President Obama talks tough at the United Nations

This is a rush transcript from "The Five," September 24, 2014. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

ERIC BOLLING, CO-HOST: Hello, everyone. I'm Eric Bolling, and this is a Fox News alert. Just moments ago received word from the Pentagon that the U.S. and our Arab partners have undertaken a new round of air strikes inside Syria, these one striking at modular oil refineries used by ISIS. But earlier today, President Obama delivered a much anticipated United Nations speech. If you missed it, here's the cliff notes version. Islam good, Israel/America not so good, ISIS terrorist bad, climate change really, really bad. There's a familiar sounding speech, the Cairo 2009 punched up with some tough sounding lines like this.


No grievance justifies these actions. But there can be no reasoning, no negotiation with this brand of evil. The only language understood by killers like this is the language of force. So, the United States of America will work with a broad coalition to dismantle this network of death.


BOLLING: All right. We bring it run. K.G., that sounded pretty good, that part of it.

KIMBERLY GUILFOYLE, CO-HOST: Hey, I like that part. So, finally we are getting to him. He understands that we want a president that is forceful, that can build a coalition, that can unite other countries to help the United States in this very important national security interest.
Let's see where he takes it from here, and I'm looking for the U.K. to step up to the plate.

BOLLING: Bob, that was the beginning of the speech. There wasn't much after that, we're gonna get to a few more sound bites.

BOB BECKEL, CO-HOST: It to me sounded like got -- wrote that part of the speech and your idea about oil -- I mean, I think this is a very smart move, to take this oil refinery out because as somebody said to me today, if you can't move it, you can't sell it. And you have said all along, you know, they get 50 million a day or something out of that?

BOLLING: Eighty thousand a day, which turns into $3 million, it just...

BECKEL: I think -- it sounds to me like it's going well, the campaign so far.

BOLLING: Thoughts -- I'm sorry, Bob, thoughts on this, part of this -- this, at least, this coming out the tough part of this speech.

ANDREA TANTAROS, CO-HOST: It's the toughest language that you heard yet from Obama on radical Islam, I think today. So, I was very happy to see it. You get the sense too, I mean, we haven't heard anything from Bashar Assad, and when President Obama mentioned striking in Syria, remember, Assad came out and said you're gonna have to ask us for permission. We also got reports, Eric, that the U.S. supposedly coordinated with Iran on these air strikes. My hunch is, that we likely did, and that Iranians are consulting the Syrians as military advisors. And I think this is a very prudent move. I mean, look, Iran is a huge enemy, and so is Bashar Assad.
No doubt, no question. But I find it fascinating now the silence coming in
-- in from they Syrian government right now. And I think that we are talking to the Iranians about bombing inside Syria.

BOLLING: Not only that, we bomb now, President Obama has bombed seven countries, that's far more than George Bush bombed, but this is a Nobel Peace Price winning president.

GREG GUTFELD, CO-HOST: Well, remember, when it comes to bombing, the media gives all let us a break. I mean, Bill Ayers is a bomber, but I think, you know, it's OK because President Obama is a reluctant warrior, and if you're a reluctant warrior, you actually can get away with more. But I think this is less about President Obama, from my perspective, and more about the U.N., which the world's largest clown college. Half of those delegates are unfit for prison. The United States really is a great party, a great cocktail party, in which we invite these people into our country and they treat the host like crap, and we have to go there, we have to explain what we do to them, while they put cigarettes out on our couch, while they pee on the rug, while they'll hit on our kids, and harass our prostitutes. I've been tired to the fact that we have to -- and we have to explain -- we have to explain ourselves -- no, no, we have to explain ourselves to them to them, when we shouldn't. It's like giving a back rub to a hyena. It's unnecessary.

TANTAROS: So, then you're happy that he didn't go to the U.N. and ask for approval.


TANTAROS: I'm glad he didn't.

GUTFELD: Screw the U.N., and I mean that fugitively.

BOLLING: He kind of did ask for unanimous approval later in the Security Council meeting, which he did...

TANTAROS: But he's already doing it.

BOLLING: Right, right. In other words, asking...

TANTAROS: I like that.

BECKEL: I think you got to give him a lot of credit for -- I mean, a lot of stuff's going on that you don't know about, you mentioned Iran and Syria, I think exactly right, why hasn't he said anything? He hasn't said a word and the Iranians have every interest to make sure these guys don't move.

TANTAROS: That's right.

BECKEL: So, there's a lot going on here that we don't know about, yet.

TANTAROS: Plus, we don't want the Syrian army shooting at our aircraft.

BECKEL: That's true.

BOLLING: Right. It should make sense -- but the way I understood it is that he gave -- Reuters is reporting that he gave the Iranians...

GUILFOYLE: He did. He gave them a heads up.

BOLLING: And also told the Syrian Army and there was some sort of engagement, but it wasn't a threatening engagement with the Syrian aircraft. There a bunch of us on the right who think the president just doesn't get it, and when I say it I mean how radical Islam wants to kill us, soft talking, these murderous thugs won't make them like us or won't make them go away. Here's some soft talk from the president.


