President treating ObamaCare failure like campaign issue?

This is a rush transcript from "The Five," November 18, 2013. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

DANA PERINO, CO-HOST: Hello, everyone. I'm Dana Perino, along with Kimberly Guilfoyle, Bob Beckel, Eric Bolling, and I think that's Greg Gutfeld.

It's 5 o'clock in New York City. And this is "The Five."


PERINO: Twelve more days until we hit the president's self-imposed deadline of getting working. The administration promised it would be up and running by November 30th. And by up and running, they mean 80 percent of the time.

Jay Carney was asked about that today.


JAY CARNEY, WHITE HOUSE PRESS SECRETARY: You're looking at that statistic simplistically because the issue here is, can we make the Web site function effectively for the vast majority of users who go on it?


PERINO: There are very few Democrats have called for heads to roll over this mess, but one of them is Robert Gibbs, the president's former press secretary, who said this this morning.


ROBERT GIBBS, FORMER WHITE HOUSE PRESS SECRETARY: I think they're going to have to hold somebody accountable for the botched rollout and the Web site not working. Somebody at HHS, or a group of people at CMS.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: You think somebody should lose their job?

GIBBS: I think if this were to happen in the private sector, somebody would have probably already lost their job. And I think the only way to restore ultimate confidence in going forward is to make sure that whoever was in charge of this isn't in charge of the long-term health care.


PERINO: Last Friday, 39 House Democrats voted with Republicans on the Keep Your Plan Act. And facing that kind of opposition, tonight, the president is going to try to rally his partisan troops with a conference call from the White House.

Let me first play this sound bite from former Speaker Pelosi, Minority Leader Pelosi, and then David Plouffe from the Sunday shows. They think that the Democrats don't have a problem. Listen to this.


REP. NANCY PELOSI (D-CA), MINORITY LEADER: I don't think you can tell what will happen next year but I will tell you this -- Democrats stand tall in support of the Affordable Care Act. We have great candidates who are running.

DAVIUD PLOUFFE, OBAMA SENIOR ADVISOR: We could be in a much different place three or four months from now. No doubt this is an enormously challenging time. I think the political notion, by the way, that next year's election or 2016, the Republican platform's going to be getting rid of health case, millions of people will be signed up. It's an impossibility.


PERINO: All right. I'm going to start with Bob today, because -- Bob, it was your birthday last week. You've had a great weekend. Here you are, hitting the ground running.

Tell us -- do you believe Speaker Pelosi when she says the Democrats are standing tall and that David Plouffe when he says they've got nothing to worry about?

BOB BECKEL, CO-HOST: I tell you one thing about Democrats, they are very disciplined. They had a caucus. They -- the ones that voted for the Republican bill are ones who clearly, most of whom, are in marginal districts. So, they did that.

I think, though, what Plouffe said has some merit here. By the time you get to the elections, there will be millions of people who will be signed up for this thing. For better or for worse, they will be signed up. And that means you're going to be taking on people who now have insurance because of the Affordable Care Act. And do you really want to take them on?

PERINO: Well, Eric, every day that goes by, we get a little bit closer, because of all the fixes that the administration is announcing -- a little bit closer to what Republicans are asking for in the first place.

ERIC BOLLING, CO-HOST: OK, first, regarding what Plouffe said, Bob, you're assuming millions will sign up. I can't make that assumption, number one. And number two, maybe millions will be thrown off their insurance also because the first month and a half, 5 million have been thrown off.

Two pieces of news that you pointed out, the fixes. Nancy Pelosi said you have to pass it before you find out what's in it -- she was right. Over the weekend, we found out this risk corridor.

Risk corridor basically says if you're an insurance company, you're supposed to take on high-risk -- high-risk people. And for that risk, the government will back you up. If you take on people with pre-existing conditions and it costs you a lot of money as an insurer, ObamaCare will pay you on the back side of it. We didn't know it was even in there. We found out this weekend that's in there.

And the other one is that now, they're talking about, the Obama administration's talking about going around the Web site now. Now, you can probably go at some point directly to the insurers which, Dana, you and I talked about in the green room --

PERINO: That's what we said all along.

BOLLING: Is that what we've been saying?

PERINO: Yes, that's what we wanted to do, too.

BECKEL: What are you talking about? You said 5 million now. There's going to be -- the upside of more people losing their health insurance is much lower than the number who are going to get health insurance.

BOLLING: Incorrect.

PERINO: Not according to Congressional Budget Office.


BOLLING: It could 93 million people.

BECKEL: Oh, 93 million, come on.

PERINO: So risk corridor?


PERINO: Only in Washington can they come up with language like this.

GUTFELD: Sounds like a Stallone movie.

PERINO: Basically, it's corporate welfare.

GUTFLD: Risk corridor.

PERINO: The government gets you coming and going. If you are a citizen and you sign up, you probably will qualify for a subsidy.


PERINO: And then if you are a business and you're having a hard time meeting those demand, you also can get money from the government. So, at this point, isn't the government just trying to take everything over?

