Pelosi urges Trump to delay State of the Union address as partial government shutdown drags on

This is a rush transcript from "The Five," January 16, 2019. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

DANA PERINO, HOST: Hello, everyone. I'm Dana Perino along with Lisa Boothe, Juan Williams, Brian Kilmeade, and Tyrus. It's 5 o'clock in New York City. And this is The Five.

It's day 26 of the shutdown and there is still no deal insight to get parts of the government back up and running. This morning, the president once again blasted Democrats in a clear sign he'll be using the shutdown as a 2020 issue. The White House also slamming House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and her party for not coming to the negotiating table.


SARAH SANDERS, WHITE HOUSE PRESS SECRETARY: Democrats have to be willing to do something. So far, they've been willing to do nothing but obstruct. And that's not going to fix the problem. It's not going to open the government. They claim to care about federal workers, but they've been so busy hanging out on the beaches of Puerto Rico at heading Broadway shows.

The president asked Nancy Pelosi directly. She keeps claiming that you have to open the government before we can negotiate. And he asked her point blank, if I open the government, will you work with me and give me border security funding, including the wall. And she said no.


PERINO: Meanwhile, Pelosi is facing backlash from Republicans for urging the president to delay his State of the Union address on January 29 until after the shutdown ends citing security concerns.


SPEAKER NANCY PELOSI, D-CALIF.: It's a special security event. This is a housekeeping matter in the Congress of the United States, so that we can honor the responsibility of the invitation we extended to the president. He can make it from the Oval Office.


PERINO: Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen, she is pushing back, saying that the Secret Service is prepared to secure the State of the Union. Brian, welcome.


PERINO: So glad you're here. I have a question for you. I mean, the Democrats have to realize that the Republicans are going to get something out of this negotiation, right? At some point, don't they realize that they're not going to get everything, but they have to give a little something?

KILMEADE: Well, it's really simple. This is not something you have to unwind. It's not comprehensive immigration reform where you're thinking about DACA and the border and border agents. It really comes down to this. There's got to be some money not for a border wall, a border barrier. You have slats, you got steel, you got improvements.

PERINO: So much security.

KILMEADE: So they put together this letter. Lindsey Graham puts together a letter with Joe Manchin, Chris Coons, and some others. And they say listen. This is a draft of it. Mr. President, open up the government for three weeks. At which time, we're going to sit down for three and a half weeks. And we'll debate, we'll vote on investments at the southern border that are necessary, effective, and appropriate to accomplish its goals.

Nothing in there says we guarantee you some money for a border barrier. That's all he needs. He needs between 2.5 and 3.5 for us to get back to business as normal. And why don't they just approach that and they could say we've got the president because he's not getting his 5.8 billion. We got the president because he's not getting his 2,000-mile wall. He gave in there. And therefore, they get a chance to...

PERINO: And they could talk about other things he's been offering like h1b visa holders getting citizenship.

KILMEADE: I think it's on the table.

PERINO: OK. Juan, Nancy Pelosi today using one of the tools in her toolbox to say I don't think the State of the Union is a good idea right now.

JUAN WILLIAMS, HOST: Right. And of course, that's her right. She is the Speaker of the House. It's the invitation that comes from the House of Representatives to the president of the United States. I thought she was wrong to say it was about security.


WILLIAMS: Kirstjen Nielsen pushed back and said it's possible. But it's really not about security in my mind. What it is, is that you have the Congress, the Supreme Court, the cabinet, everybody's there. So you want to make sure they are all safe. But I think the bigger issue is this. I think the president would do what he did in his Oval Office address on immigration, which is that he belittles the Democrats, demonizes immigrants. He goes on and on, tells lies. And then, he expects that somehow no one is going to call them on it. And if they do call him on it, they are bad folks for saying it.

To my mind, the big issue here is, you know, the president and the White House today, they said we're going to bring back 46,000 IRS employees and not pay them. And what do you see happening at the airports, in Atlanta yesterday? Huge lines. I think at some point, and the poll showed this, the American people are saying you know what, President Trump, you are having a tantrum, which is by the way, Pelosi used. You're having a tantrum. And you're somehow now paralyzing the government, as if everything has to be just about you. Stop it.

PERINO: Lisa, what about the problem solvers today who went to the White House. Republicans and Democrats, it's a group that -- they try to solve problems. They say we're like commonsensical, we want to get past this. Do you think they'll -- the White House said it was productive, what do you think?

LISA BOOTHE, HOST: Well, I think the problem with the problem solvers is just the mere fact that, look, Nancy Pelosi is the one that's going to control the schedule in the House. She's going to control legislation moves in the House. The problem solvers are in the United States' House, not the Senate. And Republicans also need 60 votes in the Senate. They only have 53 of the Senate, which is what makes things difficult for Republicans to try to move things forward, because what Nancy Pelosi has done with the House is passing legislation.

So she can say look, we are doing things. We are passing legislation. It's on you now and Republicans can't reciprocate, because they don't have the votes in the Senate to get it done. But the reason why Nancy Pelosi doesn't want President Trump to speak is she doesn't want him to have an unfiltered way to speak to the American people to make his case for the wall, and also increase border security.

