Pennsylvania Trump supporters blast Joe Biden's fracking flip-flop

This is a rush transcript from “Hannity” October 20, 2020. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

SEAN HANNITY, FOX NEWS HOST:  All right. Tucker, thank you.

And welcome to HANNITY.

We begin with a FOX News alert. Breaking, a senior law enforcement official is telling FOX News that the FBI and the DOJ both concur that Hunter Biden's laptops and emails allegedly retrieved from that laptop are not part of any Russian disinformation campaign.

So, let me repeat to the media mob and the Democratic Party that is Russia, Russia, Russia obsessed, we can now report, the FOX News' news division, that the emails detailing the Biden's family sketchy international business deals are not part of any Russian disinformation campaign as some, well, Democrats and big tech companies are suggesting.

And that's not all. Now, the same official also telling FOX News that the FBI does in fact have possession of Hunter Biden's laptop, the one in question.

Joe Biden, you have a lot of questions to answer. And it's time for you to answer them. What did you know? When did you know it? Did you take a cut of your son's seedy, international pay-for-play schemes?

I know it's 9:00 p.m. Eastern, Joe, but if you're still awake, we have a camera right outside of your house right now. You could walk outside your house. Leave your basement bunker, feel free to step out, answer any of these pressing questions. And we will be more than happy to hear you out.

Now, of course, we'll have a lot more on this huge bombshell development coming up. Whether or not Joe steps up to the mic is anybody's guess.

But make no mistake, tonight, the president is gaining massive momentum.

Democrats despite what they say and the media mob, what they say, they're enablers, you -- really, it's hard to believe. November 3rd, that is two weeks from tonight, you will be the ultimate jury.

And 2020 is not a coronation for Joe Biden. In fact, over the past week, this race has now become extremely tight. Polls in every battleground state, well, are showing this is well within the margin of error. We will show you the bolls.

You're going to hear from the pollster tonight who accurately predicted Donald Trump's electoral landslide in 2016 and now believes that Donald Trump is on track to do it yet again.

We also have a full report from Lawrence Jones. He's standing by. He's in Erie, Pennsylvania, where the president wrapped up another massive rally.

And with just 14 days to go, the Trump campaign is planning an aggressive travel schedule, and the president crisscrossing the country, vowing to even hold up to five rallies a day in the closing days of this campaign.

Now, the same cannot be said for the ever weak, frail and cognitively struggling Joe Biden who is still hiding in his basement bunker like he has all summer. He's now continuing an incredibly light schedule through September. Calling a pre-noon lid on campaign activities for nearly half the month of September.

And so far, in October, well, they have already -- they've already been seven morning leads over the weekend. Well, he was off Saturday, held one public event on Sunday. That would mean, well, he is off Monday, yesterday, today, tomorrow, and Thursday until the debate.

That means with two weeks to go until this election, the cognitively struggling former vice president is pretty much taking off 5 of the last 6 days. We don't expect to see Joe Biden again in public until Thursday's debates. Fourteen days to go, that's two weeks from tonight, and Joe won't or can't leave his house to campaign.

I have been doing radio over 30 years. I'm now in my 25th year here on the FOX News Channel, covering elections. It's my passion. I have never nor has anybody ever witnessed anything like this.

Now, clearly, questions need to be answered. His campaign, Joe Biden's campaign has made what are unprecedented decisions, highly unusual political calculations and clearly top Democrats now believe that keeping Joe Biden, their own candidate, away from the public eye for six out of seven days in two weeks leading up to an election is actually better for the campaign.

This now raises real serious concerns. Why on earth is this happening? What is wrong with Joe Biden? And what are they trying to hide from we, the American people?

Because, obviously, we are already well aware of Joe's declining mental acuity and alertness. Now, according to Senate colleagues, Joe has never been particularly intelligent but now at times, he can barely string together two coherent sentences. He constantly -- he's confusing numbers, what day of the week it is, what state he's in, what office he's running for.

Also, Joe is quick to fly off the handle in fits of rage and irritability.

The 77-year-old Democrat is obviously struggling. Now, that's obvious to anybody watching him but also tonight, we know there is something far worse that the Biden campaign is trying to sweep under the rug and run the clock out. And that are now serious charges of public corruption.

A high level official is now telling FOX News that the FBI is, in fact, in possession of that laptop that purportedly belonged to zero experienced Hunter Biden who made million upon millions of dollars. The officials also telling Fox that the contents of that laptop are not part of a Russian disinformation campaign.

