President Trump talks Kavanaugh controversy, Russia probe

This is a rush transcript from "Hannity," September 20, 2018. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

SEAN HANNITY, FOX NEWS HOST: Tucker, great show. Amazing crowd we are here in Las Vegas. And we wish you were here with us, by the way.

Donald Trump is just minutes away, by the way, from Vegas as we are here. And anyway, glad he's taking the stage. A huge rally.

After the speech and at some point during the show or later, we're going to bring the interview with the president. We're only 47 days until the midterms. So much to cover tonight. The news is breaking all over the place.

Democrats, they are sadly putting politics above the rule of law. It is sad to watch. It is dangerous for the country. No due process, no presumption of innocence. And according to the left wing in this country, Judge Kavanaugh is guilty by accusation.

And in just moments, we're going to show you how Democrats are literally using a serious sexual assault allegation as a political tool, weapon, to bludgeon, delay, disrupt and destroy the Kavanaugh confirmation.

We'll also uncover a blatant double standard at the highest levels of Democratic Party. They will be called out tonight. Their message to the American people? Only allegations against Republicans should be taken seriously. Not against their fellow Democrats.

And also tonight, we have big breaking news from John Solomon and Sara Carter. This is huge tonight. According to newly unearthed documents, there were fears within the FBI that the Obama administration, right up to the top, where weaponizing top-secret intelligence against Donald Trump. In other words, the house of cards are falling. Sara Carter, John Solomon will join us tonight from Vegas.

Also, a new undercover report. Project Veritas catching employees within Government Accountability Office bragging about breaking the rules, resistance, sabotage within the Trump campaign, in all aspects of government.

And we also end on a good note. We have a report about a booming economy just 47 days away from Election Day.

Anyway, it's time for our big breaking news, Las Vegas edition, opening monologue.


HANNITY: I have emphasized this over and over again. By the way, welcome to Vegas.

The decades old assault charges, this is 36 years ago against Professor Christine Ford. She's making allegations against Judge Kavanaugh. Of course, they must be taken seriously. Her story deserves to be told. And Republicans, and President Trump, they have treating this situation with the pure seriousness that it deserves. Now, the Judiciary Committee chairman, Senator Grassley of Iowa, Senate Republicans, they've been doing everything they can do to accommodate Professor Ford.

They have reopened the hearings. They invited the professor to appear before Congress. They have offered a public hearing, they have offered a private hearing. They have reached up by phone, email, and more for background. They even offered to fly Senate staff anywhere within the United States to meet Ford for a private interview.

So far? Professor Ford, her left wing lawyer, have not agreed to any of this. And according to an email obtained by "The Washington Post," she definitely will not appear before the committee on Monday, but maybe open to a later date if the Senate agrees to her terms. We're going to watch this unfold.

Meanwhile, Judge Kavanaugh, well, he's already testified, by the way, under threat of perjury. He's agreed to testify wherever, whenever, in front of you, the American people. In fact, he's agreed to testify this coming Monday.

But Democrats don't seem to care. They have thrown a principle we hold so dear, due process, the presumption of innocence, out the window. They've already convicted Kavanaugh based on one allegation.

And according to them, mob rule, much many in the left are governed, Kavanaugh is guilty just by an accusation. This is dangerous for every American. And according to them, he has no right to be believed at all. Not even a right to be heard according to Senator Gillibrand. No right of the perception of innocence. This is not the American way.

Watch this.


REP. ADAM SCHIFF, D—CALIF.: The Senate shouldn't simply rely on hearing two conflicting accounts and decide, well, we're okay with not knowing, we're okay with the fact we might be putting someone who committed attempted rape on the Supreme Court of the United States.

SEN. KAMALA HARRIS, D—CALIF.: I believe her. First of all, anybody who comes forward at this point to be prepared to testify in the United States against someone nominated to one of the most powerful positions in the United States government, that takes an extraordinary amount of courage.

SEN. MAIZE HIRONO, D—HI.: Not only do women like Dr. Ford who bravely comes forward, need to be heard but they need to be believed. They need to be believed.

I want to say the men in this country: just shut up and step up. Do the right thing.

SEN. RICHARD BLUMENTHAL, D—CONN.: Let me just right at the outset, I believe Dr. Ford. I believe the survivor here. There's every reason to believe her. She has come forward courageously and bravely.

SEN. KIRSTEN GILLIBRAND, D—N.Y.: I believe her. I stand with her. And --

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Do you hope she shows up on Monday? Do you hope that she testifies?

GILLIBRAND: I don't think she should be bullied into this scenario, where it's a he said/she said. It's a sham hearing. And I don't think she should participate in it.


HANNITY: They have all taken sides. They have all made a decision. They do not want to give Judge Kavanaugh an opportunity to give his side.

Taking cues from their allies in the Democratic Party, the corrupt mainstream media in this country, in what is a disgusting, despicable display, they have picked up their pitchforks, their torches, and they are convicting Judge Kavanaugh based on an accusation. No presumption of innocence from your left-wing destroy-Trump media. Take a look.


JOHN BERMNA, CNN: What you're seeing is the stealth intimidation campaign. I really think that's what's going on here is to send a message to Professor Blasey that the world is aligning against you, or at least the power structure of the world is aligning against you.

STEPHANIE RUHL, MSNBC: I am blown away. Before I saw this, I'm like, oh. Come on, what could be in this yearbook? Nonsense? This is sick stuff. The devils triangle in your yearbook forever and ever?

JOY BEHAR, ABC: These people in Congress right now, these white men - - old, by the way -- are not protecting women. They are protecting a man who is probably guilty.

CHRIS MATTHEWS, MSNBC: I can give a scenario for both of you that if the Republicans will not like. The accuser, Dr. Ford, appears on television and gives her full story to a reporter, anchor person, and it's deadly. It's deadly. They are stuck with this confirmation. I don't think they're going to be very happy with that, scenario.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: It's definitely attempted rape. I don't see it any other way.


HANNITY: Not to be undone, the left wing radical group produced in this ad a full of celebrities.

I love you, too. Hi.


Anyway, we are in Vegas.

