Our military being sent into Ebola 'hot zone' ill-prepared?

This is a rush transcript from "On the Record," October 21, 2014. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

GRETA VAN SUSTEREN, FOX NEWS HOST: Developing now, the U.S. desperately fighting to stop more Ebola-infected people from carrying Ebola into this country. The latest weapon, new travel restrictions. Today, the Department of Homeland Security announcing the new travel rules. They require all passengers arriving in the U.S. from the Ebola hot zones -- Liberia, Sierra Leone and Guinea -- to fly into one of the airports where enhanced screening is already in place. Those airports are New York's Kennedy, Newark Liberty, Washington Dulles, Chicago O'Hare and Hartsfield-Jackson in Atlanta.

Now, as an aside, I'm not so sure how safe we should feel. One could enter into our country in the incubation period, showing zero symptoms, no fever, and pass the airport test and right in the United States. But those are the restrictions.

Also, today, good news about two of the American Ebola patients. Nurse Nina Pham has been upgraded to good condition. And the NBC photographer in a Nebraska hospital is now Ebola-free. He will be released tomorrow.

And now listen to this. Former Congressman Allen West sounding the alarm about U.S. troops going to West Africa with very little Ebola training. He tweets about the first troops sent to West Africa saying, "Un-frigging-believable. U.S. troops are getting only four hours of Ebola training before deployment to Liberia."

And Congressman West joins us. Good evening, sir.


VAN SUSTEREN: I'm very well.

That got pumped up to three days. Is that enough?

WEST: I don't know what the period -- program of instruction is, but obviously that sends a message that four hours was not enough and they're reacting to the fact that many people looked at this and said, how you can send combat troops into the hot zone of a deadly disease with only four hours of training. One thing I brought out was, would you take a medical professional and give them four hours of training and then send them into a combat zone? Absolutely not. So, I think the Obama administration, as General Scales just said, again, they are showing a level of incompetence in using the United States military and, first of all, what I think is the wrong purpose to go build shelters in West Africa and Liberia. But they are not properly training them.

VAN SUSTEREN: I think one thing we sort of have to be really mindful of is Dr. Brantly, Samaritan's Purse, got Ebola. From I've been told unrelated to Samaritan's Purse, but other people who were over in Liberia - - I heard them talk about it -- said he was the most meticulous about putting the gear on when he was treating people with Ebola. And the suspicion is that he didn't catch -- he didn't get infected by Ebola when he was acting as a doctor but in the community, which then, of course, makes me wonder what are we putting our soldiers at risk of if it's -- if just in the community, when you are not sort of working, you are at risk.

WEST: And you are absolutely right. Because the reports that I read show the soldiers live in the community. Some are staying in contracted- out hotels. They're being driven around by West African nationals. And we are not sure about who they might have had contact with. This is a very serious issue. And we are taking incredible risk with our men and women, sending them over to this area.

But the hypocrisy, Greta, is that, why are we not sending them into a combat zone where they are trained to fight against an enemy such as against ISIS. But, yet, we are going to give them some slipshod and some very inexpedient training to go over and contend with an Ebola hot zone, which I think is unconscionable.

VAN SUSTEREN: It took me about an hour to get into and learn a little bit about getting into one of those hot suits yesterday. But what I noticed is that with having someone giving me direction on how to remove it, is that, even though I had someone there telling me what to do, I jumped ahead a little bit and didn't lean forward enough at one time and probably contaminated myself a little bit. You really have to follow every direction so very carefully. It's so easy to make a mistake.

WEST: No, you're absolutely right. When we are sending our soldiers over to build shelters and to build areas for the people there in West Africa, why couldn't that be contracted out to local nationals, I don't know.

VAN SUSTEREN: Congressman, thank you. And, of course, we wish the best to our numbers in the military who are over there trying to do -- trying to basically protect the rest of us. Thank you, sir.

WEST: And let's get Andrew Tahmooressi out of jail.

VAN SUSTEREN: And let's get Sergeant Andrew Tahmooressi out of that Mexican prison. I'm with you on that one.

Anyway, thank you, sir.

WEST: Yes, sir. Thank you, Greta.