Obama's assessment of ISIS threat at odds with reality?

This is a rush transcript from "The Five," February 25, 2015. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

ERIC BOLLING, CO-HOST: Hello, everyone. I'm Eric Bolling along with Kimberly Guilfoyle, Juan Williams, Dana Perino and Greg Gutfeld. It's 5 o'clock in New York City and this is "The Five."

OK, we have a lot of breaking news on the terror threats to America starting with this. Just hours ago, three Brooklyn residents were arrested after attempting to join ISIS. The men ranging in age from 19 to 30 planned on traveling to Syria to wage jihad alongside the Islamic terror group. According to authorities, one of the men posted online that if he couldn't make it overseas, he would try to kill President Obama if ISIS ordered him to do so. Here's NYPD commissioner Will Bratton earlier today commenting on the trio's backup plan.


WILLIAM BRATTON, NEW YORK CITY POLICE COMMISSIONER: It was made quite plain based on their own statements that if they were not able to go, that they would seek to require weapons here, handguns, machine gun, and seek to attack very specifically police officers.


BOLLING: But it wasn't even a month ago that the president tried downplaying the threat.


BARACK OBAMA, PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA: What I do insist on is that we maintain proper perspective and that we do not provide a victory to these terrorist networks by overinflating their importance and suggesting in some fashion that they are an existential threat to the United States or the world order.


BOLLING: Overinflating their importance, JV team, now they're plotting to kill the president. Maybe it's time they, they wake up. I mean, enough, right?


BOLLING: Shake him a little bit.

GUILFOYLE: I don't know, since smelling salts or something because they just woke up and we're in the last chapter already. I don't get it. I mean, I think he -- he can thinks, he can do like, the Vulcan mind trick on -- on ISIS and just -- if he just minimizes them, they'll go away, but that -- that is not the case. We need a proactive hands-on approach here and partner with Muslim allies that want to defeat them in the Middle East. That's what needs to happen here. I don't understand what the president is doing, how he thinks this helps, to be honest. I really don't.

BOLLING: Dana, you sent us an article a few days ago, Graham Wood's article. Shepard had Graham Wood on his show, it's for about 30 minutes, and Graham Wood outlined what ISIS's plan is. It's to continue the caliphate. They want a real caliphate. Not the fake one 1,000 years ago. They want a global caliphate going forward. The president's saying things like JV team or don't overinflate their importance. Does that help -- is that -- what's the strategy?

DANA PERINO, CO-HOST: I understand what he's trying to do, which is to say trust in law enforcement. We've got a handle on this. Not everybody -- nobody needs to panic. We've got a handle on it. I just think in some ways he's a little bit too lukewarm, right? He's trying to be too cool.


PERINO: And when people want to know that he's exercised about it, I'm sure that he is. I know they take threats obviously to innocent people in America very seriously. This is an interesting thing today for the beginning of what I think will be a series, that will see these types of incidents a lot in the future because, the online recruiting for the caliphate is something we've never dealt with before. And even if it turns out that these three in Brooklyn are, maybe not that sophisticated, maybe not very smart, perhaps they couldn't have ever actually pulled this off. That will be what the police probably end up telling us. But what we do know is that these are the three that we found today.


PERINO: Because of the online recruiting, we don't know how many others there might be out there. So finding -- having the tools available to law enforcement to pull on each of those threads to try to track those down is key, but we are dealing with something unprecedented. And so the president's trying to keep everybody calm, but I'm sure that the FBI and others are working feverishly to try to find them.

BOLLING: One of the other disturbing things that we found today, Greg, is they said not on kill the president, they're also interested in killing law enforcement.

GREG GUTFELD, CO-HOST: Yeah. Well I, you know, you look at their names. Abdurasul, Akhror, Abror, clearly these are right-wing citizen extremists, probably Lutherans. The DHS report was quite timely. I think when they arrested these guys they found them carrying bibles, sweet tea and a half dozen Clint black CD's. So I think we know where the danger is. You know what this is about? You're exactly right. It's about propaganda and message. And I think President Obama's being calm, but, where is our propaganda? Where is our message? As a country whose leaders and media are preoccupied with our country's internal sins, we have spent the last six years looking at how awful we are as a country. And it makes us incapable of selling our greatness and our mission to the outside world. So when you join ISIS, you are part of a hole. When you are in America, you are divided into factions. Which is why in 2016, the idea of unity is a life-and-death situation for this country. Because the more divisive we get, the harder it is for us to fight death cults in which unity is the number one selling point.

PERINO: Right.

BOLLING: Juan, FBI director James Comey said that he has open investigations in every single of the 50 states in the union. It's got to be concerning.

JUAN WILLIAMS, CO-HOST: Sure it's concerning.

BOLLING: Then why don't -- why are we more alarmed than the administration?

BOLLING: Oh, because I think that the administration is alarmed, but I don't think that you want to blow these guys up into monsters. I mean, what we're talking about here to me is the equivalent of what happened --


WILLIAMS: Like for example, with the Boston marathon bombers.

BOLLING: We're just kind of looking at each other, like, what do you want, Easter bunny? Is that?

WILLIAMS: No, I just don't see -- you look, if you're talking about, again, Al-Qaeda, this is not Al-Qaeda. This is a bunch of losers. This is a bunch of kids who are totally misguided, distorted and as you as -- you know this whole thing about the internet and the ability of the web to recruit them, we've heard that here at this table this very moment.


WILLIAMS: That's on target. That's how these kids are going. By the way -- PERINO: Very similar.

WILLIAMS: Let me make --

GUILFOYLE: They're not kids.

