Pompeo: The quest for freedom is on in Venezuela

This is a rush transcript from "Hannity," January 30, 2019. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

TUCKER CARLSON, HOST: We'll be back tomorrow, 8:00 p.m. The show that is the sworn enemy of lying, pomposity, smugness and groupthink -- hopefully, cheerfully.

Good night from Washington. Sean Hannity is live for us in New York right now.

SEAN HANNITY, HOST: All right, Tucker. Great show is always, great to see you.

It's a big incredible news night. Not all of it great.

If you value human life, children, babies, inalienable rights, basic human decency, I want you to listen up, because tonight's watch on the radical left is more important than anything we talk about lately, because we now have people in this country, Democrats, people on the left, you know those people that claim to have a monopoly of compassion, they label conservatives, oh, as racist, sexist, heartless, misogynist, hateful, they want dirty air and water and they want to throw granny over the cliff. We hear that every two, four years.

Well, as we speak, we have in this country multiple states, legislators, governors that are pushing to make abortion -- this is not about abortion - - in the 7th, 8th, even the 9th month, up until the moment of birth, pregnancy, legal. They're trying to legalize, in other words, infanticide or the destruction of viable human life. They want to make it perfectly OK, seemingly, to, in fact, terminate a baby that could easily survive outside of the womb.

Now, Virginia state delegate named Kathy Tran actually introduced a bill that would allow an abortion during birth, dilation, even when the mother's life is not at risk. Watch her body language. Watch this exchange very closely.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: How late in the third trimester could a physician perform an abortion if he indicated it would impair the mental health of the woman?

STATE DELEGATE KATHY TRAN, D-VA: Or physical health.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: OK, I'm talking about the mental health

TRAN: I mean, through the third trimester. The third trimester goes all the way up to 40 weeks.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: She has physical signs that she's about to give birth, would that still be a point at which she could request an abortion if she was so certified? She's dilating?

TRAN: Mr. Chairman, that would be a, you know, a decision that the doctor, the physician and the woman would make.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I understand that. I'm asking if your bill allows that?

TRAN: My bill would allow that, yes.


HANNITY: Even she doesn't feel comfortable with this.

Now, I really -- we don't cover the topic of abortion. Honestly, most people pretty much have made up their minds. We know Roe v. Wade is law. There's a misconception whenever we have a Supreme Court appointment, that, oh, Roe v. Wade is going to be overturned and abortion outlawed and it's going to be back alley abortions.

No, if the law was overturned, it would go back to the states and we know how liberal these states are. And it's a divisive topic.

But I will say this, on the issue of abortion, people that I know that are friends of mine, you can have an honest disagreement about when life begins. It's not that simple for some people. But that's not what this is about. This has nothing to do really with abortion.

This is about an unconscionable, grotesque brutality. This is a piece of legislation that legalizes infanticide. It gets worse than what you just heard. Now, keep in mind, this bill applies to all situations. She was describing when the birth began, that she would support an abortion. If the mother so decided.

Now, we're not talking about if the mother's life is at risk or whether or not a perfectly healthy child is formed inside the womb. Listen to Virginia's Democratic Governor Ralph Northam, perfectly supportive of what she said and worse in this radical plan. Listen to this.


GOV. RALPH NORTHAM, D-VA: Third trimester abortions, these are done with the consent of obviously the mother, with the content of the physicians, more than one physician, by the way. And it's done in cases where there may be severe deformities, or maybe a fetus that is non-viable.

So, in this particular example, if a mother is in labor, I can tell you exactly what would happen. The infant would be delivered. The infant would be kept comfortable. The infant would be resuscitated if that's what the mother and family desired, and then a discussion would ensue between the physicians and the mother.


HANNITY: We're going to go over this slowly. This is barbaric, horrible. Again, it's about a brutality.

This is what he said. The infant would be delivered. The infant would be kept comfortable. Meaning a human being is alive would be kept comfortable. Then the infant would be resuscitated if that's what the mother chooses to do if the baby stops breathing because they're keeping the baby comfortable and the family desired.

And while this family is living outside the womb alone, they'll have a discussion. A discussion would ensue between the physicians and the mother, what should we do? What do you think we should do?

Really? You don't think that's cold, callous, barbaric? It's not, again, about -- you know, people can have a difference of opinion. I believe life begins at conception. Some people saying, if it's not viable first trimester, they support -- pro abortion or pro choice as they call themselves.

Governor Northam once worked as a pediatric neurologist and now, he's willing to support a bill that terminates what is a viable living child in front of him and have a discussion. This is a radical, new, extreme, as I've been saying, Democratic, Socialist Party.

At that point, you know, think about infants. Think about how you feel about a little puppy being born. Think about a little child? Does that not represent everything that we think of as the ultimate in innocence?