And the bigger problem with all of it is the fact that we are not -- this is not a policy fight, right. If you look at the issues, they agree on it. Democrats have supported fencing in the past. Republicans want physical barriers. So the difference isn't policy. This is political. And when the difference is political, it's much harder to come to an agreement, because with the objective is to deny something or deny him of something, it's a lot more difficult to try to find common ground there.

PERINO: Now, Tyrus, you travel today, right. How was it?

TYRUS: Well, I got love wherever I go. I have clear -- I got diamonds, TSA passes.

PERINO: You just like walk right over there.

TYRUS: I practically work there. But it is frustrating because I won't be getting a check. My more concern is while this is going on -- and I've talked to a few coast guards, and a good friend, let's call him Uncle Louie, so he stays anonymous. The U.S. Customs Border Protection, which is a little bit different than patrol people get too confused. While this is going on, our borders, our eastern seaboard is wide open because we don't have the manpower anymore to keep people from coming in and out. And that's the real issue.

I don't care whose fault it is, who said what. We are more in danger now, not just at the southern border, the entire eastern seaboard doesn't have enough coast guards to keep our waters safe from the drug smugglers. As a matter of fact, he was telling me that they were in pursuit and they didn't have enough manpower to catch the guy. And he literally just sailed right in. They knew they were there, but they didn't have the bodies to go out and intercept them. That's the real issue.

So I don't care if he just has to do -- do whatever he has to do, you have to do the executive thing. If you have to do the nuclear option and just get the wall funding from the Pentagon, do it, because right now, we are in a more dangerous spot. Forget all these arguing and who said what, I don't care about it. Our country is vulnerable right now because we look and we're acting so terrible with our government. We are wide open.

WILLIAMS: That's so interesting because one of the things that was being focused on over the weekend was the high percentage of Americans who say their lives are not impacted at the moment by the shutdown. Now, we know about the IRS thing that I mentioned earlier where the president bringing back people in other areas to try to make it seem like not such a big deal. But when you talk about the coast guard, that's a reminder. It does have real impact.

TYRUS: And the coast guard hasn't been paid I think twice now. It's been a month for them because they fell on the rate when it happened. So those guys really need help. The economy is good right now, correct? We have an amazing economy. So, let's have the Walmart, Amazon, Chick-Fil-A, the Burger King that want to talk trash about the president. Let's have them kick in and help out these families who need help. The American citizens do our part to help the American -- the people not getting paid while the government figures this out.

KILMEADE: So, right now, for the most part, the American people think Democrats are more to blame -- excuse me, Republicans are more to blame than Democrats. My sense is as long as the president continues to say I want to talk and let's do this, and Nancy Pelosi continues to walk the other way, and pretend it's not an issue, that number is going to close. Until that number gets closer, I don't think the Democrats feel as though the issue is motivating enough for them to do anything.

BOOTHE: I think Republicans and President Trump needs to do a better job at explaining the fact that Republicans and Democrats are essentially aligned in supporting a physical barrier along the southern border. I think Democrats...

KILMEADE: They said that this morning.

BOOTHE: And Democrats even off the bat, they voted for some fencing. I think there's stipulations and limitations to what President Trump could do with that money. But Democrats are already off the gates, supported a physical structure of the southern border. So when Nancy Pelosi says that it's immoral, that's a joke.

And so I think President Trump needs to do a better job explaining that to the American people saying, look, we are actually on the same page. I don't understand why Democrats don't want to come to the table, why they're refusing to work with me on this. We already agreed on the concept of having a physical structure along the southern border to prevent bad people or illegal immigrants from getting in.

WILLIAMS: Well, let me just finish up and say to you, Brian, that in fact, the numbers are growing further apart, not getting better for the president. He's losing support as we've seen over the week since this started.

KILMEADE: He's not losing Republican support.

WILLIAMS: But Republican support, remember, is a shrinking sphere of the electorate.

BOOTHE: Increase for the wall is increasing though.

WILLIAMS: I'm sorry.

BOOTHE: Support for the wall is increasing.

WILLIAMS: No, it's security. What it is, is security and humanitarian. So the Democrats, Lisa, have said we are all for border security.

KILMEADE: But no wall.

WILLIAMS: But the wall is inefficient, ineffective.

TYRUS: This is what is going on right now in the government. And this is why all our borders are vulnerable right now. Get it together. Get it together.

WILLIAMS: Get the Republicans together because the Ann Coulters of the world say that if Trump doesn't do this, he doesn't -- he loses everything.

PERINO: The president should just do what he thinks is right. I don't think he has to worry about that. OK. A new migrant caravan heading to the U.S., we take you live on the ground next.


KILMEADE: All right. While lawmakers in Washington can't seem to come together to keep our borders safe, you got a new caravan of Honduran migrants heading towards the United States right now. Over 2,000 people have already crossed into Guatemala and are expected to arrive in Mexico by tomorrow, isn't that great -- where local residents are lashing out against the latest influx. They've seen this movie before.

Steve Harrigan is traveling with the caravan in Guatemala. Steve, they seem to be picking up steam. Two days ago, it was 600 people, now over 2,000?