WILLIAMS: Well, they are young people.

GUILFOYLE: But you know --

PERINO: No they're not. WILLIAMS: I think they're 19, 24.

GUILFOYLE: You're really minimizing it.

PERINO: And 30's.

GUILFOYLE: In a frightening way.

WILLAIMS: No, I'm not.

GUILFOYLE: These are not.

WILLIAMS: Let me tell you --

GUILFOYLE: We want to make them out to monsters, they're crucifying children. They're beheading people. They're lighting them on fire.

WILLIAMS: Excuse me. I'm talking about the threat here at home.


WILLIAMS: The threat from these guys, specifically.


WILLIAMS: But let me just say the big threat.

GUILFOYLE: ISIS sympathizers.

WILLIAMS: This administration has identified young people like this in all 50 states. The big threat we should be talking about is Republicans in Congress being willing to shut down the Department of Homeland Security.

PERINO: Oh, gosh.

BOLLING: Stay on, hold on. Stay on topic. Stay on topic, Juan.

WILLIAMS: That's on topic.

BOLLING: You make a very good point. Dana --

WILLIAMS: You're a very protective, Eric.

BOLLING: Dana brought something up. You followed her into this hole. ISIS is increasingly turning to Twitter to spread propaganda and recruit new members. The New York Times estimates up to 90,000 tweets per day are generated from ISIS-friendly Twitter accounts. Congressman Ted Poe thinks these terrorists should be banned from social media sites. Listen.


REP. TED POE (R), TEXAS: Why are American companies in the U.S. Government allowing social media platforms to be hijacked by terrorists? Some suggest that if U.S. government were shut down terrorist social media accounts, such measures would be violating terrorists' free speech rights. They are wrong. There are no constitutional protections to those who incite violence. No one supports the Bill of Rights more than I do, but free speech has its limitations, just as there are no constitutional protections for child pornography.


BOLLING: Good -- good analogy. You wouldn't allow child pornography on the internet. Why would you allow ISIS propaganda on the internet?

GUTFELD: Well -- I don't know if that's a good analogy, because child pornography is against the law. And unless they're actually making direct threats to people, it's not against the law. You can go on and -- push any propaganda you want. And you can say oh, we must eliminate it, but that doesn't undermine it. It's not going to undermine it.

PERINO: It's not gonna stop.

GUTFELD: It's not gonna undermine it. You turn off the faucet it comes out in another faucet. So instead -- instead of fretting, because when you fret about something, you add to its allure. That's what President Obama's saying. That's what Juan is saying. And when you're talking about Twitter, it makes you look like you're helpless. Instead, undermine it. Learn how to deal with them with your own propaganda, with your own recruitment. And we need to stop -- we need to stop our media from portraying patriotism and nationalism as cheesy and jingoistic. It is time for us to come out and say that we're proud to be Americans and we're going to kill you.

GUILFOYLE: Right. Why don't we degrade and destroy the people who have these Twitter accounts? How about that? I mean --

BOLLING: OK. So you're --

GUILFOYLE: How about kill all of them that have Twitter accounts?

BOLLING: You guys are OK with ISIS promoting the propaganda?


GUTFELD: At least they're not tweeting pictures of their dog, Eric.

BOLLING: OK. Very good, very good.

GUTFELD: Over and over again.

BOLLING: Can I throw something over here? Can you guys pull up the tweet very quick, because I -- and here's where I -- I think we draw the line. This is an actual Twitter account that has been brought down since by, "Allahu Akbar, five Jews were sent to hell by two brave Muslims. Allahu Akbar, if only every Muslims could kill one Jew, everything would change." Now, I don't know. It's just -- it feels wrong to -- allow that.

GUTFELD: It is wrong. It is wrong.


BOLLING: No, no --

GUTFELD: Having -- how does banning that --

BOLLING: It feels wrong to allow that on --

GUTFELD: No, I'm glad -- I'd like to see that. I want to know what they're thinking. I want evil to present itself. Because when you see evil presented, everybody sees it and you learned what you're dealing with it. If you ban something, you push it underground. That's all you do.

BOLLING: Well -- would you -- do use the child porn analogy, too. You wouldn't allow a -- pedophile to talk about --

GUTFELD: If -- a pedophile --

PERINO: Nobody said it's not illegal.


PERINO: And it's interesting like we --

GUILFOYLE: The point is domestic (ph) like the violence, yeah.

PERINO: We just went through an entire year of arguing with one another about civil liberties.


PERINO: And now we're suggesting that it's OK to, like, ban a word? You can't ban a word. And also, Twitter, it is long past due that they would do more to try to shut these places down.

WILLIAMS: I wish they would.

PERINO: And the private sector.


PERINO: And the governments are trying to get these firms to engage. But who gave these firms the idea that it was OK, to let people say whatever they want and not track them? OK? We had that whole discussion for a year. Why are these firms reluctant? There's a reason for it because they were given permission.

WILLIAMS: But you know, this is what the Chinese -- I mean, we have to be very careful about free speech, you know? Because when we -- when you see our social media go into other countries and they control it, we all object. But I've got to say, I think we come back to Greg's point, when they are not only advocating violence, but in the case of like the Tsarnaev brothers in Boston. They thought -- they said they learned how to build bombs from Al-Qaeda sites online. I don't understand why you wouldn't take that down. That's unbelievable to me. I know people will object out there, but gosh, that's too much.

PERINO: How do you make someone the thought police, then right? So as a company -- I think that also we just have to deal with reality. That us, trying to block people from using the word ISIS or to stop the videos of beheadings -- of the beheadings or of the burning alive because that is what is fueling I think. They're always going to find a way to get around it, so we have to be smarter. Like what's the next step?