If we as a country, we can't come together, forget Republican, Democrat, conservative, liberal, blue, red and agree do protect a child that is laying there comfortably, and having a discussion to do everything we can to keep that child alive, what kind of country do we want to be here? A baby defines innocence.

What he described and she described is a brutality.

And earlier today, we sent our own Sara Carter to Alexandria, to see what Virginians thought about their governor and this horrible legislation. Take a look.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Women, I think we all -- we're responsible for our bodies. But my feeling, you know, late term abortion is very scary. It sounds awful. I think abortion should be rare. But I think a woman has to make up their mind, and her doctor.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: A baby at full term?


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Oh. I don't think that's -- that's too much.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: For me, personally, doesn't bother me. That doesn't mean I would advocate for it. I just think it's something that the people involved have to deal with themselves. It's their decision to make.

CARTER: Does it justice disturb you the fact that the discussion over a baby's life after birth what the governor suggested, whether or not they decide to resuscitate would be left up to the mother? Even after the child is delivered?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Just because you haven't taken a birth in this earth doesn't make him more or less a baby.

CARTER: Do you feel like children are voiceless now? Babies?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I think they decide who is a child and who is not, right? They're putting God in their hands, instead of God's hands.


HANNITY: Now, thankfully, this bill was defeated late this afternoon in the Virginia general assembly. It was killed in committee on a party line vote. All Democrats voting in favor, and, of course, the governor supported it as well, as we showed you.

Now, as we move forward, other similar bills, why is this the big agenda of the Democrats? Rhode Island, New Mexico, Massachusetts, when they pass the similar law in New York, the governor recently celebrated the passage of a comparable bill that makes late term abortion even into the 9th month legal, he shrugged off any criticism. He's not here to legislate religion.

Well, apparently, he's only in the state house to legalize a termination of what is now a viable human life in the 9th month. Now, they're purposely vague in their legislation. They won't give you a definition of health. So, if someone says hours before, oh, I'm having emotional second thoughts and the doctor says, OK, they're allowed to commit infanticide.

Now, as it turns out, this party, these people that brag so often to lecture so often about compassion don't seem compassionate at all. And that, by the way, presidential hopeful Kamala Harris, and she's standing by her radical plan to eliminate the insurance industry, and she's flipping and flopping and flailing all over the place. But it would kick 177 million Americans off their own private healthcare plans and Medicare for all would provide one big government mandated healthcare system. No options.

And according to a study from George Mason University, the plan -- well, that's going to cost the taxpayers $3.2 trillion a year. $32 trillion-plus over ten years. How are you going to pay for that? That's about all the money we take in as a country.

Spoiler alert: Kamala is coming for your crumbs.

Now, we the sent our Lawrence Jones to Senator Harris' home state to see what they thought about her radical big government agenda and ripping away the free market healthcare system in America. Take a look.


LAWRENCE JONES, CONTRIBUTOR: What about education? She believes that free college, free pre-K, is that reasonable?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: No, really, who wouldn't want that, OK? I just want to know where the money is coming from.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: How are you going to offer free healthcare? Who is going to pay for it?


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: That's the number one question. Who is going to pay for it?


HANNITY: Well, now, if we could take everyone's money and have the government spread it around. Radical, extreme, socialist, Democratic party, it's never been like this.

So obvious, Kamala Harris is trying to win over the radical elements in her own party, all while attempting to paint herself as a compassionate champion for the people. And she's not the only one. Don't forget, Elizabeth Warren, she's so compassionate that after you paid your state taxes, your federal taxes, your property taxes, your sales taxes, and maybe saved a little, she wants a new plan that would allow the government to go back again and steal money legally, from whatever you have left, a brand new wealth tax she calls it.

By the way, then when you die, they take 40 percent more, in New York another 10 percent. That's $0.50 of every dollar you saved throughout your life.

Now, at least one life long Democrat is speaking out against his party's radical shift. Now, former Starbucks CEO Howard Schultz slammed Elizabeth Warren and the other hard left extremists in her party for their attack on what he calls the American Dream. Maybe there is hope for the extreme radical party. Take a look.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Elizabeth Warren's proposal is a wealth tax.

HOWARD SCHULTZ, FORMER STARBUCKS CEO: Oh God. It's an idea that has no merit. She knows there's no way that could come to pass. These are just false campaign promises to make noise.

I don't believe what Elizabeth Warren is -- what she stands for. I don't believe the country should be heading to socialism.

Elizabeth Warren doesn't know me. I mean, I started from nothing. I'm self-made. Isn't that the promise of America? Regardless of your station in life, or where you come from, you could be successful in this country?