OBAMA: We have reaffirmed again and again that the United States is not and never will be at war with Islam. Islam teaches peace, and when it comes to America and Islam, there is no us and them, there's only us, because millions of Muslim Americans are part of the fabric of our country. So, we reject any suggestion of a clash of civilizations.


BOLLING: So, Ange, he came out to us and then it started into this, almost like a, I don't know, soft talking, apologizing.

TANTAROS: That was like the Cairo speech. And you have a history of wonderful tapestries and great pottery, so will you stop killing us? I did think that he didn't need that. If I were his speechwriter, I would have went through with a red pen and I would X out all of those comments. And I would have edited the one where he said it's not us against them, it really is us against them. And I don't say that meaning against the -- the face of Islam, but it really has to be the United States and everybody else who joins us against the radicals. He has to be more clear, and he didn't. He came out and he said, there is no war against terror, again.

BOLLING: He didn't say radical Islam again, he never said jihad.

GUILFOYLE: Because he's not comfortable with this language and this rhetoric, at his core, this is not who he is. He cannot relate to it. He's not comfortable on his own skin being this guy, the commander-in-chief, it is abhorrent to him. So, they have to struggle to get him to step up and say a few of these things. But the problem is, the world is listening, and when you don't use the right terms, and you don't set the right tone, we all suffer.

BECKEL: Well there's nothing -- we're not at war against Islam -- the world could not be against that idea. The other thing is, he's got to say some of these things, he's got these Arab countries working with us. And so, what he's trying to do is give them, you know, a treat.

GUILFOYLE: Right. There is a way to coalition build.

GUTFELD: Yeah. This is what -- I mean, that's the point. It's like he's trying to be nice, because -- we got these guys, so maybe I'll say some nice things about it. But also, he is a person that's been overly concerned with backlash more than -- I think he has always been worried about Islamaphobia, he's an Islamophobic phobic, so he thinks that, at some point, we're all gonna be really mean at Muslims, if he's trying to say we shouldn't do that. But if the allies, he's got these five countries, this is what he got to do, he had to do it.

TANTAROS: I mean, the Qatari's have a history of funding radical Islamic jihad.


TANTAROS: wahhabism. So, I don't understand all this flowery, complementary language. And if you look back to the Cairo speech, he actually blames the west, president Obama, for basically being oppressive and even protagonistic and antagonistic against the Islamic State for them retiling, which I think is ludicrous.

BECKEL: I think you got to cut him some a little bit of slack here because he's does have Arab partner in this coalition. And he's got to give them something. And the idea of saying simply, we're not against -- we're not at war with Islam, is the right thing to say.

BOLLING: Wouldn't it be bad to do to something or say we're at war with Islam. Do you think the Saudis are gonna say, oh, you said, now we're done.
We're out of here.

BECKEL: We would never say we're at war with Islam. I mean, why will if we're not.

BOLLING: Well, you know, you speak to every one of these generals. They say if you can't recognize the enemy, if you can't call it what it is, then you're never gonna have a chance of beating them.

BECKEL: Well, you're not suggesting Islam is the enemy, are you?

BOLLING: Radical Islam. Ok...

GUILFOYLE: Why, you don't disagree with that, too.

TANTAROS: He won't even say war on terror.

GUILFOYLE: That's the point, get comfortable with it, come on.

BOLLING: Here's something, though, we heard that's very, very disturbing.
The president praised a man named Abdallah Bin Bayyah. Listen.


BARACK: Look at the new form for promoting peace in Muslim societies.
Shaykh Bin Bayyah described its purpose. We must declare war on war so the outcome will be peace upon peace.


BOLLING: So close, war on war? Anyway, we did a little digging into the background of the Shaykh Abdallah Bin Bayyah, this is the same radical Muslim who declared a fatwa in 2004, condoning against violence against American troops in Iraq, he also served as the vice president of a muss scholarship group, founded by a Muslim brotherhood leader who was called for the death of Jews and Americans. Bob, we're got to go you there for us.
Can you imagine bringing up this man, this Shaykh, this radical Muslim Shaykh named in a speech?


BECKEL: I think it's probably would not -- it would have been better off not naming him in this thing. But I think you got to keep in mind that Obama was raised among Muslims, and I think he really does not have -- does not want to use the word war on terror because he is -- he was raised in that community.

GUTFELD: But this -- but the reason why this is happening, is it has to do with the Islamic factions in which a new more extreme version comes out every six months, it's like the iPhone. And each one, each iteration, makes the previous extremist group look moderate. So, this guy was extreme in 2004, now he's a bunny rabbit. I mean, by this pace in two years, ISIS will be viewed as gentle vegans known for their poetry, because that's how these extremists move.

GUILFOYLE: Yeah. But, come on, isn't there anybody with a little bit of spare time to do a Google search, and like figure out who this guy is before the president says it to the entire world? Come on.

BOLLING: And it's no secret that he's entertained this guy.

