Pollster Problems

And now the most engrossing two minutes in television, the latest from the political grapevine:

Pollster Problems

The losers in Wisconsin this week clearly include a couple of pollsters, particularly Zogby International, whose final poll on Sunday failed to catch the late surge for John Edwards. Pollster Warren Mitofsky, who did the networks' exit polls, calls it -- "the biggest polling goof in my memory."

Plus, Mitofsky tells the New York Times, the failures may have given Edwards a bigger bounce because they -- "made him look like a hero." But pollster John Zogby says that's just the rantings of -- "a grumpy old man." Mitofsky is sixty-nine.

Vet Benefits

John Kerry -- running in part on his record as a Vietnam veteran -- insists President Bush -- "[has] not kept faith with veterans across the country, and one of the first definitions of patriotism is keeping faith with those who wore the uniform of our country."

Kerry specifically accuses the president of cutting the Veterans Administration budget. But, in fact, that funding is now higher than at any point in the past ten years, and it's going up twice as fast under President Bush than under President Clinton.

What's more, according to the University of Pennsylvania's Annenberg Public Policy Center, the number of veterans receiving health benefits is going up 25 percent under President Bush's budgets.

Plates Passed Over

Some environmentalists in Georgia are refusing to buy a new state license plate whose proceeds benefit the Georgia Wildlife Federation ... because the license plates have an American flag in the background. The bald eagle in the foreground doesn't bother them.

Environmentalist Mike Moody says -- "I'm a patriot, but I'm not a gun-toting, flag-waving, Bush-loving patriot." The CEO of the Georgia Wildlife Federation admits the plates are -- "feeding off the patriotic mood" from 9/11, but, he says, that's the point.

According to the Atlanta Journal Constitution, the plates are significantly outselling their predecessor and have already brought in nearly $1 million for wildlife conservation.

Call to the County

And while San Francisco continues to grant marriage licenses to gay couples, you can call the San Francisco County marriage license office and hear the following taped message -- "only an unmarried man and an unmarried woman may obtain a marriage license. Same-sex marriages are not recognized in California."

FOX News' Michael Levine contributed to this report