I also think it's ludicrous, Elizabeth Warren a number of years ago knocked on my door and asked me for money when she was running for the Senate. So, it's somewhat duplicitous, isn't it?


HANNITY: Now, what Howard Schultz is talking about, the hard left shift in the Democratic Party has been happening for a long time. They want government to control your bank accounts, your businesses, your health care, education, they want open borders and, by the way, the life blood of our economy, they want to end all fossil fuel energy, in 12 years, or the world ends according to Congresswoman Ocasio-Cortez.

At the same time, the left is applauding infanticide and celebrating, yes, abortion, if you want to call that infanticide, even up to the moment of birth?

Now, imagine that they care about child-parent separation, only when they can bludgeon President Trump who solved the problem that existed in the Obama years. But then again, Nancy Pelosi won't meet with Angel Moms and Dads that permanent separation because an illegal immigrant killed their kid.

Now, today, House Democrat Henry Cuellar told "The Hill" that his party is entering new rounds of negotiations in total opposition to funding any new border barrier, saying, quote: The bottom line is my position is no.

OK, they're unwilling to negotiate? I thought they cared about Dreamers and DACA.

Well, clearly, the party of compassion doesn't care about those kids or the safety and security of our nation. They're obviously standing for nothing except hating Trump. Let not your heart be troubled, as I told you, I don't think this president is caving.

Remember, he tweeted this: If the committee of Democrats and Republicans is not discussing or contemplating a wall or physical barrier, they are wasting their time.

Now, the president holds all the cards, he gets no deal, February 15th, I'll give you odds. I'm 99 percent certain that he will lawfully declare a national emergency or just send down the military and start building the wall with defense funds.

Now, many of you in 2016 doubted that Donald Trump would govern as a conservative. I've known him well over two decades, and I put it on the line and I said he absolutely will. And he has, hasn't he?

He's going to find a way. He's tenacious, to get the money and build the wall.

In the big picture, I don't care how he does it. I don't care where the money comes from, it's our money and it's an emergency.

We see the growing seriousness of this every day. We have three caravans now heading this way, one 12,000 people. We had an MS-13 gang member apprehended in Rio Grande in a sector where there's no wall.

Just look at the video released by the Border Patrol in Yuma, Arizona. Look at this, a three-year-old is being thrown across an outdated, run down barrier by human smugglers, no doubt encouraged to make the journey because our borders are notoriously porous.

And it gets even more disturbing. "Wall Street Journal" reporting smugglers, they're now taking illegal border crossers on a dangerous journey through a wall free remote section of the New Mexico desert where they risk dehydration, malnourishment and even death.

Our borders are a huge crisis that has to be addressed. That's why former DHS special agent Timothy Ballard, sounding the alarm at foxnews.com. He writes: As a former DHS special agent on the southern border who fought sex trafficking for over a decade, I can say with certainty that the issue of the border wall should not be about power and partisan politics.

Human trafficking, abusing children, this is what reckless open border policies encourage. It's why the president is fighting so hard.

What are Chuck and Nancy fighting for? Anything? No, except hating Trump.

He's offering things they say they wanted. The president knows what is at stake. It's why he's been willing to change rat strategies to get the job done.

Now, tonight, the left refuses to even acknowledge a serious life and death, safety and security issues at our southern border. The president should, will use his powers as the commander in chief. I'm giving you 99 to 1 percent odds he will do it himself.

All right. Now, before we get to our guest, we have one important update to bring you from our HANNITY Watch on the deep state. Remember Nellie Ohr? She worked for Fusion GPS with Christopher Steele on Hillary's bought and paid for dirty Russian dossier, also married to Bruce Ohr, high ranking DOJ official who proliferated the dirty dossier throughout the FBI and DOJ?

Well, today, we learned that Nellie Ohr's primary role at Fusion GPS was to dig up dirt on all of Donald Trump's children for the Clinton campaign. She even performed op research against Melania Trump, another pretty disgusting example how the far left, deep state abusing power bureaucrats, literally how far they were willing to go to destroy Donald Trump to prevent him from becoming president and destroying his presidency from day one.

Here with reaction, Fox News contributor Sara Carter, along with "Relatable" podcast host Allie Beth Stuckey, and Fox News contributor Tammy Bruce.

Let me go over these words with our top story tonight.


HANNITY: This is the governor on the radio today. Well, he says, if a mother is in labor, I can tell you exactly what would happen. The infant would be delivered, OK, the infant would be kept comfortable, be resuscitated if -- that is outside the womb -- if that's what the mother and family desired, then a discussion would ensue between a physician and the mother.

BRUCE: Sean, you know my background. I was president of the National Organization for Women. My activism began on abortion rights in the 1980s. It is something that, and I think this issue as you said in your opening monologue is not about being pro choice and it's not even about abortion, is it? As a matter of fact --.