But they are so more happy to ignore the rule of law. They are rushing to judgment. They are politicizing this. They don't believe in due process. Let's take a look.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Dear Professor Ford --

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Dear Professor Ford --

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Dear Professor Ford --

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: We know how difficult it is to stand up to powerful people.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: We want to thank you for publicly sharing your story of sexual violence.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: As members of the Senate determine whether --

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh --



UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Should serve as Supreme Court justice.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Supreme Court justice.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Supreme Court justice.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: This context is critical.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: The behavior you described was wrong.



UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Wrong and runs directly counter to upholding the law and justice.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: And promoting justice.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: He should not be confirmed.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: He should not be confirmed.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: He should not be confirmed.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: We can also imagine how shocking and overwhelming it must have been to have your truths shared on the national stage without your permission.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: You should be the decision-maker about how your story is shared, if ever.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: We applaud your courage in coming forward.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: For the public good.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: And we will be with you as you face the inevitable backlash.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: The inevitable backlash.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: The inevitable backlash.



UNIDENTIFIED FEMALES: You are not alone.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALES: You are a survivor.



UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: And millions of us have your back.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: You and your testimony are credible.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: You and your testimony are credible.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: You and your testimony are credible.




UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Signed, your sisters.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALES: Signed, your sisters.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALES: Signed, your sisters.


HANNITY: So, the big question: what would happen if a conservative group came out and said those words, except they believe Judge Kavanaugh? They say judge Kavanaugh is credible. Can you believe the outrage from the left?

This is not a game. This controversy is not about politics, should never be about politics. It should be about ascertaining the truth.

These are real people, real families, real kids, real wives, real lives involved in all of this.

Now, Professor Ford has received death threats. We are very sorry to hear that. That should never happen in this society. So too judge Kavanaugh and his wife, the most despicable of death threats themselves.

This is unacceptable in America today. The courageous keyboard warriors out there, they need to stop and they need to stop now.

And meanwhile, it's perfectly clear the left is using what is a serious allegation from 36 years ago that has not been proven to use this as a political bludgeoning tool, using it politically.

And according to "Politico," a well-known Democratic operator is now advising Professor Ford. We know that her attorney is very inconsistent on this issue. She went after Paula Jones. She supported Al Franken.

Senator Feinstein is claiming the media somehow outed Professor Ford with information that only Feinstein and her fellow Democrats had access to. I don't believe them, they were the only ones that had the information. And Senate Democrats won't even show a Senate Republicans since July the unredacted letter where Ford makes her first allegations.

Why won't they allow the Republicans to see this? This to them is now some sort of political game and it's not. These are real lives in play here.

Democrats, they don't want to confirm Judge Kavanaugh. They never wanted him to be confirmed. We saw how they acted during the hearings. We see how they are acting now.

Now, this is why every American has a right to be skeptical tonight. We know the Democratic Party, we know their track record on claims of sexual misconduct. It is beyond suspect.

Now take, for example, right now, not 36 years ago, Congressman Keith Ellison. He's the deputy chair, number two guy, of the Democratic Party. In August, oh, a month ago, his ex-girlfriend went public with claims that Keith Ellison, Congressman Ellison, physically abused her on multiple occasions, including one instance where she claims he violently dragged her through the house screaming, bleep, get the -- bleep, get out of my house.

Now, despite these allegations, recently, a month ago, Ellison goes on to easily win the party's nomination to be the next Minnesota attorney general. Now, think about this. She claims he physically and mentally abused her over and over again. And guess what? Prominent Democrats lineup in support, they believe Kavanaugh's accuser, you're hard-pressed to find any Democrats standing behind Ellison's ex-girlfriend. That proves its politics.

Now, I don't hear from Kirsten Gillibrand. Haven't heard from Kamala Harris. Haven't heard from Adam shifty Schiff. Virtually nobody.

That means this is political. But there's more. Ellison's ex-girlfriend, she just tweeted that the entire Democratic Party, they wouldn't take her claims seriously, despite even a doctor's report indicating this abuse happened. Instead, she had to tweet out, the DNC smeared, threaten the, and isolated her.

And the DNC chairman Tom Perez, well, he said that he's still proud he made Ellison the deputy DNC chair. Do not see the hypocrisy and double standard?

So, the DNC, Ellison, we've called them. They refuse to answer our repeated attempts for comment.

Another Democrat that exposes the blatant double standard, he walks the halls of Congress. Look at him. There's Sherrod Brown of Ohio.

Take a look at this new political ad. It details the abuse allegations against him at -- by his then wife. These are all court records. Take a listen.


AD ANNOUNCER: Now, Senator Sherrod Brown is facing his own #MeToo movement from his past. These court records show sworn evidence that his ex-wife accused him of abusing her. She said Brown assaulted her. A judge had to issue a restraining order.

Later, she said Brown violated the court order, pushing, shoving and bullying her.

Brown claims it's a family matter, but his ex-wife, like other victims, has a right to be believed.

This senator had to resign when evidence emerged he mistreated women. Why is Senator Brown different?


HANNITY: Sorry. Saying hi to people.

So, where are the Democrats? This is serious, lining up against -- I just got this thrown to me, by the way.

Lining up against Senator Brown. This is a serious topic. Where are they?

Now, without refuting any of those horrible claims, even his wife is supporting him politically. But that's up to her. But those court papers remain.

Then you've got Senator Cory Booker, Spartacus himself, gearing up clearly for a presidential run for the Democratic Party. 1992, he actually wrote a column in "The Stanford Daily", detailing how he groped a woman when he was a teenager with, quote, with the "Top Gun" slogan ringing in my head, I slowly reached for her breasts, after having my hand pushed away once, I reached my mark.

That's from Senator Booker, Spartacus, now calling on Kavanaugh's vote to be delayed? What a hypocrite. His office called the story a right-wing attack. Those were his words.

And next up, how could you ever forget the most notorious sexual predator inside the Democratic Party, Bill Clinton himself. Here are what a few of Clinton's accusers had to say about the former president. Watch this.