PERINO: What's the leapfrog step.


PERINO: To try to find them.

GUILFOYLE: Here's what you do. OK, so they have the first men the right to do. Where the law steps in and intervenes, is it if it is speech, it's not going to be protected, which is something that is a specific terrorist threat.


GUILFOYLE: With a specific plan, I'm going to come at this time, this place -- you're not allowed to do that OK? But what you do is let them reveal themselves. That's how you whack-a-mole, and then you find out someone should -- Dana, what you're saying, investigate and find out who has these Twitter accounts.

PERINO: Can you imagine how many people it takes --

GUILFOYLE: To me that's valuable info people post on Twitter and Facebook.

PERINO: You think about --

GUTFELD: Exactly.

GUILFOYLE: I use it in a court of law. I used to all the time. Oh, really? Here you go. Here the stolen goods you took from the home.


GUILFOYLE: That you burglarize right on Facebook. GUTFELKD: That's how you catch people.


PERINO: OK. But, I think the magnitude is amazing. If you look -- think about the Paris and the Charlie Hebdo attacks, there were four people that they were looking for. Four terrorists, four perpetrators, and there were 90,000 police and military and FBI and intelligence people working to find four people.


PERINO: That, that's why I'm saying the magnitude of this -- and to your point is, where is our counterpropaganda campaign?


PERINO: That's where I think when President Obama is trying to be, like, oh, it's not that big a deal. I think that the long-term planning to set up the United States to be on a war footing, on an ideological perspective.

WILLIAMS: Right. PERINO: For the next 40 or 50 years, that's what they should be focused on the next two years in the White House.

WILLIAMS: But they --


WILLIAMS: You know they are. The people are --


WILLIAMS: Let me make this point. They -- they are -- I think the guy who used to run TIME Magazine.

PERINO: Richard Stengel.

WILLIAMS: Richard -- he's now, they have people who are definitely doing this. But I must say, I oftentimes hear critics say, why are you putting so much effort into social media? You should be killing them, killing them. But you should do social media. We do need our propaganda.

BOLLING: Can I say --

WILLIAMS: We need to do away with these things --

BOLLING: I have to say this to everyone --


WILLIAMS: Emotional or religious.

PERINO: You have to listen to what critics say. BOLLING: May I ask you?

PERINO: Who would say that?


PERINO: Like what -- who, what critics? You just like critics say like --

WILLIAMS: Oh, no. Dana --

PERINO: Who are the critics that say you shouldn't do social media?

WILLIAMS: Dana, I'm not gonna -- but, some of our colleagues have said it directly to me.

GUTFELD: I'll check it on Facebook.

BOLLING: Can you -- can you use hate speech? Can you use -- you know, speech that is interpreted as being anti-Jew, anti-Semantic? Or --

GUTFELD: It's on campus every day.

BOLLING: I know. But -- but they pulled those accounts from Twitter. Shouldn't they pull the rest?

PERINO: Not all of them.

WILLIAMS: No, no. no.

BOLLING: Oh, I think they do when they get -- when they find them, when they were reported.

PERINO: But it has to be alerted and to report them.

WILLIAMS: Yeah, I think --

PERINO: The guy who writes us every day -- please stop. The one who like has, like the very suggestive things, very aggressive --

GUILFOYLE: What? Oh my, gosh.

PERINO: I have to report him every day.

GUTFELD: That's Andy Levy.

PERINO: Because not --

BOLLING: I know that.

GUTFELD: Exactly.


PERINO: He points us critics.

WILLIAMS: It's probably those critics fight.

BOLLING: So we agree to disagree. OK.

WILLIAMS: What do we disagree about?

PERINO: Everything.

BOLLING: I think the ISIS -- anyone associated with anything ISIS should be banned from -- also.

WILLIAMS: We just have to protect --

GUTFELD: Wait, that's impossible.

WILLIAMS: Yeah, you just got the guy right.

GUTFELD: That's impossible.

PERINO: But what about that thing in your pocket?



BOLLING: They don't deserve.


BOLLING: The first amendment protection. ISIS --

PERINO: The constitution.



GUILFOYLE: That thing in the lower part.

PERINO: Are you an American citizen?

GUILFOYLE: Oh my, gosh, like that was fair (ph).

BOLLING: When you become a terrorist or when you declare jihad on America, you have lost all rights under our constitution -- in my opinion.

PERINO: OK. I know, but what he's saying is that anything about ISIS. How do you make the decision? Like, OK, that's a threat. That's not a threat. Like -- we don't have enough people to police that.

WILLIAMS: You know what's interesting to --

GUILFOYLE: You know what? It helps -- guys, it helps create probable cause. Then you go like this, "Hello, Mr. ISIS supporter."

WILLIAMS: Yeah, and that's what I'm gonna say that they --

GUILFOYLE: And then they put the little threads together.

WILLIAMS: Yeah, they will --

GUILFOYLE: And they build case (ph)

GUTFELD: If they're stupid, they will give you the clues, that you track them down.

WILLIAMS: Well, that's what I'm gonna say.

GUTFELD: And you kill them.

GUILFOYLE: And then you put them on a no-fly list.

WILLIAMS: It was since --

GUILFOYLE: And send them to Mars.

WILLIAMS: Apparently, apparently these three guys in Brooklyn had been -- were tracked since last summer.

BOLLING: Right, since summer.

GUTFELD: On the web?

