Pollster: Republicans may keep the House in November

This is a rush transcript from "The Ingraham Angle," October 15, 2018. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

LAURA INGRAHAM: I am Laura Ingraham and this is "The Ingraham Angle." Thank you so much for joining us. Elizabeth Warren is catching a little bit of heat for claiming Native American ancestry. The Cherokee nation is out tonight with a statement slamming the Massachusetts senator, one of its members is here to sound off.

Plus, while most pollsters think the Republicans will lose the House this November, a few are beginning to take a different view. One of them joins us tonight to explain.

And violent Antifa mobs seemingly running the streets of Portland, Oregon? A counter protester is here with this first-hand account before Mark Fuhrman explains how the city leadership is failing its people miserably. But first, Democrats peddle victimhood as the midterm strategy. That is the focus of tonight's Angle.

At some point in life, we all have to decide whether we want to be victims or victors. Do we want to be defined by slights and wrongs, ones that are perceived or real? That we suffer at the hands of others. Two hundred and forty-two years ago, our forefathers made the decision that kind of sitting around bemoaning our fate under British rule wasn't going to get us anywhere. They decided to do something about it.

We are a people who chose freedom and liberty rooted in a sense of virtue over despair and hopelessness. And with courage, sacrifice, and an indomitable spirit and an abiding faith in God, we won our independence and eventually created the greatest country in the world. Powerful forces in today's Democratic Party though, are at war with that fundamental understanding of the American story.

In fact, many think the founding of our country was inherently corrupt and even illegitimate, and they have made a decision to run against that version of America. In the absence of an actual plan to grow American prosperity and keep us safe, Democrats are embracing victimhood as a political platform this midterm cycle. Democrat Stacey Abrams is running for governor in Georgia.


STACEY ABRAMS, D-GUBERNATORIAL CANDIDATE, GEORGIA: The miasma of fear that is created by voter suppression is as much about terrifying people about trying to vote as it is about actually blocking their ability to do so.


INGRAHAM: Now, what is she talking about? Voter registration has reached a record level in Georgia and there was a 75 percent voter participation there in 2016. The average nationwide was only 55 percent. Abrams is selling fear victimhood and the idea of, wait, illegal aliens voting?


ABRAMS: The secret is the blue wave is African-Americans. It's white, Latino, its Asia Pacific Islander. It's made up of those who've been told they are not worthy of being here. It's comprised of those who are documented and undocumented.


INGRAHAM: Whoa, whoa, whoa. Wait a midnight train to Georgia. Did she just -- did you just catch that? Sounds like Abrams had her brothers illegal immigrants, who'd indeed or our part of the blue wave. In other words, be eligible to vote? How does that not dilute the legal votes of American citizens of all colors and all backgrounds?

But it gets worse up in Massachusetts where a lot of my family is from and where for years Elizabeth Warren has shamelessly peddled the idea that she is a Cherokee Indian.


My Aunt Bea has walked by that picture at least a thousand times, remarked that her -- that her father, my papaw -- had high cheekbones like all of the Indians. Being Native American has been part of my story I guess since the day I was born.


INGRAHAM: Was she born in 1985, because I think that's when she started to tell the story. Anyway, warren is trying to play the victim. After years of taking criticism for her Native American claims, Warren, with an eye on 2020, tried to get this all out of the way. She released an expensive video starring a DNA specialist.


WARREN: What are the facts say?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: The facts suggest that you absolutely have a Native American ancestry in your pedigree.

WARREN: Some people questioned my heritage and my family history. Maybe they do it to insult me. Maybe they do it to distract from the kinds of changes I'm fighting for.


INGRAHAM: According to a DNA study, analyzed by Stanford's Carlos Bustamante, who by the way works for 23andMe, the company, the advisor of that company, Warren is possibly 1/1024, which is 0.09 percent Native American, OK. That's where the scale goes. It goes like from .09 percent to I don't know, like everybody else.

According to The New York Times, scientists say the average European- American is 0.18 percent Native American. So that would make Warren less Native American than the average European-American. Wait a second. What the heck happened to liberal concerns about cultural appropriation? I guess that's out the window.

Warren is kind of a typical Democrat though here. She's racially obsessed and let's face it, that's just easier than being factually informed. And worst, she is willing to scam the system, in this case, play in Indian to get a boost professionally or in this case politically.

And to add insult to injury, her DNA specialist, Carlos Bustamante, flatly admitted that he didn't even use Native American samples for the test. Seriously? To make up for the lack of those samples, he used one from Mexico, pero, and Colombia. Keep this up and warren is going to be claiming that she's more Latina than Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez by 2020.

