coming into the country, what is their background, in fact, what's their real identity? Because as we know up in the Middle East, they are not able to fully vet and verify the identity, let alone the age of some of the people who've been coming over so why do we have to have an open door?

BECKEL: That's a real thing in Saudi Arabia.

BOLLING: Dana, your thoughts on the program.

GUILFOYLE: I'm going to disagree with you about the Saudis.

PERINO: Well, I think it's important to point out that it is a moratorium not a ban.


PERINO: And the part of it -- the moratorium that the wording is important. It's important to be precise because the moratorium allows you some time to figure out, OK, who do we have coming in and also deal with something that Kimberly alluded to which is like the paperwork and many of these countries is suspect.

It's not solid in terms of passports, birth certificates, things like that. I do wonder than what we would be willing to do to solve problems at home to prevent refugees from wanting to flee anyway and I don't see anything coming forward yet on that but I do think you can be reasonable and responsible in this approach and that you can be both vigilant and compassionate. It's just going to take some time to figure out how to do it all.

GUILFOYLE: And why don't some of the Muslim countries take in some of these refugees as well in bigger numbers --

BECKEL: Roberts was way overboard using that comment about Hitler and Nazis.

GUILFOYLE: Yes, it's terrible.

BECKEL: It just -- that's the problem. We got some people on the left that really talk too much.


GUILFOYLE: There he is.

GUTFELD: Cokie is not okiedokie.

GUILFOYLE: But she's hokiepokie.

GUTFELD: These adults -- the adults in place right now realize the world has changed. We should accept the tired and the weary and the poor but we don't have to accept the terrorist. And it's an emphasis -- that's why it's an emphasis on temporary and not permanent. We want people to come here to seek a better life but we need a better system to ferret out those who pretend to be seeking a better life that are actually trying to end our lives or have some kind of apocalyptic fanatical vision.

We are looking over at Germany and Angela Merkel and we are trying to avoid the mistakes she made. It was like she invented a drug and didn't test it on the population. When she just opened the gates and she didn't have a system, that's like creating a drug and not testing it.

GUILFOYLE: Not having a clinical trial.

GUTFELD: Yes. Now you have the consequences and you can't get that drug off the street. Now you have a sizable sum just purely based on statistics of possible terrorists among refugees. Just by the numbers, that's the case.

BECKEL: Think about terrorists in London. If you go to either one of those places, all the Muslim communities are in ghettos around those -- and they never check. They never try to integrate with them and then they become, as many of them do, become criminals. Europe has done a terrible job. They've absorbed a lot of those Muslims. They've done a terrible job in trying to bring some sort of melting pot together.

GUILFOYLE: Yes, because of --

GUTFELD: It's going to lead to the crack-up. What you are seeing in Europe right now is directly related to how the migration was approached by Merkel and --

GUILFOYLE: And too heavy of a focus on multiculturalism, that's the problem

GUTFELD: And it elected Trump. I think it elected Trump.

BOLLING: And don't forget, Hillary promised, 100,000 Syrian refugees. Then she promised she wanted some number like that. Meanwhile, we took in 17,000 Syrian refugees. I mean, you have two different -- you have completely two different competing ideologies on refugee programs.

PERINO: Well, I grew up with a family that did a lot with Lutheran World Relief and Refugee Resettlement in Denver. I've got personal stories in terms of how America can change people. At that time, though, that was people that were fleeing the Soviet Union and the oppression of communism.

This is an added complexity because you do have this sizable sum of potential terrorists within this refugee population. My heart is very upset for the children but that's why I ask, if we are not going to accept them here, what are we willing to do to help them there and solving that problem?


GUILFOYLE: -- but that's part of the thing that he talked about during the campaign. Let's help address some of these issues in their own country so that you just don't transport the problem here and especially when we have terrorist groups saying that one of the ways they're going to and funnel in, you know, radical Islamic terrorists and commit acts of jihad is trying to infiltrate the refugees coming into this country and into Europe.

BECKEL: There is hundreds of thousands of orphaned children who are out there who have no place to go. We could take them in a minute. We should take every one of them.

GUILFOYLE: And what about the Christians? What about the genocide of Christians that's happening? I don't see the mainstream media --


PERINO: When you are trying to ask in terms of this band or this stop or - -

BOLLING: Moratorium.

PERINO: -- moratorium on Syrian refugees, does that include Syrian Christians? They have been targeted there. So there is still a lot to be found out.