HANNITY: You describe the scene where he was biting on your left and t when it was all over, he was leaving, said, you better put some ice on that.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Yes, and casually put on his sunglasses and walked out the door.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: It was a terrible ordeal for me and I -- no woman should be subjected to it. It was an assault.

HANNITY: He assaulted you?


HANNITY: He touched, grabbed, fondled, kissed you against your will. It's an allegation that is not made by one woman. It's made by multiple women.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I said, well, I may need to go or something, and next thing you know he pulled down his -- he sit down, pulled down his pants, his whole everything. He was exposed. And I said, I'm not that kind of girl. I need to be getting back to my bed.


HANNITY: You know what? She worked for Bill Clinton at the time. He dropped his pants. Exposed himself. Said, kissed it.

Juanita Broaddrick was about rape. Juanita Broaddrick said this week, where is my FBI investigation?

All of the same senators feigning moral outrage, they said nothing in the case of bill Clinton. In fact, he was beloved by most of his colleagues, many that are still in the Senate despite what is a long, long, long track record of exposing himself and allegations of rape, groping, grabbing, fondling, touching, kissing against a woman's will, and the worst day of her life, Feinstein, Schumer, Dicky Durbin, the rest of them, so many other Democrats, they enthusiastically support everything Clinton, even voted against his impeachment.

And they all thought the man that just heard described was perfectly fit to hold the highest office in the land. But not Judge Kavanaugh. One instance, one person, no evidence, nothing from 36 years ago and they rush to judgment. There's no due process.

And, of course, in this particular case, an accusation is definitive. They believe, but they haven't heard the other side.

And I believe we have the resumption of innocence. They are ready to lock up Judge Kavanaugh and throw away every other key fact in his life the last four decades. But when it comes to any Democrat, the party is more than happy to sweep those allegations under the rug, not take them seriously.

The mainstream media backs them up every step of the way. They should be ashamed tonight, but they're not. Democrats are not the party of women that they claim. It's also the party of Clinton, and Ellison, and Weinstein, and Weiner, and others. We'll have more on this throughout the show.

But we do have a huge, big breaking news also tonight. "The Hill's" John Solomon, Sara Carter, also, making a shocking discovery tonight. Even more Strzok texts and emails have been unearthed, and this time, they are casting a suspicious light on the Obama administration.

According to a text from January 23rd, 2017, Strzok texting Page, quote: He, like us, is concerned with oversharing. Doesn't Want Clapper giving CR cuts to the White House. All political, just shows our hand and potentially makes enemies.

Now, we're unclear what CR cuts stands for, but it could very well mean classified raw intelligence. In other words, according to Solomon's reporting tonight, high ranking FBI agent, Peter Strzok, is concerned that Clapper, the director of national intelligence, the Obama White House, up to the president himself, could potentially weaponize intelligence and use it against political enemies, the same Clapper who spews anti-Trump vitriol every night at his cushy gig at fake news CNN.

And, by the way, these texts occurred during a critical time, less than three weeks before the intel community released a report claiming pro-Trump Russian interference in our election. John Solomon and Sara Carter will break it all down tonight for us.

It's just one more piece of evidence that those at the highest levels in government involved in an effort to prevent Trump from ever getting elected and then destroy the president after the election.

And sadly tonight, we still have people working in our bloated federal bureaucracy actively working against the president bragging about it and are proud of it. We have the proof. James O'Keefe,, they have uncovered these deep state anti-Trump operatives. This is day three of their release.

They released a new video showing one employee at the Government Accountability Office, or the GAO, was working on behalf of the Democratic Socialists of America and they're using their position, you are paying them to undermine the president and his agenda.

It's important to note that the GAO is a congressional watchdog group, at least supposedly, they supposedly issue reports on congressional spending. Now, we haven't verified the undercover video. But we'll let you watch, you'll decide. Take a look. It's shocking.


NATARAJAN SUBRAMANIAN, GOVERNMENT ACCOUNTABILITY OFFICE: If you're in executive branch agency, you can slow ball things to a degree, that it's like ineffective, and maybe you get in trouble and maybe, you know, you get fired or you resign, or whatever, but like you slowed them down for a certain period of time.

Technically, everything I'm doing with DSA is stuff I'm not supposed to be doing for work. So like --

JOURNALIST: What do you mean?

SUBRAMANIAN: Like, it's explicitly prohibited. So like, if they find out, I could get in trouble basically.


HANNITY: You see that guy you just saw? Well, the GAO has now earlier today released a statement. That employee you just saw has been removed from any GAO work. And they are taking this seriously as they are in the Department of Justice and the State Department. We'll update you, of course, as O'Keefe uncovers more and more of these bureaucrats, these saboteurs within the administration abusing their power and trust that we give them, and we pay them.

But we end on a good note tonight. Our economy in this country is booming for the third week in a row. Jobless claims have fallen to a 49-year low. In 47 days, when you go to the polls, it's important to ask yourself this question: are you better off than you were two years ago? Is the economy better off?

We have record after record, record low unemployment, 14 states, African- American, Hispanic-Americans, Asian-American, 65-year low for women in the workplace. Youth unemployment is at a 59-year low. The Atlanta Fed is now projecting 4.47 GDP growth for the next quarter.

This country is thriving, it's getting better. In 47 days, you get to decide. The people here, they get to decide whether the good news continues. And the wall is beginning to get built and security has increased with Iran and North Korea.

And, of course, getting out of the bad Iranian deal and tougher sanctions ever we've ever we had against Russia.



HANNITY: This is a great crowd.

The president is coming into the building soon, but we will have reaction from my opening monologue. Judge Jeanine Pirro, Gregg Jarrett, and much more, as we say hi from Vegas.



HANNITY: We are live in Vegas tonight. By the way, president beginning to touchdown as he's coming to this rally where we're broadcasting from at the Convention Center here in Vegas.

Fox News has learned moments ago that Kavanaugh's accuser, Professor Ford, through her attorney has now issued a new list of terms for any, quote, congressional testimony. Among the new terms, we can report she only wants members of the committee, no lawyers to question her. Kavanaugh cannot be in the room, and Kavanaugh must be questioned first.