Well, speaking of Latinos, a new migrant caravan from Central America, the second in six months, is now headed up through Mexico to the United States this week. It already has 1,600 members. Naturally, Democrats have started their old narrative about Trump separating families at the border. If only they had the same concern for Americans brutally victimized by illegals here in the United States.

In the last few weeks, two illegals have committed vicious rapes just in the New York area. One, Ever Martinez-Reyes followed a Nassau County woman home, knocked her out, and repeatedly raped her for about an hour. Then there's Julio Ayala. He is thought to be a member of MS-13. And Ayala broke into the bedroom of an 11-year-old girl he did not know and raped her on a bunk bed with her brother below them.

Meanwhile, we hear almost nothing on those stories or so many more like them from Democrats who at the same time agonized over noncitizens overwhelming our border patrol. When Lesley Stahl tried to melt hearts with her family separation narrative last night, the president set her straight.


LESLEY STAHL, CBS NEWS HOST: Are you willing to reinstitute that policy. You said we are looking at everything. Yes or no?

PRESIDENT DONALD TRUMP: I will only -- you can't say yes or no, but what I can say is this. There are consequences from coming into a country, namely our country, illegally.

STAHL: I'm not going to ask it again.

TRUMP: You don't have to, but it's the same as Obama.


INGRAHAM: Well, Donald Trump has exposed the fraudulent nature of the left's weak arguments and their weaker narratives. There is a sudden bounce. You felt it in that "60 Minutes" interview last night. The left is fuming that "60 Minutes" actually aired the interview. Check out the blog. But he has that extra bounce in his step and a sense that his party is now on the rise again.

Following the Kavanaugh battle, you would've thought though that the Democrats might've gotten a message that victimhood for political gain is not a great strategy. It won't work and it hasn't. And the good news is, the Republicans may have finally found their groove. They are outselling the peace, prosperity, and security agenda that Trump won on and is delivering on.

I don't know, in the end, I think most Americans are just smart enough to see that victimhood is a dead-end personally and politically. And that's the Angle.

Joining me here in studio, former Trump deputy campaign manager Dave Bossie and University of Maryland lecturer Jason Nichols. Jason was chopping at the bit and I want him to go right at this. Jason, here's what -- let's start with Elizabeth Warren. I think Elizabeth Warren and you go back to the Harvard faculty where she is described as a premier minority hire at the Harvard Law School.

I'm thinking if you're trying to pass yourself off as a Cherokee Indian and you had to get a guy from 23andMe who is a paid advisor to that company, like, do this goofy like Hallmark video, like, yes you are part Cherokee.

You know, the Cherokee Nation tonight says the following. The Cherokee Nations says, "Using a DNA test to lay claim to any connection to the Cherokee Nation or any tribal nation, even vaguely, is inappropriate and wrong. Senator Warren is undermining tribal interests with her continued claims of tribal heritage." She was trying to play the victim card and she got exposed.

JASON NICHOLS, LECTURER, UNIVERSITY OF MARYLAND: I don't think she was necessarily trying to play the victim card.

INGRAHAM: What was he doing?

NICHOLS: She was trying to say that she has Native American ancestry which is very different than saying you are Native American. And I think now she has moved beyond saying she is Native American. She was just saying she has Native American ancestry. Look, I have British ancestry. I would never claim to be British, you know. So, I think that that's --

INGRAHAM: Yes, because you have integrity. You have integrity and you would never do that because you don't have to pass yourself off as something that you're really not so you get an edge on someone else who might be applying for the same job, but they want to check a box that they've hired a Native American. You wouldn't do that.

NICHOLS: First of all, there is -- but Laura, there's no evidence that she had any kind of bump in terms of her career because she --


NICHOLS: -- had Native American ancestry.

INGRAHAM: You don't think Elizabeth Warren has received any special plaudits or considerations by being labeled a minority?

NICHOLS: There is no evidence of it.

INGRAHAM: But she's listed -- why is she -- if she gets no benefit from it, why is that her calling card?

NICHOLS: I think she, like many European-American friends of mine, believe -- truly believe --

INGRAHAM: Wait, do you just call people European-American's?

NICHOLS: I don't but I can tell you this, you know, if I say white I'm going to get people saying, oh, you're --

INGRAHAM: No, you're not. I don't care. It doesn't matter to me.

NICHOLS: Yes, I know it doesn't matter to you, but twitter is a different story.