BOLLING: We have to leave it right there. Coming up, guilty verdicts in the American sniper trial, some of the jurors explain how they reached their decision, plus the tape of the murderer's chilling -- the murderer's chilling confession. That's coming up next.


GUILFOYLE: The man who killed American Sniper Chris Kyle and his friend, Chad Littlefield, will spend the rest of his life behind bars with no possibility of parole. Eddie Ray Routh was found guilty last night of capital murder after a two-week trial. The jury heard this tape of Routh confessing to the killings.


EDDIE RAY ROUTH, ACCUSED OF KILLING CHRIS KYLE AND CHAD LITTLEFIELD: I told her I had to kill a man today. It wasn't, it wasn't a want to, or nee to, it was a need. I had to. To get out of that situation I was in today.


GUILFOYLE: It took jurors less than three hours to deliver the guilty verdict, rejecting his insanity defense. Some of them addressed the media today.


CHRISTINA YEAGER, ONE OF THE JURORS IN THE AMERICAN SNIPER TRIAL: Evidence shows that there was a real definite pattern there when it came to, you know, his earlier convictions before the trial.

GEORGE STEPHANOPOULOS, ABC NEWS GOOD MORNING AMERICA SHOW HOST: Barett, tell us a little bit more about that pattern.

YEAGER: When I say there's a pattern that we saw, it was, you know, he would be -- he would get intoxicated, get in trouble, and then the police would show up, and he would say I'm a veteran. I have PTSD.

STEPHANOPOULOS: And bottom line Barrett, you were all convinced that he knew the difference between right and wrong when he pulled those triggers.

YEAGER: Yes, sir.



GUILFOYLE: It's interesting because all of this can be used on an appellate record to say, look, perhaps the jury didn't use the right standard, et cetera. When I think the conviction will hold. Greg, so the burden is on the defense to prove that he was insane and, in fact, specifically did not know the difference between right and wrong at the time that he committed and the jurors saying, hey, we felt like this guy was pulling the same stuff, drinking drugs, which --

GUTFELD: Yeah. You can be insane but have moments of clarity and know what you are about to do, and that's what I think they're saying. We do have to rethink our mental health system because this guy had been temporarily held and released. And he was a messed-up dude, people knew that. But this is also reminiscing of, you know -- what we're seeing now, how people can gain infamy from killing famous people or doing something shocking. In a way this is no different than the spree killings or Mark David Chapman or even ISIS, hideous behavior that gains infamy and also gives meaning to an empty life. It's like the assassination of Jesse James by the coward Robert Ford is a great movie about that, about -- if you feel that you are a nobody, this is how you -- how you gain some kind of --


GUTFELD: I don't know, feeling about yourself and you should be punished to the hilt.

GUILFOYLE: It's a good analogy. And Eric, you know, this is really tough for the family, everything going forward. I mean, not only did she have to go through this trial, Taya, but also through the trial with Jesse Ventura. I mean, this has been a lot for her -- you know, for the family and the kids to take.

BOLLING: Quite a bit. Compelling, heartbreaking to hear her at the end -- at the end of the trial, talk about the final moment with Chris Kyle. Can I point something out? I think that justice was served, thanks to that one investigator who sat in the room with Routh and said, did you -- after you shot him, you knew it was wrong, correct? And he said, "Yeah." And he asked him a second time. But you knew you did something wrong, didn't you? And did Routh said, "Yup, I knew what I did was wrong." And --

GUILFOYLE: Yeah, and wait till it gets out what I did.

BOLLING: That was the only burden of proof that they really had to -- had to -- I guess, the defense had to --


BOLLING: Destroy and they couldn't do it, because of that questioning. That was fantastic.

GUILFOYLE: Yeah, Dana, your thoughts.

PERINO: Well, I was struck by what -- a couple of things, about the reference by one of the expert witnesses, the doctors that said he had signs of schizophrenia, prior to this. So I agree that justice was served and it was right. But, you know we've been doing the show for four years, and we come back to these types of murders several times a year and there is that common link is the schizophrenia piece.

BOLLING: Yeah. PERINO: The mass murders, we say the country needs to have a national conversation about what we are doing about mental health in this country. We had a very compelling segment on this show a couple of weeks ago when Greg led us -- led us in a discussion about, whether or not institutions should come back.

GUILFOYLE: Right. PERINO: Whether which we allow that. And I think this is just another one of those stories. I'm glad that this hopefully can be put behind the families now so that they can have some peace.

GUILFOYLE: Yeah, there was also some evidence, Juan, where he was saying though, I want feeling paranoid (ph) what's going on today. I was just feeling really paranoid and really schizophrenic. I mean, you can also having tried these cases, you can get defense experts. I could call one right now and text, hey, I've got a case. I'll pay you, you know -- $2,000. I need you to do this. They'd do it.

WILLIAMS: You know, when the widow went running from the courtroom was when the defense was making the case that Chris Kyle should have known that somehow this guy was --

GUILFOYLE: What about there (ph)

WILLIAMS: Psycho or whatever. I just don't see this. I don't see it at all. I'm amazed, actually --

GUILFOYLE: Blame the victim?

WILLIAMS: Well, you know, I can go lots of ways, but that just ridiculous. I mean -- but, I must say I'm surprised that he didn't get the death penalty.

GUILFOYLE: Well, I think it complicated, especially when you have the main trigger issue in this case is whether or not he was mentally ill. He's a veteran.

WILLIAMS: No, but they said he wasn't mentally ill.

GUILFOYLE: I understand that, but that is one of the key components that was on trial. This would the case -- it's not who did it. Did he -- we have all that.

WILLIAMS: They know that.