GUTFELD: Yes. Well, here's -- I go back to what I've said many times. The Web site is just a cough. The disease is liberalism. And sooner or later, they're going to be able to get the cough syrup and cure the cough. But what's left is this tumor, this progressivism which is eating America from the inside.

I think what somebody has to make clear is they need to expose the direction of the White House, liberalism, as Flintstonian. Right now, if you spend a weekend the way I did, I used iTunes, I used Seamless, I used Netflix, I used Hulu for getting my food, for getting movies.

I had thousands upon thousands of options before me that I could use to make my life better. I chose the food for thousands of menus in the city. I picked the songs that I wanted, the movies that I watched. That's the way --

KIMBERLY GUILFOYLE, CO-HOST: Who's better than you?

GUTFELD: No, but what I'm saying, that is the direction of our country is options. And meanwhile, what you have is a White House that going in the opposite direction. A one-size-fits-all model that is basically patterned after East Germany.

Somebody has to point out that he is going in the wrong direction.

GUILFOYLE: But they don't care. That's the problem. It's like me trying to shove last year's winter boots on Ronin, they just didn't work, they just don't fit.

PERINO: I thought you were going to talk about my jeans.


PERINO: Yes, you're putting on my jeans.

Let me ask you something about the president's poll numbers. Because across the board today, look -- even after the president announced his fix on Thursday, over the weekend, all the different polling groups came out and said the president's approval numbers continue to at least slide. Who knows if that will stabilize over this week.

Let's listen to Senator Gillibrand who was on yesterday who said that they all knew about the lie all along. Let's listen.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Did you feel misled by Obama?

SEN. KIRSTEN GILLIBRAND (D), NEW YORK: He should have just been more specific, because the point is, if you're being offered a terrible health care plan that the minute you get sick you're going to have to go to bankruptcy, those plans should never be offered.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: So were you misled?

GILLIBRAND: He should have just been specific. No, we all knew. The whole point of the plan is to cover things that people need, like preventive care, birth control, pregnancy.


PERINO: I like her a lot.


PERINO: I think she is a breath of fresh air. But I'm concerned that they don't understand the depth of anger across the country about plans being canceled and the government saying, well, of course we knew, but it should be -- it should just be OK?

GUILFOYLE: Well, apparently America's become collateral damage for this administration and whatever they need to do to achieve their goals and effectuate their goals, they're going to do it. If some people suffer, get left behind, who are uninsured, or get sick in the process, that is just what's necessary to get to their end game.

And that's what I think. That's like 80 percent is not good enough. What if 80 of iPhones worked? What if 80 percent of pacemakers worked?

I mean, these are unacceptable standards that they feel are OK to put on everyday America.

BECKEL: Eighty percent through one way to get it. And there's other ways to get it.

But the other thing is, a lot of these insurance plans that have been canceled, they should have been canceled, I agree. But they are substandard policies. And the fact of the matter is that people are going to find that choices are much bigger than they had before, and they're going to be much better insurance plans.

GUTFELD: That could be -- that logic could be applied to my diet. You could actually say that, you know what, the choices that I make over the weekend are substandard and you know better than me. That's what you're saying.

BOLLING: What makes them substandard? Because a guy -- a 60-year-old guy doesn't want to cover maternity leave --

BECKEL: Sixty percent of the bankruptcies in America are directly attributable to medical --

PERINO: No, what about his question?

BOLLING: My point is ObamaCare wants people to spread the risk around. Spread the payments and spread the risk. So people who have higher risk are being supported by people who have lower risks, higher payments. It's really --

GUILFOYLE: It's socialized medicine!

BOLLING: Socialism and socialized medicine absolutely. It's never worked in anything. What makes you think --


BECKEL: Can you get off --

GUTFELD: No, the point, Bob, this is what it is --


BOLLING: Why is an insurance plan that I pick, where I want, how I want to be insured, how much I want to pay in a deductible, why is that substandard? Why you -- how are you going to tell me --


BECKEL: Because a good example is the woman in Florida who was highlighted as having her premiums go up by 10 times when, in fact, she now says I'm glad I didn't lose that --

BOLLING: What's the point? I don't get the point.

BECKEL: What I'm saying is there are a lot of substandard plans that they're going to bankrupt people and they have. Sixty percent of the bankruptcies in America are directly attributable to health care costs.

PERINO: Why did the president then come out and do a big press conference last week, Bob, and say, OK, he had this quasi-apology and they said, OK, we're going to allow the insurance companies, you can sell your old plans back, that's fine, you can have them, which is what people wanted in the first place, a choice.

BECKEL: Pure politics.

PERINO: OK. So, now, we get back to, is there any issue over the past year, Benghazi, IRS, Syria, any policy that the White House has put forward that didn't all come down to politics?

BECKEL: No, I certainly don't think that Syria did by a long shot. I think he reacted appropriately. I think he should have launched but he didn't.