BOLLING: It has to because it's a country of origin, not a religion. So it has to be the origin.

GUTFELD: It should be called not moratorium. Not a moratorium.

BOLLING: All right, coming up, President Trump fan (inaudible) claims that millions of illegal immigrants voted in November's election and he's taking action to prove there is voter fraud, find out how, next


GUILFOYLE: There's no question president Trump was a clear winner of November's election but he still maintains millions of people voted illegally, costing him the popular vote and he wants the government to look into it.

He says, "I will be asking for a major investigation into voter fraud including those registered to vote in two states, those who are illegal and even those registered to vote who are dead (and many for a long time). Depending on results, we will strengthen up voting procedures. Well Democrats and the mainstream media are of course dismissing the president's concerns.


REP. DEBBIE WASSERMAN SCHULTZ (D), FLORIDA: He seems to be questioning the legitimacy of his own election all while, you know, for the last couple months, touting how legitimate and huge his election was and how historic it is. It can't be both.

REP. NANCY PELOSI (D), CALIFORNA: I frankly feel very sad about the president making this claim. I felt sorry for him. I even prayed for him. But then I prayed for the United States of America.


GUILFOYLE: Oh, my goodness. All right, so, prayers from Nancy Pelosi for the president about this. She is distressed, Eric.



BOLLING: She's sweet. Isn't she special? On the voter fraud thing, I don't know -- I'm trying to figure out what's the benefit other than just having a lot of news out there. Continue to generate news and keep things going. Maybe a little bit of a look over here, shiny object over here while I get a bunch of these other things going on over here. Honestly, I don't know. He won. You won. Let it go. Let them worry about it in four years. That's my personal opinion.


BECKEL: Well, listen, this is something that I know all about, voter fraud. Having been 20 years in the business and trying to probably --

GUILFOYLE: Committing it, yes.

BECKEL: Well, no. I did once in a while but I can tell you there have been major investigations after major investigations. Pew Research has done a huge story on it. The total number of people in the presidential election four years ago that were fraudulently voted were nine.

Now he says 3 to 5 million. He's out of his mind. I mean, 3 to 5 million, then it's true that may be in Chicago they voted a few dead people, but that's all right. The point is, 3 to 5 million people is a lot of people and that's just -- you're right. Why doesn't he let it go? Because the 3 million is what Hillary beat him by the popular vote and somehow he's going to try to convince people, one, he had the biggest inaugural in the history of humankind and the second is that Hillary sold the 3 million votes she beat him by.

GUILFOYLE: The most watched. OK, Dana.

PERINO: Well, Cochran (ph) investigation came after a day of confusion in which I don't actually think that it was planned in terms to provide a distraction so that people wouldn't be able to see all the other great (INAUDIBLE) but he's winning (ph) from a policy standpoint if you think that's great because it actually crowded out some of those great moments where he's got the union leaders then who are happy. The auto leaders that were happy. We move forward on keystone.

He's now hailed as the whole national security day for Homeland Security, and he's not alone, Republicans losing the popular vote. Six of the seven presidential elections that we've recently had, the Republican has always lost the popular vote.

I think his time would be better spent trying to convince enough people for him to win the popular vote for reelection. And he can do that if some of the things that he's promised can come to fruition.

Other than that, I do think that the left sees this as a prelude for a huge Republican effort for voter suppression; and they will fundraise off of this, and this will be a big -- You're looking at me, because you know that that's exactly what they left is planning to do.

BECKEL: Sure. Sure. We're going to do everything we can every day.

GUILFOYLE: Look at him smiling. That's the little, like...

BECKEL: I'll tell you, the guy is a gift that keeps on giving. I cannot tell you how unhappy we are.

GUTFELD: The left should be praising him for this. To think that he would say, "I'm opening an investigation on an election that I won." I mean, he's actually -- you get it if you lost, like Eric said. But he won, and he's going...

GUILFOYLE: He's still mad.

GUTFELD: Now he said, "I still want to get to the bottom of this, even though I'm in the White House." Could you argue that that's brave? Shouldn't he -- I know, you're shaking your head.

PERINO: I'm just -- that would be the case if that's what they said. But if they were pushing back on the notion that there are studies and that now he says that he will call for an investigation. Maybe he will find them out.

BOLLING: You know what did happen? They all went and chased that ball. Everyone, if you watch cable news, every single left-leaning mainstream media is out there going, "Can you believe he just said what he just said about voter fraud? It's unbelievable."

GUILFOYLE: CNN had it on all day long as breaking news.