TANTAROS: There it is, Bob.

BOLLING: And he caught a lot of crap for entertaining him.

TANTAROS: Exactly. He's had the...


TANTAROS: ...he sends Muslim brotherhood to the White House. I mean, he makes questionable decisions. But it goes back to what you said, it's who he is, he has a deep sensitivity towards Islam and it makes it hard for him, he's hamstrung when he's trying to say...

GUTFELD: Don't you say ham.

TANTAROS: I know, I shouldn't said that. I was just gonna say pork strung.

BOLLING: Can I get to say that this was kind of a bizarre moment. The president seemed to be, I don't know, apologizing for the Ferguson shooting, some people say maybe he was comparing it to ISIS beheadings, listen to this.


OBAMA: America's critics will be quick to point out that at times we too have failed to live up to our ideals. And that America has plenty of problems within its own borders. This is true. The world also took notice of the small American city of Ferguson, Missouri. So yes, we have our own racial and ethnic tensions, but we welcome the scrutiny of the world.


BOLLING: Hey, Greg, it's kind of like that, it's not you, it's me, moment.

GUTFELD: Yeah. It's just like -- it makes me want to throw up. That's all I can say. I mean, the fact -- the fact is, there is no -- you cannot compare the flaws in America to what is going on in this world. And Ferguson is an unfortunate, tragic experience, and we still don't know what's gonna happen, but that's why there's an investigation. But to bring that up, basically what he is saying is, the problem with this is he's saying that Ferguson somehow represents America. He pulled that out. That's the problem, that's the problem with this president. He really does see everything...

BOLLING: It's a self-deprecating flaw. Hey, look, we have this flaw here, too. We're not exceptional. We heard that in Cairo in '09.

TANTAROS: It's taking U.S. from here, and doing this, right? Immoral equivalency, right? We're just as exceptional as the Greeks, we're just as exceptional, we're all the same, let's spread the greatness around.

BECKEL: Maybe he doubt about Ferguson. But the fact of the matter is, we have to accept the fact that we have had some pretty tragic flaws.

BOLLING: So, why in the U.N. stage? Why there?

GUILFOYLE: That is not the place for that speech. By the way, as an attorney, he should know better, Bob, because the investigation has not been concluded and he's passing judgment on America.

BECKEL: I think it make sense for the United States on occasion to say we made some mistakes.

GUILFOYLE: That was a bad example, Bob.

GUTFELD: You know, the only great thing about this planet, if it wasn't for the United States, this place wouldn't exist.

GUILFOYLE: Who else gives all the humanitarian aid, we're the first one to come to the aid of any country, any people that needs it. And my point is, I'm tired of him always taking a knee in situations that he doesn't need to. Quit apologizing for America.

BOLLING: We'll just leave it right there, on that note. Up next, we're learning more about the Islamic terror group Khorasan and how much of a threat it really is to the United States, we'll have more on that when we come back.


GUILFOYLE: The Islamic terror group Khorasan has emerged as the latest in a long line of threats to the American homeland. U.S. officials say their goal is striking in the style of the 9/11 attacks from 2001. The administration believes the group poses an imminent threat to western targets using that as illegal justification to launch U.S. air strike into Syria this week. Here, Attorney General Eric Holder and Pentagon Press Secretary John Kirby described the seriousness of the threat posed by the terror group.


ERIC HOLDER, U.S. ATTORNEY GENERAL: This is a group that has been known to us for two years. We hit them out of the concerned that they were in a -- getting close to an execution phase of some the plans we have seen them fomenting over the last two years.

JOHN KIRBY, PENTAGON PRESS SECRETARY: And we know they were planting attacks against western targets either in Europe or in the U.S. Homeland.
We also know that they were very close to the end game on those planning efforts.


GUILFOYLE: All right, there you go, show me your muscle, but sometimes only when you feel like it, Bolling.

BOLLING: So, that was, all of a sudden Khorasan becomes the imminent threat that was going to happen, that was planned, that was on its way, there's gonna be some airline threat, airport threat because that's their CYA moment. Because -- if President Obama, which a lot of us would agree, he should go in and bomb ISIS and kill those people, but also agree that he should go to congress and get permission first. But if there's an imminent threat, in law, he can go ahead and bomb. So, when what he's done is, he's put Syria -- ISIS in Syria, which he would need a congressional approval to declare war on Syria. But then, he puts the imminent threat right next to some him, bomb some bulk, and he gets away with it. He CYA'd himself into bombing it, which, by the way, if you're killing terrorists in this case, I'm kinda OK with it.

GUILFOYLE: Right. I mean, that the honest right? He found the hook and a way to do it, because they can if they really want to.

BECKEL: And it's very specific in the war powers act. You can act when you have an imminent threat, you don't need congressional action. So, you're right, maybe a little bit of CYA, but the fact of the matter is, it's legal.

GUILFOYLE: Is it legal?


GUILFOYLE: Yeah, that was a joke.

TANTAROS: So, I guess the constitution is just a dead letter, right? It doesn't mean anything?