And once again, the congenital liar Adam Schiff and other top Democrats are literally full of it. They are lying to our faces about Russia yet again.

The only Russian interference in 2018 was Hillary Clinton and her bought and paid for Russian disinformation dossier.

That was never verifiable. The source was a known Russian intelligence official for a decade, to our FBI, and by the way, said none of it was true.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE:  Just ahead, I'll speak live with Congressman Adam Schiff about a new probe into a potential Russia disinformation campaign targeting Joe Biden and his son Hunter.

REP. ADAM SCHIFF (D-CA):  But, clearly, the origins of this whole smear are from the Kremlin and the president is only too happy to have Kremlin help in trying to amplify it.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE:  To say that there's no evidence that somehow these emails and text messages or this hard drive is part of a -- potentially, a Russian disinformation campaign doesn't make sense to me.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE:  This looks like Russia intelligence. This walks like Russian intelligence. This talks like Russian intelligence.


HANNITY:  Now, we know this is not part of a Russian disinformation campaign. The Democrats, they were lying. They lied for three years.

Now, we know the emails and documents detailing Joe and Hunter's public corruption scheme might be, in fact, legitimate. We already know some of it was. We have Joe Biden on tape bragging, you're not getting $6 billion --

$1 billion unless you fire the prosecutor investigating my son who is paid millions with no experience.

Now, this also includes a 2017 email thread discussing a payout from a Chinese investment firm with, quote, equity distributions to, quote, H, which is likely Hunter Biden, and more equity held by H for the big guy.

FOX News reporting that the big guy is a reference to Joe Biden. Remember, Hunter Biden began wheeling and dealing with well-connected Chinese nationals 10 days after he was on Air Force Two with his dad.

So, Joe, the question you should be answering tonight is why would you allow your son with no experience in private equity, just like no experience in gas, or oil or energy or Ukraine or Russia or Kazakhstan or China to be cashing in time and time again on your name and putting you in a compromising position? Did you get a cut of your son with zero experience in the millions that he made in these investments deals like in China? You know, that were stuck -- all these were struck when you were vice president.

What about the shopping spree that we know, thanks to the Grassley and Johnson memo courtesy of a Chinese national? What about the millions you made from Burisma Holdings? What about the millions you made from the Russian oligarch, the first lady of Moscow? What about the money that Hunter's firm received from a Kazakh oligarch that is in the Johnson and Grassley report?

Because also breaking tonight, look at your screen, this picture obtained by "The New York Post" allegedly shows Joe and Hunter alongside that very same Kazakh oligarch who wired Hunter Biden and his firm 142 grand earmarked for a brand new car.

And now, FOX News cannot independently verify the photograph, but guess what? Joe says he never spoke to his son about his overseas business dealings and there are business dealings. So, Joe, care to explain the picture?

And, according to the Johnson-Grassley Senate report, zero experience Hunter was paid at least 10 million bucks from these foreign nationals while his father was vice president, with millions more in equity, which eventually he will get.

Let's be clear. Hunter Biden is not an investment genius with a sough-after resume. He is not Goldman Sachs. He's not Deutsche Bank.

And according to the "New Yorker", Hunter is a long time drug addict with very serious personal issue involving that. He wasn't selling foreign oligarchs so genius investment strategy that they couldn't get elsewhere.

He was likely selling access to his father and special treatment from his father in the Obama administration.

So, tonight, serious questions. Did the former vice president profit in any way and did he lie when he said he knew nothing about it? Did he coordinate with Hunter on any of these deals? And was U.S. foreign policy compromised as a result?

Again, Joe, this is a really big smear campaign, as you suggested over the weekend, when you got one hard question that wasn't about your milk shake, you can come outside -- that is Joe Biden's house, his bunker is inside.

The outside light is on. And tell us why.

Now, we are all ears. You have a full hour of the show, it's all yours.

Now, these are serious questions, they've got to be asked of a guy who is now running for president, instead of so-called journalists and the media mob, they are all attempting to cover it up.

Look at NewsBusters, the big three networks, ABC, NBC, CBS, they have dedicated only 14 minutes out of 51 hours of coverage to the looming scandal. And apparently today, Lesley Stahl from "60 Minutes" was more interested in conducting a hostile interview with President Trump, she reported liberating White House staff for not wearing masks while Stahl herself was also not wearing a mask.

I highly doubt that Lesley Stahl or anybody at "60 Minutes" has any intellectual curiosity at all about Hunter Biden and the millions and millions he made without any experience while his dad was the vice president, and connecting them to China and Russia and Ukraine and Kazakhstan.