STEVE HARRIGAN, CORRESPONDENT: That's right. It doubled in the first day alone. You can probably see some caravan members in the distance behind me. It's not an easy walk right along this mountain road. There is no sidewalk and big trucks come whipping around those corners. We're mainly seeing young men, groups of 5, 10, 20, making this march. They've got about 300 miles to go to Mexico.

There was a little slow down today for the caravan in Guatemala, the riot police were out in force. A few hundred of them with shields, helmets, wooden batons. There was no violence, but certainly, a strong presence there at the border. It doesn't take much to get from Honduras into Guatemala. All you have to do is show your I.D. card. You don't need a visa or a passport. So people were let through, but it did slow them down. So next, we will see what kind of reception they get in Mexico. Brian.

KILMEADE: You know, I understand that the Mexicans have fortified the border. They are ready for this, and those on the northern portions of Mexico are steeling themselves for more problems. So what is Mexico going to do different this time, Steve?

HARRIGAN: As we can see, it looks like very young men here. He looks to be about 16 or 17, most of them carrying just one sack. And strangely enough, a lot of young men that I've talked to had absolutely no money in their pockets, for what could be a month-long trip. One man told me today I will rely on people on the road to feed me.

We haven't seen any handouts, we haven't seen any financing. We have seen church kitchen soup kitchen lunches, people providing for the migrants. But largely, they've been on their own. It's mainly young men, but we've seen some women, husbands, mothers, and small children, too, which is a really tough road.

But about the Mexican reaction, they might've worn out their welcome, especially around Tijuana. They've just shut down a major shelter there in Tijuana, just as another caravan is coming. And these caravans are getting bigger and faster. We don't know how big this one's going to get. It's about 2,000, but it could go to 7,000, 10,000, or 15,000. There are two more scheduled.

So now, the waves are getting closer and closer together, because I think these caravans, at least here in Guatemala and in Honduras, are seen as a success. People have not been deported back home. They've not been thrown in jail. They have made it. So more people are joining.

BOOTHE: Hi, Steve. This is Lisa Boothe. Have you spoken to any migrants and what's the reasoning they've told you of why they are making this trip? Is it seeking employment, family reunification, what are the reasons that they gave you?

HARRIGAN: I think it's the same for parents with small children and these young people. They just don't have jobs, don't have money, especially in Honduras. There is -- there's such a sense of desperation that they say we're not going back and we have no choice. We are going to get in the U.S. one way or another. If we can find work in Mexico for a while, great, but we are going. There is nothing here for us.

And to set off with no money in your pocket or to set up with a 2-year-old like the woman we talked to today, things have to be pretty bad in Honduras to do that to walk to the U.S.

WILLIAMS: Steve, you know, what we hear from the president is talk about diseased people, terrorists, gangsters, MS-13 and the like. What are you seeing on the ground?

HARRIGAN: We saw today the Guatemalan police check IDs and they did arrest several people, including an interest of someone who was a rapist of a minor. So I think, you know, perhaps anywhere in the world you go, where you have groups of thousands of people, you're going to have bad actors. And there were certainly some who tried to cross the border in the Guatemala today and the Guatemalan police arrested several of them.


PERINO: Steve, are the Hondurans unwilling or unable to help the conditions on the ground in their own country?

HARRIGAN: You know, it's pretty startling to see just the conditions people are in there. The way homes are built, the way roads are built, the way things are run there. I think there's a sense of despair and hopelessness. And, Charles, if you can turn around, these are not -- you know, you're weak, you're poor, and you're needy. These are young, vigorous men looking for work most of them.

And they are willing to make a tremendous effort to undergo 3,000 miles, a lot of them on foot, a lot with nothing. These are people who are taking this incredibly difficult trip just because things are so bad. I think the fact that they are leaving tells you about how bad things are in Honduras. If you're willing to get on the road with no money in your pocket just to get out, that's a bad place.

TYRUS: This is Tyrus here. I have a question, the general morale. Are they chasing -- when you talk with them, are they talking about the American dream, are they talking about jobs, are they excited? Is it like, hey, we're getting ready for new beginning and a new life or is it more of a sense of fleeing?

HARRIGAN: You know, I think, especially among the young -- this is early in the caravan, but I think there is a sense of hope and excitement. I think they look to the U.S. as a place where they can find work and achieve what they want, where things work, where if they work hard, they can get something. I think with the older people, there is a lot more fear because they have their children to defend and take care of, along with a very difficult route.

But the mood is jaunty at this point among the young people we've seen so far, even sleeping outside at night on the sidewalks. They are fired up to get to the U.S.

KILMEADE: All right. Steve Harrigan, thanks so much.

PERINO: Good report.

KILMEADE: Steve Harrigan out in the middle of the...

PERINO: He's amazing.

KILMEADE: Yeah, triangle. He's incredible, too. Too bad they don't know the road to getting refugee status. That would be the right way -- that would be the right way to do it. Everyone has a heart, but I think basically it comes down to, Juan, the social programs in the social fiber, are they for Americans or are they for people not even going into the immigration system?

WILLIAMS: We have an asylum process and you have a right to apply for asylum.

KILMEADE: That way?

