President Misquotes the Declaration of Independence... Again

Some fresh pickings from the Political Grapevine:

Missing Link

President Obama has left out the word "creator" while quoting the Declaration of Independence... again. He referenced the document to a Democratic Party gathering Monday, saying -- quote: "Each of us are endowed with certain inalienable rights."

The Declaration of Independence language is "they are endowed by their creator."

He made the same error on September 15, speaking to the Congressional Hispanic Caucus Institute. When asked why the president has omitted "creator" twice, White House press secretary Robert Gibbs said he hadn't seen the comments -- quote: "but I can assure you the president believes in the Declaration of Independence."

Weathering Criticism

A new study by the Energy Department has found serious problems in stimulus-funded weatherization work in the president's home state of Illinois. The department's inspector general found the problems were so severe that homes were not more energy efficient and actually more dangerous for people to live in -- quote: "Our testing revealed substandard performance in weatherization workmanship, initial assessments and contractor billing. These problems were of such significance that they put the integrity of the entire program at risk."

Last year, the Energy Department awarded $242 million to Illinois as part of the $5 billion federal program.

Nice App

And finally, after getting an award from Russian President Dmitry Medvedev, former spy Anna Chapman now has an iPhone app. For 99 cents you can play poker with Anna Chapman, either Texas Hold 'Em or Five Card Draw.

The company that produced the app says it chose Chapman because she's a trendy, modern girl. The sales pitch says anyone who beats Chapman gets to become her friend on Facebook and will win access to an exclusive collection of her pictures and firsthand details of her secrets and social life.