INGRAHAM: All right, I got to get Bossie in on this. Bossie, look, if I were a Democrat at this point, I'd just be throwing Elizabeth -- I mean, if I were a Democrat I'd say, look, Elizabeth Warren has some great qualities. This sadly was a big mistake and she should just go back to issues because (inaudible) connect on some of those.

DAVID BOSSIE, FORMER TRUMP DEPUTY CAMPAIGN MANAGER: There is another reason that Democrats should be annoyed with Elizabeth Warren and that's 22 days before a midterm election, you make today's focus about yourself? How selfish and 2020 presidential campaign is this focused on today? This is a ridiculous thing for her to have brought up to begin with.

She did try to use this as a vehicle to get ahead in her life. Whether it was on her resume or at Harvard, it's an embarrassment to her and to the party. And they have nothing to run on, no agenda, and that's why they do things like this.

INGRAHAM: She said in one interview -- we won't play it because I'm out of time, but she said my mom and dad were very much in love and they wanted to get married. My father's parents said absolutely not because she is part Cherokee and Delaware. After fighting it, they eloped. I guess. She is now a Delaware too. I didn't even know that until I saw that like, I don't know. We all have to do our 23andMe because we probably have some cool stuff in our background.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: If you want to find out how French I am, you won't like it.

INGRAHAM: OK, I want to play -- now, Jason, I want to play because Donald Trump did mention a million dollars if she could present some evidence. See, he was asked about this today on the south lawn of the White House taking off for Florida. Let's watch.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Senator Warren released some of her DNA results that shows a strong likelihood that she does have Native American roots.

TRUMP: How much, 1/1000?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Do you owe her an apology?

TRUMP: No I don't, absolutely. I know her. She owes the country an apology. What's her percentage, 1/1000?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I don't have the exact number.

TRUMP: You can tell me -- when you have the percentage, tell me what does is say.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: What about the money that you told her you would --

TRUMP: You mean, if she gets the nomination in a debate where I was going to have her tested. I will only do it if I can test her personally, OK. That will not be something I enjoy doing either.


INGRAHAM: OK, I don't know what exactly that means but I think it was Kellyanne Conway, someone put out a tweet saying he should give her 1/1000 of the money.

BOSSIE: Yes, $977


BOSSIE: And then she'd go to a charity.

NICHOLS: Hold on, hold on, hold. She did not make the claim that she was 100 percent Cherokee Indian.


NICHOLS: And I agree that this was a big mistake. Absolutely.

INGRAHAM: OK, this is why I like Jason because, you know, it was a mistake.

NICHOLS: She should not have done this.

INGRAHAM: When she sticks on some of the issues she actually can connect on some -- and she's more populous than a lot of the other Democrats. She can connect. This is an area -- again, let's go back to my point. Playing the victim, it's just not cool. You are not a victim. You're a --

NICHOLS: I think she's putting yourself in Trump's arena to like she's playing by his rules.

BOSSIE: She's trying to but --


NICHOLS: -- Obama made --

BOSSIE: That's her 2020.


INGRAHAM: All right, we got to get to this issue in Georgia with Stacey Abrams arguing about voter suppression which can be a potent argument on the campaign trail. If people are led to believe that they really can't register to vote or people try to keep them from that, civil rights lawsuits filed on the 11th of October, Dave Bossie. Was this a mistake by Brian Kemp or --

BOSSIE: First of all, it's not Brian Kemp law. He is the Secretary of State so he's the person --

INGRAHAM: He was in favor of it.

NICHOLS: -- discretion.

BOSSIE: I understand that but it's not his law. He didn't just make it. He just can't undo it. So it's not about Brian Kemp. This is more politics of destruction and separating people, trying to make people angry, trying to get them revved up for the election.

And that's all this is and people will see through it. Look, people in Georgia want law and order. They want to be safe and secure. They want a good economy and they want jobs for themselves to be able to raise their children and educate their children and take care of their families. That's what they want. This is just more like -- she doesn't have a campaign to run on. Good policy.

INGRAHAM: Yes. Jason, real quick. What this law does is it tries to match licenses to voter registration. They say the concern is they are not ballots (inaudible) thrown out. They've become provisional ballots and so they are verified. They do have a lot of dead people on rules (ph). They have a lot of people who are listed twice in various precincts.

They are trying to match people to people. That's not a bad idea. It's a problem it disparately effects people. I think that could be a problem, but I think it's a little bit of a scare tactic to say it's preventing people from voting. Not really. I think most people can fill out their forms without a problem, correct?