HANNITY: Are you still pro choice by the way?

BRUCE: I identify as that, indeed. And I can tell you that the --

HANNITY: First three months?

BRUCE: Exactly. Sixty-one percent of Americans who identify as pro choice agree it should be restricted to the first three months, 92 percent of GOPers agree with that, 60 percent of Democrats agree, six out of 10 Democrats agree with just the first three months and 78 percent of independents.

We are not a polarized electorate. We are not polarized nation in this regard. But for me, what is horrific, it is certainly brutal and ghoulish, is that these kinds of laws posit this notion that women who are about to give birth are willing to kill their children. And this is what we've got to stand up against.


BRUCE: Only 13 percent of Americans want third trimester abortions. Eighteen percent of Democrats are for it. No one wants this. It is not what Americans want.

HANNITY: Tammy, I disagree. No, this is being fought for, hard, and being passed as law in some, by people that claim the monopoly on compassion

BRUCE: Right.

HANNITY: Your former friends.

BRUCE: Certain Democrat leadership. What we know now is they are not out of touch with the American people, they are the antithesis, they are fighting for the antithesis of what we represent as individuals, whether you be pro choice or pro-life.

And you know what? This is a good opportunity for people to begin to have this conversation. It's a good opportunity for Republicans and other pro- choicers and pro-lifers who want to come together and recognize that, wait a minute, we have common ground on most of this.

We can talk and have conversations about when life begins. But if you are as appalled at this as I am, maybe that conversation in the 21st century now, now that we know what the dynamic is, perhaps we can begin to have that conversation. I'm willing to have it because this has been a horrific realization of where the Democratic party has gone and where people who would claim to be the recipients of the work that some of the people have done for 20 or 30 years.

HANNITY: For the cause to a point.

BRUCE: Well, this is not my cause.


BRUCE: And it's not been the cause of people in the ‘80s and ‘90s who were fighting for the opportunity of women to control that framework, when you find out you're pregnant, and I want women to have the option to say, yes, when they're pregnant, to have a good job, to have enough money, whether they're married or not. This is what we've been fighting for.

HANNITY: You went out on the streets of Alexandria, Sara. What was the reaction of most people?

CARTER: Well, I think what happened was the fact that this video actually went public, it really shocked the conscience of a lot of people that I spoke to. They were willing to talk about it. I thought it was going to be difficult.

But people wanted their voices to be heard. They were disgusted by this, shocked by it. Even those that were pro-choice, just like, you know, Tammy explained.

I think having the video out there was a real game changer. A lot of these policies and legislation, it gets talked about, but it doesn't make the public media. It's not out there. So, people really don't have any idea of what is actually going on inside the law, Sean.

And what I heard was people that were shocked, people that were concerned, people that wanted more information. And thankfully the law did not pass. What we see with Governor Cuomo and his statements, you know, this is not about religion, this is about the sanctity of life, about human life, about a child sitting there, after its been born, and you can't debate that life, once it's there.

I mean, this is a person, a full person. I don't know how we got to a point where we no longer value the sanctity of life. And we no longer support or protect those that can't protect themselves.

It's just very shocking. It was very upsetting. A lot of people were really -- some people were just so upset about it, they didn't even know how to talk about it.


BRUCE: Can I add one tiny thing Sara? I don't think we are at that point. We cannot, at this point at all agree and allow these individuals who are completely out of touch, to define what it is, where we're at and what we're settling in.

HANNITY: We get Allie Beth -- Allie Beth.

ALLIE BETH STUCKEY, "RELATABLE" PODCAST HOST: Right. Well, there is no coincidence that the expansion of government and the popularization (ph) of socialism is happening at the same time that we're denigrating life inside the womb.

The sanctity of life is central to a free republic, because without life, liberty nor the pursuit of happiness can exist. So, this world that we're living in, where we are denigrating the most vulnerable, the most marginalize, the most helpless among us, it is no coincidence whatsoever that socialism is becoming more popular, becoming more mainstream.

That's what happens when you grow the power of the government unfettered. Human life, unfortunately is the cost we often pay.

HANNITY: You three, this is not about abortion. This is, the baby being born comfortable and we'll have a discussion? It's the United States of America. This is -- we're better than that.

Thank you so much for being with us, all of you.

When we come back straight ahead, Senator Lindsey Graham in studio demanding answers in a shocking story about the FBI, the raid on Roger Stone.

Also later, Lawrence Jones, he went to California asking people what they think of Kamala Harris' radical policies.

And tonight's villain of the day? Well, let's say a famous Hollywood celebrity. Coming up, straight ahead.