Joining us with reaction here in Vegas, author of the number one "New York Times" bestseller, "The Russia Hoax: The Illicit Scheme to Clear Hillary Clinton and Frame Donald Trump", FOX News legal analyst Greg Jarrett, author of "The New York Times" bestseller, number one bestseller, "Liars, Leakers and Liberals: The Case Against the Anti-Trump Conspiracy, she's the host of "Justice", Judge Jeanine Pirro.

You guys both are like battling it out week after week for number one on "The New York Times." It's hilarious to me.

JUDGE JEANINE PIRRO, FOX NEWS HOST, "JUSTICE: It couldn't happen to two better people, right, Gregg?

GREGG JARRETT, FOX NEWS LEGAL ANALYST: What a great crowd out here.

PIRRO: They are fabulous!

HANNITY: They are great.

JARRETT: I was crowd surfing. It's fun.

HANNITY: It's fun.

All right. So, originally --


HANNITY: This is a great crowd.

So, originally, they said we want an FBI investigation. FBI says that's not --

PIRRO: That's not what they do.

HANNITY: Then earlier today, we are hearing all these other things -- well, we don't want people to disagree with us. Now, we've got a new set of terms.

The lawyer, Katz, for Professor Ford, she didn't believe Paula Jones. She actually stood up for that creep Al Franken. So, it's political. None of the people that are attacking here, Judge Kavanaugh, none of them have gone after Keith Ellison, number two of the DNC, a congressman. Doesn't that prove the hypocrisy?

PIRRO: Well, it not only proves the hypocrisy. But since when does truth and justice or guilt and innocence depend upon your political party? I fear for this nation when this is now the standard. You believe any woman who goes against a Republican, and you don't believe a woman who goes against a Democrat.

HANNITY: Judge, what would happen? You saw the -- we believe you, your story is credible. Now, I don't know what happened and neither do they.

PIRRO: Right.

HANNITY: It's a serious allegation. Rightly, the president has taken it seriously. The Senate Judiciary Committee is taking it seriously. They are trying to accommodate Professor Ford every way they can. I agree with that.

PIRRO: Of course.

HANNITY: But if there was an ad that said, you are credible, Judge Kavanaugh, we believe you, what would the reaction be?

PIRRO: Well, they would hit the ceiling, Sean. I mean, you know that the contradiction in this country right now was beyond anything I've ever seen. I worry for the country. I don't want these people who sit on juries. It's no longer about the facts, or truth and justice. It's about politics.

And this is a sad state of affairs.

HANNITY: Everything sadly gets politicized. There was a rush to judgment in Ferguson, Missouri.


HANNITY: Even Obama got involved or the Cambridge police rushed to judgment, Freddie Gray in Baltimore, Trayvon Martin. Meanwhile, thousands of unnamed people were getting shot and killed in Chicago. They never got to talk about because it wasn't political.

Why are people willing to throw out due process, equal justice under the law, and the resumption of innocence?

JARRETT: Because they are overzealous to the point that they've really lost their common sense. I will give you an example. The United States Senator Kirsten Gillibrand of New York stood in front of television cameras the other day and said of the accuser, I believe her, I believe what she said. It has to--


HANNITY: But she shouldn't even have to answer a question.

JARRETT: That's true. Now forget the fact that Gillibrand went to law school. She must've slept through resumption of innocence. But here she is representing the people and she is concluding, on camera, that the accuser is telling the truth when Gillibrand has never met the accuser, never spoken to the accuser, has never heard from her lips the story that is alleged.

HANNITY: Why won't they even release the letter they got in July?


HANNITY: They are not giving the unredacted version to the Republicans on the committee or the chairman even.

PIRRO: I think an even bigger problem, Sean, is the fact that you had a woman who went to high school with the alleged victim who said it absolutely did happen. And then one of her -- when she was put to the test, she said, well, I just felt empowered that it happened but I don't know that he did.


HANNITY: I don't have any facts.

PIRRO: This is -- this is worrisome. It means that people would make up stories.

HANNITY: My understanding is, didn't they say that this came up for the first time in couples therapy in 2012?

PIRRO: Yes. And what was that about, what was the first time Kavanaugh's name came up? What about is this hypnosis? Is this confabulation? This is all stop that is contrary to what the law calls for.

HANNITY: So if they cared about the issue, her attorney would have supported Paula Jones, her attorney would be speaking out against Keith Ellison.


HANNITY: Her attorney wouldn't have defended Al Franken. This is the point. Kirsten Gillibrand and Kamala Harris, and all these people, Blumenthal from Connecticut, they wouldn't be saying I believe her, but why wouldn't you say you believe Keith Ellison's girlfriend who says she was beaten and abused by the number two at the DNC?

JARRETT: Nobody knows the truth of what happened which is why--


HANNITY: Dianne Feinstein said it and got excoriated.

JARRETT: -- which is why it's important. And we do this in public jury trials to hear from the lips of the accuser and if he wants, the accused. Kavanaugh is more than willing to testify. But I'm baffled by the demands of the accuser now who is saying, I want him to testify first. That's backwards.

In a court of law, it's always the accuser that first testifies to allow the defendant to be able to respond to her allegations. How can you respond to something--


HANNITY: Should they into these new demands, because the demands keep shifting and changing?

JARRETT: No. Senator Grassley and the judiciary committee should try to regain control of these proceedings. Their constitutional duty is to advise and consent. It is not--

HANNITY: If you care about women -- and I do.


HANNITY: If you care -- and you have an open mind, it's a serious allegation.

JARRETT: Absolutely.

HANNITY: Wait for all sides to be heard, but also you've got to look at the 40 intervening years. And again, I go back to Ellison. That's August.


PIRRO: Well, wait a minute.

HANNITY: They're not saying a word. That shows--


PIRRO: It's not just time with Ellison. There is a meeting at outcry. There are photographs. There are injuries.


HANNITY: A doctor from (Inaudible).

JARRETT: There are witnesses. There are videos. We have facts. And look, I prosecuted these crimes for 30 years. It's what I did for 30 years.

HANNITY: I know.

PIRRO: You've got to be able to support an allegation.