So why is it so important that President Trump continue to get his message out via twitter and through his rallies? Well, that is my.

And tonight, FOX News election correspondent and our Lawrence Jones was outside the president's rally in Erie, Pennsylvania, and he joins us with more.

Lawrence, what's going on?


The president was fired up at his rally today, zeroing in on Vice President Joe Biden's flip-flop on fracking.

Earlier today, I got the opportunity to talk with the president's supporters about fracking, how it affects them, and so much more. Watch.


JONES:  How do you feel about this race? Who is going to pull off the victory in Pennsylvania? I mean, this is Joe Biden's home state, so who wins it?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE:  I don't care, I don't care, it is all about Trump, because he cares about everybody.

JONES:  Fracking has been a big issue. So is Joe Biden for fracking or is he against fracking?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE:  It depends on what they told him this morning and what medications he's on, but I'm pretty sure that he's against it.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE:  He is flip-flopping all over the place that I think it is going to come back to hurt him because the American people, we want -- we want to know what you are about, and we know what President Trump is about. He's been for fracking since day one.

JONES:  If they ban fracking, how will that impact the state?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE:  It will devastate a lot of people, a lot of jobs --

JONES:  And the Green New Deal?



JONES:  The former president, President Obama, is coming to town to campaign for Joe Biden. Will that have any impact on Pennsylvania voters?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE:  I don't believe it will. I don't believe -- Obama -- he's old news. He's old news, and Biden is just more of the same.


JONES:  Sean, as you know, this is the vice president's home state peer who it is a battleground. The president won it in 2016. No Republican had one that state since 1988. Also, all eyes on this county, Erie County, the president won that county, as well, but again, Democrats are flooding this county because they are worried about it. We will see what happens on Election Day, 14 days out, Sean A week from today, two weeks from today.

HANNITY:  All right. LJ, two weeks from today, and they said over and over again they are going to ban fracking, no doubt about it.

All right. LJ, thank you.

Now, tonight, if you're looking for authenticity and honesty, you are not going to get it from team Biden. Now, on this program, we have detailed the Biden campaign's various lies, issues like fracking, lying about the Green New Deal, lying about taxes, lying about Hunter Biden and his scandal.

And this weekend, more blatant dishonesty, a Biden ad running in Michigan, actually featured a purported bar owner struggling in Ann Arbor to keep his business afloat during the pandemic. Well, as it turns out, that struggling bar owner was actually a wealthy millionaire tech investor who supported Governor Whitmer's stay at home order that contributed to Michigan's restaurant and bar industry being destroyed.

So, what does it mean for the polls in Michigan?

Joining us now is one of the only pollsters in the country that accurately predicted the 2016 election, that Donald Trump and win Michigan, that he would win in Wisconsin and Pennsylvania, he is the chief pollster for the Trafalgar Group, his name is Robert Cahaly with us.

Robert, good to see you.

All right. I'm looking at your polls. You predicted it would be as close as it was in 2016, you predicted it accurately.

I've got you right now, Wisconsin, one point lead for Biden. Michigan, one point lead for Trump. Florida, Trump up by two.

Pennsylvania, Biden up by one. Arizona, Trump up by four. Ohio, Trump up by four.

We've got North Carolina, the president up by a point and a half. Minnesota is a dead heat, it's dead even. And the president winning Georgia, which other pollsters do not have.

What are you seeing that other pollsters are not seeing?


What we've noticed is that these polls are predominantly missing, you know, the hidden Trump vote, what I referred to as the shy Trump voter. There is a clear feeling among conservatives and people that are for the president, that are not interested in sharing their opinion so readily on the telephone. When you see people be beat up, harassed, doxxed, have their houses torn up, because they express political opinions that are not in line with the political correct establishment.

And so, these people are a lot less hesitant, I mean, they are more hesitant to not participate in polls. So if you're not compensating for this, if you're not trying to give them a poll they can participate in with a lower threshold that would make them feel more comfortable that it is anonymous, you're not getting honest answers.

HANNITY:  All right. So, there is this reluctance and resistance. It's been hostility. People wear MAGA hat, for crying out loud. You know, they're open to, you know, attacks and people afraid to put up lawn signs, for example. And we hear example after example.

This would tell me that this is a very close (AUDIO GAP). We now have unfolding events. We have one more (AUDIO GAP), certainly missed ever- growing scandal might play on impact, or will it not? What are your thoughts?

If it can be shown that Joe Biden lied when he said he didn't know about Hunter Biden making millions from Russia and Kazakhstan and Ukraine and China and elsewhere, would that have an impact in your mind on the race?