HANNITY: All right. Big news tonight out of Capitol Hill. Senate Judiciary Chairman Lindsey Graham of South Carolina demanding answers from the FBI on the now what, third infamous raid, in this case, Roger Stone's home in Tampa, Florida. Why did the FBI send, what, 27 agents armed with rifles, body armor to arrest Stone for lying to Congress? He's not El Chapo.

The senator wants to know if CNN, fake news, was tipped off by the Mueller team to get their exclusive footage, of course, of this raid. Oh, they picked the perfect day.

Joining us now with reaction to all this breaking news tonight, Senator Lindsey Graham.

Well, you're in New York. Good to see you.

SEN. LINDSEY GRAHAM, R-S.C.: I am. Thank you. Thank you very much.

HANNITY: I won't spend -- I don't think that was about abortion in the commonwealth of Virginia.

GRAHAM: Right.

HANNITY: You once sponsored a bill that I agree with.

GRAHAM: Well, I have it right now. How many nations in the world allow abortion on demand after 20 weeks, which is the fifth month? Seven. Seven nations in the entire world allow abortion on demand after 20 weeks. They're talking about abortion during the actual birthing.

So, my bill says, unless there's life of the mother is at stake, as a result of rape or incest, you can't have abortion on demand in the fifth month. I think most Americans --

HANNITY: So, you would have four months to decide.

GRAHAM: Most Americans would be fine with that.

HANNITY: Let me go to this letter, Director Wray.


HANNITY: And I'll be honest. I kind of expect and have expected more out of Director Wray, because under James Comey we have two criminal investigations ongoing, the general counsel and its deputy director. I think there should be far more.

We hopefully will get to that. You have said you will get into this.

Talk about what should he do? Why are we doing this to people for process crimes? Why doesn't it ever happen to all the liberals like Clapper, Brennan, Mills, Abedin, all these people that have lied to Congress? Why not the predawn raid

GRAHAM: So, let me tell you my job. My job is to provide oversight to the Department of Justice as a judiciary chairman. Love the FBI, respect them.


GRAHAM: But somebody needs to watch those who watch us. I'm going to tell you all I can about the FISA warrant and how used to unverified dossier paid for by a political party without any verification how that--

HANNITY: Russian lies.


HANNITY: How ironic.

GRAHAM: But I want to know why to execute a search warrant with somebody who had a lawyer - the best way to get Roger Stone is to tell him CNN wants to talk to you. He'll show up wherever you want him to show up.

So the bottom-line is, this seems to me over the top, and I don't know what the message was being sent. But I personally didn't like it. I've been a prosecutor, a defense attorney it seemed to be sending the wrong message. That if you cross Mueller, look what's going to happen to you. Mueller do your job, but these tactics are unacceptable given the level of threat here.

HANNITY: I look at his team. He has a Clinton Foundation attorney, only Democratic donors, no Republican donors. And the man who was excoriated for withholding exculpatory evidence, put four innocent people in jail, overturned Fifth Circuit. Tens of thousands Enron employees - Enron accounting lost their jobs. He lost 9-0 in the Supreme Court. He's the lead guy.

GRAHAM: Well, if they're sending a message, I'm sending a message to them. You're accountable to the Congress and we're going to find out--

HANNITY: You will get to this.

GRAHAM: --what - well, they better answer my letter.


GRAHAM: If I were them, I would.

HANNITY: And we'll get to the bottom of FISA. Somebody signed off on something they didn't verify--


HANNITY: --and didn't corroborate.

GRAHAM: Just put it this way. What if the roles were reversed? What if the Republican Party hired a former British agent to go to Russia to dig up dirt on Hillary Clinton and everything in the dossier was a bunch of BS, do you think that might be front-page news everywhere all the time?

HANNITY: Your - the Grassley-Graham Memo, infamous memo--


HANNITY: --bulk of information. That means they committed a fraud on the court and they never told the court which they knew according to Bruce Ohr's testimony that they paid for. All right, I got to get it--


HANNITY: Lot of conservatives looked at Donald Trump, New York businessman, had donated to Republican and Democrats. At one point was actually pro- choice. He's pro-life now. He kept his promises on judges, taxes, regulations, energy. Now he's trying to fight for the wall. I'm telling people - I told people that he's going to govern as a conservative.

GRAHAM: Right.

HANNITY: Some doubted me. I think, I've been proven right. And I would say now, I'm 99 percent certain either the Defense Department budget or emergency money is going to be used and he's relentless and tenacious, and changing strategy is not losing.

GRAHAM: So to everybody who's wondering how this movie ends. It ends this way. We're going to build a wall one way or the other. I just talked to the President 10 minutes before I came on your show.

HANNITY: By the way, I know for the fact that he was in the green room.