GUILFOYLE: It was just an issue of intent and did he meet the requisite intent at the time -- the specific intent.

WILLIAMS: The determination, though, Kimberly, was that he did.

GUILFOYLE: Yeah, but didn't --

WILLIAMS: So I'm saying why did --

GUILFOYLE: It's not popular to do that with jurors if you have a case.

WILLIAMS: Well, I'm just saying.

GUILFOYLE: That involves insanity. WILLIAMS: I'll leave that to you.

GUILFOYLE: And a veteran and.

WILLIAMS: I leave that to you.


WILLIAMS: I'll leave that to you (inaudible) but I must say in Texas? I boy -- and now, you some of Chris Kyle's buddies are saying, once he gets into jail that people in the Texas criminal justice.

GUILFOYLE: Yeah, Markus Luttrell tweet (ph) that --

WILLIAMS: That they think they're going to get him. Well I mean -- but why -- I'm interested in this notion of mercy for this guy. And by the way, Mr. Gutfeld, Mr. Guns, everywhere, I think there are a lot of guns at a gun range. It didn't stop this guy from killing Chris Kyle.


GUTFELD: That is like, a bizarre comment to make.

WILLIAMS: Well, yeah --

GUTFELD: You're using -- you're using a guy that was trying to help another man being murdered by taking him to a gun range as an argument against guns. It's important to remember.


GUTFELD: Chad Littlefield in all of this.


GUTFELD: When you die alongside somebody famous, you are often marginalized by the press. The Manson family didn't just kill Sharon Tate, you know.

PERINO: Right.

GUTFELD: They killed Jay Sebring and Abigail Folger. So just, we always remember that there were two (inaudible) victims.

GUILFOYLE: Yeah, and his mother spoke very eloquently as well. So we know this is a terrible loss for his family. Thanks for bringing that up. Coming up, Hillary Clinton is now demanding women get equal pay for equal work. Patricia Arquette on speed dial, right? But she was solid on the wage gap in her own office as senator. That's next.


PERINO: Patricia Arquette got a lot of attention when she called for wage equality for women at the Oscars including the attention of Hillary Clinton.


PATRICIA ARQUETTE, ACTRESS: It's our time to have wage equality once and for all and equal rights for women in the United States of America.


HILLARY CLINTON, FORMER UNITED STATES SECRETARY OF STATE: Many women are paid less for the same work, which is why I think we all cheered at Patricia Arquette's speech at the Oscars, because she's right. It's time to have wage equality once and for all.


PERINO: But Clinton's own track record is in question when it comes to equal pay. According to a Free Beacon analysis, female staffers in her Senate office were only paid 72 cents for every dollar the men made.


PERINO: Eric, is it worth pointing out the facts of wage -- this wage gap, or are we just going to have this debate for the next two years with her?

BOLLING: We'll probably have the debate, but it goes even further, Free Beacon points out between the years 2002 and 2008, six of four years of her Senate run, the wage gap was even further. It was 62 cents per dollar for women that every dollar that men made.

We talked a little bit about this, though. When you -- when you compare apples to apples and oranges to oranges, one year out of college, exact same type of education, similar fields, the wage gap is only about 7 percent in America.

PERINO: It's 5 cents.

BOLLING: It's -- yes, yes, 5 to 7 cents. So things are getting better.

PERINO: They are. And there's -- Kimberly, I wanted to ask you about this, because there's a variety of reasons that this might exist. So discrimination is already illegal, but one of the things that women tend not to do -- this may be just part of our biology -- is that we typically don't ask for more. And I think maybe, if they want to really help women, maybe the thing they should focus on is helping young women know how to ask for a raise or for a seat at the table or whatever it might be.

GUILFOYLE: That is such a great point. So many just don't want to be the troublemaker; don't be the squeaky wheel. They're afraid to advocate on their own behalf and have kind of that self-esteem and self-confidence to know your worth and be able to ask for it. I think it is so important.

I was talking to young women about it, say, "Look, you're special. You can do these things. Anything that a guy can do, women can do better. Prove me wrong."

GUTFELD: That's sexist.

GUILFOYLE: I don't care.

GUTFELD: That is so sexist.

GUILFOYLE: But listen, you have to build up the confidence of young women coming forward. It doesn't even matter. We have so many CEOs and even heads of state that are women. You have to empower and inform. Otherwise they won't be able to do the ask and make the case for themselves. It's true.

GUTFELD: And Greg, there's no...

BOLLING: I'm just laughing at anything a guy can do, a woman can do better.

GUILFOYLE: Oh, can you think of something?

BOLLING: I don't want to get myself in trouble.

PERINO: Believe me, you're right.

WILLIAMS: You're already in trouble. You're already in trouble.

GUILFOYLE: I have tried.

PERINO: Greg, I don't think that there's any piece of legislation out there that is going to help women, if it makes hiring a woman more expensive, right? I don't think that they're headed down the right path.

GUTFELD: Well, I mean, discrimination is illegal. And a lot of women do the hiring. So if you feel you're being discriminated against, you should sue. But be prepared to sue another woman, which will completely destroy the narrative and won't make it into any Oliver Stone movie.

By the way, Hillary Clinton is a vessel run by consultants. This whole thing was a pathetic attempt to be liked. Because she lacks the humor and charisma of her husband, she saw this moment, Patricia Arquette, and says, "I'm running on those coattails. I'm going to agree with that. Maybe that will help." She saw the speech as an opportunity to add warmth to herself. But it came off to me as incredibly calculated.

The one crucial thing that Hillary has going for her is not her name or her sense of humor or experience. It's her gender. Democrats know this, Juan. Being a party of firsts is always successful.


