Obama's foreign policy: Legacy of failure in the making?

This is a rush transcript from "On the Record," April 10, 2015. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

GRETA VAN SUSTEREN, FOX NEWS HOST: Cuban-American relations is not President Obama's only problem. Tonight, chaos across the globe as the Middle East melts down, Iranian leaders threatening to extend nuke talks beyond the new deadline. And Yemen, once a close ally, now disintegrating into anarchy and war.

So, is President Obama's foreign policy spiraled out of control? Congressman Mark Meadows joins us. Good evening, sir. And I guess the best sort of test to see whether it spiraled out of control is where has the president's foreign policy been a success?

REP. MARK MEADOWS, R-N.C.: Well, it's very hard to find any success, Greta, when you really look at it whether we're looking at Yemen where we have 41 Americans as you just reported there in harm's way or we look at Iran, but the entire Middle East is imploding. And yet, we somehow believe that his foreign policy, that soft diplomacy that everybody talks about, it's really feather weight diplomacy. It's walk softly and give a good speech.

VAN SUSTEREN: You know, I want to get those 41 Americans out. I traveled the world a lot. And you know, everyone who travels in those zones knows the danger and when we get warnings from the state department don't go there and you do go there -- I mean my heart bleeds for their families and for them. I want to get them out of there but, you know, they're not without some responsibility.

MEADOWS: Well, without a doubt, but a lot of these people that are in harm's way are there really serving the communities. They are people with big hearts.

VAN SUSTEREN: No. No. Big hearts, but.

MEADOWS: But you're right. There are inherent risks and -- but this administration has made it more dangerous. When you really look at negotiating -- in fact, the world knows that the president is not a good negotiator.

VAN SUSTEREN: Well, you know, I think -- look at Yemen, bad shape. Syria, bad shape. Iraq, bad shape. We just had -- one of our soldiers was killed in Afghanistan. Iran, we have got supposedly some deal with them and Iran won't let us search the military installation. Virtually, a no-go there. I mean Burma, Myanmar, that was supposed to be a big success. That's bad. North Korea has been quiet. But you know, it's hard to find enormous success story even Angela Merkel is mad we tapped her phones?

MEADOWS: That's part of this pivot to Cuba. It's -- well, you know, let's go after 50 years of them not changing anything. Let's focus on Cuba because it's an easier lift. And yet, the real work that needs to be done is in the Middle East. And who is curiously silent is Hillary Clinton. You know, foreign policy, part of the Obama administration, and yet, she has been silent for the most part on a number of these issues.

VAN SUSTEREN: Well, I think we're going to begin to hear more from her.


MEADOWS: Well, let's hope so.

VAN SUSTEREN: But you know, what's it's interesting with this whole thing of Cuba is that you can't sort of look at that part of the world alone. You have got to look at Bolivia, Venezuela.


VAN SUSTEREN: I mean those are very dangerous countries. And while all the attention is on Cuba, what are we doing about Bolivia and.

MEADOWS: We got actually Hezbollah working in Latin America. You talked about dangerous. You know, here is a terrorist organization with activity in Latin America, danger in Bolivia. It's right here on our door step, and yet, we somehow think we can turn a blind eye and it will all go away.

VAN SUSTEREN: What's going to happen with sanctions on Capitol Hill with Iran?

MEADOWS: You know, I hope for the sake of Israel and for the sake of the United States that it comes before Congress. I know Senator Corker is working real hard to try to reach across, but I find it real appalling that the president is willing to meet with Raul Castro and wouldn't meet with the prime minister of Israel when he was here. He just couldn't find time.

VAN SUSTEREN: I got another one is that insulting tweet about the prime minister coming out of the White House yesterday which I thought was so juvenile and so disrespectful. You can have a disagreement with Prime Minister Netanyahu but to trash talk him like you are some stupid high school student, I don't know.

Not that I want to insult high school students. Anyway, I was a stupid high school student. Anyway, Congressman, thank you, sir.

MEADOWS: Thank you.