CAHALY:  It certainly could. Right now, it's been subjugated mainly to conservative media, and it's creating its own scandal in the way that the online providers in the mainstream media are acting like it didn't exist -- it's not happening. So, it's kind of two scandals in one. I think people are seeing a level of corruption and just being hidden. And it's not something anybody has really ever experienced before.

I think of the president uses it effectively in the debate, when (AUDIO

GAP) is paying attention, and you know, put him on the spot, I think Biden might crack, kind of like he did (AUDIO GAP) happens, well, and the mainstream media is going to have to cover it.

HANNITY:  You see that there is this intensity in terms of voting, early voting in a lot of states right now. I don't see a lot of passion for Joe Biden. I see a lot of passion for Donald Trump.

And then you've got a lot of Trump haters out there -- by the way, you mention big tech companies, I'd put them as part of the group, I'd put the media is another part of the group. I put everybody in a Democratic establishment and RINO Republicans in that group.

So, how do we read all of this early voting in the change in voting laws that has been literally happening in the last 100 days?

CAHALY:  Well, it is -- it is very confusing, and as you can see, we're having, you know, court decisions. I mean, I did an interview with "The National Review" this week, and I was warning about corruption in Pennsylvania, that you have the court ruling on Monday. You know, these guys brought this (AUDIO GAP) in Pennsylvania, and it is a great concern.

But right now, what we see is the people that are going to vote on election day seem to be predominantly for the president, and we've been doing a lot with looking at these low propensity voters, and they are clearly in favor of Trump, and these are people that only voted once or twice in the last 20 years, and we see a strong enthusiasm for them to turn out, and they are not being measured.

HANNITY:  All right, let me ask you, so I started in radio, I don't want to give my age away because I am so youthful, in 1987. I'm now in my 25th year here at FOX, Robert.

And so, Joe Biden is in hiding in his basement half the month of September, almost the entire summer. Now, here we are, 14 days to go, Joe Biden was off Saturday. Joe Biden did one event on Sunday. He's off yesterday, today, tomorrow, and, you know, most of the day on Thursday until the debate.

I don't know, you obviously love politics and you are a keen observer of presidential politics, have you ever seen anything like it, and do you agree with me that some sort of calculation had to be made by the Biden campaign that they are better off keeping him away from campaigning than going out and asking people for votes? I've never seen anything like it in my life. Your thoughts?

CAHALY:  Yeah, I've got to agree, it doesn't seem like an accident. You know, it wasn't so long ago that Hillary Clinton talked about 3:00 a.m.

phone call, I'm beginning to whether a noon phone call is a problem here.

HANNITY:  All right. Well said.

If had to make a final prediction, and I put you on the spot, which is really mean, but I'm a talk show host, that's my job, how do you predict this race goes? And when will we know based on -- well, if you are mail-in ballot has a postmark, we'll count it ten days after in some states?

CAHALY:  Yeah, I've said for a while I see the president winning with a minimum of high 270s, and possibly up significantly based on how big this undercurrent is. And as far as we know, that's something I'm not even going to try to predict.

HANNITY:  OK. Well, a lot on the line.

Did you notice in FiveThirtyEight, this is Nate Silver -- which the liberal media seems to view as a Holy Grail -- that they are showing a dramatic and significant increase in the number of African-Americans and Hispanic- Americans supporting the president? Do you see that translating into new votes for the president?

CAHALY:  Absolutely, across battleground states we are polling, we see a significant number. We see in the high to mid-teens for Trump among the African-American vote, and we see Biden not getting anywhere in the 80 percent he needs. We see Hispanics north of 35 percent, and even above 50 in some states like Florida and Arizona.

HANNITY:  All right. Robert, thank you. We'll be watching closely two weeks from tonight.

Joining us now, FOX News contributor, the architect, Karl Rove.

All right. Karl, I don't know, taking six out of seven days off, or five out of six days off, very unusual to me.

KARL ROVE, FOX NEWS CONTRIBUTOR:  Yeah, but deliberate on their part, I suspect, for two reasons. What is they need to get him ready for the debate and that probably means a lot of rest and relaxation and counseling by his aides.

But I think it is delivered from this perspective. Remember, he was largely out of sight, out of mind during June, July, August, end of September, you know, he showed up at their convention and was busy the week or two before that, but he has been basically in the basement, and it served him well. He got a lead in the national polls.

