Piecing Together the Caylee Anthony Puzzle

This is a rush transcript from "On the Record ," December 15, 2008. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

GRETA VAN SUSTEREN, FOX NEWS HOST: More bones have been found in Florida. Last Thursday, the bombshell-tiny human remains found with duct tape on the skull, found only block from the house of missing Caylee Anthony's grandparents.

Now, more bones have been found in the same area. The Orange County sheriff's department has not completed is search.


CAPT. ANGELO NIEVES, ORANGE COUNTY SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT: Our forensics unit, obviously, the FBI is still on scene working with medical examiners as well as the anthropologists from UCF that has provided some of his knowledge of expertise.

The will continue to be here throughout the next several days, possibly through Wednesday afternoon at the earliest. We are continuing to sift through the wooded area and recovering significant finds. That information and those items are being properly identified, sorted, labeled, and submitted into evidence.


VAN SUSTEREN: Caylee's mother, Casey Anthony, is sitting behind bars tonight, charged with her toddler's murder.

Joining us live is forensic pathologist Dr. Michael Baden.


VAN SUSTEREN: And by phone is Dr. Henry Lee, forensic scientist representing Casey's defense.

Dr. Lee, let me go first to you. Have you been to Florida yet to talk to the lawyers or the rest of the team?

DR. HENRY LEE, FORENSIC SCIENTIST: Yes, I did. As a matter of fact I have been to Florida (INAUDIBLE), and yesterday we were in Florida to meet (INAUDIBLE)

VAN SUSTEREN: Dr. Lee, what do you anticipate being your role, your job? What is the next up for you in this investigation?

LEE: I guess we have to wait until the attorney goes to court and get the judge's permission to examine the physical evidence or look at the crime scene.

VAN SUSTEREN: Dr. Baden, the news over the weekend, the past couple of days, that these little bones were found, any thought or theory? We do not know if they belong to the remains that were already found, and we are not even certain that it is Caylee yet, and so we may be ahead of ourselves.

But any thoughts on those little bones?

BADEN: Yes. What happens with adults and with children more so, the bones of the hand and bones of the feet are very small, and they can easily be brought out of wherever they are by little animals and by animals who poke through the plastic bad. And often they will bring them back to their nests and other places. So part of the search being done at the scene is trying to collect whatever bones might be in the area that animals may have moved around. And they could even be shoulder bones or arm bones can be moved by the animals.

Watch Greta's interview

VAN SUSTEREN: Dr. Lee, will you be able to determine after your analysis, assuming you get access to all the information that you need, whether or not Caylee's--first of all, the remains that were found in the bag had been there about six months rather than recently placed there?

LEE: Probably it's difficult. I am sure forensic anthropologists or forensic entomologist and give some estimation.

I think the first thing they have to determine is are they human bones. If so, do they belong to Caylee, or they will have to do some DNA analysis to confirm that.

VAN SUSTEREN: Dr. Baden how fast can they determine if those are human bones?

BADEN: Right away. A proper forensic anthropologist would know immediately when looking at the bones whether they are human or animal bones. And human bones look different than animal bones.

And the teeth are the heartiest bones of the body. And we have these photographs of Caylee smiling. And that is enough for a forensic dentist to make a definite identification by comparing the teeth in the bag or in the skull with the photographs of Caylee smiling, such as one of them that's on the video right now.

So they will know that this is Caylee. They can tell by the teeth. They are waiting for super identification of the DNA. That can take as long as they want it to take.

VAN SUSTEREN: Dr. Lee, is there any doubt in your mind whether or not the cause of death will be determined at this point?

LEE: The skull, as Dr. Baden says, is pretty straight forward. Probably they have already made an identification.

Of course, the next thing, how many little bones (INAUDIBLE) the skull, the rest of the body, whether they have any injury marks. (INAUDIBLE) the forensic pathologist or forensic scientists will look at that microscopically to determine any mark or instrument, whether those are caused by animals or by human or any other force.

VAN SUSTEREN: Dr. Lee, Dr. Baden, thank you both very much for joining us.

BADEN: Thank you.

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