NICHOLS: Sure, but the exact match if you can have -- say you have, Laura A. Ingrahamm and Laura Ingraham. They're going to be like, that's not an exact match. So again, one of the things that's happened is that, you know, 53,000 Georgians are in a precarious situation, 70 percent of them are African-American. This hearkens backs to an era in Georgia when African- Americans votes were not --

INGRAHAM: I think voter registration among all groups his way up though. I mean it has a good thing. It was up in 201, turnout was huge. We want people voting. So, it has to be fair and has to be fairly administered. You guys are both great. I love having you. Thank you, gentlemen.

Just three weeks until the midterms and most pollsters predicting the Democrats of course will wrestle the House from the GOP, but some notable people are saying may be a different path forward. GOP pollster John McLaughlin is here saying that Republicans may just keep control of the House. He joins us now.

All right, John, thanks so much for being here. Now, why do you think the GOP, all the predictions are they could be wiped out or they could lose, you know, the majority by several at the very least? So why would they have a chance to hold the House and your mind?

JOHN MCLAUGHLIN, POLLSTER: Well, because of President Trump. The 63 million Trump voters out there who came out in 2016 to vote, that was our strategy. Bring millions of new voters from the Rust Belt to the heartland out to get them to vote for President Trump.

The typical midterm election is 90 million voters. What's going on right now is each party is trying to excite their base to get more of their base out. So the Democrats are trying to get the anti-Trump vote out and we are trying to get the Trump voters out, and the Kavanaugh's Supreme Court fiasco was really about a Democrat effort to suppress our vote.

What they really wanted the president to do was either withdraw it or the Republicans not giving the votes to get past. And if that had happened, millions of Trump voters would have stayed home. So what's happened, it has backfired on them. Even ABC today has a battleground pulse saying the Republicans are up in the generic ballot in the 66 targeted districts that are most contested in the House.

So, what you've got is, you've got Nancy Pelosi, who's really unpopular. In our September survey, she had a 55 percent unfavorable rating. Only 30 percent favorable. The Republicans, to win them all they have to do is run a campaign to say we have to stop Nancy Pelosi and her colleagues from giving us open borders, raising taxes, killing jobs, government run healthcare.

INGRAHAM: Well, but isn't it at the same time colleges and universities, they are registering huge numbers of young people to vote. There is an enormous amount of money, smartly I think by the left, pouring into communities in Florida. We are going to get into this a little bit later on, trying to turn the vote. You've got Lin-Manuel Miranda -- I don't know -- Javier Munoz, excuse me, pushing Puerto Rican voter registration in Florida.

I mean, we all want people to vote but my point is if you sell this idea of victimhood and fear, or you sell peace and prosperity? Is it fairness over victimhood, peace, prosperity, safety? I think the Republicans have to stay on the agenda that Trump sent out in 2016.

MACLAUGHLIN: Look, in the Trump campaign, Donald was wonderful when he went -- the president went after Hillary Clinton. He never backed down. He was the right person to chase her on the issues, to challenge her on corruption, to challenge her on her vision of America versus him.

And he didn't back up on trade or immigration, with all the elites and the know-it-alls in Washington told him you can talk about those things. He went right for it. And what's going on right now is these Republicans that are embracing him, like Ted Cruz is up in the polls in Texas.

INGRAHAM: Yes. It can't back up. The never Trump-ers, the Ben Sasse's and the Jeff Flake -- I mean, (inaudible) just a losing strategy. We are going to be watching (inaudible). We'll have you back right before the midterms.

Democrats want you to think they are the great protectors of women in the workplace. But is that true? Hillary Clinton --


INGRAHAM: Well, Democrats claim to hold the high ground as champions of women in the workforce until they're involved. Well, the latest example comes via Hillary Clinton who had this to say about her husband's affair with White House intern Monica Lewinsky.


TONY DOKOUPIL, CBS CORRESPONDENT: In retrospect, do you think Bill should have resigned in the wake of the Monica Lewinsky scandal?


DOKOUPIL: It wasn't an abuse of power?


DOKOUPIL: There are people look at the incidence of the ‘90s and they say a president of the United States cannot have a consensual relationship with an intern. The power imbalance is to great.

CLINTON: Who was an adult.


INGRAHAM: What happened to feminism? Joining us for a debate, Monica Crowley, is a senior opinion columnist for "The Washington Times" and Dee Dawkins-Haigler, former chair of the Georgia Legislative Women's Caucus. Monica, let's start with you. Bill Clinton was 49 years old, of course, president of the most powerful country on earth.

Monica Lewinsky in her own words, she was a -- it was her first job out of college. But Hillary Clinton saying there was no power differential that negated consent of any type. Isn't that a big leap for what feminists used to believe?