WILLIAMS: Yeah. In other words -- in fact, the president said, you know, they can't just cross, they've got to come here or there, and the court said no. Anybody who comes from desperate, destitute situations and makes a claim will be heard. That's the American law.

So they have a right to it. I think the larger issue here for us and I think this is something Dana has drilled into my mind is, can we do something back in their home countries to help stanch this? Because it's not that we lack heart or don't care. I think we just see this as an increasingly, even the president calls it, a humanitarian crisis.

KILMEADE: But we are already giving them money. We are already giving them money. Maybe we could do more in terms of structure.

BOOTHE: The reason I asked Steve that question was the fact, a lot of these individuals -- I don't blame them. I don't blame them for wanting to come to the United States and seek asylum. But the problem is a lot of them are seeking economic opportunities and that's not where asylum is necessarily supposed to come into play.

The problem is, the system is being gamed and that's an issue because you have -- we've seen dramatic increases in families making this dangerous trip. We know at least one of three women are going to be sexually assaulted on the trip. There is violence. There is danger. Steve talked to about someone who was arrested, who was a rapist.

So this is a very dangerous trip. And so the problem is the system is being gamed. But 89 percent of people are going to pass that initial credible fear interview, but only 9 percent who actually show up in immigration courts are going to be granted asylum, yet they've made this journey to the United States. That's a problem.

TYRUS: She makes a great point. I was at -- I was at the farmers' yearly convention where the president spoke on Monday. And one of the things that got a great ovation when he talked about making it easier for people who are coming here to work.


KILMEADE: Work visas.

TYRUS: They're making it easier to come and work, and then to go home. He spoke at great length in terms of it's a better way to get the right people here who want to come to work. And then, they go home. They make their money and they go home. He says that process has become harder for people in this case, who are instead of claiming asylum, because they want to get here to get a job can literally -- there will be new places for them to go, and say I want to work.

I want to work this or whatever, and they make deals with the agricultural people. They come in, they work, they stay for a certain amount of time, whether six months or year or whatever the deal is. And then, they go home.

WILLIAMS: Yeah. Did you know why they applauded? Because right now, there's a shortage of those workers. And why is there a shortage? Because we don't have comprehensive immigration reform, we don't have an immigration system that helps us in terms of our own economy, and the president just closes his eyes.

KILMEADE: That's a comprehensive immigration reform. Everyone's been unable to do it for 25 years. You can't blame it on the president. He had the job for two years.

WILLIAMS: I think we had just two years with the Republicans in the majority in which they didn't do anything about this or anything about comprehensive immigration.

PERINO: This is the thing. This is true all over the world. This has always been true. The only way to solve a refugee problem is to deal with the problem at its source. That's true in Honduras...

TYRUS: Amen.

PERINO: Syria, Libya, it doesn't matter where it is. Part of that is you have to defend yourself, right. You have to have your own border security, but at the same time, people aren't going to stop coming. And so, do we have some sort of incentive? Is it in our national interest to do something at its source? I would argue yes.

KILMEADE: Yes. And we are doing stuff.

PERINO: Not enough.

KILMEADE: Well, how much is enough, how much money do we have?

PERINO: I think it's not just money. I mean, this is law and order, education, capitalism and opportunity because socialism is what that destroyed this country.

KILMEADE: All right. They also have to want to help the government in control.

Meanwhile, straight ahead, the Women's March reportedly loses a major backer over its cofounder refuses to condemn Louis Farrakhan. Will the march happen?


WILLIAMS: Welcome back. The DNC reportedly dropping its sponsorship of the Women's March after one of the group's leaders refused to denounce nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan. Here was the heated exchange that took place today on The View.


TAMIKA MALLORY, WOMEN'S MARCH CO-PRESIDENT: I didn't call him the greatest of all time, because of his rhetoric. I called him the greatest of all time because of what he's done in black communities.

I don't agree with many of Mr. Farrakhan's statements.

MEGHAN MCCAIN, THE VIEW CO-HOST: Specifically about Jewish people.

MALLORY: As I said, I don't agree with many of Mr. Farrakhan's statements.

MCCAIN: Do you condemn them?

MALLORY: I don't agree with these statements. At the end of the day...

MCCAIN: You won't condemn it.

MALLORY: No, no, no. To be very clear, it's not my language. It's not the way that I speak. It is not how I organize.

I should never be judged through the lens of a man.


WILLIAMS: So what you saw, by the way, that was Monday night, not today. What you see there is representative of a larger movement away from the march by Southern Poverty Law Center, Emily's List, Human Rights Campaign, National Abortion Rights League, Center for American Progress, all these left-leaning groups that had support of the march -- remember, they turned out millions in the immediate aftermath of the inauguration -- pulling away. What do you make of this?

BOOTHE: Well, you know, credit where credit is due, right? Good for them for disassociating with the Women's March and especially individuals who are anti-Semitic. Right?

And Meghan McCain did an awesome job in that interview in really holding her feet to the fire, Malika, and asking for an explicit condemnation, and Malika refused to give Meghan and the country that. So I think that is a big problem. And the left has a Louis Farrakhan problem.