GRAHAM: So here is the point we're trying to make. The $5.7 billion represents 10 locations according in the Department of Homeland Security that a barrier would make the most difference. It's a professionally designed plan. If you look at the 10 locations on the border where the professionals say, we need a barrier, it adds up to $5.7 billion.

Every Democrat virtually has voted for 634 miles of fencing. When you ask people where are the 10 locations of the 634 miles we need something up now? They gave us the location and the price tag is 5.7 billion. The President's not doing anything crazy. What's crazy is that they're fighting him after having voted the way they did in the past.

HANNITY: Just in the Obama, a few years ago - just a few. And the President, to his credit, offered--

GRAHAM: February of 2018.

HANNITY: --everything - offered things Democrats dreamed about, DACA, Dreamers, but not Amnesty.

GRAHAM: So let me just - let me tell you what - here's the conversation. The President wants to work with Democrats. He doesn't - the shutdown is not the way to get a result. He did it because he had nobody to work with. Democrats are overplaying their hand. If you want TPS reform and DACA reform, you'll get it--

HANNITY: You'll get it now. But you won't get it after the 15th.

GRAHAM: But you won't get it if he does it by himself.

HANNITY: I'm worried. I only have 10 seconds about your Republican colleagues.

GRAHAM: I'm worried too. If you don't stand by this President--

HANNITY: They don't stand by--

GRAHAM: Every President, Bush, Obama and Trump sent troops to the border, what's unusual about that? Nothing. What's the difference between sending a troop to secure the border and build a barrier, while they're there? He has all the power in the world to do this, to my Republican colleagues, stand behind him.

HANNITY: Exactly. It's good for the country. Stop heroin trafficking and human trafficking.

GRAHAM: And if you don't, you're going to pay a price.

HANNITY: Good to see you. Thank you for stopping by.

GRAHAM: Thank you.

HANNITY: Appreciated. When we come back, we sent Lawrence Jones to California. He's asking residents out there what they think about Kamala Harris' radical proposals, and you won't believe what they had to say. Also, an exclusive interview with our Secretary of State, Mike Pompeo, a lot going around the world. Our Hollywood "Villain of the Day", see if you can figure it out. Coming up.


HANNITY: All right, as I've been telling you about the Democratic Party, they are now competing to be the most radical, the most extreme 2020 candidate. And Senator Kamala Harris appears to be the early frontrunner and we decided to send her own Lawrence Jones out to California to see what the residents at her home state think about her far-left agenda. Let's take a look.


LAWRENCE JONES, CAMPUS REFORM EDITOR-IN-CHIEF: So Kamala Harris is running for President now, how do y'all feel about it?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I think it's awesome.

JONES: So some of the positions that she's taken. She believes that there should be a single-payer system, Medicare-for-all, do you agree with that?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Of course, I do, absolutely.

JONES: So how do we pay for that?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: That's just the way we've been paying for it all these years. I mean, let's just--

JONES: We're not paying for it now, if everybody is on it, how do we pay for that?


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: How you're going to offer free health care? Who's going to pay for it?


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: That's the - number one question is who's going to pay for it.

JONES: But how I'm going to pay for that?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I don't know. They can figure it out. If billionaire in this country took a $1 million out of their pocket--

JONES: Just to make--

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: --we pay for everything.

JONES: So put it all on the billionaires.

We should have single-payer, Medicare-for-all, how do you feel about that?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: That ain't going to work, not in United States, no.

JONES: What about the education system? She said that college should be free, pre-K should be free.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Who is paying? I want to know who is paying for it all.

JONES: What about education, she believes that free college, free pre-K, is that no really--

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: No, really, who wouldn't want that, OK. I just want to know where the money's coming from.

JONES: There should be free college as well as free preschool, how do you feel about this?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I agree, because it is in Europe. I work with international students. They get school for free in their countries. They come here for opportunity.

JONES: Yes. But how we're going to pay for that?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: It's in someone's pockets, so why not share.

JONES: But do you think she's a great opponent to challenge?



UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I like her policies. I think that it's time for a woman to--

JONES: You like her policies, even though you just told me that they weren't practical.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: The idea is good.

JONES: The idea - but it's not practical.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: It's not practical.

JONES: But you still like her?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I still like her. Thank you.


HANNITY: All right, joining us now Fox News Contributor, Lawrence. You're laughing at your own package, I love that. Lawrence Jones is with us, and Washington Times Columnist, our friend Monica Crowley. All right, Lawrence, why are you laughing? You think the answers are funny?

JONES: Well, this is just crazy. I mean, we don't think what she saying is practical. But we like what she's saying, but she can never get it passed, so we're just going to go for her anyway. This is how unreasonable the Democrats are. They are so caught up in their feelings that they don't think practical - practically about issues, and this is why they're not going to win.