BECEKL: No, I don't know.

TANTAROS: He's required to go to congress, Bob.

BECEKL: Not with the War Powers Act.

TANTAROS: Any conflict less than -- more than 180 days, he should have gone to congress on this, and congress is keeping its mouth shut disgustingly because they want to CYA themselves, they don't want to have to put an Aye vote next to bombing when they're going into a midterm election. You know what I think too? I think the DOD had plans to bomb and they saw this imminent threat for a long time. And I think this just fortuitous lined up for President Obama. I think that he gave them the permission, sort of, the wink, wink, to go in and take amount like, you can do it. But I think he got the last minute heads up on this. I think the minute DOD thought they could strike, they struck.

GUILFOYLE: Then they say rack them up, and there you go.

GUTFELD: Well, I was -- I guess al Qaeda is not on the run, they're actually just having a wardrobe change, because isn't this al Qaeda? The lesson I'm getting from this is that, these guys we're gonna make bombs out of toothpaste and toiletries, which the lesson here is that they only work on one thing, and that is to destroy us. That is their full-time job. We need to do the same thing. We need to create an industry that creates novel ways to obliterate these people. There should be majors in colleges that are based on terrorizing terror. We have such pointless majors in college, we have gender studies, you're not gonna get a job with gender studies except teaching gender studies. Just majors on how to kill terrorism -- or how to kill terrorist -- or how end terrorism, would be an interesting possibility.

BOLLING: But you got to figure a way not to call it radical Islam or a war on terror.

GUTFELD: Yeah. Yeah, I think -- I don't know what you would call it.

BECKEL: I think you have -- I'll come back to this point, it is the most remarkable thing to have Sunnis bombing Sunnis, and you've got to give as much as you possibly can as a carrot. And why take a chance?

GUTFELD: Sunni rather than later.

BECKEL: Sunni rather than later.

TANTAROS: But it's gonna be interesting to see...

BECKEL: Shiites rather than Shiites.

TANTAROS: ...what they do in England, because Cameron is going to ask for permission to the parliament to see if they will join us in bombing. And after that, France aid worker was beheaded today, it will be interesting to see how the parliament comes back to David Cameron about bombing in Syria and Iraq. Because the last time he went to parliament last year, they rejected him, on that. But that was to get involved in the Syrian conflict.

GUILFOYLE: They're very worried about this group because they specifically, they believe have developed this technology for injectables for explosives in bombs. That is very unique, and very deadly. So, that's why, because it ties to the old al Qaeda group, the master bomb maker. So that's the connection here why they probably had to act. But I believe what you're saying, Andrea, that they had this information...


GUILFOYLE: Feed it up and then no time...

TANTAROS: But don't you that's why, when the White House and certain agency officials were saying there's no imminent threat against the Homeland. Why the Department of Defense was freaking out because we're going. That isn't true.

BOLLING: But find one, hurry up. Find an imminent threat so we can throw that in there.

TANTAROS: WE can bomb and when President Obama said we don't have a strategy, the DOD is going, we have a strategy, we have all the Intel.

GUILFOYLE: But they usually are. That's the information that we get, that they have, you know, they know where -- a number of, like, you know, what
10 out of 15 of the high value targets are. They're always waiting for POTUS to sign off to go. And when it's time, and when he feels comfortable with it.

BECKEL: I was just say, I forgot that Cameron got rejected by the parliament. But somehow they got into it, right?

TANTAROS: But that was different, he was asking for permission to get into the Syrian civil war. And he was humiliated, they slapped him down. So, it will be interesting to see what they do this time around.
BOLLINGL: Do we -- do you have a map of the Middle East besides the one that's behind my head right here? If there's another one, throw it up there. Take a look at this, or go on Google, just take a look at the Middle East. Right now, you have Iraq and Saudi Arabia involved in this, so you have Syria, on one side Iraq and Saudi Arabia, on one side there's water, then there's Jordan who's involved in this. And on the other side there's one blaring, gaping hole that they need to fill, and President Obama should have spends his whole day getting Turkey on board. Because if you get turkey on board, you have Syria circled, encircled, and they can't do a thing if you're attacking them from all sides.

BECKEL: I would bet by the middle of next week that will be the case.

BOLLING: I hope so, but I'm guessing it's not gonna happen.

GUILFOYLE: So, it's got to be the case now, this strategic positioning and then (inaudible).

GUTFELD: What was hilarious, at the gym, watching CNN and Carol Costello found it bothersome that no one told anybody that we were bombing Khorasan.
There were people in the media that would rather risk tipping off the terrorist, so that they could have the story. My feeling is that these air strikes that we did aren't as successful as they should have been, it was because we told them that they were coming, we rang the bell before we drop the bomb. And apparently, CNN thinks that we should be -- that strategy should have been used for Khorasan. I'm happy with not knowing when until it happened.

GUILFOYLE: Get it done.

GUTFELD: Just get it done.

TANTAROS: Perfect.


BECKEL: Get it done.

BOLLING: Get it done.