And they also have a problem with some anti-Semites among the group. You even have Maxine Waters, who was -- you know, there's a video recently of her hugging Louis Farrakhan. She is the chairwoman of the Financial Services Committee. It shouldn't be that hard to condemn a guy who says that Jews are termites and compares them to Satan. It really shouldn't be that hard.

WILLIAMS: Brian, I think a lot of people in the black community think, "Wait a second." You know, nobody approves of Louis Farrakhan's anti- Semitism; but Louis Farrakhan and the Nation of Islam have always engaged poor, people in jail, and sometimes help those people in their lives.

KILMEADE: So not saying that every person who is evil doesn't do any good. For the most part, Farrakhan might have some attributes in the black community, but anybody who's looking for something broad-based has to disassociate.

And for them to go on "The View" and think that they can make these statements and not be clear -- let it be known. If, for example, he does things in the black amenity, but I am pro -- I am not for his anti-Semitic behavior, his antiwhite talk. I am pro -- just get the -- get the lines down.

At the very least, she had -- was not prepared to disassociate herself. And now a program that, a march that had 550 sponsors is down to half that and might not even take place on Sunday. It's unbelievable the -- being friends with Louis Farrakhan can destroy a life, a career, a program, and in this case, a Woman's March. Is it worth it?

WILLIAMS: Well, that's a question. But I think it's very difficult for people who are trying to achieve solidarity as part of the anti-Trump resistance.

But Dana, the question then becomes, if this is about race, what about what's going on with Steve King this week in the Republican ranks? You know, you saw them pull committee assignments from him; but he's not being forced out. He's not being thrown out of the Congress.

PERINO: Well, but I don't -- how would they do that, right? So he's been elected. They can say -- they can do as much punishment as they -- as they can.

WILLIAMS: They could expel him.

PERINO: Well, and it may -- it might come to that. There's a race to get to the moral high ground.


PERINO: And the guilt by association. This has been going on for a long time, right? So if you're part of this group or this part of that, then you must agree with all of those things.

But the Farrakhan piece is pretty interesting, and so is the Steve King piece. You have somebody like Liz Cheney, who is the conference chairman for the Republicans, saying you've got to get -- you should find another line of work. Right? They're drawing a line in the sand.

And I feel like maybe the Democrats smell blood in the water. Like, they want the Republicans to hurt because of Steve King; but then the Republicans could turn on them and say, "Well, what about Louis Farrakhan?" And then, like, where does it end?

And I do also agree there is personal choice, right? Like I don't have to own everything that anybody that has ever been a Republican has ever had. I don't have to own any of that. Like, I can choose my own path. And I do that every -- you make a choice 20,000 times a day every time you open your mouth.

WILLIAMS: How would you handle this?

TYRUS: I think the biggest problem with Reverend Farrakhan is that he did not evolve. There was a time when that rhetoric was to fight for rights. And it was ugly. In the '60s and the '70s, it was a different world. Now you're -- he should have evolved.

And to condemn his -- she needed to do that. You can still support the things he did, but he didn't evolve. He stayed in the lane that we're trying not to be any more. So you cannot support Farrakhan and then condemn somebody for supporting King. You just can't do it.

If -- if a guy wants to be pro-white, and he wants to say bad things about African-Americans and Jewish people; but he's really good at balancing the budget, you will -- they will see them make that argument. And you're like, "You can't do that, because he's white." It's the same thing.

We've come a long way. It's the same playing field now. a lot more than it was 30 years ago when that rhetoric and his -- his fight and his vigor was important to the black community. He needed to evolve. He should have been changing the way he's speaking now, because it's a different world now; and you can't ask for change if you're not willing to change.

WILLIAMS: A lot --

BOOTHE: Sorry, I was just going to say, real quick, before Twitter or the media comes after me. Tamika Mallory. I said the wrong name, so I apologize. I know I'm wrong. I know people are going to tell me I'm wrong.

WILLIAMS: I think that lot of people agree with you. And by the way, I think the Jewish and black community were at the forefront in the civil rights era.


WILLIAMS: So I don't know if that's changed.

But I think that this is a cult group in many ways, and, you know, they come out of outer space and stuff. But it's a problem now.

Up next, 2020 Democratic contenders using Stephen Colbert's show as a late- night launching pad to stand out from the pack of aspiring candidates. That's next on "The Five."


TYRUS: "The Late Show with Stephen Colbert" is apparently becoming the go- to for campaign stops of the 2020 Democratic hopefuls. Looking to stand out in the crowded field, Kristen [SIC] Gillibrand announced that she's running last night.


STEPHEN COLBERT, HOST, CBS'S "THE LATE SHOW WITH STEPHEN COLBERT": Do you have anything you would like to announce?


COLBERT: And what would that be, madam?

GILLIBRAND: I'll filing an exploratory committee for president of the United States tonight.

COLBERT: Tonight.

REP. JOAQUIN CASTRO, D-TX: I'll speak on his behalf here. He's going to run for president. How about that.

COLBERT: Don't make me ask it. Just tell me.

SEN. BERNIE SANDERS, I-VT: Why did I think you would ask me that question?

COLBERT: Are you running in 2020?


COLBERT: Let me actually -- Let me -- we'll let you off the hook.

BOOKER: Ought to be very --

COLBERT: We'll let you off the hook.