PERINO: Right. But was that a political decision?

BECKEL: No, a political decision to go into Syria? Is that a popular political decision? Not even close.

PERINO: I'm just giving -- I'm just saying that I think tonight's phone call, Eric, the partisan group, Organizing for Action, this is his army of people he's going to try to rally them tonight from the White House. The people that have had their substandard plans canceled are not necessarily Republican or Democrat. I have no idea who they are.

But I think that --

BECKEL: You all see the numbers pretty clearly.

PERINO: But -- what?

BECKEL: You don't have anything with that, but you know there are 5 million of them --


PERINO: Yes, but they're not identified as partisan.

BOLLING: And not only that, Bob, they're not all substandard --

BECKEL: How do you know that 5 million is the right number?

BOLLING: It's been reported.

PERINO: Because they have to report it. The companies have to report it.

BOLLING: That's indisputable. You can't spin --

BECKEL: Five million people reported it?


BOLLING: So far, yes.

BECKEL: To who?

BOLLING: The insurance company has to tell -- they have to tell the administration --

BECKEL: You have 5 million figure?

BOLLING: So far, in six weeks or seven weeks, 5 million.


PERINO: My favorite thing is arguing facts.

GUILFOYLE: Those are the numbers.

BOLLING: Just put this out there though. I got invited three times to this conference call, three different times.

PERINO: Are you joining?

BOLLING: No, I'm not joining.

PERINO: It's not a conference call, either. In today's day and age, it's a press conference.

BOLLING: No, it's a press conference, but three types I've been asked to join this thing. I'm not going to do it because the bottom line is there's no way this will work out for them. I don't even want to hear it, until they get back to what we've been talking about from the very beginning, allow insurance companies to sell insurance across state lines and stop the mandate crap. You can't mandate this especially when you're supposed to make a payment by January 1st, right?

PERINO: December 15th.


BOLLING: You have to have made a payment by then.

BECKEL: And that's except 40 million people uninsured, that's what you're saying?

BOLLING: That's what you're going to have anyway --

GUILFOYLE: They're not going to collect on it.

PERINO: So you have -- it's a different number every night we talk about. So, it's 30 million, 45 million, sometimes saying 50 million were uninsured. Congressional Budget Office said even after ObamaCare, 30 million will be uninsured. Now, you have people who are actually insured, responsible citizen who are now, they're insured too. So what have we accomplished?

In this A-block, I would say a lot.

What do you think?


Oh, I'm sorry, I was thinking about what I was going to eat for dinner.

PERINO: You just had a banner weekend.

GUTFELD: Yes, it was pretty good.

PERINO: What was the worst thing you ate?

GUTFELD: I had ribs. I watched "Pacific Rim" which is an excellent film. It has like these dinosaurs fighting robots underwater. It was incredible.

PERINO: Wow, did you watch that sober?

GUTFELD: Yes, I did.

PERINO: That sounds like a great movie.

BECKEL: That's good thing to put in this ObamaCare discussion.

PERINO: I'm just trying to get out of here graciously.

All right. Coming up, Hollywood hothead Alec Baldwin can't keep himself out of trouble. He went nuts on yet another reporter for trying to ask him a couple questions. We've got that tape.

And also, a FOX exclusive interview with Toronto's crack-smoking mayor. I can't believe I said that.


ROB FORD, TORONTO MAYOR: I'm not an addict. I'm not an alcoholic. I'm not a drug addict. Maybe some people are, but I'm not.


GUTFELD: Love him.

PERINO: Must-see TV ahead on "The Five."

GUILFOYLE: Pretty funny, though, right?

PERINO: Maybe some people are.


GUILFOYLE: As the ObamaCare ship continues to sink, once loyal passengers have started to jump overboard.

First, the media. Take a look at this quote, all right?

Politico, "ObamaCare's threat to liberalism."

The A.P., "Obama health care woes become credibility fight."

And National Journal, "Incompetence, deception and lack of accountability still hound White House and health reform."

And also, there's these: check out this video from campus reform, an historically black college, Boise State University.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: It's Obama's fault. You haven't done anything, Obama, and I'm disappointed in you.

REPORTER: So, what are you going to do for health insurance now?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Not get it (ph).

REPORTER: ObamaCare's expected to cost about $3,000 a year. Do you think you can afford that?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I can't afford anything right now. I can't even afford my loans.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: We don't have that money. We can barely afford books.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: He said he is for people but actually he's not. He's actually putting money in white people's pocket instead of like, you know, putting (ph) money and helping black people out.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: When it was hyped up to be that it would solve a lot of problems, you know, help a lot of people, and it's not really doing it.


GUILFOYLE: All right. So, problematic. You can't deny whether you're going to get your, you know, sources from a variety, across the board. You're going to see that it's pretty uniform, that people are voicing criticism and concern.

And even in areas that before used to be very supportive of the president, the administration, any policies he wanted to put fourth. What we have now are even campuses. So, at the school where they're saying, look, we feel abandoned.