HANNITY: You start when you're five?

PIRRO: Here's the problem. They are willing to destroy a man and his reputation for a woman they know nothing other than her allegation and her politics.

HANNITY: Do you know what's sad? All I see is this rush to judgment. I believe her. And I see this man who wants to serve his country. He may be innocent and his family has to hear that he's guilty.


PIRRO: But he has done nothing.

HANNITY: They are saying he's guilty. That is mob rule. That is not--


PIRRO: It is not true. And this is a man who spent his life in support of truth and justice. And this nation of law and order.

HANNITY: That's not what -- that's not how this country works.

JARRETT: Absolutely. You know, everybody should actually be presumed innocent until and accuser steps forward and actually speaks, we need to judge the credibility of Dr. Ford.

HANNITY: And maybe the 40 years, the woman that knew him at the time in high school, in college, in law school.


HANNITY: The people in the Bush administration, the law -- female law clerks who served under him, people who work with them now, they all tell a very different story.

JARRETT: All of this has been mishandled and that can be laid at the feet of Senator Dianne Feinstein. She knew about this six weeks ago and sat on it, did nothing about it, had ample opportunity to bring it up. Her explanation makes no common sense.

HANNITY: All right. Vegas, do you like these guys? They're really good friends. Number one New York Times bestseller. Thank you both. Great job.

When we come back, huge breaking news, this is big. An exclusive report. John Solomon, Sara Carter, new reports as we continue live from Vegas. President Trump expected in the building any second.


HANNITY: As we continue tonight from Vegas there you see the president is now just walking down the stairs of Air Force One. By the way, do you see the president? He is right there. He will be here. This crowd is packed. We're having a great time.

Anyway, we have been reporting on the ongoing scandal that's unfolding at the FBI intelligence community at the very highest levels of the Justice Department, even.

John Solomon, Sara Carter both have stories tonight. John, the positive story in The Hill, it says, FBI memos detailed partisan access secret conference behind the Russian Election meddling assessment.

Sara Carter's piece out today, and it says "FBI memos raised deep questions about Russia, Trump intel assessment."

All right, joining us now, she is here with us in Vegas, Sara Carter. The Hill's John Solomon was invited but he declined our invitation to come and hang out.



HANNITY: I know. I know. Sara, let's start with you. Let's talk about what this means.

SARA CARTER, FOX NEWS INVESTIGATIVE REPORTER: I think what we are seeing here with these new developments, Sean, with the text messages and the e- mails with Strzok and Page, is that the intelligence community itself was divided.

Remember, everybody had assumed for the last two years that they were all on the same page about the fact that the Russians meddled in the election to help President Trump win. And now what we found through these text messages and these e-mails that it's not what they were saying at all.

In fact, the FBI did not believe at that point that they had evidence enough to say that. To publicly say that. The assessment did stick with that.

HANNITY: And Lisa Page's testimony months later, nine months in they did not have any evidence. But, and this is where I will throw it to John. In your report, John, you say that they actually were afraid because the administration of Barack Obama wanted a narrative and they wanted to believe the worst so they could push it out and use intelligence as a weapon against Donald Trump? Am I framing that right?

SOLOMON: Yes. That certainly the inference of the text messages. Anyone who said there isn't public text in the intelligence community ought to read these e-mails and read these text messages.

They are talking about partisan acts as being sharpened at the very end of the Obama administration right as the Russian intelligence report is being crafted and written and about to be released to the public and about to be briefed to Trump and to Obama.

They talk about politics, they talk about not trusting the DNI, James Clapper. These are very serious things, a dysfunctional intelligence committee it seems like. But there are two factual thing reported. I think Sara hit on one already.

Peter Strzok writes in an e-mail that you can't say for sure singularly that Russia's intention was to help swing the election to Trump. But there is a combination of factors and we can't say for sure any one of them was the motive.

That's very different than what we've heard. Secondly, there is a reference in one of the text messages that the secret information, the classified information that the FBI had was different than the intelligence community sort of public narrative. Those things have to be investigated further. I know Congress is looking at them. But those are two factual points amidst the politics.

HANNITY: So you literally have a conflict within the intelligence community, but they know that the administration wants to weaponize it as a tool really to bludgeon Trump and advance a false narrative, Sara.

CARTER: Yes. Not only did they want to do that, but we know on the FBI side that they have the dossier, right? And the dossier was intentionally added to the assessment, right? The intelligence assessment. And they use that dossier to propagate disinformation about the president.

HANNITY: But we really get to the bare bones of this. Not only did they exonerate Hillary, but then it got worse. She pays funnels the money, Fusion GPS, foreign national, lies on a dossier. The lies are used and disseminated before the election to destroy Trump then they weaponize it after. This is the insurance policy.

CARTER: That's right.

HANNITY: But tonight, it now gets right into the Oval Office. We are getting very close to what did Obama want to? He wanted the phony narrative.

CARTER: That's right. He wanted the phony narrative. And then their own text and their words, to Strzok's words, the White House was going to eat this up. They were going to eat this assessment alive because, one, it didn't reflect on them. They could push it off to the FBI. But the White House could use the dossier and the assessment as a weapon against President Trump.

HANNITY: And John, they were even afraid to give them the information because it wasn't verified, corroborated, because they knew that it would be politicized. Another intelligence politicized as a weapon against their opponents.

SOLOMON: That's really the inference. And what troubles you the most when you read these things, they are talking about political acts, they're talking about politics. It's all political. They're worried about this intelligence being disseminated far enough so that a lame duck intelligence community, the Obama apparatus, might this misuse it.

It is very telling how concerned these FBI agents were, and how they reluctant they were to put more information into the apparatus at that very moment when power was changing hands.

This has to be looked at more closely with Congress. More people have to be answered.

We have some breaking news tonight about Nellie Ohr and James Baker. The committee in the House wanted to get a volunteer agreement that's falling apart. It sounds like we are going to need subpoenas to get their stories.

HANNITY: Yes, quick last word?

CARTER: Yes. They are going to need subpoenas and the president next week is going to declassify those documents.

HANNITY: We get them next week we think.