And I think they made the decision, we'd rather keep the spotlight on President Trump and not keep the spotlight and Joe Biden, because if we go out there, eventually we are going to have to start answering the questions of the press, and maybe eventually the press is going to start asking us some difficult questions we don't want to answer.

So I think they basically said there are some problems with his being off the campaign trail, but we've got a big mass of money that allows us to buy plenty of advertising, and let's let the surrogates do the hard work and keep the presidential candidate in the basement.

HANNITY:  Well, I'm not sure that's going to work with the American people.

Now, we got the growing scandal of Hunter Biden -- and it's growing, you read the Ron Johnson report, the Grassley report.

ROVE:  Uh-huh.

HANNITY:  Russian oligarchs, Kazakh oligarchs, Ukrainian oligarchs, Chinese nationals, we're talking about millions of dollars -- and your thoughts?

ROVE:  Yeah. Well, look, even before this latest one, and this latest one is going to take some time to play out, the Democrats did a good job with Russia, Russia, Russia, blaming it on this information, so it's going to take time for this to work its way out and for us to be reach a level of tolerance by the American people that yeah, that sounds right.

But, look, we already know this. Hunter Biden used his father to make money, we know it from Burisma, where he gets paid a vast sum of money -- he has no expertise in the country, no expertise in energy, no expertise in being, you know, corporate governance, he gets paid vast sums of money.

Why? Because his partner is a longtime associate of the Democratic Secretary of State John Kerry, and he is the son of the American vice president.

So we know that already. We know about China. We know he flies over with his father on Air Force Two, palling around with a bunch of people paying him lots of money and giving him an equity fund.

The Moscow mayor's widow, I mean, talk about an oligarchs widow, he gets paid money we don't even know for what. And then we've now seen a picture of him with a Kazakh oligarch, who, you know, Kenes Rakishev, who's a sort of a sneaky guy. And what's he doing? He's helping him on U.S.


When was Hunter Biden trained as a -- you know, as an investment specialist, as an investment analyst? He got these jobs for one reason, his father was the vice president of the United States of America. And if that doesn't stink enough, I don't know what is.

And you know what's even almost worse than Hunter doing that? That the vice president says two things -- Hunter did nothing wrong. Where is his ethical compass? Where is his sense of what is proper and improper?

And second of all, he says, I never talked with my son about this. Oh, sure, so there you are in a picture. Hunter standing next to you. Kenes Rakishev is standing next to him, a sneaky Kazakh oligarch, and you don't say, who is that guy? And you don't say to your staff -- 

HANNITY:  Unbelievable.

ROVE:  -- hey, before I meet with these people, I need to know who they are. No, it doesn't make sense.

HANNITY:  It doesn't. Karl Rove, 14 days, two weeks from tonight, thank you.

When we come back, Senate Republicans pushing to hold big tech businesses accountable for their blatant not only anti-Republican bias, but their in- kind donation. Senator Ted Cruz is next.

Later, Lindsey Graham confronted by two crazy women, pretty angry, at the airport, we have that tape and his response coming up.


HANNITY:  All right, big tech is completely in the tank for Joe Biden, and Senate Republicans are taking notice. Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Lindsey Graham considering subpoenas for Twitter and Facebook executives over their attempted suppression of an explosive Hunter Biden email story.

Now, Senator Ted Cruz of Texas has also been sounding the alarm, calling big tech censorship the single, biggest threat to democracy. And meanwhile, lawmakers praising DOJ for slapping Google with a massive, long-overdue antitrust lawsuit.

Here with reaction to all of this, author of "One Vote Away: How a Single Supreme Court Seat Can Change History," Texas Senator Ted Cruz.

Senator, congratulations on the book success.

How do you quantify between 99 percent of media in the tank for Joe Biden and all things Democratic socialists, now big tech, they won't even publish


SEN. TED CRUZ (R-TX):  Yeah.

HANNITY:  -- from the fifth largest newspaper in the country a story that's negative to the Bidens?

CRUZ:  No, it's really extraordinary, and it's been getting worse and worse. The media hate the president, we know that. Many mainstream media outlets have just lost it in their loathing for him.

But big tech, we've been seeing for several years now, a growing pattern of big tech censoring conservatives, shadow-banning conservatives, silencing views they don't like.

But last week I think was really a pivotal moment with big tech, because what they did with these "New York Post" articles they'd never done before.

There are two back to back blockbuster stories, on two consecutive days.

One, alleging information about Joe Biden's corruption concerning Ukraine, the second alleging information about Joe Biden's corruption concerning communist China. In both instances, Twitter and Facebook prohibited anyone from learning about that.