MONICA CROWLEY, SENIOR OPINION COLIMNIST, TEH WASHINGTON TIMES:  Absolutely, Laura. I mean, look, the Clinton-Lewinsky affair was textbook abuse of power -- textbook. And the fact that Mrs. Clinton, given the new context of the MeToo Movement in this whole new environment, culturally and politically in which we are in,

The fact that she would claim that it wasn't abuse of power because Ms. Lewinsky was "an adult," at 22. It is so epically tone-deaf that it shows yet another reason why she lost this election. The fact that she cannot process even all of these years later what her husband did.

And it wasn't just the affair with Monica Lewinsky, but the subsequent perjury and obstruction of justice which is what he was impeached for. The fact that she still can't process this and be honest with the American people and herself about it is staggering.

INGRAHAM: Dee, not to speak of what Hillary Clinton did to Juanita Broaddrick after she brought her own concern about the way Bill Clinton, in her words, raped her. Hillary Clinton, according to Juanita Broaddrick, you know, basically squeezed her hand hard and said thank you for all the help and support you've given my husband and held on just a little too long.

But Hillary Clinton today says I guess this is all OK because by any means necessary, get power and keep power. How is that feminism though? I'm confused about what feminism even means anymore.

DEE DAWKINS-HAIGLER, FORMER CHAIR GEORGIA LEGISLATIVE WOMEN'S CAUCUS:  Laura, thank you for having me on, Laura. So basically, Hillary Clinton was right in her assessment. It was consensual, it was two adults who decided to be together. Now, Bill Clinton, was it the right decision? No, but you cannot regulate morality, and so, illegal does not always equate to something that is immoral.

And, you know, her squeezing someone's hand, maybe she was just trying to process it all. I believe that every woman's voice needs to be heard but at the same time, there needs to be processes in place so that everyone gets the right to be able to say what they need to say, which didn't happened in this Kavanaugh case. I mean, because there were several women who said that they had been assaulted and they never got the opportunity to speak.

INGRAHAM: Yes. Well, obviously the country is wildly, I think, tired of bringing up stuff from 36 years ago when there is literally no contemporaneous corroboration. But DEE, I want to get back to the question at hand. This is the exertion of power and a power differential between an adult man who is the head of the most important, most powerful nation on earth, with an intern.

How, as a feminist, do you say that that is legitimate consent? How is that consent when you are the president of the United States and she is a low level intern with her first job, with no experience at all in the workplace. I mean, I'm not saying she has no responsibility but I am talking about what feminism has been about, what the leaders of the feminist movement from the ‘60s on out have written and thought about true and valid consent.

HAIGLER: Well feminism, even itself says that a woman has a right to decide and dictate what she does with her body so, it doesn't limit her because she's 22 years old to make an adult decision. When I was 22, I had two children, working a full-time job and I watched a lot of women climb to top --

INGRAHAM:  Monica Lewinsky's life was, you know, was hurt -- I won't say its ruined because every life is worth a lot in the eyes of God, but where did she go after that? What kind of life did she have? Bill Clinton went on to make speeches for $500,000 a pop, Monica -- let's got to Monica Crowley, not Monica Lewinsky -- Monica Crowley.

He went on to make be the toast of the global society. And poor Monica Lewinsky, is (inaudible) be always called the woman with the blue dress. That's why the power differential matters. That's why these feminists today are total frauds for continuing to prop this up.

CROWLEY: Well, that's right Laura and you are pointing to really important dynamics. The feminist movement was supposed to be affording all women the opportunity to make their own choices, whether to get an education or go to work or stay home with their children, right. But over time, it became such a politically charged movement of the left that they began applying the double standards.

So the Democrats are all for #MeToo unless and until it hits one of their own, like Keith Ellison, or like Bill Clinton, in which case, 25 years ago, or however long it was, they circle the wagons around Bill Clinton because he was right on the issues, particularly on abortion. So they did everything they could to protect him.

INGRAHAM: Ladies, one more issue. We have to leave this issue. I want to get your thoughts, Dee, on another issue. The left I don't think was satisfied with attacking white privilege, white male privilege. The left is now accusing white women of benefiting from patriarchy power. You can't make this stuff up. Let's take a look.


REBECCA TRAISTER, FEMINIST AUTHOR: There have always been incentives on the table for white women who've benefit in a white patriarchy versus white supremacy and their approximal power via white men in upholding a fundamentally conservative white patriarchal power structure. White women have historically voted conservatively and on behalf of the white men to whom they are attached.


INGRAHAM: Dee, quickly, your response.