CARTER: We think we're getting them next week. And look, the president is going to get some pushback, but he's going to push back on them and the American people are going to get the truth and they are going to get the documents. That's the most important.

HANNITY: Great work, both of you. You deserve Pulitzer Prizes. The two of you. John Solomon, Sara Carter with us in Vegas.

All right. When we come back we got a live report from Washington. The president expected in this building and I have an interview with him, and Ari Fleischer, and Dan Bongino weigh in on the accusations, and demands -- or accusation against Judge Kavanaugh, the demands of Professor Ford's team tonight. Straight ahead.


HANNITY: As we continue we are live in Vegas. You all having a good time? We got a great crowd.

Momentarily, we expect the president is going to be right here in this building on this set. By the way, live from D.C. first with an update on the Kavanaugh confirmation. Fox News Washington correspondent, Kristin Fisher has the latest details tonight. Kristin?

KRISTIN FISHER, FOX NEWS CORRESPONDENT: Hey, Sean. Well, if they hearing happens, Judge Kavanaugh says he'll be there on Monday to testify. In a letter tonight to the chairman of the Senate judiciary committee, Kavanaugh says, "I continue to want a hearing as soon as possible so that I can clear my name."

So the question now is, will his accuser show up? Her lead attorney sent a letter to the committee this afternoon saying that "She wishes to testify provided we can agree on terms that are fair and which ensure her safety. A hearing on Monday, though, is not possible."

Right now, negotiations are ongoing and two sources have confirmed the thoughts that Christine Blasey Ford's legal team is insisting on three key things. First, no lawyers can do the questioning. Only members of the committee. Second, Kavanaugh cannot be in the room. And finally, Kavanaugh must go first.

Noticeably absent though from that list is one of their initial demands for a full investigation first, then a hearing, which Democrats have agreed with.


SEN. KIRSTEN GILLIBRAND, D—N.Y.: We have to get to the bottom of this as Americans before we put someone on the Supreme Court for life.


FISHER: But Republicans say the committee has offered to let her testify in whatever setting that makes her feel the comfortable either a public or private hearing. And they believe that that should be enough.


SEN. MARCO RUBIO. R—FLA.: Ultimately if that doesn't happen, number one, she shouldn't be criticized for not doing it. Number two, we can't force her and we shouldn't to. But then the Senate has to move forward based on the information we have before us.


FISHER: Either way regardless of whether or not this hearing on Monday actually happens, the White House remains very confident that Kavanaugh will still be confirmed as the next Supreme Court justice. But boy, Sean, it is getting ugly on both sides.

HANNITY: All right, Kristin Fisher in Washington. Thank you for that report. By the way, the president is going to sit down with us in just about a minute or two, so we are told, when he does we'll bring it live.

Joining us now with reaction author of the new book "Spygate: The Attempted Sabotage of Donald J. Trump," former Secret Service agent, NRA TV contributor and friend to the program, Dan Bongino, former White House press secretary, a man that has been in a lot of fights and fires himself, Ari Fleischer, is with us.

Ari, you know Judge Kavanaugh. You've heard him describe a very different man by people who knew him from high school, through the Bush administration, through the time he has been a judge. It's got to be very troubling. You knew him personally, know him personally. What are your thoughts on all of this?

ARI FLEISCHER, FORMER WHITE HOUSE PRESS SECRETARY: Well, you know, I served with Brett in the White House and this is not Brett Kavanaugh. This is just, it doesn't makes any sense to me that Brett would never act like that. It's not his nature, it's not his personality.

And so this whole thing comes as quite a shock to me. And I think Brett is chomping at the bit, go before judiciary, and say this wasn't him. He never did any of these things. That's what he said already and I think he can't wait to say it for the country to watch it.

HANNITY: I think it's right to take it seriously. The president has shown the proper seriousness of it. The Senate judiciary committee -- Republicans have. If anybody has not been serious here, Dan Bongino, it's been people like Dianne Feinstein. They had this in July. Even tonight still, they have not shared the unredacted letter that she got back in July. And the fact that they don't criticize Keith Ellison, the number two at the DNC, recent allegations not 36 years ago.

DAN BONGINO, FORMER SECRET SERVICE AGENT: Yes, Sean, you're right. They should be taken seriously and they have been. It's the Democrats that continue to move the goalpost here. There are two things that jump out to me. Number one, why would you demand that Brett Kavanaugh go first? Brett Kavanaugh defending himself and needs to counter these allegations.

How is he going to counter the allegations if he don't -- if he doesn't know what the allegations are. And secondly, the prior demands for an FBI investigations. I did backgrounds when I was a federal agent, they did not do criminal backgrounds. They do criminal history backgrounds. They are completely different. This is not a criminal investigation. They're setting up a bunch of obstacles. They know that the Republicans can't possibly meet.

HANNITY: Unbelievable. You know, look, if we are going to this, I see the list of demands that they've been changing. At first the attorney who is very political, the attorney didn't believe Paula Jones, the attorney Ms. Katz also defended Al Franken. That she's donated, you know, tens and thousands of dollars to Democrats, which is fine, Ari, but she's not consistent on the issue.

Nor is Kirsten Gillibrand, or Kamala Harris, or all the people that supported Bill Clinton all these years. Juanita Broaddrick very profoundly tweeted out this week, "Where is my FBI investigation?"

FLEISCHER: This does shows the undying hypocrisy of the Democrats. And listen, frankly, I think what's motivating Democrats in the Senate is not justice and not right or wrong, it's protection of senators in red states who are up for re-elections where Donald Trump has won those states.

That's what's motivating the Democrats here, is to push these back beyond the election cycle which is why Dianne Feinstein sat on this issue, it's why it's an 11th hour demand, which is why they seek to delay the hearings with every step they can take. And that's probably what's going on now with these negotiations.

Remember, we're not hearing from Fr. Ford. We are hearing from the lawyers who are Democratic donors about what they see the ground rules must be. This is all designed it seems to me, to protect those democrats so they do not have to take the hard road before the election.

HANNITY: Dianne Feinstein said today, Dan Bongino, she actually said today, we didn't leak the information. The only people that had the letter were Democrats.