But I would caution people, take Kamala serious. There is a group of people out here that's going to vote for her radical agenda, even if they know that it's not practical, as you just saw in the package.

HANNITY: All right. Kamala Harris, so George Mason University, prestigious university, they actually look at the cost of this. 10 years, 32 plus trillion dollars, that's 3.2 trillion with the "T"


HANNITY: --a year, that's almost all the money we take in. We'll have no Defense Department.

CROWLEY: It's almost all the money in the world, Sean. I have a column coming tomorrow in the Washington Times, where I argued that the Democratic presidential candidates of 2020, of which Senator Harris is one, have learned nothing from the 2016 election.

#1, they have no idea what it is to run against Donald Trump. But #2, they're now operating--

HANNITY: I'm waiting for the new nicknames that start flowing up.

CROWLEY: They're coming - they're coming. But they also are operating in the context of the Democratic Party, which is now Barack Obama's Democratic Party. This is no longer the party of Bill Clinton, even Jimmy Carter.

HANNITY: All right, let me interrupt--

CROWLEY: This is a radical left party and they are all running to the far- left, because that's where all the energy and activism are.

HANNITY: Keep you doctor, keep your plan, save money. Millions lost their doctor, lost their plans, only have one option in their county or city, and everybody paid at least double. So now she's going to take 177 million Americans' private insurance away. You will have no choice--

JONES: Get rid of that.

CROWLEY: Well, and remember, after she said that her campaign backtracked. But then today she backtracked from the backtrack.

HANNITY: So she backtrack, backtrack.

CROWLEY: But all the folks that Lawrence is talking to they don't care about how any of this will be paid for. They think money grows on trees or it will come like manna from heaven.

HANNITY: Well, they're going to--

CROWLEY: They have no understanding of it, nor do they care.

HANNITY: Lawrence?

JONES: The problem is, Sean, we warned people back during Obamacare days that this would happen. This was just setting the stage for a single-payer system. That they were going get rid of the private insurance sector and they make fun of us.

They said, conservatives, libertarians, we're overreacting. Well, we talked about the death panels and all this stuff. They said we were overreacting and now we see presidential candidates that are going to run in 2020, are saying they back this stuff.

HANNITY: Now we got - they're talking about 70 percent income tax rates. The bottom 50 percent, Monica, wage earners, they only pay 2% of the income tax bill. 20 percent pays over 90 percent. So what are those 20 percent of people are going to do with their money? They're going to leave. They're not going to pay 90 percent or Elizabeth Warren Wealth Tax.

CROWLEY: Of course. They will leave the country just like in high tax states, you're seeing this massive exodus--

HANNITY: And where are they going?

CROWLEY: --from states like Illinois, New York, Connecticut, California--

HANNITY: New Jersey?

CROWLEY: They are going to the low income states. Low income tax states.

HANNITY: They are going to Florida?

CROWLEY: Florida, Texas


CROWLEY: So this is going to happen on a national scale. But the point is, they don't care how any of this works, this is all ideology and it's about massive redistributionism.

HANNITY: Real quick, last word, Lawrence?

JONES: Yes, don't bring that nonsense to my state Texas. We got enough of liberals coming here, just like Beto almost got elected. So don't bring it to Texas.

HANNITY: Well - yes, if you're going to - you already ruined your state. If you going to move to the state that has no state income tax, don't bring your dopey policies that ruin the state you left.

JONES: Yes, don't bring. That's right.

HANNITY: All right, great job Lawrence, thank you. Great job, Monica. When we come back an exclusive interview with the President's top diplomat, a lot going on around the world, so what is President Trump going to do in Venezuela, what's happening with North Korea and more. And maybe you'll guess tonight's "Villain of the Day", famous Hollywood celebrity. Straight ahead.


HANNITY: All right. So much happening around the globe. Joining us now Secretary of State, Mike Pompeo. Mr. Secretary, always good to see you and thank you for joining us.

MIKE POMPEO, SECRETARY OF STATE: Good to be with you. Thank you, Sean. Thanks for having me on tonight.

HANNITY: We see - here's Venezuela with one of the largest oil reserves in the world. 80 percent hyperinflation, poverty, bare necessities, chaos, two Presidents at once, if you will, what's a situation and obviously your position, the President's position is very important.

POMPEO: So the President had a chance to actually speak with Interim President Guaido today. The quest for freedom is on. And the Venezuelan people have made very, very clear. That their constitution demands that Maduro not be the President of the United States and the United States is prepared to support the Venezuelan people to achieve the freedom, democracy.