DAWKINS-HAIGLER: I totally agree with that, because many white women have been complicit in the behavior of patriarchal white men because they are able to drive nice cars, live in nice houses, and so they will be quiet.  Hence you see Ivanka and Melania Trump not really speaking up or saying what they need to say about the president who has also been accused by 22 different women of sexual assault, speaking of.

INGRAHAM: Monica, all right. All right, Monica, your quick response.

CROWLEY: Do you want to know what this is really all about? Donald Trump ran very strong among white women voters in 2016. He won a majority of them. He is still running strong among white women voters. So this is intended to leverage white female voters away the GOP conservatism --

INGRAHAM: All right, Monica, we are out of time. It's all about power and getting power back. Fantastic segment.

The Antifa mob creates chaos in Portland while local officials are sitting on their hands. A counter protester who was there and took on Antifa just moments away.


INGRAHAM: What happens in a major metropolitan city when leftist policies like police take a hands-off approach? What happens is violence, destruction, and innocent people getting hurt. That's what's happening right now in Portland, Oregon. Police stood idly by and let this happen.




INGRAHAM: Instead of confronting violent protesters, we shouldn't call them protesters -- violent thugs, cops are succumbing to leftist leaders and backing off, leaving ordinary Americans scared and unprotected.  Joining us now from Portland is one of the organizers of last week's counter protest, Joey Gibson. He's also the founder of Patriot Prayer.  Joey, did you group -- I know you were arrested at one point back in I guess it was in May for, didn't you carry a gun at one of the events at University of Washington campus, or a couple of your guys did? You are arrested for that. But did your group --


INGRAHAM: What's that?

GIBSON: We were detained for a second, and then let go.

INGRAHAM: OK, you are detained and let go. But in this case, did you have any intention of getting violent with this Antifa group?

GIBSON: We never have any intention to get violent. For us, it's about challenging the mayor, challenging these protesters, and just being able to merge. If they attack us, then people definitely do defend themselves.  But we've had so many marches and rallies where no one shows up, and it's completely peaceful and we have a great time.

INGRAHAM: So what is the goal of your group, as we watch this chaotic video? It looks like a lot of people got hurt. There were batons and mace being used, and rocks and bottles being throne. But what is your goal with your protest?

GIBSON: Sure. So it depends on the city and with the mayors do. For example, we went down to Berkeley. We kept on hitting it because the police were standing down. And so the goal was to eventually get the mayor to allow the police to do their job. So from city to city, it changes.

And Portland right now, as you saw a week ago, there were protesters blocking the streets and they were attacking motorists, and the police did nothing about it. So we went back in there and we did a flash march to kind of bring attention to this issue, to put the pressure on Ted Wheeler in hopes that would have some sort of response.

So it depends on the situation, but a lot of it is bringing media attention, inspiring other people to stand up for what they believe in, especially in these far left cities.

INGRAHAM: And a statement released tonight from, was it from the mayor or the police chief? It was from the mayor, Ted Wheeler, who basically said, I'm paraphrasing, that there were a lot of bad people out there. It wasn't just one group that was violent. It was a little bit murky, but, in other words, intimating that your group was part of the problem out there. It wasn't just the Antifa crowd.

GIBSON: Well, I would challenge it. If people don't show up to attack us, there's not going to be any problems. So the goal is we really want to be able to have our right. If you carry an American flag in Portland by yourself, you're going to get bloodied. That's the thing that people to understand. So until the city makes some changes and the culture makes some changes, free speech isn't truly going to exist in the city until they really make changes, especially with the police.

And another thing people don't understand is the police have slowly been changing their tactics in Portland where they used to just stand back completely. They would never intervene. If you look at August 4th, they did do their job, and then even last Saturday, fights broke out that lasted maybe a minute, a minute-and-a-half, and then they got everyone separated.  So I think that --

INGRAHAM: People should be able to protest and walk with an American flag without being attacked. And I don't like the black masks. I don't like any groups wearing black masks in public. If you want to protest and be there, be identified and be counted. Joey, thanks so much for being here tonight. We'll be following this very closely.

And you think that Portland's mayor Ted Wheeler would've noticed what was happening by now, but he's actually pretty supportive of police backing away generally from confronting violent protesters. Former LAPD detective Mark Fuhrman joins us to react. Mark, you have been seeing this Antifa stuff happening for some time. What kind of message does it send of the people of Portland when their mayor is encouraging cops to kind of stand down and tolerate these violent street protesters and basically leave citizens to fend for themselves?

MARK FUHRMAN, FORMER LAPD DETECTIVE: Laura, it's pretty obvious. You are telling the protesters they now have a venue that they can basically kind of bully the police and know that at the very least, there might be a few people are arrested, maybe a few skirmishes or altercations with the police. But by and large, they're going to be able to do pretty much anything they want.