GUILFOYLE: Get it done. When we come back, the latte salute, President Obama returns a military salute with a coffee cup yesterday. Some people think it was disrespectful, others think we should cut the president some
slack. Our debate, next.


GUTFELD: By now, you have heard about the Starbucks salute, an odd twist on the formal military gesture that seems about as respectful as a leopard skin thong at a church bake sail. It was uploaded to the White House Instagram account, perhaps by someone who is now dead. Now, this story is a great bias alarm. If you hate Obama, his caffeinated carelessness bolsters your belief that he's an elitist clown that deserves nothing more than a low-end faculty job at a community college in Kenya.

If you love Obama, you ignore it and mock those he upset, a kind of slack CNN chuckle buckets would never cut President Bush.

So I say why can't it be both? To me it looks bad. It is bad, but we all do things that look bad. We're just lucky they're never caught on camera.
Frankly, if Instagram was around in 1986, I'd still be stripping in Toronto.


GUTFELD: And yes, I know that when President Bush was in power, he was called Hitler every single day. The left back then were pond residue.

But while it feels good to return the favor, remind yourself that, as a moral force, you're better than that. And more important, if you jump at every chance to slag the president, you cheapen legitimate criticism about his bigger flaws, like shaming America in front of the U.N. by bringing up Ferguson.

And besides, it's not like he mocked people stuck in traffic because of his motorcade.


OBAMA: I was just discussing with President Clinton that if Chelsea begins delivery while I'm speaking, she has my motorcade and will be able to navigate traffic. Because actually, it's pretty smooth for me during the week. I don't know -- I don't know what the problem is. Everybody hypes the traffic. But I haven't noticed.


GUTFELD: On second thought, screw the jerk. Kimberly.


GUTFELD: I was OK with him until he screwed up traffic. You know that Dana missed her flight last night because of that guy.

GUILFOYLE: Oh, my goodness gracious. Yes, he seemed particularly upset this morning.

GUTFELD: Impeach him. Impeach him. I mean, the traffic is a huge problem. I can always, like, feel that I can sense it in the air. I'm like OK, gridlock. Obama's here fundraising and the U.N., at the same time.

GUTFELD: ... to salute, as a civilian. A lot of people feel he is -- I mean...

GUTFELD: But he's the commander in chief. Somebody should have like, Miss Manners should have taken him through the appropriate presidential protocol
-- like the alliteration? -- and showed him how to do this. It's disrespectful. Because let me tell you something: out of all the people that work for him, there's like, two we can count on: Valerie Jarrett and the U.S. military. Show the respect.

GUTFELD: Bob, do you think that this is a big deal or just a little deal or a medium deal?

BECKEL: I think -- I think the more time the conservatives spend on this stuff, the happier I am. I mean, you're exactly right. I mean, I cannot believe that every show, every conservative block is talking about this.
Keep going. Don't talk about anything else, just talk about the salute with the coffee cup, and we'll be right happy.

GUTFELD: Go ahead.

BOLLING: You gave us two options. I'm going to go with elitist clown who deserves nothing more than a low-end faculty job...

GUTFELD: I'm surprised you went that way.

BOLLING: ... in Kenya. Not because I dislike the man. It's because of the arrogance. I mean, Kimberly is right. He gets off the helicopter, and everyone is putting up the picture of George Bush holding the dog and doing the same thing, and that wasn't right either, in my opinion. These people are putting their lives on the line for us.

GUILFOYLE: You're right.

BOLLING: Show the respect and salute these guys as you get off the helicopter.

BECKEL: Keep going. Keep going.

BOLLING: Look, OK. Beer summits, Hawaiian vacations.

TANTAROS: Sending Winston Churchill's bus back and giving the queen an iPod of his speeches.

BOLLING: Bowing to Arabs. Thank you. All of these things, it's an arrogance that he portrays and frankly...

GUILFOYLE: Golfing five minutes after...


GUTFELD: I want to get Andrea here. The real sin here is that that was -- that wasn't a reusable coffee mug. And that -- with climate change...

BOLLING: Oh, my God.

GUTFELD: ... that's going on right now, he used a cardboard cup.

GUILFOYLE: Oh, my gosh.

TANTAROS: I'm more outraged at the cardboard cup. You insult to Leppard songs. I'm so outraged at this segment, Greg. That was a low blow.

PERINO: That was a low blow.

TANTAROS: Look, was it disrespectful? Yes. Should he have saluted better? Yes. President Bush should have saluted better, yes. Are there bigger issues to hit the president on? Yes. I can understand how many in the military and veterans are upset about this. He should have put down the cup and saluted.

However, you know what the real fail was? You mentioned this. Not everything we do is caught on camera. It was the White House that put this video out there.

GUTFELD: That's the best part.

GUILFOYLE: They're so...

TANTAROS: That is the point. This wasn't the president caught by some kind of conservative blogger.


TANTAROS: This was the White House, nobody at the wheel. The swim team, the captain of the swim team over at the State Department, the press office, the J.V. squad going, "This looks great. We should put this out."
No one looks at that and said, "Wow, this looks really bad."