GUTFELD: It plays into the novelty of being first. And for a lot of people, it makes voting an event.

PERINO: Can I -- before you comment, could I just play one sound bite and then we'll let you wrap the whole thing up? Because there is one woman on the Republican side, Carly Fiorina, who might actually decide to run for president. She was talking about this in Atlanta yesterday.


CARLY FIORINA, FORMER HEWLETT-PACKARD CEO: Like Hillary Clinton, I, too, have traveled hundreds of thousands of miles around the globe. But unlike Hillary Clinton, I know that flying is an activity, not an accomplishment. So while she's traveled a lot of miles and she's shaking a lot of hands, every place in the world is more dangerous today than it was six years ago.


PERINO: Juan, Hillary Clinton actually lifted a line from Carly Fiorina's attempt to run for Senate. So maybe there is actually more agreement on this than we think.

WILLIAMS: Well, I think there is agreement among women. And I think Greg's on to something. I think that, you know, there's a lot of sense that this is a moment for women in America. I think there are a lot of Republican women who are saying hmm, Hillary Clinton, you know, last time they thought it was a woman's turn. Instead it was a black guy that got it. Now they're thinking it's a woman. I think it's a powerful element.

The second thing I'll say it you know what? I think you guys missed the big target on Hillary right now, which is as she appoints her senior staff, it's almost all guys.

PERINO: Right. Actually, that is true.

GUTFELD: That's true.

WILLIAMS: Not this money thing -- look, you guys have said this about Obama, everybody else...

PERINO: She brought up the money thing.


PERINO: She brought up the money thing. But we should bring up the (UNINTELLIGIBLE) thing on the leadership part.

WILLIAMS: No, I think the bigger thing is -- exactly, last time...

PERINO: If you look at the main hire for Jeb Bush on -- for his economic messaging is a woman.


PERINO: April Ponnuru. April or Amy Ponnuru.

WILLIAMS: Right. And the fact that Jeb Bush has -- had, as his chief political adviser, for a long time, a woman.

PERINO: Sally Bradshaw.

WILLIAMS: But I'm saying it's interesting that Hillary Clinton in '08, when she was running against Obama, had mostly women in top positions. Now it's mostly guys. What does that say?

PERINO: What does that say, Juan? You say it.

WILLIAMS: Well, again, it's not my role on this show. I'm waiting for you guys to fight (ph).

GUTFELD: Republicans need to have their own first. They should nominate a robot that only says no. And I would vote for it.

PERINO: OK. All right. Well...

GUILFOYLE: That's what you've been waiting for?

PERINO: Yes, a robot that says no would save this country. We'd call it Calvin Coolidge 2000.

WILLIAMS: I don't think that's a good idea.

PERINO: OK, I've got to run. Ahead on "The Five," did science guy Bill Nye just blame Jews for the growing anti-Semitism in Europe? Greg is going to play that tape next.


GUILFOYLE: Oh, my gosh.

GUTFELD: A word the left loves to use is "denial" when describing those who expose flawed global warming predictions. Bill Nye, the science guy, will call you a climate change denier, linking it linguistically to Holocaust denial. It's creepy, but not hypocritical, given that Nye is also a denier.

On Bill Maher's show when the topic of fearful Jews fleeing Europe came up, Nye scoffed at the threat and instead, get this, blamed the Jews.


BILL MAHER, HOST, HBO'S "REAL TIME WITH BILL MAHER": Netanyahu is asking European Jews to come to Israel.

BILL NYE, SCIENCE GUY: Come home to Israel. That's what he said, right?


NYE: Yes.

MAHER: Well, I mean, he is...

NYE: But you never -- the people have never been there. They live -- grew up in whatever, in Germany or in France.

MAHER: It's a shame that they should have to move.

NYE: Well, they probably won't either because it's not their home. What do you do about it?  I think you get to know your neighbors. It's going to take -- does it take a century, something like that?


GUTFELD: So the cure for anti-Semitism is for Jews to get to know their neighbors. Maybe bring them some matzo ball soup?

In fact, it's not radical Jews storming cafes and killing customers. The science is settled. Jews are the leading target of abuse here and in Europe. And new research finds that 27 percent of British Muslims sympathize with the Paris gunmen. Nye's pithy denial minimizes such evil.

And now with a new report revealing anti-Semitism soaring on American colleges, I suppose Nye blames those Jewish students, too. Perhaps they're not being friendly enough. Maybe they shouldn't wear yarmulkes. It's like a woman in a short skirt. They're just asking for it. Replace it with a little bowtie instead.

And I guess Bill missed this, too, a Jew abused as he walks the streets of Paris.



GRAPHIC: Are you all right? Are you Jewish?


GRAPHIC: I'm joking: the dog will not eat you.




GRAPHIC: Viva Palestine.


GUTFELD: It's like a polar bear, Mr. Nye. You can see it with your own eyes. Kind of hard to ignore that ugly climate.

I'd say such dismissal of anti-Semitism is anti-Semitic, but you'd just deny that, too. Bill Nye, the denial guy. It has a nice ring to it.

So K.G., why do people like Bill Nye continue to deny anti-Semitism when the science is settled?

GUILFOYLE: Yes. Well, because that's what he likes to do. It's in his DNA. He's the denial guy. That is so awful what he said. I mean, why aren't they waging war on him on social media? You know? I mean, it's awful.

I don't understand why people are so cruel and so horrible to Jews. I really -- it's very sad to see someone walk down the street and be subjected to that kind of hate-filled rhetoric. It really bothers me. I don't like to see it against anyone. I want to say to them, who raised you?