BOOKER: Thank you very much.


TYRUS: Colbert gave Gillibrand a pin marking the occasion, saying, "I announced on 'The Late Show.'"

And Kamala Harris put together a list of her favorite songs.


SEN. KAMALA HARRIS, D-CALIF.: A presidential song for anyone. One Nation Under A Groove" by Funkadelic.

(singing) One nation under a groove. Getting down just for the funk of it.

(speaking) Can I get it on the --


BOOTHE: Tyrus, your face.

TYRUS: Awkward. Listen, I get it. This is -- this is what happens when you have our current president and the previous president were rock 'n' roll stars.

When -- when President Trump announced, it was on every channel everywhere. Everyone was either talking trash or excited about it. And the Democrats are trying to catch lightning in the bottle, but they're all drinking from the same milk bottle.

So it's not -- it's like who's running next on the show? It's just not -- one of them has to find a way to stand out, to do something -- I don't know -- controversial. But going on the Colbert show is a safe place to go. You come out, no one is going to boo you. It's a very -- it's a young crowd. It's like your base, you know.

But I just don't. Watching all that, some of it was difficult. It felt very forced.

WILLIAMS: Wait a second. Wait a second, wait a second.

TYRUS: But I'm not mad at them coming out.

WILLIAMS: I want to stand out. Give me your hand. Oh, Brian -- Brian, I'm thinking about --

TYRUS: And that's the -- and that's the point. At least no one -- to Juan's credit, that was smooth. He was confident.

BOOTHE: That was authentic. That's -- that's what everyone's --

TYRUS: He literally -- he literally -- there was no pause.


TYRUS: I can't do that the way this society works now, so I'll grab this mug.

BOOTHE: And everyone is --

TYRUS: And I'll just -- "Mug" --

BOOTHE: Everyone is after the authenticity.

TYRUS: "-- I'm going to --" It's -- the people are like -- so if you were going to run --


TYRUS: Seeing that this is the trend, what would you do differently? What could the Democrats learn from you as far as presentation and charisma?

KILMEADE: I'm in the process of putting together a process to possibly explore the process about running.

But let's just say, hypothetically, I was going to run. I'd be myself.

Donald Trump came down the escalator in a tower that he owns dressed like the billionaire that he is and talked like he continues to talk, much to the horror of many people, especially the guy to my right. TYRUS: But it worked.

KILMEADE: But the thing is, he's real. Bill Clinton was real. He really played the saxophone. He is pretty -- a cool guy. That's real.

The beer situation with Elizabeth Warren isn't real. It looked totally drummed up. I don't know Kamala Harris enough to know if that's really her. If that's really her, you're on the right path. But if it's not, that's when you blow up and embarrass yourself.

PERINO: I also think it's -- it's very early. Right? So we're two years away.

PERINO: Yes, it's 5 in the morning.

PERINO: It's not that earlier, because what happens is, as soon as you get it, and if you go on "The Colbert Show" and you announce -- I'm thinking of this -- you immediately have to start raising money and spending a lot of money. You have to have office staff. You have to start paying people. That means, like, you're in.

OK. So, like, if you're the first when they are. And I understand wanting to get out there. They feel like they need to have to get their name I.D.

I think Beto O'Rourke, actually, because it comes from the other way, right? It's -- the grassroots has pushed him into the forefront.

TYRUS: Right. He did the -- he did the sort of dentist's chair. Its original. It's creepy, but it's original.

PERINO: That might be a better way.

BOOTHE: I think what's going on right now is everyone is trying to get the authenticity vote. And one thing we learned about 2016, as you pointed out about President Obama and and President Trump, is that Hillary Clinton's Achilles' heel was her lack of authenticity. That was one of the big problems with her.

KILMEADE: With her hot sauce.

BOOTHE: Well, a lot of things. A lot of things. And David Axelrod has pointed out this. He said that, look, the candidate who's the most authentic typically wins. And so that's what everyone is trying to do now. That's why you see all these people -- my favorite -- President Trump tweeted about this -- is when Elizabeth Warren thanked her own husband for being in their house.

TYRUS: Yes, they were wearing sweaters in their own kitchen. That was a little -- a little creepy.

BOOTHE: Where else is he supposed to be?

TYRUS: But you know what's funny, is the -- and the old school just sits back and watch. Biden, Hillary. They just sit back and watch.

WILLIAMS: No, but that's a tremendous platform. I know you're objecting, but let me tell you something.

TYRUS: Yes. Oh, I have no problem with it.

WILLIAMS: There's a tremendous platform. No. 1 late-night talk show. How did he comment? Anti-Trump. And that's consistent now. A lot of these talk shows have become so political.

And so they are the place to go to reach the audience, which is Democrat. And to underscore another point, right now, there's tremendous competition for donors and for staff.

TYRUS: Right.

WILLIAMS: And that's going on right now.

PERINO: Staff in particularly.

WILLIAMS: I just can't -- you know, when you talk about Trump, Trump is a TV guy.


WILLIAMS: That's all he is.

TYRUS: Yes. And the Democrats need a TV guy --

KILMEADE: He never stepped up (ph).

TYRUS: -- to battle the TV guy.