GUILFOYLE: And the fact that Leo DiCaprio friended him on Facebook because of that.

BOLLING: One more point. Just look at that picture for one more second.
Here's the other problem with it, with the picture. He has a free hand.
The other hand he's holding his tie down. He could have switched the cup to the other hand and saluted.


BOLLING: With his hand...

GUILFOYLE: We can do this all day.

BECKEL: ... do this all day.

GUTFELD: I don't know that it was a latte.

GUILFOYLE: It might have been a macchiato (ph).

GUTFELD: So -- but I do want to say that -- none of us are in the military. I wanted to get a quote from my buddy Terry who's a Green Beret.
Because one of you said this. We've got to hear from the military.

He said, "I think in the military, we know that rendering an improper salute is serious stuff. But having President Obama do that doesn't even bother us more, because he's not so serious to us. It's like getting mad at a clueless teenager, and I'd rather have him just do his homework and cut the lawn. It does give an insight into the fact that he does see those guys as a taxi service and not a warrior class willing to kill and die for him."


GUTFELD: That's a military opinion. It's not mine. But I figured we should bring it up here.

GUILFOYLE: So it's stunning but not surprising.


GUILFOYLE: But that -- what does that say? That's an even larger...

TANTAROS: It's the bar, that's the problem.

GUILFOYLE: ... they don't feel the respect and the support.

BECKEL: I think I'd like to give my time and my block, which will be very short anyway.

TANTAROS: We said cut him some slack.

BECKEL: You did. I want air -- no, I think he should talk about it some more.

GUTFELD: OK. Ahead on "The Five," should teachers be allowed to have guns in the classroom? Yes. More than two dozen states allow it now. Could it make schools and students safer? That discussion next.


TANTAROS: Would you feel safer knowing your child's teacher had a gun in the classroom or would you rather have them leave it at home? In more than two dozen states, adults who legally own guns can carry them in public schools, but is it dangerous? Utah special needs teacher Kasey Hansen doesn't think so. She says that it's a matter of protecting her students.


KASEY HANSEN, SPECIAL NEEDS TEACHER: I think every teacher should carry.
I think we are the first line of defense. Someone's going to call the cops, and the cops are going to be informed, but how long does it take for them to get to the school? You know, and in that time, how many students are going to be affected by the gunman roaming the halls?


TANTAROS: So guns in the classroom, I'm going to go out on a limb here and think that Eric Bolling, you support this decision?

BOLLING: I do. And this may be controversial, but had that been allowed in Newtown, there would be far fewer people dead, in my opinion. I'm all for this.

Look, you have a right to carry, you carry. And boy, if there -- we've said this how many times. The gun-free zones are the most dangerous places on the planet. All for this.

TANTAROS: Has not been a fatal shooting in a school in the last decade in Utah, K.G.

GUILFOYLE: Look at the facts, look at the circumstances if you choose to have an open mind and understand and care deeply about the safety of children in this country in schools.

Schools are a weak spot. Bad guys know that they are gun-free zones, because they prey on it. So why can't we be honest about what's going on and do something to help save kids, whether it's having teachers that are trained and carry weapons, dogs in the classrooms, like canines for cops?
I think it's very good.

TANTAROS: I'm a little bit torn on this one. Because I do think there's a risk that the gun could end up in a child's hand. So I'm OK with guns in schools, if it's a security, trained security personnel. But every teacher having a gun, I don't know if I can jump up and down on that one and fully get behind it.

GUTFELD: I can -- I can get behind it, because law-abiding citizens who take the classes are great with guns. I mean, they know what they're doing, and I trust -- I trust them more than I trust the criminals. And if you don't want to listen to the crime fighters, listen to the criminals.
Because surveys show that they admit that they do not target people they believe are armed. They only target people in gun-free zones or if they don't think they're armed. Especially in this day and age, in this time that we are living in.

In Melbourne, Australia, a guy carrying a knife and an Islamic state flag tried to behead a police officer. I think this was yesterday. He was shot dead. A gun beats a knife. And in this day and age, that's not such a bad thing.

TANTAROS: Bob, isn't the goal not to have any guns in our school? I know exactly where you're going to come down on this, but would you be OK with a security official having them? Or you -- because I know you don't think teachers should have them.

BECKEL: Well, first of all, I don't think we gave enough time to the salute. I think, frankly...

GUILFOYLE: Let's go back.

BECKEL: Let's go back to that, because I think it's very important that Eric continue to talk about that. And it's nerve-racking to be leaving it off the table.

GUILFOYLE: On shaky ground.

BECKEL: I think I agree with you, Andrea. The idea of having these weapons in the hands of these teachers, look, one of the things that...

GUILFOYLE: What if they're trained?

BECKEL: Well, if they're trained, why not have a trained guard? I mean...

GUILFOYLE: Why not have both?

GUTFELD: Most people do have to undergo training.