HANNITY: So it wasn't a Republican that leak the information.


HANNITY: Do you think they did it on purpose this as part of--


BONGINO: Yes, this is a--

HANNITY: -- and they do it maybe even against the wishes of Professor Ford. And what does that tell you about it?

BONGINO: Yes. That's an interesting question, Sean. I mean, the Democrats have certainly not been cryptic about their strategy. I mean, you've even seen Senator Hirono come out and say hey, we could leave the seat empty for two years. And now I'm seeing some throw balloons floated that if Kavanaugh is in fact appointed, every case considered in front of this Kavanaugh Supreme Court then would be considered illegitimate.

So this is a lose-lose and it's time for the Republicans to stand up and say, listen, we've given you multiple opportunities, we've taken these charges very seriously, we've given you multiple avenues to testify, we want to hear your story.

But if you don't want to be heard and you want to lay out a bunch of insurmountable conditions for us, then it's going to be difficult for us to hear what you have to say. But no more delays they've got to take this vote.

HANNITY: You know, they are now saying that they want, Ari, they're actually now saying that they have these conditions. Kavanaugh has to go first. Why wouldn't have Judge Kavanaugh have the ability to respond to her accusations.

And should Senator Grassley -- by the way, I think they are very accommodating, which I thought was appropriate. Private, public, will come to you if need be if you are more comfortable. Why does she get it, why do they get to dictate? I would think the logical thing is she speaks and Judge Kavanaugh as being accused gets to respond.

FLEISCHER: Of course that's how it should be. That's called justice. And that's how our court systems works, that's how basic fairness works. If somebody has an accusation to make, and in this case, Professor Ford should be entitled that right to make the accusation.

Now witnesses don't get to determine the rules of the United States Senate, senators do. And there is a bipartisan process for these things and that's where the accuser in this instance, goes first, makes the case, and then in this case, Judge Kavanaugh have the ability to listen not necessarily from the same room, I agree with Professor Ford's lawyers on that. He shouldn't be in the room.

But then he would come in and he'd be in the position to answer the question and rebut the charges haven't heard them. If he hasn't heard them, there is no fairness to the process. He needs to hear them first.

And I think Chairman Grassley has already indicated the Senate is not going to go along with letting her go second. They are going to do if the standard way, the accuser goes first.

HANNITY: You know, Dan Bongino, such as serious accusation. I also believe that we should have, we should be hearing from people that have known Judge Kavanaugh since high school, college, law school, et cetera. I think that would be fair.

BONGINO: Yes. Sean, in my experience, working criminal cases for most of my adult life, usually this is not the type of incident given the seriousness of the charges that just randomly presents itself out of nowhere, Sean.

There is typically a fact pattern in the past, a pattern of behavior, some corroborating a witness, and say this happened to me as well and some other folks. You just don't see this with Kavanaugh and he's entitled to defend himself. And I just think it's odd again, that they want Md. Ford, you know, to be able to -- Kavanaugh to go first. It's very strange.

HANNITY: You know, Ari, sorry. There's actually some amazing music playing in the background. I expect the president -- he's coming in the building -- all right. So I've just been told that the president is walking in now and he's going to sit down with us. And Laura Ingraham has graciously agreed to give us a little bit of her time tonight. And we love her for it. Because the president his detail just came and gave us a two minute warning that he's walking in two minutes.

OK. Let me go to Ari in the meantime. Yes, sir. Ari, go ahead.

FLEISCHER: Go ahead, Sean. I think he has a question.

HANNITY: You know, Ari, we've watched all of this happen before, we've seen it happen with Judge Bork, we've seen it happen with Clarence Thomas. Now it's happening again. Just like two or four years Republicans are racist, sexist, misogynist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamophobic. So it is out of the playbook.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: And this question about why did Dianne Feinstein sit on this information. I think she sat on it because she wanted to take advantage and pushing this back beyond the election. So she waited until last minute. If you are a United States senator and you get a letter like the one that she got, you have a constitutional obligation as the Senator who has the power to advice and consent to immediately confront, to go to Judge Kavanaugh and say this is what I have been told.

Is it true? She failed to take any of those basic constitutional actions. So you have to forgive Republicans when they say we smell politics here. Now that might not be the case, but the press.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: -- certainly is the case for the Democrats.


HANNITY: It would be fair to take it seriously. All right, we're going to leave it -- Laura Ingraham has been very gracious, gave us an extra minute of time. But the President is walking in. He's coming right up to the set as we speak, if we can get a camera on him. President Trump has just walked in and is coming over to our network. We want to thank Laura Ingraham very publicly for giving us extra time to interview the President, who is walking right up to the set as we speak.

There he is, the Commander In Chief, and here comes the music, and here come the flags. Obviously, a lot of -- the crowd in this arena is huge as we come to you from the Vegas Convention Center. Mr. President, how are you sir? It is an honor to see you, wave to the fake news media.


HANNITY: It's great to see you, how are you? Do want to sit? Do you want to stand? What do you want to do?

TRUMP: Stand. Stand. Where is your camera? Tell me.


HANNITY: First, you can thank Laura Ingraham who has given us extra Hannity time tonight.

TRUMP: Well, she's very special. And she's doing well.

HANNITY: You know what, she's doing well. She's a big supporter of yours. What do you make of where the Kavanaugh hearings are now? There's a new set of demands that have come out.

TRUMP: I think it is a very sad situation. He is an outstanding person. And frankly, Sean, to see what is going on is just very, very sad. You say why didn't somebody call the FBI 36 years ago? I mean you could also say when did this all happen, what is going on? To take a man like this and -- with that being said, let her have her say and let's see how it all works out.

But I don't think you can delay it any longer. They've delayed it a week already.


HANNITY: And you have been very accommodating.

TRUMP: I have been very accommodating. I say let her say what she has to say, and let's see how it all comes out. But they've delayed it a week, and they have to get on with it.

HANNITY: Well, Mr. President, you are dealing with a lot of good economic news today. And there is a lot of media people, it seems like all they ever talk about -- and John Solomon and Sara Carter broke the big story tonight.

TRUMP: Great people.