Eric, what do you think?

BOLLING: What you saw right there is a microcosm of what's going on, not only on campuses, but anyone who is newly to the job market, anyone who is young, anyone who is healthy, they're going to see these $3,000, $4,000, $5,000 policies per year and say I can't afford it. And then the Obama administration is going to come back and say, but don't worry, we're going to give you tax relief on your income taxes, or relief in the form of stipends later.

But the problem is, you still have to pay. Your deductible, the $3,000 or $4,000, or $5,000 deductible has to come out of your pocket up front.

So, what are they going to do? Are they going to hand out cash saying, in case you get sick, here's $2,000? Just in case you get sick, I'm not -- don't know where it's going to go. It's going to go to a place that's going to be bad for everybody.

BECKEL: There's not one of those kids who could be on their parent's plan if their plants had a plan. But beyond that, campus reform --

TANTAROS: Maybe their parent's plan got canceled.

BECKEL: -- is a right wing Republican operation, and what they edited here was all the negative on Obama --

BOLLING: So, explain to me, Bob --

BECKEL: -- and all the positives I'm sure fell right on the floor.


BECKEL: Why do we keep using these biased right wing outlets?

BOLLING: But tell me this -- so the smallest plan, there's a $3,000 deductible.


BOLLING: You have to pay that first, right? How are these kids going to afford that? You tell me how --

GUILFOYLE: They're not. That's the problem.

BECKEL: They're going to be on their parent's plan until they're 26.

GUILFOYLE: They're in college and they're smart. They figured it out already, the con job.

Greg? Big math --

BOLLING: But you say you have no idea that matters --

BECKEL: I don't believe there's a $3,000 deductible.


BOLLING: Where else is going to go? That's what it is.

BECKEL: Says who?

BOLLING: It's in the -- you got to just look at the plans, Bob. There's a bronze, silver, gold and platinum plan. And it goes from a $2,000 deductible to a $6,000 deductible.

GUILFOYLE: Point is, it's too high. It's catastrophic. Try not to get run over by a car or bus or train because otherwise you're in big trouble. You have to bandy (ph) yourself at home.


GUTFELD: Well, you the problem here, the media and liberals in general have a long-term memory of a goldfish. So just because you have allies and you have people on campus being critical of Obama, don't think for a minute they're going to run into the open arms of Sarah Palin, they're going to find another crazy leftist to fall in love with. Someone who's going to be just as progressive as President Obama because that's what always happens. They refuse to learn from history.

The challenge for Republicans and conservatives is they got to be able to explain to young America and rouse them from this once exceptional beast, from their slumber of dependency. Because right now, it's what Plouffe said in the A-block, he said, don't worry, they're going to have their health insurance. They're going to have -- they're going to already be addicted to another arm of dependency. So, don't -- like, listening to this idea that it's the end of the world for liberals, that's just going to kill your ambition.

This stuff is still going to go on. It's still going on. The Republicans may think they're going to win by a landslide but if they think that way, they're going to lose big.

GUILFOYLE: OK, but let me put this out though. Let's listen to Mark Shields on ObamaCare saying it's actually a threat to liberalism. We didn't hear this kind of thing before.

Take a listen.


MARK SHIELDS, SYNDICATED COLUMNIST: If this goes down if the Obama -- if health care, the affordable care act is deemed a failure this is the end -- I really mean it -- of liberal government in the sense of -- any sense that government as an instrument of social justice, an engine of economic progress, which is what divides Democrats from Republicans. That's what Democrats believe.


GUILFOYLE: OK, Bob is sound like he has a condition over here --

BECKEL: Well, no, Dana has a chance to weigh in.

PERINO: That's all right.

OK, I would say a couple things. Remember that the reason ObamaCare started, the stated reason, was to help bring down health care costs, and to help make sure that people didn't go bankrupt if they ended up getting sick. That's how kids think. That they'll just try not to get sick or, you know, they don't understand things actually end up happen to you. But you learn that later in life.

I think the bigger concern is unemployment number. And President Obama continues to oversee an economy that is very anemic. In "The New York Times," on the front page yesterday, was an article that was very chilling, about long-term unemployed, 4 million people.

When they first lose their job within the first six month, they have a 20 percent chance of find a job. After six months, it goes down to about 10 percent.

And you are seeing people who are now unemployed for about four or five years. They've eaten up all of their savings. They can't get Medicaid. They can't a fix to bode because they can't find a place to live. They're exasperated their family's goodwill.

And I think this bigger problem for students not being able to find a job and their parents being unable to find a job which means they can't have health insurance for kids to be on their insurance until they're 26. It's a lot bigger problem than we're able to deal with in a five-minute block.

GUILFOYLE: All right.

This is a Brokaw -- really quick, Bob, and I'm going to get to you -- because just when you think you can't get any worse, here's Brokaw.

Bob --


TOM BROKAW, NBC NEWS: Well, there have been several points but this is certainly a low point at a critical time coming into the 2014 elections and a lot of Democrats beginning to bail on the idea of ObamaCare.