GUILFOYLE: That's my point. Why don't they have security training? Why should my right to have -- bear weapons be any different from a teacher who's trying to do their job?

BECKEL: Because a kid could get their hands on it.

GUILFOYLE: Yes, but if it's properly secured is the point.

BECKEL: If. If it is properly secured.

GUILFOYLE: Well, that's what it needs to be. That's the bottom line.

BECKEL: That's...

GUILFOYLE: Have security checks. Make sure.

BECKEL: That's fine. I certainly don't. I know the NRA does. They think it's just fine.

TANTAROS: I would prefer the teacher to focus on teaching and have a security officer worry about keeping the kids safe. That's where I come down. Sort of a hybrid.

BOLLING: Well, since we're at it, we'll spend everyone's money. We'll have four security officers in every one of the 150,000 schools in America.

BECKEL: And we could salute them, too.

GUILFOYLE: How about retired military or retired police officers?

TANTAROS: Sandy Hook overwhelmingly voted for security.

BOLLING: Why does the teacher have to hope that the school board is OK with spending the money to protect the kids.

TANTAROS: Because the teacher is going to be worried about securing the gun and not teaching reading, writing and arithmetic. Have a security personnel focused on protecting the kids.

BOLLING: Or she'll be confident and not worrying about someone walking in the door and blowing them away. You take a (UNINTELLIGIBLE) sample.

GUILFOYLE: And they say -- are you saluting me with "The Five" cup?

Bob is making a mockery of our segment by saluting me with a "Five" cup.

BECKEL: No, not at all. I'm good.

GUILFOYLE: All right.

BOLLING: Do you have anything to apologize for today?

TANTAROS: Coming up, earlier this week we showed you the inspiring post- game interview of high school football player Apollos Hester. You want to know the secrets behind his positive thinking? You don't want to miss this, up next.


BECKEL (SALUTING WITH COFFEE MUG): On Monday we showed you the motivational speech of high school football player...

GUILFOYLE: You know what, Bob? You're going to get -- get some hate for that, too.

BECKEL: ... Apollos Hester gave in a post-game interview, and he's -- we're going to ask you about the salute, too. And this kid remains upbeat and positive. He talked to "FOX and Friends" about it this morning.


APOLLOS HESTER, HIGH SCHOOL FOOTBALL PLAYER: It's just such a blessing and it's so humbling to see all this take place, because my mom used to always
-- she literally used to always tell me, "Apollos, be the change that you wish to see. Be the change in others you wish to see. If you want others to be happy, you be happy to them. If you others to smile, well, you smile to them and encourage them."

I love her so much; I truly do.

I have to thank God and give him all the glory. I have to thank my mom and my dad. I'm just happy that I got this opportunity to help so many people.
All I was doing was making a video of me, you know?


BECKEL: And a good one, too. Does he ever have a bad day?


GRETCHEN CARLSON, CO-HOST, "FOX AND FRIENDS": Do you ever have bad days, because you're so motivational?

HESTER: I'm going to be honest with you that I really don't. Yes, I have negative thoughts just like everyone else, and I do -- sometimes life is a little hard, of course. But I just live it with a smile, live it with a positive attitude always.


BECKEL: Greg, let me ask you, you do a lot of writing and motivational things. What do you think? Does this sound like it was practiced or this just is a...

GUILFOYLE: You're asking the guy with an "I Hate These People" segment?

GUTFELD: I am troubled by the fact that he's wearing his uniform in a library. But no, I prefer to use the word "motivating" and not -- I hate the motivational. I think motivational, I hate that word. But he's motivating; he's not motivational. And you notice that none of the answers are going to be very pleasing to the left. Because he didn't -- never thanked a government program or the government. He thanked his parents and God.

GUILFOYLE: Grandma and God.

BECKEL: That seems like he's crazy, Bob.

BECKEL: No, he didn't thank us. He should have done that.

Andrea, what do you think? Is he, is this kid for real?

TANTAROS: Definitely. I love it. He's right. When you smile at someone, they do smile back. Smiling is infectious.


TANTAROS: And you know what? They should have him playing on a loop inside every news studio in America.

BECKEL: I think that's right. I've got the Democratic registration card for the kid right away.


BOLLING: I don't have a lot to say. I think this is an awesome kid. I think he's got one proud mama right now. Just keep it up, kid. You are, like, destined for stardom in some form. Either sports, TV or who knows?

GUTFELD: Don't destroy the poor guy.

GUILFOYLE: I think the sky is the limit. I think he's the type of person that, whatever he puts his mind so, because he collects positive energy and thoughts. Sure, negativity can come into his mind, negative thoughts. But you've got to shake it off. Like be proud and happy about the blessings you have.

He could be a politician. He could be a doctor. He could be a lawyer. He could work for FOX News.

TANTAROS: Sounds like your voicemail, Bob.

BECKEL: That's right. It's a bad day. And he also could be the senior producer of "The Five" at 5, too, couldn't he?

GUILFOYLE: Porter, watch out. And another thing. You see this? Boys love their moms.