PERINO: Not only that, yesterday I was to do "O'Reilly," in the A-block. We were to lead on all the policy stuff. What did they do right before the show? "Oh, we're going to change it, and we're going to lead with this other thing." So it wasn't just alternative media. We did it here, too.


BECKEL: And at the same time, he refuses to have an investigation into the serious intrusion in this election. That's the Soviets [SIC] and the Russians. Why he won't do that, pretty simple, because they did. He knows it.

PERINO: They did the right -- the Trump team did the right thing in pushing back on the left and saying there was no evidence of any interference of the Russians with actual voting machines. And they made a convincing case that the election was legitimate.

If he had concerns, like he voiced in October, that there were going to be -- was going to be widespread voter fraud, if he believed that in October but then he doesn't believe it in November, but he believes it now and we have an investigation, there's reason for confusion.

BECKEL: Why is it that he won't...

GUILFOYLE: Right. When Jill Stein asked for a recount, we found out there was voter fraud in Michigan.

BECKEL: ... that he won't check into these -- all the real evidence about the Russians?

BOLLING: The FBI is doing it. The FBI is...

BECKEL: I know. And they said, "Mr. President, here's some serious intercepts we got." And they said that they were involved in this election.

GUTFELD: One good -- I mean, the one thing that's -- I think is important about "The Five" and us here is that nobody is actually agreeing with Donald Trump. And we're showing you don't have to agree with everything that he says. It's not a loyalty test every time he says something.

When he says there's 3 million fraudulent votes, you can still like the guy and go, "That's B.S." The problem is, he's surrounded by a lot of people that just go, "Do we agree with him or not? Will I lose my job?" You know, it doesn't have to be fealty 24/7. You can actually say, "Lighten up. It's nuts. You won."

GUILFOYLE: Do you feel better?

GUTFELD: About what?

BECKEL: I think that was very -- that was very well said.

I wonder if anybody says to him -- do you think so, Eric? You're close to these guys. Does somebody say, "Mr. President, probably not a good idea to get..."?

BOLLING: Of course. Yes. He has some of the best advisors around him.

GUILFOYLE: This is therapy?

BECKEL: Boy, it doesn't show.

BOLLING: And then he may continue to do what they advise him not to do.

GUILFOYLE: Really? He won.

BOLLING: But that's the Trump Organization -- that's the Trump administration. I mean, you know...

GUTFELD: We have one boss, and that's our viewer, not Trump. So we don't have to sit here and agree with him all the time.

GUILFOYLE: All right.

BECKEL: I certainly won't.

GUILFOYLE: All right, boss. Stick with us.

All right. Ahead, America's most infamous protester is back out again. This time -- there she is, Bob -- Jane Fonda's not fond of President Trump's pipeline plans. But does she actually know the facts about the project? Greg has a refresher, next.


GUTFELD: So somehow Jane Fonda flew to New York City Tuesday to protest the renewed construction of oil pipelines. If only they were antiaircraft guns aimed at our troops, I'm sure she would feel differently:


JANE FONDA, ACTRESS/ACTIVIST: Today the president issued an executive order calling for the completion of the North Dakota pipeline and to reopen --


He does this illegally, because he has not gotten consent from the tribes through whose country this goes. And the U.S. has agreed to treaties that require them to get the consent of the people who are affected, the indigenous people who live there.


GUTFELD: Beautiful. So in between relationships and treason, she's now an expert in pipeline safety -- the same way celebs suddenly become experts in climate change or assault rifles. Everything is a script to them.

Fonda is trying to defend the indigenous people. Is she aware that the indigenous already transport oil from their wells over reservation land by train or that the indigenous already have eight pipelines under a nearby lake or that they've met with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers hundreds of times? The only Indian Jane Fonda likely met was Tonto.

Is she also aware that the Dakota pipe doesn't cross any tribe-owned land, doesn't harm water, is safer than rail, and it's a fraction of the 72,000 miles of pipe used that helps fuel Jane's jet set lifestyle?

Is she aware that almost all of the Dakota protesters are about as indigenous as a Twinkie? They're anti-fossil fuel fanatics trucked into annoy locals and pollute their land. They don't give two poops about Indians; yet, they poop all over their land.


GUTFELD: It's not about Indian tribes. It's about political tribes. Preferring pipe lies over pipelines, they wish to drive up dissent. They've done it before. They'll do it again. It's time to show them it's a pipedream.

GUILFOYLE: Cute, cute, cute, cute, cute.