I would think, given the importance of ObamaCare or the Affordable Care Act, eight months ago, the president would have started every meeting with, how we doing? Is that going to be ready?

Suddenly, it landed the way that it did, in utter chaos, and it's not going to be an easy fix, is just inexplicable.



BECKEL: Mark Shields is a good friend of mine, and I've admired his work over the years. But the idea that liberalism is dead because of ObamaCare, I keep hearing these rumors about things dead. Conservativism was dead after 2008. And it came back.

Liberalism may take a shot this time but it will be back. It will always be a formidable force in American politics.

GUTFELD: It's a cyclical nature of politics. The arrogance of one party leads to the rebuilding of another, if the other party actually tries to rebuild itself. But nothing unites a couple more than watching another couple fight. And that's why when the Republicans squabble, there's nothing happier than a liberal. And the media delights in internal conflict.

And that's why the Republicans have to let them focus on the turmoil of the left by WTF, "win then fight."

BOLLING: OK, I'm just going to reiterate the point that when young people, even when young families, think about your family out there, maybe a family of two or three or four and you have to come up with $3,000 or $4,000 extra in deductible you have to put forward first. You're going to walk away from this. You're just going to say, what have we done, Bob?

BECKEL: What were they doing two years ago?

BOLLING: What do you mean were they doing two years ago?

PERINO: Their plans got canceled?

BOLLING: No, they had plans they were paying for.


BECKEL: This is a problem with this. It gets back to the notion that somehow we had a good health care delivery system, but it was lousy.


BOLLING: That you were calling subpar now.

BECKEL: They were subpar. They were subpar.


PERINO: Health insurance gave people the reassurance that they were being responsible and that they will be able to take care of their families in something happens. After this past month, that has been eroded completely and that's reflected in the president's numbers and will continue to be until their force backing this, which I don't know what's going to be. I don't know what it's going to end up happening.

But this -- it will not be allowed to stand as it is.

GUILFOYLE: All right. We're going to leave you're right there. Ladies and gentlemen, the hold, B-block, right? Not bad.

All right. More Hollywood hypocrisy directly ahead. Matt Damon takes on the Bush family -- big mistake -- in a new rant about public school education but he didn't do his homework. We're going to give him a fact check.

Plus, an Alec Baldwin alert when "The Five" returns.

Stay with us.


GUTFELD: So, a while back, Jeb Bush nailed Matt Damon for saying all kids should go to public school except for his own of course. Damon brings it up again.


MATT DAMON, ACTOR: The private school I send my kids to is the thing closest to the public school that I went to that I could find. And that's why I send my kids to private school. I wish I didn't have to. It's expensive.

And I also want to -- my kids to be part of -- you know, of their local community.

So that was a criticism. I think it was Jeb Bush tweeted that. And then he retracted it pretty quickly.

Although I'd eat my shoe if he could name a Bush that ever even walked into a public school but that's another story.


GUTFELD: Better start basting those loafers, Matt. This is all melting over.

Several Bushes actually went to public school. Even if every Bush went to a private one, it's not like they're saying only they get to go, which is why Matt's faulty logic wilts like his last three films.

Thank God shoes don't count as a carb, Matt. It won't ruin your diet when you eat it.

Which brings us to Alec Baldwin, a fungy reactor always on meltdown. Fresh from an anti-gay rant, he lost it once again this weekend.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Alec, you see that woman there? That's the one who almost hit me with the microphone in the face.

ALEC BALDWIN, ACTOR: You're the one that almost hit my wife with a microphone in a face?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I did not almost hit your wife.

BALDWIN: Oh, you didn't? Yes?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I honestly did not.

BALDWIN: You want to apologize? I asked you a question. Do you want to apologize to I asked you a question. OK, get the (EXPLETIVE DELETED) out of here.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: -- nothing wrong. I did nothing wrong.


BALDWIN: Another idiot --


GUTFELD: As mentally disheveled as his hair.

Now, Alec has been a creep to people. He was especially cruel to the late Andrew Breitbart for reasons that were as cowardly as they with vile.

But I'll defend Baldwin, for the only thing worse than its tantrums are the mobs they attract. Baldwin shows the difference between words and fighting words. Fighting words are just, with little meaning within them.

The problem with Baldwin, without a script, those are the only words he knows. He's just a bucket of feted swirling resentment. Hence, instead of delivering a joke, he becomes one, like desperately seeking a hair dresser to play his gay friend.


BALDWIN: This is my hairdresser Nick.

Nick, let me ask you a critical question. Do you think I'm a homophobe?


BALDWIN: Thank you, Nick.



GUTFELD: That is such a lie. You can tell he has no hair dresser. Look at his hair.

Now, both Damon and Baldwin share the same disease. The idiocy they spout isn't directed at you or me but actually themselves. They rage against the sins of hypocrisy that they commit each day, for it eats them up inside. All you can do is laugh and you know that they hold you in higher regard than they do themselves.