GUTFELD: Well, Juan, this college survey is pretty crazy. This rise in anti-Semitism. Where do you think that's coming from? Do you think that's imported, that it's just coming from somewhere else?

WILLIAMS: No. What do you mean?

GUTFELD: Well, I don't know. I'm asking you.

WILLIAMS: Well, I'm...

GUTFELD: I'm asking the questions here.

WILLIAMS: It's an American problem. I mean, and I think it's now exacerbated by all the kind of political divisions arising over Israel.

GUTFELD: That's my point.

WILLIAMS: Oh. That's what you were trying to say.

GUTFELD: There are a lot of activist groups, you know, pro-Palestine, anti-Israel groups on campus.

WILLIAMS: Yes. You know what's interesting to me is that a lot of these people, then, adopt a language almost from the civil rights era. You know, oh, it's the oppressed people of color, you know. And I'm thinking, you know, you look back at that movement, boy, I'll tell you, Jewish-Americans were at the forefront of standing up for rights for others.

GUILFOYLE: I know, isn't it sad?


GUILFOYLE: How ungrateful.

GUTFELD: Eric, do you think that climate change could be responsible for Bill Nye's bigoted inference?

GUILFOYLE: Oh, my gosh. Yes.

BOLLING: I'm not sure why people are even listening to Bill Nye on anything: climate change or how to solve the anti-Semitism in Europe.

But I will tell you why is anti-Semitism growing here? We have a president who will not meet with Bibi Netanyahu when he comes here. He says he didn't have the time to do it.

WILLIAMS: This is ridiculous (ph).

BOLLING: Meanwhile, also the first place President Obama went, what was his first speech outside the United States? In Cairo talking about opening his arms to -- to -- to the Muslim population of the world.

WILLIAMS: Yes, yes, yes. Is that a bad thing?

BOLLING: Well, but we know that there's a certain group of Muslims who hate Jews. Now, Bibi Netanyahu over the course of six years of President Obama's term has not been very friendly with the Obama administration. Right? They -- Bib Netanyahu supported Mitt Romney in 2012. There's a divide there. right? Am I...

WILLIAMS: Yes. That's fair.

BOLLING: Is that not true?

WILLIAMS: No, but the first thing about the president not meeting with Netanyahu, Netanyahu didn't even tell him he was coming to speak.

BOLLING: Do we know that young people in colleges are liberal, predominantly liberal? Yes?


WILLIAMS: I think the academy is mostly liberal.

BOLLING: Are you not seeing where I'm going with this?


BOLLING: If President Obama is anti-Israel, why wouldn't liberal, young people...

WILLIAMS: He's not anti-Israel. The United States is not anti-Israel.

GUTFELD: All right. Dana, it's the Jews' fault. Can't we just agree?

PERINO: Well, you know, the Jews themselves are taking it upon themselves to -- take care of themselves. We have a picture here from a story that ran from the A.P. this morning in Prague, where Jews are being taught self- defense because of this very problem.

And actually, since we're talking about this, I'm going to be on Megyn Kelly's show tonight, talking about where do you go from here. With all this controversy about the speech, how can you help solve -- get over the speech and move forward as a country? I've got that coming up. How about that? I teased my own self.

GUTFELD: You tease yourself. She teases herself. Somebody has to.

All right. Ahead, should you be honest with your partner if you don't like the way he or she looks? Of course not. Anyway, our answer is next.


WILLIAMS: Is honesty always the best policy when it comes to a relationship? Well, should you tell your significant other the truth if they ask your opinion on how they look in something?

One New York Post writer says he tells his girlfriend if he doesn't like her style choices. Is that a good idea if you want a lasting relationship?

Now, Gregory, today when you came out and I said, "Oh, that green looks so lovely on you," did you think I was lying?

GUTFELD: No, and I waited until you got out of the bathroom, got out of your robe.



GUTFELD: This guy is full of baloney. Remember MAD, mutually-assured destruction? That's what a relationship is. You have the truth; she has the truth. The feelings that you harbor inside you about your spouse, she feels the same exact way about you.


GUTFELD: If you actually decide to go there, that's when you have a blow- out fight. All the stuff comes out. And you hear all the stuff and you go, "Yes, she's right. Yes, she's right," but you don't talk about it. So it's there.

The responsibility in a couple is that you don't tell these -- you don't say these things. Know that they're true, but you keep them to yourself, because that is love. We'll be right back.

PERINO: OK, Dr. Ruth.

WILLIAMS: What do you do?


WILLIAMS: You lie?

GUILFOYLE: Now you're in trouble.

BOLLING: No, no, no. Because there's nothing good that comes out of "Does this make me look heavy?"

GUILFOYLE: What can you say but positive to Adrienne?

BOLLING: No, you just go, "It looks great." You go positive. No, no, she's -- my wife is gorgeous. She's beautiful. She looks great in everything. But when she says, "Should I change this," no, you don't say yes. You say, "No, you look fantastic."

PERINO: Oh, I do. I do.

GUILFOYLE: Living Dana's truth. Let me tell you.

BOLLING: No, no. It doesn't matter what I say anyway. She'll either change it or leave it on.


WILLIAMS: Well, but let's see what Dana -- let's hear Dana.

PERINO: Maybe it's different -- I think it's different for men and women, and especially different after you've been married 18 years. Because if you walk in wearing shoes that look like clown shoes, and they're yellow instead of brown, you say, "I wouldn't wear those." It's not his fault.

GUTFELD: What if you're married to a clown?