GUTFELD: K.G., do you know that these protesters, when they were there before, they left behind, ironically, left behind mountains of garbage and human feces?

GUILFOYLE: I know. You have such an obsession with that.

GUTFELD: Creating their own environmental hazard. These people are disgusting.

GUILFOYLE: Well, they have a human condition, don't they? I mean, but yes...

GUTFELD: We all do.

GUILFOYLE: You especially.

But she wants to get out there and become relevant again.


GUILFOYLE: That's what this seems to mean. Maybe she just had a little bit of extra time on her hands.

GUTFELD: She just broke up with a fellow, and she wants to devote her time to activism.

GUILFOYLE: Well, there you go. Now we've explained it all. Full circle.

It's not really doing any good. She seems a little bit foolish. Because when you look at the facts of this and the circumstances around it, she's just wrong.


GUILFOYLE: So this is essentially just her trying to get some attention. And it's just -- it's erroneous. I mean...

GUTFELD: There are millions of miles of pipeline. There's already pipeline there, Bob. Isn't this a political battle, not about -- it's not about Native Americans?

BECKEL: No, Greg. By the way, the feces thing, use that to grow things.

GUTFELD: They call it compost.

BECKEL: Yes, compost.

GUTFELD: You make a lot of it here.

BECKEL: Yes. Now, I've spent a lot of time on Indian reservations in casinos. And they have made a fortune on casinos.

GUTFELD: Yes, that's true.

BECKEL: Good for them. I'm all for it.

BOLLING: It's true.

GUTFELD: How do you get to casinos? Oil for your car.

BECKEL: That's true.

GUTFELD: It's a win-win.

BECKEL: But I flew in the last one.


BECKEL: And I lost a lot of money.

PERINO: What's your point?

GUILFOYLE: No one knows. No one knows.

BECKEL: The point is that the idea of getting in this fight over something that really is not going to stop it.


BECKEL: It does not have the implications they say it does. When they talk about the indigenous people, these people are now building casinos left and right. And good for them.

GUTFELD: All right. Eric, thoughts?

BOLLING: The easiest way to transport oil, the safest way and the cleanest way to transport oil is through pipeline. The alternative literally is a rail car, a truck, or a ship. Any one of those can spill. They can crash, creating more of an environmental hazard.

But again, just very quickly, numbers: 28,000 jobs, $3 billion in economic activity per year, and literally hundreds of millions of dollars -- and this one, hundreds of millions of dollars of tax revenue.


BOLLING: Should be happy about that, liberals.

GUILFOYLE: And the market sure loves it. Sorry, Jane.

BECKEL: You know the other thing I'd say about this.

GUILFOYLE: Record high.

BECKEL: It's amazing how much oil and gas is trucked around this country every day and shipped around; and there's no accidents. I give them a lot of credit for that.

GUTFELD: Well, Dana, it is about fossil fuels. Isn't that what it is? They don't care if it's a pipeline or a train.

PERINO: Everything is about climate change.


PERINO: Everything.

What I think is that -- well, I know that the Department of the Interior is already reaching out to the tribes. And I think that, if the tribes look at this and think it's going to happen anyway, then they should try to cut a deal, because they would be able to get a better deal under President Trump than they would have with President Obama.

GUTFELD: Yes, and they're 90 percent there.

BECKEL: On this, 20 applications for casinos sitting there. That's a good deal.

BOLLING: Pipeline?

BECKEL: Twenty casinos.

GUTFELD: Got to move on. Yesterday, I told you about Rahm Emanuel's pathetic rant against President Trump while bodies are piling up in his city. Today, Chicago's mayor actually said he'd work with the president to deal with the crime crisis, next.



DONALD TRUMP (R), PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: The crime and the gangs and the drugs that have stolen too many lives and robbed our country of so much unrealized potential. This American carnage stops right here and stops right now.


BECKEL: Yes, sir. President Trump caused a big stir with that carnage remark during his inaugural address. And he's not backing down from it. Last night he issued this threat in a tweet, surprisingly: "If Chicago doesn't fix the horrible carnage, I will send in the feds."

Chicago's mayor, Rahm Emanuel, lashed out at the president earlier this week, but he sounded ready to work with him today.


RAHM EMANUEL, CHICAGO MAYOR: Chicago, like other cities right now that are dealing with gun violence, wants the partnership with federal law enforcement entities in a more significant way than we're having it today. And so I would welcome, always have, welcome federal participation in working with local law enforcement to dealing with guns and gangs.