INGRAHAM: Well, it seems that this has happened now on multiple occasions.  We have heard almost nothing from Democrat leaders about these attacks by - - it's mostly the Antifa group, of course. We saw it in Washington even after we had a protest here recently. We have seen it, of course, as Gibson said, in Berkeley, but not just there. We thought at these WTO, anti-WTO rallies before that. Sometimes at Occupy Wall Street things broke out. So this has been ramping up over time, Mark, and it seems that police just do not have a good handle on this.

FUHRMAN: Oh, they have a good handle on it. It's the politicians and the leaders in the upper echelon of police departments and city government they do not allow the line officers. And I would like to apologize to all the line officers in all of these cities. We know it is not you. Your fellow officers, your retired officers, people know it is not you. If you want to actually confront these groups, once they deviate from the policy in the permit guidelines, it is now an unlawful assembly, and then you take action.

But Laura, the thing that the cities actually do is they make it impossible for the police to actually do that. They don't give them the absolute manpower and the reserve manpower. They don't give them city buses to transport people they have arrested, set up field jails and actually have a system where they plan on maybe arresting 100, 200, or 300 people. They want it to go away. They want to hold their breath. They want to hope that there's only a couple altercations and nothing happens and nothing is burned down and nobody is murdered, and then they can sigh --

INGRAHAM: It's getting worse.

FUHRMAN: That's what they do. And it's not the line officers.

INGRAHAM: You are right, it's not the line officers, and I want to be very clear on that. But the Portland mayor, Wheeler, did speak out. And just listen.


TED WHEELER, PORTLAND MAYOR: I was appalled by what I saw in the video but I support the decision of the Portland police bureau not to intervene.  Listen, this whole incident will be investigated.


INGRAHAM: So he supports the decision not to intervene. Very quickly, close it out for us.

FUHRMAN: Well, the idea of not intervening means more officers are going to have their lives in bodies susceptible to injury or death the next time because this will escalate. People had guns. People had clubs. You can pass laws in the city of Portland to actually curb this by saying no masks, no disguises, no certain pieces of wood on signs. You can actually curb this, but if you don't want to do that, which the mayor seems to not want to do, then you're going to have more violence. And I really feel sorry for the officers that have to put up with this kind of conduct and have to stand there and do nothing.

INGRAHAM: I don't know how you recruit officers in this atmosphere that's being created mostly on the left. Mark, thank you so much.

And forget about a wall. If the Democrats win you're going to get a turnstile at the border. Former ICE director Tom Homan is here next on the coming caravan of migrants, and the message behind President Trump's immigration comments on "60 Minutes."


INGRAHAM: According to CBS this morning, the arrests of migrant families at our southern border surged after the Trump administration ended the family separation policy. ICE says the border detention centers are so overwhelmed that most migrants are being processed and then released.

Joining us now with his thoughts, Tom Homan, former acting director of ICE.  Tom, as a motivating factor for voters this November, how important should the threats of these caravans of migrants be, and how potent would it be as a political issue, it's a national security issue, a humanitarian, economic issue, but it's also a political issue.

TOM HOMAN, FORMER ICE ACTING DIRECTOR: It should be the biggest issue we are talking about. And I hope the voters are paying attention to what's happening, because if the Dems take control of the House, this caravan issue is going to happen every week. They're going to keep coming. If there's no consequence, no deterrence to illegal activity, why would it stop? So President Trump, he has the right idea. We need Republicans in Congress to back him up. We need some changes. And we know how to fix it.  We've just got to have the willpower to fix it, and the Dems don't have the willpower or desire.

INGRAHAM: So you vote Democrat in November, you essentially guarantee there will be a continual nonstop migration of the populations of poor Central American countries through Mexico flowing into the United States, period.

HOMAN: I have been doing this for 34 years. I can guarantee it, yes.

INGRAHAM: Right now, there is a 38 percent surge in family, quotation marks, family units crossing on the southern border, 38 percent. Just last month, 130,000 families crossed the borders, our border just this year, 130,000.

HOMAN: Why would they stop? There is no consequence, no deterrence. We can't detain them more than 20 days.

INGRAHAM: Because of the judge, Dolly Gee.

HOMAN: And the asylum threshold is so low, Congress failed to fix that.  They failed to fix the Flores settlement agreement to say we can hold them only 20 days. They haven't funded ICE for detention beds. You just said ICE is running out of beds. ICE asked for 51,000 beds. Congress has given them 40,000. They're already saying we're going to give you 10,000 less than you need. So we only remove people we detain, 95 percent of everybody moved comes from a bed. If you get released, you don't show up in court.  If you do show up in court, you don't leave. You have to get removed.

