Out of This World

What if this country's fixation with an October surprise had nothing to do with this country, nothing to do even with this world? What if the October surprise was something quite literally "out of this world"? Like life being found on another planet?

What's got me thinking deep, is this Cassini spacecraft getting close — really close, within a few hundred miles close — to Titan, Saturn's planet-size moon.

For years, scientists have speculated about Titan's light and dark areas that perhaps indicate icy regions, or vast lava plains. And maybe, just maybe, life itself.

We just don't know. All we do know is that Cassini is snapping pictures faster than me at a Disney World character breakfast.

We'll get the first of those pictures back later this week. Wouldn't it be a kick if they see something through all that Titan haze — maybe something like life?

How differently would we see ourselves, or this campaign, or these issues that seem to dominate our world? What if, for that one brief moment, ours suddenly seems like a smaller world? And that the man we choose to be the most powerful on the planet, is only so on "this" planet?

I guarantee it will put a lot of things in perspective, like our worries and our obsessions, our rants and our rage.

It might even force us to focus less on us and more on what's beyond us.

Will Cassini do all that? No. I suspect if that happens, a much higher power will.

Reminding us, we are only human and only here.

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