WILLIAMS: He doesn't need -- he never stopped.


TYRUS: All right, you guys. Enough of this fighting.

Up next, the insane amount -- Americans spending staring at their phones. I don't stare at mine.



BOOTHE: Welcome back. If you thought your tech addiction was bad, listen to this. A new survey says that people spend nearly half of their waking hours looking at screens.

Researchers found that 42 percent of the time people are awake, they're fixated on smartphones, computers, tablets, and TVs. That works out to almost seven hours a day.

So I admit I'm pretty bad at this. My screen time is probably pretty excessive. And so I tried to use this app one time that basically alerts you when you spend too much time on your phone, but it kept going off midday so I just deleted it.


BOOTHE: So I wanted -- I wanted to be able to excessively use my screen, or my phone, without the guilt.

Tyrus, so I don't want to call you out, but I'm going to. You have the most screen time.

WILLIAMS: Wait a second, Lisa. Lisa. What is that next to your head?

BOOTHE: It's four hours and 18 minutes.

TYRUS: I'm on my phone now.

KILMEADE: That's Tyrus's?

BOOTHE: That's mine. But Tyrus, I heard, is worse.

TYRUS: I'm on mine right now.

BOOTHE: Why are you on your phone so much?

TYRUS: First of all, I watch -- you can't judge me. I don't have to answer any of these questions.

KILMEADE: Wow! Seven hours!

TYRUS: Yes. I watched a movie on a plane on my phone. You don't know me. The new "Deadpool." I ought to see it. You can't judge me.

KILMEADE: "Deadpool 2"?

TYRUS: It was good. It was good. I liked it.

KILMEADE: Don't give away the ending.

BOOTHE: And Brian, like, you're kind of gaming the system, though.


BOOTHE: Because I heard -- because you've got a -- your iPad --


BOOTHE: -- and your phone, but you only gave us your phone.


TYRUS: Yes, his report is fake news.

PERINO: So I mean --

KILMEADE: An hour and 45 minutes.

TYRUS: Fake news, man.

PERINO: You've been up since 2:45 this morning --


PERINO: -- getting ready for "FOX & Friends" and your amazing radio show and "The Five."


PERINO: And you've only done an hour and 45 minutes' worth of research?


KILMEADE: I do not -- hold on a second.


PERINO: If you had your iPad, we'd get the real --

KILMEADE: I do live on my iPad, but it's brand-new; and it's the size of this table. So I didn't think I could put it up there.

But I just -- it did remind me all the time, hey, you're a little bit down; you're a little bit up. And that's the whole thing. We're addicted to this, and now our own phones who addicted us are trying to tell us we're addicted.

BOOTHE: Well, and Dana, so one, we've already established that Brian gamed the system, as you pointed out.


BOOTHE: But also, so like, if you look at the survey we talked about, so 79 percent said that their screen time has increased.

KILMEADE: Wow! Five hours.

PERINO: I mean, obviously, I'm working, Brian. I mean --

KILMEADE: Five hours and 30 minutes.

TYRUS: I listen to music on my iPhone all day.

BOOTHE: Dana was honest and gave her actual results, as opposed to you, who gamed the system.

But so 79 percent say that their screen time has increased over the past five years. Do you find that with yourself, that it's increased over the years?

PERINO: Well, definitely. And I do all my -- I do all my work on there. And if I want to text with my mom and my sister, if I'm going to call Peter, if I'm going to -- I've got to post a picture of Tyrus and me on Instagram.

TYRUS: Thank you.

PERINO: I mean, hello.

TYRUS: Record breaker.

PERINO: Absolutely.

KILMEADE: But do you feel like you're addicted is the key? Is it --

PERINO: I feel like it's a part of my life. Addicted, I don't think so. I'm not, like, playing games.

TYRUS: Juan has, like, three minutes on his.

BOOTHE: Yes, Juan, what does yours look like?

WILLIAMS: I think it's --

BOOTHE: Let's put Juan's up.

PERINO: Fifty minutes!


WILLIAMS: Yes, compared -- compared to you guys, I'm a hiker (ph).

TYRUS: He's old school.

WILLIAMS: You know, but the thing is --

PERINO: He's got the hard copies in his office.

WILLIAMS: Yes, I read. I read.

PERINO: I know. I like the hard-copy newspapers, too.

TYRUS: He's a Post-It guy. You get a Post-It from Juan?

WILLIAMS: Post-Its and --

TYRUS: You show up.

WILLIAMS: But you know what? The thing is, I am so out of step, because the producers around here, like, today they were trying to get me to do Maria Bartiromo's business show, and they don't call. They send me a text. I text back, OK. But you know what I say? Call me. They don't call. They don't want to call.

TYRUS: You're right.

KILMEADE: This whole generation is addicted to it, and now there's a special course to get you un-addicted to it. It just -- this whole generation has been screwed by technology.

WILLIAMS: But this isn't --


TYRUS: This is from the guy with the five or six different cellular objects he hides on.

WILLIAMS: But you know -- in the -- in the study for this, do you notice that people are unhappy who spend more time engaged?


BOOTHE: That's true. And tech giants limited their kids' use of phone -- or tech.

WILLIAMS: Big-time, yes.

