Over the Line?

This is a rush transcript from "The O'Reilly Factor," December 11, 2007. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

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BILL O'REILLY, HOST: "Factor Follow-up" segment tonight, last week we told you that a gross expression taken from the movie "American Pie" was adopted by Spirit Airlines.

Viewer warning: this next clip is somewhat offensive, so be forewarned. Roll tape.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: That's Stiffler's mom?


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: (EXPLETIVE DELETED) I cannot believe a fine woman like this produced a guy like Stiffler.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Dude. That chick's a MILF.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: What the hell's that?



Well, those initials, MILF, are being used in an ad campaign now by Spirit Airlines, and we found that very strange.

Joining us from Miami to explain, Ben Baldanza, the president of Spirit Airlines.

Now last week we called you guys, and we couldn't get a straight answer out of you. And then we said, hey, are they adopting this kind of obscene thing from "American Pie" to sell airline tickets? And you say what?

BEN BALDANZA, PRESIDENT, SPIRIT AIRLINES: Well, thank you, Bill, for being on. M-I-L-F in the Spirit sense stands for Many Islands, Low Fares, and that's what exactly it meant to be. Spirit's very proud to offer very low service to many Caribbean islands.

O'REILLY: So this is just an unbelievable coincidence?

BALDANZA: Well, it's not really a coincidence. I mean, many things that you see on TV has multiple levels, you know, for adults and children and stuff. You know, some of us, we all knew it meant Many Islands, Low Fares. Some people knew it had other meanings.

O'REILLY: Did you? Did you know what it meant, what they said in "American Pie"? Did you know that?

BALDANZA: Well, I've seen "American Pie," so I knew that there were other alternative meanings.

O'REILLY: Oh, Mr. Baldanza. So now, you see, look, I mean, this is a pretty gross thing, you know, in "American Pie" with moms and all of that. And to adopt it as a slogan for Spirit Airlines, you can see why some people would say, is that, you know, a smart marketing tool?

BALDANZA: Well, we don't really think it's obscene at all. In fact, our feedback has been decidedly very positive on this campaign...

O'REILLY: You don't think the "American Pie" thing is a little -- a little...

BALDANZA: Well, you know, that's a movie I saw a long time ago, but we're not anything about "American Pie." Our consumer feedback has been positive, and the only thing we think of obscene is the fares that most of our competitors charge.

O'REILLY: All right. So you don't see anything wrong with this? You knew that it was in play in another context, but you decided to do the Many Islands -- see, I -- if you had called me, which you should have, I could have given you another acronym, which wouldn't have gotten you in any trouble to get the same thing across, that you fly to a bunch of nice islands for low fares. See, next time just give me a buzz, and I'll do it free. I won't charge you for it.

All right. Now, this is -- this is more important than that stupid thing. Airlines in America are driving customers crazy. You know that. Mainly because of the delays. You are the president of Spirit Airlines. If you were in charge of all airlines, what would you do to stop the madness?

BALDANZA: Well, I mean, I guess there's -- it's a good problem for the country in the sense that it means there's economic activity and a lot of people traveling. But certainly, all airlines need to understand how they schedule airports and whether they have too many flights scheduled at one time at one airport.

At Spirit we're very proud of our on-time record, and we fly our planes on time every day.

O'REILLY: All right. So you didn't give me any solution to the problem, though. You don't have a solution to the problem? Have you thought about it? Because it's getting very tense...

BALDANZA: Well, the solution is just proper scheduling.

O'REILLY: So you mean that all airlines have to come together? Or should be ordered by the FAA that only this amount of airlines can take off at this time? Who should supervise it, private or the government?

BALDANZA: I think that -- well, this is a service business, so I think consumers can vote with their feet. If an airline is delaying you too many times, choose another airline.

O'REILLY: They can't, because there are a lot of hubs, as you know, that only have one airline going to a certain place. And business people have to travel.

It's -- the customer is getting hosed, and somebody needs to take control. So what I'm asking you is, it should be the government, or should it be the airlines coming together? What should it be?

BALDANZA: I would choose the airlines coming together, if they're given that choice.

O'REILLY: Do you think that's realistic?

BALDANZA: Well, it may be realistic, but again, even in the places where maybe only one airline has non-stop service, there are generally many other airlines that can offer you service out of almost every city.

O'REILLY: OK. All right. You're not coming across too sympathetic to we, the flier, but Mr. Baldanza, we appreciate you coming on the program, and thanks very much.

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