So, Dana, basically, Matt Damon to me reflects the perfect cloistered celebrity liberal. And that you must bear the brunt of his beliefs but he doesn't.

PERINO: It's all relativism, too, you know, when he says, well, the private school to, even though it's really expensive. He's a multi- gazillionaire.


PERINO: Now, I'm for public school having championed. I think that's a really good idea. I also think that -- I don't care if he sends his kids to private school or not. But to try to rationalize it and to make everybody else feel bad I think is ridiculous. What I don't understand for all of these guys, especially for Alec Baldwin, is, whey don't they just move?


PERINO: Alec Baldwin obviously hates living here. I mean, he gets in trouble every week. They have the means to be able to leave a little bit outside the city and you can have a car and driver.

GUTFELD: Yes, I don't know.

K.G., do you think Matt should own up and eat this shoe?

GUIFOYLE: Yes, and he can eat it. It has no heels. So I'm not interested.

GUTFELD: Yes, this is not yours.

GUILFOYLE: Look, it wasn't -- no, it's not. Thank you.

It wasn't one of his finer moments, put it that way. I mean, I think generally speaking, I met him. He's a nice guy. But he's going way out on the limb, and he has not facts to support it and he was grossly wrong because Jena and Barbara Bush both went to public school, right? And then W. at one point as well.

PERINO: Well, also, where they live, there were good public schools for them to go. And in a lot of places, that doesn't exist, and that's what I think Jeb Bush and Matt Damon are actually to work for.

GUILFOYLE: Which is true and we'd all like that, better schools that aren't with crowded classroom.

GUTFELD: Not me, I want all schools to be bad. I want bad kids.

Bob, Baldwin is an angry scattered soul. MSNBC suspended him for I don't know a couple weeks.

GUILFOYLE: Two weeks.

GUTFELD: Should though have done that, knowing what they were getting into? I mean, they knew what he was.

BECKEL: I don't know why they picked him in the first place. I mean, you knew this was a ticking time bomb ready to go off. It's gone off every month for as far I can remember. So, I think they get what they deserve.


Eric, parading a hair dresser.

BOLLING: His hairdresser.

GUTFELD: Yes, imagine if you did something like this. Oh, here's my gay friend, the hair dresser. You would be laughed off the planet.

BOLLING: Quick thought on Alec Baldwin, first. I think the guy's glutton for the attention. He'll take any attention. I guess it's an addiction, right, where even if it's bad, he'll take it. He gets a lot of attention for it. We know it's all about it. Hot heads.

On Matt Damon to say public -- you know, public schools are really important and they're great but I'm going to send my kids to private school because it most mimics the public school. It's asinine.

We're not that stupid, Matt Damon. Cut the crap. Bottom line is you want to go there, just go, send your kinds to public schools. I do. I do.

PERINO: Just like be honest and say, yes, I send her to private school because the public school isn't good enough, which is why I'm working on behalf of public schools. It's not that hard.

GUILFOYLE: (INAUDIBLE) he didn't even go to public school. They went to private schools. The same one that Dzhokhar Tsarnaev went to.


BECKEL: But the point is that they've got a good public school in your -- I remember when President Carter sent his daughter to a public school in Washington, D.C., a very good one. I think it depends. If there were not good ones, I suspect he would have send her to a private school.

GUTFELD: All right. We've got to go. Eric's got an update on Canada's most infamous crack head. Toronto's mayor just did an interview with FOX News.

Stick around or Dana will suffocate a hamster.




BOLLING: Thank you, Shepard.

Let's bring it around. The new news, K.G., mayor in name only, as Dana points out, a MINO.


GUILFOYLE: I mean, I guess he can still hand out the cards, but who's making the decision? This is very bizarre. Plus, he's incredibly popular. You saw the footage, out with the crowd, with the games. He's like, our mayor's better than your mayor, neener-neener, neener. I mean, it's a bizarre story. It's a reality show next like Flavor Flav.

BOLLING: Very popular guy. Can we do this? Roll that sound by the of the mayor, I guess, in name only, talking to John Roberts. Watch this.


ROB FORD, TORONTO MAYOR: I admitted to using illegal drugs in the last year, OK, I've admitted to drinking too much, OK. So I'm dealing with it. I am training every day. I am in a gym for two hours every day. I'm seeking professional help.

I'm not an alcoholic. I'm not a drug addict.

Have I had my outbursts in the past? Absolutely I have, John. But you know what, I'm only human. I've made mistakes. I've apologized. That's all I can do.


BOLLING: All right, Robert, illegal drugs, check, drinking too much, check. He's only human.


BECKEL: After seeing that clip with him going over and attacking that woman, I've seen and known a lot of alcoholics in action in my life. He can say what he wants to say. That is an alcoholic and an addict.

BOLLING: All right.

Dana, very popular, also, the numbers since he took office, the unemployment numbers are going down and the property values are going up.