You talked about it. This is a so once wealthy nation with enormous natural resources and yet we have a humanitarian crisis. We've got 3 million refugees leave Venezuela. This is a catastrophe - a man-made catastrophe by the Maduro regime, and we're intent upon helping the Venezuelan people correct it.

HANNITY: There's been a lot of talk about a second summit with Kim Jong-un. It's pretty amazing to me the progress there, because no more rockets, it was happening on a regular basis, being fired over Japan, threatening the entire region, even threatening the United States. Hostages have been returned. The remains of American soldiers have been returned and denuclearization talks continue. What is the status now of where those negotiations are and when do you foresee another summit?

POMPEO: So, Sean, I think we'll have a summit at the end of the month, that's the plan, that's what the North Koreans have now agreed to, is what we've agreed to with them as well. We'll do it some place in Asia. So I think that looks good.

I am dispatching a team there. They're headed that way now to lay the foundations for what I hope will be a substantial additional step towards the path for not only denuclearization of the peninsula, but a brighter future for the North Korean people, and security on the Peninsula in a way that no previous administration's been able to achieve.

I think it took President Trump to convince Chairman Kim that that all the commitments that he made this past June in Singapore, now it's time for my team and all of the United States government to work with the North Koreans to execute that and to deliver on our commitment, to denuclearize that peninsula. Chairman Kim has told us he's prepared to do it, and now the mission is to deliver on that.

HANNITY: As the former Director of the CIA, I would argue with - and you know a lot more than me that intelligence gathering is probably more of an art than necessarily a science, although some things are certain.

As it relates to intelligence interpretations of Iranian capabilities, you have the President, you have Prime Minister Netanyahu maybe disagreeing with some of the intelligence reports. I would chalk that up to maybe interpretation, but I'm guessing. What do you say?

POMPEO: Yes, I think that's right. I don't think there's much dispute and having - had the chance to be the Director of the CIA, I think the intelligence supports that Iran presents a real risk and that they have the capability to enrich nuclear material, fissile material. They have increase in capacities and continue to work towards improving their missile program.

Just - guess what, just last week, Sean that they attempted to launch a space launch vehicle which certainly would help them deliver on their missile program. These are all components that lead us to a place where they could one day have a system that threatens America, and President Trump has made clear, we're not going to tolerate that. We're not going to let Iran end up where North Korea is today. And we have a set of policies in place to prevent that.

HANNITY: Last question is about Syria, Afghanistan, American troops. The President wants to pull back on troops. We only have about 2,000, in my understanding, in Syria. Some members of Congress, some members in the Senate have disagreement. Is there a solution and what is the real status of ISIS? Is it degraded to the point where it's not anywhere near the threat it once was?

POMPEO: Well, the President will make a significant announcement, I think, in the State of the Union next week with respect to the status of the caliphate, the real estate, the grounds from which ISIS had been operating in Syria when this administration came in.

You remember the prisoners in cages, people kneeling on the beaches and being beheaded, this was tragic. We also know that in spite of an enormous progress we've made and the success that we've had, that the threat from radical Islamic terrorism is real, and we need to continue to do all that we can to make sure that there's not a resurgence of ISIS or that all the other variants of that terror regime continue to be under pressure.

This administration's committed to that. President Trump is - has made clear. It is a priority for him and as the Secretary of State, I can promise the American people, we will continue to do all that we can to keep them safe from this threat.

HANNITY: One thing I always remember in the 9/11 Report - Commission Report, they were at war with us. We weren't at war with them. And we know that those radicals are out there and what their goals are. Mr. Secretary thanks for spending the time with us. We appreciate get it.

All right, when we come back, you won't believe - you will not believe the "Villain of the Day" and some of your e-mails, straight ahead.


HANNITY: Love that animation, "Villain of the Day" time. All right. So Hollywood liberal, far left singer, Cher. This is what she wrote on Twitter. "The most Dangerous Threat to American safety is the Russian operative who currently occupies the White House. There is a special building in the afterlife for Putin's waterboy - Trump Tower Hell". Losing it.

All right. Time for our viewer mail. Last night we asked you, do you think democratic policies are hurting the American dream? Joe replies, "They're not hurting the American dream, they are destroying it. They running class has no clue what everyday Americans want, just what keeps them in power." Joe, yes, you're brilliant.

Another viewer writing, "There won't be an America with these Democratic policies. We will be bankrupt both financially and morally". Like in the case of - why in all of the states and all of a sudden abortion up to the moment of birth become a big issue on top of confiscating pretty much everything and stealing your choice at having health care. They are pro- choice, except Kamala Harris would take away your choice in health care.

All right. We are not the hate-Trump media. We'll be fair and balanced. Tweet us your question, hannity.com, for information. Let not your heart be troubled.

Laura, I have bid the post. Laura Ingraham.

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