Paying Homage to the 'King'

This is a rush transcript from "On the Record," June 26, 2009. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

GRETA VAN SUSTEREN, FOX NEWS HOST: Well, that was mega-group 'N Sync performing with Michael Jackson in 2001. Joey Fatone from 'N Sync joins us live. Nice to see you, Joey.


JOEY FATONE, 'N SYNC MEMBER: How're you doing?


VAN SUSTEREN: You recognize that music, huh?

HAIM: I did. I did. I recognize the music. It's -- we're going to miss him.

VAN SUSTEREN: We heard that Michael Jackson asked you for a favor, that...


VAN SUSTEREN: ... ask you to perform with him?

HAIM: No, no. I think you've got the wrong guy. I'm just Corey.

VAN SUSTEREN: Oh, I -- oh, I thought -- (INAUDIBLE) you know what I thought?

HAIM: No, no. It's utterly cool.

VAN SUSTEREN: You know what I thought? I thought that -- I read my script wrong. Sorry.


VAN SUSTEREN: Sorry, Corey.

HAIM: No, you're...

VAN SUSTEREN: What? I'm sorry.

HAIM: ... keeping everybody calm.

VAN SUSTEREN: I mean, I'm going to Miami. Sorry. Joey in Miami. Sorry. Boy, I'll be OK. So Joey, he asked you for a favor. Somebody got a favor...


VAN SUSTEREN: Michael Jackson asked you for a favor.

FATONE: Well, it was cool. He asked -- he asked actually all of us in 'N Sync for a favor to -- in 2002, he asked us to -- for them -- for him (ph) to be inducted to the Hall of Fame. And it was such a great honor. The crazy thing for me was, is I wasn't able to go due to the fact that I was having my first child, my daughter, Brianna (ph). And it was interesting because it was really nice because I wrote a letter to him saying, Hey, sorry I couldn't be there. You know, I really appreciate it. And it was really cool because a couple days later, he called up, and you know, wanted to know how was my kid, was everything all right, you know, how was delivery, which was really, really cool.

So it was an amazing -- I'm sorry?

VAN SUSTEREN: So you got the favor, and Corey went to Neverland.


FATONE: Chris always wanted to go to Neverland. We did not get a chance to go to Neverland. We performed with him as well right after 9/11 for Washington D.C. at the stadium with song "What can I Give?" It was such a great, heartfelt songs.

It was interesting, because, it was the weirdest thing. As we walked into our dressing more, he was actually in there, and not many people know that side of him as far as him warming up, being in the studio, doing drills and stuff with his vocal coach in a green room.

And he came up to us and said, I would love for you to be here for us to perform for this song in D.C. The few times we were on stage with him, the MTV Music Awards, the same thing, when we did the performance with him, and we did the song "Pop," and he came out and did his whole dance.

It was such an amazing and electric thing to watch people from our standpoint, being onstage with him and watch these people, because we kept it a huge secret. And when he came out, to watch Busta Rhymes being almost in tears, jumping up and down, a bunch of fans rushed to the stage.

It was just amazing how much impact he really had on people, and even just celebrities as well.

VAN SUSTEREN: It is just amazing as we listen to that music. It is fun seeing that, isn't it.

FATONE: It is.

VAN SUSTEREN: The favor was the other way around.

FATONE: No, because I got the favor.


VAN SUSTEREN: What was it [being at Neverland] like?

COREY HAIM, ACTOR: Beyond Disneyland. And Neverland is a place where -- I got woken up by Egyptian elephants, I had my own golf cart. There was one room where you turn one switch of a button and you have 400 video games going on, a real movie theater.

The great thing was, up above, there were these windows that would open and the IV hook-ups for the sick children, and the whole thing. I spent four days there.

VAN SUSTEREN: How did you meet Michael Jackson?

HAIM: Through Corey Feldman, and then through Steven Spielberg.

VAN SUSTEREN: How old were you when you were at Neverland?