The president has offered and repeated that he wants to offer federal help as it relates to public safety. I'm going to take him up on that offer.


BECKEL: You do -- you should do that, Rahm. Now Eric, let me ask you. Are we going to expect the 101st Airborne flying over Chicago, cropping in?

BOLLING: Very noteworthy that Rahm Emanuel, as Kimberly pointed out during that soundbite, changed his tune from earlier in the week when he sounded a little bit more hardline.

But what federal help will Rahm accept? Will he accept funds? I would say yes. Would he accept, I don't know, National Guard on corners of -- dangerous corners in the -- dangerous neighborhoods of the city of Chicago? Probably not, because that would be -- I can imagine that the political campaign against Rahm Emanuel. He can't get his own house in order; he needs the National Guard on the corners.

BECKEL: One historical point. The last time they took the National Guard was in Mississippi, Ole Miss, when they had the riots. And the president can federalize the National Guard. Which means the Illinois National Guard, in fact, could go into Chicago. And if that's what Trump is talking about, it may make some sense, although the history on it is not very good.

Sorry. Quick. I was quick.

BOLLING: Send it around.

GUILFOYLE: It's still your block.

BECKEL: Sorry. Quick.

GUTFELD: All right, all right. I said before they're not homicides; they're Rahm-icides. He should step aside, because he knows what to do but he won't do it. He's stuck in this place where he's so fearful of acting, for being seen politically as kind of -- as evil or racist, because he's dealing with minorities. And he doesn't want to look like he's -- he doesn't want to look anti-minority by being pro-crime so he's always taking the back foot. I think he should go. Step aside, get somebody new blood.

BECKEL: Taking on the gangs -- taking on the gangs in Los Angeles, in the '60s, '70s, '80s, did they use federal -- or National Guard from California for that?

GUILFOYLE: Yes, well, I mean, I was like 1 year old or something. But what they do there is they have a very effective gang task force, because I worked as a prosecutor in Los Angeles.

BECKEL: Right.

GUILFOYLE: And it was really incredible, the extent that they went. They have a really developed program. They have people assigned to those areas. The cops worked there for a long period of time. They get to work with informants. And you have to have that very active, like, community policing, gang task force. We call it the hardcore gang unit there in terms of working with the D.A.'s office on specially assigned cases.

Also stop and frisk. So you have to implement all of these things.

But I'll tell you want. It's not going to make Rahm Emanuel look good if President Trump has to come in and do the problem, fix the problem that he has in his city, because he's lost control of Chicago.

BECKEL: Dana, what mayor would not accept federal assistance? I mean, if you think about it, would Emanuel stand up and...

PERINO: Remember Hurricane Katrina? I mean, that was the mayor and the governor fighting to say that they didn't need federal help, they could handle it on their own. And there was a whole -- posi comitado (ph), the law that goes back to the feds not being able to do that.

I don't think this is going to get to that point. I think that Rahm Emanuel's probably in his head thinking, well, it's not National Guard troops. It's additional resources from gang units, from the FBI and expertise such as that.


PERINO: But if the police don't feel supported by local officials, then there's not a lot that the federal government can do.

BECKEL: There you go.

All right. We've got some very sad news. I thought we weren't going with that. We lost another entertainer -- we are -- a legend today. Actress Mary Tyler Moore passed away at age 80. A tribute to the TV icon next in "One More Thing."


PERINO: It's time for "One More Thing" -- Greg.

GUTFELD: If you were born in the 1960s like I was, then you were raised in the 1970s, which meant that you loved Mary Tyler Moore. That was probably one of the best, or greatest sitcoms of all time. The original "Seinfeld." I mean, it was one of the most honest, and rich, funny. It was just a great show, and she was amazing. Here's a montage of some of her best. She passed away at 80.


BETTY WHITE, ACTRESS: I hope I'm not disturbing you.


WHITE: Oh, good. Then you're alone.

ED ASNER, ACTOR: You know what? You've got spunk.

MOORE: Well...

ASNER: I hate spunk.

MOORE (singing): We'll make it one for my baby and one more for the road.

ASNER: Sing out.

MOORE (singing): That long, long road.


GUTFELD: Yes, she was amazing. That show spawned so many other shows. "Rhoda," "Phyllis," "Lou Grant." But it was just -- it was a classic. And I just -- that just defined the '70s for me as a teenager watching that show. I think it was on Saturdays at 8 p.m. You know, before "The Love Boat."