INGRAHAM: This was Donald Trump -- can we play the "60 Minutes"? Do we have time to play that? "60 Minutes," I want to play this really quickly.  Yesterday, let's watch.


DONALD TRUMP, PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: It's very deceptive world.  The other thing I've really learned is I never knew how dishonest the media was. I really mean it. I'm not saying that as a soundbite. I never knew how --

LESLEY STAHL: I'm going to change the subject again.

TRUMP: But even the way you asked me a question like about separation.  When I say Obama did it, you don't want to talk about it.

STAHL: I'm going to run your answer, but you did it four times.

TRUMP: I'm just telling you that you treated me much differently on the subject.

STAHL: I disagree, but I don't want to have that fight with you.

TRUMP: Hey, it's OK. It's OK. In the meantime, I'm president and you're not.


INGRAHAM: He basically didn't rule out another round of family separations if that's what it takes.

HOMAN: I think the president needs to strongly consider it. I think what we, we'll get out there tomorrow, tomorrow, way ahead of time and let them know, if you enter the country illegally already after passing through to other countries, if they're really escaping fear and persecution, they are out of the country already, so claim asylum in Mexico. But if you enter illegally, put them on notice right now we will separate you, because we separate Americans when they break the law. They should be treated no better. When we separated families a while ago, we did it for three weeks, the border crossing went down 20 percent. If we would have stuck with it for 30 more days, we wouldn't be talking about a caravan today.

INGRAHAM: And the young kids trafficked in the process, harmed in the process, humanitarian disaster, cartels are enriched, the whole situation, Congress has got to do something here. Congress has got to pass immediate turn-backs at the border, get more judges at the border. They have to do immediate turn-backs. Mexico has got to turn these people away in these caravans, can't allow it.

Tom Homan, thank you so much for your expertise on this, and the president knows what to do. Congress needs to step up.

Cherokee Nation tonight issued a statement blasting Senator Elizabeth Warren for essentially using them as a political prop. A member of the Cherokee Nation is here to respond to her directly, next.



SEN. ELIZABETH WARREN, D-MASS.: My Aunt Bee has walked by that picture at least 1,000 times, remarked that he, her father, my papaw, had high cheekbones like all of the Indians. Being Native-American has been part of my story I guess since the day I was born.


INGRAHAM: Well, 1/1024th of your story, Elizabeth, according to your own DNA test. So how are actual members of the Native-American community reacting to Senator Warren's latest political ploy? Joining us now is Rebecca Nagle. She's a citizen of the Cherokee Nation. Rebecca, thanks so much for being here. Why is the Cherokee Nation so upset tonight by Warren's DNA reveal?

REBECCA NAGLE, CHEROKEE NATION CITIZEN: I think what an important thing for nonnative people to understand is that native identity is up to native people. It's not up to a scientist in a lab. It is not up to President Donald Trump's Twitter feed, and it's not up to Elizabeth Warren. We live in a country where most of the nonnative population doesn't understand or know basic information about our identity, about tribal sovereignty, and about our history as native people. And so these myths that native identity can be determined by a DNA test directly undermines our rights as Native-Americans and our tribal sovereignty.

INGRAHAM: What about the whole thing, we keep playing the soundbite about the high cheekbones. I mean, that seems really outrageous. I'm sorry, I find that outrageous.

NAGLE: During this entire controversy, Elizabeth Warren has relied on stereotypes and popular misconceptions about Native-Americans to prop up her false claims. So in 2012 at a press conference, she talked about her relative's high cheekbones, and in 2018 after hordes of native people have been talked about how DNA tests in no way prove native heritage or any connection to a native tribe, she ignored those voices and publish those results. I think that her decision shows she does not listen to native people and is more concerned about her own political career and her ambitious than tribal sovereignty and native rights.

INGRAHAM: Rebecca, thank you so much for joining us tonight. We really appreciate it. Up next, Kanye is not done yet.


INGRAHAM: It's time for the last bite. Kanye isn't done yet. He had a livestream over the weekend which went largely unnoticed, but some of us watched. And this gem about the Democrats.


KANYE WEST, MUSICIAN: They're trying to control our mind. They're trying to control my mind. And when someone tries to tell me what to do, tries to tell me what I can wear and not wear, I feel like they are touching my brain.


INGRAHAM: Boring he is not.

Well, that's all the time we have tonight. 
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