BECKEL: Yes, they do.

"One More Thing," from me to you, is up next.


BOLLING: It's time for "One More Thing." Kimberly, you're first.

GUILFOYLE: Hey, ISIS, you were bombed by a woman. Oh, yes, hell came down on ISIS in Syria, because guess what? The first female pilot, piloting for the UAE -- there she was, leading the strikes -- dropped the bombs on ISIS on Monday night. This is really incredible.

Major Miriam al-Monsouri is who did this. Remarkable. Very excited. I wish it was an American pilot. I'll take a woman doing this any day to them. I hope that hurt extra bad for you, because in some Arab countries, women can't even drive.

Her nickname, per Jennifer Griffin, Lady Liberty.

BOLLING: There you go.

GUTFELD: The problem is, she just bombed it. She couldn't park it.


GUILFOYLE: Now, did you really have to ruin my moment?

GUTFELD: I salute her.

BOLLING: Would that be considered boobs on the ground or no?

GUILFOYLE: Oh, my gosh.

TANTAROS: What kind of salute would you...

GUILFOYLE: You ruined my thing.

BECKEL: Did you just say what I thought they said?

GUTFELD: Oh, my God.

TANTAROS: OK, so Seth Meyers answered the vital questions that we all want to know and also pointed out how absurd it is to try and arm the moderate rebels in Syria. Take a look.


SETH MEYERS, HOST, NBC'S "LATE NIGHT WITH SETH MEYERS": What are moderate Syrian rebels? People who are rebels on the weekend. It's like a wind surfing enthusiast or a foodie.

Do we really think that moderate rebels can stop ISIS? No, but it's a nice thing to say, "moderate rebels." Try it at a dinner party: "What we need to do is arm moderate rebels."

Everyone will nod and say, "I agree. Hey, won't ISIS just take the guns from the moderate rebels?"

"Yes, that is what will happen."


TANTAROS: Yes, that is what will happen. Genius.

BOLLING: All right, Greg, you're up.

GUTFELD: Time for...


GUTFELD: "Greg's Secrets to Happiness."


GUTFELD: ... with a unicorn. All right.

TANTAROS: Well, at least it was a happy segment.

GUTFELD: There you go. When you have a choice between something big and something small, the inclination is always to go for something big, like whether it's a four-bedroom house. Maybe you would be better off with a two-bedroom house. You don't need the big car. How about the small car?

Look at this otter. He found happiness in a downsized bucket. He didn't go for the big bucket. No, he's enjoying himself. So the moral here is maybe you can find happiness in small things, not big things. Like me.

GUILFOYLE: Oh, my gosh. I don't even want to say it, but America's thinking it.


BOLLING: All right, Bob. You're up.

BECKEL: We all -- we all remember the pop star icon Phil Spector, who

BOLLING: Oh, yes.

BECKEL: ... actress Lana Clarkson and got 20 years in prison. Well, this is what happens when you spend a little time in prison. Take a look at Mr.
Specter before he went in and now look at him today.

Phil, you had yourself a bad hair day. You had yourself a bad time, and you shouldn't have shot that girl, because this is what happens to you.

GUILFOYLE: Oh, my God.

TANTAROS: The lesson, don't shoot people.

BECKEL: Don't shoot people.

GUTFELD: Did he go bald?


BOLLING: Do you think he looked better before or after?

BECKEL: Let's look at it again. We've got a second. Go ahead. You want to talk about -- there he is.

BOLLING: That's the after, right?

BECKEL: Yes. There's a better after.

GUILFOYLE: That's the before. That was during the trial. Bob, way to hone your "One More Thing."

BECKEL: This is before. Now he's bald.

GUILFOYLE: I know, but you know what?

BOLLING: Oh, I see what you're saying: prison made him bald.

BECKEL: Never mind, never mind. Never mind.

GUILFOYLE: Yes. That was probably a hair piece.

BOLLING: So we learned this today, and I want to bury the lead here, but "Jersey Shore, The Situation -- Sorrentino, Mike Sorrentino, "The Sitch" -- is being -- has been, I guess, indicted under tax evasion laws. But here's the lead.

GUILFOYLE: What a jaw-dropper there.

BOLLING: He failed to pay taxes or some portion of his taxes on $8.9 million for the years 2010 to 2012. Who knew?

TANTAROS: He made $8.9 million?

BOLLING: Eight point nine million dollars for the two-year period.


GUTFELD: One million per ab.

BOLLING: One million per ab per year. That is...

TANTAROS: Wow. I ought to start going to the gym and, like, doing tanning and laundry more.

GUILFOYLE: What are you talking about?

TANTAROS: Gym, tan, laundry.

GUILFOYLE: You can't go to the gym and...

BOLLING: The gym. Detail (ph) in the big house.

All right, we have to leave it right there. Before we go, today is Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish new year. It's the year 5775. The five of us want to wish a very happy holiday to all who celebrate. L'shana Tova.

That's it for us. "Special Report" is up next.

GUILFOYLE: Very good, Rabbi.

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