GUILFOYLE: Oh, my God.

GUTFELD: I'd flip over. It was "Love Boat" and "Fantasy Island" came later, I think.

GUILFOYLE: That was my favorite show.

BECKEL: You liked "Love Boat"?

GUILFOYLE: You can imagine, right?

PERINO: I loved "The Love Boat." I was Julie McCoy.

GUTFELD: You are Julia McCoy.

PERINO: I don't have any fun. I'm the tour guide. I'm always the designated driver.

GUILFOYLE: Like you were on the bus, the little...

GUTFELD: I'm the bartender.

PERINO: OK. So next Friday night, February 3, I get to do something I've wanted to do for so long. I'm going to Nashville, Tennessee, and I'm going to be at Parnassus Books on February 3 at 6:30 p.m. in Nashville. I hope you come and meet me. Jasper is actually not going, but felt Jasper will be there. But I would love to meet you there in Nashville.

And then, don't forget: Greg and Dana, "Short Stories" this weekend on Saturday. I think there's just a few tickets left in Washington, D.C. There might also be a guest appearance by somebody else here at this table. At least in the audience.



GUILFOYLE: Bob, you're next.

BECKEL: Right. Well, you know, Kellyanne Conway, who's the campaign manager for Donald Trump.

BOLLING: Rock star.


BECKEL: Rock star, yes, and great outfit she wore, too.

GUILFOYLE: Nice lady.

BECKEL: You know, she came out, and she said, in defense of the press secretary, that there were alternative facts...

PERINO: Oh, here we go.

BECKEL: ... when he said -- when Donald Trump said, "More people came to my inauguration than in history." The pictures proved he was dead wrong, as usual.

But Kellyanne Conway comes out and says alternative facts. Kellyanne, here's a point: alternative facts are lies. You know? Think about that. She got interviewed by the NBC and they said, "That means it's a lie, Kellyanne." And she still -- I tell you, these people live in George Orwell, "1984," which is now the sixth biggest selling book in the United States after she said that. "In 1984, a superstate supreme -- with supreme control over the people." And I can't read it -- persecute...

PERINO: We got it, we got it, we got it. We got your point.

BECKEL: It's the Trump administration.

GUTFELD: But that always happens when there's an election. "1984" goes up. People buy it.

PERINO: Buy it, right.

OK. Kimberly. The best thing.

GUILFOYLE: I've got news for you: She's not sweating you. Me either. All right?

Because it's time for...


GUILFOYLE: Kimberly's Food Court.


GUILFOYLE: Yes. Yay! All right. So here's the deal. You're not going to believe this, but McDonald's, to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Big Mac, and we've got one here. No onions.

GUTFELD: The camera moved.

GUILFOYLE: Come on. They're going to, on January 31 from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Eastern, dispense Big Mac, three different sizes...


GUILFOYLE: ... from an ATM. Yes. You just have to tweet about it. You're capable of doing that.

BECKEL: How do you get a Big Mac out of an ATM?

GUILFOYLE: It's going to be fresh, Bob. Just you should show up to do it. It's going to be in Boston. And they're also celebrating the launch of Mac Junior and the Grand Mac. So I've got this hear. I ate almost all of the cold fries while we were waiting. What?

GUTFELD: He's got a whiteboard.

GUILFOYLE: Fine. Fine.

PERINO: Eric is next. And he's got a board. He's got a prop.

BOLLING: Can we do this? You want to do it?

GUTFELD: What is it?

BOLLING: You want to -- let's do this. I have a really, really good whiteboard. Here, watch this, everybody, quick. And I'll do it tomorrow. In the meantime. So wait...


BOLLING: You get a -- you get a free Big Mac from a machine>

GUILFOYLE: It says it's free, but you have to tweet about it, yes.

BECKEL: The thing I'm saying...

GUTFELD: The machines!

Their machines are taking it over. You can't put a tariff on the machine.

BOLLING: It's Obama's fault. Obamacare.

GUILFOYLE: You've just got to go up and then you, like, touch the screen.

GUTFELD: No more cashiers.

GUILFOYLE: Mac Daddy, Big Mac, Mac Junior.

BECKEL: How the hell do you get one of those big things delivered...

PERINO: Bob, we'll take you and you'll be the guinea pig.

BECKEL: No, I can't stand those things.

PERINO: Set your DVRs, never miss an episode of "The Five." That is it for us.

BOLLING: Whiteboard tomorrow.

PERINO: "Special Report" is next.

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