BOOTHE: Yes. So "One More Thing" is coming up next. Stay with us.

KILMEADE: You had to bring up the Giants?


PERINO: Time now for "One More Thing."

We checked Brian's iPad, and it was four hours and 52 minutes.

TYRUS: Breaking news.

PERINO: You can add that to his one hour and 45 minutes. That means that --


PERINO: -- bosses, he's actually doing a lot of work. So we take all that back.

KILMEADE: All right. Good.

PERINO: So I have something fun today. My husband, Peter McMahon -- we talk about him all the time, British-born now American citizen; never been on TV before. Joined me on "The Daily Briefing" to talk about Brexit. And I loved this one story, an example he gives about a certain pork chop. Watch this.


PERINO: You give one example that really bothers you, the pork chop.

PETER MCMAHON, DANA PERINO'S HUSBAND: Well, it doesn't bother me personally, because I don't eat pork chops.

But the pork chop when I was a kid would come with little piece of kidney beside it. And the European Union decided they couldn't do that.


PERINO: And that is why we need Brexit.

KILMEADE: That's what Brexit's about.

PERINO: That's what we have Brexit -- Do you get it?

KILMEADE: That was great. We got it.

BOOTHE: Was he nervous?

PERINO: He was a little nervous, but I thought he really rose to the occasion. David Asman was a big fan, so that was good.

KILMEADE: That's wonderful; that's awesome.


WILLIAMS: OK, so take a look at this clip, this movie clip from 30 years ago.



MICHAEL J. FOX, ACTOR: Power laces. All right.


WILLIAMS: Yes, that's Marty McFly in the movie "Back to the Future 2" putting on futuristic shoes. Now, folks, take a look at this.




WILLIAMS: -- automatically tighten and loosen, and it can do it on your foot, thanks to a computer and embedded motor. Jason Tatum of the Boston Celtics will wear the shoe tonight in the game. It will be its public debut. He says the show is like a glove, better than shoelaces.

By the way, the shoe sells for 350 bucks.

So Marty McFly, yes, you really did see the future!

KILMEADE: He was ahead of the time.

TYRUS: Does it come in a 17?

WILLIAMS: Yes, buddy, we're going to get you one.

BOOTHE: Now he just has to play well.

PERINO: We'll ask them. All right, Brian.

KILMEADE: All right. So here it is. This Ohio teen was upset, because her dad took her phone away because her attitude was bad. It's an $800 phone. So you know what she did? She called the cops on her father. She wanted the cops to come down and get her phone back and maybe arrest her dad.

So the Dad had to explain himself to the cop. Listen.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: 911, where's your emergency?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: My father took property, which is an $800 phone that doesn't belong to him.


KILMEADE: Right. And she [SIC] said, "I took her phone because she's a juvenile, and I don't want her to, and I paid for it."

And guess what? The cop came back and said, "Everything that you own belongs to your mother and father. They don't want you to have it, you don't have it."

PERINO: Good job.

KILMEADE: That girl, this is the changing --

PERINO: Racking them up.

KILMEADE: We've gone tech-crazy with the next generation. Addicted.

PERINO: I like that the police backed him up.

KILMEADE: Yes. Fantastic.

PERINO: Tyrus.

TYRUS: Boy, that wouldn't have went down in my house. It would have been a problem.

My "One More Thing"?


TYRUS: It's -- can we put it up? Can we put my picture up?

Yesterday, you guys did the 10-year thing, and I was -- I was texting you, and Greg saying, "Mine is better! Mine is better."

PERINO: Yours is good.

TYRUS: Mine is phenomenal. I'm very proud of it. So my "One More Thing" is my complete transformation from -- that's actually me watching out of court with Snoop, both of us not guilty.

And then that's me sitting on the set of my new show. Still dressing classy, but a lot less --

WILLIAMS: How much did you lose?

TYRUS: A hundred and twenty-five. I was --


TYRUS: I was a biscuit away from 500 back then.


PERINO: A biscuit?

TYRUS: A biscuit. Yes, literally a -- literally a biscuit.

PERINO: Well, we're glad you're here. And ten years along, you look amazing.

TYRUS: Thank you.

PERINO: All right. Lisa.

BOOTHE: All right. Well, a lot was discussed yesterday about William Barr's attorney general confirmation hearing. But one thing struck [SIC] out to a lot of people. So his cutie-patootie 8-year-old grandson, Liam, a photographer captured a note that he wrote his grandfather. And the note reads, "Dear Grandpa, I love you so much. You are doing so great so far. I'm having so much fun." And then he also concluded at the end and said, "P.S., I think Russia's people are fine. It is the government that is the problem."

So Liam actually seems like he may be more responsible than many people in Congress.

PERINO: Liam Barr gets it.



KILMEADE: He also wrote that "Don't hire Paul Manafort."

PERINO: Whatever you do.

BOOTHE: Or Michael Cohen. Smart kid.

WILLIAMS: Well, the big news of this show is your praise for Clinton. I'll tell you. That was --

KILMEADE: Absolutely. Good sax player.

PERINO: Set your DVRs. Never miss an episode of "The Five." "Special Report," it's always up next. And it is now.

Hey, Bret.

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