HANNITY: And what they're saying is, is that even the intelligence community and the FBI didn't want to give the intel to the Obama administration because there were conflicts, and they would weaponize it against you. That is our new information.

TRUMP: Well, I am not surprised to hear it. If you look at what has been going on over the last couple of years, and I am not just talking about from the time I won the presidency. This took place when I was winning in the primaries. I mean you look at what is going on. I am not surprised to hear anything.

HANNITY: Before the election, after the election, even the media leak strategy. Lisa Page had testified that for nine months they had no evidence at all whatsoever. But it seems to be coming to an end.

TRUMP: Well, it has to come to an end. It is so bad for our country. I call it the witch hunt. It is so bad for our country. And when you see Strzok and Page and McCabe with these lies, they get fired for lying. You see all of the things, I mean Comey for lying and leaking. You see what went on. It has to come to an end, so bad for our country.

HANNITY: The irony in all of this is I have been uncovering all of this, when you think about it. Clinton bought and paid for, used funneled money, a dossier, foreign national put it together. They never verified. They never corroborated. And it was the bulk of information you have now said declassify and redact it. How soon will not be coming?

TRUMP: Well, we are moving along. We're working along. We are also dealing with foreign countries that do have a problem. I must tell you. I got called today from two very good allies saying please, can we talk. It is not as simple as all of that. And we do have to respect their wishes. But it will all come out.

HANNITY: You know what? Elections are about peace and prosperity. Your economic record, I talked about it earlier in the show tonight. Record low unemployment, 14 states, American African-Americans, Hispanic-Americans, women, youth, unemployment, we have great news on the economy. Better news with Kim Jong-Un. He is not firing rockets over Japan.

TRUMP: Well, with -- honestly, Korea, North Korea, South Korea, things are working out very nicely.


HANNITY: Tough sanctions against Russia and the Iranian economy, and the Chinese economy are both going down as you have taken a tough stand.

TRUMP: Well, it is time to take a stand on China. We have no choice. You know it has been a long time. They have been hurting us. And our farmers are great. And our farmers are starting to do very well again. It is very interesting. But we are putting very, very heavy sanctions and other things on various countries. And we are getting along with some countries.

But we have been ripped off, Sean, by the world. All of these countries, for years and years, and we can't do it anymore.


HANNITY: Getting better deals with Mexico.

TRUMP: Good deal with, good for both, good for Mexico, good for us, everybody is happy. NAFTA was a disaster. We lost thousands of plans. We lost millions of jobs. NAFTA was a disaster. We have renegotiated it. We are in the process of working that one with Canada. We will see what happens with Canada. Canada has been tough.

They charge 300 percent tariffs on dairy products, our farmers no good. You can't do that. So we will probably be able to -- we'll see what happens.


TRUMP: Go ahead.

HANNITY: I will ask one last question. There are a lot of people in this arena waiting for you, as you can see. I will ask one final question.

TRUMP: Anything for you.

HANNITY: Forty seven days from now is the midterm elections, 47 days. We know what the agenda the Democrats are. They want to go after you. They want endless investigations. They want to keep ObamaCare. They want to eliminate ICE. They want open borders. They want the crumbs back, your tax cuts. And my question is -- the questions that every American ought to ask is are we better off than we were two years ago?

What do you say to those people that love you but maybe aren't so hot on the Republican House or Senate member?

TRUMP: You have to go out and vote. We need more Republicans. We will get everything we want. We need more Republicans. You want to protect your second amendment. You want to protect everything. You want to protect all of the great success that you have had over the last -- little more than a year and a half. Think of it. We are coming up -- can you believe it, on two years when you I started talking.


HANNITY: Actually three when you came down the escalator.

TRUMP: Yeah, if you talk about the campaign itself. But I will say this. You have to protect. Look at what is going on with the Supreme Court. If we are not there because we are all together as a group, if we are not there to protect, it is going to be some really bad day for this country. So we are protecting. But we made tremendous -- you know the stock market today, it's a good day to do an interview, because the stock market today hit the highest level in its history, today.

Now did you work this interview out specifically for that? But it was up very big today, but it hit the highest -- all of the markets today hit the highest level. Now 401Ks are up 57 percent in a short period of time, if the Democrats get in, those numbers will be cut in half. You will see bad things.


HANNITY: Obama never made -- only President in history that never made three percent GDP growth in a year. All right, the budget negotiations are you going to demand -- you challenge Republicans, fund the wall completely? Will you insist on it?

TRUMP: We are getting 1.6 billion. We're continuing -- we spent $3.2 billion. We're continuing to build the wall. I would like to do it. I could do it so quickly. I like to do it one piece. The Democrats are holding us back. I am told by Republican leadership, and I hope they do it because a lot of people are counting -- see the people with the wall. I want the wall too.

HANNITY: Yeah. They've got it down.

TRUMP: They will do it immediately after the election. We have got a billion six. A lot of money, but not when it comes to.


HANNITY: You already got three billion you spent.

TRUMP: We have got 3.2 billion. It's being built. We've got a billion six. But we have to do much better than that, because we can do it very quickly. And you know the bottom line, we need it. The Democrats, they want open borders. They want people coming in. That means crime. We are the opposite. You have to have a border. You don't have a border, you don't have a country. You know that.

HANNITY: Security.


HANNITY: It's about -- and you want a door in your wall.

TRUMP: It is going to have lots of doors. People are going to come in, but they are going to come in through merit. And they have to come it because we have companies moving in from all over the world. They are coming back to the United States. The biggest companies, Foxconn, the biggest companies in the world are coming back. We need people, but they have to come in through merit.

HANNITY: Mr. President, thank you. And can you thank Laura again. She's probably going to be mad at me.

TRUMP: Laura, I love your show. I watch it all the time. And you know what, you are special. You really are. It is a good combination.

HANNITY: Thank you, Mr. President. I know this crowd, are you ready to hear the President? Thank you, sir. We appreciate you. Thank you so much. All right, that is all the time we have left this evening. We are always fair and balanced. We're not the destroy-Trump media. Laura Ingraham, I really owe you, don't I?

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