PERINO: I was just curious, so if he's doing all of these things to get better and he's spending time in the gym, when does have time to be mayor?

And when your city becomes an international laughingstock, even if it's a fun distraction for us for a while, it's probably time for him to go.

BOLLING: Can I throw something at you? Would you rather have Rob Ford as the mayor of New York City or de Blasio as mayor?

GUTFELD: No question, Rob Ford.

BOLLING: Rob Ford, right.

GUTFELD: But I have to say, he is giving crack a bad name. But you know what? I would rather take a free market drug addict than an amateur grad student trying to turn the USA into a faculty lounge at Brown.

BOLLING: Everybody.

GUTFELD: Yes, that's for Bob.

BOLLING: All right. Got to leave it there. Still ahead on "The Five", in "The Five", decades -- I'm sorry, let's try that again. In the five decades since the JFK assassination, there have been all kinds of theories about whether Lee Harvey Oswald pulled the trigger and whether he alone acted alone. But what does the Kennedy family think? Surprising answer from JFK's niece when we come back.



UNIDENTIFIED MALE: It appears as, though, something has happened in the motorcade route. Something, I repeat, has happened in the motorcade route. (INAUDIBLE) spread eagle over whoever is in the car. The president and Mrs. Kennedy, as we understand Governor and Mrs. Connally. At this point, it looks as though it could have been one or two or even all of the people in the car may have been the victims. It may have been struck by shots.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: There's only one word to describe the picture here and that's grief and much of it. It's official, as of a few minutes ago, the president of the United States is dead.


BECKEL: That was November 22nd, 1963, a day I'll never forget along with many Americans who were alive that day. It's been almost 50 years since JFK was assassinated.

But the conspiracy theories haven't been laid to rest. People still wonder whether Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone. The late president's niece is one of them. Here's Robert Kennedy's eldest daughter Kathleen Kennedy Townsend on "FOX NEWS SUNDAY".


CHRIS WALLACE, FOX NEWS ANCHOR: Do you believe that Lee Harvey Oswald was the lone assassin?

KATHLEEN KENNEDY TOWNSEND, JFK'S NIECE: I don't know, I don't know. I think it's -- I don't know.

WALLACE: Do you question it?

KENNEDY TOWNSEND: What I -- what we learned from that letter from my father is that we're not -- I'm not going to solve that problem.


BECKEL: I think there's a conspiracy theory that's going to go on until time and memorial.

What do you think, Eric? Do you think there was a conspiracy theory?

BOLLING: I do. I think there are two conspiracies surrounding this. Number one is the that Dems did it because JFK wasn't liberal enough. And the other conspiracy --

BECKEL: That's a good one.

BOLLING: You were pushing to do this segment four days before the anniversary because it's a distraction from ObamaCare debacle.

BECKEL: Thank you very much.

Dana, can we get back on topic?

PERINO: Yes, I really -- I don't know. I've read the -- all the different conspiracies. I wasn't alive then at the time. I'm curious, what do you think happened?

BECKEL: I -- for a long time, thought there probably was some evidence that there were other people involved. I've now come to the conclusion it's been investigated by so many different angles, if there was a conspiracy, it would have gotten out by now.


GUTFELD: People love conspiracies because they're more interesting than facts. The facts are simple. He was a communist. And a lot of people didn't like the fact that he was a communist, because it went -- in "The New York Times," so many media outlet, blame America for this, they blame Dallas for this. I'm surprised "The New York Times" didn't blame the Tea Party for this, that they built a time machine and went back and killed the president because they can't accept the fact that it was something -- an ideology they might have admired behind this.



BECKEL: Good spin.

GUILFOYLE: Here's the deal when you look at something from an investigatory standpoint, and as a former prosecutor, I would look at all the facts and the evidence. There's a lot of speculation. I think you have to be very careful not to go on a wild goose chase unless the evidence supports it.

Could they have done probably a better job, more thorough investigation at the time, perhaps even if they had the technology? Perhaps. But we're left with what we have right now. You know, to work with.

BECKEL: Right.

GUTFELD: The weird thing is the guy getting shot after. That's the thing --

BECKEL: That was, but let's keep in mind that he was somebody who was dying of answer. He was very -- a close admirer of JFK's or RFK's. JFK, excuse me. And he was also allowed in the Dallas police station on a regular basis.

You know, we've got to keep this mind in here. This thing has been investigated. The great the gunman from the grassy knoll out front. It was disproven. There's been a lot of things that have been disproven about -- allegations about this conspiracy.

In my view, as I said, the Warren Commission was a very good and solid commission. I think they got the information. And I think what we now know is enough to say that Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone, but it will never go away.

We're for "One More Thing"?

PERINO: Interesting gesture.



GUILFOYLE: And Bob Beckel --

BECKEL: I also want to say I don't believe my colleagues here, Eric and Greg, really meant those things.

"One More Thing" is up next.


PERINO: OK. Time now for "One More Thing" and Eric is kicking us off.