If you tried to tweet it, as I did, you would get blocked, you get a warning that says, this information is potentially harmful, and I guess the only way it is harmful is to Joe Biden's political prospects.

Not only that, they went even further and they blocked "The New York Post"

itself from posting on social media its own stories. That is a major escalation from silencing individual Americans to now big tech is telling the media, we have a veto power on what stories you can report on and what s stories the America people can hear.

If anyone in the mainstream media had even a shred of integrity, they would be outraged at this. Instead, because they want Donald Trump to lose, they will docilely go by, by big tech's incredible assertion of censorship power.

HANNITY:  What do you make of what I believe would be the biggest power grab in the history of this country -- at least in 150 years, that would be packing the U.S. Supreme Court?

CRUZ:  Yeah.

HANNITY:  That would be D.C., Puerto Rico statehood, I think Democrats think, four Democratic Senate seats, a Senate majority in perpetuity, and amnesty for, what, as many as 15 million Americans, something of great value, I would assume, in the hopes they would forever vote Democrat.

If those things happen, would we ever in our lifetime see a Republican as a president again?

CRUZ:  So, I think we would. I think we would come back from it. But I think you focused on one of the top priorities for Democrats.

And interestingly enough, it's not even ideologically crazy stuff they want to do. It's trying to entrench their power, it's trying to pour into concrete that they will be in control.

And so, you're right, if the Democrats win, we'll see Chuck Schumer ending the filibuster. We'll see them adding two new states to the Union. We'll see them adding millions of new -- new voters to the roles by granting amnesty to illegal aliens, and they will pack the court if they win.

Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, they won't answer that question because the answer is yes, and I'll tell you what, I'm urging the Senate to take up a vote on legislation I introduced this week that would prohibit the Democrats from packing the Senate -- packing the court, rather, either a constitutional amendment to ensure the court stays at nine --

HANNITY:  It's a hard process, Senator, you know as well as I do.

CRUZ:  But you know what? There's an easier process. I also introduced a bill that would create a point of order in the Senate for any legislation changing the number of justices, it would take two-thirds of senators to move that forward, and I'm hopeful in the next two weeks, we'll vote on it to put every single Democrat on record. And you know what (ph)?


HANNITY:  If the Democrats got control of the Senate, they just couldn't override that?

CRUZ:  Well, they could, but it would take repealing that legislation, because the legislation on it would create a two-thirds point of order.

And listen, if they keep at it with the majority, they can do massive damage, and it's important to remember why they want to pack the court.

They want to pack the court because they want to take away our free speech.

They want to pack the court because they want to take away our religious liberty. They want to pack the courts because they want to take away our Second Amendment.

You mentioned a minute ago, my book, "One Vote Away," every chapter in the books talks about, brings readers inside to how there are four justices willing to take away our fundamental rights, and the Democrats agenda, which they weren't willing to defend in the Amy Coney Barrett hearings, is to take away those rights.

That's why the selection is so important, it's to defend the Constitution and Bill of Rights, defend our freedom.

HANNITY:  Yeah. And, by the way, it seems more and more like John Roberts is the other liberal justice on the court. Some of his decisions have been awful.

Senator, thank you.

CRUZ:  Terrible.

HANNITY:  I appreciate you being with us. Congrats on the book.

All right, coming up next, Lindsey graham confronted by two women at the airport over Amy Coney Barrett's nomination. Wait until you see that tape, coming up next, and Senator Graham will respond, right here.


HANNITY:  All right. Judge Amy Coney Barrett is set to be confirmed by the U.S. Senate this coming Monday, and how is the left reacting to the news?

Well, by feeling more blind hate and rage.

Look at this video. Senator Lindsey Graham being harassed by two women at Reagan airport in D.C. with one woman claiming Judge Barrett is called a racist and unqualified and insane.

OK. Take a look.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE:  Look me in the eye.

SEN. LINDSEY GRAHAM (R-SC):  Where are you from? Where are you from?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE:  I'm from Seattle, Washington. I'm here to talk to you and I'm here to have anybody --


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE:  American, and you are going to make my children, my daughter, who sit on the shoulders of giants, you're going to take her rights away by voting for this woman, a racist?

GRAHAM:  I'm enthusiastically going to support Judge Barrett.


HANNITY:  Now, the good news is the American people side with Judge Barrett, reject the Democrats' radical, extreme court packing agenda. New Gallup poll finding 51 percent of Americans support a Barrett confirmation, "New York Times" poll finds 58 percent are against packing the court.