PERINO: We bought these shoes in Canada, and they looked different in the window. Anyway, they're gone. They're in the Goodwill bag now.

GUTFELD: See, this is sexist. Women can do this; men can't.

WILLIAMS: Well, let me ask you something.


WILLIAMS: If your son says to you, "Mom -- I mean, Mom..."


PERINO: Like he doesn't like your outfit?

GUILFOYLE: Yes. No, he's very vocal about what I wear. But you know, he focuses on two areas. He can't see the rest; he can't even see the color. It's just top and bottom.

WILLIAMS: Wow. Holy smokes. I don't have anything to say. I'm going to shut up now.

GUILFOYLE: That's what happens...


PERINO: What do you do?

WILLIAMS: What do I do? You know, I think I've been married now 38 years. And there's a reason for that.

PERINO: Right. Keep your mouth shut?

WILLIAMS: I sure do.

GUILFOYLE: I'd rather know. I'd rather know. Put on something, you know, tantalizing if that's possible. More tantalizing.

WILLIAMS: It's what Eric said. It's true. There's no upside. You're going to get smooshed. Mutually-assured destruction. What have you heard from the men on this panel?

GUTFELD: It's true.

WILLIAMS: Young men listen, listen. Listen. Listen up.

GUILFOYLE: You've got to do it as a love sandwich (ph).

WILLIAMS: "One More Thing" is coming up. Stay with us.


BOLLING: All right. Time for "One More Thing." I'm going to go first. You know how I always do this at the beginning of the show? (MAKES HAND GESTURE, HOLDING UP ALL FIVE FINGERS OF ONE HAND AND POINTING AT IT WITH THE OTHER HAND) Well, it turns out there was a guy outside standing. His name is Robert Hickox, and he painted this amazing picture. Check it out. You see the hand signal in there?

GUILFOYLE: That's cool.

BOLLING: The guy stood out there like 15-degree weather yesterday. Anyway, you can find his work at Artist01.com or artist Robert Hickox on Facebook.

You going to make fun of it?

GUTFELD: No. The guy puts effort into it. I can't make a joke about it.

GUILFOYLE: And he was standing outside yesterday. I was looking at him.

BOLLING: The guy does great work.

GUTFELD: I don't need to drink when I look at it.

GUILFOYLE: Very nice.

BOLLING: All right. Dana.

PERINO: OK. I was going to tell everybody about a podcast you might want to listen to. You might be familiar with Nina Easton. She's a FOX News contributor. You can see her on "Special Report" panel. Juan has probably been on air with her a lot of times.

She's also a fellow at the Center for Strategic and International Studies, and she started a podcast called "Smart Women, Smart Power." And it does in-depth interviews with women in national security, and she had an interview just last week with the first lady of Afghanistan, Rula Ghani, that is definitely worth listening to. I took a listen to a few of them today. I suggest it highly. So put it on your list of things to listen to.

BOLLING: Very good. Greg, you've up.

GUTFELD: She's a fellow? This is just -- this world is upside-down. What's happening?


GUTFELD: Greg's Medical Tips.



GUTFELD: All right. You know, I want to talk to you about the weather. It's freezing. It's freezing cold out here. It's very important that you dress warmly. For example, I have tape of Dana going out this morning after she had gotten dressed.

She did these. She wore the requisite three layers of clothing.




GUTFELD: This is her trying to get to work this morning. And of course she needed help. That's her handler, Mrs. Stevens. This is how she keeps her warm. She throws Kimberly around.

GUILFOYLE: That is so -- Kimberly?

GUTFELD: I mean, Kimberly -- Dana. You're in front of me. Look at Dana.

PERINO: That's before I get makeup.


GUILFOYLE: Oh, my God.

BOLLING: Juan, you're up.

WILLIAMS: Well, I'm going to send out some love. High five to Eddie Henry. Now, Eddie had a health issue recently, but he's come around the curve and he's rounding third base doing great. You may know him, because he's the dad of our ace White House correspondent, Ed Henry. You see him there at Yankees stadium. That's his favorite place in the world.

GUILFOYLE: He's a great guy.

WILLIAMS: With grandsons Frank and Patrick. And there he is with Christine, his lovely wife, who's been helping him through this health episode.

You know what? We just love you and your son. But get better. We're rooting for you, buddy.

GUILFOYLE: God bless him. He's a great guy. They love watching "The Five," too.

WILLIAMS: Eddie, you're the best.

GUILFOYLE: All the best.

BOLLING: Eddie Henry and family, aswesome.

K.G., you're up.

GUILFOYLE: OK. Who would like to buy some snow or some water that was snow and melted, because Boston -- let me tell you, Boston strong, they turned it into something positive, the snow. So you've got a Massachusetts man selling this record-setting snow for $89. This is capitalism in the free market, people. He's found a way to pack it, like you do beef, and get it anywhere in the U.S.

GUTFELD: Get the lemonade flavor.

PERINO: One bottle is $89?

GUILFOYLE: Well, yes, you can get that, or you can get the actual snow and you can make snow balls and, like, throw it at people in California. Anyway, it's very cool.

Also love you to watch "Hannity" tonight. We like a lot of jobs around here.

And also "Hearts I Leave Behind" that is benefitting the Chris Kyle Frog Foundation just hit No. 1 on the country music charts. Pete Scobell and Wynonna Judd.

PERINO: I've got to say, three "One More Things" in one. That's a record.

GUILFOYLE: I packed it in, fast. I had to make up for the other day.

BOLLING: Got to go. And we'll get it done. Now set your DVRs so you never miss an episode of "The Five." That's it. "Special Report" on deck.

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