BOLLING: OK. So, you've probably seen this over the past couple of days, it's gone viral. I'm not sure. Is that banned yet?

PERINO: Yes, viral is banned.

BOLLING: Yes, it's banned.

PERINO: Popular video.

BOLLING: Anyway, look at the little kid, that's little Bo and Theo, the pictures of the kid and the dog sleeping to the. So this morning the family, including mom Jessica were on "FOX & FRIENDS" and this happened.


BOLLING: Jessica, if you want to put one of them down, go ahead, because we just saw. There you go.

No, leave that one. Put the other one down. I'm just kidding.


BOLLING: Can I point something out, Jessica?


BOLLING: Oh, I was just kidding. I was just teasing.


BOLLING: So that was my recommending, no, keep Theo the dog and put Bo on the side. I got beat up all day on the Internet.

But you have to understand something. I'm a dog lover. Look at this picture someone sent to me. My brother-in-law sent this to me today, that's freedom and me.

GUTFELD: Perverted.

BOLLING: We are BFFs. I love that dog.

GUTFELD: What is going on?

BECKEL: (INAUDIBLE) this morning or something?

BOLLING: No, no. The dog and the baby weren't getting along, so she said why don't you try to get rid of one of them, she tried to get rid of the dog, I said no keep the dog.

PERINO: Well, if you go to "The Five" Facebook page, you can see Bob with the dog. Very interesting. It happened last night.

OK, Greg, you're next.

GUTFELD: This show is going to the dogs.

Hey, you know what I got? I got a new iPhone cover. Check it out.

It's -- I don't know who this guy is. It's Cody Simpson. But he's really cool. And I think he's on a skate board and he's going to be the next Justin Bieber. That's my new phone cover.

BOLLING: It's very still.

GUTFELD: I know, it's amazing how I can hold that right now.

You know what we need right now, we probably need a ban phrase. I haven't done one in a while.

Folks, I'm so tired of politicians referring to folks as if they hang out with folks. The people that say folks are never around folks. Just call them people.

BOLLING: Wait, wait, you know who uses those quite often?


BOLLING: Bill O'Reilly.

GUTFELD: Oh, really?

PERINO: Yes, who's looking out for the folks.


GUTFELD: I stand by banning it then.

PERINO: I like folks but I grew up with folks so I can use it.

All right. K.G., you're next.

GUILFOYLE: Awkward moment on "The Five".

OK. So, I've got something I'm very excited about. Kristi Schiller started this amazing program called And she thought about this idea in response to the violence and shootings in schools, that it would be a good idea, nice alternative.

Take a listen to what she has to say about the program.


KRISTI SCHILLER, K9S4KIDS.ORG: I think that K9s provide a softer, gentler alternative to a gun. And I'm sure that there are some teachers out there that are qualified to handle a gun. But I think forcibly asking them to do so just puts our teachers in a bad position.


GUILFOYLE: And that's from the sit-down with Jamie Colby about this organization. And her organization would, in fact, provide the training, pay for the dogs, if you apply to have one of these dogs come to your school. So, it's a very -- it's a unique approach. Children love dogs, and they're specially trained so if a child is allergic or fearful, the dog knows to stay away from that child.

But I think I'm all for making schools safer and protecting our children. So, I think it's a great idea.

GUTFELD: I'm against it.

PERINO: OK, Bob, do you have a dog segment?

BECKEL: No, I don't. I have a much more upsetting date in history.

Thirty-five years ago on this date in Jonestown, Ghana, the -- the People's Temple leader, Jim Jones, convinced about a third to a half of his people to drink Kool-Aid, which was a poisoned batch and 909 people died including a third of those being children.

Now, I was involved in this in a way that Leo Ryan, who was a congressman from San Francisco, who most of the people down there were from his district, kept insisting on going down there. I was in the Carter administration, we asked him not to go for various reasons that I can't disclose here. I went to see Ryan three times said, please don't go down, because if you do you're going to find this thing's going to explode. He went down, it exploded. It ended up with his death and the death of everybody with him except for his administrative assistant.

And 909 other people died, including Jones himself who took his own life.

BOLLING: And that's where we get the phrase drink the Kool-Aid.

GUTFELD: Yes, but the irony of it is, it wasn't Kool-Aid. It was Flavor- Aid.

BECKEL: Flavor Aid, yes.

GUILFOYLE: But everyone says --

PERINO: That is an interesting fact.

GUTFELD: It is an interesting fact.

PERINO: It is an interesting fact. This day in history. I'm going to do something where I call your attention to an issue.

It was an article that I read last week in the religion. Another example of how the government is just going a little bit too far. Department of Transportation putting new rules for truck drivers in regards to how much time they have to rest and they have to sleep. Truck drivers want to be as safe as everybody else. They work really hard to put good equipment on their trucks, they want to -- deliver their goods.

Department of Transportation, please listen to the comments and don't get too onerous.

Thanks for watching. See you tomorrow.

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