Meanwhile, Democrats, every major institutional force are aligned to take down Republicans at all cost. And in just two weeks from tonight, and now, Barack Obama, he is being deployed to back Senator Graham's challenger, Jamie Harrison, in South Carolina.

As if Rosie O'Donnell and Barbra Streisand were not enough competition, now they are bringing in Barack Obama.

Joining us with reaction, Senator Lindsey Graham.

What did they raise, like, $100 million? You're like the new Ted Cruz in the selection cycle, going up against Bozo with $100 million.

GRAHAM:  So, all I can say is my opponent raised the most money in the history of the United States Senate to take me out. Why? Well, the two ladies who confronted me at the airport were nasty, they're mean, they call Judge Barrett a racist.

They're trying to intimidate me. About 150 showed up at my house in Washington. They broke my window. It's been that way since Kavanaugh.

Now, you got President Obama weighing in. It's not going to work. The people of South Carolina have my back.

And to your audience, you'd been very generous to me. I'm going to be stuck up here getting the judge confirmed. I'm more determined than I've ever been in my entire life to make sure that Judge Barrett gets on this court next Monday, report out of committee Thursday, take her to the floor this weekend, I'll be managing the bill.

And my answer to those two ladies is to put this fine woman on the Supreme Court, where she needs to be. Help me stand up to this mob, help all of us -- of these people take over our government, God help us all, they are the same people trying to ruin Dianne Feinstein's life for giving me a hug. We can't let them win.

HANNITY:  You know, you got all of the Senate races now, and Chuck Schumer said no more legislative filibuster.

GRAHAM:  Yeah.

HANNITY:  They are going to pack the courts.

GRAHAM:  Yeah.

HANNITY:  I mentioned amnesty. I assume they want that, D.C., Puerto Rico statehood, that's part of it.

So you've got your race. You got McConnell's race. You got Martha McSally, you got Joni Ernst.

GRAHAM:  Yeah.

HANNITY:  You got Tillis in North Carolina. You got Perdue in his race. We got the race in Alabama, in Georgia where Perdue is.

The Senate is as important as the president winning because this would be the biggest power grab in the history of the country, and if you add four Democratic senators, if you pack the court, if amnesty is something of value to -- 

GRAHAM:  Right.

HANNITY:  -- attract people to your party in perpetuity, seems to me, Lindsey Graham, I don't know if we'll see another Republican president in our lifetime.

GRAHAM:  Well, they'll do away with the Electoral College, which means that New York and California will pick the president forever. They will go from

9 to 13 members of the Supreme Court to wash away our conservative majority. They'll do away with the filibuster in the Senate, meaning anything coming out of Nancy Pelosi's House will go to Joe Biden's desk.

We've got to win this election. We got to get President Trump elected. We got to keep the Senate.

They are going to spend $120 million to take me out and all of my colleagues. Now, what can you do? If you can help me, I'm going to be up here all week, I won't be at home.

Help Joni Ernst in Iowa, she's going to be on the committee. Help Thom Tillis, he's gong to be on the committee.

Whatever you can give will help us get our message out, and we're going to take this to these folks. We're not going to let them take our country.

We're going to fight for Judge Barrett.

You need to fight for us. I've got Judge Barrett's back. You need to have my back, please.

HANNITY:  And, by the way, and then you got Susan Collins, I mean, second that congressional --

GRAHAM:  Susan Collins, oh, God, yes.

HANNITY:  -- district in Maine means a lot too. Martha McSally in Arizona.

GRAHAM:  Yeah, yes.

HANNITY:  Let me ask you, this is not our first rodeo, okay? We've known each other. We've got a lot of fights even over the years, people might forget that forget.

GRAHAM:  Yeah, absolutely, right.

HANNITY:  But, you know, I've never watched a presidential candidate hide -

- you know, we're 14 days away, and Biden has taken off five of the last six days.

How do you -- how do you strategize or justify not campaigning as a better idea than going out and actually answering questions and talking about what you are going to do for the country?

GRAHAM:  He can't -- he can't carry the message for five or six states.

President Trump is working his ass off going all over the country, enthusiastic, with a lot of energy. He's really accomplished a lot in his first term.

Joe Biden is in his basement because he can't carry a message. At the end of the day, this debate Thursday is really going to be defining.

We're going to win this race. I think there are a lot of Americans out there afraid of what the Democratic Party will do to our country, and they should be supporting Donald Trump because he's been a hell of a good president, and support people like me, I've been fighting for Judge Kavanaugh, Judge Barrett.