HAIM: I was at Neverland eight, nine, some odd years ago, when he was going through the thing with the kid. And I even said to him then, are you are right with this kid thing? He said, yes, I am fine.

He was one of the smartest, sweetest guys I have ever met in my life. And there are a lot of these weird allegations going around about like, people saw my show and somehow they think I got molested when I was a kind by Michael Jackson.

And I really want to throw it out there, that never happened.

VAN SUSTEREN: Never happened?

HAIM: No. and I'm sure you were going to ask me the same thing.

VAN SUSTEREN: I actually wasn't going, no I wasn't going to ask you.

HAIM: Good, because it's just so -- I met the guy once in my whole life --

VAN SUSTEREN: That was the only time?

HAIM: Yes. I spoke to him on the phone maybe two or three times within years prior to that, and the night before Corey and I actually went and stayed at Neverland.

VAN SUSTEREN: Joey, what is the glove story?

HAIM: Yeah, Joey, what is the glove story, man?

FATONE: I am sorry?

VAN SUSTEREN: The gloves story. Someone has a glove story. Now you're confused.

FATONE: I'm sure Corey knows as far as, look into this man's eyes when you talk to him, and you know that these allegations are just so far- fetched, because he is such a kid at heart. You know deep in his heat when you look at this, he is still like such a kid.

And me going back to my childhood and watching when he did the special, when he performed what you saw a minute ago, when he came out and literally walked out with a briefcase, but the briefcase down, opened up the case, took out the glove, I was screaming like a geek, going "Oh, my god, he took out the glove!"

And I realize, -- and it's funny, you know, because being on that level, it was kind of weird.

But it was so surreal, because I remember being back in the day when I lived in Brooklyn, New York, got the first videotape of "Thriller."

Watching that video tape, and was always comical to me, it's always when I always wanted to try to dance and learn how to sing this I would watch the video and do all the steps that he did, and then realize that I was looking at the TV, I was doing everything backwards.

So I had to turn around and try to do everything, and retrain my brain to do all the stuff. And I knew that video in and out. I knew that John Lennon directed, Rick Baker did all the makeup and stuff like that. I was just fascinated by the whole thing.

And he really changed the whole thing about videos. It's really sad to see him go, but it's amazing to see him leave that legacy.

VAN SUSTEREN: When you see him perform, though, he so owns the state. And then I was like, it seemed like otherwise, he was hiding and timid. There are such two different parts of this life.

FATONE: Yes. You definitely see that.

For me, like I said, when you see the MTV performance that we did with him, right before that, they handed him the microphone, and he was just supposed to dance. And you could see how nervous he was going over it in his mind.

And is so funny, because watching him rehearse, it's like he's doing like little baby steps, and thinking -- but then the minute that opens up in the audience starts cheering, it's like a spark lights in him, and it's like he turns on like a light, and he is dead on.

We have seen him when he did the Icon performance during rehearsals. He was a little slow and a little rusty, kind of like a little tired. But the minute the people were there and everything was on, he did his spins.

He is a true performer. I have looked up for him for many years, ever since I was a kid, like I said.

VAN SUSTEREN: He looked so confident on the stage. At Neverland, did he have that personality?

HAIM: So fragile. He was so fragile until he got to like bumper car area. The next thing I know I'm about to slam into the back of Michael's bumper car. And I'm like, no, don't do that!

And he jumps out. And so I hit the wall on purpose. And he just jumped on a smoke machine and started 150 percent dancing, and the kick, and --

VAN SUSTEREN: How old were you at that time?

HAIM: Like I said, it was in the last decade, about a decade ago I was there.

VAN SUSTEREN: Well, how old are you now?

HAIM: I'm 37. When I was 29 I was there.

He was just a really nice guy. I do not know how to explain that. I knew nothing happened. Just my first impression of him, that's just me, you know? I did not know him as well as a lot of people.

VAN SUSTEREN: It certainly is a tragedy. Thank you both.

FATONE: Thank you.

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