Support us all. We are taking the country in a good direction. The only thing between socialism and free enterprise is this election. The only thing between law and order and chaos is in this election. The only thing between conservative judges and liberal judges is this election.

Take it like your life, our country and your life depends on the outcome.

It does.

HANNITY:  I wrote a book. It's called "Live Free or Die: America and the World on the Brink".

GRAHAM:  Yeah.

HANNITY:  I might have understated the case.

Lindsey Graham, thank you for being with us.

When we come back, studies prove Biden tax plan would be a disaster for many people in many states, and even rapper Fifty Cent is now saying people should vote for Trump because of it. We'll explain. We got reaction tonight from Herschel Walker, Larry Elder.

That and more straight ahead.


HANNITY:  Oh, one endorsement for President Trump, 50 Cent is now endorsing President Trump, urging his fans on Instagram to vote for the president's reelection because of Biden's outrageous tax plan.

New polling, by the way, by Nate Silver's Five Thirty Eight suggesting that Donald Trump has jumped ten points with young African-American voters.

Here with more, former NFL player Herschel Walker, radio talk show host Larry Elder.

Larry, you've been seeing this for sometime, and we sit with Hispanic- Americans, now African-Americans moving to Trump, doubling, and in some cases tripling numbers he got in 2016.

Does that translate into votes?

LARRY ELDER, SALEM RADIO NATIONALLY SYNDICATED HOST:  Absolutely. It's tough to beat historically low black unemployment. It's tough to beat choice and public education when inner-city parents, black and brown parents want -- Democrats do not. It's awfully tough to do -- to beat what Donald Trump is doing on illegal immigration, on the ground that unskilled illegals take jobs that would otherwise be held by unskilled black and brown workers and puts pressure on their wages.

So, for all these reasons, black people are rethinking their allegiance to the Democratic Party and looking at what Donald Trump is done with prison reforms, what he's done for historically black colleges. This man has a record he can run on, and in my opinion, he's going to get double if not triple the amount of support he got in 2016.

HANNITY: Herschel, if Donald Trump praised a former Klansman like Biden did, if Donald Trump partnered with a former Ku Klux Klan's men, and fought against integration of schools because they didn't want kids going to schools that he called racial jungles, do you think the media might cover that a little bit, or a lot, or it would be nonstop?


HERSCHEL WALKER, FORMER NFL PLAYER:  Well, I think they would cover it nonstop commit at the same time, I can tell you right now, Herschel Walker would not be his friend. I can tell you that I want everyone out there to listen to me because I haven't been offered a -- vice president -- a job for President Trump, haven't been offered a cabinet job, all I've been offered is to tell the truth to the American people.

You better get out and vote Republican. As Lindsey Graham was saying, if right now you don't vote Republican, you're not going to recognize America if you let the Democrats get in control, your grandkids, your kids are not going to recognize America, because I see what they're doing.

They don't tell you the truth, and the truth is, they do not like America.

The way they are doing, they are going to take your freedoms away, and I'm not going to stand for it.

HANNITY:  You know, Larry, look at Leo 2.0, you know where he is today? He is campaigning for Donald Trump. Look at what you've done.

ELDER:  Right. You know, and, Sean, this is why, this movie, "Uncle Tom,"

because of the grief at Leo Terrell is getting right now, the grief that Ice Cube is getting right now, the grief Kanye West is getting. All they're doing is saying maybe, just maybe, we ought to rethink our allegiance to a party that advocates a welfare state that in my opinion has incentivized women to marry the government and incentivized men to abandon their financial and moral responsibility. It is far and away the number one problem facing the country in general and black America in particular, the left is not talking about this, at all.

HANNITY:  In the 30 seconds left, Herschel, much heat have you gotten over supporting Donald Trump?

WALKER:  Well, I really haven't gotten any heat now. What I've had to educate some people, and most African-American now have been educated.

That's why I applaud 50 Cent, because he is educated and knows the Biden plan is not going to work. So, I encourage everyone else to do the same thing.

HANNITY:  Record low unemployment, criminal justice reform, police reform, historically black colleges.

Thank you both.

More HANNITY next.


HANNITY:  All right. Unfortunately, that's all the time we have left this evening. Don't forget. Set your DVR so you never miss an episode of HANNITY.

Imagine this. Two weeks from tonight, you will be tuned into the FOX News Channel and it will be election night in America. You don't want to wake up the morning after the night before wishing you did more.

But let not your heart be troubled. Laura Ingraham, who is going to fry her first turkey this Thanksgiving, is next.

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